Cloudbase Prime cover
Cloudbase Prime screenshot
Linux PC Mac Switch Steam
Genre: Shooter, Platform, Puzzle, Adventure, Indie

Cloudbase Prime

Cloudbase Prime alpha 0.11 released!

I'm excited to finally add zone 6 to Cloudbase Prime! You'll start your trip back to the tower and see a sunrise. Gradients!

I'm planning a minor update soon to improve the HUD's feedback for grappling, and to make grappling less spammable, in general. Enjoy its exploitability in the meantime :).

Change notes:


  • Added zone 6 to the hub (beat 5-boss)
  • Added 6-intro and 6-1
  • Added climbable/boardable hex carrier ships and hex fighters
  • Body shadows/reflections for both characters
  • New menu model for the second character
  • 5-intro now mentions grabbing and jumping off of terrain while grappling
  • Added a friendly explanation fixbot to 3-3 to help explain electric poop and rails
  • Loading the game now returns back to the last played zone in the level picker instead of always selecting zone 1.
  • Dying hex terrain now highlight in a different color when targeted by the player, and no longer highlight when entirely dead.
  • Added pretty scenery bits to levels in zones 1 and 2


  • Fixed a grappling bug that could result in the player being unable to move if launched mid-grapple
  • No more slow grapples while falling: player velocity resets to 0 on grapple
  • Fixed turret collider bug
  • Fixed player and others being smashed by terrain they shouldn't get smashed by.

Cloudbase Prime alpha 0.10 is released!

I'm very excited about this alpha! It has some great weapons/grapple improvements, neat story bits, a new food chain level featuring MEGABUNNY, and a wild new boss fight in zone 5.

Here's the official change list:


  • Improved 1-intro. The player actually rides the pod down in the beginning, a dude waves at you, and enemy spawn locations are marginally improved.
  • Adding a foodchain mode for 5-1. Features the new megabunny and the ability to heal the collector!
  • Adding 5-boss.
  • BIG improvements to responsiveness and speed of fire for rapid-click firing of homing/charge guns. One normal shot fires immediately on mouse down now.
  • Grappling hook now allows the player to hang onto terrain. The player can launch themselves from this position by moving said terrain.
  • Grappling hook grapple and slam states should now be far clearer.
  • Damage flash color is now orange, to help with player confusion when shooting enemies' glowing red bits. This may need balancing on orange-skied levels.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed missing arrow in 3-3 that confused some solving the tree puzzle.
  • Player can no longer EMP while playing as the second character.
  • Player grappling hook is now canceled/interrupted if the player is launched by terrain.

Cloudbase Prime is now out on early access! (alpha 0.9.1)

This also marks the release of alpha 0.9! You can check the full change list here.

Back to it, though: EARLY ACCESS! It's happening! Neat. I hope folks enjoy the game, and I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it. While major content updates will have a 6-8 week update schedule, I'll also release faster minor updates for bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, depending on your feedback!

So, where to send that feedback?