Check out the streaming of Cooking Championship demo!
Dear gamers and cooking enthusiasts, we would like to invite you to the second streaming of Cooking Championship demo, which will be hosted by one of our friendly players Evantek The streaming will take place on 16th June 2022 at 9 PM CEST Feel free to watch!
Check out developer's streaming from Cooking Championship demo!
Dear gamers and cooking enthusiasts, we would like to invite you to the first streaming of Cooking Championship demo, which will be hosted by one of the developers. The streaming will take place on 14th June 2022 at 8PM CEST Feel free to watch!
Demo version of the Cooking Championship at the Steam Next Fest June 2022
Dear gamers and cooking enthusiasts,
we are pleased to announce that we will be showing you a demo of our Cooking Championship the game at Steam Next Fest June 2022.
The festival starts on June 13 and runs until June 20, 2022.
We invite you to download our game and share your impressions!