Minecraft: Java Edition cover

Minecraft: Java Edition

Feedback Website FAQ

Latest updates to simplify things and get to the point.


We have created this frequently asked question page about the Feedback Website. If you haven't been here in a while, start here.

Note: Due to lots of interest in the Nether update and other issues, please be patient as our staff works as hard as they can to get your post through the queue as fast as possible. Thanks for understanding! How can you help make your feedback site awesome?

  • Please do not file more than one post for your feedback! This will slow down things for everyone.
  • A vote is the same thing as saying "I agree" or "good idea" or "yes"
  • Be kind, civil, and constructive to each other. Don't presume everyone has the same game experience you do
  • Similar topics should stick together
  • Please don’t post about topics that have already been discussed and rejected
  • Not all posts are filtered. That would be terrible. That said, a lot of things do fall in the queue. We appreciate your patience, as there are many more of you than there are of us. We are a very large and awesome community and we're all doing the best we can.
  • Our moderation queue is designed to not just keep everyone safe from bad content, but to also keep duplicate posts on similar topics from overwhelming the site. Want an idea of what some of those are? Look here. 

Thank you for your patience! We know many of you put thought and care into each post you make, and we work on using the same type of care in making sure your feedback site remains a safe and productive place to get your ideas heard from by developers.

Do you still have concerns or questions? Topics here cover:

Questions about Posting or more often: "Where is my post?"

We appreciate everyone's contribution to the feedback site. The Minecraft team continues to be inspired by your thoughtful and intelligent feedback, and remember, we are people just like you.

Why is my post "pending approval"?

Is it possible you've posted something that may run against the rules (like an email address or URL) or is so commonly discussed that there's probably a similar post out there? Maybe you should check and edit your post to see if it helps.

How long will it be there? It's taking a long time.

We have multiple people on staff, but any time the Microsoft offices are closed, or a huge snapshot or patch comes out, approval will slow down. Please don't ping staff for an update!

How come that "garbage post" got approved and mine is still waiting?

Not all posts are filtered, and not all posts get caught by our automatic spam filters. Please only report a post once.

You rejected my post for no reason/It sat in pending approval and disappeared, and I wasn't notified.

The feedback site gets thousands of posts every week. You are not guaranteed an email regarding your post being rejected. Posts that are typically rejected without additional notification:

  • Spam. It should be obvious, but here we are.
  • Posts containing previously rejected content. Any rejected content. 
  • Lists of ideas. We have been asked by our teams to make an effort to keep ideas to one main idea per post. It also helps people know exactly what they're discussing/voting for.
  • Posts that contain links to any sites outside of the immediate Minecraft system (common examples include but are not limited to: Reddit, YouTube, Google Docs, Imgur, blogs, and all social media). This is for everyone's safety.
  • Duplicates of highly popular topics. Look here.  The best way to get something in-game is to contribute to existing discussions. We look for quality, not quantity!
  • Posts over the current character limits (75 characters for the subject, 1500 body text/comments) - we use Bing's word counter and we count spaces.
  • Off-topic thread comments. People work hard on their ideas and we should respect that by staying on topic.
  • Posts that contain excessive amounts of images, images that are mostly text, or contain text that is also not within the post itself. 
  • Posts that are way too general - in order to take something to the team, or for the community to have something to discuss, it needs to be more than "we need more XYZ". Know exactly what you're asking for!
  • Anything violating the post guidelines or personal information.
  • Update/release date requests/bumps - when we have them, we'll share them!

Although we do our best to send emails to help you make better posts and be a great contributor, we are unable to guarantee your email provider will allow our mail to get through once it leaves our system and as such we cannot guarantee every poster or post will get a message. 

My post wasn't similar! It's an entirely new way to do "X".

Please free to join discussions in progress on similar topics before starting a new thread on the same topic.  We read and report on all the comments when we look at a post and keep them in mind because we know there may be more than one great way to implement an idea! For example, penguins.

I got a message but the "your post is rejected" message is so general.

Sorry! It's more of a "checklist" of things for you to keep in mind. We've had to standardize our messaging as our feedback community grows in order to even try to keep up.

Why can't I just make one post with ALL my ideas?

Keeping your ideas and feedback to one main idea per post so people know what they're voting for. Please feel free to repost your ideas once you've searched through and narrowed them down.

Why did you change the title/move my post?

If we've changed your post title or moved it, it is to make it easier for people to find. We're helping you get seen!

My post was on the site and then fell into the moderation queue. Why?

Did you edit it? Perhaps it got reported?


My post was on the site for a while and got removed. It had votes!

We are always making efforts to keep topics and general ideas together as much as possible. 


Why don't you provide a link when you take something down?

Your feedback site staff will do the exact same searches we expect you to do. Also, people can remove their own posts. Links can vanish at any time. 

I have a super long post and you removed it. Can you get my text back?

No, sorry. You may want to keep a copy somewhere. 

I think your filter and search engine need improvement. 

We know. But it's a work in progress, much like the website! 

How do I post? How do I edit my post? Do you have posting tips that aren't covered in Creating Great Feedback?

Yes, more technical "nuts and bolts" questions about posting are covered here.

Logging in

Our feedback site is based on a system of trust and accountability. You must use a Microsoft based email account in order to log in.

Why do I need an account?

Here are the things you can always do without having to log in:

  • You can always use search, it is the box above "give feedback" on the right side of the screen.
  • You can read posts!
  • You can report a link or an issue with logging in.

You need to log in to do these things:

  • In order to vote on an idea, you need an account. 
  • In order to make a comment on a feedback idea or post a new one, you must register.

Site Features

What are the tags? Can I add them to my own post?

Short answer: No, these are added by the team. We're working on better tags but have some technical limits right now.

Other sites have fancy headers and a lot of other formatting options!

Due to community members repeatedly abusing this feature, we ended up removing them. 

Where do I post world seeds?

This is the feedback site. There are other sites on the web available for this type of thing. Please do not post them here, they are considered spam.


Questions, Problems, and Further Issues

This person posted some content that offends me/they copied my post/why did that get approved it's not appropriate.

Please use the report post button. Do not engage.

I didn't get any message about my post being removed!

Don't see your post?  Check the list above for common reasons.

Do you have any volunteer community moderators?

Yes, we have volunteer community moderators and are working on getting more. They only have the ability to move posts and/or hide them for review by official staff members.

Can you tell me the team's thoughts on spam and suspensions/bans?

We have a no-tolerance policy on spam, personal attacks, attempts to get around suspensions, and severe breaks with the Posting Guidelines

I need support! My game is broken! 

This is the section you need.


Minecraft - 1.19.51 (Bedrock)

As always, we appreciate all your help and input! Please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and let your feedback be heard at feedback.minecraft.net.

NOTE: This update is not yet available on Nintendo Switch but is coming soon! Cross-platform multiplayer is still available.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur during gameplay
  • Pistons can no longer recreate moving blocks that were destroyed mid-move
  • Horses can no longer be pushed over Fences with Carpets on top (MCPE-164717)
  • Touch control selection screen will no longer appear on Nintendo Switch
  • Fixed the Structure Block screen so the Y value field can properly be accessed with just the keyboard (MCPE-164148)

Technical Updates:

  • The "minecraft:variable_max_auto_step" component has a new property "controlled_value"
    • This property will override "base_value" when a mob with "minecraft:input_ground_controlled" is being controlled by the player
    • "jump_prevented_value" will have precedence over both other values

Minecraft - 1.19.51 (Bedrock)

Update on Dec. 14, 2022: This update is now available on all supported platforms!

A new update is available that addresses some issues that have occurred since the release of 1.19.50.

As always, we appreciate all your help and input! Please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and let your feedback be heard at feedback.minecraft.net.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur during gameplay
  • Pistons can no longer recreate moving blocks that were destroyed mid-move
  • Horses can no longer be pushed over Fences with Carpets on top (MCPE-164717)
  • Touch control selection screen will no longer appear on Nintendo Switch
  • Fixed the Structure Block screen so the Y value field can properly be accessed with just the keyboard (MCPE-164148)

Technical Updates:

  • The "minecraft:variable_max_auto_step" component has a new property "controlled_value"
    • This property will override "base_value" when a mob with "minecraft:input_ground_controlled" is being controlled by the player
    • "jump_prevented_value" will have precedence over both other values

Minecraft - 1.19.51 (Bedrock)

Update on Dec. 14, 2022: This update is now available on all supported platforms!

A new update is available that addresses some issues that have occurred since the release of 1.19.50.

As always, we appreciate all your help and input! Please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and let your feedback be heard at feedback.minecraft.net.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur during gameplay
  • Pistons can no longer recreate moving blocks that were destroyed mid-move
  • Horses can no longer be pushed over Fences with Carpets on top (MCPE-164717)
  • Touch control selection screen will no longer appear on Nintendo Switch
  • Fixed the Structure Block screen so the Y value field can properly be accessed with just the keyboard (MCPE-164148)

Technical Updates:

  • The "minecraft:variable_max_auto_step" component has a new property "controlled_value"
    • This property will override "base_value" when a mob with "minecraft:input_ground_controlled" is being controlled by the player
    • "jump_prevented_value" will have precedence over both other values

Minecraft - 1.19.40 (Bedrock)

As always, we appreciate all your help and input, please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave your feedback feedback.minecraft.net.

Vanilla Parity:


  • Getting killed by a renamed weapon now produces a death message with the item name
  • Getting killed by a mob with a renamed weapon now produces a death message with the item name (MCPE-162055)
  • The Roofed Forest, Savanna Mutated, and Birch Forest biomes use the correct grass colors (MCPE-34936)
  • Mobs no longer spawn within the bounds of an Ancient City (MCPE-153524)
  • Sweet Berries can now be planted on Farmland (MCPE-99632)
  • Changed bubble column strength to match Java Edition (MCPE-158858)
  • Scaffolds now burn at a more correct rate, 1/4 of an item (MCPE-42949)
  • Wither Skeletons can now spawn inside of Wither Roses (MCPE-110127)
  • Decreased the amount of hunger used while swimming to match Java Edition (MCPE-154452)


  • Ravagers can now be hurt by Evoker Fangs
  • Increased Ravager collision box size to match Java Edition (MCPE-142171, MCPE-45531)
  • Increased Ravager speed to match Java Edition (MCPE-48145)
  • Librarian Villagers can now offer Enchanted Books with Curse of Vanishing and Curse of Binding (MCPE-84906)


  • Players swimming above Mud will not have their screen covered (MCPE-153737)
  • Projectiles landing on Mud will not repeatedly shake (MCPE-153744)
  • Amphibious mobs no longer have trouble pathfinding around Mud Blocks (MCPE-153961)

Spectator Mode (Experimental)

  • Spectators no longer drop XP orbs when killed (MCPE-160245)
  • Spectators no longer reset their player level when killed
  • Water fog is no longer removed for players in Spectator Mode (MCPE-161105)
  • Spectator players no longer play sounds when entering/exiting bubble columns (MCPE-161536)
  • Shulker bullets no longer follow Spectators (MCPE-162069)
  • Spectators are now invisible to normal players
  • If a player is in Spectator Mode and other non-spectating players are present on the server, the spectating player won't affect mob despawning anymore
  • If there are only spectating players on the server, mob despawning is now put on hold



  • Fixed a crash when using spawn eggs in peaceful worlds on PlayStation 4 Edition
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an animated structure was loading from a Structure Block and the player left a dimension via portal (MCPE-132561)
  • Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when loading an Arrow with an unrecognized data value (MCPE-157983)
  • Fixed a potential crash source in explosions
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving a split screen session
  • Fixed an issue with Marketplace bundle prices not showing as free after purchasing
  • Added a Clear Cache button in Storage Settings for all platforms. This button clears contents of Marketplace folders (but not worlds) and might help alleviate issues downloading content (MCPE-54531)
  • Fixed an issue where Wither effect damage would be reduced by armor (MCPE-159407)


  • Keyboard players can now sprint when moving diagonally (MCPE-144702)
  • Grove biome is now classified as "cold" and Villagers spawned there will be the snow variant (MCPE-147834)
  • Fixed fall damage accumulating while the player is in a Trapdoor block at the top of a bubble column (MCPE-158858)
  • Fixed an issue causing player to move in the wrong direction after turning using VR snap camera movement (MCPE-152443)


  • Baby Villagers will again accept flowers from Iron Golems
  • Guardians are no longer able to float in the air (MCPE-33641)
  • Enabled tamed mobs that follow the player to follow the player through End Portals
  • Fixed an issue where Drowned could change held items when attacking (MCPE-40288)
  • Fixed a bug where mobs with a long hit range could hit players through walls (MCPE-55790)
  • Fixed a bug which caused Boats to disappear when pushed through a portal (MCPE-161563)
  • When a mob is a passenger in a Boat, neither the Boat nor the mob are allowed to change dimension (MCPE-154919)
  • NPCs can now have no name, hiding the nametag above their head


  • Falling blocks no longer break when landing on double Slabs (MCPE-159921)
  • Huge Fungus stems no longer replace partial blocks when growing from Nylium (MCPE-65661)
  • Water texture on some waterlogged blocks no longer renders too bright when placed under other blocks (MCPE-76949)
  • Fixed an issue which caused Redstone to output the wrong signal strength in certain configurations (MCPE-81981)
  • Fixed several issues related to Sticky Pistons being used near world build limits (MCPE-96088)
  • Breaking the block below a Snow-covered Flower now makes the Flower drop instead of the Snow Layer (MCPE-61609)
  • Fixed Beacon block suddenly disappearing when seen from a distance
  • The book of an Enchanting Table now properly faces a nearby player (MCPE-29924)
  • Temporarily reverted the changes to Dirt Path and Farmland collision changes, as well as Soul Sand and Mud blocks sinking while we iron out some bugs


  • Reverted the change that caused Arrows and Tridents to stop moving (MCPE-162085)


  • Fixed an issue with screen position on Android devices (MCPE-159703)

User Interface

  • Removed the “Clear Account Sign in Data” button from the Settings menu from non-Switch platforms, as it is only intended to function on Nintendo Switch (MCPE-129704)
  • Fixed a bug where usernames could be above max size (MCPE-152884)
  • To make finding the right thing in Settings easier, the Profile screen has been split into two new sections: General and Account
  • Ensured proper text-to-speech support for the revamped death screen
  • Fixed a bug where achievements would be disabled for some world templates
  • Fixed a bug in Pocket UI where items could be dropped in the dark-grey areas around the item grid in the Crafting Table screen
  • Fixed a bug in Pocket UI where items could be dropped in the dark-grey areas around the item grid in the inventories for the Horse, Mule, Donkey, and Llama
  • Fixed a bug where the death screen message was visible when the Show Death Message game rule was set to false
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't drag/drop or select items from the equipment page
  • Changed the color of the text descriptions for the 'Darkness Effect Strength' and 'Notification Duration' accessibility options to a lighter shade to make them more readable (MCPE-162047)
  • Fixed a bug where death messages were sometimes too long to fit on screen (MCPE-156550)
  • Fixed the crafting screen search string not saving correctly
  • Fixed an issue with the durability bar missing on inventory screens on Xbox (MCPE-162063)
  • Fixed a bug where the sign in button on Create New World didn't work on some platforms
  • The copy coordinates gamepad tooltip now uses the correct icon depending on the platform (MCPE-162654)


  • Shortened text when uploading worlds and add-ons so it fits in the dialog
  • Fixed a problem where custom add-on packs could not be applied properly in Realms settings, as well as fixed a crash during pack uploading (REALMS-10655)
  • Unlocalized text no longer appears when connecting to a Realm with an outdated client

Mobile Touch Controls

  • Fixed a bug where items could not be removed from the hotbar by moving them onto other items in Creative Inventory on mobile devices
  • Fixed an issue where the stack splitting progress bar was not aligned on touch mode
  • Adjusted layout of the touch toolbar and status effect icons based on user feedback
  • Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling through the Village trade list on mobile devices
  • When the auto-jumping feature is enabled, the player will now automatically jump out of water when moving toward a block on land
  • In Creative Mode while using touch input with Action Buttons off, the delay for breaking the first block has been increased to 800 milliseconds. This reduces the chance of breaking a block by accident
  • Added support for dragging and dropping with touch gestures in the inventory
  • Double tapping 'descend' now toggles off flight in Joystick touch control modes
  • Updated the positioning of status effects for Pocket UI
  • The inventory button for touch devices is now reset to its default appearance after closing the inventory
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't swap unstackable items with touch controls
  • Improved the images for the three control schemes in the touch settings menu

Technical Updates:

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.19.40 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks

Custom Block Geometry

  • We have released custom block geometry in this version of Minecraft. This means that anyone can make a custom block with their own custom geometry and textures WITHOUT turning on the Holiday Creator Features experimental toggle in settings
  • For more information and a list of documentation and tutorials, visit the Custom Block Geometry article on minecraft.net


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the hasItem selector and specifying a negative value for the item's data (MCPE-152314)
  • Implemented the has_property, int_property, bool_property, float_property, and enum_property actor behavior filters
  • Added flag is_hidden_in_commandsin menu_category to control whether or not a block can be used in commands
  • Release BlockGeometryComponent out of experimental in JSON formats 1.19.40 and higher
  • Release BlockMaterialInstancesComponent out of experimental in JSON formats 1.19.40 and higher
  • Renamed minecraft:block_light_filtercomponent to minecraft:light_dampening
  • Renamed experiment GameTest Frameworkto Beta APIs
  • The now-renamed Beta APIsexperiment is still needed to access all beta APIs, including core Minecraft APIs and GameTest APIs
  • Fixed a bug where EntityHurtEventwould not fire on player death
  • Entity
    • Updated targetproperty to be read-only
    • Fixed an issue where UI forms would not mark their cancelled field correctly
  • Converted EntityQueryScoreOptions to an interface
  • Converted EntityRaycastOptions to an interface
  • Converted ExplosionOptions to an interface
  • Converted MusicOptions to an interface
  • Converted SoundOptions to an interface
  • Removed built-in GameTest Behavior Packs


  • Implemented the "/execute facing" and "/execute facing entity" commands
  • Implemented the "/execute align" command
  • Fixed a problem with teleports appearing to fly the target to the new location instead of being instant
  • Added the 'replace block' overload to the /loot command
  • Implemented the "/execute rotated " and "/execute rotated as" commands
  • Added the ability to set a custom block with a specific custom block property using the /setblockcommand
  • Copying a bubble column with the /clone command no longer results in invisible water (MCPE-153903)
  • Added new overload to the /summon command that adds rotation arguments
    • New overload is /summon [ spawnPos : x y z] [yRot: float] [xRot: float] [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]
  • Previous overload '/summon [ spawnPos : x y z] [spawnEvent: string] [nametag: string]'
  • Temporarily disabled the rotation for the /summon command while a bug is worked on
  • Fixed a rotation issue when a Command Block executes 'execute facing' and 'execute rotated' (MCPE-162256)
  • Implemented the '/execute in' command
  • Implemented the ‘/execute anchored <eyes|feet>’ command

Data-Driven Blocks

  • minecraft:direction is no longer exposed as a data-driven blockProperty. Blocks throw a content error when the "minecraft" namespace is used

Data-Driven Items

  • Added support for recipes to use item tags directly instead of item names
    • Added new item tags
    • Converted several recipes from code into their own recipe files
    • Added several recipes using the new tags to override many old, item specific recipes (these still exist for backwards compatibility):
      • barrel, beehive, bookshelf, bowl, brewing_stand, campfire, cartography_table, chest, composter, crafting_table, daylight_detector, fire_charge, fletching_table, furnace, grindstone, jukebox, lectern, loom, noteblock, painting, piston, shield, smithing_table, smoker, soul_campfire, soul_torch, stick, stone_axe, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_sword, torch, tripwire_hook, wooden_axe, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, wooden_sword
    • Custom Items, tags, and block tags now work correctly with the minecraft:digger component (MCPE-155786)


  • Implemented new is_baby actor filter that returns true when the subject entity is a baby
  • Fixed "bool_property" filters that didn't specify a "value"

AI Goals

  • Fixed an issue with Iron Golems that prevented mobs with the minecraft:take_flower AI behavior to use the goal
  • Exposed new data parameters for the minecraft:play AI behavior to specify such things as the duration the goal stays active, the chance to start the goal, the range to search for a friend, and the follow distance to stay within when playing with a friend

Entity Documentation

  • Removed experimental markers for The Wild Update entity behaviors and components
  • Added documentation for minecraft:heartbeat
  • Fixed and updated documentation for entity events


  • Events
    • Removed event tick- called each tick
  • System
    • Added system.run() - to queue a callback to run next tick, re-queue each tick to get behavior similar to tick event
  • Block
    • Renamed property idto typeId
  • BlockComponent
    • Renamed property idto typeId
  • Entity
    • Renamed property idto typeId
    • Added read-only property id: string- Returns a unique identifier for the entity. This identifier remains consistent across world loads
  • EntityComponent
    • Renamed property idto typeId
  • ItemComponent
    • Renamed property idto typeId
  • ItemStack
    • Renamed property idto typeId

GameTest Framework (Experimental)

There has been a major breaking change to experimental JavaScript APIs:

All script modules have been renamed to follow a new convention.

  • mojang-gametest-> @minecraft/server-gametest 
  • mojang-minecraft-> @minecraft/server
  • mojang-minecraft-ui-> @minecraft/server-ui
  • mojang-minecraft-server-admin-> @minecraft/server-admin
  • mojang-net-> @minecraft/server-net

For example, rather than using:

import * as mc from “mojang-minecraft”;


import * as mc from “@minecraft/server”;

Use of script eval() and Function() must be explicitly enabled in  manifest.json 

To do this, set script_eval in capabilities array.

"capabilities": [  "script_eval"]

  • Root path for imports has changed; scripts/ prefix are no longer allowed.
  • For imports, use import "./source.js" or import "source.js"
  • Deprecated use of import "scripts/source.js"

Minecraft - 1.19.30 (Bedrock)

As always, we appreciate all your help and input, please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave your feedback feedback.minecraft.net.

Vanilla Parity:


  • Modified the Fireball entity's collision box to match Java Edition
  • The Enchanting Table now produces a sound when enchanting an item
  • Amethyst blocks no longer produce sound when jumping off them
  • Fixed the bottom texture of the Melon block to match the top texture (MCPE-31035)
  • The item stack popup animation will now only play when a new item is added to the stack (MCPE-23995)
  • Fixed an issue where Light Blocks would be removed when placing an Armor stand over them (MCPE-151856)
  • Changed some structures names in the /locate command to have underscores, like in Java Edition (e.g. ancientcity -> ancient_city); the old names will still work but will not show up in the autocomplete
  • Fixed an issue where Boats with Chests would not drop the Chest's contents when destroyed by the /kill command (MCPE-160186)
  • Eating a Stew will now leave the empty Bowl in the slot it was eaten from (MCPE-56367)
  • Drinking a Potion will now leave the empty Glass Bottle in the slot you drank it from rather than the first empty inventory slot (MCPE-26436)
  • Oak and Mangrove Fence Gates are now flammable (MCPE-160098)


  • Fixed Hoglin and Zoglin hitbox size and hit range to match Java Edition (MCPE-65424)
  • Increased Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Sensor generation rates in Deep Dark and Ancient Cities to better match Java Edition (MCPE-153525)
  • Modified the Cat's head position while sitting to match Java Edition (MCPE-46668)
  • If a Villager has a Nametag, it is now displayed along with their trade tier (MCPE-152644)

Spectator Mode (Experimental)

  • Capes are no longer rendered while in Spectator Mode (MCPE-156929)
  • Spectator players in Lava Cauldrons no longer display the burning animation (MCPE-160331)
  • Players in Spectator Mode are no longer affected by the Powder Snow fog effect (MCPE-156683)
  • Sadly, any leashed animals will not follow spectators anymore (MCPE-157065)
  • Players in Spectator Mode no longer emit particles while sprinting (MCPE-160397)
  • Spectator players with status effects applied no longer emit particles (MCPE-160398)
  • Endermen no longer become angry at players in Spectator Mode (MCPE-156742)
  • Players in Spectator Mode can no longer interact with Sculk Sensors by swimming in water or lava (MCPE-153879)
  • Players switching into Spectator Mode will unhook any fishhooks attached to them
  • Players in Spectator mode can no longer be pushed by explosions (MCPE-156687)
  • Powder Snow no longer emits particles when spectators move through it (MCPE-153876)
  • Big Dripleaf no longer tilts when touched by players in Spectator Mode (MCPE-156686)
  • Players in Spectator Mode now keep their inventories and equipped items on death (MCPE-156681)
  • Spectators can no longer attract mob's attention when holding their favorite food (MCPE-153882)
  • The /testfor command can now target spectators (MCPE-158042)
  • The Spectator game mode can no longer be entered via the /gamemode 6 command, only via /gamemode spectator
  • Spectators using touch controls can no longer break Boats and Minecarts (MCPE-158307)
  • Parrots sitting on a player's shoulder now hop off when entering Spectator Mode
  • Animals and mobs with follow_owner behaviour no longer follow Spectators
  • Animals and mobs with find_mount behaviour no longer try to mount Spectators
  • Spectator Mode players won't have cold feet and now the Frost Walker enchant does not affect water
  • Pufferfish no longer react to nearby spectators



  • Fixed a bug that rarely caused the Villager's bounding box to become desynced with the server when sleeping
  • Fixed a bug causing an occasional crash when loading players in beds
  • The game no longer crashes when browsing Marketplace
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when resuming the game on Xbox
  • Fixed a bug where deleting cloud synced worlds would not delete the cloud version of the world when the player deletes the world locally
  • Fixed PlayStation 4 audio stuttering issues while framerate is low (MCPE-158902)
  • Fixed a crashing issue related to undyed Shulkers
  • Most common Marketplace connection issues will now automatically resolve themselves when conditions improve without needing to restart Minecraft (MCPE-155025)
  • Fixed performance issues when Striders are being ridden by baby Striders (MCPE-146478)
  • Fixed a crash that would occur on some devices when loading in worlds with texture packs applied (MCPE-160800)
  • Fixed a crash when uploading a world with no name using "Play on Realm" button


  • Music is now included in the mobile app and no longer has to be downloaded from Marketplace
  • Fixed issue where player would see inside of Top Snow when diving into it while wearing Elytra
  • Fireballs can no longer travel through portals to prevent an issue where they could become permanently stuck (MCPE-160938)
  • Pressing the Ctrl and Alt keys together will no longer make the Alt key get stuck down


  • Endermen no longer get angry at Creative players (MCPE-42977)
  • Fixed a bug causing Leads to break with Allays after the owner player changes dimensions (MCPE-158955)
  • The Goat's ram animation was modified to slowly lower their head when preparing to ram (MCPE-129477)
  • Reduced the Enderman's teleport range to 32x32x32 to ensure that it cannot despawn itself by teleporting (MCPE-152268)
  • Allays and Bees should no longer get stuck on Lanterns or other low hanging objects (MCPE-155777)
  • EDU Toggle: NPC names default to only being displayed while looking at them


  • Mud Brick Slab can now be placed as a top slab via commands (MCPE-157852)
  • Banners now spawn correctly in newly generated structures (MCPE-160696)
  • Coral Fans now look identical when placed facing North, West, East, and South (MCPE-125311)
  • White Glazed Terracotta is no longer missing from the Creative Mode inventory and is once again accessible through commands
  • Seagrass and Kelp are no longer classified as Coral Decorations in the Creative Mode inventory (MCPE-44034)
  • Fixed a bug where some blocks that require a supporting block (for example Carpet or crops) did not appear on Maps when placed on a non-full block or above an air block (MCPE-159713)
  • Iron Bars are no longer missing from the Creative Mode inventory and are once again accessible through commands (MCPE-160253)
  • Piston's animation when extending and retracting is now smooth (MCPE-155987)
  • It is no longer possible to get an aged Sapling in the inventory by block-picking


  • Fixed dropped items getting stuck at the edge of flowing water (MCPE-157167)
  • When on fire, the fire overlay no longer clips through held items (MCPE-147776)
  • Mangrove, Crimson, and Warped Planks can now be used to repair Shields (MCPE-158940)
  • Fixed a regression where an undamaged tool, such as Pickaxe, when name changed on an Anvil, would fail to work correctly when used for the first time (MCPE-152637)

User Interface

  • Fixed a bug where the name tag background was slightly offset (MCPE-160254)
  • Fixed a UI bug where enchanted leather items would have parts of the texture not displaying the glint animation (MCPE-98929)
  • Added new disconnection error messages to better highlight the area in which the disconnection occurred
  • Character Creator offers in Marketplace will no longer lose their thumbnail images upon exiting the Dressing Room
  • Added a Retry button to the Xbox cloud sync prompt
  • Item stacks now are merged together after assigned tick threshold
  • Added a missing settings button on packs in the updated Create New World screen
  • Added a new disconnection error message - "Unable to connect, please restart your client"
  • Fixed an issue causing messages with non-unicode characters to have incorrect spacing
  • NPC names now default to only being displayed while looking at them
  • The arrow within the crafting Pocket UI now fits appropriately without any clipping issues
  • The "Cannot connect to Marketplace” error will no longer be erroneously read by the Text-To-Speech reader
  • Raid bar no longer becomes stuck after breaking Beds to cancel a raid (MCPE-152851)

Mobile Touch Controls

  • Under Settings > (Controls) > Touch there is a new toggle entitled, Enable New Touch Controls Schemes. When toggled ON, a new Interaction Model dropdown menu will appear, allowing players to use our new Touch scheme, our new Crosshair scheme, or the original Classic scheme.


  • Player textures and UI elements should no longer turn pink after playing for an extended period time on highly populated servers (MCPE-105487)
  • Fixed an issue where certain water textures with waterlogged blocks displayed the wrong texture (MCPE-156281)
  • Fixed an issue with flowing Lava and Water textures not animating on some iOS devices
  • Sky in The End dimension will no longer look like static upon entry while it is raining in the Overworld (MCPE-148843)

Technical Updates:

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.19.30 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks

Copy Coordinates

  • Added keyboard shortcuts that allow players to copy either their current coordinates or the coordinates of a block
    • Control + Alt + C is the default for copying current coordinates
    • Control + Alt + X is the default for copying coordinates of selected block
    • Needs the "Enable Copy Coordinate UI" enabled in Creator settings


  • Numerical actor properties (float and integer) will now always clamp their values into the range of values specified
  • minecraft:instant_despawn no longer affects players
  • Command selector now gets the same position for the player that the command origin player position gets
  • Fixed a bug where the text-to-speech feature would read the entire "My Content" page, both highlighted and non-highlighted items
  • Non-Parrot mobs on a player's shoulder will now adjust their position when the player crouches (MCPE-153996)
  • Enables creators to add geometry up to 0.875 units outside of the regular block unit cube on any one side
  • Fixed a bug where some custom items (from Creator Features packs), after being used, were duplicated upon player's death (MCPE-128897)
  • Added server property ‘disable-custom-skins’ to block untrusted skins on a server wide level
  • Text to Speech no longer ignores the volume setting on startup
  • Clarified the documentation for equipment_count to indicate it only counts equipped armor, and how to query for held items (MCPE-136134)
  • Limit which queries can be used in Actor Property-related Molang expressions. Property defaults can only use query.had_component_group and set_property can only use property and query.has_property
  • BlockDisplayNameComponent will no longer append 'tile.' and '.name' to given display names and in turn, will display their given raw strings if no appropriate localization can be found


  • Added a paste button to the Command Block screen
  • Added a waterlog field to the /structure command and the load tab of Structure Blocks to allow players to properly waterlog a structure when it's being placed under water
  • The "/execute at" command now properly executes filters from the specified 'at' position (MCPE-156283)
  • The "/execute if block" command now displays integer values for block positions (MCPE-156285)
  • Fixed a bug where a "%" was prepended to player names in the chat output of "/scoreboard players reset" (MCPE-151389)
  • Attempting to kill a player in Creative Mode using the "/kill" command now displays a message informing the player that it cannot be done (MCPE-16732)

GameTest Framework

  • Fixed a bug where function length would return undefined
  • Added function lengthSquared - Returns the squared length of the vector
  • Added stackOverflow as a possible WatchdogTerminateReason for the beforeWatchdogTerminate event
  • IRawMessage - Interface object representing a message
  • rawtext : (string | IRawMessage)[] - (optional) A list of text objects used to build a message
  • text : string - (optional) A string containing plain text to display directly. Only valid when used as a sub member in a parent rawtext or with member
  • translate : string - (optional) String representing a translation identifier to translate text in the player's selected language
  • with : (string | IRawMessage)[] - (optional) A list of text object arguments used to fill values in the translate text. Ignored when translate is not present
  • say(string | IRawMessage) - Used to broadcast a message to all players
  • tell(string | IRawMessage) - Send a message to a player
  • Fixed a bug where Dynamic Properties would not persist when using worlds hosted on Bedrock Dedicated Server or Realms
  • Pack dependencies on native modules can be declared using the module name without the need to specify a UUID, using the “module_name” attribute. The module name matches the import statement (e.g., “mojang-minecraft”)
  • Removed mojang-gametest module version 0.1.0; packs using "mojang-gametest" specific APIs must be updated to use GameTest version 1.0.0-beta
  • The "mojang-gametest" module 1.0.0-beta requires "mojang-minecraft" module 1.0.0-beta
  • Removed usage of minecraft:unwalkable block component and added block creative group and category to the block description
  • setVelocity will now throw an exception when called on player types
  • Renamed class Items to ItemTypes
  • Add a content error when default or set_property expressions include side-effects, such as Molang variable assignment
  • Commands
    • Added new sub-command /script watchdog exportstats - Exports a file containing memory usage and object handle statistics
    • Can now switch hotbar slots while targeting a block while in a Boat (MCPE-156814)
    • The '/execute at' and '/execute as' commands will now execute at the correct relative rotation (MCPE-156277)
    • '/execute at @e run kill @e' no longer crashes the game when there are items on the ground
    • Added chat output when entities are skipped by "/ride summon_ride no_ride_change" (MCPE-129486)
    • Added function getAll(): ItemTypeIterator - Returns an iterator of all available item types
  • Memory Watchdog
    • script-watchdog-memory-warning - Produces a content log warning when the combined memory usage exceeds the given threshold (in megabytes). Setting this value to 0 disables the warning. (default = 100)
    • script-watchdog-memory-limit - Saves and shuts down the world when the combined memory usage exceeds the given threshold (in megabytes). Setting this value to 0 disables the limit. (default = 250)
    • Increased slow code warning threshold from 2 ms to 6 ms

Minecraft: Java Edition - 1.19.2 FIXED BUGS IN 1.19.2GET THE RELEASE


  • Fixed an issue causing players to get disconnected with secure chat
  • Fixed a crash in the social interactions screen


To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play! Make sure your Launcher is set to the "Latest Release" option.

Cross-platform server jar:

Report bugs here:

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Minecraft: Java Edition 1.18.1 TECHNICAL CHANGES IN 1.18.1FIXED BUGS IN 1.18.1GET THE RELEASE

If you are running a multiplayer server, we highly encourage you to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.



  • Fixed an issue that would cause players on low-bandwidth connections to get timeout errors when connecting to a server
  • World fog now starts further away from the player, to make distant terrain more visible
  • Instead of applying fog as a spherical volume it is now applied as a cylindrical volume


  • MC-152198 - Actual render distance is 2 chunks lower than render distance setting
  • MC-219507 - Beacon’s power reverts back to previous one on world reload
  • MC-229321 - Bees inside of bee hives / nests sometimes despawn when the world is reloaded
  • MC-242729 - “Observer activating without any updates nearby, caused by /clone”
  • MC-243216 - Chunk render distance on servers seems shorter than in 1.17.1
  • MC-243796 - Random non fatal exceptions in console: Failed to store chunk ConcurrentModificationException


​To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play!

Cross-platform server jar:

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Want to give feedback?

Minecraft - 1.18.33 (Switch)

Please search for any bugs you find on bugs.mojang.com and let us know what you think at feedback.minecraft.net.


  • Enabled configuration changes of some back-end services
  • Added a new button in Settings to clear local cache data
    • This will not delete save game data

Minecraft: Java Edition - 1.18.2 CHANGES IN 1.18.2TECHNICAL CHANGES IN 1.18.2FIXED BUGS IN 1.18.2GET THE RELEASE

Additionally, this version contains compliance updates for South Korean players.



  • Users running Minecraft in a 32-bit environment will receive a warning in the main menu about the upcoming end of 32-bit environment support
  • If you’re playing in South Korea, we added gameplay timers and notices in compliance with gaming laws to help remind players to take occasional breaks from gameplay
  • A seed of the number zero is no longer handled as a special case
  • Any spaces before/after an inputted seed will now be trimmed
  • Dolphins will now more accurately pick the closest structure regardless of type
  • Ender chests are no longer gift wrapped around Christmas


  • Added command: placefeature
  • The locate command now uses a namespaced id parameter
  • The locate command parameter is now a configured structure rather than a structure type. For instance, you can now use /locate village_desert or /locate shipwreck_beached
  • locate and locatebiome commands now support tags (prefix with # to distinguish from normal ids)
  • It is now possible to add custom structures in experimental datapacks
  • A lot of the cave generation is now configurable through experimental datapacks
  • Any type present in registries (blocks, items, biomes, etc.) can now have tags
  • The datapack version is now 9


New command that places a configured feature at a given location. Syntax: placefeature <id> [pos]

  • id: The namespaced id of a configured feature to place
  • pos: The position to use as the origin for the feature placement (if omitted, ~ ~ ~ is used)


  • A new registry was added for Density functions (caves are created by combining those together)
  • Noise settings got a new field noise_router (and lost a couple of flags), see worldgen/noise_settings folder in the worldgen report
  • Noise router wires data-driven parts of the cave generation with the rest of the code


The game now generates and stores data-driven configured structures.

  • Experimental datapacks can add new structure sets
  • The feature field in location predicates now references a configured feature
  • The exploration_map loot table function destination field is now a configured feature tag id
  • The exploration_map loot table function no longer automatically sets the display name of the map


  • Tags can now be defined for any registry (blocks, items, biomes, etc. - see registries.json in report)
  • New tags are stored in datapacks under tags directory (same as old ones)
    • Names of new tag directories are the same as registry names (so /data/[namespace]/tags/potion and /data/[namespace]/tags/worldgen/biome)
    • Existing tags (blocksitemsfluidsentity_typesgame_events and functions) keep their name (for now)
  • Some fields in worldgen structures that previously accepted only lists of element ids now accept tags
    • Those entries now accept [id, ...]id (shortcut for [id]) and #tag
    • Changed fields are:
      • feature.glow_lichen configuration: can_be_placed_on
      • feature.spring_feature configuration: valid_blocks
      • feature.simple_random_selector configuration: features
      • block_predicate_type.matching_blocksblocks
      • block_predicate_type.matching_fluidsfluids
      • biome: inner list in features, map value in carvers
      • biome_source.checkerboardbiomes
  • Some tag fields now require id to be prepended with # (however they are not yet accepting element list)
    • dimension_typeinfiniburn
    • feature.geode configration: blocks.cannot_replaceblocks.invalid_blocks
    • feature.vegetation_patch, feature.waterlogged_vegetation_patch configuration: replaceable
    • feature.root_system configuration: root_replaceable
    • structure_processor.protected_blocksvalue


In addition to crashes and other stability improvements, around 100 player-reported bugs were fixed in this release. View the list on the issue tracker.


​To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play!

Cross-platform server jar:

Report bugs here:

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