Bum Simulator cover
Bum Simulator screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Bum Simulator

Weekly News - Cardboard Base

Hey there! It’s Weekly News time!

RELEASE DATE: still TBA - we will announce it as soon as we know it - stay tuned!

WHAT IS GOING ON: This week we were testing our new cardboard blocks and various decorations for base building.

You start with small building space, but as you progress and unlock new areas you get to build much bigger constructions.

Weekly News - Old Town District

Hey there! It’s Weekly News time!

This week our level designer managed to finish the layout of the Old Town segment of the city. Here are some screens of the place:

The game world consists of many segments with different themes - this should keep things interesting and fun to explore.

Weekly News - Day and Night Cycle

Hey there! It’s Weekly News time!

We are currently working on the day and night cycle. The visuals are close to the final version as can be seen here:

The shops close at night and open in the morning as you would expect. Some missions are time dependant as well.

We still need to adjust the traffic and crowd density based on the time of day and optimize the whole system for performance - hopefully, we will be able to do that before the next week's update.

See you next week!

Weekly News - State of the Game

Hey there! It’s Weekly News time!

We decided to start a weekly announcement series to keep you all up to date. This should give you insight into the development process, as well as an opportunity to share your thoughts about the game.

Bum Simulator looks better every day, but there is still a lot to do. We need to work on the police chase mechanics, alchemy recipes, pedestrian AI, and much more, before we can call it complete!

We know that you would love to get your hands on beta as soon as possible. We would be happy to go Early Access and collect your feedback to make sure the game is balanced… BUT, it still would have to be big, self-contained, fully playable and polished game. In other words - something close to the final product. That’s why we can’t release just yet.

As for the exact release date - we don’t want to promise anything until we are 100% sure about it. You will have to wait some more, but in the meantime - enjoy the weekly news!

Today we decided to reveal one of the NPCs that you will meet in the game.

The Pigeon Lady - she is a quest giver, who can also sell you skill upgrades and cosmetic items for your pigeons.

She loves pigeons. Really. Take our word for it. It may be hard to notice, but it is true.

Hopefully, this update clarified the current status of the game and got you excited about the new content! See you next week!

Pigeon close encounter!

Now you can get up close and personal with pigeons in Bum Simulator!
New skill videos coming soon!

To stay up to date simply follow us on:
Twitter (https://twitter.com/RaggedGames)
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RaggedGames/)

Pigeon Tornado - Skill LVL 1 vs Skill LVL MAX

Quick skill level comparison (work in progress):

LVL 1:
New skill videos coming soon!
You can follow our Twitter (https://twitter.com/RaggedGames) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RaggedGames/) profiles to stay up to date :)

Bum Simulator 2019

Unfortunately we had to move the project release date again. The development progress goes forward steadily, but slower than we anticipated.

Have no worries though! We have expanded our team to meet the project demands and are hard at work to make it all happen.

To make up for the longer wait we are posting a WIP video of a new skill... Pigeon Tornado!

Bum Simulator is getting better (and delayed).

Bum Simulator is getting new content and features based on your suggestions! The game gets bigger and better thanks to your support! Thanks to you we are now including stuff like:

  • day and night cycle,
  • turning into an animal,
  • shopping cart customization,
  • skill tree / upgrades,
  • pee madness,
  • poo madness
  • scratch offs,
  • specific settlement locations that you can build in,
  • playable instruments,
  • dumpster diving (literally - leap of faith straight into trash!),
  • minijobs.

Unfortunately the development has been prolonged due to new map layout, some visual changes and lots of new features. This means that we need to move the release date. We're sorry that we cannot offer the game on time - however, we belive those changes are for the best.

Yours truly,
Ragged Devs