Baldur's Gate 3 cover
Baldur's Gate 3 screenshot
PC Mac Stadia Steam Gog
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS), Tactical, Adventure

Baldur's Gate 3

Pre-Patch Announcement - Patch 8 Incoming!

Hello there, everyone! We hope you’re all good, wherever you are.

We’ve been hard at work since our last major update, and Patch 8 is almost ready for primetime. We’re putting the finishing touches on it right now, and preparing a Panel from Hell to give it a full unveiling.

On to our feature presentation: Patch 8 is drawing near, and it’s going to be roughly 40GB (so make sure you have space free!), bringing the total install size for Baldur’s Gate 3 to approximately 104GB. As with our previous patches, and saves made on Patch 7 or prior will no longer be compatible when updated.

In addition, we’ll be using Patch 8 as the opportunity for a little bit of digital house-cleaning. Once it goes live, we’ll be removing the ability to download all but the 2 most recent Patches. In this case, Patches 6 and 7 will remain available for download, but we encourage all players to update to the most recent version of the game in order to get the latest fixes and content updates.

With that bit of housekeeping out of the way, let’s talk branching. We’ve got options if you want to continue saves from earlier patches, or if you want to make sure you’re staying current. Check out the below instructions for whichever method suits you best.

1. How to Update Your Game to Patch 8: If you want to play the most up to date version of the game and have never opted into any beta branches in the past, then good news: You don’t need to do anything! When the patch releases, you will receive the most updated version of the game as long as you have automatic updates enabled. To enable automatic updates, please follow the steps below:

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the Updates tab
  • Select "Always keep this game updated" in the drop down menu

2. How to Update to Patch 8 If You’ve Opted into an Earlier Beta Branch: If you previously opted into any beta for Patch 6 or earlier and want to ensure you get the most up to date content when Patch 8 goes live, then please follow the steps below:

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the Betas tab
  • Select "None" in the drop down menu

3. How to Continue Your Patch 7 Save: If you want to continue your progress from Patch 7, then take the following steps. Save files are not ‘deleted’ from your computer; they’ll remain in your folder, but you’ll only be able to load saves specific to their respective versions.

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the BETAS tab
  • In the list under "Select the beta you would like to opt in to", select Patch 7
  • Close the properties menu

If you’d like to continue your save file on the current version, you can move to the Patch 7 beta branch now.

Important Note: If you want the option to go back to a previous patch, it’s best to make a new in-game profile and backup your local saves from the previous patch. You can do the following before or after you update to the latest version:

  • Before starting a new playthrough, create a new profile by clicking the profiles button on the top left of the main menu. All your progress in the new patch will then be saved under this profile while your old saves are safe in the previous profile.
  • As an extra safety measure, you can manually back up your savegames:
  • Go to /Documents/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/
  • Find the folder that is named after the profile you used in the previous patch
  • Copy and paste this entire folder into a backup location
  • If you want to revert back to the previous patch, follow the instructions above and activate your old profile
  • If you have somehow lost your progress by overwriting savegames and want to restore your old backed up savegames simply copy over your old profile folder into its original location again: /Documents/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/
  • Sync back to the patch6 beta branch with the instructions above and load your old savegames

A Note On Mods: If you have any mods installed, or were using any in previous versions of Baldur’s Gate 3, please remove them before updating your game. You can do this by checking both the ‘Mods’ and ‘Public’ folders in '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data' - if either of those folders are present, please delete them before updating. If applicable, please also delete the file ‘modsettings.lsx’ in the profile folder. Further information about mods can be found at

Panel From Hell + Patch 8 Launch

Live from a theatre in Ghent, join us on July 7th @ 10am Pacific for the Panel from Hell to learn what's coming in Patch 8 for Baldur's Gate 3!

Ready for more patch notes? Swen isn't.

Hotfix #23 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got a new hotfix for you all today, taking care of a few crashes and bugs.

Do you ever wonder, ‘How could they have possibly known I did that?’ in an awkward social situation? Well, for some reason, NPCs at Camp and in the Druid Grove were becoming hostile if you had trespassed in other areas. Omniscience is neat, but not if it leads to bloodshed. We’ve put some metaphorical blinkers on everyone, so they have no choice but to turn a blind eye towards your misadventures. Just don’t tell them about it.

Thank you for your work reporting issues to us via our socials, forums, support, and more - your feedback is important to us! Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


  • Fixed a crash related to the turn order in combat after a character has died.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when you cancelled your spell-casting animation immediately after triggering it.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when loading a savegame while the game was experiencing low FPS.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when a summoned Familiar that was holding Concentration was killed.
  • Fixed a crash related to the hook horror and bulette combat situations.


  • The NPCs at Camp and in the Druid Grove area no longer become hostile if you have trespassed in another area such as the Zhent Hideout. This fix also applies to older save games.
  • The 'Command: Halt' spell no longer has placeholder VFX around the affected character's head.

Hotfix #22 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’re back with a new hotfix for you today, looking at multiple crashes, bugs, and pesky glitches.

Have you ever turned up at a party and felt like an uninvited guest? Well, for some of you, the Druid Grove was that party. And that uninvited guest? Well, you. An unusual glitch was making characters back at the Grove hostile towards characters that have been to the Zhentarim Hideout - recognising them as both ‘criminals’ and ‘trespassers’ upon their return to the Grove. We’ve put in a polite word with the druids, or at least talked with the animals in our local petting zoo, and they should be a little more understanding now.

As ever, thank you so much for reporting these issues to us via all our usual channels - we always welcome your feedback as we forge this adventure together. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


  • The game no longer crashes if you attack Brakkal's cage with the Magic Missile spell.
  • The game no longer crashes when you climb down certain rocks in the Whispering Depths.
  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when loading a save game.


  • The entire Druid Grove no longer becomes hostile towards you when you return after having entered the Zhentarim Hideout.
  • Killing Polma no longer causes the inactive companions at camp to become hostile.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to think Surfaces on bridges and other raised walkways were actually on the ground beneath them.


  • You can no longer remove hotbar icons for followers and temporary companions.
  • Tooltips now display the action point cost of certain passive features.
  • Closing the panel that pops up when you open a container now closes the correct panel.
  • Clicking on a filter in the inventory now displays the Party Inventory.
  • You can now sort the items listed on your Character Sheet with the Party Inventory filter as expected.
  • Hovering your mouse over ‘Attack Bonus’ and ‘Damage’ in the Character Sheet now highlights the background and opens a tooltip.
  • Fixed the sorting pop-up in the character panels.


  • The game audio no longer gets muffled when you press the I key from the Party View.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Shadowheart from talking on the beach if she was recruited on the nautiloid.


  • You no longer get blocked from modifying your character’s looks, spells, and ability scores if you cancel your Venture Forth.
  • Fixed an issue causing the 'Waiting for other players' pop-up to appear in single player.

Hotfix #21 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got another hotfix for you today, addressing several crashes, glitches, and bugs.

Are you all aware of the phrase ‘Were you raised in a barn?’ Well, it’s clear that your party members weren’t, otherwise they’d know to close an open container! Last hotfix, they were flying fast and loose with lids. Who knows what sort of weird and horrifying grub could have crawled in? Not to worry, we’ve given them all a brief lesson in manners and now they’ll close containers behind them. Also, we found Withers’ face again.

Thank you to everyone who reported these issues to us via support, socials, and more - your feedback is always appreciated! Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when changing the selected character multiple times.
  • The game no longer crashes if you move items to the custom Hotbar and stack those items in your inventory. This crash also occurred if you tried to throw the stacked items using the item icon on the Hotbar.
  • The game no longer crashes if you try to join a multiplayer session with no controllable characters. You will now be unable to join the session.
  • The game no longer crashes when the Examine panel is open and you try to resize the game's window.
  • The game no longer crashes in the Camp cinematic with Raphael at the House of Hope.
  • The game no longer crashes if you hover the cursor over the icon of the pouch containing the Spider Egg Sac after opening the pouch. However, please call the Larian helpline immediately if baby spiders begin pouring out of your monitor.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the sound system to crash the game during several cinematics.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when organising your items.
  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when using the ‘Group Sneak’ command.
  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when using Hotbar slots.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to the camera in cinematics.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to animation sampling.


  • Entering Turn-Based Mode with the filtered view enabled no longer blocks all the filtered Actions and Spells.
  • You can now interact with containers (opened or dropped) once you pick them up and put them in your inventory.
  • Containers now close after you drop an item into them.
  • Fog of War on the map no longer resets if you reload a save after meeting the gith patrol.
  • Changing the resolution mid-game no longer causes the minimap to rotate incorrectly when you rotate the in-game camera.
  • A successful Saving Throw is now reflected correctly if the character breaks out of the effects of Hideous Laughter.
  • The Spellsparkler quarterstaff now works with Activate Witch Bolt and the wielder now gains 2 Lightning Charges when using a spell or cantrip as intended. It will also trigger Lightning Blast.
  • The Watersparker boots now only electrify water surfaces in combat.


  • Improved dirt and lighting on characters in-game.
  • Fixed the wrong spell animations appearing.
  • Fixed Wither's face model in all his cinematics. Literal nightmare fuel.
  • Fixed lighting and shadow issues for Daisy in Character Creation, who had a bright red nose, lips, and ears. A bold fashion statement.
  • You can now correctly hear Shadowheart's voice barks when she is stuck in the pod on the nautiloid.
  • Fixed several instances of looping dialogues and cinematics.
  • Fixed several other minor cinematic issues.
  • Fixed several Vulkan validation errors related to DLSS integration.


  • You can now drop items into the custom Hotbar.
  • You can now drag items into a character's inventory even if it is completely empty.
  • Basic Actions whilst in Wild Shape form no longer have duplicates in the Hotbar.
  • Item icons no longer overlap in a single cell in your inventory if you try to equip an item already equipped by another character.
  • An item's context menu can now be opened in a character's inventory when in the Character Sheet and Party Panel.
  • Inventory cells no longer change position and size if the slot is filled with an item.
  • The filter UI no longer blocks the view in the middle of a cinematic if you use an item from the filtered view.
  • Fighter's ‘Class Features' icons no longer return to their default positions on the Hotbar upon reloading a save.
  • If you have followers or summons, splitting an item stack in the Party Panel no longer causes the portraits to suddenly overlap the UI.
  • Concentration spell tooltips no longer display the Empowered Spell tooltip. Having the ability to cast spells does make us all feel empowered, sure, but this may have been overkill.
  • Equipping a two-handed weapon now greys out the off-hand weapon slot in the Character Sheet.
  • Portraits will no longer break for players who have been reassigned to a different character in a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed the DLSS and FSR graphical settings in the Options menu.
  • Fixed issues with enabling the SMAA graphical settings in the Options menu.
  • The level-up buttons now play a clicking sound.
  • Fixed some cases where tutorial highlights would become misaligned on the Hotbar.


  • You can now open the Profile and Installation folders from the launcher settings.
  • The launcher is now hidden when it is skipped.
  • Added new translations for the support buttons in the launcher’s preferences.
  • Added the Simplified and Traditional Chinese translations for ‘Display the file verification message on crash’ and ‘Files verification’ in the launcher.
  • Fixed false positives causing the mod detection error to be shown.

Hotfix #20 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got a tasty hotfix for you today, fresh out of the development oven. Hotfix 20 brings Patch 7 to the Apple Mac users. Have fun breaking things as the Barbarian!

Have you ever been so excited to get somewhere that you accidentally injure yourself in the process? Like a toddler and a coffee table, your party members have been so excited to get to where they’re going, they’ve been forgetting about the little things - such as fall damage. We’ve given them a stern talking to, bandaged up their knees and sent them on their way - now, if there’s a safer way to descend, they will. Let’s all make better choices!

Our deepest gratitude goes out to everyone who took the time to report these issues to us via our support team, our social channels, and our forums. We love your feedback, and welcome it with open arms. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3!


  • Closing containers no longer crashes the game. They were simply too powerful.
  • Sorcerer's robe physics have been disabled in Character Creation and the game no longer crashes when you select the Sorcerer class on a low spec PC.
  • The game no longer crashes if you are navigating between the Character Features tab and the Inventory and Equipment tab.
  • The game no longer crashes when you click on the Weapon/Equipment Proficiency filter for Summons.
  • The game no longer crashes if Morgya is dead and the Examine window is left open.
  • NPCs will no longer weasel their way into your Party Panel, causing the game to crash.
  • Corpse looting no longer causes a random crash.


  • As a Barbarian, using Frenzy or Animal Rage now drops your concentration.
  • Luring Song now affects characters within range.
  • Us is no longer able to carry items and use consumables.
  • You no longer jitter during the jump into the chasm to the Underdark.
  • You no longer get stuck in terrain at the crash site.
  • NPCs will now react appropriately if Minor Illusion is cast nearby.
  • Dead characters now remain highlighted if they have been selected.
  • The camera no longer gets stuck zoomed out when you finish combat in the Brain Drain lab room on the nautiloid.
  • Pathfinding has been fixed so that characters no longer jump off a high wall - they will use a ladder to get down instead. There's still so much to live for, Gale. Don’t do it.
  • Items no longer teleport into your hand if you try to throw an object before reaching it.
  • The Barbarian character's 'End Rage' SFX will no longer trigger twice.
  • Both Improvised and Thrown weapons now use the correct preview models.
  • In multiplayer, if one player is in dialogue, all players are now able to vote and exit dialogue as intended.
  • Clicking on the equipment slot no longer triggers the point-and-click reaction.


  • You are now able to drag large amounts of gold between character inventories.
  • Character conditions are now consistently indicated with a purple dot on both the Party Line and the Combat Turn Order UI.
  • Tooltips can no longer be pinned on top of each other in the Character Creation and Level Up screens.
  • While in the Trading UI, hovering over +1 weapons will now display the correct amount of damage.
  • The UI element for Summons, Familiars, and Followers is no longer empty.
  • Fixed the selection hotkey in the Party Panel.
  • Selected characters are now highlighted with a more obvious border in the Party Panel view.
  • Class icons are no longer missing their frame designs in Character Creation.
  • Wild Magic Surge no longer has placeholder icons.
  • In the multiplayer lobby, all player slots are now open by default.
  • Clicking on the greyed out options in the Context Menu no longer does anything.
  • The mind flayer killed in the nautiloid helm cinematic no longer joins the Combat Turn Order UI.
  • The Dexterity ability tooltip now correctly displays the Saving Throw Bonus from the Shield Master feat.
  • The Downed state is now correctly shown by the Party Line outside of turn-based mode.
  • The Advantage tooltip is no longer blank and now shows the correct description.
  • Switching between the keyboard UI and the controller UI will no longer cause information to disappear from the Examine window on Stadia.
  • When using a controller, the text cursor now appears at the end of the string when you try to input text.
  • Pinning a spell in Character Creation or the Level Up screen will no longer cause the pinned tooltip to appear behind the spell selection panel.
  • The HDR Calibration window is no longer skipped if you are running the game on an HDR-capable device.
  • The Main Hand Attack and Ranged Attack buttons now trigger SFX when hovered over or interacted with.


  • If you have identical spells obtained from different sources, you can now drag both icons onto the Hotbar.
  • Fixed the Passives and Custom buttons in the Hotbar.
  • Switching from the controller UI to the keyboard UI during dialogue no longer brings up the overlapping Hotbar.
  • You can now swap icons across Hotbars.
  • Temporary slots are now removed from all Hotbar decks once they no longer exist.
  • Passives gained from Spells and Weapons are now added to the Passives deck as intended.

Community Update #15: Absolute Frenzy

What do you get when you combine live goblins, a robust throwing-arm, and the laws of gravity? A sternly-worded letter to Larian about goblin cruelty. But you also get a description of how best to use the new Improvised weapon mechanic coming to Baldur’s Gate 3.

Yes, we’re happy to announce the first major update of the year is right around the corner, and we’re going big on melee combat. Patch #7 brings with it an influx of new ways to play - from fresh melee combat mechanics, to new weapons, to a rowdy new melee class!

But that’s just a taste of what’s to come in Baldur’s Gate 3 this month. This update also brings a slew of upgrades and improvements, with our patch notes totalling 12-full pages - each page lovingly typed by tireless fingers for your viewing pleasure. We’ve improved stealth gameplay with better lighting detection, overhauled the HUD UI with a more streamlined design, polished nearly 700 cinematics, mocapped new spell-casting animations, and sorted out Shadowheart’s weird ponytail - just to name a few.

Today let’s take a closer look at what’s to come. So slip into your finest loincloth, crack those knuckles, and we’ll dig right in.

Unleash your fury: A new Barbarian class comes to Baldur’s Gate

Merciless in the heat of battle, fueled by nature’s fury, and boasting chaos energy louder than a thousand reality TV stars combined: Barbarians are the latest class to join Baldur's Gate 3.

Look on my eight-pack, ye mighty and despair.

These brutal warriors hail from the wilds of Faerûn, but they feel most at home at the center of combat where they can channel their inner Rage to unlock devastating actions. When a Barbarian is enraged, they gain extra buffs, bonuses, and attacks - boosting the damage they lay down and halving the physical damage they take. But in order to reach this state, they must first spend a Rage Charge.

Barbarians have three charges at their disposal by the time they reach Level 3. Once enraged, they need to do damage or receive damage in order to keep their Rage going for another turn. Lose this Rage, however, and the perks that it generates disappear. Mastery of Barbarian combat is therefore all about maintaining your Rage and sustaining it for as long as possible by hitting or being hit every turn.

So what does a Barbarian do when they want to feed their rage but their friends are hogging all the combat on the other side of the battlefield? They simply jumpstart that Barbarian temper. One way to do this is through your Tadpole power Endless Rage. This ability deals 1d4 Psychic Damage to the Barbarian for 10 consecutive turns, ensuring Rage stays activated for the duration. In turn, Barbarians will also inflict an additional 1d4 Damage to enemies when using their melee weapons - making them even more ferocious in combat.

And remember, Barbarians: When in need, you can always recruit a friendly companion for a strategic thwacking. It's as easy as ABC (Allies can Bash you Continuously).

Choose your destiny: Wildheart or Berserker

As you level your Barbarian, your combat actions will evolve to reflect one of two subclasses: Wildheart and Berserker.

Those who go the path of the Wildheart will appoint a Bestial Heart to inspire them, granting different combat actions depending on which Heart they select.

There are five Bestial Hearts to choose from: The Bear Heart provides players with a self-heal, the Eagle Heart introduces a dive-attack from above, the Elk Heart gifts you a Stampede rush-attack to flatten enemies, the Tiger Heart offers a coned Cleave attack that inflicts bleeding, and the Wolf Heart allows you to buff your allies using a Pack Howl to help them move further during their turn. Your choice of Bestial Heart also affects how you appear in-game with different facial piercings, similar to the Sorcerer's Draconic Bloodline scales - although you’re still free to pick a piercing type from another Heart or disable them altogether if face metal is not the look for you.

For those who choose the path of the Berserker, your Barbarian will pull from a reservoir of pure fury, turning their Rage into a Frenzy. While in a Frenzy, players can create further chaos with an Enraged Throw or a Frenzied Strike. Enraged Throw wreaks additional damage on enemies and inflicts prone. Frenzied Strike, on the other hand, is a new weapon attack that allows you to attack twice.

Badger-Bashing, Axe-Throwing, and Yeetable Goblins

If you’ve played D&D, you’ll already be well-acquainted with Improvised weapons. But if you haven’t, then in your mind’s eye simply picture a large badger. No, a bigger one. Now imagine using this badger as a melee weapon: picking it up like a wrestler with a steel folding chair and bashing it against the helpless forehead of a furious Githyanki. That’s an Improvised weapon.

Improvised Weapons do damage based on their weight. Objects between 0.5kg and 10kg will do 1d4, while anything over 10kg will do 2d4. Characters can wield an Improvised weapon that weighs up to three times their Strength ability score. In short, this means with a high enough Strength stat, you can use something as big as a Mindflayer as a tool for thwacking your foes - although we don’t think he’d like it.

In addition to Improvised weapons, Patch #7 improves upon the Throw ability. With Patch #7, almost anything has the potential to become a deadly projectile yeeted at your foes. Go long with someone’s severed leg. Launch a sheep into the air and watch as your enemies cower in fear of nature’s woolen bullet. Huck a lute at a Bard after they refuse to play Deep Purple then bellow your own name into the wind. Maybe not exactly like that.

Your Strength dictates the range of your throw, as calculated against the weight of the object. We’ll leave the experimentation to you, but know that the true hero of Baldur’s Gate is the first person to yeet a goblin off every cliffside in Faerûn.

Additionally, this update introduces a new class of throwable weapons. Thrown weapons like Daggers, Javelins, Handaxes, and Spears allow you to attack from a distance, making melee combat feel more dynamic.

These are especially key to the Barbarian’s gameplay. Unlike their Improvised counterparts, Thrown Weapons do significant damage based on their Damage stats - not their weight. Barbarian’s begin the game with Handaxes, in addition to their primary Greataxe weapon, making them a formidable adversary in both close and ranged combat.

In the shadows: Making stealth and exploration better

In this update we've also improved how light and dark areas are detected in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now the Advantage that you gain when fighting in a lit area, and the Disadvantage you receive when fighting in shadows, is much more accurate than before. This means you’re less likely to miss when in daylight, and hiding from NPCs is now more precisely affected by the darkness around you - making stealth a lot more fun.

You’ll also see that we’ve improved how Darkvision is visualised in the game. Now when controlling a character with Darkvision, the area won’t be brightly lit as before. Instead, they’ll see in the dark via a cone of vision effect, resulting in a more immersive feeling of exploration.

Improving exploration in BG3 is one of the cornerstones of this patch. We wanted to ensure that as you explore, the surprises that are waiting around the corner stay just that: A surprise.

So one of the big changes you’ll notice is our new Room Portal System. Prior to Patch 7, it was possible for players to see within closed-off or unexplored rooms simply by moving their camera. This meant there was little surprise when it came to enemies lurking behind doors, and ambushes could often be predicted before they happened.

In our new update, we have now introduced Room Portals - blackened barriers that cover the doors of unexplored rooms and conceal the characters and objects within them. We hope that by keeping the contents of these rooms hidden, you’ll feel more tension and surprise every time you step foot somewhere new.

New Magical Loot to boost your powers in combat

So what can you expect to find in your travels? In short: More loot.
In Patch #7, we’ve placed 24 new pieces of Magic Loot throughout the world for you to discover. These hand-crafted items range from helmets and gloves to lightning-charged tridents, each of which grant its owner an impressive stat boost, buff, or additional perk.

The Hamarhraft maul, for instance, causes the wearer to deal 1d4 Thunder damage in a 10ft radius upon landing after a Jump. Fleetfingers gloves let the player Jump after a Dash without using a bonus action. While other items, like Reason's Grasp, are ideal for Barbarians - giving the wearer temporary hit points when they end their Rage. We won’t list all the items here, but they’re all there for you to find.

A Huge HUD UI Upgrade

In this update you’ll also notice that we’ve completely overhauled our HUD UI, making it slicker and easier to use, without sacrificing any of its depth.
Taking a look at the new hotbar, you'll see that it's now built up of several "decks" that are moveable as well as hideable to help reduce the clutter on screen. Each Deck is a subset of available actions: Spells, Items, Weapon Actions, and so on. And within the hotbar, you can also filter for a particular action - from Bonus Actions or actions that use Spell Slots to class-specific actions like Sorcerer Points and Rage abilities. The aim here is to streamline what is on your screen at any given time, while still ensuring that all the info you need is on hand and easily accessible.

You'll also notice that your Character Sheet is now a floating panel which can be kept open while playing and moved around the screen as needed. We wanted to make things as convenient as possible. So from here you can check your stats, proficiencies, and Spellbook, as well as other important information, all of which can be filtered to find just what you need. Specific items, equipment, or spells can similarly be filtered through or sought out using our keyword search. And if you ever find yourself overwhelmed by too much loot, you can search through your stuff by category: Simply click on your Chain Mail slot, for example, and it will display everything that can be equipped there, including items that other party members are using.

You can expect to find a number of other changes on your screen: A round minimap, a vertically-aligned Party line, along with newly refined tooltips for your viewing pleasure. And, to top things off, an update to Combat Order. Now it’s scroll-able and will appear at the top centre of your screen, making it much clearer whose turn it is and who’s up next.

Class-based Spell Animations inspired by the real-world

Now when Gale begins casting a spell, things should look a little different than before. In this patch, each spell-casting class now receives their own tailor-made casting animation that better reflects the spirit of their class within D&D lore: A spell-casting Wizard will appear more mathematical and thoughtful when conjuring up a fireball, for instance, whereas a Warlock's animation has been choreographed to look creepier and twisted in their movements.

To achieve this, we brought choreographers into our mo-cap studio in Kuala Lumpur and looked to the real-world for inspiration.

For our Rangers, we were inspired by the physically emotive nature of sign-language and used a sign language-speaker at our Malaysian studio to mo-cap their movements during spell-casting. Those of you who speak sign language might recognise some of their gestures, which aim to capture the essence of these spells - not just their names. When casting a Buff, for instance, a Ranger will sign the word "Shield".

For our Wizards, on the other hand, we brought in a choreographer to help design new casting animation based on Finger-Tutting, a form of '90s street dance that focuses on intricate finger-work.
Does this mean that Gale is in fact a fan of 90s-era Earthly hip-hop? According to my personal fan-fiction: Yes, specifically Wu-Tang.

And improvements to nearly 700 cinematics

Finally, Patch #7 brings with it some substantial changes and upgrades to hundreds of cinematics and interactive dialogues.

Our cinematics team has been hard at work upgrading visuals, tweaking characters, and repositioning cameras throughout nearly 700 cutscenes for this update. They've added over 400 new animations, enhanced creature animations in 200 interactive dialogues, and improved the pacing of cinematics to boot.

Some cutscenes have been edited to better fit the momentum of gameplay, which also meant re-recording some of the narrator's dialogue to ensure it's delivered at a snappier pace. This narration has also been re-recorded using a new microphone and remastered to give the lines a warmer, closer-to-your-ears tone - Like an ASMR dream.

And the results speak for themselves.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is looking darn good and we can’t wait for you to experience the new update for yourself.

Of course, this post represents just a fraction of the improvements heading to the game this month. Check out our patch notes in full for a look at all the new content, improvements, and fixes - with asterisks noting changes and fixes that were the direct result of feedback from the Baldur’s Gate 3 community.

Early Access continues to be a key part of Larian’s development process, allowing us to iterate and improve with feedback from our players to make the best game possible.

Our internal goal post for release is a quality bar rather than a date. A ton of progress has been made towards that quality bar over the past year in Early Access, but we know many players are waiting for an actual date. That date will come when we’re even closer to meeting our goal, but right now our expectation is that Baldur’s Gate 3 will release out of Early Access in 2023.

Patch #7

Patch 7 for Baldur’s Gate 3 is here, and with it comes a new Barbarian class, the introduction of goblin-tossing (AKA improvised weapons), improvements to nearly 700 cinematics, and a major overhaul of our HUD UI - among many other tweaks and fixes! We’ve also seen your comments, and are happy to announce that Shadowheart’s ponytail now abides by the laws of physics - we blame forces beyond our control for it being so wild and untameable.

If you’re looking for the full notes for Patch 7, it’s time to pour yourself a glass of something strong, cozy up in your favourite chair, and get those tiny reading spectacles on - because they’re quite sizable. We’ve picked out some highlights for you to jump into first, and of course recommend you read the full Community Update for a deeper dive into said highlights. Otherwise, on with the notes! As ever, there may be spoilers in here - don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Patch notes related to community-reported issues and feedback are indicated with an asterisk. Like this.*


  • Added the Barbarian class with two new subclasses - Berserker and Wildheart.
  • Berserker: Grow your Rage into a relentless frenzy and gain the ability to deal additional damage in the heat of battle. When you are filled with Rage, you can use improvised weapons as a bonus action to do extra damage.
  • Wildheart: Draw from the power of your Bestial Heart and wield ferocious combat abilities inspired by the eagle, elk, tiger, bear, or wolf. As a Wildheart Barbarian, you can flaunt unique facial piercings based on which animal you choose to guide you.
  • Overhauled the HUD UI. We are continually refining and improving all of these new features, but we're excited for you to try them out!
  • Designed a brand new hotbar to better help you explore all the options and features your characters have to offer. The hotbar, now more intuitive and less cluttered, allows you to thematically collect common actions, class-specific actions, and spells and items into ‘Decks’. We’re also working on ‘Custom Decks’, which allow you to fully customise your hotbar tabs - you can dip your toes into this feature through the custom deck we’ve made available. The new hotbar also allows for resource-based filtering, especially useful in combat.
  • Introduced brand new Character Sheet and Party Panel views, which combine the old Equipment, Inventory, and Stats panels. You can now continue to play while you have these open and move them around the screen as needed.
  • Added extensive quality-of-life search filters for items, weapons, and abilities.
  • Updated the Turn Order UI to appear at the top-centre of the screen and allow for scrolling.
  • Added a Party Management panel (and an associated tooltip) below the party member portraits that includes toggles for Group Mode and Group Sneak.
  • Vertically aligned the party member portraits.
  • The minimap is now a circle - the most noble shape.
  • Added new melee combat options.
  • Thrown weapons: You can now throw a new class of weapons from a distance. Thrown Weapons like Daggers, Javelins, Handaxes, and Spears do damage based on their Damage stats rather than their weight. Barbarians will begin the game with two Handaxes in addition to their primary Greataxe weapon.
  • Improvised weapons: You can now attack by using furniture, instruments, animals, limbs, and NPCs as Improvised Melee Weapons.
  • Expanded throwing: You can now throw objects or characters that weigh up to three times your Strength ability score. The range of the throw scales based on your Strength and the object’s weight. Rile enemies up by throwing a badger at them or yeet a goblin to test their aerodynamics.
  • Placed 24 new hand-crafted Magical Loot items throughout the world. Seek out the Hamarhraft - an Uncommon Maul that deals 1d4 Thunder damage within a 10ft radius upon landing after a Jump. Or find a pair of Linebreaker Boots and gain +1 melee damage for one turn after a Dash.
  • Implemented a new ‘Room Portal’ system, which conceals the details of characters and objects in closed-off or unexplored rooms. This brings more surprise and tension to exploration.
  • Added new music.
  • Added a new live orchestral suite to the Character Creation playlist.
  • Added new ambient pieces to Grymforge.
  • Added a new piece to the main Camp.
  • Added brand new spell-casting animations that are tailored to each spell-casting class, giving each class a unique look.
  • Improved the detection of light and dark areas.
  • You are now less likely to miss during combat in lit regions.
  • Your ability to hide from NPCs is now more accurately affected by how dark it is.
  • Improved how Darkvision is visualised: characters with Darkvision can now see in the dark via a cone of vision.
  • Improved cinematic pacing and visuals.
  • Refined animations and cameras across nearly 700 cutscenes.
  • Implemented over 400 new animations.
  • Improved animal and creature animations across over 200 interactive dialogues.
  • Added Barbarian reactivity to interactive dialogues.
  • Re-recorded and remastered portions of the narrator’s voice-over audio.
  • And the update we’ve all been waiting for: we’ve improved the chicken wing flap SFX and enhanced the VO for nervous squawking to bring you a truly authentic depiction of chicken anxiety.


  • Companions no longer self-heal after being recruited.
  • The Ranger's starting kit now includes an Arrow of Ice instead of grease bottles.
  • Wizards now benefit from the Savant feature of their subclass.
  • Added Poison Resistance to duergar as per D&D lore.
  • Lowered the Armour Class of the Goblin Warriors Kramp, Clack, and Skrut to be more consistent with other goblins.
  • Characters who are Downed during their turn now automatically give their turn to the next character with shared Initiative.*
  • NPCs affected by a Polymorph or Charm spell will now have a negative attitude towards the spellcaster. At least say you’re sorry.
  • Removed Sleeping Advantage from your Ability Check when you attack Astarion at Camp.
  • The Intransigent Warhammer now causes knockback and applies Prone on a critical hit or when dealing a killing blow.
  • When wearing the Poisoner's Robe, you now deal additional damage when casting Chromatic Orb: Poison.*



  • Some NPCs are now Barbarians and will act accordingly.
  • Improved aim for the Jump action to make it easier to descend into the Underdark in the Whispering Depths.
  • Krolla now shoves the chicken accurately the first time during the chicken chase. The chicken signed a waiver so it’s fine.
  • Astarion's default proficiencies are now applied to him before he is recruited to your party.
  • Arka and Memnos will now react to Kanon even if you change into a Wild Shape in front of them. #priorities
  • Party members now stop following you if you are caught trespassing and enter into dialogue about it.
  • You can now jump across the pillars behind the Druid Grove with 9 Strength to reach the heavy chest.*
  • You can now complete the Saving Arabella quest with Mol before rescuing Mirkon.
  • The default action for Poisonous Slime Bombs is now Throw instead of Coat Weapon. Still pretty gross though.
  • In addition to a broken spear, Edowin now drops random loot when he dies.


  • Fixed an issue blocking players from overwriting existing saves from the previous patch.*
  • Redesigned tooltips so they are more compact on screen.
  • Added new keybinds and reassigned some old ones to be more intuitive. The Inventory (I), Spellbook (K), and Character Sheet (N) keybinds open and close your character's Character Sheet. When in Party Panel view (TAB), these same keybinds let you access those panels within that view.
  • Pinned tooltips can now open and close with a secondary keybind.
  • An error message now appears if you have a modded UI that can't be loaded in the game.
  • When playing on Stadia, you are now able to actually throw items with the controller using the Throw action.


  • Replaced the black void in Mol's Lair with stone walls that are now visible if you have a light source or have Darkvision.
  • Made the explosion at the Zhent Hideout more explodey.
  • Made the entrance to the secret Myconid area slightly less obvious and thereby more secret.
  • Increased the lighting in the Owlbear Cave to make the owlbear egg more visible.
  • Added extra lights in Grymforge to highlight the levers used in the Adamantine Forge fight.
  • Gave pikes longer shafts and wider tips. Please be careful where you stick those things.


Crashes, Freezes, and Blocks

  • Fixed a crash that would occur if you had a modded game. A pop-up will now indicate that files have errors and the game will close.
  • The game now shows a 'Game Over' window if all players are Downed and there are no more Short Rests left.
  • CloudManager no longer crashes when trying to delete cloud saves when there are multiple profiles.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when creating or switching in-game profiles.
  • Loading a savegame where a character is under Nere's control no longer causes a crash.
  • Fixed a crash in the AI system.
  • You can no longer name your savegames using reserved file names, so you can now access the files and load these savegames without the game crashing.
  • The game no longer crashes after you throw a runepowder vial at the cave-in.
  • Casting Cloud of Daggers on the Nautiloid no longer freezes the game.
  • The game no longer crashes after the cinematic at the Myconid Circle.


  • Fixed an issue blocking you from being released from your chains after you’re rescued by an NPC from Priestess Gut.
  • Fixed the Frightened condition not disappearing after you see the dragon in the Githyanki Patrol scene.
  • You are no longer blocked from interacting with your surroundings after talking to Jeorna in the Druid Grove.
  • Halsin and Kagha no longer skip certain lines of dialogue.
  • Fixed a dialogue continuity error in ‘Find the Mushroom Picker’.
  • A specific dialogue with Andrick now only triggers if the owlbear has been killed.
  • Fixed the response options in the dialogue about the attack on the Druid Grove.
  • Zarys no longer repeats her dialogue when you inform her that you’ve found the missing Zhent shipment.
  • The Escape Artist inspiration point is now applied correctly once triggered.


  • If you rejoin a multiplayer session, you now regain control over your old character.*
  • Items that weren’t being shared automatically between users in multiplayer will now transfer successfully.
  • If you’re hosting, your character no longer becomes stuck when you recruit Us and switch characters with a client player.
  • Improved the message when you encounter a NATPunch server failure issue when you start multiplayer.


  • You can now leave the Nautiloid if you touch the Transponder while another character is in dialogue.
  • If Us dies on the Nautiloid, you can activate the Transponder to leave the ship.
  • You can no longer pass through a wall on the Nautiloid by squeezing through a fleshy wall texture. Use a door like the rest of us. This is a society.
  • Fixed a platform on the Nautiloid so you won’t get trapped inside it. You can now jump on and off after climbing the platform with low Strength.
  • Made sure Gale’s recruitment cinematic always plays after you teleport to the Roadside Cliff for the first time.
  • Fixed issues with door buttons in the Dank Crypt.
  • You can now enter Kagha's lair in the Emerald Grove and look through her things. But have you no shame?
  • The door to the Druids’ Chambers now remains open.
  • You no longer get stuck on the door to the Servants' Quarters in the Druid Grove.
  • You must now actually be inside the Thayan Cellar to access the lever behind the trick wall.*
  • An area in Grymforge that looked safe but was actually a GIANT CHASM is no longer accessible. The Chasm death trigger has been removed, so you will no longer die unexpectedly.
  • Made a small room in the small, basement-level camps accessible through an equally small door.
  • Fixed certain ladders and knotted ropes so they can be climbed.
  • The trap near the Cragged Rock in the Underdark now launches you into the chasm as intended. Enjoy.
  • You no longer teleport through the floor of the Merregon room in Grymforge.
  • Tweaked the rope netting in Grymforge so you can’t fall through and into the lava. Please don’t touch the lava.
  • Characters no longer become unresponsive if they take fall damage.


  • Fixed an issue causing you to move before casting a ranged attack even though your position was valid.
  • Characters no longer skip turns in combat after being Downed or following a long rest.
  • Adjusted the Rush attack so you correctly attack one enemy instead of two.
  • Ensured NPCs who apply invisibility on themselves don’t immediately remove it. Way to stay stealthy, hot shot.
  • NPCs no longer skip a turn if they fail to use a consumable during combat.
  • NPCs are less likely to get stuck when trying to pick up a weapon while having no remaining Movement.
  • The weapon you start with in Character Creation now carries over into the game.
  • Force Tunnel now works correctly on characters and containers.
  • Characters are no longer unresponsive after interrupting dialogues through combat.
  • You can now exit Turn-Based Mode if you become Prone.
  • Fixed a bug that could block you from ending your turn while in Turn-Based Mode.
  • Tweaked the combat with Herdmaster Skarjall to ensure he is always armed with a whip.
  • The Spore Servant's immunities now match D&D lore.
  • Redcaps will now only join the fight with Auntie Ethel if they are within range.
  • Fixed the Absolute's Warboard shield providing an extra +2 bonus on top of the base bonus.*
  • Fixed Hook Horrors not being able to multi-attack Prone characters in some situations.
  • The Underdark Spectator no longer gets stuck if it moves to certain coordinates.
  • Fixed an issue causing dismissed companions to become hostile if you pick up a Supply Pack that you dropped at Camp.
  • The Magma Mephit can now fly back onto platforms without getting stuck.*
  • Auntie Ethel no longer continues to be hostile when you choose the Lolth-sworn option as a drow to strike a deal with her.
  • If you cast a Friends or Charm spell on Scratch, he no longer becomes hostile towards you at Camp.
  • The Guardians in the Thayan Cellar will now attack after they have all been freed. We insulted their taste in crypt decor, and now they're angry and ready to fight.
  • Applied Light Armour proficiency to Stonemason Gergerann.
  • Fixed an issue causing Auntie Ethel to end her turn without moving or attacking if Mayrina's cage is lowered before she can attack it.
  • Nere’s Coerced condition now disappears with non-psychic damage.


  • Spells that target an area around you will now more accurately highlight the affected area.
  • Burning Hands no longer benefits from the Metamagic: Extended Spell.
  • The Megamagic: Careful Spell can now be applied to Acid Splash.
  • Adjusted the Metamagic: Careful Spell so it can’t be used on spells that don’t target allies.
  • Fixed a bug causing Flaming Sphere and Moonbeam to have an incorrect Difficulty Class.*
  • The Ranger class can now replace spells at Level 4.
  • Adjusted the Metamagic: Heightened Spell so it works with the Reduce, Heat Metal, and Light spells.
  • The Metamagic: Subtle Spell no longer affects spells that can be cast while Silenced.
  • Spike Growth now properly disappears after Concentration is broken.*
  • NPCs affected by a Friends or Charm spell will now react appropriately when you approach them after the spell ends.
  • Removed the Prepared Spells gauge from the UI for non-spellcasting classes.
  • Crown of Madness no longer causes the target to roll a Saving Throw with Advantage.
  • You no longer receive damage when you cast the Ring of Absolute Force’s Thunderwave spell if you aren’t branded with the Mark of the Absolute.
  • The bodies of halflings and dwarves no longer stretch in cinematics after casting Disguise Self.


  • Increased the weight of the Idol of Eldath from 1kg to 35kg despite it looking like an enormous chocolate figurine.
  • The Nautiloid’s doors can no longer be targeted and destroyed.
  • You can now reach all items in Waukeen's Rest.*
  • Adjusted a floating chest in the Druid Grove so it complies with gravity.
  • Made it easier to pick up items in the Acrid Workshop.
  • Fixed duplicate containers appearing at the Putrid Bog.
  • Removed a bunk bed in Waukeen’s Rest so you can’t accidentally fall down onto the balustrade when you climb to the top bunk.
  • A fireplace in the Selûnite outpost is no longer clickable.
  • The book ‘Fables of Faerûn V: The Boy and the Beholder’ is now on the floor in the Blighted Village and can be reached.*
  • Removed random Bandit Armour from the Duergar skiff in the Underdark. Clean up after yourselves, bandits.
  • The Eldritch Rune now disappears from your inventory upon use.
  • You are now only rewarded with a single lock of Auntie Ethel's hair, not two, if you make a deal with her.
  • Tweaked a guard’s vision cone so it’s not obscured by the Grated Iron Doors in the Worg Pens jail.
  • Fixed an issue causing Gloves of Fire Resistance not to take effect if you equip the gloves with less than half your health.
  • Wearing a Whispering Mask now applies the Ephemeral Whispers condition, allowing you to walk through the Gnarled Door.
  • Added a 'Split Items' option to the context menu for splitting items in the Traveller's Chest.

Gameplay Animations

  • Fixed an animation issue causing your character to pop into their idle animation after cancelling or casting a spell.
  • Shadowheart's ponytail now abides by the laws of physics.
  • Sazza no longer walks through her cage if she catches you lockpicking the cage door.
  • The correct idle animation now plays for halflings' Jump, Throw, Help, Disengage, and Shove actions.
  • The Protection from Poison spell now features the correct casting animation.
  • Made changes to the Light spell's casting and hit reaction animations.
  • Made changes to Minthara's buff and hit reaction animations.
  • Adjusted halflings’ heads so they no longer look too high when targeting an enemy with a ranged weapon.
  • The Rush attack animation now plays correctly.
  • Killing Shadowheart will now trigger the dying animation rather than the idle animation.
  • Updated the preparation and casting animations and the VFX for the Shadow of Menzoberranzan’s Shrouded in Shadow spell.
  • Improved the Dipping weapon animation so your character’s upper body no longer appears frozen.
  • Adjusted the animation for NPCs so they appear more natural when turning to look at you.
  • Damage and reaction are no longer delayed after an object hits a character.
  • Sitting down right after unsheathing a weapon no longer causes the animation to freeze.
  • Unsheathing a dagger right after turning around no longer causes the animation to freeze.
  • The sitting animation now only plays once if you trigger the Hide bonus action while moving into position.
  • Pressing the CTRL key no longer triggers the animation for preparing an attack twice when playing as a shielded female dwarf.
  • Fixed slight animation overlaps when casting spells with the Touch range.
  • Improved the Electrified Steam Cloud surface and added electricity and lightning VFX.
  • The correct hand-glow effect now appears when preparing to cast Lesser Restoration, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, and Crown of Madness.

Cinematic Animations

  • Torgga's pants no longer float in the air if she is dead. But she still wakes up at night thinking about that one time it did happen.
  • VFX are now present when using the Speak with Dead spell in a cinematic.
  • Fixed camera issues during Aradin and Zevlor's confrontation.
  • Improved the Adamantine Golem so it appears Superheated in its cinematic.
  • The Auntie Ethel animation is now more fluid during dialogue at the Druid Grove.
  • Fixed animation issues with Gale in the dialogue after you rescue Mirkon from the harpies.
  • Fixed the player positioning in the cinematic with the Scrying Eye.
  • Repositioned the camera so Barcus Wroot appears slightly further away after being freed from the windmill in the Blighted Village.
  • When you choose to cure Thulla with Noblestalk in the Myconid Circle, the animation now shows you giving her Noblestalk instead of a bottle of antidote.
  • Shadowheart now looks at characters correctly on the Nautiloid.
  • Astarion now claps as Abdirak tortures you. Thanks, pal.
  • Fixed the flute disappearing or being misaligned when you play the wrong note for Gale’s resurrection.
  • Updated the Mindmeld visual effect so it appears correctly around your character’s head.
  • Fixed the Speak with Dead visual effect appearing around your character’s head.
  • Added missing Speak with Dead VFX for the deceased bugbear in the Blighted Village.
  • Re-staged the Mindmeld shot to avoid two Mindmeld VFX playing simultaneously.
  • Fixed the wrong Camp being shown in the cinematic if a dead companion is in a different region.
  • Added VFX for Abridrak in the Goblin Camp.
  • Halflings’ hands no longer clip into Nere's body during the decapitation in Grymforge.
  • The eyes and mouth of the pale corpse now glow as intended when you trigger Speak with Dead.
  • Adjusted the camera so Volo's cage doesn’t block your face if you are playing as a halfling.
  • The addled frog is no longer submerged underwater in the Putrid Bog. Things are looking up for that guy!
  • Fixed an issue causing Shadowheart to teleport during the scene where her magic manifests in the Blighted Village.
  • Gale no longer stands right behind Astarion while he’s trying to have a conversation with you at camp, like a weirdo.
  • Tweaked the camera angle in the cinematic where the goblin children are kicking a dead body in the Goblin Camp.
  • Returned the goblins’ missing weapons in the Nautiloid crash cinematic.
  • Added missing Mindmeld VFX and SFX in the cinematic featuring Lae'zel and the Githyanki Patrol.
  • Wyll’s animation no longer freezes when he tortures Liam.
  • Made numerous animation fixes for Astarion during the conversation about hunger at Camp.
  • Fixed the positioning of Asharak's forearm and elbow in the cinematic before the attack on the Druid Grove.
  • Fixed weird camera changes and freezes in the dialogue between Halsin and Kagha after saving the tiefling child and siding with tieflings.
  • If named leader of the Grove, Cerys no longer slides and freezes during the cinematic that follows the attack on the Druid Grove.
  • Fixed an issue causing you to teleport during the attack on the Druid Grove cutscene after speaking to Cerys.


  • The camera now stays at the correct height at the entrance to the Hag's Lair.
  • The camera no longer jumps to different heights near the rocky slide in the Underdark.
  • The camera no longer slides up and out of reach in Grymforge.
  • The camera no longer gets blocked when you walk through the hidden door in Grymforge.
  • The freecam can no longer scoot out of bounds on the Nautiloid.


  • Moving the camera towards the Shar Temple from the platform behind Nere's cave no longer causes the environment to fill with sunlight.
  • Fixed artefacts and lighting problems when playing the game on Vulkan.
  • Fixed specular flicker in depth-of-field scenarios.
  • Fixed the lighting in the Worg Pens at the Goblin Camp.
  • Fixed the lighting on the Nautiloid where Shadowheart is freed from the Mindflayer pod.
  • Fixed the lighting in Minthara's betrayal scene.
  • Fixed the lighting in the BOOOAL scene.
  • Fixed a light bloom issue near the fishermen at the crash site.
  • Improved the lighting in the cinematic with Warrior Trinzas.
  • Fixed a sudden bright light appearing when you enter the Underdark via the lift.


  • In combat with harpies, their musical luring vocals are now synced to the music and positioned in 3D space for more accurate presentation and feedback.
  • Shadowheart now groans in pain if she is knocked out on the beach when you approach her.
  • Imps no longer continue speaking to the Cultist once combat has begun.
  • Added a slight delay to the dialogue with Johl and Demir once they leave you after your initial encounter.
  • You now react to the rat trap in the Shattered Sanctum only after it's been activated by a rat.
  • Added Halsin’s missing voice-over and subtitles.
  • Fixed a bug causing missing voice-overs.
  • Fixed a looping sound emitted by a barrelstalk when entering the Myconid Circle.


  • Added missing information on Saving Throws and Attack Rolls to the combat log tooltips.
  • Added missing Saving Throw indicators for Web, Ray of Sickness, Shatter, and Melf's Acid Arrow.
  • Resistances now display correctly in the Examine UI.
  • Fixed the supply total not updating when picking up or dropping containers with supplies.
  • Tooltips no longer show an incorrect −1 level on some enemies.
  • The tooltip for Prepare and Brace no longer displays in metres if the game is set to the imperial system.
  • Correct tooltips now appear in the Combine/Insert/Extract Item panel.
  • The tooltips now correctly display the condition-related info for certain consumables.
  • The tooltips now correctly display the description of certain throwable items.
  • The text indicating the keyboard shortcut for pinning tooltips now fits in its designated box.
  • The Spike Growth tooltip now displays correctly, showing 2d4 damage.
  • Fixed a mismatch between the Draconic Resilience tooltip within Character Creation and in the Character Sheet.
  • Healing potion tooltips no longer have duplicated information.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the Circle of the Land druid subclass tooltip.
  • Fixed the Potion of Speed tooltip description.
  • Fixed duplicate Quasit scrolls and improved the Shovel's scroll text.
  • Fixed text relating to the Spider Infested condition on the ettercap.
  • Fixed the Hunt the Devil quest journal entry not displaying correctly even if you complete the quest.
  • Fixed your companion's condition text following the first dream at Camp.


  • Fixed missing icons for Gekh Coal's Enlarge and Animate Dead actions.
  • Fixed missing icons for the Goodberry, Rotten Chicken Eggs, and Duergar's Antidote.
  • Fixed missing icons for conditions given by food.
  • Fixed the missing icon for the Witness condition.
  • Follower portraits no longer disappear after a save and load.

Clips, Pops, and Other Questionable Visuals

  • Your legs no longer swing back and forth like a weird pendulum during the owlbear cinematic.
  • Fixed Guex’s vanishing sword prop and curbed his weird tail spasms.
  • Lia and Cal now move their heads more naturally during Rolan's magic trick cinematic and the camera angle has been improved throughout the scene.
  • Fixed issue causing Welso’s neck to twist into nightmarish pretzel during dialogue.
  • Improved Studded Leather Armour so it doesn’t clip the gloves of tall female characters.
  • Characters no longer clip through the wall when moving towards the shelf in the tollhouse.*
  • Astarion's 'The Exorcist' legs have been exorcised. He stands as he should throughout the recruitment cutscene.
  • Lakrissa's chin has been fixed and no longer clips into the collar of her armour.
  • Barcus Wroot's necklace no longer clips through his sleeve and hand.
  • Your eyes no longer clip through your eyelids during the first Mindmeld with Astarion.
  • Liam no longer clips into the torture rack because he’s been through enough.
  • Improved VFX and fixed clipping for Wyll and the Unfortunate Gnome quest.
  • If you are playing as a halfling, your head will no longer do a crazy spin thing when you talk to Aradin.
  • Equipping Tarnished Charm no longer causes your hands to disappear.
  • Fixed an issue causing Gale to stretch during dialogue after using Disguise Self to become a smaller race.
  • Removed jitters in Shadowheart's pod scene on the Nautiloid.
  • Adjusted the cinematic so Shadowheart's body doesn’t shift downward suddenly at the beach.
  • Untwisted the twisting heads in the cinematic during the Githyanki Patrol scene.
  • Over-encumbered characters no longer begin to slide when sneaking.
  • Fixed character positioning and clipping and characters not holding items correctly in the cinematic in the Nautiloid helm.
  • Fixed minor jittering in Shadowheart's cinematic after the confrontation between Aradin and Zevlor at the Druid Grove.
  • Fixed a mocap pop for halfling heads.
  • Fixed pops and the missing sickle in the BOOOAL scenario.
  • Fixed clipping, pauses, and issues with the dagger during Astarion's recruitment scene.
  • Fixed multiple mocap pops in Wyll's practise duel cinematic.
  • Fixed mocap pops in the BOOOAL situation.
  • Removed a twitch in the Mizora cinematic.
  • Fixed Doni’s animation pop.
  • Fixed Nettie’s animation pop and ensured that she now looks in the correct direction when speaking to you.
  • Fixed clipping on items worn by characters in the cinematic that plays when you return a locket to Barth.
  • Fixed Brakkal clipping through the cage.
  • Removed mocap popping and freezing from the Goblin Toast cinematic.
  • Fixed Memnos having little animation jerks and twitches. In short, Memnos is no longer a jerk. 🥁
  • Fixed clipping and animation issues in the Nettie cinematic.
  • Improved the cinematic between Halsin and Kagha to remove freezing and popping.
  • Fixed minor twitching issues with Tracker Kirz's head.
  • Fixed a jittering animation present when you jump.
  • Fixed cinematic clipping in the Crusher scene.
  • Fixed a camera pop in Aradin and Zevlor's confrontation.
  • Fixed characters’ outlines turning purple after they leave the party.
  • Fixed character positions in the scene before you enter the Druid Grove.

Pre-Patch Announcement

Hello, everyone! We hope you’re all keeping well.

It has been a whole festive period since we’ve spoken. We’ve not been resting on our yule logs, though. Patch 7 is almost here, and we’re so excited for you to play it we could explode. That isn’t necessarily a hint, we’re just very excited. We’ve got a Panel from Hell coming up to properly reveal it, but let’s just say it’s going to be….pretty cool.

Ok, that might have been a hint as to what will be in the show itself - just keep yourself calm and all will be revealed soon.

Now, on to the meat of the day: Patch 7 is on the horizon, weighing in at approximately 32GB (so clear some space from the digital platter!), so we have to remind you that any saves made on Patch 6 or prior will no longer be compatible when updated. With Patch 7 installed, the total install size for Baldur’s Gate 3 will be approximately 100GB, so make sure you have plenty free.

So, let’s talk branching! (If that is what you desire!) There are options for you if you want to continue saves from previous patches, or if you want to make sure you’re staying current. Check out the below instructions for whichever method suits you best

1. How to Update Your Game to Patch 7: If you want to play the most up to date version of the game and have never opted into any beta branches in the past, then good news: You don’t need to do anything! When the patch releases, you will receive the most updated version of the game as long as you have automatic updates enabled. To enable automatic updates, please follow the steps below:

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the Updates tab
  • Select "Always keep this game updated" in the drop down menu

2. How to Update to Patch 7 If You’ve Opted into an Earlier Beta Branch: If you previously opted into any beta for Patch 5 or earlier and want to ensure you get the most up to date content when Patch 7 goes live, then please follow the steps below:

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the Betas tab
  • Select "None" in the drop down menu

3. How to Continue Your Patch 6 Save: If you want to continue your progress from Patch 5, then take the following steps. Save files are not ‘deleted’ from your computer; they’ll remain in your folder, but you’ll only be able to load saves specific to their respective versions.

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the BETAS tab
  • In the list under "Select the beta you would like to opt in to", select Patch 6
  • Close the properties menu

If you’d like to continue your save file on the current version, you can move to the Patch 6 beta branch now. Save files are not ‘deleted’ from your computer; they’ll remain in your folder, but you’ll only be able to load saves specific to their respective versions.

Important Note: If you want the option to go back to a previous patch, it’s best to make a new in-game profile and backup your local saves from the previous patch. You can do the following before or after you update to the latest version:

  • Before starting a new playthrough, create a new profile by clicking the profiles button on the top left of the main menu. All your progress in the new patch will then be saved under this profile while your old saves are safe in the previous profile.
  • As an extra safety measure, you can manually back up your savegames:
  • Go to /Documents/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/
  • Find the folder that is named after the profile you used in the previous patch
  • Copy and paste this entire folder into a backup location
  • If you want to revert back to the previous patch, follow the instructions above and activate your old profile
  • If you have somehow lost your progress by overwriting savegames and want to restore your old backed up savegames simply copy over your old profile folder into its original location again: /Documents/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/
  • Sync back to the patch6 beta branch with the instructions above and load your old savegames

A Note On Mods: If you have any mods installed, or were using any in previous versions of Baldur’s Gate 3, please remove them before updating your game. You can do this by checking both the ‘Mods’ and ‘Public’ folders in '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data' - if either of those folders are present, please delete them before updating. If applicable, please also delete the file ‘modsettings.lsx’ in the profile folder. Further information about mods can be found at

Hotfix #19 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We have a small hotfix for you today - fixing a couple of pesky issues that needed addressing.

This week, we answer the question of ‘who stole the sky?’ The answer may surprise you, in that the Shattered Sanctum apparently did it. This isn’t quite a Clue-level mystery, but those precious clouds have at last been returned in this specific case. Let’s hope nobody else attempts to captain-planet-villain away our beautiful clouds for the foreseeable future.

Thank you to everyone who reported these issues to us, on all channels. Your support helps prevent future cloud-theft, and is always welcome. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.

  • Improved Steam SDK for Mac M1 users.
  • Sealed up unnerving black void in Main Menu and replaced it with sky.
  • Fixed crash when loading specific Mac saves on PC.
  • Characters at the Duergar Camp are no longer trapped in an infinite dialogue loop about explosive powder.
  • Fixed crash when launching the game in fullscreen with non-native resolution.
  • Items being opened no longer become non-interactive when switching to a character who can't reach the item.