Mabinogi cover
Mabinogi screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure


Erinn Adventure Journal - Special Server Merge Season

The Erinn Adventure Journal is here! Complete different tasks to update the Journal and gain rewards each time the Journal levels up. If you want extra rewards, you can use Pon to activate special rewards! Check out the details below.

Season Dates: Thursday, April 14th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 12th, Before Maintenance

Erinn Adventure Journal

Reward Information

Normal Rewards

Adventure Journal Season 1 Runner 2nd Title Coupon

Once used, the title effects will be available for 30 days.
2nd Title grants Skill Training 2x EXP, Combat 2x EXP, Gathering Success Rate +5%, Gathering Speed +5%, Movement Speed +1%, Automatic Fishing Success Rate, Bonus Ducats +5%, and Production Success Rate +5%.
[/td][td]7 days (coupon) / 30 days (title)[/td][/tr][tr][td]
Guardian Milletian Title (Temporary) Coupon

1st title grants Max Damage +13, Magic Attack +25, Critical +15%, Strength +50, Intelligence +50, Dexterity +50, Will +50, Luck +50, Max HP +150, Max Stamina +150, Max MP +150, Defense +20, Protection +10, Magic Defense +40, Magic Protection +15, Baltane Mission Combat EXP +150%, 2x All Skill Training EXP. When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x.

These stats can be enhanced each level with upgrade coupons that can be used until the maintenance on June 9th, 2022, regardless of the title's level.
[/td][td]15 days (coupon)[/td][/tr][tr][td]2
[/td][td]Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box x5[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat Support Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]3[/td][td]Perfect Free Repair Kit x3[/td][td]3 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]4[/td][td]Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box x5[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat Support Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]
Blessed Milletian Title (Temporary) Upgrade Coupon

This coupon can be used to upgrade the Guardian Milletian title to the Blessed Milletian title.

1st title grants Max Damage +17, Magic Attack +30, Critical +15%, Critical Damage +5%, Strength +65, Intelligence +65, Dexterity +65, Will +65, Luck +65, Max HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Max MP +200, Defense +35, Protection +15, Magic Defense +60, Magic Protection +20, Baltane Mission Combat EXP +200%, 2x All Skill Training EXP. When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x.
[/td][td]N/A[/td][/tr][tr][td]6[/td][td]Unrestricted Dungeon Pass Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]7[/td][td]Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box x5[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat Support Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]8[/td][td]

*NEW* Heavy Jacket Gloves Selection Box

- Heavy Jacket Wristband (M)
- Heavy Jacket Gloves (F)
[/td][td]No expiry[/td][/tr][tr][td]9[/td][td]Rebirth Potion (Event)[/td][td]3 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]Baltane Elite Mission Pass Selection Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]

Luminous Milletian Title (Temporary) Upgrade Coupon

This coupon can be used to upgrade the Blessed Milletian title to the Luminous Milletian title.

1st title grants Max Damage +23, Magic Attack +55, Critical +18%, Critical Damage +7%, Bonus Damage +3%, Strength +80, Intelligence +80, Dexterity +80, Will +80, Luck +80, Max HP +300, Max Stamina +300, Max MP +300, Defense +50, Protection +15, Magic Defense +80, Magic Protection +25, Baltane Mission Combat EXP +200%, 2x All Skill Training EXP. When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x.
Age Potion Selection Box x3

Select an Age Potion of your choice. (Age 9 - 18)
[/td][td]15 days (box) / 3 days (items)

[/td][/tr][tr][td]11[/td][td]Unlimited Veteran Fomor Pass Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]12[/td][td]

*NEW* Heavy Jacket Boots Selection Box

Choose one of the following items:
- Heavy Jacket Boots (M)
- Heavy Jacker Boots (F)
Glorious Milletian Title (Temporary) Upgrade Coupon

This coupon can be used to upgrade the Luminous Milletian title to the Glorious Milletian title.

1st title grants Max Damage +25, Magic Attack +60, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +10%, Bonus Damage +5%, Strength +100, Intelligence +100, Dexterity +100, Will +100, Luck +100, Max HP +400, Max Stamina +400, Max MP +400, Defense +100, Protection +20, Magic Defense +100, Magic Protection +40, Baltane Mission Combat EXP +250%, 2x All Skill Training EXP. When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x.
[/td][td]N/A[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat EXP Potion Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]14[/td][td]Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box x5[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat Support Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]15[/td][td]Baltane Elite Mission Pass Selection Box[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]16[/td][td]

*NEW* Heavy Jacket Wig Selection Box

Choose one of the following items:
- Heavy Jacket Wig and Earrings (M)
- Heavy Jacket Wig and Ribbon (F)
- Heavy Jacket Wig (M)
- Heavy Jacket Wig (F)
Legendary Milletian Title (Temporary) Upgrade Coupon

This coupon can be used to upgrade the Glorious Milletian title to the Legendary Milletian title.

1st title grants Max Damage +30, Magic Attack +70, Critical +25%, Critical Damage +12%, Bonus Damage +7%, Strength +130, Intelligence +130, Dexterity +130, Will +130, Luck +130, Max HP +400, Max Stamina +400, Max MP +400, Defense +130, Protection +20, Magic Defense +100, Magic Protection +40, Baltane Mission Combat EXP +250%, 2x All Skill Training EXP. When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x.
[/td][td]N/A[/td][/tr][tr][td]18[/td][td]Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box x5[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat Support Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]19[/td][td]Perfect Free Repair Kit x3[/td][td]No expiry[/td][/tr][tr][td]20[/td][td]Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass Box x5[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Combat Support Box x3[/td][td]1 day (box) / 3 days (items)[/td][/tr][tr][td]21

*NEW* Heavy Jacket Outfit Selection Box

Choose one of the following items:
Heavy Jacket Long Outfit (M)
- Heavy Jacket Long Outfit (F)
- Heavy Jacket Short Outfit (M)
- Heavy Jacket Short Outfit (F)
Eternal Milletian Title (Temporary) Upgrade Coupon

This coupon can be used to upgrade the Legendary Milletian title to the Eternal Milletian title.

1st title grants Max Damage +35, Magic Attack +80, Critical +30%, Critical Damage +20%, Bonus Damage +10%, Strength +150, Intelligence +150, Dexterity +150, Will +150, Luck +150, Max HP +500, Max Stamina +500, Max MP +500, Defense +150, Protection +30, Magic Defense +120, Magic Protection +50, Baltane Mission Combat EXP +300%, 2x All Skill Training EXP. When defeating monsters as a party in a Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party members will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x.
Special Rewards

[table][tr][th]Grade[/th][th]Item[/th][th]Expiration[/th][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td]Homestead Stone Mining Permit (7 Days)[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td][td]Potent Finest Shadow Crystal x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]3[/td][td]Prism Selection Box x2[/td][td]7 days (box) / 14 days (prism)[/td][/tr][tr][td]4[/td][td]Potent Finest Shadow Crystal x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]5[/td][td]Prism Selection Box x2[/td][td]7 days (box) / 14 days (prism)[/td][/tr][tr][td]6[/td][td]Item Drop Booster Potion (30 min.) x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]7[/td][td]Potent Finest Shadow Crystal x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]8[/td][td]Trade Unlock Potion (Event)[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]9[/td][td]Prism Selection Box x2[/td][td]7 days (box) / 14 days (prism)[/td][/tr][tr][td]10[/td][td]Platinum Fruit of EXP (1M) x2[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]11[/td][td]Item Drop Booster Potion (30 min.) x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]12[/td][td]Homestead Stone Mining Permit (7 Days)[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]13[/td][td]Extra Equipment Slot Coupon (15 days)[/td][td]N/A[/td][/tr][tr][td]14[/td][td]Potent Finest Shadow Crystal x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]15[/td][td]Combat 4x EXP Potion (30 min) x2[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]16[/td][td]

*NEW*Lightning Sword Appearance Scroll
[/td][td]N/A[/td][/tr][tr][td]17[/td][td]Enchant Protection Potion[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]18[/td][td]Potent Finest Shadow Crystal x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]19[/td][td]Exquisite Reforging Tool (Not tradable) x10
Does not provide Hope Essence[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]20[/td][td]Potent Finest Shadow Crystal x5[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][tr][td]21[/td][td]Erg Max Lv. 30 Unlock Catalyst[/td][td]14 days[/td][/tr][/table]

Milletian Events: Server Merge Celebration!

Welcome to Erinn, Milletians! To celebrate the server merge, we are having a ton of events to help your characters get settled into the new server. Check out the details below.

Server Representation Title Giveaway

Event Dates: Thursday, April 14th, After Server Merge Maintenance

Erinn Server Launch Celebration Hotday

Event Dates: Thursday, April 14th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 12th, Before Maintenance

Double Rainbow Weekends

Event Dates:  Weekends from Thursday, April 14th, After Maintenance - Thursday, April 28th, Before Maintenance

16-Letter Character Name Event

Event Dates: Thursday, April 14th, After Maintenance - Thursday, April 28th, Before Maintenance

C6/C7 Support Event

Event Dates: Thursday, April 14th, After Maintenance - Thursday, May 12th, Before Maintenance
[table][tr][th]Generation[/th][th]Quest[/th][th]Quest Changes[/th][/tr][tr][td]G19[/td][td]The Interloper[/td][td]
Quest Difficulty: Beginner
[/td][/tr][tr][td]What It Means to Protect[/td][td]
Quest Difficulty: Beginner
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Under Siege[/td][td]
Quest Difficulty: Beginner

Reduced the number of monsters
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Gods Save the Queen[/td][td]
Quest Difficulty: Beginner

Reduced the number of monsters
[/td][/tr][tr][td]G20[/td][td]Guardians 1[/td][td]
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 5 minutes to 3 minutes
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Eye of an Eagle Owl 1[/td][td]
The distance to the target destination displays as a value
Shades of Ash

The Conclusion

Perilous Getaway

The Colors of Nebula
The given quest time is decreased to 3 minutes
A Glimpse of the Future
The quest Provocation is replaced by the quest Defeat the Shadow Warrior
Memories Upon the Altar
Tagar's stat, which had been adjusted based on the Character's cumulative level, is nerfed

Tagar's ATT is nerfed

The Hit Range Phase 1 Pillar is increased
The Keeper of the Gate
The Mana Range of Creag is decreased
That Which Remains
The combat time of Phase 1 is decreased from 1 minute to 30 seconds

The Confinement removal time of Phase 1 is increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes
The Breath of Peaceful Slumber
The number of summon Doppelgangers is decreased from 4 to 1

The period of the Doppelganger summon is increased to 1 minute
Twilight, Moonlight, Starlight
The Prayer of Protection is moved closer to Altam

The message about using Prayer of Protection is added
Chance and Necessity
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 1 minute 30 seconds to 30 seconds
The number of summoned Tathlum is decreased from 5 to 2
A Memory of Emain Macha
Wings of a Goddess (Avon) will be given upon completion of the quest if the player does not have Avon Feather, which can be used to teleport to Avon
Arranz's Repose
The Usage Count of Shining Shard is decreased from 10 to 3
Executive Discretion
The duration a player has to survive is decreased from 3 minutes to 1 minutes
A False Promise
1 Salamander is summoned
Winter Festival
An option to skip the Card Game is added
Tremors Big and Small
The number of times failing from bumping into animals is increased from 5 to 10
Uneasy Remedy
An option to receive Larva Cocoon, Hazelnut Mushroom, and Bloody Herbis added at the end of dialogue with Dilys
Scattered by the Winds
A message about Boss Battle displays when the player enters the Boss Room
Belvast Restoration
The number of quest items required is reduced (5 Common Silk, 5 Common Leather Straps, 1 Building Stone)

Known Issue: The in-game required items do not show correctly
Into the Storm
The damage from breaking into the reef is decreased from 30 to 10
Far Darrigs and Statues
The duration of Far Darrig turned around is increased
Hunger and Warmth
Information about collecting ingredients and cooking is added
Fog on the Bridge
Gaeta's starting HP is increased from 50 to 80
Nightmare's Embrace
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 3 minutes to 30 seconds
Home of the King
The initial HP of the warp device is increased from 50% to 65%
Who Rules the Sea
The number of times the Character can revive is increased from 3 to 10

The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 5 minutes to 2 minutes
Failed Hypothesis
The chance of Morfyd using Technique is decreased by 50%

The number of summoned Golems is decreased from 3 to 1
Protective Instincts
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 3 minutes to 1 minutes
Beneath a Bottomless Mine
The number of monsters is decreased
Blessed Again
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 3 minutes to 1 minute 30 seconds
Blue and White
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 10 minutes to 2 minutes
Creaking Cabin
The detection range of a monster is decreased
Gaze of Blood Moon
The required HP to complete the phase is nerfed
Anchored Beyond
The number of monsters is decreased
A Lonely Obsession
The number of summoned regular monsters is decreased

The max HP of Sera and Spectre is decreased
Lost Piece
The number of summoned Giant Phantom Mask is decreased from 4 to 2
Silver Paranoia
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 3 minutes to 1 minutes
Heartwarming Touch
The duration a player has to defend is decreased from 3 minutes to 1 minutes
Lullaby of the Abyss
The number of summoned regular monsters is decreased

Incubus is not summoned

Light of Dreams item will be given when you fight Incubus
Wall of Dignity
The number of Giant Guards the player has to freeze is decreased from 9 to 4
Insufferable Presence
The decrease of Stealth Potion guage when a wrong choice is made is decreased from -25 to -20
The Other Side of Altruism
The max HP of Geata is decreased
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
The number of summoned regular monsters is decreased

The chance to rewind memory by using the mirror is increased to 100%.

The max HP of Geata is decreased
Black Moon Cromm Cruaich
The HP of Cruaich and Geata is decreased
Pure Thoughts
The Prototype Echostone is received through a dialogue with Enn

Together in Erinn - Updated FAQ

Hello Milletians,

We’re a few days away from being Together in Erinn! You can view the maintenance details here: Scheduled Maintenance - April 14th

We’ve verified several details during testing and have updated several questions below. We have also removed the Bard Bulletin Board and MabiNovel Bulletin Board from the list of contents that will be reset with the merge, as these contents will be merged and not reset.

As noted previously, there are several restrictions that are required when merging the Alexina server data with the Nao server data. Please review the below restrictions which will mainly affect characters from Alexina, and check the FAQ for further details on each content.
[table][tr][th]Content[/th][th]Alexina[/th][th]Nao[/th][/tr][tr][td]Duplicate Character Name across servers (Character/Pet/Partner)[/td][td]Will be changed to "Name+Alexina"[/td][td]Names will not be changed.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Duplicate Homestead Names across servers[/td][td]Will be changed to "Homestead Name+Alexina"[/td][td]Names will not be changed.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Duplicate Family Names across servers[/td][td]Will be changed to "Family Name+Alexina"[/td][td]Names will not be changed.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Marriage Info and Marriage Title[/td][td]Marriage Info will be merged.

If the character's name is changed, the new name will not be reflected on the Marriage Info or Marriage Title.[/td][td]Marriage Info will be merged.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Wedding Rings[/td][td]Cannot be merged, and will be removed from the game.[/td][td]Will not be affected. Wedding Rings remain in-game for Nao characters.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Meet-Cute Bracelets and Rose Couple's Bracelets[/td][td]Cannot be merged, and will be removed from the game.[/td][td]Will not be affected. Meet-Cute Bracelets and Rose Couple's Bracelets remain in-game for Nao characters.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Pet Houses, Pet Expeditions, and Partners in Homestead[/td][td]Pets resting in Pet Houses, Pets in an ongoing Expedition or completed Expedition, or Partners placed on the Homestead will not remain in this state.[/td][td]Will not be affected. Pets resting in Pet Houses, Pets in an ongoing Expedition or completed Expedition, or Partners placed on the Homestead will remain in this state.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Housing Shop Marketplace[/td][td]Items stored in the Shop will be merged. Unfortunately, Gold used to bid on the shop originally and Gold stored in the Shop will not be merged.

If you have any Gold stored in the marketplace before the merge maintenance, please claim it so that no gold is lost.[/td][td]Will not be affected. Items and gold stored in the Shop will be merged.[/td][/tr][tr][td]UI/Hotkey Reset[/td][td]Will be affected by Hotkey/UI Reset.
Unique to Alexina characters, the pets assigned to a Fynn Pet's Friend Summoning hotkey slot will be reset. Pets can be added to the hotkey slot as normal after merge.[/td][td]Will be affected by Hotkey/UI Reset.
Pets assigned to a Fynn Pet's Friend Summoning hotkey slot will not be reset.[/td][/tr][/table]
We’ll see you all very soon!

- The Mabinogi Team

Updated FAQ

[Updated] Q: When is the server merge?
A: You can view the maintenance details on the webpost.

[Updated] Q: How will this affect my character?
A: Please check the full restrictions posted at the top of the FAQ.

[Updated] Q: Will I be able to change my character name? Can I change my name back to my original name if it was changed?
A: We will offer additional name change support for Alexina characters in certain cases. Please view the Customer Support article for more information.

[Updated] Q: Will anything happen to my Family or Family Name?
A: Duplicate family names across both servers will be changed for Alexina characters: 'Family Name+Server Name', e.g. My Sweet Family+Alexina. Nao family names will not be changed.

[Updated] Q: Will my Marriage Info be affected by the merge?
A: For both Nao and Alexina characters, Marriage Info will be merged. If the character's name is changed, the new name will not be reflected on the Marriage Info or Marriage Title.

Wedding Rings for Alexina cannot be merged, and will be removed from the game. Though the ring will be removed, please be assured that this will not break the character or the character’s marriage status. Should you wish to divorce and re-marry, it may be necessary to perform a ‘Forced Divorce’ option through both spouses first. Wedding Rings for Nao characters will remain intact.

[Updated] Q: What happens if I have a Shop in the Marketplace (formerly Housing)? What about the items that are left in the Shop Inventory?
A: The Marketplace contents will not be merged. The option to bid on a Shop has been temporarily turned off with the March 24th maintenance, and any currently leased shop contracts will expire before the merge date. Please retrieve any items placed in your Marketplace Shop Inventory or any items in the 'Retrieve Items' menu accessed through the Marketplace bank NPC before the merge date on April 14th so that any items are not lost. Any items that are lost during this time cannot be recovered. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Items stored in the Marketplace for Alexina characters will be merged. Unfortunately, the gold or the gold used to originally bid on the Shop will not be merged. If you have any Gold stored in the marketplace before the merge maintenance, please claim it so no gold is lost. Any items that are lost during this time cannot be recovered. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Items and gold stored in the Marketplace for Nao characters will be merged.

After the merge, accounts that owned a Shop will be able to claim the items stored in the Shop through the Bank NPC in the Marketplace where the original Shop was.

[Updated] Q: Will the Meet-Cute Bracelet/Rose Couple’s Bracelet effect still work after the merge?
A: For Alexina characters only, after the merge, the paired effect will no longer work and will be removed from the game.

All current Meet-Cute Bracelets/Rose Couple's Bracelets will be removed for Alexina characters, and the Peas in a Pod Gift Box/Rose Couple's Bracelet Gem Box will be distributed back to the character that originally opened the box. The Couple’s Bracelets will need to be traded to your preferred partner again after the merge. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Meet-Cute Bracelets and Rose Couple's Bracelets remain in-game for Nao characters.

[Updated] Q: Will the merge affect my Ego Spirit Weapon?
A: All Spirit Weapons will be merged. The Spirit Bond, Spirit Level/EXP, Spirit Skills, and Spirit Appearances will all remain intact.

[Updated] Q: What will happen to my data from newer contents, such as the Dungeon Guide, Stardust, Pet Houses, Fynn Pets, Fynni Pets, Pet Perks, Beauty Slots, Spirit Weapons, etc.?
A: All data will be merged for your character.

Pet Related: Pets resting in Pet Houses, Pets in an ongoing Expedition or completed Expedition, or Partners placed on the Homestead will not remain in this state for Alexina characters only. Pets/Partners will be removed from the Homestead and can be summoned normally or placed back in the Homestead after the merge.

If you have any ongoing or completed Expeditions, please claim the rewards before the merge maintenance.

Nao characters will not be affected by this.

Dungeon Guide: For accounts that registered for the Dungeon Guide across servers, the Dungeon Guide clear counts will be merged.

Example: If you cleared Alby Dungeon 10 times on Nao and 10 times on Alexina, your Dungeon Guide clear count for Alby Dungeon will be at 20 clears after the merge.

After the merge, you can change your registered main character to receive Vouchers at NPC Eavan in Dunbarton. Additionally, Vouchers received across characters can be transferred across characters through the bank.

Unclaimed rewards will be merged. However, we suggest claiming any unclaimed Dungeon Guide Repeated Clear Rewards before the merge if you played on both servers.

[Updated] Q: What contents will be reset with the merge?
A: The following contents will be reset with the merge:

We know this can be an inconvenience, so we sincerely apologize in advance! We strongly suggest taking screenshots of your hotkey placements so you may set up your hotkeys again once the merge is complete.

[Updated] Q: Will the Apocalypse Raid first party clear reward be reset for the Erinn Server?
A: The Apocalypse Raid first party clear reward will be reset. Who will be the next party to claim the Gravedigger title?

[Updated] Q: Will anything happen to my Homestead?
A: Duplicate Homestead names across both servers will be changed for Alexina characters: Homestead Name+Server Name', e.g. My Sweet Home+Alexina. Nao Homestead names will not be changed.

[Updated] Q: Will I still receive royalties for a MabiNovel that has been posted prior to the merge?
A: As the MabiNovel Bulletin Board has been reset, you may not receive these royalties. We apologize for any inconvenience.

The MabiNovel Bulletin Board will no longer be reset.

[SERVER MERGE] Scheduled Maintenance - April 14th

Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on April 14. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 12:00 AM PDT and last approximately 16 hours.

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.


Thursday, April 14th

Pacific (PDT, UTC-7): 12:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
Eastern (EDT, UTC-4): 3:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 9:00 AM - 1:00 AM (April 15th)

To address the following:

- The Mabinogi Team

[COMPLETED] Scheduled Maintenance - April 7th

Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on April 7. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 3 hours.

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.


Thursday, April 7th

Pacific (PDT, UTC-7): 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM 
Eastern (EDT, UTC-4): 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

To address the following:

- The Mabinogi Team

[COMPLETED] Scheduled Maintenance - March 31st

Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on March 31st. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 7:00 AM PDT and last approximately 3 hours.

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.


Thursday, March 31st

Pacific (PDT, UTC-7): 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM 
Eastern (EDT, UTC-4): 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Paris (CEST, UTC+2): 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

To address the following:

- The Mabinogi Team

All-CM April Fools' Day Livestream!

Join all of the Nexon Community Managers as they come together to celebrate April Fools' Day! Hmm...something seems a little...sus this time around, don't you think? Join us on our channel, Friday, April 1st at 1:00 PM PDT (4:00 PM EDT). As always, there will be giveaways throughout the stream.

Don't miss out on the fun. See you Friday!

Together in Erinn Countdown

We are bringing all Milletians from both the Nao and Alexina servers to our new server, Erinn! Count the days down with our special friend, Lorna, until the anticipated server merge date! Check out the details below.

Together in Erinn Countdown

Event Dates: Thursday, March 24th, After Maintenance - Thursday, April 14th, Before Maintenance

Attendance Rewards:

Together in Erinn

Hello Milletians!

By the time you are reading this post, we have just had our 14th Anniversary livestream where we've announced a super special TOTALLY SECRET surprise!

Together in Erinn
April 14th, 2022

Alexina and Nao servers will be merged together into a new server, Erinn. The anticipated server merge date is Thursday, April 14th. We know that this merger has been highly anticipated and are excited to announce that all players of Mabinogi will be together on one server moving forward. We hope that this will bring new opportunities for you as a community to come together and create more memories in the world of Erinn.

Please carefully read below for the information related to the upcoming April 14th server merge.

March 24th Changes

Several restrictions to the game have been added in order to prepare for the upcoming server merge. As of the March 24th maintenance, the following changes have been made, affecting Alexina and Nao servers:

We apologize for the inconvenience that these restrictions hold for this duration of time as we prepare the servers.

Important Notice

Below we have compiled several frequently asked questions about the server merge, many of which have not changed since the Nao server merge.

However, we want to highlight an important difference for the merge this time. During the Nao merge, there were several restrictions that impacted all characters. As we felt it was crucial to reduce the impact to Nao characters, who have already been through a merge previously, certain restrictions will only affect Alexina characters. For example, duplicate character names across servers will only be changed for Alexina characters to “Name+Alexina” and Nao character names will not be changed. As there are certain limitations when merging servers together, these restrictions affecting Alexina characters cannot be avoided. We are still verifying how this will affect each server and the details for certain data unable to be merged, such as Wedding Rings.

We will follow up with the full list of restrictions for each server when we are closer to the merge date, as this will need to be fully confirmed during our testing. Thank you for your understanding, and please find the answers to the FAQ below.

Server Merge FAQ

Server Information

Q: When is the server merge?
A: The anticipated server merge date is Thursday, April 14th, 2022. Details on the merge maintenance will be shared at a later date.

Q: Which servers are merging?
A: The Alexina server will be merged together with the Nao server into a new server, Erinn.

Q: How many channels will the Erinn server have?
A: The Erinn server will have 10 main channels. We will be monitoring this in case we need to increase the number of channels in the future.

Character and Pet Information

Q: How will this affect my character? 
A: All characters will be merged. Certain restrictions, such as name changes, will only apply to Alexina characters. In many cases, Nao characters will remain unaffected as we prepare to merge the data. More information will be provided regarding the differences of these restrictions for characters on both servers once confirmed.

Q: Will my character name be changed during the merge? What happens if there are multiple characters with the same name?
A: Only characters on Alexina will be affected by name changes. Characters (pets, partners, characters) with duplicate names will have their name changed to 'Name+Server', e.g. Name+Alexina.

However, if there are no duplicate character names, the character name will remain unaffected. Nao character names will not be changed.

Q: Will I be able to change my character name? Can I change my name back to my original name if it was changed?
A: All accounts that have character names changed during the merge process will receive an equal amount of free Character Name Changes automatically added to their account after the server merge is completed on April 14th. More information on the Name Change system can be found here. All name change limitations will remain the same.

Unfortunately, if the name has been changed, it may not be possible to change the name back to the original name if it is already taken by a pet or character on the new server, Erinn.

Q: What happens if an account is inactive during the merge?
A: All accounts will be merged regardless of whether or not you have logged in recently.

Q: Will I be able to change my pet's name?
A: The pet name change option will not be available at this time.

Q: Will anything happen to my pets if the pet name is changed because of the merge?
A: You will be able to summon and interact with your pets as normal even if their name is changed. However, if a partner character's name is changed, the partner's likeability toward your character will be reset. If the character’s name is changed, the partner’s likeability towards that character will also be reset. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Q: After the merge to the Erinn server, can I summon any pet regardless of which server they were originally created on?
A: All pet and partner characters created on both servers on an account will be merged with their inventory and stats intact. You will be able to access all of your pets on the Erinn server!

Q: Will anything happen to my Family or Family Name?
A: Families will be merged. We are still confirming the details regarding Family Names for the April 14th merge and will update you as soon as possible.

Q: Will anything happen to our Friends List and Notes? Will these contents be wiped?
A: The Friends List and Notes will be merged and will not be wiped. However, if a character’s name is changed, any notes in the character's Notes Inbox will be lost. In the case that the original sender's name is changed, the name change will be reflected on the Friend's List, but may not be reflected on the Notes Inbox.

Q: Will my Marriage Info be affected by the merge?
A: Marriage Info will be merged. During the Nao merge, if a character's name was changed, the new name was not reflected on the Marriage Info or Marriage Title. Additionally, Wedding Rings could not be merged and were removed from characters. We are still confirming the details for the April 14th merge and will update you as soon as possible.

Q: What is the current limit on characters and pets? Will the merge cause me to be unable to use characters or pets if I've reached the max limit?
A: The merge will not affect your character limit, as the character limit is the same across the account. The current character and pet limit for an account is 300. An account may not have more than 300 total combined characters and pets. However, once an account has 200 characters on it, then only pets and partners may be created up to the 300 limit.

Q: Will unused character and pet cards on the account be merged? What about pet whistles?
A: Yes, all unused character cards will be available on the account, as well as any pet whistles that may be in any character inventories.

Q: Will the Anniversary Milletian title change, or will the character creation date change when merged to the new server?
A: Your character creation date and your titles will all remain intact.

Item Information

Q: Will anything happen to my items if my name is changed because of the merge?
All of your items will be merged, even if the character name is changed. Items stored in a character's inventory, bank, and pet's inventory, will be merged. Your items will be available in their respective places after the merge maintenance has completed! Please read the notices regarding the Shop Marketplace and Dressing Room in the below answers.

Q: What happens to items that are character-exclusive if the character name is changed?
A: Items that are character exclusive (via upgrade, special upgrade, or enchant exclusive) will be able to be equipped as normal, even if your name was changed. However, if the item is currently unbound as a result of using a Trade Unlock Potion, the item will become re-bound to the character. The item will need to be unbound again by using another Trade Unlock Potion, should you wish to trade it. Customer Support will not be able to help unbind the item again.

Q: What happens to the contents in my bank?
A: Any gold and items in the bank across both servers on an account will be merged. If the amount of gold in the bank exceeds the account's bank limit, gold cannot be deposited into the bank.
Please be advised that the account's bank pin will be reset and can be changed after the merge.

Q: What happens to items that are left in the Auction House?
A: Auction House contents will be merged, and any items currently left in the Auction House inventory can be retrieved after the merge. If you have items across servers on the Auction House, the items will be stored in the Auction House, and new listings cannot be posted until the items are retrieved.

Q: What happens to items that are left in the cash shop Item Shop Inventory?
A: All cash items stored in the cash Item Shop Inventory will be merged. This includes characters whose names are changed during the merge.

Q: What will happen to items in the Point Inventory?
A: Items stored in the Point Inventory will be merged, and any items currently left in the inventory can be retrieved after the merge. However, the Point Inventory will also be used to merge duplicate items stored in the Dressing Room. As such, please be aware of the condition below regarding the Dressing Room.

Q: What will happen to items in the Dressing Room?
A: Duplicate items across characters on both servers on an account will be moved to the Point Inventory after opening the Dressing Room for the first time after the merge. If you only play on one server, your Dressing Room contents will merge with all of the items intact.

The Point Inventory can hold up to 1000 items. If the amount of duplicate items (across servers) is over 1000, up to 100 items will go into the temporary inventory of your character. If the amount of the remaining duplicate items is over 100, the items will be dropped. We strongly suggest to place items in pets or bank storage if you believe you have over 1100 duplicate items in the Dressing Room across characters on different servers on the account, so that any items are not lost. There is no guarantee the items can be recovered if they are dropped from the temporary inventory.

Q: What happens if I have a Shop in the Marketplace (formerly Housing)? What about the items that are left in the Shop Inventory?
A: The Marketplace contents will not be merged. The option to bid on a Shop has been temporarily turned off with the March 24th maintenance, and any currently leased shop contracts will expire before the merge date. Please retrieve any items placed in your Marketplace Shop Inventory or any items in the 'Retrieve Items' menu accessed through the Marketplace bank NPC before the merge date on April 14th so that any items are not lost. Any items that are lost during this time cannot be recovered. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Q: Will the Meet-Cute Bracelet/Rose Couple’s Bracelet effect still work after the merge?
A: We are still confirming the details for the April 14th merge and will update you as soon as possible.

Q: Will the merge affect my Ego Spirit Weapon?
A: As the Spirit Weapon system has been updated, we are still confirming the details and will share more information regarding this system once confirmed.

Q: What happens to items and mail left in the mailbox?
A: All contents in the Inbox and Outbox of a character's mailbox will be merged.

Q: Will my Pon amount be affected by the merge?
A: The Pon amount will merge and can be accessed across all characters on an account

Content Information

Q: What contents will be reset with the merge?
The following contents will be reset with the merge:

Q: What will happen to my data from newer contents, such as the Dungeon Guide, Stardust, Pet Houses, Fynn Pets, Fynni Pets, Pet Perks, Beauty Slots, Spirit Weapons, etc.?
A: We are checking contents such as these with the merge testing and will share more information regarding these contents once confirmed.

Q: Will the Apocalypse Raid first party clear reward be reset for the Erinn Server?
A: We are checking this content with the merge testing and will share more information regarding it once confirmed.

Q: Is there a safe location we can log off before the server merge because of the Seal Stones?
A: You do not need to log off in a certain location, as all locations can be accessed regardless of a Seal Stone's current status. If you need to move from a specific location for any reason, you may use 'Continent Warp' in the Actions menu, or the Traveler's Guide to travel to any Moon Gate or Mana Tunnel.

Q: Will anything happen to my Homestead?
A: Homestead contents will be merged, including favorited homesteads, homestead visitor's list, and all of your props placed inside of the homestead. If the Homestead was expanded using the Homestead Expansion Permit, the homestead will keep the expansion.

We are still confirming the details regarding Homestead Names for the April 14th merge and will update you as soon as possible.

Q: What will happen to my guild?
A: Guild names will not be changed, as guild names are unique across all servers. Guild GP and Gold stored in the guild stone will be merged. Any accumulated Play Points can still be converted into GP when visiting the guild stone after the merge. Any guilds that have a Guild Title will be able to use the Guild Title as normal.

Q: What happens to my guild stone location?
A: All guild stone locations will be removed during the merge, and the guild stone will need to be placed again by the guild leader after the merge.

Q: What if I am in a Guardian Guild prior to the merge?
A: Any current Guardian Guilds prior to the April 14th merge day will be reset.

Q: How many Royal Alchemists can there be on the new server?
A: 100 Royal Alchemists. The maximum amount of Royal Alchemists will not change.

Q: Will the Baltane Squire Special Unit be affected by the merge?
A: The Baltane Squire Special Unit will not be affected by the merge. You will be able to access your Special Unit and interact with your squires as normal after the merge!

Q: Will the contents of the Collection Journals be reset?
A: The various Collection Journals within the Character Info menu will be merged with your character's collections intact. However, the 'Master Chef' and the Master Chef's comments will be reset on the Cooking Journal.

Q: Will the Commerce contents be reset with the merge?
A: A character's Commerce Merchant Rating will not be reset. However, the specific town's Commerce Trading Board Information will be reset.

Q: Will I still receive royalties for a MabiNovel that has been posted prior to the merge?
A: As the MabiNovel Bulletin Board has been reset, you may not receive these royalties. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have further questions, please reach out to us through Discord, Forums, and other community channels, as we will be reviewing your concerns and will be providing further updates through upcoming posts related to the Server Merge as we come closer to the merge date.

We are looking forward to future adventures, Milletians!

- The Mabinogi Team

Scheduled Maintenance - March 24th

Mabinogi will have a scheduled maintenance on March 24th. During this time, the game will be unavailable. Maintenance is expected to begin at 5:00 AM PDT and last approximately 6 hours.

Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.


Thursday, March 24th

Pacific (PDT, UTC-7): 5:00 AM - 11:00 AM 
Eastern (EDT, UTC-4): 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Paris (CET, UTC+1): 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM

To address the following:

- The Mabinogi Team