Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero cover
Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero screenshot
PC PS4 XONE Switch Steam
Genre: Fighting, Platform, Adventure, Indie

Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero

Developer Livestream

Today, I have a special live stream event for you. We will have a look at a new world of Leif's Adventure.
We will visit the Tigros Kindom. We will look at the current state of the level. Will uncover bugs and other unexpected things. Let's see what will happen.

2021 - an honest review of the year by a game developer

2021 - A Review!

A long time ago!

When you're tackling a big project, such as writing a book, making a film, or, as in my case, developing a game, you can get overwhelmed by the complexity. This is especially the case in the field of computer games because you have to combine many disciplines such as graphics, music, programming, storytelling, and so on. I started with the project Leif's Adventure over six years ago. An unimaginably long time, in which I have to concentrate and motivate myself every day. In the first years, it was still very easy. The motivation was high and I didn't have to provide additional income because I had savings that I could invest. After that, the complexity increased year by year.
Besides the development, I had to take care of work assignments to cover my personal and the costs of the project. I do not want to go into too much detail here, because it is primarily about the last year, the year 2021.

When will Leif's Adventure be ready?

I was asked at the beginning of the year when Leif's Adventure will finally be finished. Whereby the "finally" was mentally inserted by me, then I was pretty sure that it will happen this year. But there were further postponements and sometime in the middle of the year, it was clear to me that I would not be able to keep the start date again and that I would have to postpone it to the next year.
This led to a lot of frustration, which became even bigger from month to month, as it became more foreseeable that it probably won't even be for a start in the beginning, but rather in the middle of the year 2022. So now I sit in the office between the years and ask myself: What was actually achieved this year? Was it a year of failure or do I just have to look closely to discover how much was actually achieved? And that's exactly what I want to do in this annual review.

I spent this morning reading through the commit logs and listing the major accomplishments. I was able to list 159 completed processes. These are by far not all, but only the elements that I thought worth mentioning.

For example, things like the following:

  • New quests
  • New outfits
  • New features f. e. the new save system
  • New characters
  • Bugfixes
  • New sound effects and music
  • New levels
  • And much more...


The Highlights

To make the whole thing a bit more exciting I will create a few rankings. Let's go!

The 3 most complex features

3. Added Keyboard controls for the PC

The game should finally be playable with the keyboard. That was finally achieved this year.

2. Rework of the Options Menu

The options menu has been completely reworked so that the language can now also be changed and the music or sound effects can be adjusted in their volume.

1. The Savesystem

The save system was finalized and then rebuilt so that the save logic is more consistent. Everything that you have gained until the next save point is now lost if you were not at a save point again. This now applies to everything and not as before, partly so partly different. Especially for the Nintendo Switch, this was a big challenge because the save process had to be outsourced to an extra thread so that the save process doesn't interrupt the game.


The 3 biggest chunks

3. The Intro

The intro of the game has been in planning for years and had some big difficulties with the singer and composer of the intro song because his motivation has decreased more and more until the contact was unfortunately completely broken off at some point. So I was even happier when I found a new composer and singer. The two of them delivered a great song. My wife and I rewrote the lyrics. In August, I also implemented the animations and camera movements in Unity. The result is something to see and hear. See for yourself:


2. The Demo 2.0 !

For the Steam Next Festival, I wanted to publish a new demo. This should show more of the game and mechanisms that were not yet available in the old demo. Also, the new demo was now also playable with the keyboard
If you haven't played the demo yet. You can try it here for free:

1. Sulfite-Land - The last level

When I first started developing the game, my estimate of the development time for a new level was about a month. At some point, I went to about 3 months. But now I know that the new complexity and the level of detail I'm aiming for now means that a development time of 4-6 months per level is more likely to be necessary. Exactly that was confirmed with the last level. But the sulfite land is also the most varied and of course the most difficult area of the game.

In the video here you can see a part of the development:


The 3 coolest new enemies

3. The Slimer

The Slimer is a classic slime blob opponent. He comes in the 3 element types fire, electricity, and ice. What's exciting is that he reproduces himself when you attack him with the wrong weapon types.

2. The ancient Snake - Angur

Angur also plays with the elements. As a serpent mage, he can create shields of the three main elements. Here, too, the right weapons are trumps!

1. The Shadow Soldier

The shadow soldier hides a very special secret! However, I do not want to look at it here at all. He is the final boss of the sulfite country. He also has a very special protection strategy, which you can only master in cooperation with Ghost.


The 3 biggest disappointments

3. The old intro song

As briefly mentioned above, this year I was forced to end the collaboration with the singer and composer for the intro song. Since he was simply no longer available. I guess the change requests I had were just too much. The song was great, but in my opinion, you still have to be able to change certain things if it makes it fit the game better. Having to learn that the collaboration that had only started so well came to an abrupt end was a shame and kind of disappointing.

2. Gamescom 21

Gamescom was great and it was cool to have a booth in the Indie Arena Booth thanks to Gamecity Hamburg. However, visibility was very poor due to the countless games. Thus, only very few people got lost in the Indie Arena Booth as well as on the Steam page for my game. The advertising effect was accordingly disappointing.

1. Delay of the release date

This year I really wanted to bring Leif's Adventure to market. You have to remember that the longer the game is in development, the higher the development costs are. Nevertheless, I want to release a good game and that's why I had to postpone the release date again. Admitting that was not easy! However, I know that it was the only right decision. Still, it is the biggest disappointment of 2021.


The 3 best social media happenings

3. Twitter

Twitter is a great platform to connect with gamers, but especially with other developers. 2021 was a good year on Twitter. The channel gained over 250 new followers and the strongest tweet had over 17,000 impressions.

Best Tweet of the Year!

2. Best Indie Game of April

In April, I noticed a sharp increase in wishlist entries. It had taken me a while to figure out where that came from. So, I was even more pleased when I saw that Leif's Adventure was listed in the trailer for the best indie games of April 2021. Thank you Clemmy!

See for yourself:

1. Steam Next Fest Live Stream

It was a great success that Leif's Adventure was accepted for Steam Next Fest this summer. It was even featured in the adventure trailer here.

But my personal highlight was the live stream I did together with my wife on a blisteringly warm summer evening. We had an average of over 600 viewers at the same time and almost 1000 viewers at the maximum.

There are still so many things I would like to list here, such as the new logo.

But I would like to close with a thank you. A thank you to everyone who continues to believe in the project and who supports me on this long journey.
If you already added Leif's Adventure to your Steam Wishlist, follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or subscribe to the newsletter, then you are one of them too!

Thanks a lot and happy new year!

Thorny Tendrils Terror


Play the demo and add Leif's Adventure to your wishlist!

Gamedevelopment Update

Bossfight - a new challenge awaits you.

This month was all about creating the boss fight for the sulfite ground. Creating a boss enemy is always a fun process but also a bit taxing. The goal is to create a specific gameplay element that is different for each boss. As important is to use both characters' capabilities. Leif nor Ghost should be bored during the fight. Similar to the level I start with some rough ideas. Thereafter I block out the elements that are now to this boss enemy. To see if the ideas do work as planned. If this is successful the next step is to add the other attacks and movements. To see if all movements work together. During the whole process, a lot of playtesting is needed. I also make sure the art assets and animations do look good. And in the end, we hopefully have an engaging and challenging boss fight.

Cutscenes - The story needs to be told.

Since this boss is the last level boss, the story of course also slowly comes to a head. Therefore, cutscenes are needed that properly set the scene for the individual characters and advance the story. For this, I have made a few streams on Twitch and Steam in the last few days. The streams will be available for a few days. But maybe I'll make a Youtube video out of it later in a shorter form.

Twitch Stream

The Bard - a new face

Since the singer for the intro has changed I also wanted to adapt the representation of his character as the bard. So, say hello to the new bard and have a look at his lute playing skills. If you haven't seen the intro video yet. Check it out below.


Have a great holiday season!

The Christmas season is just around the corner and it's getting dark outside my office window very early again. I wish you all a great festive season and a good start to the winter season.

Live Development Hour With Roman from OneManOnMars!

Welcome to today's DEV-HOUR

Today, we will create the hero graves. So we will create a few designs for fallen heroes to be placed within the world of Leif's Adventure.

Here's the video of the last dev-hour!

Live Development Hour With Roman from OneManOnMars!

Welcome to today's DEV-HOUR

Join me working on the gray box version of the sulfite ground level. Find out how I approach level design and see me building the level brick by brick. I am looking forward to answering any questions.


Gamedevelopment Update

Thank you for a great Steam Next Fest

the Steam Next Festival was great fun and now it's time for a cold drink and a summer filled with more gaming fun. Let's take a look at the latest dev updates:

New Extended Demo Out

The new extended demo is out on Steam. Have you picked up the sword and jumped right into battle? There is lot's to explore in this new version of the demo. You can around and explore the ancient pyramid or jump through one of the two portals to go on a quest in Red Rock or Broken Cave. But keep your eyes open for the Ancient Monster. They are hidden somewhere and are waiting for you!

Development Update

I have been busy implementing new features into the game. One of them is a new map feature, that will show you some interesting information about each level. You will be able to see if you have found every treasure or all ancient weapons of a level and much more.

To make it easier for the players to keep track of all the open tasks I started integrating the Quest Journal. This way you should never lose the overview of the things to do in Leif's Adventure.

Gameplay tipp

The relationship between Leif and Ghost is a very important aspect of the game.
Check out how the ghost can support Leif in battles by catching Leif's "lost health"! This can make quite the difference! Work as a team to collect the hearts and support each other. Play the new demo with a friend and share the fun!

Meet the Ariiborians

In the new demo, you get to explore Ariibora and meet the inhabitants. There is much to uncover! Enter the dojo! Give your new weapons a try or talk to Paaros the Weapon Master! Once equipped for battle help the Arrioborans to find the missing queen and learn more about the evil that is threatening the peace.

Have you ever wondered how all these characters came to life?
Check out this timelapse video of the creation of the Ariiborians.

Leif's Adventure - Live Coop-Gameplay

Let's celebrate the Steam Next Festival with a deep dive into the world of Leif's Adventure.

Hey, my name is Roman, I am the developer of Leif's Adventure and looking forward to demonstrating the latest version of the game together with Melina. We start the journey at the central hub of the game: Ariibora. From there on we will check out two different levels and see if we are able to overcome the depth of the Netherworld.

Next to exploring the latest demo, I will talk about the development process, the current status of the game and answer all your questions.

So join in and follow us into the Netherworld.

Leif's Adventure - Live Coop-Gameplay

Let's start the Steam Next Festival with a bang and dive deep into the world of Leif's Adventure.

Hey, my name is Roman, I am the developer of Leif's Adventure and looking forward to demonstrating the latest version of the game together with Melina. We start the journey at the central hub of the game: Ariibora. From there on we will check out two different levels and see if we are able to overcome the depth of the Netherworld.

Next to exploring the latest demo, Roman will talk about the development process, the current status of the game, and answers all your questions.

So join in and follow us into the Netherworld.

New Demo is out now!!

A new DEMO is out now!

I am very happy to announce that the new demo of Leif's Adventure is now available.

Explore new areas, equip yourself with new weapons, potions and armor before you jump into one of two available demo levels!

  • Play in singleplayer and coop mode.
  • Explore new areas.
  • Hunt down 2 of the 5 Ancient Monsters.
  • Manage your characters weapon and armor loadout
  • Keyboard control has been added for singleplayer mode.
  • Around 1-2 hours of playtime.

Join Discord to chat about the new demo!