Eternium cover
Eternium screenshot
PC Android iOS Steam
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Adventure, Indie


Release notes - 1.32.3

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Release Notes - 1.29.1

This build ONLY fixes an issue with event heroes being placed in locked hero slots.

Happy 10th Anniversary, Eternium!

Celebrate 10 years of Eternium with 10 epic free gifts!

To thank our amazing community, we're giving away over $50 worth of in-game treasures! Simply play a level of Eternium, create a free account, and agree to receive occasional emails (about 2-3 per month) to unlock all 10 gifts. Your first gift: 500 gems (worth $5)!

Don't miss this incredible anniversary celebration! Download Eternium today to claim your rewards!

Release notes - 1.28.x

New Features:
10th anniversary celebration
Hero selection screen now allows for more Hero slots
New Spiritstone: Searstone (available next Season)
New Legacy item: Gravitonic Belt (available next Season)
Added the ability to craft Starforged Hammers (available next Season)

Bug Fixes:
“Complete Trial ” bounties are now cleared when you complete a higher Trial than the requirement
Fixed a bug causing event heroes to see incorrect unlock costs
Reverted unintentional changes to existing Ironbound Capes
Optimized pathfinding in Home Town
Corrected a typo in the Gemstone+ Selection
Improved status effect icons on narrow displays

Balance Changes: These changes will not take effect until next Season
Reverted a change to the Everbound Trinket to now also include bonus effect for weapon sets
Removed “6 max” limitation in Shield Slam effect

1.26.220 Patch Notes

This update only includes a back-end server fix. No player-facing changes.

1.26.106 Release Notes

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Release notes - 1.26.41

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Release notes - Eternium - 1.25.10

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Release notes -1.24.8x - a few quick fixes

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Release Notes - 1.24.30

Visit our official forum to read the notes for this release!