Mineko's Night Market cover
Mineko's Night Market screenshot
PC Mac Switch Steam
Genre: Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Mineko's Night Market

Mineko’s Night Market Summer Update

Hello! Happy Season of the Burning Sun! We’ve been working on a LOT of new features in the last few months that we’d like to reveal to you here TODAY. So, come along and see what’s new!


Mineko can now craft COSTUMES! Certain areas will only be accessible when wearing a disguise (secret hideouts!), wearing protective gear (treacherous terrain!), or trendy clothing (anywhere teens hang out)!

Locations Locations Locations

We’ve been fleshing out the island of Mt. Fugu with art for new locations to explore, new resources to discover, and new friends to befriend (if you’re nice)!


All crafts will involve minigames, so we’ve been busy designing and experimenting with a bunch of new workbench minigame concepts! Work it! Work it!


We’ve been adding (and still adding!) and tweaking (and tweaking further!) interactions for the various resource gathering interactions like mining, firefly catching, and snow monkey grooming (what?!)!


We have been busy working and reworking (and reworking) the Quest system. It’s important for us to not allow the story to interrupt the player’s pace while still offering an engaging direction. We think (hope) we are close to this goal!

Night Market Main Events

Oh! And I guess a game with “Night Market” in the title should have a Night Market. The Night Market will feature 16 unique weekly Main Events, like Cat Racing, Tea Ceremonies, and Sumo-Suit Wrestling!

Thank you

We’re truly grateful for all your patience and kindness while we continue to develop the game. We are so excited for you to play it!