Aloft cover
Aloft screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Adventure, Indie


Aloft’s First Major Update is Almost Here! 🐦

Ahoy, Sky Sailors!

Our first major update will arrive on March 11th!

We’re excited to announce that in the Critters & Wonders update, the world of Aloft will burgeon with new life, as critters inhabit the wilderness of the sky.

Ranging from bats and birds to frogs and lizards, bees and beetles, these lovable creatures strengthen the ecosystem wherever they live, so you’ll be able to collect them and bring them on your journey, as you restore balance to the skies.

We’re also bringing new islands to explore, with unique rewards and hidden secrets for you to discover.

There’s even more to discover in the update, and we’ll share all the details on March 11 when it releases.

This will be our first major update for Aloft, and we hope you’ll love it! Thank you all for your support and feedback, we couldn’t do this without you all!

See you in the clouds! ⛅

⚜️ Quebec Games Celebration - Steam Page Streamers 🎦

Ahoy, Sky Sailors!

⚜️ In honour of the Quebec Games Celebration, we'll be featuring some Quebecois and french-speaking streamers on our Steam page this week and weekend!

📅 Check out the schedule below and join us for exciting gameplay!

February 20 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST: Skouss!

February 21 - 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST: EchecnMath!

February 22 - 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST: Prompto!

See you there! ☁️💙

#MyHomeinAloft Contest Winners 📷🏆

Ahoy, Sky Sailors!

Last week, we crowned the winners for our Photo Mode contest! Let's showcase them below:

Discord Winners:

sneakyfoxes's Dark Horse Airship!

tilbull's Safe Heaven!

Instagram Winner: gypsy_chaylor!

X Winner: hciledakcirf!

Blueksky Winner:!

Congratulations to our winners! This was our most participated contest yet, and we were truly blown away by your creativity and imagination.

A huge thank you and round of applause to all the participants! 👏 💙

Join Us in Celebrating Games From Quebec! ❄️🕹️

Ahoy, Sky Sailors!

Today, we celebrate developers from Quebec and the wonderful games they make, through the Quebec Games Celebration! The Aloft team is based in Quebec so we are thrilled to be a part of this event. 🥳

To mark the occasion, we’ve partnered with Mooncube Games for the Aloft & Spirit City: Lofi Sessions Bundle, giving you 10% off both games. If you have either game already, the discount will be applied on the one you don’t have.

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is a gamified focus tool, set to a soothing lofi soundtrack. Discover and collect Spirits, customize your cozy virtual space, and facilitate your real-life tasks with a collection of handy features designed to improve concentration and ease stress.

In other words, the perfect companion game for the wide-open skies of Aloft. You could even plan your Skyship building progress using Spirit City’s gamified to-do list. The sky’s the limit!

Go get yourself some sky-high lofi. 🌥️🎵

💙💗 Happy Valentine's Day, from all of us at Astrolabe Interactive! 💗💙



  • Performance improvements on islands with a lot of objects
  • Fixed a circumstance where multiple Home Islands could be spawned at once, which led to corrupted Home Island files
  • Fixed a bug where small hay stockpiles would display “Pick Up” instead of “Gather”


  • Improved the backup system in the Home Island menu to now include a backup select and restore functionality
    • Any Home Island can now be restored to a previous state by using that menu
  • The backup system in the World Selection menu has been improved
    • There is a button to open the save folder location (useful for quickly locating items within the game’s app data)
    • There is also a button to restore a world from a list of backups
  • Some placeholder texts have been replaced with the proper texts in the Island Creator


  • Fixed an issue that could cause combat music to persist indefinitely on Home Islands
    • Any island that had that issue previously will need to be re-spawned and de-spawned in the world to be fixed


  • The team is working on the first Early Access content update, so this will likely be the last patch until then.

We Have Reached 100.000 Sky Sailors! 🎉

Ahoy, Sky Sailors!

We have just reached the incredible milestone of 100.000 copies of Aloft sold, and we are over the moon! 🌀

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for taking the leap into this new adventure, and supporting Aloft. 💙

The team is currently focused on fixing bugs and implementing quality of life improvements. We’re also beginning to get started on the first Early Access content update, the contents of which we can't wait to share with you soon!

Fair winds to you! 🌥️



  • Fixed an issue where the player could cross the second jetstream without linen sails
  • The energetic condition is now applying the correct effect (less hits required to achieve the combo finale and endless tool combos)


  • The Mykter grease icon has been updated
  • Building a second birdhouse on an island triggers a warning to let you know that it has no additional effect

    • This warning is not yet localized
  • The table-map’s inner ring is pre-revealed as an un-sailable zone
  • The table-map only reveals the next unknown fresco, instead of revealing all of them from the start


  • The bed and millstone technologies have been swapped in the knowledge stone order, the bed is now unlocked earlier
  • The millstone now accepts all crop seeds as well as wild seeds to make grain


  • New SFX for UI click and hover/mouse over
  • New stinger/SFX when learning a construction piece with the sketchbook
  • New SFX when starting the game
  • Building music starts sooner when building
  • Fixed an issue that caused looping combat music
  • Combat music won’t persist after respawning


  • Changed the colour and texture of the light emitted by linen lamps and candles
  • The following objects can now be destroyed with the proper tool
    (the tool icon won’t appear, but a sound effect will indicate that the object is being destroyed)

    • Barnacles - pickaxe
    • Shells - pickaxe
    • Shipwreck - axe
    • Seaweed - sickle
    • Knowledge Stone - pickaxe (home island only)
    • Lost Anchors - axe (home island only)
    • Lost Atlas - pickaxe (home island only)


The bug fixes listed below will apply to newly-created worlds. When starting a new world, you can carry over your character/progress and import your Home Island, only your map progress will reset. If you want to keep your current map progress, you can continue playing on your existing world, but it will not include these changes:

  • Very small islands will not require a large amount of trees to be restored
  • Optimized the loom and sawmill frescos island
  • Fallen Heights clusters won’t spawn inside the un-sailable zones
  • Many smaller tweaks on many islands

Steam Deck Compatibility Update ✅

Ahoy, Sky Sailors!

We're happy to announce that Aloft has been reviewed for the Steam Deck and is now officially marked as "Playable" on Steam!

This means that Aloft is compatible with the Deck, but a few adjustments can be made to improve the overall experience. While we're not actively working on the Steam Deck experience, we hope to achieve "Verified" status in the future by:
  • Adding graphical presets tailored for the Steam Deck for better performance
  • Improving text legibility for small in-game text
These updates will ensure an even smoother and more enjoyable journey for our sailors on Deck. ⛵

Let us know if you’re playing on the Steam Deck, we’d love to hear your ⁠feedback below! 💙



The bug fixes listed below will only take effect in newly-created worlds. You can carry over your character/progress and import your Home Island when starting a new world, but your map progress will be reset. If you do not want to reset your map progress, you can continue playing on an older map but it will not contain the following changes:
  • Added chests in the Emerald Isles Fresco Islands containing fungicides
  • Added Mykter barriers on other islands
  • Added more Burnt Stumps in the starting cluster
  • Smaller tweaks on the fresco islands
  • Added new Points of Interest
  • Fixed an issue where caves wouldn’t have the proper SFX
  • Unhealthy Ecosystem odds have been increased back to 25% on POI islands now that the animal bug has been fixed



  • Increased the max Field Of View slider in the options (use higher values if you experience motion sickness)
  • Added a Camera Distance slider in the options, used for third person POV (use higher values if you experience motion sickness)
  • Added an automatic save restore if a character or a world is broken. This may not catch all scenarios where a save might be broken, but it should alleviate the most common issues.


  • Fixed an issue where the Knowledge Stone VFX wouldn’t go away
  • Fixed an issue where the insects wouldn’t synchronize in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where a terrain piece would use the wrong texture
  • All crops now give proper wild seeds for their biomes. Carrot, melon, potato, pumpkin and peas were fixed
  • The wool sail hint now links to the proper localisation entry
  • 2 clay hanging pots' icons were swapped, this has been fixed
  • Wisteria decorations now appear in the correct orientation
  • Acacia trees now grant acacia seeds instead of chestnut seeds
  • Sugarcane has been removed from the Fallen Heights random crop list


  • Wooden Cog and Carved Woods have updated icons
  • Mykter Grease has a temporary new icon
  • Unknown fresco islands have a better icon on the Table-map
  • Updated the localization


  • Bees are counted as native to all biomes
  • Hardstones now have a 1/6th chance of granting a second hardstone, except for the large hardstone for which it's guaranteed
  • Carved wood and carved darkwood now cost a sharpstone
  • Healthy islands have a chance to spawn 3 burnt stumps instead of just 2
  • Flax now also appears in random reward spawns
  • Seaweed baskets are now sketchable and unlock the leaf counterpart
  • Salt, flour, and sugar are now in the "Consumables" category
  • Animals generate poop every 60 minutes instead of 50
  • The Leviathan Teapot is now unlocked upon gathering wisteria
  • Waxed rope can now go into the rope stockpile
  • Water and dirty water can no longer be stored in the Granary
  • Grain can now be stored in the Granary
  • Charcoal can no longer be stored in the wood stockpile
  • The following buildings no longer cost plank/linen/linenThread, and instead cost carvedWood/wood/wool/woolThread:
    • All candles
    • All jack-o-lanterns
    • Some plank & linen furniture
    • Plank pots
    • Spinner
    • Lightwood Trellis
  • The loom and spinner now have threads as inputs instead of raw wool and flax fibers
  • Honey and coffee have been moved to the consumables category of the inventory
  • Upgrade table frame is placed before its add-ons in the building menu