Horror House cover
Horror House screenshot
Genre: Indie

Horror House

July 22nd Update

It's been fun watching people play Horror House since the initial release! From watching these videos and getting player feedback, I've decided to implement the changes listed below:

-Increased flashlight range and increased base brightness of the game.
-If the seekers are being hit by the crucifix beam, they are frozen in place.
-New body parts. Instead of 5 fingers and a hand, there are now 2 legs, 2 arms, a torso, and a head.
-New body part purification system. Now there is a fireplace in the main room of the house. As you roam the house, if you find a body part you must bring it back to the fireplace and drop it into the fire.
-Added the "Old Hag" enemy. She roams the house slowly and can't kill or be killed. If she gets close your crucifix begins to invert and catch flame. If your crucifix is inverted (rotated more than 90 degrees), then it will be ineffective against the seekers. You must get far enough away from the hag for your crucifix to begin to rotate upright. Also, if the hag gets close enough she will scream, alerting all the seekers in the house of your position.
-The default difficulty is now set to "medium" with 2 seekers.

I hope you have fun with these changes! Feel free to reach out to d-forcer2@hotmail.com to report any bugs or offer any suggestions.