Exophobia cover
Exophobia screenshot
PC PS4 Switch PS5 Series X Steam Gog
Genre: Shooter, Indie


Portugal's Biggest Indie Festival - Indie X

Hey everyone!

This weekend Indie X is happening once again, and Exophobia is part of the portuguese selection!
Indie X is Portugal's biggest indie festival and it celebrates and awards all indie games.
Don't miss the Indie X Steam page, I'm pretty sure you'll find your next favorite indie game!

As part of Indie X, along the online showcase a physical showcase is also happening at DevGAMM Lisbon!
I'm there showcasing the game and talking to other inspiring devs, which has been fun.

See you next time, Exophobia news are coming soon so hang thight and thanks for sticking with it!

Exophobia at Realms Deep 2023!

Hey everyone, Realms Deep is back in 2023! This time going beyond retro FPS and showcasing a spetacular selection of badass looking games!
Don't miss out on the sales and the livestream event, happening this weekend: https://www.realmsdeep.game/

Even though Exophobia will not be part of the livestream showcase, the folks at the Realms Deep team were kind enough to include past participants in their Steam page, that's why you see that cool looking banner on the Steam page!
Check out all the games here: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/realmsdeep2023

Enjoy the show!

Save & Sound 2023 - A celebration of music in games!

Hey everyone!

If you haven't noticed yet, Save and Sound 2023 is happening and I highly recomend you watch the livestreams happening there. Lots of content from your favorite games and audio teasers for your most antecipated ones!

If you remember last year, we did an OST preview DJ mix, which you can check here if you missed it. That's why Exophobia has that cool banner on the top of the page and is part of the 2022 selection.

So, rock on and have fun!

Exophobia at DreamHack Beyond 2023!

Hey, Zarc here, long time no see!

Just a heads up, I've been very focused on the development of the game to make sure I deliver it this year. Still no promises or release date, but you can be sure it is getting there and looking more and more awesome! So I haven't had much time to market the game and it's been getting hard to get into festivals lately.

But starting today, Exophobia is part of DreamHack Beyond 2023, bringing a week of showcase of indie games, filled with demos, discounts and releases! I'm beyond excited for a new event like this :)

I don't have anything new to show to comemorate this, but if you haven't yet, try the Exophobia demo and give your feedback in the Steam forums or join our Zarc Attack discord! I have been sharing a lot of stuff there from the final game.

Enjoy your week,

PAX East 2023 Demo Update

Hey everyone!
As I'm packing for a long trip to get to PAX East, I couldn't leave the rest of you without any new stuff.
So I uploaded a new version of the demo that has been available for quite a while. This new version just adds the general polish I've been working on lately for the conclusion of development, so no new features of course.
But go ahead and replay it, maybe you'll find hidden things ;)
Also, let me know of any bugs, as my testing has not been extensive ahah.

See you at PAX, and if not, have fun with the demo!

Meet the dev at PAX East 2023!

Hey there, it's been a while!

PAX East 2023

I'm super excited to share the news that I will be traveling from Portugal to Boston next week for PAX East 2023!! All this wouldn't be possible without PM Studios, so I'm very thankful for the opportunity to get to personally experience another video game event and of course, showcase my own game!

Let's meet at the PM Studios booth, kiosk number 15055. I will be showcasing the first ever additional content for the game, Infinite Mode, which is an endless arcade run. Full health bar, full weapon upgrade, how long can you survive and what will your highscore be? Be the first to try it!

If you can't attend, I will be uploading an improved Steam demo version online, which fixes some nasty bugs (they have been there for a long while now, sorry!) and polishes some bits. Please say hi online either way!

Development Update

IT'S BEEN 5 MONTHS SINCE I POSTED HERE?? Time sure flies and it always feels there's something left to do... I'll give you a status update.
The game is in its last stages of development, which everyone says its the longest.
Testing and fixing bugs, finishing quality of life stuff, tweaking level layouts (level design is really hard sometimes!), working together with the audio team to make sure everything *sounds* perfect (those guys can hear things I can't, I swear). So basically tying everything together, and it's taking more time than expected (I'm always afraid of leaving something behind!). But I'm finally seeing an end line and it's getting closer, so thank you so much for sticking there. Let's hang on Discord through this last stage: https://discord.gg/Qb5Kd3p

So, hope you are still there waiting for the release, I'm counting on your support, which I am super grateful to have!
And if you're attending PAX East don't miss the PM Studios booth!
See you soon, Zarc

Exophobia at Day of the Devs 10th anniversary!

How you going? Zarc here.

This is huge news, I'm super excited to announce that Exophobia is part of the next edition of Day of the Devs, which is celebrating it's 10 year anniversary!
Double Fine and iam8bit bring you a selection of amazing indie games for a digital AND in-person event, happening at The Midway in San Francisco, on November 5th, and everyone can join for free! So if you are around, don't miss out this event. If you are not, you can still catch it live online!

Anyway, I'm super excited to have Exophobia among all these great games and be invited to such an important event for indie games. Wish I could go to San Francisco, but it's a big trip, so my friends at PM Studios will enjoy the event for me (I'm jealous!). Check out the past edition here, looks fun!

RSVP here if you want to attend!

Until another time,

Exophobia at DreamHack Beyond!

Hey, Zarc here

Another event is upon us, this time it's DreamHack Beyond, bringing a showcase of indie games, filled with demos, discounts and releases!

If you haven't yet, try the Exophobia demo and give your feedback in the Steam forums or join our Zarc Attack discord!

As some final news, I want to take this space to share that the game's release has been defined, but not yet announced. I decided to delay it to next year, as the end of this year won't be a great time to release games, so I'll take this extra time for some extra polish! Hope you understand, and see you in 2023.


Exophobia at Realms Deep 2022!

3D Realms and friends are once again organizing Realms Deep, an event showcasing retro FPS games and more, filled with special content like world-premieres, interviews and more! Check it out here: https://www.realmsdeep.game/

Exophobia will make a small appearance tomorrow, but the whole thing is worth getting comfortable to watch, so, grab a beer (or anything else you like) and don't miss the livestream starting today 12:00 PM PT!

Unrelated, but today is also my birthday! Would really appreciate you telling your friends about Exophobia as a gift *wink*. It's also cool if you just join the Zarc Attack Discord and meet other fans.

Hope you have a great day and enjoy the show!

Exophobia on Another Indie Game Showcase

Hey everyone!
Still recovering from PAX West, it was really a blast! I want to thank anyone who came by and played the demo, had some really interesting interactions there and it's always great to see players reactions on their first time playing the game! I really missed these physical events.

Here's another indie game showcase Exophobia was part of, literally!
The cool team at Duel Screens invited PM Studios to showcase their games in this nice collection of indies, check it out:
Watch Another Indie Game Showcase here!

Well, time to get back to my regular life now, bye!