Winter Event Returns + 44% OFF Everything Today Only
It's February 17th, and that means its time for our annual ONE-DAY IN MEMORIUM SUPER SALE.
EVERYTHING on our Steam store is 44% OFF. This is our largest sale of the year and it only lasts for 1 day.
We also are aware that many players who had to migrate to new servers lost their Winter Event rewards. We're going to be bringing back the Winter event for 1 week starting later today and it will run until next Monday. To do this, we are going to rollback 1.1.10 patch to 1.1.9 patch. There will be no loss of save data, it only removes the new stuff we added/fixed in 1.1.10. This is the easiest way for us to bring back the winter event and next monday, we will revert the game back to 1.1.10.
The Winter Event Patch will temporarily remove the following updates from Patch 1.1.10
You can't smell the frozen water again for 1 week
NPC Biolumin Quest Giver can make Male/Female eggs again for 1 week
You get less water from drinking again for 1 week
Un-Fixed a crash when a large number of players would take flight simultaneously
No growth boost for Healthy Hatchlings and Juveniles again for 1 week.
Also, for those that like plushies, this is a reminder that the Acid Spitter plush campaign ends on March 2nd.
Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to work on, improve on, and deliver more dragons in Day of Dragons.
- SuperRhino
Introducing the Acid Spitter Plush by Makeship
Have you ever wanted to adopt your own Acid Spitter Puppy? Well, now you can! Beawesome Games has teamed up with Makeship to offer a limited run of Acid Spitter Hatchling Plushies.
Now through February 21st, you are able to pre-order your own plush from Makeship. We need a minimum of 200 total pre-orders for the plush to go into production or the plush will be cancelled and all those who pre-ordered will be refunded. This is your only chance to own a Limited Edition Acid Spitter Plush by Makeship.
We hope you all had a great Holiday Season and a Happy New Year. Now that the holidays are over and our Winter Event has come to an end, we are once again starting work on the 1.2 "Brood Watcher" update. This update will introduce our first Kickstarter stretch goal dragon! Our amazing Kickstarter backers donated above and beyond to bring this additional dragon (and more) into the game. This update will also feature improvements to the nesting system, new mechanics, a map update, and more! Keep reading to check out what we have planned for the 1.2 "The Brood Watcher" Update.
Brood Watcher
The Brood Watcher
The Brood Watcher will make its debut in the 1.2 Update. It will be an unlockable species. In order to become a Brood Watcher, players will need to complete the questline given to them by the Brood Watcher NPC to unlock the species on each server, or be nested in by another player. Kickstarter backers will have the dragon automatically unlocked as part of their Backer Rewards.
Brood Watcher Taunt Emote
Meant as a tank-style dragon, the Brood Watcher will be heavily armored and very capable in combat. They will have various horn and tail spike attacks for close combat as well as a shotgun-like spike throw attack for distance battles. They will have low stamina and low speed, both on ground and in the air, as a result of their massive size and armor.
Hatchling Brood Watcher
Even with all their combat ability, Brood Watchers prefer to be gentle giants. Their special ability will allow Brood Watchers to incubate eggs in their neck pouches and they will be able to increase the stats of their eggs and those of other dragons. Brood Watchers will be able to increase the quality of one random gene, with the chance of increasing more.
Brood Watcher eating from a bush
Brood Watchers will be our first herbivorous dragon and will be able to eat mushrooms along with new Fruit Bushes. They will also have a grazing mechanic, allowing them to graze on grassy fields. Grazing prevents hunger loss, allowing them to maintain their current hunger level when resources are scarce.
Nesting, Incubation, and Regurgitation
Example of possible stats as a fresh spawn
The 1.2 Update will bring a overhaul of the nesting system and spawn stats. Spawns will now be guaranteed one A, two B, 3 C, 4 D, and 5 E stat genes. The remaining three stats will be completely random. Upstatting has been enhanced as well, we've heard your feedback and have reintroduced Legacy-era upstatting with some improved features. The testers have given it over 85% approval!
While players will still be able to increase Bloodline Quality each generation, increasing Gene Quality can be done with the help of Brood Watchers or through Proper Incubation. Some species will now need to use their various bile types to keep their nests the right temperature and condition. Proper incubation will grant the chance of egg's stats increasing if done correctly.
Nesting will also see a new UI menu that will allow players to see the genetic information of each egg. Nesters will be able to invite players to specific eggs instead of a random one.
Taking care of a nest of hatchlings will also be easier in the 1.2 Update. Carnivorous dragons will now have the ability to regurgitate some of their food for hatchlings or hungry dragons to eat. This will increase the player's hunger as a result.
Biolumin Dragon nesting on a cliff side
And finally, Biolumin Dragons will now be able to nest on cliff sides to avoid predation.
Quality of Life Changes
In addition to the Brood Watcher and Nesting updates, we will also be adding several new quality of life features. These are designed to help new players and old players alike.
Respawn message
Our first major new feature will be the ability to respawn as your current dragon after death, but as a hatchling. Players who have made it to the juvenile life stage or above during their current play session will be able to respawn as that dragon if they are killed. The skin and stats of the dragon will be saved, but they will be reverted to the hatchling life stage. The ability to respawn as that specific dragon will remain active until the player leaves the server or dies on a different dragon species. Hatchlings will need to reach the juvenile stage at least once during the play session to be eligible for respawn. This will be available as a server configuration for server owners who want a more hardcore play style.
A hatchling taking flight!
We are also adding the ability for winged hatchling dragons to boost while flying. While hatchlings will still not be able to get enough speed to take off from the ground, they will be able to fly from jumping off high ledges or being dropped into the air.
Active geode compass icon
We have increased the number of Passive Elder Growth Ticks per day from 2 (12 hr intervals) to 4 (6 hr intervals) making passive Eldering take half the time! But for those who like to hunt geodes, we have made that much easier with the inclusion of a Geode indicator on your compass. Players will now see an icon appear on their compass when a geode of their attunement becomes active. This indicator shows the closest attuned Geode, which will make it interesting for PvP encounters.
Example of a Stat Card on the Spawn Menu
Some UI Panels are getting updated as well. The Spawn Menu will now show a Stat Card for each species. This will show the bile type, speed, and other information to help players select the right dragon for them. The admin panel will also be updated, featuring new admin commands and other quality of life updates.
Updated Admin Panel Commands
These are just some of the quality of life changes coming in 1.2. A full list of all the new features and content will be included in the patch notes when the update is released, so make sure to check it out then! Patreon subscribers and Kickstarter backers are able to test out the changes in Update 1.2 right now on our closed test server.
Map Update
Update 1.2 will also be getting a big update to the current map! The Swamp will be getting some much needed love this update. It will introduce a whole new micro biome to the Forgotten Forest map with new trees and ground vegetation. This area will be home to the many swamp snappers, so players will want to be careful when entering the Swamp.
Swamp during the day
Swamp at night
The 1.2 "The Brood Watcher" Update will bring a host of new content and features. We have heard your feedback regarding nesting and quality of life features and are working hard to improve the game! After the 1.2 update, we will focus on a much requested feature; the return of skin crafting. Our new skin crafting system will be much more personalized than the legacy version and will add a personal touch to all the dragons. We will share more about the 1.3 next update in our next Dev Blog and look forward to seeing you in 1.2 "The Brood Watcher" update!
Dev Q&A Livestream
Our next Q&A livestream has not yet scheduled. Stay tuned and watch for updates to find out when the next one will be!
From the Community
Each blog post, we pick some of our favorite screenshots and artwork posted by the community to showcase here. Want a chance for your submission to be showcased on our next blog? Post it in the appropriate channels on our discord!
Some of our favorite recent screenshots...
by ashutm
by dynamght
by lilredbadger_96695
Some of our favorite artwork from the community...
by lilredbadger_96695
Some of our favorite artwork from the community...
Want to support development? Join our Patreon for access to closed testing and hundreds of behind-the-scenes posts and exclusive rewards.
~The Day of Dragons Development Team
Update 1.1.10 Patch Notes
The holiday season has ended for all dragonkind and life is returning to normal on Jrakhon.
We hope you all enjoyed our winter event! This patch removes Winter themed NPCs and reverts the map and weather back to normal. We have also included some QoL updates and bug fixes.
Healthy Hatchlings and Juveniles now grow faster if their Sickness is 0, and Hunger and Thirst are below 10%. Hatchlings receive a 50% buff and Juveniles a 25% buff.
The Winter Event has ended, all the Ancient Ancestors have returned to their homes
Snowy weather has been replaced by Rainy weather
NPC Biolumin Quest Giver now only produces Male eggs. We plan to bring back Female eggs at reduced chance during events only.
We doubled how much Thirst is quenched per gulp when drinking water allowing players to fill their thirst in half the time.
Fixed an issue that prevented water from producing scent trails which means you can smell water again!
Updated EasyAntiCheat to latest version which fixes some EAC bugs
Fixed a crash when a large number of players would take flight simultaneously
Update 1.1.9 - Bug Fix Update Patch Notes
This update fixes common issues from the Winter Event Update including server crashes and questing bugs.
Fixed a server crash due to quests
Fixed Pearl rewards from quests not saving properly on acquire
Fixed No emote being greyed out in emote wheel after acquiring it
Fixed a bad AI spawn under map
Fixed missing name of Zemohra's mate in dialogues
Added a peace/heal zone at spawn in Death Match server
1.1.8 Winter Holiday Event Patch Notes
Snow has come to the Forgotten Forest and it is a time for celebration for all dragonkind! Explore an updated Forgotten Forest map with winter weather, snow, and quests! From December 4th through January 1st, login to meet new dragons, earn a new title, earn a new emote, receive a free Snowslayer Skin pearl, and enjoy the Winter Holiday season.
Added Biolumin NPC Nest on Cherry Island. The Nest spawns one Bio egg every 2 hours. These eggs have random spawn stats, are always Iconic skin, and are always Male. The Dialogue is only available to players who do not have a Biolumin.
Added new Winter's Gift quest line, players can earn the No Thank You emote, the Winter Dragon title, a freee Snowslayer Skin pearl.
Questing and progress is now in the game in an early implementation state
Type /quest to print your current quest
Winter has come to the Forgotten Forests! The world is covered in snow with special NPC quest givers in the world. Light Rain is now Light Snow, Heavy Rain is now Heavy Snow, Thunderstorms are now Blizzards.
Updated Forgotten Forests map
Players can now Group Invite other players by Aiming at them and Friendly Calling. You must be already in a group to do this.
Updated some minor SFX
Updated EAC with latest anticheat measures
Updated EAC to fix some rare crashes
Inferno Ravager now uses proper sniff sound fx
Hints are now removed if player character dies while hint is active
Winter Holiday Event
Day of Dragons is wishing everyone a Happy Holiday season with our first annual Winter Holiday event!
Snow has come to the Forgotten Forest and it is a time for celebration for all dragonkind! Explore an updated Forgotten Forest map with winter weather, snow, and quests! From Decemeber 4th through January 1st, login to meet new dragons, earn a new title, earn a new emote, receive a free Snowslayer Skin pearl, and enjoy the Winter Holiday season.
During the Winter Holiday Event, we have given our Content Creators, 144 Creator Skins to give-away during the 12 Days of Dragons Christmas livestream event December 13th - 24th. Each day a different Content Creator will be giving away 12 Creator Skins.
This Winter Holiday Event will include:
Winter-themed Forgotten Forest Map with snowfall and a Christmas Tree
In-game Title "The Winter Dragon" via the Winter's Gift Quest
New "No Thank You" Emote via Quest
Free Snowslayer Skin Pearl Gift (1 per account)
"12 Days of Dragons" Content Creator Skin Give-away
Something special to look forward to for lore-lovers and roleplayers
The Winter Holiday Event begins on our 5 Year Anniversary, December 4th, 2024 and continues through January 1st, 2025. Don't miss out on these exclusive Holiday gifts!
We wish everyone a Happy Anniversary, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Day of Dragons Patch 1.1.7
This small patch adds a new spawnable Flame Stalker skin to the game, Lava Rock as well as some audio tweaks.
Added Lava Rock Rare Spawn Skin for Flame Stalkers
Improved Flame Stalker mourn sounds
Added unique sniff sounds for Flame Stalker juvi adult and elder
Added unique sniff sounds for Blitz Striker
Added unique Biolumin sniff sounds for all ages
Players with less than 4GB VRAM on their graphics card will have blurry textures. Having less than 4GB VRAM does not prevent gameplay, but reduces the visual fidelity of the game. We highly recommend playing DoD with at least 4GB VRAM.
Swamp Snappers may get stuck at the bottom of deep water sources, we are working to have this issue fixed in Update 1.2
Day of Dragons Patch 1.1.6
This cumulative patch improves Update 1.1 with fixes to Easy AntiCheat connection and kicking issues and Flight Desync.
Changed Blitz Striker Plasma Mitigation from 50% to 60%
Changed Blitz Striker Fire Mitigation from 25% to 15%
Reduced client Log spam
Weather should be a little more performant on Potato settings
Fixed a rare issue where servers were not always registering the proper Client ID causing some players to get kicked
Fixed a rare issue where clients were not always registering the proper Client ID causing them to be unable to join new servers
Fixed EAC server authentication timed out error kicking players when server Registered client before client began their EAC session
Updated EAC to latest version to fix crashes when using Windows 11 v24H2
Fixed an issue where flight data was only replicating to peers once per second
Improved flight rotation data calculations on peer
Improved flight positioning data calculations on peer which in turn makes flight hit boxes more accurate
Improved flight correction on peer
Players with less than 4GB VRAM on their graphics card will have blurry textures. Having less than 4GB VRAM does not prevent gameplay, but reduces the visual fidelity of the game. We highly recommend playing DoD with at least 4GB VRAM.
Swamp Snappers may get stuck at the bottom of deep water sources, we are working to have this issue fixed in Update 1.2
Day of Dragons Patch 1.1.3
This patch improves Update 1.1 with fixes to Easy AntiCheat connection and kicking issues.
Re-added old Inferno Distress and Submission SFX due to community feedback
Re-added IK to Blitz Striker eat/drink animations
Improved Flame Stalker Juvi taunt SFX
Blitz Striker now has custom Sniff SFX
Swamp Snapper now has unique footstep SFX
Fixed an issue where Easy AntiCheat was sometimes unable to connect to Epic Online Services due to the Epic login token expiring before the game cached it
Fixed an issue where players were being kicked from servers due to their EAC tokens expiring during gameplay
Various Dragon Audio Fixes
Players with less than 4GB VRAM on their graphics card will have blurry textures. Having less than 4GB VRAM does not prevent gameplay, but reduces the visual fidelity of the game. We highly recommend playing DoD with at least 4GB VRAM.
Swamp Snappers may get stuck at the bottom of deep water sources, we are working to have this issue fixed in Patch 1.1.4