Heads Will Roll: Reforged cover
Heads Will Roll: Reforged screenshot
Genre: Adventure

Heads Will Roll: Reforged

Decadent Heir β€” Your Story in a World of Change. Coming Soon!


We are proud to present Decadent Heir β€” a narrative RPG where politics, betrayal, and luxury intertwine in a deadly dance of ambition.

The late 19th century. You are born into a noble family and face the cruelty and injustice of the era from your very first days. What will your fate be? Will you become a loyal servant of the empire, a revolutionary, or forge your own unique path?

In Decadent Heir, you will experience a deep interactive story where every decision shapes your character’s life:

πŸ“œ Live a dramatic life β€” from birth to adulthood.
πŸŽ“ Choose your education and career β€” become an officer, an official, a politician, or a revolutionary
βš”οΈ Face war and intrigue β€” the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, conspiracies, and assassination attempts.
πŸ’” Build relationships with family, loved ones, and more β€” experience difficult choices and defining moments.
Where will your character stand when the old era collapses? The choice is yours.

Add to your wishlist and play the demo now!


Patch 2.05 + French Campaign Content Expansion

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.05.

French campaign content update changelog:
1. Added 6 new quests.
2. Added 3 new bosses.
3. Added a bunch of new events, shops and interactions.
4. Reworked certain fights (also De Roche's men will now assist you more frequently in various fights).
5. Added several new ways to hire allies in different chapters.

Patch changelog:
1. Fixed an inconsistency with poisoned bolts sometimes do not properly applying their toxicity level.
2. Added new time limits to the Hoggard quest.
3. For NPC characters injury resistance from vitality is now limited by 10 which will make injuring bosses with massive HP pools a bit easier (although still more difficult than before).
4. Fixed several errors with DIY crafts.
5. 'Prepare for Battle' screen now also has a squad control menu that allows to perform certain actions.
6. Added new ally type - 'renegade knights'. They work the same as impoverished knights but will not get angry at the player for low virtue.
7. Weapons' durability loss in Prestige mode now happens quicker.
8. Added visual price update for items when lucky coin trinket is equipped.
9. Fixed a ton of localization errors.
10. Fixed an issue with ally models not updating after their shield has been destroyed.
11. Added 2 new achievements.

With this patch done, my next task will be to create a similar update but for King's route and Grace & Glory campaign. Originally I wanted to do them as two separate patches but then decided to stitch them both into one in order to save time. I expect the update to be done by the mid-late March.
After that I will begin working on the fourth DLC (Italian campaign, Emma expansion, unpopular endings rework) which most likely will be the last one.

For a while I also had an idea of doing some kind of "Stories from Cambrai" DLC that would significatly expand the first half of the game (Cambrai arc) in order to make it less linear and introduce various new questlines, paths and probably even characters - but honestly I'm not 100% sure whether that idea is worth basing a whole DLC around it.

As always - big thanks to everyone who reports the bugs and helps me fix them - your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sorry to everybody who's been affected by the technical issues. If you need any help - don't be afraid to reach out to me directly either here or on Discord and I will try to help you if I can.


1917 Studios

Technical patch 2.03

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.03. This is a technical update that is aimed primarily at fixing bugs and dealing with some balancing issues.

1. Fixed the buggy interaction with the wandring knight\crusader when they attempt to join your party.
2. Fixed the issue with Virtue not falling lower than -10 (now it should go down to -200).
3. Fixed a rare bug in the Maidstone tavern brawler fights where the enemies sometimes became invisible.
4. Lowered the stats of assassins in Rouen (kept them as they are in Prestige mode though). This even will be further updated in the future content patches.
5. Fixed the issues with Knights Last Hope and Justice Sword incorrectly applying bonus damage from player's virtue.
6. Fixed the broken travelling cloak DIY craft.
7. Ending 26 should now correctly trigger Eva's marriage achievement for those who have the first DLC.
8. Fixed a lot of issues with Burgundian polehammer's incorrect moveset, missing tooltips etc.
9. Maces' Batter and Overhead strike attacks now ignore a percentage of target's armor equal to the third of attacker's strength. Smite attack also ignores armor but equal to the half of attacker's strength. Maces now longer have an increased injury chance.
10. Fixed the issue with 'Back' button in Character tab in the Kingdom fo London section sometimes breaking the game.
11. Fixed the issue with the 'lifetime_killed_enemies' error message popping up for some players.
12. Fixed the issue with the player still being able to treat injuries for free in the first chapter of the French campaign.
13. Updated the formula for enemies' armor bypass calculation which should result in player's armor working more reliably and blocking more attacks.
14. Fixed a bunch of issues with inconsistent visual numbers for prices with the Haggler talent and economic zones enabled.
15. Fixed the bug with the wolf's teeth necklace prolonging bleeds by 9 turns instead of 0.
16. Battle blessings no longer reset after the first combat encounter and instead only disappear when the player is back in camp.
17. Lowered the threshold for low virtue punishment for the Man of God civic talent.
18. Fixed the issue that allowed the player to keep assembling forces in Windsor even after the earl relieved him of command.
19. Reworked Parrying dagger trinket. It now provides guaranteed evasion charges based on players' coordination.
20. Attempted for fix the issue with Wallace's claymore unlock not working for some players.
21. Added automatic enemy model update in case of accidental shield drop injury triggering.
22. Fixed the issue with enemies who were not supposed to have poison shield on spawning with it anyway.
23. Updated injury application mechanic in camp. Now there should no longer be situations where two events that apply penalties for untreated injuries trigger simultaneously one after another. Same with toxicity penalty for searching too many bodies - the penalty-applying even should only trigger right after it if there's no more time left in chapter. Otherwise it should automatically be postponed, giving the player a chance to heal themselves.
24. Fixed the issue with the wanted poster losing its value due to new economic zones mechanic. Now it should always sell for full price.
25. Community-made characters will now start with level 5 and should level up on par with other recruitable characters. Their equipment, however, will not update automatically.
26. Fixed a lot of other smaller issues and incorrect interactions.
*Keep in mind that some of the item\mechanics changes will take effect at the start of a new playthrough

What's next?

As previously promised, my next goal is to release a couple of content updates for the Threads of Destiny DLC that will make its scope even bigger. Most likely there will be three updates in total, each dedicated to its own story branch. The first update should be arriving sometime around the end of January.

As always - big thanks to everyone who reports the bugs and helps me fix them - your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sorry to everybody who's been affected by the technical issues. If you need any help - don't be afraid to reach out to me directly either here or on Discord and I will try to help you if I can.


1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.02b and the Roadmap

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.02b.

1. Fixed the issue with Numbing Remedy being unavailable for use from the pouch menu in battle and also causing a glitch when used out of battle.
2. Fixed a bug with stats loss\randomization from the lucky dice.
3. Fixed the issue with the recruitable hunter in Rouen having increasingly negative stats (I'm not 100% sure that the issue is totally resolved - let me know if it continues to happen).
4. Fixed several issues for game freezes in battle and in shop.
5. Expanded the list of DIY crafts.
6. Fixed the issue with Acrobat, Woodsman and Haggler civic talents sometimes being invisible during random character creation.
7. Fixed a bunch of smaller issues. glitches and incorrect interactions.

With this patch out of the way and the game being in a pretty stable state (of course I'm going to jinx it) I intend to take a couple of weeks off. During that time I will still monitor the situation and, if something really urgent happens, will come up with new hotfixes. Once my short break ends I plan to being the work on creating several free content updates that will expand the third DLC - primarily Grace and Glory campaign and the King's route. If everything works out, the first update should arrive around the end of January.

Once those updates are done I plan to start the work on the promised Italian campaign which should arrive (together with the Outremer\Emma's expansion) as its own DLC - probably the last one I will do for Heads Will Roll.

These are my plans. Obviously, nothing I wrote here is set in stone and anything is subject to change. However I'm pretty sure that this will more or less be the way that things will happen in.

As always - big thanks to everyone who reports the bugs and helps me fix them - your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sorry to everybody who's been affected by the technical issues. Unfortunately it is what it is - the game is absolutely huge and maintaining its technical state alone is very hard. If you need any help - don't be afraid to reach out to me directly either here or on Discord and I will try to help you if I can.

Happy New Year everybody and Merry Christmas!

1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.02 is out now!

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.02.

1. Fixed the issue that made allies lose maximum HP after levelling up instead of gaining it.
2. Fixed several issues that led to game freezing and crashing in combat (infinite loop errors).
3. Fixed several visual issues (incorrect placement for Charles of Navarre model in some dialogues and the absence of attack animation for knight's warhammer).
4. Fixed the issue with ending 24's achievement being unavailable.
5. Fixed the issue with Cecilia not accepting Knight's Last Hope sword for her quest.
6. Fixed a bunch of issues with allies' help in combat - now receiving items from them should not cause any more bugs or glitches.
7. Allowed the player to continue gathering militia through sergeant even after the Windsor has been captured.
8. Updated both localizations.
9. Fixed a bunch of other small issues and incorrect interactions.

I will continue to work on fixing the bugs. If you encounter any - please let me know in the Steam community section or on our Discord. My condolences to everyone who's been affected by technical issues.

Thank you all for playing!

1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.01 is out now!

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.01 which should fix a bunch of existing issues, glitches and critical errors.

List of fixed issues:
1. Removed virtue bonuses from kills that mistakingly were added into some of the French campaign fights. Added virtue bonues from kills to the Eva's quest in the first chapter of the French campaign.
2. Added scaling gold rewards for kills. The base amount of money that you receive from killed enemies will now depend on their class and level with militiamen and bandits yielding the fewest amount and knights yielding the largest.
3. Added an increased gold reward from kills for mercenary's companion shortsword.
4. Fixed an issue with fletcher's tools not counting properly in the DIY crafts. Expended DIY crafts list with various additional crossbow-related crafts. The list is planned to be further incrased with the coming patches.
5. Fixed another problem that happened during Paris riots event and made the game think that you have no weapon despite you possibly having even several.
6. Fixed several smaller issues and updated both Russian and English localization.

I will continue to work on fixing the bugs. If you encounter any - please let me know in the Steam community section or on our Discord. My condolences to everyone who's been affected by technical issues.

Thank you all for playing!

1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.0f is out now!

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.0f which should fix a bunch of existing issues, glitches and critical errors.

List of fixed issues:
1. Fixed routier camp in Navarre becoming unavailable after completing De Roche's quest about poisoning the wells.
2. Fixed an issue with one of Eva's backgrounds missing.
3. Reworked interactions for De Roche's Ratcatcher quest. Now he should tell you what precisely your squad member is missing in order to be accepted for the quest.
4. Fixed a couple of additional issues with Rouen's baclsmith (his dialogue menu sometimes sending you to another character's dialogue and his orders being buggy and uninteractable.
5. Fixed an issue with Windsor sometimes still being on the map in York chapter.
6. Fixed an issue with strong homebrew poison's craft causing an error message.
7. Fixed an issue with one of the Rennes' bosses Rallying cry ability causing error messages to pop up.
8. Fixed wanted poster not working properly in the first chapter of French campaign.
9. Fixed an issue with receiving bolts from ally in battle breaking your pouch and causing phantom items to appear.

I will continue to work on fixing the bugs. If you encounter any - please let me know in the Steam community section or on our Discord. My condolences to everyone who's been affected by technical issues.

Thank you all for playing!

1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.0e is out now!

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.0e which should fix a bunch of existing issues, glitches and critical errors.

List of fixed issues:
1. Fixed a bunch of issues with enemies skipping their turns in combat.
2. Fixed an issue with a mssing image for stamina recovery battle blessing.
3. Fixed an issue with player's model when two handed scimitar was equipped.
4. Fixed an issue with numbing remedy's recipe being incorrect (will take effect after campaign restart).
5. Fixed an issue with uninteractable surcoat item in Navrre.
6. Fixed an issue with recruitment sometimes being unavailable during the Kingdom of London section.
7. Prison break section in French campaign now also includes luck, agility and coordination checks. The first enemies you kill should always spawn at least one weapon. After defeating them you will also be able to explore the prison and acquire additional loot before fighting you way out.
8. Fixed several small glitches with lucky dice.
9. Fixed another bug that happened when attempting to complete the baclksmith quest in Rouen.
12. Fixed another reason that might force the player into an infinite gauntlet of bandits fights in Roeun.
13. Fixed an issue that broke the player visual model and made the shield and left hand models to disapper after the weapon has been broken.
14. Fixed an issue with the Scottish knight duel in Kingdom of London that made him take infinite turns.
15. Fixed an issue with missing backgrounds in several new quests.
16. Fixed a bunch of various smaller issues.

I will continue to work on fixing the bugs. If you encounter any - please let me know in the Steam community section or on our Discord. My condolences to everyone who's been affected by technical issues.

Thank you all for playing!

1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.0c is out now!

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.0c which should fix a bunch of existing issues, glitches and critical errors.

List of fixed issues:
1. Fixed missing blacksmith quest in Rouen.
2. Fixed the issue with infinitely respawning enemies in Paris when attempting to free the guards.
3. Fixed a bug during the Paris riots events that made the game always think that player has no weapon despite the player finding and equipping one.
4. Fixed a critical error in Boulogne woods when player attempted to strike a deal with routiers.
5. Lowered STR requirement to break out of prison from 35 to 30.
6. Fixed missing tooltips on the map in Rennes.
7. Fixed a critical error with "heist_loot2_" during heists.
8. Fixed Tarrare's missing Blood Money questline.

I will continue to work on fixing the bugs. If you encounter any - please let me know in the Steam community section or on our Discord. My condolences to everyone who's been affected by technical issues.

Thank you all for playing!

1917 Studios

Bugfixing patch 2.0a is out now!

Hello guys!
I'm happy to inform you that the game has been updated to the version 2.0a which should fix a bunch of existing issues, glitches and critical errors.

List of fixed issues:
1. Fixed a bug with Huntsman civic talent that would trigger error messages after each attack in battle.
2. Fixed an issue with Haggler civic talent that would trigger error messages when trying to examine items in shop.
3. Fixed a bunch of various issues with two handede flanged mace (equipping, unequipping, attacks etc.).
4. Fixed a critical bug that happens when an ally attempts to give the player a shield.
5. Fixed an infinite gauntlet of enemies during Road to Rouen quest that happens if you fail to defeat the bandits in time.
6. Fixed an issue with various Rennes quests not disappearing after the start of Grace and Glory campaign and possibly breaking the game if triggered.
7. Fixed an error that would happen if a wandering crusader attempted to join the player's squad.
8. Fixed several instances of invisible text that would make it impossible to see dialogue choices.
9. Added Proving Grounds mode.
10. Fixed a bunch of issues in localizations (this work will be continued).
11. Fixed an issue that would make allies start the battle with negative stamina after running into an ambush.
12. Fixed an issue with medicine crafting that would sometimes consume more resources than the recipe implied.
13. Fixed a visual bug with random numbers popping up during Respite action.

Also I am aware of the issues some players are having with Grace and Glory campaign quests not triggering properly. I will attempt to fix it ASAP.

I will continue to work on fixing the bugs. If you encounter any - please let me know in the Steam community section or on our Discord. My condolences to everyone who's been affected by technical issues.

Thank you all for playing!

1917 Studios