Deadhunters cover
Deadhunters screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Indie


Life in the Guild - 11

Hello Hunters!

We’ve been having more and more headaches over our unfriendly voice over the past weeks so much so that we even found yet another skeleton in our closet (as if those looking to have fun in our local area weren’t enough), but you should be familiar with that story by now.

Anyways, we have been thinking really hard, at least five tenth of a minute every second day, about how to get rid of the voice, and we finally have a plan that is guaranteed to work! We will ask the arcane smith, who creates magical weapons and whose recordings you’ve seen as well, to forge a container that could hold this entity, for a relatively long time, like forever.

We still haven’t found all the crafting materials and we also need to proceed with extreme caution, imagine if it knew what we were planning and could even read what I’m writing right now. That would most likely entail an extremely unpleasant outcome for us.

However, I doubt that this archaic voice is intelligent enough to see through our masterful plot or that it’s able to read my handwriting! Besides, we’ve collected a few more magic artifacts for it so it should be pleased with us.

For whatever reason there are more and more cultist showing up in the area around us, maybe they got taken in by those strange messages as well. I thought they would prefer their partners to have more meat on their bones but on the other hand like this there are truly no barriers between them.

Also they may just as well be looking for subjects for their experiments, which could definitely become troublesome, but right now we have a more vocal matter to deal with. Just in case please study with great attention and reverence these codex entries of Master Zela, who went to great lengths to gather this invaluable knowledge!

Well, we better get back to looking for more ingredients because we are slowly getting used to this voice in our head and that would be just terrible. Imagine if I had, I mean we had a split personality disorder with one more voice speaking in our head. Truly terrifying!

Check out these recordings before you go and hang on till next time!

Life in the Guild - 10

Hello Hunters!

So last time there was a little hiccup with the communication channel, it's barely anything important but just in case we wanted to tell you that everything is completely under control.

The message you received was an unfortunate accident of our long lost chef. Or so we thought, as it turned out he just got stuck in a closet and couldn't come out due to somebody, we have absolutely no idea who, putting an axe in front of the very closet he was in.

And just recently the axe was nudged to the left a little bit and he could finally emerge from his prison. In fact, as far as I can remember he was quite plump the last time I saw him. Time sure works wonders on even the fattest of persons.

All in all, we figured it would be best to escort him back to his recently abandoned home, therefore ending any and all of his plans of skeletal supremacy.

P.S. The lesson learnt from this incident is that perspective changes everything, just think about our late chef's size!

Life in the Guild - 09

Hello Hunters!

We would like to show the freshly completed final boss of DEADHUNTERS, this big boned menace sees red the instant battle is afoot, and he most certainly has a bone to pick with you! He also has a short and to-the-point signature battle cry song:
Closets couldn't hold me so how could people?

Armed with a leg I am finally complete.

Let it be known that I am bad to the bone!

Corpses cannot defy me so how could you?

I am already inside you!

Unless you leg it as soon as you see me you are boned!

My small army shall carry out my great plans!

Life in the Guild - 08

Hello Hunters!

So last time we told you that we got cured of the curse, it turns out we didn’t. At first we thought the “solution” provided by Drusilla just needed time to work and we convinced ourselves that everything was going to be alright. Well, the old hag cheated us big time this once, however we couldn’t find her to complain because somebody took care of her.

We heard a rumor that she placed a bounty on a vampire and someone thought it would be quite entertaining to hunt her down, since she was a vampire to begin with. Naturally, we have no idea if this is actually true or not and it is in no ways related to us, at all. We are also really extremely sorry from the bottom of our hearts that Drusilla is no longer here with us.

Anyways, since nobody was able to help us with our situation we decided to help ourselves to some treasures. We successfully came across another batch of those personages who gifted us the magical weapons and they were very reluctant delighted to look for treasures for us. With the additional resources from the hidden caches of our little helpers we managed to scrape together quite a few staffs and even some magical lanterns.

As a result of their our continuous efforts we managed to somewhat satisfy that irritating gentle voice and we even made a deal with it. It gave us the instructions for manufacturing an amulet and after our bandit friends willingly helped us gather the resources and dismantled their own weapons, clothes and abodes we could just barely craft it.

Ever since then, the voice only speaks to the one wearing the trinket and it isn’t constantly nagging us. However, we still can’t quite remember why it needs us to collect so many things but it seems to be a world changing event that requires it, at least judging by the excitement of the voice…

We couldn’t yet try out if the amulet has other unique properties than being able to contain the rambling voice, which is quite the accomplishment in itself. We aim to visit some recently burnt down villages and see if it could be used somehow and also look for treasures survivors.

Also the Cult of the Dead, those backwards thinking morons who try to use the Dead Plague in their favor and always end up destroying everything in their wake, are acting up in the area again. So we thought you should get some quality information regarding them from Master Zela, please read attentively!

He was also kind enough to include some valuable insights on the most powerful skeletal unit we have encountered so far since the start of the Dead Plague, the Skeleton Commanders. Make sure to read that as well.

The craftsman is still at it and has supplied us yet another recording of his, so you could also watch that, if you fancy such things.

Well, that’s it for now by next time maybe we would’ve figured out what’s exactly going on with the voice or who or what it is. It couldn’t hurt to know that much at least… or could it?

Life in the Guild - 07

Hello Hunters!

We are truly sorry for not writing to you all sooner, however for once we had good reason not to. You wouldn’t believe what happened to us but we will still tell you! So as you all know from the last time we came across some peculiar fellows that gave us a bunch of magical weapons. Admittedly, the whole process seemed a very little fishy but we thought it was just a lucky twist of fate that we ended up with the weapons. Well, it turns out that it indeed was a twist of fate albeit not a lucky one.

Only a day after our „benefactors” left we started to feel very strange, we had to scratch the back of our heads with our pinkies every eleventh minute of an hour and this was just the beginning! All sorts of nefarious deeds were required of us by a strange voice that echoed through our heads, please note that this didn’t seem too intriguing at first since we hear various types of voices all the time be it within or outside our heads.

So the bizarre voice asked us quite persistently to amass all sorts of magical artifacts in order to revive the legendary magic squirrel hunter beast slayer or whatever, it’s not as if we really paid attention. However, it dawned on us that if we didn’t want to continue persisting in such a manner we had to either do what the voice wanted or get rid of it somehow.
After some intensive detective labor we came to the realization that the voice appeared after we received the gracious gift from those haggard looking fellows. We thought maybe they were tired of the nagging voice and were willing to part with the treasures in order to escape, but of course this is all conjecture from our part. Given that, were we in the same situation, we would by no means let go of the weapons for free.
Therefore, we decided to seek help from the local expert on curses, old hag great grandmother Drusilla, who herself due to a peculiar curse is unable to let go of her life and has been around for a couple hundred years, at least judging by her appearance. We haven’t mustered the courage to actually pose her a question about age, who would want to be on bad terms with an old woman specialized in curses.
Anyways, after consulting with her and promising to deliver several skeletal and zombified corpses as well as hunting down a vampire, talk about hypocrisy, we managed to barter for a cure. All we needed to do is ignore the sound, it was so easy all along and we just couldn’t think of this course of action.

Since then we have been feeling much better and more relaxed, also we decided to scavenge the surrounding ruins for any magical artifacts for no particular reason. Our instincts were not bad given that we found some nice staffs and even more scepters!
On another note this time we want to truly deepen your knowledge of the dead horde so we brought you two complete pages from the Guild Codex written by our good friend and teacher Azar Zela. Please read it attentively and try to enjoy as much as possible.

Lastly, the craftsman has not stopped sending us his records so here is another one:

I would love to continue but I feel that it’s time I looked for more magical weaponry, until next time!

Life in the Guild - 06

Hello Hunters!

A new year dawns upon us all and after some serious drinking thinking we have come up with several grandiose plans for the guild. Not only do we plan on refurbishing your quarters we also may even get somebody to clean them, most unlikely!

Alas, all of that is for the marvelous future. As for now, we are looking for investors in order to buy some paper so that we may start planning your new quarters. If any of you have connections of such sorts do not hold your tongues, whoever manages to haul some funds our way shall expect unique treatment at the canteen. This may even let them consume two whole, untouched potato halves. A dessert reserved only for the greatest champions of our magnificent guild! Prepared by a master chef, uniquely skilled not only in the gourmet arts but the art of stealth as well, since we haven’t seen him in years… However, that’s a problem quest for another time.

Although, most of you us can only dream of potatoes we have some very real nightmares in our lives due to the dead plague, such creatures are the zombie abominations, read on and find out why!

As if the ordinary returned people were not hideous enough, their magically enhanced kin set the bar a notch higher. The fusion of several dead people and magical formulas creates these peculiar monsters with bulging greenish veins all over their grotesque bodies. However, if only their appearance was disgusting there would be no need to write about them in detail.

Usually they reach the height of a smaller giant, making them quite easy to spot. Given their massive size their movements are quite sluggish, which greatly increases the chances of evading their attacks. However, they may be slow but, even if they are not right next to you they will cause you harm! Beware the miasma that surrounds them as it poisons every living being and slowly corrodes their skin.

If they are angered or threatened they slam the ground in front of them causing a miasmic spree in that area. This could be considered their most fearsome attack, if a regular human were to take it head-on they would most likely splatter under it. Therefore, it is best to make extremely quick work of these foes, only engage them in melee combat if you don’t have other means or you have a death wish!

Finally, to contrast these damnable notes we would like to give you proof of the benevolence of mankind, to show you that even in dark times kind hearted people exist! Believe it or not, some foreign traders have come to our guild the other day and offered us some magical equipment. You should all know how rare such weapons are, therefore we were delighted and astonished at the same time! Not only did they not accept any sort of compensation they even left right after giving us the weapon crates, we even offered them some delicacies but they refused and left swiftly.

We thought that the goods must be fake or defective so we headed to the nearby graveyard to try them out and surprisingly had quite a fun time blasting some bone heads. We still cannot understand why such luck has befallen us but after contemplating for some time we realized that it can only be due to our great efforts at purging the lands from the dead plague. Now even foreigners started to appreciate us.

However, for some intangible reason I cannot dispel my feelings of doubt, as if this was too good to be true but so far nothing stands to empower my fears!

One peculiarity though was to see how relieved these people became after leaving the weapons at our guild, as if a curse was lifted from them. I could even see a trace of pity in their eyes when they looked at us….
Alas it cannot be easy to forfeit such treasures so easily.
Until next time, may similar luck befall you all!

P.S. You can take a look at some real time weapon crafting right here!

Life in the Guild - 05

Hello Hunters!

It’s been a while but fret not for we have always kept you and nothing else in our hearts. Not once have we just thought of running away with the guild funds but your appreciation and the guild masters’ responsibility oath has kept us at bay. Alas what are words of endearment without proof, so without further ado please witness our goodwill in its picturesque form!

Concerning these spawns of the dead our dreary dear member Azar Zela has the following to share:

While massacring folk of all kinds without end can supply the powers of the dead with a primitive base, their real strength lies in conjuring monsters to walk among the living once more. Of these resurrected creatures the skeletons are but the simplest, however their vitality and power far surpasses that of the common zombies making them a more challenging opponent.

Although they may be more dangerous they are still considerably easy to destroy for a knowledgeable hunter, such as you reading these lines. Similarly, to the returned villagers they only pose great threat when their numbers surpass yours. Unfortunately, they seldom roam their territories alone and they are much viler than those brainless walking corpses. Unaware hunters can easily find themselves surrounded by seemingly long decayed skeletons if they recklessly choose to eliminate a lonely one.

Therefore, never forget to examine the surroundings when dealing with these creatures and forget entangling in lengthy brawls with them. It’s best to kill them in no more than four hits and if you are a weakling and can’t even manage to do that much you should feel happy to escape with your life.

After this enticing ramble lesson the time has come to share some of the salvaged valued and seldom used ranged weaponry, stored within our rich spacious armory.

Wearing two of these bracelets at a time enables its wielder to strike with magical power from a distance. The larger the crystal cores the more powerful the user becomes.

Out of the ranged weapons that we have come across during our years as hunters, believe us we had much time to contemplate this question, these bracelets are the simplest tools to transmit magical power at a distance.

As how we got hold of the designs to construct these weapons we would have to tell you a story involving two dragons and at least three princesses and also a jar of peanuts. It’s a common tale, really. Not worthy of an audience of your standing.
Speaking of designs you can enjoy the creation of some spears and also a showcase of the current melee weaponry ready for your use.

For those of you who fancy decorating trees, we wish you a merry time, abundant in trinkets and feelings of joy and whatnot.

Until next time, happy hunting!

Life in the Guild - 04

Hello Hunters!

After our heartfelt conversation last time we could barely hold ourselves back from messaging you all. You must understand that gathering information and loot is our top priority as Guildmasters, therefore we decided to take a look around some peculiar locations.
After searching through several of these stone lootboxes we incurred the wrath of some truly short sighted undead creatures, what use do they have of treasures anyways...
Despite a rocky start this time around we have truly met some great fortune! As you are all quite aware our honorable esteemed Guild has always been on excellent terms with the locals. We offer protection from the dead curse and they are always forced happy to help us out in return.
Well, this time, after successfully locating one of the richest fiercest bandit encampments in the vicinity the thugs were so elated with our arrival that they decided to hand over these weapons on their own accord for all of you to use.
We believe that the hordes of undead pursuing us had nothing to do with their decision and they were definitely not pressured by them.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to save the bandits from their predicament, as if the circumstances conspired against them.
In the end, we had less undead to deal with and we even received several high quality weapons for free, truly a generous twist of fate!
Be sure to check out this recording if you are into crafting weapons.
We hope you like these shiny things as much as we do, until next time!

Life in the Guild - 03

Dear Hunters!

Last time we had to end our lucrative discussion on a short notice due to our dead dear neighbors conspiring against us. Fortunately, we stood our ground valiantly and quite a few bones were broken, not ours naturally. It was thanks to the vast knowledge amassed in the Guild’s Codex that we could resolve the situation with such ease. Therefore, we thought the moment has come to share some of this knowledge with our dearest followers as well.

Without further ado, enjoy and read attentively the ramblings teachings of Azar Zela, one of the most senior members of the Deadhunters.

“With the increasing spread of the dead curse more and more villages succumb to a cruel fate. Abandoned by their Lords the common folk have no way of withstanding those that lurk in the darkness. The results speak for themselves, a grim countryside is painted with scorched hamlets full of decaying corpses. It is from these fallen folk that the army of the dead builds its foundation. Albeit lacking in intelligence, due to their relentless behavior and sheer numbers these creatures can easily become troublesome opponents.

When facing them alone, you should never let yourself be surrounded, always leave a route for escape or prepare to stand your ground and plough them till they are no more. Ideally, two hunters can easily dispatch these revived creatures no matter their numbers, one should make them chase along while the other should take out the pursuers from afar. Generally, dispatching these undead people is a tedious but easy task for any well to do hunter, however with their appearance the chance of much more vexing opponents rising should always be taken into consideration.

Stay safe on your adventures my fellow brothers and sisters, and remember those that lose to a couple of these fools will have their names written on the wall of shame till they get rid of a dozen necromancers or enemies of equal prowess.”

After facing the punishments issued in the guild harsh truths of our dark world, we thought that these braziers may light up your day! It certainly is a bright prospect for any fly or similar insignificant being wandering through the night.

Last but not least, thanks to the craftsman falling asleep an opportune moment we acquired some fine loot for all of you. Rejoice for from now on you will be able to skewer not only your food but your enemies as well!

As words of farewell we can offer you some modest amount of entertainment in the form of some obscure recordings, enjoy it if you dare!

Your careless caring Guildmasters

Life in the Guild - 02

Hey Hunters!

While you were sitting around in the Guild Hall we went and secured a safe distribution channel with a local smuggler merchant and we stole from the ugly bastard acquired some goods in advance:

A fair warning, if a person of questionable vitality tells you to follow him and leads you to a big, dark cave that has "weapons" and "trinkets" in it. Don't go in.
On our way back we spotted some of the local workforce and a couple of extremely large stone blocks where the aforementioned individuals may or may not reside.

We found some ancient recordings of the artisan at work on those blades, see if you can make something out of it, it's beyond us.
Well, that's it for now, we have some visitors to deal wi...