El Tango de la Muerte cover
El Tango de la Muerte screenshot
Genre: Music, Indie

El Tango de la Muerte

Working on the Song List

I was programming a little the list of songs that can be accessed at any the time, so if you want to replay a song you can do it without problems!

You can also access every chapter in the game as well!

Something like this:

Until next news!

Chapter 3 initial story is DONE!


The initial part of the story of Chapter 3 is finished! This happens in a Cafetin and we will meet a couple of characters who will intervene in Luciano's story.

One of them is "La Rubia" (The Bonde), which you will appreciate in the following image.

Until next news!

A look at Chapter 3

I am currently working on the art of Chapter 3. It takes place in a Cafetín, a classic meeting place where you could have a drink.

Take a look!

How do you feel about it? :D

Press Notes!

Many thanks to the press that highlighted the game!

