Dysmantle cover
Dysmantle screenshot
Linux PC Mac iOS PS4 XONE Switch PS5 Series X Steam Gog
Genre: Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie


Update Post-Doomsday Fixes

- Tracked items are now at the top in the upgrade screen.

- Standing on top of destructible objects is not considered last safe position (used for Rubber Duck teleport and previous body position).
- Increased Build Limit gained from recipes and skills by roughly 100.
- (DLC1) Lowered mana crossbow upg. costs and added modifiers for backstab critical chance & amount.
- (DLC2) Recycler is now able to use LUMBER, WOOD, SCRAP_WOOD & PLANTS for fuel.
- (DLC2) Added a storage box (no campfire) to the final platform.

- Crash with missing sound drivers.
- Minor graphical & terrain issues (holes, player getting stuck).
- Wooden doorways were missing “FIRE” damage mask.
- Fixed Axe losing multi hit modifier on lvl 4.
- Fixed light intensity suddenly changing at 6 AM in some settings.
- Quest triggers do not prevent destruction of building platforms anymore.
- Fixed a faulty trigger in main quest, where the quest wouldn't forward if the player had acquired "Launchpad Key" out of order.
- Fixed a bug that caused some cutscenes to occasionally not finish correctly.
- Co-op players can no longer move two pushables to the same location at the same time.
- Fixed hoe plants use amount text.
- (DLC1) Added a quest marker to "Desperate Existence" info quest phase for clarity.
- (DLC2) Fixed two circuit puzzle chords in Decima shelter that would not route power correctly.
- (DLC2) Added death planes to Nona entrance ditch.
- (DLC2) Recycler shows proper time durations for items.
- (DLC2) Added a check for the closed door that leads outside to Concrete Forest that opens it if the player has managed to get on the other side for any reason.
- (DLC2) Fixed the Gantry gate being open at init due to faulty script.
- (DLC2) Fixed an issue where the warhead wouldn't reveal itself even though the player was in the correct quest phase.
- (DLC2) Fixed some faulty syntax in PT-BR localisation.
- (DLC2) Added some missing RUS localisation strings.

VERSION 1.2.0 - Doomsday

VERSION 1.2.0 - Doomsday

- Doomsday DLC
- New end game area and a related quest at Crown. After reaching escape pod at Crown, return to the area with "helipad".
- New game+ for those who reach the Ark level 3.
- Surreal door can be opened.
- Paint Brush tool can be used to color walls and built objects.
- Portable Monster scanner.
- Rubber Duck trinket that stops you from drowning by teleporting you back to shore.
- Fast travel map highlights current player location.
- New Save Game backup system. Save is backed up each time you're saving so you shouldn't lose any progress in case something awful happens.
- Using compressed textures with 2x resolution (but less memory consumed) on Windows.
- New sound for the monster lure.
- Map marker is now shown on the ground and disabled when the protagonist walks over it.
- Area ascension level is shown in the map and in the Collections Screen.
- Death count is now shown in the Collections Screen under "Total Progress".
- Gamepad icon set art can now be selected (xbox, ps, switch) in controls options.

- Long range teleporter doesn't work in tombs anymore.
- Fishing spots are now discovered from farther away.
- Enemy position & pathing changes in multiple base game areas.
- Upgradable gear list is now sorted, fully completed items are on the bottom and the ones you can upgrade are on the top.
- Reworked the left branches of the invention tree and repositioned everything to else to fit better.
- Buffed Power Fist range slightly.
- Buffed Sledgehammer modifiers, by adding multiple object hit modifier.
- Buffed Monster Lure effect radius from 600 to 750.
- Home Portal unlock from lvl 15 to 25.
- Home Portal Long Range from lvl 17 to 30.
- Material Transporter from lvl 36 to lvl 20.
- Explosive stun duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Raised tamed adult deer damage done to enemies from 10 to 25
- Buffed Hunting Rifle damage & modifiers. One less max ammo in turn.
- Lowered costs for: Bandolier, Katana
- Need to kill only one vulture for Collections text, buffed drops.
- Axe upg. levels 3 & 5 now add multiple object hit modifier.
- Cost to sow ground with hoe from 20 -> 12.
- Dice effect buffed to 2.5%/5%/7.5%/10%
- Changed damage thresholds and drops for stone, streetlights, fabric dropping objects.
- Leapers are much more agile now. Nerfed damage done by them in turn.
- (DLC1) Sawed Off Shotgun: Reduced spread 16 -> 1.2, ammo max 7-> 6. projectile amount 15 -> 12, projectile damage multiplier 0.75 -> 1
- (DLC1) Thimble damage reduction from 2% -> 5% and now has synergies with DLC2 content.

- Optimized memory usage in pause menu and in general GPU usage.
- Optimized texture sizes.
- Minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed two digspots at Vulcan which were undiggable.
- Fixed an issue where some doors would not open correctly in COOP mode.
- Minimap now stays centered on the player no matter what.
- (Base game & DLC1) Fixed pathing issues, floating objects, graphical glitches.
- Fixed fast traveling from campfire to same area link tower.
- Fixed Collections showing wrong text in Audio Logs.
- Crown link tower area changed as it covered few wrong areas.
- Some wall pieces of the type "Log" were missing death sounds.
- Fixed the Amber Mana Pills so usage doesn't contribute against attaining surreal key.
- Slight terrain optimisations to areas in the base game that are adjacent to water.
- Fixed level 1 and 2 recipes getting marked as new at last levels with no new skill options.
- Small fix to main quest progression at the point where you have to find a key for a door on the road to launchpad.
- Sawed Off Shotgun was missing long press prompt.
- Some cooking recipes had white text on white background.
- (DLC1) Fixed "Call of Mana" quest phase where players could destroy actors required for quest progression prematurely.
- (DLC1) Fixed Mana Crossbow now showing up in "Collections".

Update #26: Doomsday Is Upon Us!

It has been a hot minute since the last big update and things are heating up still! The update #26, version 1.2.0 is now out! There are some nice additions packed in this bad boy and I will now give you some highlights on what to expect.

Update Highlights

Doomsday - The Hidden Archipelago

Of course the star attraction here is the new DLC: Doomsday. As with the last DLC, upon purchase and activation you will get a popup denoting a new questline (provided you have gotten out of Capernaum). This quest will take you across a new open world map that has been loaded with new obstacles, deadly enemies, shiny new materials and a whole lot of things to smash to bits and pieces in pursuit of new items and abilities. The Steam store page will tell you a bit more of what to expect if you choose to embark on this new adventure. As with the last offering, don’t want to spoil too much in advance, so you will just have to see for yourself.

Check the DLC here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2147250/DYSMANTLE_Doomsday/

ps. We have already started the porting process for other platforms as well, so sit tight.

Now for all of the stuff you will receive for free!

New Endgame Area

Some of you who worked really hard to push through the Ark might have felt that when you got the Power Fist, there wasn’t anything to really use it for. Thus we tasked the poor level designer to make up a really hard and nasty endgame area with an accompanying quest to offer a tough gauntlet with a really sweet food recipe at the end of it. Now you know what you have been stashing those Namazu for! The new area is activated upon reaching the escape pod at Crown and going a bit back to the “helipad”. Upon arrival all should be clear.

Surreal Door & Deathless Runs

If you have managed the arduous task of obtaining the key, you can now open the door and see what lies beyond. Remember to think like a proper magpie and snatch anything that seems valuable to take with you.

We also added a death counter into the Collections screen under Total Progress so you will know for sure how many times you have expired. Also fixed are some pertinent issues, so using Amber Mana Pills will not count against gaining the key.

New Game +

You might have found a map of the Island at the Ark level 2. There are some red lights which seem to denote certain locations or objects. If you manage to turn all those lights green, you will get to go deeper and reach a way to start over. You will be able to retain some things (such as the prizes from the new area and beyond the surreal door) in addition to your level, skills and all materials put into the Ark.

Once you start the next cycle, everything will otherwise be as when starting the game from scratch with a fresh save (including the possibility to reach the surreal key). Well, that was a lie. Enemies will be a bit tougher and there might be some new dialogue in certain places. NG+ cycles are not limited, so head deeper and deeper if you wish, but it will only get more challenging.

New craftables

Paint brush will allow you to paint those disturbingly white walls and some of the objects and furniture you are able to build. You can finally have as good looking (or as unsightly) adobe as you wish.

Rubber duck is a trinket that stops you from drowning. We know it is quite aggravating to be in a tough spot and backpedal into a lake when defending yourself against undead threats. Rubber duck will teleport you safely back to land without any loss of life.

Portable monster scanner should be a godsend to those people who want to do ascensions, as you will now be able to check monster positions out in the field instead of heading back to link tower each and every time. As alluded earlier, there are now additional incentives to doing ascensions besides only gaining some more of those smooth and shiny mana beads. Ascension level is also now shown per area in the Collections screen.

Quality Of Life

You can now set your preferred gamepad icon sets in the controls options. This should make it much more comfortable to play with your chosen controller and not worry about popups and interactions having some weird non decipherable symbols that don’t correspond to your chosen hardware. You are able to choose from Xbox, PS (colored/grayscale) and Switch icons. Do note that this is only available for some platforms, such as PC.

The upgrade list is now ordered in the way that fully upgraded items are moved to the bottom, to ease on the visual clutter and making it more clear what you are able to upgrade. The invention tree has also gotten a slight revamp. The leftmost branches have been reworked from three to two sub branches which should have better progression.

We also did some rebalancing around certain items and craftables that people felt were either too strong or lackluster. You should now find more reasons to change your loadout from time to time and perhaps try new approaches and builds. I’ll leave the details to the changelist.

On the technical side we have managed to optimize memory usage and texture sizes which should speed up the game on hardware on the lower end of the spectrum. Save backup system has also been revamped so that the game creates a backup file every time the game is saved, instead of at certain intervals. This should lessen the impact any unforeseen happenings might cause.

Whew, now onto the actual changelog:

VERSION 1.2.0 - Doomsday

- Doomsday DLC
- New end game area and a related quest at Crown. After reaching escape pod at Crown, return to the area with "helipad".
- New game+ for those who reach the Ark level 3.
- Surreal door can be opened.
- Paint Brush tool can be used to color walls and built objects.
- Portable Monster scanner.
- Rubber Duck trinket that stops you from drowning by teleporting you back to shore.
- Fast travel map highlights current player location.
- New Save Game backup system. Save is backed up each time you're saving so you shouldn't lose any progress in case something awful happens.
- Using compressed textures with 2x resolution (but less memory consumed) on Windows.
- New sound for the monster lure.
- Map marker is now shown on the ground and disabled when the protagonist walks over it.
- Area ascension level is shown in the map and in the Collections Screen.
- Death count is now shown in the Collections Screen under "Total Progress".
- Gamepad icon set art can now be selected (xbox, ps, switch) in controls options.

- Long range teleporter doesn't work in tombs anymore.
- Fishing spots are now discovered from farther away.
- Enemy position & pathing changes in multiple base game areas.
- Upgradable gear list is now sorted, fully completed items are on the bottom and the ones you can upgrade are on the top.
- Reworked the left branches of the invention tree and repositioned everything to else to fit better.
- Buffed Power Fist range slightly.
- Buffed Sledgehammer modifiers, by adding multiple object hit modifier.
- Buffed Monster Lure effect radius from 600 to 750.
- Home Portal unlock from lvl 15 to 25.
- Home Portal Long Range from lvl 17 to 30.
- Material Transporter from lvl 36 to lvl 20.
- Explosive stun duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Raised tamed adult deer damage done to enemies from 10 to 25
- Buffed Hunting Rifle damage & modifiers. One less max ammo in turn.
- Lowered costs for: Bandolier, Katana
- Need to kill only one vulture for Collections text, buffed drops.
- Axe upg. levels 3 & 5 now add multiple object hit modifier.
- Cost to sow ground with hoe from 20 -> 12.
- Dice effect buffed to 2.5%/5%/7.5%/10%
- Changed damage thresholds and drops for stone, streetlights, fabric dropping objects.
- Leapers are much more agile now. Nerfed damage done by them in turn.
- (DLC1) Sawed Off Shotgun: Reduced spread 16 -> 1.2, ammo max 7-> 6. projectile amount 15 -> 12, projectile damage multiplier 0.75 -> 1
- (DLC1) Thimble damage reduction from 2% -> 5% and now has synergies with DLC2 content.

- Optimized memory usage in pause menu and in general GPU usage.
- Optimized texture sizes.
- Minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed two digspots at Vulcan which were undiggable.
- Fixed an issue where some doors would not open correctly in COOP mode.
- Minimap now stays centered on the player no matter what.
- (Base game & DLC1) Fixed pathing issues, floating objects, graphical glitches.
- Fixed fast traveling from campfire to same area link tower.
- Fixed Collections showing wrong text in Audio Logs.
- Crown link tower area changed as it covered few wrong areas.
- Some wall pieces of the type "Log" were missing death sounds.
- Fixed the Amber Mana Pills so usage doesn't contribute against attaining surreal key.
- Slight terrain optimisations to areas in the base game that are adjacent to water.
- Fixed level 1 and 2 recipes getting marked as new at last levels with no new skill options.
- Small fix to main quest progression at the point where you have to find a key for a door on the road to launchpad.
- Sawed Off Shotgun was missing long press prompt.
- Some cooking recipes had white text on white background.
- (DLC1) Fixed "Call of Mana" quest phase where players could destroy actors required for quest progression prematurely.
- (DLC1) Fixed Mana Crossbow now showing up in "Collections".

Up Next

Of course there will be a post release patch to fix any issues people might be having. At the same time we will be porting the new update to other platforms. Then again, that much is clear. I know what you are really here for.

We mentioned the last time we did a news post that we weren’t sure whether Dysmantle would head into maintenance mode or whether we will make another DLC. I have both good news and bad news. The good news is there will be a continuation, while the bad news is that is the extent of the information I am able to share with you at this date. We hope you will find enough enjoyment from this update that the wait for the next communique won’t feel too long. See you later!

Dysmantle: Doomsday will release on 19th of April

A while ago we announced the second DLC for Dysmantle, called Doomsday. In the announcement we gave a broad release window of April as development and testing was still in progress and we wanted to give the DLC the time it needed in the oven. We are glad to tell you that the baking process is almost over and that the DLC will be released on the 19th of April. Also to reiterate, the DLC will be released on every platform the base game and the first DLC have been released on, but the porting process will take some extra time, so look forward to the DLC on those platforms in the near future.

As alluded to in the previous announcement, we are also tying some loose ends that have been hanging for the longest time. Like with the last DLC, we will also release a free patch concurrently with the DLC containing all sorts of fixes and new additions. In that patch you will finally be able to get a prize for doing that deathless run, discover a new *tough* end game area near the Crown (for those people who wanted some uses for that power fist) and we also added a new game+ option into the mix. We hope you are looking forward to the release of Dysmantle: Doomsday and version 1.2!

ps. The date will be changed to the correct one on the store page with a little delay.


Undead Horde 2: Necropolis Full Version Available!

Undead Horde 2: Necropolis is now leaving early access and the full version is available! This includes all planned and unplanned features, Windows and Mac version (Linux via Proton/Steamplay) and all the localizations!

Don't miss out on the special launch discount, available for a limited time!


Announcing Dysmantle: Doomsday DLC

After a period of radio silence we are happy to broadcast once more and what better way to return to the airwaves than with a banger! We are very happy to announce that the second DLC for Dysmantle called “Doomsday” is nearing completion and will be released into the wild in the near future, which is most likely during April. We don’t want to give out a specific date at this point as it is more of a “when it is done” type of deal and we wan’t to make sure the product is up to snuff.

Like with the first DLC Underworld, Doomsday will contain a brand new open world map filled with multiple new quests and challenges to overcome. You will slay and be slain by new types of enemies while scouring the map in search for exotic materials. There are a host of new tasty food recipes and ingenious inventions to craft, some of which are very tantalizing. We think it is a pretty dense package with a lot of content to chew through. So prepare yourself for a venture into the Hidden Archipelago which houses “Three Sisters”, a shadowy and somewhat conspicuous research center dabbling in mechanical marvels, biological horrors and amoral scientific practices. Inside you might find some answers to long time questions and hidden mysteries, but more importantly a new source of things to whack, slash and dysmantle.

As with the last DLC, the release of Doomsday will be coupled with a patch: 1.2.0 Update #26 to be exact. You can expect to find fixes to bugs, technical optimisations and free content in the form of new inventions, one of which should make searching for those pesky monsters a bit easier when preparing for ascensions. I don’t want to spoil too much so you’ll just have to have a look yourself when the time comes.

Here is a nifty link to the Steam store page of Doomsday, which might give you some valuable insights on what to expect. Of course a good way to be informed on when the DLC is available is to wishlist it, but that is your prerogative!

Dysmantle: Doomsday

So what is next for Dysmantle? We know that there are some plot threads dangling in the base game in the form of a certain red phone and an aggravatingly hard to procure key. These will be resolved in a future patch. What happens after that is up in the air and the two options at play here are to either develop a third DLC or start the process of transitioning to maintenance mode and ceasing regular updates and development on the project. We haven’t arrived at a decision yet, but thought it proper to give an advance warning. Once we reach a decision, we’ll communicate it.

ps. Doomsday will be released on all the same platforms as the base game and the Underworld DLC, but these will be ported after the initial release and will take some time.

Undead Horde 2: Necropolis Now Available

Undead Horde 2: Necropolis - Early Access Release Date Revealed

Update #25: Underworld Revisited

Hello folks! It has been a busy couple of weeks here in 10tons offices. After releasing the Underworld DLC and the accompanying patch 1.1.0 out in the wild we have received a lot of feedback from you people, both positive and negative. Reception for the DLC has been somewhat mixed, so we sat down with the team, put our thinking caps on and identified some key points where we could improve the overall experience.

While our coders have been hard at work squashing bugs and deploying hotfixes to common issues people were having with the release, our level designers started the process of making some sweeping changes to the DLC content. I’ll go through some of the highlights of the update before posting the full changelog. Some of these changes have already been deployed via hotfixes, but for clarity’s sake these will be highlighted as well.

Do note that due to time constraints, this update will contain some new text strings that haven’t been localized yet to our other supported languages. These will follow a bit later.

Update Highlights

Changes to DLC enemies

The mana enhanced enemies specific to the DLC do offer some added challenge as the players need to get rid of the protecting mana crystals before being able to damage them. However, the players felt that they were limited in ways they were able to deal with these new foes. We made two large changes to how they work. First of all, the enemies now receive low damage even when they still have crystals on them. Secondly, you are now able to use power attacks and explosives to get rid of all of the mana crystals at once. This change should offer some new avenues to approach enemy encounters in the Underworld.

The Mana Spirits are a formidable foe that can really be a challenge to fight if you encounter them unprepared. We added a small info screen to explain the concept of the enemy when you first encounter them in the same vein that the Scrapper is introduced at the start of the game.

Changes and Additions to DLC content

The Underworld is quite a different beast when compared to the base game Island, both visually and in how the player traverses and explores the area. We received a huge amount of feedback concerning both the layout of the new map and about the general feel of it. On that basis we have revamped the map layout and made some new additions.

First of all, the Underworld now has three link tower areas instead of just one it had before. This change should make the map more approachable as the player is able to see parts of the map earlier, helping to plan out your expeditions and explorations into the unknown.

Speaking of exploration, if you have played through the DLC before you might notice that the map looks different than it used to. Although in-universe everything could be explained away by the magic of mana and the mysterious nature of the Underworld, the reality is that we made some extensive revamps to the map terrain in places where we felt the terrain was too complex to traverse or otherwise confusing. This should make traveling around the Underworld feel more clear cut and focused.

Of course you should also have a good reason to traverse around the Underworld again, if you have already completed the DLC, so what better reason to get back on the trail than to discover some of the new areas we have added since the initial release! These additions can be divided into two rough categories: Spicing up areas that felt a bit barren with new additions and few completely new areas to explore. There are new campfires, POIs, text content and who knows, you might even find a new quest or two!

As a clarification, this new content is not “cut content”, but content that was developed after release based specifically on your feedback.

Home Portal Long Range Recipe

As you might deduce from the name of the recipe, with this upgrade the player is now able to use the new home portal invention in places other than the main island. This feature was planned, but didn’t manage to make the cut in time for the initial DLC/patch release. We hope that this addition will change your quality of life for the better.

Building Additions and Fixes

Inner Walls buildable pack is a new invention that was originally deployed in a hotfix, so it might have been missed by some. You now have the ability to build inner walls to your abode, as a house is only a hollow shell without the ability to divide the space up into rooms. Included in the pack are a wall, a doorway and a newly added pillar for good measure.

There are also a good number of fixes to the whole building feature, including but not limited to optimizations to the building UI screen so it loads faster and workarounds to situations where the players managed to trap themselves into a never ending cutscene via building, a terrifying prospect for sure.

The building feature is planned to get some more features in the future, but we’ll discuss them at a later date.

Those are the large changes this time around and we hope you’ll enjoy them. Next up, the full changelog.

VERSION 1.1.1 - Underworld Revisited

- Inner Walls buildable pack.
- Added Home Portal Long Range recipe.
- One small location and POI to Sunburn Desert.
- (DLC) New locations and new structures with new POIs.
- (DLC) New quests.
- (DLC) Mana Spirits have introduction screens the first time player meets them.
- (DLC) Added a storage box to catacombs.
- (DLC) New trinket, "Thimble".

- You can't open timed crates after travelling through home portal (until you camp or die).
- Buildable selection screen shows up faster and consumes less memory.
- Protagonist movement stopped and fall landing animation not played if falling small distances.
- (DLC) Extensive map terrain restructuring in various places.
- (DLC) The DLC now has three link tower areas instead of one.
- (DLC) Normal attacks now damage mana enhanced enemies a little even though there are crystals left.
- (DLC) Power attacks and explosives now destroy all of the crystals a mana enchanced enemy has.
- (DLC) DLC specific content such as skills signified with a star emoji.
- (DLC) Mana Chambers only require materials once.
- (DLC) Mana chambers now raise the dead inside their radius (not bosses though).
- (DLC) Mana crystals no longer drop mana chunks.
- (DLC) "Spirit Trouble" now needs only 4 spirits killed.

- Multiple crash fixes.
- Multiple terrain fixes in both DLC and Island.
- "Construction Work" now accepts all kinds of doors.
- Fixed an issue where the player would turn invisible at a campfire after using a bed.
- Prevented saving while materials "are flying" to fix a material duplication bug.
- Potential fix for bugs where the player can fall through platforms.
- Partial fix to rectangular black voids in the world.
- Teleporter getting stuck.
- Save backups now also work in release developer mode (for modders).
- It is now possible to take materials from built storage boxes.
- Fix to hoe issue.
- Fix to main quest showing up weird in the quest tab after completion.
- No longer possible to build a new door on a doorframe that already has an existing door.
- Myth tablets now work even when the primary coop player is dead.
- Player does not get stuck to buildables in cutscene mode anymore.
- POI Info screen now shows location correctly.
- Enter build mode quick access button now works only if the same button has not been bound to some other action.
- (DLC) Some objects were missing permanency tags, making them respawn.
- (DLC) Missing drops for certain objects.
- (DLC) Multiple typo fixes.
- (DLC) Not being able to attain all audio logs.
- (DLC) Fixes to multiple issues where the player would get stuck after using campfire fast travel.
- (DLC) Second co-op player no longer loses control after dlc1 ending cutscene.
- (DLC) Treasure hunter skill now takes quest requirements into account.
- (DLC) Turret laser sight now disappears when the turret is destroyed even if there are crossbow bolts attached to it.

10tons Reveals Undead Horde 2: Necropolis