We have had some reports that people are selling Atria keys on multiple unreputable websites. These could be banned keys or the keys may just be completely fake. Please stay away from any websites that are selling Atria keys as it is not us and remember that all unused Atria keys are in the process of being banned so anyone who tries to sell you an Atria key is unreputable and should not be trusted.
Atria Un-published
After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to unpublish Atria from the Steam store. Unfortunately, Atria's initial launch was a disaster, significantly impacting the game's reputation. We take full responsibility for this, and we've learned a lot from our mistakes. We will continue to grow and improve. For those who have already purchased Atria, don't worry. You can still play the game, and we will release the new rebuild soon. We want to be clear that we're not abandoning the game. However, we believe launching Atria into full release on Steam would cause more harm than good. We wouldn't be where we are today without Atria, and we're so grateful for our community's support. We've already contacted Steam and started the process of unpublishing Atria. We hope our community understands our decision.
A massive thank you to all the supporters.
P.S - We'd like to offer After Dark steam keys to Atria's supporters, So if you're interested please contact one of our mods on our discord or email us at studio7.interactive.contact@gmail.com
Atria Notice
We have decided it would be best to change Atria into a free-to-play game as it currently has very few active players. As we are and always have been fully able to support Atria till the full release without needing more sales on the game. We will be contacting Steam asking them to switch the game to free to play this will hopefully happen around the time of the Atria rebuild release which should be taking place next month. We thank all the players who have supported Atria and can’t wait for you guys to play the rebuild. We also hope our supporters understand why we have to make these changes. If anyone has any issues with this statement you can contact us at studio7.atria@gmail.com.
Atria rebuild
We've recently reflected on Atria and decided we are not happy with the current state of the game. We have decided to scale back Atria and focus on the sci-fi space sim side of things as our original ideas for what the game could be were far too ambitious. This means we will be rebuilding Atria over the next 3-4 months in UE5 and redesigning the core aspects of the game to try and make Atria a more fun and enjoyable experience. We hope players understand our decision and the reasoning behind it.
Atria 0.17
For this update we focused on optimization and bug fixes, It would take a long time to list everything but some of the main things we focused on were enemy optimization, player controller optimization, and UI bugs.
Atria 0.16
Ship Speed Counter Fuel Meter and Refuel System (In Testing) New Power Module Tweaks to Car and Ship Handling Mars atmosphere changed to Red/Orange 12 Bug Fixes Pick up item Removed Optimizations made to Player and Ship
In the next update we will be focusing on optimizing all parts of the game to dramatically increase FPS for players with older systems.
Some changes
Atria has been in early access for around 7 months now and during that time we have consistently provided our community with weekly updates. However we want to inform you that we have decided to switch to monthly updates. This is so we can ensure that every update is packed full of content. Just like we said early last year, we are here to stick around to build our community and provide truly amazing gaming experiences. As always a big thank you to all our supporters.
Atria 0.15 (Christmas Update)
Christmas hats for sirens
Melee added (F)
Modules for power suit
Cyber crustz location added
To the fans,
Thank you for all your support this year. We wish you a very merry Christmas