Allright folks, it's go time! The full version of Broken Bots is officially out on Steam. Get 'em while they're hot!
Launch postponed until tomorrow
Due to issues with the Steam update servers, the PC launch of Broken Bots will be delayed until tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience
Malfunction Warfare 1.0
Our malfunction guns are locked and loaded! We are proud to announce that we are moving out of Early Access and are releasing Broken Bots on June 7th 2016 on Steam and Playstation 4. Starting from release day Broken Bots will feature cross-platform play between Steam and Playstation 4.
With the latest additions polished and ridden of bugs and malfunctions, Broken Bots features 6 game modes. So battle it out online with up to 12 players in Capture The Flag, King Of The Hill, Team Deathmatch & Crazy King, play with friends in the coop Survival mode, or take on the environment by yourself in the single player Infiltration mode. Each of the 4 available teams features 6 unique bot classes, customizable with 10 different unlockable skills and 10 passives.
See you on the battlefield on June 7th!
Malfunction Gun Update
New Game Mode, Weapons, Skills & Mechanics! This update is our release candidate and brings you every feature we still had up our sleeves.
Malfunction Gun: A new secondary fire that gives you control over when and how malfunctions happen. Charge it up by killing enemies and completing objectives. When fully charged, use it to dish out power-ups to teammates or glitches to foes!
Malfunctions now spread like a virus. Get close to positive malfunctions to get a piece of the action, but steer away from negative ones!
New Game Mode: SURVIVAL. Fight off incoming waves of enemies by yourself or in a private game with up to 6 friends.
Hacking: You can now hack the enemy generator to get team-wide benefits such as spawning a swarm of mini-bots, double damage or triggering a massive EMP.
New Weapon: Plasma Beam
New Weapon: Grenade Launcher
New Skill: Cloak
New Skill: Speed Boost
New Skill: Teleport > A great defensive trick, but beware, you have no control over where you'll end up!
New Skill: Heal Wave > Repair your teammates' broken bots
Private Games > You can now start a private game and choose your game mode, map, match duration and enable/disable A.I. bots
A massive amount of balancing and bugfixes
Small update
This is just a tiny update but a big one is in the works and will be live soon!
Added damage to Shockwave skill based on enemy proximity
Drastically decreased the build size to roughly 370mb (down from 1.7Gb)
Fixed an issue that would cause bot speed to be dependent on FPS
A small patch that fixes an issue with online multiplayer games.
Fixed an issue that would cause AI to get stuck and all bots to explode every 15 seconds. Woops :)
Malfunction Update
This update is a complete rework of the malfunctions mechanic. We removed most of the randomness and are giving the power back to the player. It's now up to you to cause negative malfunctions on enemies or positive effects on your teammates.
Players now have a malfunction gun. Charge it up by killing enemies and completing objectives. When fully charged, shooting an enemy will give them a negative malfunction while shooting a friendly player will result in a positive malfunction.
Malfunctions now spread like a virus. Get close to positive malfunctions to get a piece of the action, but steer away from negative malfunctions!
Malfunctions have a better visual effect to distinguish positive (blue) from negative (red) effects.
Match time reduced to 5 minutes (from 10). We also introduced new leaderboards to keep things fair (but kept the old ones for bragging rights).
Note : Due to the nature of this update, all player preferences will be wiped such as control schemes and resolution settings. Player Stats, Rank and Unlocks will not be affected.
Small Update
We are working hard on pushing out a larger update asap. In the meantime, here is a small visual update:
Changed the malfunction screen distortion effect to only affect the sides of the screen and leave the center fairly intact. It should now be a lot easier to see what is going on during a malfunction.
Malfunctioning bots now have a clear visual trail effect.
Fixed a bug that would make additional controllers lose focus after pressing 'start' to join the game.
Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash after reaching the menu on 32 bit systems.
The GIGABOT update!
Our first major content update has arrived. Introducing the first chapter of the single player campaign consisting of 5 levels including a bossfight. We also added a split screen multiplayer option allowing you to join online battles with up to 4 local players. Just hit 'start' on any attached controller while in the main menu to add them to the party.
New Feature: added 5 single player levels including a bossfight
New Feature: up to 4 player split screen multiplayer in online matches
Bugfix: fixed an issue where a lot of bullets firing at the same time would make all audio cut out
Update 08.06.2015
Today's update includes some improvements on the A.I. behavior, matchmaking and general bugfixes. Additionally, we have implemented a few small features requested by popular demand.
There is now a 'Quick Match' option which will land you in the most populated server of your region.
When selecting a custom game mode and no players are currently online in that game mode, you can now choose to join a more populated server instead or start a new game.
AI : More improvements made to the avoidance system. Bots will have even less chance to get stuck.
An audible 'beep' sound now plays every time one of your bullets strikes an enemy.
The Steam Leaderboards are now fully functional.
The mouse cursor is now constrained to the game window.
Balance : The heal skill now correctly negates your active malfunction and heals you for 50 hp (up from 25)
Balance : Mines now damage enemies for 50 damage (up from 25)
Fixed an issue where pressing the start button during a game on the controller would open a menu but not allow you to navigate it.