We are happy to announce a shiny new feature within Behind Glass: the Breeding Lab. Players having played our mobile Fish Farm series might know this unique cross-breeding feature very well.
In the Breeding Lab, you can select two different species of fish as parents, and create an "unlimited" amount of uniquely looking children. You can then store your creations in your Breed Library, allowing you to add these hybrid species to your aquariums in the same way you do with ordinary species. Please note that the current implementation is not fully polished yet and thus in a "kind of experimental" state. This basically means for you that the appearance of some cross-breeds might still be imperfect and change with future updates.
Apart for this, we have doubled the maximum allowed vertex count per aquarium, meaning you can put in more decoration items and fish. As usual, smaller bugs have been fixed as well.
Update notes 07/02/2022
This update mainly brings new content:
1) We have added 14 new fish species: Agassiz's dwarf cichlid Sardine Cichlid Rummynose tetra Six-barred Lamprologus Diamond tetra Redeye tetra Bloodfin tetra Cherry barb Odessa Barb Celestial pearl danio Fiji anemonefish Red sea clownfish Mauritian anemonefish Pajama cardinal
2) We have added new decoration items and scattered items. There is a particular focus on items allowing you to design black water tanks.
3) You can now buy multiple fish at once (when using the popup instead of drag/drop for adding fish)
4) As usual, we have fixed minor bugs (and hopefully not introduced new ones...)
Update notes 25/01/2022
We hope you can enjoy the new features and changes in this update:
You can now place your aquariums in room. You can select from initially two apartments, having 3 to 4 possible spots for your aquarium. Please note that each spot has a maximum dimension for the aquarium it can accomodate. You can select your apartment and spot when adding an aquarium (your allowed aquarium size is then limited to the maximum dimension), or alter the apartment and spot for an already created aquarium (you can only select spots that allow for an aquarium of its size). Feel free to show/hide the apartment at any time (next to the 2d mode toggle). In Photo mode, you can choose between different preset camera positions within the apartment (you cannot move freely -- Behind Glass is an aquarium simulation).
You can choose a new kind of background: 3D backgrounds Once selected, you can choose between randomly created styles and select a background covering (similar to what can be done with decorations).
We have added a setting for the Zoom Sensitivity, allowing you to apply a different zoom speed for the mouse wheel than chosen globally. The "Start in Wallpaper Mode" setting applies settings to run Behind Glass in an external Wallpaper app (start in 2D mode, hide the HUD, run in background).
Decreased minimal and increased maximal aquarium size available to you.
You can now directly unsubscribe from Workshop Aquariums within Behind Glass -- for subscribing, please use the Steam Client (duplicating the client functionality to be available within Behind Glass requires too much work compared to the advantages).
Various smaller bugs have been fixed.
Update available soon
The next update is in the final stages of testing! Our main additions are: - You can now place your aquarium in a room - We have added three-dimensional backgrounds (in your tank) - We have decreased the minimum and increased the maximum tank size
Update notes 17/12/2021
- 10 new fish species (Smith's butterflyfish, Blackwedged butterflyfish, Royal angelfish, Peppermint angelfish, Black ruby barb, Gold barb, Black molly, Harlequin rasbora, Honey gourami, Pearl gourami) - Improved schooling of fish - Corals: Brain corals updated, Gorgonias introduced - Bug fixing