Grunnd cover
Grunnd screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie



As GRUNND is appearing in GAMESCOM 2022, all days throughout we will broadcast Developer Playthrough.


We are having SteamNextFest REBROADCAST with gameplay and commentary!


You cannot quite enjoy the commentary, as I am bad at it, but still - give it a go!

GRUNND // Developer Stream

GRUNND's first ever LIVE Stream. I hope you'll come and keep up a conversation, as I am bad at those!

We will play through the Demo and I will make stops just to ramble about relevant stuff you see.

- Olafs

Good times are here!! [Partnership, SteamNextFest, ramble]

Let's keep it short.

We successfully reached the Kickstarters goal. Thank you all who supported GRUNND and gave it a start. A start of the road past the Demo, which was so lovingly created. And by "lovingly" I mean "with love and dedication, despite so many hurdles and mountain of new grey hair".

The fast was, that the Kickstarter funding was not enough to deliver the game in it's fullest. Yes - our inner goal was a bit different. Now I can surely point to couple mistakes and/or mishaps, and/or failed hopes which influenced this. AnYhOo - it was a question whether to make a shortened version of GRUNND, refund the money or get help.

And we got help! I did a cloudy announcement about it via Kickstarter a while ago, but without mentioning names. Now, today - I can do that fully!

We, SEKTAHOUSE [the name "Neoteric Rites" was dropped due to copyright issues during registration] have partnered up with great new outfit called Bright Gambit. They are small private investment initiative with diverse and complementary experience in many aspects of the industry. They helped us in more than one way and will continue to do so till GRUNND's world domination. Good guys, yey!

By the way - they do an announcement today as well. CLICK HERE to see who they are and what projects they support already!

GRUNND is coming out this year. Late this year. But we figured out, this summer's SteamNextFest is the right place to start off. Thus you are all very invited to our first ever LIVE broadcast soon, during SteamNextFest, on Thursday, June 16th.

As always - everyone is welcomed to play the Demo and reach out!

All the best,

- Olafs @ GRUNND

Slava Ukraini!

GRUNND: Playing Demo and announcing stuff

We'll go and play GRUNND's Demo while Olafs Osh [me] is rumbling about all connected things and throws in some amazing news, which will make every fan [and Kickstarter backer] happy.

Do join me and ask questions, because I am bad at public speeches and/or appearances.

- Olafs

We are at 79% on Kickstarter! Give us a hand! We have lots of goodies!

Your favorite fusion between Dark Mystery and Science Fiction needs your support - we are on 79% mark in our Kickstarter and things are getting scary.

We have multiple huge updates!
We have added a physical ArtBook as an add-on.

Announced Collector's Edition with BRONZE statue as it's main attraction. Yes, bronze!

Also, there as well - do read upon GRUNND Soundscape! I tried to be as professionals as I could be [since I am not a musician].

The latest Update brings some fresh info on new GRUNND Podcast I am working on and different platforms GRUNND will be on once released! Huge news there. [update here]

Please, if you haven't yet, do consider helping GRUNND out! Take the largest pledge available and we'll go from there. Or the smallest. Or pick the middle way! We need your help!

Our campaign:

- Olafs @ GRUNND


Hello there!

It's Olafs from GRUNND. Aaaaand.... we have lauched our Kickstarter campaign! Our ffusion between dark mystery and science fiction, hopefully, won't end here, but we need every little bit of support we can get.

I surely hope you will find the time to look at it, have a gander on what's new there and back us. As this is it...

We have reworked rewards to be less messy. There were just too much of them. Also, please, feel free to listen to GRUNND PODCAST - it has six full episodes out [interviews with some ammmazing people] and a short seventh with my little mumble about things. All the links are within the campaign.

Give us a try. GRUNND will be amazing!
As always - you'll see regular updates within campaign - everything new will reach your ears [eyes] first!

Drop a line! Follow us on Twitter, and if you can share the news - my biggest gratitude! And, if you feel like it, do support us by backing the project.

Our New Trailer:

Links as always:

Olafs @ GRUNND

Kickstarter Update [HELP!] and a video treat from GRUNND Universe [A GOOD ONE]!


First things first! We have less than ten days left on our Kickstarter and, if there won't be any miracles, it seems that we will not get funded. Not the thing you expect when pressing the "Publish" button, I can tell you that!

So, please, if you have not yet backed us - do so! You will not be disappointed. The rewards are amazing and pretty strongly geared towards you being able to follow the development process and see what is happening behind the scenes.


Second thing. Created a short video to channel the ambience of GRUNND's universe. Do share your thoughts on this. Wanted to this one months ago :)


- Olafs