Made Marion cover
Made Marion screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Made Marion

Hotfix 2.05EA

Emergency Hotfix 2.05:

Made Marion was not launching on Mac. This should now be resolved. Our apologies, Mac players!


  • Fixed a missing dialogue tag in Sherwood Chapter 2
  • Fixed a block preventing players from entering Will's route if they asked about joining Layton first.

Will's Route Is Here!

The Scarlet Blade is here! Made Marion Early Access v. 2.0 is out and available on Steam.

Patch Notes:

  • Will's route has been added! Will is a Sherwood love interest and can be chosen from the Sherwood Common Route.
  • We now have a notification system when a new Love Interest PoV scene has been unlocked. Love Interest PoV scenes can be found in Extras off the Main Menu. When a new one has been unlocked, you will be notified upon your first return to the Main Menu.
  • Make sure to check the Misc. section in Love Interest PoVs after finishing one of Will's good endings. There's a secondary character with his own PoV scene now.
  • Will's route is complete except for a single CG (full-screen illustration) at the end of Will Chapter 4a, which is a placeholder (albeit an attractive one). The final CG will be available in Early Access v. 2.1, which should be uploaded in the next couple weeks.

Changes Based on Feedback:

Along with adding the Love Interest PoV notifications, the biggest piece of feedback that we received from Robin's route was that readers wanted longer love scenes. I am happy to oblige! Will's scenes are longer and more detailed than Robin's were.

This means I will be revisiting Robin's love scenes for version 2.1, extending them in the interest of equal time.

You may also notice that Will's sexy cut-ins (only viewable to players who have explicit text turned on - the game's default) are more colorful and less shadowy than Robin's. We will also be revisiting Robin's cut-in at some point before launch, changing to the improved style and adding a second pose so there are separate cut-ins for each unique ending. This is not guaranteed for version 2.1.

p.s. I do recommend the bad endings, particularly in Will's chapter 4s. There are some unique experiences there that hint at some deeper mysteries in the game.

Will's Route Release Date

Velvet Cupcake Games is happy to announce that our second Early Access update, Will's route, will be on October 20!

It's a bit past our previously announced release window, but I wanted to give our testers plenty of time with the full release so that it can be as error-free as possible (currently our testers have access to Chapters 1-3, and the two Chapter 4s will be added to beta as soon as they are complete).

Are you ready to spar with your reluctant partner in the rebellion against Lord Geoffrey's autocratic rule? Why's he so upset you chose him, anyway? And can the two of you learn to get along in time to foil a dastardly plot by Nottingham's wayward druids?

Find out on October 20!

Will Route Release Window Announcement

Hello, Made Marion Fans!

We've been working hard on completing and polishing Will's route for our second Early Access route release. I now have buy-in from the team to release in the first half of October.

We will have a more specific date as our beta test, which will begin in late September, progresses.

Thanks as always for your patience with our chronic illness-impaired development time. We're very excited to get Will's route into your hands at last!

Can Marion handle these bickering brothers?

Made Marion EA Patch 1.1

Made Marion Early Access Patch 1.1 has been released. This is a small bug fix and asset improvement patch to the existing Made Marion EA content. Here are the notes:

  • Replaced Alvin's sexy silhouette with the new style.
  • Improved enchanted arrow graphics during the Tournament.
  • Fixed several missing and incorrect dialog tags.
  • Changed line, "Hey, hey, you're ok" during Solstice Celebration to be less anachronistic.
  • Fixed missing punctuation in the line "Only one way to make sure they're the best"...
  • Removed an accidental reference to angels. Not that anything would stop Robin from calling Marion an angel if they existed in this world, but they don't.
  • Changed "Nell's council" to "Nell's counsel." Nell deserves her own council, but alas, she does not have one.
  • Replaced river ambience at the training ground with a gentler, babbling brook sound.

If you have any problems or spot any additional typos or bugs, do not hesitate to post on our discussion board!

We are working hard on Will's route and have a tentative release for this summer. We will let you know as soon as we have a more solid release date. Thanks so much for your support and your patience with our Covid-disabled development process!

Made Marion Storyteller's Festival Stream

Welcome to the Steam Storyteller's Festival! We are proud to be a part of the fest again this year.

Made Marion is now in Early Access, releasing each route as it is completed. Our second route, which is currently in development, is Will, the Scarlet Blade. Unlike the very eager Robin, Will does not seem excited by the prospect of working with Marion. In fact, he's downright hostile toward the idea, although Marion has no idea why.

But Will is a master swordsman, and Marion is an eager student of the sword. When she chooses Will as her partner, can they learn to work together or will their bickering cause everything to fall apart?

Join our lead developer and our first reader/editor as we stream a preview of Will's route during the festival. Our stream will repeat every 40 minutes throughout the festival, so jump on in anytime!

Our Early Access build is also available for 10% off during the festival. Currently only Robin Hood's route is available in Early Access, but the remaining five routes will be added as they are completed. We encourage you to jump into Early Access whenever you're comfortable with the amount of offered content!

Made Marion Early Access Release

Made Marion has released in Early Access. For our first release, the following content is available:

The Prologue, which happens before the content you experienced in our demo, both Sherwood and Nottingham Common Routes, and Robin's Route.

We will be releasing the other routes as they are completed, and welcome everyone to jump into Early Access whenever they like!

It's been a long and bumpy journey developing through the pandemic years, but we're very excited to start introducing you to our world and its lovable characters.

Made Marion Early Access Release: November 17

Made Marion will be officially entering Early Access on October 17!

Our first EA release is Robin Hood's route, which is available from start to finish. Choose your ending in chapters 1-3 and experience one of two different chapter 4s based on whether you played Marion as more straightforward and blunt or clever and diplomatic. After reaching an ending, check the Extras menu to see which Robin point-of-view scenes you've unlocked!

Made Marion will continue releasing routes in Early Access as they are completed. Players are welcome to jump into Early Access whenever they like and will have access to all released content from that point forward.

We're very excited to welcome you to the world of Avalon. Fight for freedom and fall in love!

Get Medieval at the Steam VN Fest

The Steam VN Fest starts today. Are you feelin' Medieval? Make sure to wishlist Made Marion if you haven't already, and also take a moment to check out the lovely Imperial Grace!

If you're a fan of Made Marion, you probably enjoy a kickass Medieval woman and some politically-charged romance. You should also check out Imperial Grace, which shares a lead artist with Made Marion. Play as a powerful empress, guide your empire to prosperity or ruin, and perhaps find love along the way! Check out the demo, it's a lot of fun! Personally, I have a weakness for the grumpy Theodore and the charming Asha, but fans of devoted knights will also love the handsome Alexander!

Early Access Is Coming!

The Made Marion community has overwhelmingly encouraged us to release Early Access so that readers can enjoy each route as it is completed. We will start our Early Access release this fall with Robin Hood's route.

Routes will only be released once they are fully complete, so this isn't an episodic schedule and there will be no cliffhangers! Players who purchase the game in Early Access will have access to all routes as they are released, up through the game's full release with the completion of Lord Geoffrey and Gui's route.

Thanks so much to all our fans for your patience during our pandemic-related development delays. We're very excited to be able to start sharing Made Marion with you this fall!

Who else would go first in our Robin Hood-themed romance game but Robin Hood himself? Is there more to this charming scoundrel than meets the eye?