El Tango de la Muerte cover
El Tango de la Muerte screenshot
Genre: Music, Indie

El Tango de la Muerte

We WON!!!!!!!

Desert Pirates Playtest open!!!

Hello tango lovers, we are here not to sell you, but to show you a little bit of our new game!


Playtest opens today!!!

We have been working on this game for... how much? 3 years already? Wow!
And we got to a point in where I think we suffer "dev-blindness" (is that a thing?), we have worked so much time building the gameplay basis that we don't know what to improve anymore (before getting into the next big features).

So, we ask for your help!

What this is:
It's a playtest in where you can try the gameplay and the feeling of the basic core of the game.
For us is THE moment, because from here the game can really have a BIG turn focusing on what people want for games like this one :)

The Playtest will be open for a week (10/13 to 10/20) and everybody from everywhere can freely join by clicking the "Request Access" button.

Inside the game we have some feedback buttons for easily helping!

You can play the game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1454270/Desert_Pirates/

Thanks you so much and we hope you to have fun!

Esteban Pisera - Ramon Lezcano - Hernán Smicht


Hello everyone!

So the news! I pickup the rebuild of Tango for the achievs and other "secret" stuff ;) Mostly on the weekends but it's nice to doing some code again. I'm about half done!

I want to keep sharing some argentinian culture with you, so I thought on a classic Argentine movie.
It's a comedy about day a day life on argentinian family, Argentine DNA on film.
It's from the late 80'and still one of the better Argentine movies ever done.

It's called:
Waiting For The Hearse / Esperando La Carroza

With english subtitles:

Desert Pirates game is coming very nicely!!! Soon will be a small open beta, so be sure to follow that game in order to give it a try and tell us what parts are good or not.
You can find it here:

I have been changing the main image for it, which do you think is better? Please halp!

Hope you enjoy the movie, you MUST see it!!!!
Have fun!

Happy christmas and new year!

Hi people!

Just wishing you Happy christmas, be next to the ones who love you and love back, that's pretty much it.

Found something interesting, the first level design from tango, from the song "Fanfarria".

This image basically shows where was the most interesting parts of the song, and were I could put something interesting, in case you wonder how I built the levels.

Remember to visit our new game, is coming very nicely, we are now improving the main look :D


Have fun!


One of the best humans who were gods left. Very sad news for the Argentine people.

Nothing more argentinian than Maradona and Tango.


Awesome news!

I dont know when or how, but I descover that Steam Community Items are now availables for use!

SO! The Trading cards, badges, profile backgrounds and emoticons, are now live!!!!
If is my math is not wrong you shoud get all the cards if game story is completed (1:00 / 1:30 without counting other modes).

And if you missed it check out our new game !!! Desert Pirates! Give it a whislit while there :D


Have Fun!

Desert Pirates Announcement!

Hello everyone!
Finally we are ready to announce our next game "Desert Pirates"!

Like cars? Like wasteland theme? How about a little sci-fi?

Desert Pirates is a driving shooter game inspired by movies like Mad Max and spaceship roguelikes. Become the leader of a convoy, and guide your followers across a furious and unforgiving desert. Fight, get resources, and survive. How far can you ride?

Take a visit to the game page! Desert Pirates

Please helps us by telling your friends!!

Have lots of fun!

Made a book about a wolf!!

Incredible news! My life partner Pamela Wehrhahne and I are publishing an illustrated book!!! It`s called "The Wolf in the Moon" (El Lobo en la Luna) and is being published by Bang! It will be available for purchase in 28/09/2020 in Spain and France (for now!). We are thrilled by this, it's one of those dreams and we can`t wait to see it live :)

Tango rebuilding for achievements is comming slow but is comming, I promise. Right now the cars game got into a state that needs my full attention, but I make smalls tasks from tango werever I can.

Cars game is starting to look very GOOD!!! What do you think? It`s an action convoy shooting game, with roguelike elements in which you fight for resources to survive.

Also can't wait to see it published!

Remember to review the game if you liked! It helps the stuff :)
I hope everyone is well, take care of yourselves and your loved ones.


Cars, Guns and Drivers game, and Tango too!

Hello hello, news from Buenos Aires to the world: AAAAaaaaaaghhh!

Working a lot in the new cars, guns and drivers game; we are now in the stage of tunning what we got to feel right before we continue growing the game and it`s feeling AWESOME!

Here is a gif (a little combat without much VFX and texturing yet)

Also some level design ideas for the bases that the players needs to destroy to get resources (fuel, food, water, tech and scrap), I tryed to diferenciente them with their shapes and some particular features for every base:

And about Tango, I am rebuilding it in my spare times for the achievements and stuff, I`m almost half way there!

And some random info: Did you know that the game is among the steam250 hidden gems? Its number 23!!

Remember to review the game if you liked! It helps the stuff :)

I hope everyone is well, taken care of yourselves and your loved ones.


Future games!

Hi! it's been a while!
I wanted to brake the silence to tell you what am I working on!

With a couple of colleagues (1 dev and 1 artist) are working on a "convoy shooter rogue-lite" (you basically become a convoy leader of badass cars and travel across a post-apocalyptic desert kinda game) :)
I'll make an announcement when we have enough material for a cool teaser and upload a store page. It probably take a while to finish, but is getting lonely and I wanted to share it with you
Here's a sneak peak!

AND!!! While I am designing and tuning that game I'm rebuilding Tango in another engine, so we can have achievements and stuff... like WALKS!!!

So beautiful... (this gif reminds me the good old days of web pages...)

Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoyed the game, it really helps with the Steam algorithm thing (?!).

See you soon, take care of yourselfs and others!