Ascending Madness cover
Ascending Madness screenshot
Genre: Shooter, Indie

Ascending Madness

Jungle Level, Cult Scientist Wizard, and More!

Hey everyone, we're back again with some cool updates to show for Ascending Madness!

We've been busy working on the new Jungle Level, which is about 70% complete at this point. The plan is to release it in two weeks! It's a mind altering level, full of surreal hallucinations leading up to the confrontation with Skylar and her cult of crazed companions.

And a sneak peak of the new enemy - The Cult Scientist Wizard

In addition we've added:

  • A New Weapon
  • Multiple new rune upgrades
  • And are in the process of implementing an exciting, unique gameplay variant that should really shake things up in an interesting way

Aside from that we're designing a new Challenge Mode level taking place in a dank mysterious lagoon, full of crazed birds eager to tear apart your flesh and feast on your corpse!

We will post again when the Jungle Level is complete and released (roughly two weeks), and detail the new exciting levels we have planned next! Take care for now.

Week 1 Fixes/Updates

Hey everyone, here's a quick list of updates and bug fixes from the first week.

Before that though, I want to thank everyone who purchased the game, Jacob and I really appreciate you checking out Ascending Madness! We plan on posting updates like this every couple of weeks or so just to keep everyone informed on what we're working on.

Updates Week 1

  • Fixed bug of enemies getting stuck in terrain
  • Updated Combat Cruise environment and water
  • Improved various enemy death sounds to match the style of the game
  • Added a new Steam Achievement
  • Other various fixes

What's Next?

Up next we are beginning work on the 'Jungle Level'.

As Merrick ventures deeper into the heart of the planet, his grip on reality slips almost to a breaking point as he nears Skylar's renegade camp. Collision with the cult is now inevitable.

The plan for the next month and a half or so is to finish and release the 'Jungle Level', as it is tentatively called, and in it introduce a crazy new enemy type (the 'mad' scientist), a new weapon, a handful of new runes, and a couple new steam achievements. There will be other things too but those are the highlights.

More details and updates coming in the next couple weeks so stay tuned!

Ascending Madness is Now Available!

Ascending Madness is now available to purchase on Steam!

Experience fast paced, twin-stick shooter action as you face waves of relentless enemies while hunting a renegade scientist who appears to have gone completely insane.

As of now Ascending Madness features:

  • Four diverse Story Levels taking place across a bizarre alien planet
  • Over 8 different monstrosities to battle including two Bosses
  • Advanced Weapons like the 'Pulverizer', 'Sniper Laser' and 'Flame Sword'
  • Upgrade-able Rune System
  • Two additional levels/arenas as part of Challenge Mode (which we will be expanding soon)

Updating Ascending Madness

We will be pushing updates throughout Early Access very frequently, with additional campaign levels being added every month and a half or so. New Challenge Mode levels will be added on a slightly more frequent basis so check back often for new content updates.

Get In Touch!

We are very interested in hearing feedback to make this one of the best twin-stick shooters available.

We especially want input on our Challenge Mode including what scenarios and unlockables you all might find interesting and want to see in the game.

Let us know in the Steam Discussion or on our Discord.

Thanks again for checking out Ascending Madness!

Psychedelic Ruminations

Hey! Only one month left until Early Access release (August 8th)!

We’re incredibly excited for you all to soon be able to play the surreal adventure we’ve crafted!

Here’s a few things we did last month:

  • Added a trippy new level called “Merrick’s Dream” which is a deep dive into a killer’s subconscious, foreshadowing the insanity that is to come.

  • New enemies! Including the Tortured Soul and Tortured Plant.

  • Our First Boss Battle featuring the “Devouring Mother”!

  • Many tweaks to the player movement, camera, and aiming to tighten up the controls and make the game feel super smooth.

We are gearing up for release and are planning on holding a closed competition within the game in the next month or so. If you’re interested in learning more and being a part of future competitions join our discord!

Discord Link

Thanks everyone and until next month take it easy,

The Team at Moxie Game Studio

Arena Challenge Mode & More!


We’re back again this month with some pretty cool updates for Ascending Madness.

We’ve introduced the beginnings of Challenge Mode, a new way to enjoy Ascending Madness.

Challenge Mode focuses on intense unlockable arenas where you compete for high scores. Our hope is for it to become a fun and competitive way to enjoy the game apart from the campaign.

Also new this month is the Player HUB, a way to equip runes you find throughout the Campaign to upgrade your Battlecraft in interesting ways. The image above shows just a couple of runes you will find in the game.

The Hub also contains a codex where you can learn more about the game’s characters and lore, like the truly troubled nature of the renegade scientist you are hunting.

Finally, we started a new level this past month tentatively titled ‘Merrick’s Dream'. It’s a foreshadowing of sorts for the heightening hallucinations and surreal experiences to come. ‘Merrick’s Dream’ will also include the games first boss battle!

We can't wait for everyone to play as the Early Access release in August gets closer!

Until next month, have a good one!

- The Team at Moxie Game Studio

Journey Into Madness Begins!

Hi Guys and Gals!

Welcome to Ascending Madness. A game we are passionate about making and excited to have you experience soon!

The Idea behind Ascending Madness is to provide an extremely surreal and psychedelic adventure wrapped up in a fast and brutal shooter. We want to emphasize the use of not only skill and fast paced gameplay, but necessity of intelligent movement and weapon selection.

From now until the game’s release we will post an update here every month providing a glimpse into all of the new content we have added since last month.

As it currently stands Ascending Madness contains:

  • 3 Campaign Levels, “Cave Trip”, “Abandoned Facility”, and “Combat Cruise”
  • 6 Futuristic Weapons, including the “Pulverizer”, “Sniper Laser”, and “Flame Sword”
  • 6 Different Monstrosities to Battle, like “Ms Potts”, “Demon Frog”, and the “Behemoth”

Our plan from now until our Early Access Launch in August is to add:

  • A standalone Challenge Mode consisting of extra arenas separate from the campaign designed to be competed for High Scores against the community
  • An Additional Campaign Level
  • At least 1 more Weapon (there will be 8 total when done)
  • A 'Rune' System that allows for modifying and upgrading your 'Battlecraft's' abilities allowing different strategies and play styles to emerge

We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions throughout our early access development in an attempt to make Ascending Madness an amazing and unique 2D shooter!

Thanks for reading and have a good one!

- The Team at Moxie Game Studio