Guests patiently Queueing to enter Target Practice
Building Presets for easier testing
Progress in the game is going great, everything is starting to come together and should hopefully be able to start working on the visuals soon.
Placing a Waiting Queue and watching the Guests queue up in an orderly fashion
Waiting Queue Zig Zag
Task System in Battle Royale Tycoon
Game Development Tutorial - Dev Log In this video we're going to check out the inner workings of the Task System in Battle Royale Tycoon.
What makes a good map?
What would you say are the things that make a map good and what are the things that make it unique?
Currently there are 2 stat types that arenas have to define their desirability.
Attributes, which are things that make the Arena unique but not necessarily better.
For example one arena may have lots of players, another one very few. Or one has very open areas and another is very closed off. One is not better than the other, just different
Rating, which is calculated based on things that are objectively better.
For example weapon quality, if a weapon is in bad condition that is objectively a bad thing. If the arena is very bland with only basic walls that's also a bad thing.
Currently doing a lot of testing and prototyping to figure out the best way to define an arena as good and unique.
Let me know your thoughts.
Waiting Queue in Battle Royale Tycoon
Game Development Tutorial - Dev Log In this video we're going to check out the inner workings of the Waiting Queue.