CrossOver: Roll For Initiative cover
CrossOver: Roll For Initiative screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Strategy, Indie

CrossOver: Roll For Initiative

v1.1.3 - Minor Update

  • Fixed intro/win text for sci-fi Online Scenario #3 (thanks @QuanticFlux & @FoxHollowGames!) - it had the solo version text instead
  • Reduced animation speed of Writhing Mass boss, it was a tad too jiggly
  • In the fantasy Co-op Scenario #7, changed one of the d8 spells to a d10 one, since you had 3 x d8 attacks
  • Restricted some thematically dubious encounters from certain locations. It's a tough balance between having an interesting variety of encounters across all the campaigns and having them "make sense" in the environment - usually I err on the side of just being a fun game, but a couple were a little too unsuitable (e.g. a cozy farm being in Crow's Claw)...

1.1.2b Addendum

  • Missing Radius label on a rare encounter reward.

Just a text change, thanks to G.M. Powerlines again.

1.1.2b - Hotfix

  • Encounter with choice of 3 rings fixed

Thanks to the great streamer G.M. Powerlines for finding the obscure issue!

v1.1.2 - Local Co-op Improvements & More

  • Added sensitivity setting for Local Co-op gamepad control of the dice hand.
  • Local Co-op now uses alternate campaign stages that have been tweaked to reduce delays between enemy spawns, providing a more engaging and smoother experience for the sheet player, instead of "dead air" periods since they no longer match dice during breaks. Thanks to my lovely wife/business partner, and Mr & Mrs Kazanski, for testing and feedback.
  • Local Co-op dice player will no longer be blocked when sheet player is placing a mercenary (as blocker prevents placing it on the dice tray).
  • Removed the Alien Duchess from the sci-fi Dice Defense and Endless modes. It was just too strong and was pretty much instant death when it appeared. The Duke remains for now... but watch out, it's unaffected by Vulnerable, which is trouble with its 75% Resistance to Personal Weapons - remember to switch nearby towers to Tactical damage!
  • Enemies will no longer attack your Spells or Weapons if you only have 2 left. Previously, they would only stop when 1 remained. When this happened, due to cooldowns it just wasn't fun, particularly against bosses, some of which have the ability to destroy slots with one hit.

v1.1.1 - Local Co-op Balanced Wave Delay

  • If Local Co-op is enabled, the delay between waves is cut to 3 seconds - from a suggestion by Kazanski to better balance the local co-op experience (since the solo player doesn't need that longer period to collect some dice while not being harassed).

v1.1 - Expanded Tutorial, etc

  • Expanded Tutorial with additional topics covered
  • Added option to toggle off hints/direction arrows for dice (h/t Kazanski's wife)
  • Increased volume of Wave Starting, Wave Warning and Final Wave sounds
  • Reduced volume of breath sound when casting spell
  • Reduced volume of attack error sound (e.g. trying to attack while still cooling down), since it can be annoying when spamming it. It is slightly louder when hitting an invalid hotkey, since you won't be looking at what you're selecting so aural feedback is more important there.

1.0.9c - Minor Hotfix

Fixed flicker on Encounter image noted by Janet On Occasion.

1.0.9b Hotfix

Fixed a rare bug where inventory slots could become disturbed. Any such nonsense will now be detected and the afflicted slots will reset. Thanks to MarioFanaticXV for providing a save file.

1.0.9 - LOCAL CO-OP ADDED! Plus Remote Play Together for Online campaigning!

Yes, a HUGE addition today - local co-op for all solo campaigns on the shelf! Thanks to kanevan for prompting me to do this.

  • Toggle on or off at any stage of a campaign from the main menu (just tick the box).
  • 2nd player uses Gamepad ONLY. 1st player uses mouse.
  • Gamepad can match dice and use Dice Ultras. Dragging dice works, as do the ultras' tooltips.
  • Mouse will ONLY control the sheet, same as the online co-op. If there's no gamepad, you can't match dice if Local Co-op is selected.
  • Hotswapping a gamepad in seems to work fine, though this may be pad/PC specific so I can't promise it will work for you.
  • Online Co-op remains an exclusive non-local mode with its own special Scenarios and Endless mode. There is no local co-op Endless yet, I will see what demand is like for that.

PLUS I also enabled Remote Play Together in Steam as a way to give Online friends the full co-op campaign experience as well. I have not been able to fully test this yet so please bear with me, and send me feedback. Steam provides guidance on Remote Play Together here: - however here is a quick primer:

  • One player loads up CrossOver and enables the Local Co-op option.
  • That player brings up the Steam Overlay (Shift+Tab), right-clicks the friend's name and invites them to "Remote Play Together".
  • If they accept, they will then act as though they are playing on your computer, so their gamepad should work for Local Co-op.

It is somewhat reliant on bandwidth from Steam and I have no control over that, but I am hoping it is fast enough for most people.

Enjoy some local co-op fun, all!

1.0.8 - Spend Gems to Boost Stats!

  • Added Stat Boost to Character Creator (button at bottom-center of screen). Spend gems to boost your starting stats/HP by up to +3 each, at increasing cost. The boosts apply even if you re-roll the stats, and you can change the boosts again before accepting the character.
  • Fixed incorrect cover art for 3 of the later Co-op scenarios in the sci-fi module. I had somehow forgotten to update these once the art was completed!

The Stat Boost addition came from two intersecting points of feedback. A couple of people had wanted more things you could spend gems on (in addition to trading them in for GP at the merchant, continuing after death, and unlocking races/classes), and a couple had asked about reassigning stat points when creating a character. I was sympathetic to the latter, but my vision there was for oldschool rolling up instead so I didn't want to change that. However I thought of a way to perhaps satisfy both desires somewhat - spending gems to boost some of the stats you want.

I have limited the boosts to a maximum of +3 per stat/HP so that it doesn't get too crazy, but I hope this enough to give you a little more customization - at a cost. Obviously this won't be possible on your first play (when you have no gems), but either repeated/aborted runs or later campaigns can take advantage.

By the way, be aware that gems are earned per Game Module, so gems from the fantasy game don't carry into the sci-fi module.

Next planned update will be some tweaks/expansions to the tutorial, then to rebuild the demo with the latest additions, and update the manual!