We've brought out a new update, mostly just fixes all around. The biggest thing is probably that Steam Deck players should finally be able to play it as well, since that didn't work due to some broken resolution settings and an options menu that didn't function as a result. Have fun!
Change log: - Fix resolution loading/initialization problem on non 1080p screens that could crash the options menu - Properly unlink the link mode when disconnected via mover - Fix typo in "Ophelia - 8" datalog - Make tutorial overlay texts not cut off for longer bind names - Add shorthand for middle mouse button for HUD - Fix some more reflection probe ranges on Coffee Break - Add reflection probe to exit airlock of Emergency Storage - Fix some collision issues on Emergency Storage room - Patch visible hole on Equipment Bay - Fix reflection probes on Equipment Bay - Fix tiny airlock gap on Server Room - Fix high score notice not showing in the level complete text - Fix missing x-ray arrows for pressure plates on Server Room - Fix missing collision for wall on Big Vent - Fix Coffee Break door not becoming red after closing - Make goop on Emergency Storage more blue - Fix buggy pillar collision on Water Management
Invertigo official release
We're thrilled to announce that Invertigo has now been officially released. We hope you'll have a great time with the game, it was definitely a special journey for us to make it and we can't wait to hear what you think, so don't forget to leave a review or reach us through the discord.
There is now a 20% release discount of Invertigo as a thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the years.
The new demo has a bunch of new functionalities and bugfixes. For example, you don't have to switch between the gravity modules anymore to use them. You can now use the gravity shift with the left mouse button and the gravity link with the right mouse button. 'E' can be used for the gravity hold module. Furthermore, the aforementioned controller support has been implemented. You can seamlessly switch between mouse and keyboard and controller while playing.
Other UI updates include an overhaul of the pause menu. The menu now contains both the scoreboard and the lore menu. The level select screen has also been reworked and is now also included on the main menu. The settings have been updated as well with for example a new 'invert mouse' option and an FOV slider.
And, as we showed in the last announcement, the game now starts with a level that combines the fan-favourite level Coffee Break with the mysterious room from the announcement. Because of this the old demo scoreboard for coffee break has to be wiped since that level no longer exists. Don't worry, the scoreboards for all the other levels will stay as they are :). To celebrate our original heroes who performed speedruns in the old coffee break, the top 100 hall of fame of that scoreboard will be posted in the high score channel of the discord to be immortalized. You can also see this top 100 here below.
So have fun playing the new demo! We're always happy to receive feedback to make Invertigo better, so let us know what you think.
Demo release changelog - Removed gravity module switching, instead they can be invoked directly if available - Added full gamepad support, with seamless switching - Updated coffee break to have the official start of the game, along with new voice lines - Added FOV slider - Added invert mouse toggle - Overhauled level selection menu - Added save data (demo begins with all levels unlocked, but it will save anomaly/datalog collection) - Added level select to main menu - Added scoreboard and lore menu buttons to pause menu - Gun screen now only gives visual feedback if the link module is enabled, and on picking up new modules - Graphics presets actually work now
Start of the game, technical updates and secret levels
Hi everyone,
Since our last update we have continued to work on Invertigo and are really excited to share some of the progress with you. First of all, we can finally share our vision of the start of the game with you. The first level 'coffee break' you all know and love now starts with the player waking up in a chamber filled with glowing tubes. I could explain it all, but I think images say a lot more so here's a gif.
After that, there is a seamless transition to the original 'coffee break' level with a hallway, decorated with all kinds of plants.
Besides the pretty visuals, we can also give you some technical updates. We are happy to tell you that we are in the process of implementing gamepad support to Invertigo. We are also in the progress of adding Steam achievements to the game for you completionists out there. And to wrap up this paragraph, we now also have a new level select menu. The gif below shows all of this in action.
Finally, I have heard rumors that there will be some extra TOP SECRET content in the game, but will you find out how you can get to it? I have received this screenshot to share with you. Stay tuned for more...
Server room, air cleaning, reactor updates and new technical functionalities
Hi everyone,
It's been a while but we have a lot of progress we'd like to share with you. Firstly, a major overhaul has been made to the server room level to make the puzzle more enjoyable: platforms are now wider to prevent you from falling off of them and some alternatives routes/methods have been added to make the level more interesting to both speedrunners and casual players.
We have also been working on new levels, such as the level 'air cleaning'. A tiny triangular level with a surprisingly tricky puzzle. You can see the current status of this level below. Besides this, we are continuously working on polishing our existing levels such as the reactor.
Level design isn't the only progress we'd like to talk about. On the more technical side of things, an FOV slider has been added with a default setting of 90 degrees. But below you can also see examples for an FOV of 60 and 150 degrees. Other functionalities we're working on are an achievement and a save system.
Bugfixing scoreboard, updates to camera and more
First of all happy new year! It's been a while, but we have been working hard on Invertigo and are very excited to share some of the progress we have made since the last announcement. First of all, as of just now there is an updated version of the Invertigo demo on Steam as of now. This demo contains two main updates:
*Fixed the erroneous scoreboard high-score overwriting. Also, there is no lag spike anymore when starting a new level. *The new default settings have a new gravity shift camera and a ring beneath your character that indicates the ground. You can see the ring in the image below. These changes have been made to reduce motion sickness and orientation issues. For people who don't want the ring and want the legacy gravity shift camera this can be toggled in the settings.
Besides these fixes we've also worked on new levels. One level we'd like to showcase is the reactor. Critical to make sure that the other levels still get the required power and supplies, the player has to fix the reactor in this mind-bending level which makes use of walkways and of course gravity in a lot of different directions. Here's a preview of the puzzle.
Finally, some other minor bugfixes/improvements: *Some binds got renamed *More visible checkmarks in the options menu *Scoreboard now centers on you by default, and loads slightly faster *Fixes for captions/dialogue/ground-ring toggles not working immediately across levels
Recreational room and industrial corridors
Firstly we want to give a warm welcome to all our recent new arrivals in the discord and on our Steam wishlist. We can't put into words how exciting it is to see our discord grow and to see people enjoy our game. So a big thank you to Creem for streaming our game and bringing it to a larger audience.
The last few weeks we've been very busy with some of the levels for the full game so in this announcement we'd like to give a preview of some of our progress. One of the levels in current development is the recreational room. Tired of all the puzzling? Take a seat and stare at the beautiful palm trees while enjoying your 15 minutes of relaxation. Note = you still need to solve a puzzle to leave the recreational room ;).
Furthermore, we'd like to show some early progress on a level called 'industrial corridors'. Some screenshots of the early blockout of this level are shown below. The industrial corridors run through the maintenance area of the station and can be used by the player to get to different areas of the game.
To give you an idea of the direction we want to go with the industrial corridors I also attached some concept art here. Once again thanks everyone for being active in the discord and for playing our game. We'll continue to keep you up to date regularly with these sort of progress updates.
Late Sunday Update!
Hello all! Surprise late Sunday update :)
UI & UX - Fix UI text bugs - Make new mode pop-up properly disappear with custom binds and scroll wheel - Fix fade after the last level not fading out if you switch level - Fix sound volume level not initializing properly from settings - Restart no longer brings you to the previous level if done in starting airlock
Scoreboard - Fix bug with moves scores not saving properly - Make "around you" scroll to your entry properly on the scoreboard - Fix histogram not properly marking the bar you're in
Movement & Mechanics - Smooth velocity over force zones in all directions: - Fix horizontal velocity not resetting after landing from jump - Reset horizontal velocity after some air-time - Increased air control and decrease jump momentum preservation to compensate - Fix view slowly centering
Levels & Visuals - Fixed glitch spots where your head sticks out of bounds and you can see the whole outside - Added some easter eggs - Added a thank-you for Creem and the speedrunning folks at Discord, you're awesome! - Cleaned up geometry (overlapping meshes, Z-fighting) - Cleaned up lighting (colors, values, placement) - Patched up various holes on all levels - Changed lever visuals to be more clear - Cleaned up collision for several objects - Adjusted some models to look better - Reposition one of the moving pillars on Greenhouse - Fixed the 'trap yourself in the red room' in the Coffee Break - Deleted unnecessary meshes from levels - Reduced size of lightmaps - Added black shadow at mantling in coffee break ((intentional))
Thanks a lot to all the folks who joined our Discord recently and made bug reports, we tried to squash as many of the bugs as we could. We will soon post a status update about some exciting new maps that we are working on!
Now get back to speedrunning!
Invertigo Update: improved gravity shifts and scoreboard
While we are still working hard on the full version of the game, we thought we could already provide you with some fixes and new features with an update of the demo. You can update the free demo of Invertigo on Steam as of today. This update contains the following fixes and features.
Improved gravity shifts *The view tries to level with the floor now *A speed curve is used to reduce motion sickness *Gravity shifts in general are faster and smoother
Improved scoreboard *Developer scores can be toggled on, which means you can also compete with our times if you want *The histogram to look at the distribution of results from the community has been improved *Steam avatars and as well as Steam friend icons are now included *The scoreboard is now also scrollable
And one more thing: the gravity tool can now only be used after you open the door of the airlock. The era of speedrunning while doing all your moves inside the airlock is over.
Cold storage level
Today we want to highlight the progress on one of our new puzzles called 'cold storage'. The process of going from an idea to a fully-fledged level consists of many steps. We start with a brainstorm about the purpose of the level within the story. This results in a sketch with a basic design of the puzzle. Afterwards a first blockout of the level is made in Unity. This is then used to make concept art to better flesh out the look and details of the level.
After the concept art more details are added until we are happy with the end result. And we are very pleased with our final version of the cold storage level, which you can see below.