The maintenance has been completed at 1:14 PM PDT. Thanks for your patience.
Mabinogi will have an unscheduled maintenance on May 12th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 12:00 PM PDT and last approximately 2 hours.
Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.
Friday, May 12th
Pacific (PDT, UTC -7): 12:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern (EDT, UTC -4): 3:00 - 5:00 PM Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 9:00 - 11:00 PM
To address the following:
The following known issue will be resolved. Affected players will receive an equal amount of exploration statues with the correct EXP amount in a future maintenance. Thank you for your patience.
Known Issue: The exploration statues (Serving Crock (Tradable), Small Hippo Statue (Tradable), and Tabula Ocular (Tradable)) acquired when opening an Inquisitor's Box are incorrectly giving 0 exploration EXP when sold. This issue will require further investigation. However, rest assured that the proper amount of statues with EXP will be granted in the near future. You can hold on to the statues or discard them without worry.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
- The Mabinogi Team
Quality of Life - Patch Notes - May 11th
Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the May Update!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
Wandering Troupe Box: Thursday, April 27th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 25th, Before Maintenance
Cotton Candy Sheep Event: Thursday, April 27th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 25th, Before Maintenance
Inquisitor's Box: Thursday, May 11th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 8th, Before Maintenance
Several quality of life changes have been added. See the full post for more information: May Quality of Life Updates
Enchant improvements to make highly successful enchantments more effective while reducing the penalty of huge failure.
The Adventurer Seal system has been renewed, and the shop has been updated with new items.
The Mabinogi BGM song titles have been improved greatly, thanks to our localization team!
And more!
Hey all, GM Quuku here from the Quality Assurance team!
You may have noticed that we've done some Spring Cleaning as of late- we've been correcting more older bugs in each of our patches, and trying to hit newly released bugs as soon as they crop up.
If you'd cast your eyes below, you'll notice that our Known Bugs list has shrunk. We want to shift this from an incomplete backlog of our bugs into a parseable list that contains the largest, newest, and most relevant issues. We still have a (sizeable!) internal backlog that we're cruising through- these bugs haven't just gone away. Our team is dedicated to bringing you a quality play experience, and working through all bugs (new and old) in this distinguished game we play is one of our goals.
Many Milletians have been extremely kind in assisting us in squashing these issues as well, thank you so much for your support and patience. If you spot an issue, feel more than welcomed to report it to us via the official Mabinogi Discord!
The following changes have been made to the game:
Players will now have more time during the G23 Card Flip minigame.
Blaanid's Song "Where Memories Come Together" during Memoir Book 2 now properly plays. Yay Blaanid!
The Set Item name for Movement Speed Increase has been modified to differentiate the movement speed types.
Eweca Movement Speed Increase
Example: Items such as Fleet Feet or Shooting Star shoes.
Ladeca Movement Speed Increase
Example: Items such as Abyss Dragon Armor or Imperial Knight Boots.
Eweca and Ladeca Movement Speed Increase effects can be applied to the character at the same time. Note: At least 10 points of a set item effect must be equipped to activate the effect. Equipped items that exceed 10 points of a set item effect will not grant additional effects. Additionally, the highest value of a set effect type is applied to the character.
Revised several in-game BGM song titles to accurately reflect the songs and their details.
The following bug fixes have been made to the game:
Fixed an issue where players experienced extreme instances of increasing in-game lag after maintenances.
Fixed an issue where players experienced extreme instances of increasing login lag after maintenances.
Fixed an issue where the G10 quest "Prophecy of Irinid" would fail to start from the Crystal Ball.
Fixed a few minor graphic issues with the following items:
Dragon Guardian Shoes
Special / Imperial Commander Uniforms (M)
Special Casual Tech Chic Outfits (M)(F).
The map and region name for Gairech Hills have been properly translated.
Fixed an issue causing the Daily Messages from specific Support Puppets to not display.
The Space Cadet pet skill text for "Cleansing Dust" will now display correctly when the pet is unsummoned.
Corrected the Set Item descriptions for the following set bonuses:
Elemental Harmony
Forest Ranger
Found a rare issue where Cliona would only sell four items, instead of the expected five, during the Tara Auction.
Sheared a looming timer on the Cotton Candy Sheep (Aspiring to TRUE STRENGTH!) description.
A f-ewe other edits were made as well, worthy of sheeps of praise. Mutton's gonna stop us now! We're on the lamb! We can-dy this all day, we have a cot-ton of these!
The following are known bugs:
If you try to change your style to an appearance already saved in a Beauty Slot, it will say it failed.
Guilds are not appearing in the Guild List.
During the Master Plan event, when you first open the Master Plan Inventory, it will incorrectly show as locked. Closing and reopening the inventory will fix the issue.
A rare issue has been reported where raids do not spawn correctly on certain channels.
There is an issue where one-time/limited item cannot be purchased from the in-game shop, but can be on the web-shop.
Shop items with expiration times start counting down upon the player logging in or changing channels, rather than having their count down start when the item is purchased.
Scheduled Maintenance - May 11th
Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on May 11th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 5 hours.
Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.
Thursday, May 11th
Pacific (PDT, UTC -7): 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (EDT, UTC -4): 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
To address the following:
Weekly server upkeep.
Tara's streets are filled with the scent of sweet coffee roasting! The Sweet Coffee Event is starting.
Look flawless while vanquishing evil in Erinn! The Inquisitor's Box Sale is starting.
Processing of requested name changes. Note: The Name Change submission site will be unavailable after 5:00 AM PDT time, and will be available after the maintenance.
Server adjustment to reduce ongoing lag issues. Thank you for your patience! Please expect more information regarding the recent lag issues soon.
- The Mabinogi Team
[COMPLETED] Scheduled Maintenance - May 11th
The maintenance has been completed at 11:20 AM PDT. Thanks for your patience.
Known Issue: Currently, NPC Lorna does not allow players to claim claimable Milestone rewards from the Scented Bear's Special Gift Event. This issue is under further investigation and additional updates will be provided. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on May 11th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 5 hours.
Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.
Thursday, May 11th
Pacific (PDT, UTC -7): 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (EDT, UTC -4): 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
To address the following:
Weekly server upkeep.
Tara's streets are filled with the scent of sweet coffee roasting! The Sweet Coffee Event is starting.
Look flawless while vanquishing evil in Erinn! The Inquisitor's Box Sale is starting.
Processing of requested name changes. Note: The Name Change submission site will be unavailable after 5:00 AM PDT time, and will be available after the maintenance.
Server adjustment to reduce ongoing lag issues. Thank you for your patience! Please expect more information regarding the recent lag issues soon.
- The Mabinogi Team
May Quality of Life Updates
May Quality of Life Updates
The maximum stack size for Golden Magic Wool has been increased to 100.
The logic when mounting a summoned pet has been improved.
The problem of failing to mount a pet that is moving has been alleviated.
An issue where the character did not respond to the mounting hotkey (Default: ‘R’ key) has been fixed.
When using the hotkey to mount, if the pet is a certain distance away from the character, improvements have been made so that mounting takes place after the command to call the pet has been used. (Hotkey setting “Call the pet” in Options > Game > Control > Hotkey Settings)
After using the hotkey command to guide the pet to you, it will no longer return to the target it was attacking after returning to its owner.
However, if the AI of the animal character is in the Collaborative Attack/Auto Attack mode, you can set another target and proceed with the battle again.
The visual effects of the Phantasmal Sight Technique have been changed. It has been improved so that each effect can be distinguished by a difference in shape.
Improvements have been made so that higher enchant rolls can be received when the enchantment is successful, and the penalty that decreases durability when the enchantment fails has been alleviated.
Great Success: It has been changed to apply the enchantment with a value of 80% or more of the floating value when a Great Success enchantment occurs.
Example: For an effect outlined as, "When Bash is Rank 1 or higher, Max Damage +22-48", and a Great Success occurs, the enchant roll will have a value of 80% or more of the possible enchant rolls. The available rolls would be between +42-48.
Catastrophic Failure: The equipment durability penalty has been reduced when a Catastrophic Failure enchantment occurs.
Improvements have been made so that you can check detailed information such as the type of firewood used when burning an item, whether an Enchant Extraction Protection Potion has been applied, and the success rate of the enchant burn.
An updated report function has been added.
When you right-click on a character, the “Report” option is now available.
The Adventurer Seal System and Shop have been renewed.
The daily quests that award Adventurer Seals are the same as before, and the number of Adventurer Seals given as rewards has been doubled.
The Adventurer Seal has been changed so that bank sharing between characters is not possible.
New items have been added to the Seal Shop of NPC Seal Merchant in Dunbarton and Belvast. For a full list of available items, check the chart below.
The following items have been removed from the Seal shop:
Exploration Journal, Page 1
Exploration Journal, Page 2
Exploration Journal, Page 3
Exploration Journal, Page 4
Exploration Journal, Page 5
Golden Elephant Statue
Golden Sundial Artifact
Golden Dragon Statue
Dowra SE
Taunes MK3
Hermit's Staff
Fox Enchant Scroll
Bowman's Enchant Scroll
Skilled Enchant Scroll
Mana Needle Enchant Scroll
Wolf Hunter's Enchant Scroll
Penetrating Enchant Scroll
Water Drop Enchant Scroll
Vine Enchant Scroll
Precise Reforging Tools, types of Dungeon Passes, Marionettes, Skill Training Seals, or Stardust materials purchased with Adventurer Seals are not tradable.
The purchase limit is applied per account, and the reset time is as follows.
Items sold at all times or on specific days of the week will reset at 12:00 AM PT. The purchase limit for Precise Reforging Tools will reset every Thursday at 7:00 AM PT.
In the Stardust Material Selection Box, you can acquire 5 Core Fragments and 5 Regulators of the material type of your choice.
Several revisions have been made to the titles of many songs in Mabinogi. You may notice these changes in the Jukebox or MabiNovel. After a diligent review by our localization team, we have improved the song titles to focus the original intention of the title and included tags to detail where the theme is from.
Click on the button below to view the full list of song titles and their changes!
Sweet Coffee Event Returns!
Liam and Gwen are back again with Peep's Coffee! Get caffeinated with a new coffee every day, but remember to take a break to enjoy your drink with the Cake & Coffee Table (for 2)! Check out the details below.
Event Dates:Thursday, May 11th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 8th, Before Maintenance
Event Details
Log in during the event period to receive the event quest, [Guide] Coffee Aroma, and an Orange Wings of a Goddess.
Orange Wings of a Goddess Details:
Use this wing to teleport to different locations.
Teleport Locations:
Tara Gallery
Dunbarton Town Square
Tara Shadow Mission Bulletin Board
Taillteann Shadow Mission Bulletin Board
Using the wing has a 10-minute cooldown, so use it wisely!
Register a main character with Liam, located near the Food Truck at the Tara Gallery.
You can only register one main character per account.
You will receive the following rewards after completing [Guide] Coffee Aroma:
10,000 EXP
Once registered, you will receive the following:
Coffee Coin x1
Coffee of the Day x1
Premium Roast Coffee Box x1
Sweet Coffee Event Guide
You can check out the event details and your Consecutive Login and Total Login count when using the guide.
Speak to Liam each real-life day to receive a Coffee of the Day, and a Premium Roast Coffee Box.
You can also find Gwen while she is out for deliveries. She will hint where she will be headed when you talk to her in Tara. Something good might happen if you meet her everyday...
Coin Details
Collect Coffee Coins by logging in or doing the assigned daily quests.
You can redeem the Coffee Coins with Gwen for sweet rewards!
The daily reset is at 12:00 AM PDT.
Ways to Obtain Coins
Weekdays Daily Login - Coffee Coin x1
Weekday Consecutive Login - Coffee Coin x2
Stay logged in for 36 minutes (Once Daily) - Coffee Coin x2
Weekend Login - Coffee Coin x5
Complete the A Coffee Coin (1) quest (Once Daily) - Coffee Coin x1
To fulfill the daily quest, complete either the Tara or Taillteann daily Shadow Mission once.
Complete the A Coffee Coin (2) quest (Once Daily) - Coffee Coin x1
To fulfill the daily quest, complete a Pet Expedition once.
Log in for 7 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x1
Log in for 10 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x2
Log in for 14 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x1
Log in for 20 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x2
Log in for 21 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x1
Log in for 28 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x1
Log in for 30 consecutive days - Special Coffee Coin x2
Log in for a total of 14 days:
*NEW* Cake & Coffee Table (for 2)
Log in for a total of 21 days:
*NEW* Iced Latte (To Go)
Gwen's Exchange Shop
Specialty Goods
Use Special Coffee Coins to purchase goods in the Specialty Goods tab. [table][tr][th]Item[/th][th]Cost[/th][/tr][tr][td] *NEW* Cheerfully Caffeinated Coffee Wagon Whistle[/td][td]Special Coffee Coin x4[/td][/tr][tr][td] *NEW* Rookie Barista Hat[/td][td]Special Coffee Coin x2[/td][/tr][tr][td] *NEW* Rookie Barista Uniform (M)[/td][td]Special Coffee Coin x2[/td][/tr][tr][td] *NEW* Rookie Barista Uniform (F)[/td][td]Special Coffee Coin x2[/td][/tr][tr][td] *NEW* Warm Afternoon Picnic Bench[/td][td]Special Coffee Coin x1[/td][/tr][tr][td]Coffee Coin x30[/td][td]Special Coffee Coin x1[/td][/tr][/table] Normal Goods
Use Coffee Coins to purchase goods. [table][tr][th]Item[/th][th]Cost[/th][/tr][tr][td]Coffee Powder Totem Coupon All Stats Totem[/td][td]Coffee Coin x4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Premium Roast Coffee Box[/td][td]Coffee Coin x4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Double Shot Americano (expires in 15 days) Increases Experience by 700%[/td][td]Coffee Coin x4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Condensed Milk Latte (expires in 15 days) Restores HP, MP, Wounds, and Stamina[/td][td]Coffee Coin x1[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Cold Brew (expires in 15 days) Gain 30 AP[/td][td]Coffee Coin x4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Affogato (expires in 15 days) For 1 day, you will be under the same effects as a Meditation Potion (Extremely Strong)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x2[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Marshmallow Hot Cocoa (expires in 15 days) Grants more EXP and 360% more rewards for completing Shadow Missions[/td][td]Coffee Coin x3[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Hazelnut Latte (expires in 15 days) Increases Movement Speed by 50% for 10 minutes[/td][td]Coffee Coin x1[/td][/tr][tr][td]Peep's Coffee Coconut Cappuccino (expires in 15 days) 2x Skill EXP for 1 day (does not stack with other skill training potions)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x3[/td][/tr][tr][td]Special Coffee Coin x1[/td][td]Coffee Coin x30[/td][/tr][tr][td]Forgetful Potion (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x40[/td][/tr][tr][td]Trade Unlock Potion (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x65[/td][/tr][tr][td]Enchant Protection Potion (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x65[/td][/tr][tr][td]Pet Rebirth Potion (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x30[/td][/tr][tr][td]Nao Soul Stone (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x2[/td][/tr][tr][td]Rusty Hammer of Proficiency (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x15[/td][/tr][tr][td]Platinum Hammer of Durability (expires in 15 days)[/td][td]Coffee Coin x30[/td][/tr][tr][td]Age Potion - Age 9[/td][td]Coffee Coin x10[/td][/tr][tr][td]Age Potion - Age 18[/td][td]Coffee Coin x10[/td][/tr][tr][td]Pet Age Potion - Age 1[/td][td]Coffee Coin x5[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dungeon Revamp Pass Box[/td][td]Coffee Coin x10[/td][/tr][tr][td]Elite Pass Box[/td][td]Coffee Coin x10[/td][/tr][tr][td]Baltane Mission Elite Pass Box[/td][td]Coffee Coin x20[/td][/tr][/table]
Premium Roast Coffee Box
You can obtain a Premium Roast Coffee Box every day by talking to Liam or you can purchase one from Gwen's Exchange Shop.
Barista Fallen Fairy Whistle
Barista Flora Whistle
Sweet Coffee Wagon Whistle
Sweet Coffee Scooter Whistle
Purified Apostle Essence
Revelation of the Guardian
Desecrated Charm Chunk
Magical Stone Plate
Torn Sheepskin Parchment
Corrupted Apostle Leather
Apostle Essence
Divine Mineral Fragment
Ancient Monster Core
Massive Turtle Shell Chip
Thorny Blue Shackle
Peep's Coffee Double Shot Americano (expires in 15 days)
Peep's Coffee Condensed Milk Latte (expires in 15 days)
Peep's Coffee Cold Brew (expires in 15 days)
Peep's Coffee Affogato (expires in 15 days)
Peep's Coffee Marshmallow Hot Cocoa (expires in 15 days)
Peep's Coffee Hazelnut Latte (expires in 15 days)
Peep's Coffee Coconut Cappuccino (expires in 15 days)
Coffee Powder Totem Coupon
Cheerful Barista Outfit (M)
Upbeat Barista Outfit (F)
Cheerful Barista Shoes (M)
Upbeat Barista Shoes (F)
Cheerful Barista Wig (M)
Upbeat Barista Wig (F)
Upbeat Barista Wig and Headband (F)
Lovely Pan Scooter
Lovely Pan Bag
Comprehensive Recovery 1000 Potion (Event) (expires in 30 days)
Comprehensive Recovery 500 Potion (Event) (expires in 30 days)
Full Recovery Potion (Event) (expires in 30 days) (expires in 30 days)
Movement Speed 40% Increase Potion (Event) (expires in 30 days)
Combat 2x EXP Potion (30 min.) (expires in 30 days)
Special High Speed Gathering Potion (Event) (expires in 30 days)
Physical Power Potion (30 min.) (expires in 30 days)
Magic Speed Potion (30 min.) (expires in 30 days)
Magic Power Potion (expires in 30 days)
Golden Experience Fruit (500%) (expires in 30 days)
Life Skill 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (expires in 30 days)
Make the most of May with three weeks of 2x boost events! Check out the details below.
Boost Details
Week 1
Event Dates: Thursday, May 11th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 18th, Before Maintenance
2x Combat EXP
2x AP
2x All Skill Training
Week 2
Event Dates: Thursday, May 18th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 25th, Before Maintenance
2x Stardust Boost
Material rewards from completing Society Sponsorship Quests are doubled.
2x Spirit EXP
The Weekly cap for the Spirit EXP is also doubled.
Week 3
Event Dates: Thursday, May 25th, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 1st, Before Maintenance
Community Livestream - May Update Preview (2023)
Join Community Manager Arciellia as she goes over the details of the upcoming May content! Join us on our channel, Tuesday, May 9th at 2:00 PM PDT (5:00 PM EDT). As always, there will be giveaways throughout the stream.
The maintenance has been completed at 10:32 AM PDT. Thanks for your patience.
Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on May 4th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 4 hours.
Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.
Thursday, May 4th
Pacific (PDT, UTC -7): 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern (EDT, UTC -4): 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Processing of requested name changes. Note: The Name Change submission site will be unavailable after 5:00 AM PDT time, and will be available after the maintenance.
Server adjustment to reduce ongoing lag issues. Thank you for your patience! Please expect more information regarding the recent lag issues soon.
- The Mabinogi Team
Scheduled Maintenance - May 4th
Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on May 4th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 4 hours.
Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.
Thursday, May 4th
Pacific (PDT, UTC -7): 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern (EDT, UTC -4): 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Processing of requested name changes. Note: The Name Change submission site will be unavailable after 5:00 AM PDT time, and will be available after the maintenance.
Server adjustment to reduce ongoing lag issues. Thank you for your patience! Please expect more information regarding the recent lag issues soon.