Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord cover
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord screenshot
PC PS4 XONE PS5 Series X Steam Gog Epic
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Strategy, Tactical, Adventure

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Beta Hotfix (e1.5.8 - 05/02/21)

Beta e1.5.8


  • Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to permanently disappear on the campaign map.

Known Issues

Patch Notes e1.5.7

Main e1.5.7

Latest Changes:


  • Fixed a bug that caused trees to disappear at short viewing distance on the campaign map.
  • Fixed a bug that enabled eliminated clans to propose kingdom decisions.
  • 'Preventive Medicine' perk now works after successful hideout assaults.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Famous Commander' perk secondary bonus to not work for recruits and mercenaries.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the education focus point rewards to not be applied to the child.
  • Fixed education notifications triggering in games with ageing disabled.
  • Removed non-civilian weaponry from civilian starting equipment sets.
  • Removed skill templates that override already present character skills.
  • Fixed and implemented perks in Steward, Roguery, Tactics and Trade.
  • Fixed a bug that changed disbanding parties' names to 'unnamedParty'.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on load when a disbanding party remained in an army.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Sturgian Female Nobles to fight in battles without their armour.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to end with the wrong side winning when a player killed an enemy in overtime.

Combat Changes
  • Increased damage multiplier for ‘Bonus Damage to Shields’ effect on weapons (all axes and some 2-handed weapons).
  • Captain Mode: Bonus Damage to Shields multiplier increased from no bonus damage (1x) to 1.25x
  • All other Modes: Bonus Damage to Shields multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
  • Slightly increased base accuracy for Mounted Archery.

Equipment Changes
  • New Shields:
    • Bronze Reinforced Highland Large Shield
      • Hit Points: 90
      • Armour: 5
      • Weight: 1.2

    • Iron Reinforced Highland Large Shield
      • Hit Points: 140
      • Armour: 5
      • Weight: 2

    • Leather Bound Kite Shield
      • Hit Points: 80
      • Armour: 5
      • Weight: 1.2

    • Worn Kite Shield
      • Hit Points: 80
      • Armour: 5
      • Weight: 1.2

  • New Bow:
    • Guard’s Bow

      • Accuracy: 95
      • Damage: 63
      • Speed: 80

  • Crossbow damages decreased:
    • Light Crossbow Damage decreased from 65 to 60.
    • Crossbow Damage decreased from 78 to 72.
    • Arbalest Damage decreased from 90 to 85.

  • Menavlion damages decreased:
    • Menavlion damage decreased from 120 to 109.
    • Long Menavlion damage decreased from 125 to 118.
    • Heavy Menavlion damage decreased from 158 to 151.
    • Cavalry Menavlion damage decreased from 118 to 110.

  • Highland Twohanded Woodcutter's Axe damage decreased from 95 to 84.
  • Eastern Heavy Mace damage increased from 59 to 69.
  • Eastern Infantry Club damage increased from 39 to 43.
  • Imperial Heavy Axe swing speed decreased from 98 to 93.
  • Throwing Weapon Damages increased:
    • Javelin damage increased from 34 to 40.
    • Imperial Javelin damage increased from 45 to 50.
    • Light Javelin damage increased from 25 to 27.
    • Francesca damage increased from 44 to 51.
    • Highland Javelin damage increased from 46 to 51.
    • Northern Fish Harpoon damage increased from 33 to 38.
    • Reinforced Northern Fish Harpoon damage increased from 49 to 55.
    • Jereed damage increased from 52 to 55.
    • Southern Throwing Axe damage increased from 49 to 55.
    • Northern Throwing Axe increased from 34 to 40.

  • Desert Oval Shield:
    • Hitpoints decreased from 160 to 100.
    • Armour decreased from 15 to 5.
    • Weight decreased from 3.2 to 1.2.

  • Decorated Oval Shield:
    • Hitpoints increased from 125 to 140.
    • Armour increased from 10 to 15.
    • Weight decreased from 4.7 to 3.

  • Footman's Wicker Shield
    • Hitpoints increased from 190 to 230
    • Armour increased from 12 to 15

Troop Changes

  • All Skirmishers:
    • Improved acceleration when running.
    • Slightly improved Combat Movement Speed.
    • Captain Mode: Increased Ranged AI level.

  • All Shock Troops:
    • Removed default Small Heater Shield.

  • All Archers:
    • Captain Mode: Increased Ranged AI level.

  • All Cavalries:
    • Decreased health for all horses by 20.
    • Decreased armour for cavalry:
      • -4 for light cavalry
      • -8 for heavy cavalry

    • Increased troop counts for captain mode:
      • +2 for light cavalry
      • +1 for heavy cavalry

  • Aserai
    • Tribal Warrior:
      • Larger Shield perk now equips Decorated Oval Shield instead of Desert Oval Shield.

    • Skirmisher:
      • Starts with default Desert Oval Shield.
      • Default two 4-stack Javelins have been merged into one 8-stack Javelin.
      • The two 3-stack Jereed granted by Better Javelins Perk have been merged into one 6-stack Jereed.
      • Light Shield Perk is changed to Jereed Perk, grants additional Jereed.
      • Large Shield Perk is changed to Stronger Shield Perk, grants Decorated Oval Shield.

    • Beduin:
      • Decreased Barding armour value from 4 to 0.
      • Increased troop count from 10 to 13.
      • Desert Horse health decreased from 200 to 180.
      • Nahasan health decreased from 200 to 180.
      • Husnphree health decreased from 280 to 260.

    • Mamluke:
      • Decreased barding armour value from 25 to 17.
      • Increased troop count from 7 to 8.
      • Decreased Improved Barding Perk armour value from 42 to 34.
      • Barb Horse health decreased from 235 to 215.
      • Tough Nahasan health decreased from 230 to 210.
      • Agile Barb Horse health decreased from 230 to 210.

  • Battania

    • Wildling:
      • Starts with default Bronze Reinforced Highland Large Shield instead of Highland Scout's Shield.
      • Large Shield Perk is changed to Stronger Shield Perk, grants Iron Reinforced Highland Large Shield.

    • Savage:
      • Improved acceleration when running.

    • Oathbound:
      • Armour increased from 43 to 46.
      • Combat Speed decreased from 0.9 to 0.8.

    • Mounted Warrior:
      • Decreased barding armour from 8 to 3.
      • Increased troop count from 11 to 13.
      • Decreased improved barding Perk armour from 29 to 21.
      • Dale Pony health decreased from 215 to 195.
      • Agile Dale Pony health decreased from 215 to 195.
      • Fell Pony health decreased from 260 to 240.

  • Empire
    • Recruit:
      • Starts with default Leather Bound Kite Shield.
      • Small Shield Perk is changed to Stronger Shield Perk, grants Light Oaken Kite Shield.

    • Legionary:
      • Armour increased from 41 to 44.
      • Combat Speed increased from 0.7 to 0.8.
      • Running Speed increased from 78 to 79.

    • Palatine Guard:
      • Crossbow Perk is changed to Light Crossbow Perk.

    • Courser:
      • Decreased barding armour from 4 to 0.
      • Increased troop count from 9 to 11.
      • Courser health decreased from 220 to 200.
      • Midlands Palfrey health decreased from 220 to 200.
      • Danustica Horse decreased from 220 to 200.

    • Cataphract:
      • Decreased barding armour from 43 to 35.
      • Increased troop count from 7 to 8.
      • Imperial Warhorse health decreased from 265 to 245.
      • War Courser health decreased from 250 to 230.
      • Imperial Charger health decreased from 255 to 235.

  • Khuzait
    • Rabble:
      • Improved acceleration when running.

    • Spear Infantry:
      • Armour increased from 23 to 28.
      • Combat Speed increased from 0.8 to 0.9.
      • Slightly improved acceleration when running.

    • Steppe Bow:
      • Stronger Bow Perk grants Recurve Bow instead of Short Bow.

    • Khan’s Guard:
      • Faster Bow Perk is changed to Stronger Bow Perk, grants Guard’s Bow.

    • Nomad:
      • Decreased barding armour from 4 to 0.
      • Increased troop count from 10 to 13.
      • Steppe Horse health decreased from 190 to 170.
      • Tarpan health decreased from 190 to 170.
      • Steppe Charger health decreased from 190 to 170.

    • Mounted Archer:
      • Decreased barding armour from 4 to 0.
      • Increased troop count from 9 to 11.
      • Steppe Saddle Horse health decreased from 200 to 180.
      • Steppe Tough Horse health decreased from 225 to 205.

    • Lancer:
      • Decreased barding armour from 40 to 32.
      • Increased troop count from 7 to 8.
      • Steppe Warhorse health decreased from 220 to 200.
      • Makeb Horse health decreased from 265 to 245.

  • Sturgia
    • Brigand:
      • Starts with default Worn Kite Shield instead of Northern Kite Shield.

    • Berserker:
      • Improved acceleration when running.

    • Varyag:
      • Armour increased from 39 to 42.
      • Running Speed increased from 78 to 79.

    • Hunter:
      • Two-Handed Axe Perk changed to Long Sword Perk, grants Northern Sword.

    • Raider:
      • Decreased barding armour from 15 to 8
      • Increased troop count from 9 to 11
      • Trotter health decreased from 210 to 190
      • Tyal Horse health decreased from 250 to 230

    • Druzhinnik:
      • Decreased barding armour from 20 to 18
      • Increased troop count from 7 to 8.
      • Decreased improved barding Perk armour from 44 to 36.
      • Sturgian Hunter health decreased from 245 to 225.
      • Tougher Tyal Horse health decreased from 270 to 250.

  • Vlandia

    • Peasant Levy:
      • Improved acceleration when running.

    • Sergeant:
      • Armor increased from 37 to 40.
      • Running Speed increased from 78 to 79.

    • Arbelist:
      • Troop Count increased from 15 to 16.

    • Sharpshooter:
      • Troop Count increased from 10 to 11.

    • Vanguard:
      • Decreased barding armour from 4 to 0.
      • Increased troop count from 9 to 11.
      • Decreased improved barding Perk armour from 30 to 22.
      • Saddle Horse health decreased from 220 to 200.
      • Hunter health decreased from 220 to 200.
      • Jaculan Horse health decreased from 220 to 200.

    • Knight:
      • Decreased barding armour from 44 to 36.
      • Increased troop count from 7 to 8.
      • Charger health decreased from 230 to 210.
      • Faster Charger health decreased from 230 to 210.
      • Brawler health decreased from 270 to 250.

Previous Beta Hotfixes:



  • Fixed a crash related to trade penalties that were occurring when engaging looters.
  • Fixed the Duelist perk secondary effect, rewarding 300 renown for tournaments.
  • Fixed the issue with the sorting feature not working as intended.


Combat Changes
  • All non-throwable spears can now be braced.

Troop Changes
  • Aserai
    • Skirmisher
      • Troop Count value increased from 18 to 19.

    • Tribal Warrior
      • Troop Count value increased from 22 to 23.

    • Guard
      • Troop Count value decreased from 16 to 15.

    • Archer
      • Troop Count value increased from 15 to 17.

  • Battania
    • Savage
      • Troop Count value decreased from 18 to 16.

  • Empire
    • Menavlion Infantry
      • Troop Count value decreased from 16 to 15.

    • Archer Militia
      • Troop Count value increased from 15 to 16.

  • Khuzait
    • Steppe Bow
      • Troop Count value increased from 15 to 17.

  • Vlandia
    • Voulgier
      • Troop Count value decreased from 17 to 16.



  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an uninitialised inverse kinematics data was accessed for human characters.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after the declaration of war in the 'Spy Among Us' quest.
  • Fixed bugged Athletics, Riding, Throwing, Polearm and One-Handed perks.
  • Fixed an issue with siege icons on settlement nameplates not working correctly. Siege icons will now disappear correctly after a siege on the Campaign map. Also, added the missing siege icon for the preparation phase.
  • Fixed discrepancies towards body armour weights.
  • Fixed an issue that granted clan influence from dead clan members with the Immortal Charm perk.
  • Fixed misspelt settlement names on the campaign map.
  • Fixed an issue that led to uninitialised temporary parties that could hold nobles prisoner to exist longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented melee combat effects (knockback, knockdown, dismount) from working properly.
  • Disabled the ability for riders to rear their mount when it is already rearing due to a collision or from taking damage.
  • Fixed an issue with the heir menu not opening if the main hero dies while laying siege.
  • Added one-click orders to F4 through F9 keys. Players can now give:
    • F4 - Toggle Fire
    • F5 - Toggle Mount
    • F6 - Toggle AI
    • F7 - Face Direction
    • F8 - Shield Wall
    • F9 - Line Formation orders


  • Fixed a UI crash that occurred when logging in or out.
  • Fixed various spots that let troops fall through in the Ebereth Hillfort Captain Mode map.
  • Fixed a couple of map related bugs on Captain mode maps Druimmor Forest and Cliffs of Akkalat.
  • Disabled the ability for riders to rear their mount when it is already rearing due to a collision or from taking damage.

Combat Changes
  • Spears used on foot now deal damage earlier.
  • Thrust attacks now hit for perfect damage earlier.

Weapon Changes
  • New Weapon:
    • Highland Noble Two-Handed Sword (Fian)
      • Swing Speed: 91
      • Damage: 99
      • Length: 105

    • Empire Polearm (Palatine Guard)
      • Swing Speed: 76
      • Damage: 103
      • Length: 163

  • Aserai Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 94 to 89.
  • Aserai Heavy Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 87 to 86.
  • Southern Pike (Aserai):
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 89 to 91.
    • Damage value increased from 39 to 44.

  • Battania Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 97 to 91.
  • Highland Two-Handed Sword (Fian):
    • Swing Speed value decreased from 96 to 88.
    • Damage value decreased from 103 to 93.

  • Highland Pike (Battania)
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 88 to 89.
    • Damage value increased from 36 to 40.

  • Empire Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 92 to 87.
  • Empire Heavy Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 88 to 87.
  • Khuzait Heavy Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 88 to 87.
  • Eastern Pike (Khuzait)
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 89 to 91.
    • Damage value increased from 38 to 42.

  • Sturgia Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 92 to 88.
  • Vlandian Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 96 to 91.
  • Awl Pike (Vlandia)
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 91 to 92.
    • Damage value increased from 37 to 41.

  • Light Crossbow Damage value decreased from 70 to 65.
  • Crossbow Damage value decreased from 85 to 78.
  • Arbalest Damage value decreased from 95 to 90.

Troop Changes
  • Aserai
    • Skirmisher
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.
      • Troop Count increased from 17 to 18.

    • Tribal Warrior
      • Speed value increased from 78 to 79.
      • Troop Count increased from 21 to 22.

  • Battania
    • Clan Warrior
      • Speed value increased from 81 to 82.

    • Savage
      • Speed value increased from 83 to 84.

    • Wildling
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.

    • Fian
      • Replaced Falx Perk with Better Sword Perk. Grants Highland Noble Two-Handed Sword.

  • Empire
    • Recruit
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.

    • Legionary
      • Speed value increased from 77 to 78.

    • Palatine Guard
      • Replaced Menavlion Perk with Polearm Perk. Grants Empire Polearm.

  • Khuzait
    • Rabble
      • Speed value increased from 80 to 81.

    • Spear Infantry
      • Speed value increased from 78 to 79.

  • Sturgia
    • Warrior
      • Speed value increased from 78 to 79.
      • Troop Count decreased from 20 to 19.

    • Brigand
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.

    • Berserker
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.
      • Troop Count decreased from 17 to 16.

    • Varyag
      • Speed value increased from 77 to 78.

  • Vlandia

    • Peasant Levy
      • Speed value increased from 81 to 82.

    • Sergeant
      • Speed value increased from 77 to 78.

Initial Beta Changelog:


  • Fixed a crash that occurred after Tacteos was rescued in the tutorial phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering some Empire villages.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during scene load due to the navigation mesh.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while recruiting a mercenary company from a neutral army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after attacking caravans or villagers as a mercenary.
  • Fixed a crash related to the press and hold function while picking up items with the 'F' key.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash during barter.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a companion was solving the 'Help With Outlaws' quest.

  • Fixed the rendering of snow on some places of the world map.
  • Fixed a memory leak which occurred after entering a field battle.
  • Optimised memory allocations to reduce frame drops on the world map.
  • Campaign performance improvements.

Save & Load
  • Reduced save time.
  • Save game optimisation.

  • Minor text fixes.
  • Turkish language updates.
  • Chinese language updates.

  • Added two new Sturgian light armours.
  • Added a new Battanian scale armour.
  • Visual improvements to two swamp and one highland battle terrain.
  • Visual improvements to some Battanian houses.
  • Fixed various armour and helmet clipping issues.
  • Visual improvements to Vlandia arena models.
  • Visual improvements to various interior building models.
  • Fixed a bug that caused too many beggar agents to spawn.
  • Civilian navmesh fixes for vlandia_castle_005a.
  • Improved player clan member spawning locations in settlements.
  • Various village improvements.
  • Improvements on some materials and textures.

  • Fixed a bug that caused agents to walk unusually fast in some cases.

  • Map conversations now support voice lines.
  • Improved the information shown in the Kingdom/Fiefs tab.
  • Text input queries now autofocus on the input automatically.
  • Moved estimated GPU memory usage to the right side for better presentation.
  • Added keyboard/gamepad shortcuts to custom battle and save/load screens.
  • Separated Performance options into different categories to better represent these options.
  • The overall quality option is now at the top.
  • Added colours to troop portraits in the party screen.
  • Parties joining an army will no longer lose trackers that they had before joining the army.
  • Face generation tabs can now be navigated with shortcuts.
  • Added a tooltip to heir selection popup to better inform the player about the possible heroes' skills and attributes before selecting an heir.

  • Fixed search results in the encyclopaedia search not showing up after certain characters.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the transfer of hero prisoners on some party screens.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the immediate escape of donated prisoners.
  • Fixed an overlapping issue in crafting smithing hero selection.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused game menu item text to go out of bounds.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the completed check mark to not show on the quest screen.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused governor name text to show up incorrectly on town management.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a visual element to not show up on the quests screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'You're leaving loot behind' warning to show up in caravan trade inventory screens.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wall level icon to not show up on the settlement overlay.
  • Fixed inconsistent hero portraits in the Town Management governor selection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused wrong usage names to show up in Crafting/Smithing.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the main hero to not be selected as default in the Character Development screen after an heir takes over.
  • Fixed some text problems that occurred when inspecting a dead lord's encyclopaedia page.
  • Fixed Battanian cultural bonus text.

Battles and Sieges
  • World map preparation phase of sieges is now 33% longer.
  • The 'being wounded' chance has been reduced by 10% for non-hero troops in all battles when knocked out.
  • Fixed an issue with horse archers being spawned too close to each other.
  • Fixed a bug that caused siege ladders to stand in the air when raised.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented wounded troops with low morale from deserting.

Character Development System
  • Implemented 31 engineering campaign perk effects.
  • The passive XP given by perks 'Raise the meek' and 'Combat tips' was reduced.
  • Force villager parties, caravans and villages to give goods now gives Roguery XP.
  • Attacking caravans and villager parties now awards Roguery XP correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused trade skill gains when discarding items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused player traits to disappear.
  • Fixed XP gain from friendly fire.
  • Fixed several bugs in Scouting, Steward, Trade, Tactics and Roguery perks.
  • Fixed some issues related to Medicine, Leadership, Crossbow and Two-Handed skill campaign effects.

Clan and Party
  • Players can now educate their clan's children through six different education stages. These stages will trigger at the age of 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16. Each stage will present different options that improve the child's skills and attributes. Stages are accessible via the right-side circle notifications.
  • NPC parties upgrade troops more effectively now and are more likely to try and reach cavalry troops if they have a lower cavalry to infantry/ranged ratio.
  • XP needed to upgrade higher tier troops was slightly increased.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the main hero to take a disbanding party to their army.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from assigning their spouse as a governor and seeing their equipment.
  • Fixed some issues related to clan member location details in the clan tab.
  • Fixed incorrect income calculations on the clan screen.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed companions to die with death disabled.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented castle governors from gaining steward experience.
  • Fixed a bug with the kingdom eligible tier showing as less than the actual value.

  • Fixed a bug that caused parties in an army to recruit from raided villages.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy
  • Increased the duration of wars.
  • Reduced the aggressiveness of weakened kingdoms.
  • Relations between lords now also affect their target selections. If a player has good relations with a lord, that lord will be less likely to initiate hostile actions against the player’s settlements. This applies to AI heroes as well, not just the player.
  • The maximum speed bonus from having cavalry within the party has been reduced to 40% from 60%.
  • Rebel clan heroes are now unable to marry and give birth to children while they are still rebels.
  • 'Grazer Rights' default policy of Khuzaits was changed from +1 loyalty & +1 militia to +0.5 loyalty & -0.25 hearth.
  • Fixed an issue with inverted minor faction banner colours.
  • Rebalanced clan tiers to make a bell curve between tier 3 and tier 4.
  • Fixed some bugs related to character relations after a rebellion started.

Economy and Trade
  • Fixed a bug that reduced workshop profits.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Security to affect settlement taxes unintentionally.
  • Fixed an issue with player crafted items piling up in towns.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented castles from getting the tax bonus from 'Toll Collector'.

Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
  • Balanced the starting power of notables: 20% are now powerful (200+) while 60% are influential (100-200).
  • The probability of NPC parties raiding villages has been slightly reduced.
  • The Castellan Office project now gives 10-20-30% wage reduction for garrisoned troops.
  • Gold gained in arena practice is now updated correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that gave tournament weapons as tournament prizes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused governors to be missing in their governed city.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck between siege and campaign mode after clicking 'Continue siege preparations'.
  • Fixed a bug where Empire Construction bonus wasn't applied due to governors.

Quests & Issues
  • Fixed a bug that caused some quests to give multiple rewards.
  • Fixed a bug that increased the criminal rating with a neutral clan after the 'Disrupt Supply Lines' quest caravan had been attacked by the main hero.
  • Fixed a bug that started a war with a neutral clan after the 'Disrupt Supply Lines' quest caravan had been attacked by the main hero.
  • Fixed an issue with 'Escort Merchant Caravan' not failing when the main hero took their gold or goods.
  • 'Caravan Ambush' quest raider characters will now be counted as bandits in 'Landowner Needs Manual Laborers' quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused trained troops to be in the player's party even though the player sent them back to the quest giver.
  • Fixed the 'Art of the Trade' quest dialogue bug that overrode other quest dialogue.
  • Fixed the 'Lord Wants Rival Captured' quest battle bug that occurred when the quest target NPC was in the army.
  • Fixed some inventory related problems in the 'Gang Leader Needs Weapons' quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Deliver the Herd' quest to be both cancelled and failed when the quest target NPC died.
  • Fixed the relation gain problem in the 'Lord Needs Tutor' quest.

Conversations & Encounters
  • Made some improvements to conversation spawn points when quick talking.

    • From now on, if the conversation character has a workshop and is inside their workshop, the player and the conversation character will spawn inside of it. If the conversation character is inside a common area, the player and the conversation character will spawn near the common area. Please note that some scenes still don't have the required spawn points and will be getting them with upcoming patches.

  • Fixed a dialogue loop problem when talking to a ransom broker in the tavern.
  • Resolved an issue with low tier troops showing up in conversations.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Empire lords to show up to battles without their helmets.
  • Custom Battle Heroes now share the same stats.
  • Removed an extra body armour from the Khuzait Lancer template.
  • Fixed the wording on items 'Cataphracht Mace', 'Ironrimmed Kite Shield', and 'Two-Handed Cleaver'.
  • The game will now retain the time flow state while switching between the UI and the campaign map.
  • Bow values have been recalibrated in order to optimise gameplay for the recent archery changes.
  • Removed the clipping capes from 'Sapling', 'Sprout', and 'Vlandian Caravan Master' units.
  • Fixed a visual bug on character portrait in the encyclopaedia.
  • Rearranged the order of voiced lines in the XML doc so that we can verify that all voice groups have sufficient lines.
  • Added encyclopaedia entries for towns.


  • Made some slight spawn and visual adjustments to Baravenos Encirclement.
  • Resolved some physics problems in Tsagaan Castle.

Other - Miscellaneous
  • Fixed a bug that caused the matchmaker to prioritise players who were in the queue the shortest amount of time instead of the longest.

Server & Network
  • Added a new server region: Western North America. Renamed North America region to Eastern North America.

  • Players can now see the clan leaderboards even when they're not in a clan.
  • Rankings in the player's clan are now visible next to the player avatars in the lobby.
  • Added the ability to copy the BannerlordID from the Lobby/Profile tab.
  • Lots of small visual tweaks.

  • Fixed the 'auto-mute' text being visible when a player reports another player in the lobby.
  • Fixed a visual bug in the Armory scene.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the game was closing.

  • The transparency of distant trees has been improved.

  • The game volume is now lowered when the game window isn’t in focus. Some important notifications in the multiplayer mode have been excluded from this change.

  • CPU Memory usage reductions for terrain.
  • Siege performance increased.
  • Reduced memory usage during scene loading.

  • Fixed hand position issues with some swords.
  • Fixed hand position issues with some two-handed axes when the player made an upper block.

  • Increased couch lance damage. Made it more dependent on the weight of the weapon, rather than the mount speed.
  • Slightly decreased fall damage.
  • Fixed an issue where AI would in certain cases ignore the player if the player had a ranged weapon in their hands.
  • Fixed an issue with crossbows getting stuck between the reloading and shooting phase.
  • Adjusted horse archer AI to make them switch to melee weapons at close range.

  • Fixed a visual bug which caused some characters' skin colour to change at a distance.
  • Fixed the blurred textures at the bottom of the screen.

  • Added a label system to scenes for better error handling. The start mission button now runs error checks before running the scene.
  • Fixed a visual bug which caused some assets to be invisible on high-resolution screenshots.
  • Fixed a visual bug which caused meshes to disappear when the entity parent is changed.
  • Refactor: The way 'Equipment', 'Equipment Template', 'Skill Template' and 'Body Properties Template' are added to an NPCCharacter and an MPCharacter has been changed.
  • Spline road generation tool added to the editor.
  • GI bake levels can now be copied into other levels.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred when the terrain paint layer order was changed.
  • To prevent future crashes related to mods that have characters in them without a defined culture, we made it as a required field.
  • Fixed the save button crash of the cloth editor.
  • Fixed the edge deletion crash of the navigation mesh.
  • Fixed a crash caused by giving the trebuchet script to an incompatible game entity.

Known Issues:

Beta Patch Notes e1.5.8

Beta e1.5.8



  • Fixed a crash that occurred at scene load.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an uninitialised inverse kinematics data was accessed for human characters.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when pasting a crafting weapon in the smithy.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing 'transfer all' in the inventory.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when initiating a campaign map encounter.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to invalid items in towns.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when marrying your daughter to a hero.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after clicking the 'you are my prisoner now' dialogue option while raiding a caravan.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when creating a new rebel clan.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when immediately sieging a settlement after leaving the training field.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while initialising the last phase of the main storyline.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the barter amount was 0.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while loading a saved game after taking the 'Lord Wants Garrison Troops' quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to uninitialised parties in some old saves.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a mission ended.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during battles.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after finishing quests that create special quest bandit parties.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in sieges when the player died while controlling a formation which had previously been AI-controlled and the formation was attempting to retake a position.


  • Improved campaign map loading performance.
  • Optimised memory allocations to reduce frame drops on the world map.
  • Optimised performance and memory usage in the animation system.
  • Fixed some trade screen related memory leaks.
  • Improved army deployment performance for field battles.


  • Chinese language updates.
  • Turkish language updates.
  • Minor text fixes.


  • Added 9 Battanian helmets.
  • Removed shoulder armours that caused clipping issues on Sapling, Sprout and Vlandian Caravan Master units.
  • Body armour weights have been recalibrated according to armour types and armour values.
  • Armours no longer have adjectives which define their origin, e.g Southern, Northern, etc.
  • Made a number of visual improvements on various architectural prop models.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player character to have their fists open on the campaign map.


  • Added three cheering animation variations. Different cheering animations will now play depending on the result of the battle.

Campaign Map

  • Campaign map mouse right-click and middle-click behaviour has been changed to hide the cursor and keep it at the same location.
  • Improved visibility of the 3D gamepad cursor on the campaign map when zoomed out.
  • Improved Vlandia settlement models and textures.


  • Added a new casualty report option for non-hero troop kills/deaths.
  • Added a new option, Track Attacked Settlements, that automatically tracks settlements in the player's faction that are under attack. The 'Only Leader' option only tracks these settlements if the player is the leader of the faction.
  • Added a 'Lock Item' button to smelting items in the Smithy along with a warning if the player tries to smelt a locked weapon.
  • Inventory items of the same type are now arranged by their value when sorted by 'Type'. Same value items are sorted alphabetically.
  • Added a 'Continue Campaign' button to the main menu that loads the latest save game.
  • The player party now shows at the top of the scoreboard in battles.
  • Siege event icons on settlement nameplates are now visible during the bombardment phase.
  • Governor assignments in the Clan screen will now take place when the screen is closed to prevent unwanted teleportations of clan members.
  • Added a confirmation query to the game options on 'Cancel' if any changes have been made.
  • Improved the readability of generic inquiry popups.
  • Added a failed quest icon to the quests screen.
  • Added an escape menu to the character creation stages.
  • Removed the 'Enable Map Notifications' option since some notifications aren’t dismissible and are required for progression.


  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the stone icon to show up incorrectly on the equipment selection radial.
  • Fixed a configuration bug that caused some options to be set incorrectly.
  • Removed 'Shops in Settlement' text from the Town Management screen if the settlement is a castle.
  • Fixed an issue with smelting items being sorted differently when a weapon was smelted.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with hero portrait and conversation equipment.
  • Fixed a bug that caused wanderers' locations to appear incorrectly in the encyclopedia.
  • Removed incomplete language options from the game menu.
  • Fixed an issue with siege icons failing to disappear when loading the game.
  • Fixed an issue with the combat log which caused extra damage from skills & effects to be reported incorrectly.

Battles and Sieges

  • Added Pillaging: Players and AI can now choose to 'Devastate', 'Pillage' or 'Show Mercy' to settlements that have been successfully sieged.

    • 'Devastate' and 'Pillage' can damage the prosperity and projects of a settlement, as well as, diminish the power of notables in towns. Naturally, the previous settlement owner won’t be too happy about the destruction of their former home. However, the participants of the siege will see their coffers and party morale rise. Still, lords and ladies may or may not approve of the action depending on their traits.
    • 'Show Mercy' allows the winners to take over the settlement without causing too much harm to it or its inhabitants. While this is expected for settlements of one’s own faction culture, showing mercy to foreign settlements will cause unrest among the troops. Just as with the other choices, some nobles will approve or disapprove of the action.

  • Improved the battle formations spawn system. Formations will now spawn within one of the four flanks during open field battles (from front to back order):

    • Center Flank: Skirmishers, Heavy Infantry, Infantry
    • Rear Flank: Ranged Units, Civilian Units
    • Left Flank: Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry,
    • Right Flank: Horse Archers, Light Cavalry.

  • Players can now assign different troop stacks to different formations to change flanks and deployment order.
  • Fixed an issue with siege weapon auto-deployment that caused some ranged siege weapons and special archer positions to be left unused.
  • Fixed a siege issue that caused attacking troops to run into walls until they routed after primary siege engines (towers and ram) were destroyed on all lanes.
  • Formation AI siege behaviour scoring has been revised significantly, allowing all AI formations to attack or pull back when the situation demands it.
  • Fixed a condition that caused incorrect calculation for formation AI behaviour selection.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented AI troops from selecting the correct weapon due to the distance of the enemy through nav mesh.
  • Fixed an issue that mixed up the positions of the crossbow holster and bolt when spawning in scenes.
  • Fixed various deployment spawn errors.

Character Development System

  • Added all of the remaining combat-related engineering perks (10 in total).
  • Fixed various perk problems with Athletics, Riding, Throwing, Polearm and One-Handed skill trees.
  • 'Pick Them of the Walls' and 'Make Them Pay' perks have been implemented.
  • Fixed a bug that caused security-related perks to give negative security to settlements.
  • Minor bug fixes to Medicine and Leadership skills.
  • Fixed the 'Duelist' perk secondary effect which rewarded the player with 300 renown for winning a tournament.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get free 'Charm' skill.

Clan and Party

  • Fixed a bug that prevented family members from being assigned to increase relations in a settlement.
  • Fixed an issue with the player's siblings being shown as naked and in the wrong education stage.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to donate prisoners.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to take troops from other non-clan parties.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the heir menu from opening if the main hero died while sieging.


  • Improved a calculation to make AI parties more decisive when engaging enemy parties on the world map.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy

  • When a settlement's diplomatic state is changed (because of a change of owner, or a new war or peace declaration), all hostile parties that are inside will now leave the settlement. All hostile heroes without parties will be taken prisoner. All non-hostile heroes will be released.
  • Mercenaries will now leave a kingdom if they do not get paid for several days because the kingdom is bankrupt.
  • Kingdoms experiencing financial difficulties will now recruit minor factions less.
  • War/peace AI has been improved so that clans make more logical war/peace declarations. The importance of distance between kingdoms has been increased for these decisions. Kingdoms further apart tend to avoid war/peace/tribute deals between each other in most cases.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented failed rebellion clans from being destroyed after 30 days.
  • Fixed a bug that caused rebellion clan leaders to have the 'King' title in their name.
  • Initial position selection for dynamically created kingdoms has been improved.
  • Fixed a bug related to all player kingdom prisoners being bartered with the player automatically which lead to faulty notifications.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a lord to barter all of his gold for the player's daughter.

Economy and Trade

  • Changed the outcome from slaughtering horses from 4 meat and 2 hides to 3 meat.
  • Added plural forms of trade items, e.g. 'Tyal horses' and 'amphorae of oil'.


  • Fixed a bug during the loading phase that resulted in crafted items appearing in tournaments and not being removed from towns.

Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

  • 200+ power headman notables now provide elite troops.
  • Fixed an issue that caused artisans to constantly lose power.
  • Notables at villages which are bounded by a castle now gain more power each day compared to others.
  • Fixed several bugs related to board games.
  • Fixed a bug that showed a recruitment label on lords even if they didn’t recruit at a settlement.

Quests & Issues

  • The deserter party in 'Extortion by Deserters' quest will no longer lose members due to starvation.
  • Some dialogues have been updated related to the 'Art of The Trade' quest.
  • Fixed a minor agent spawn rotation problem while spawning guard agents in the 'Gang Leader Needs Weapons' quest.
  • Reenabled the 'Spy Among Us' quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect quest log to be shown in 'Overpriced Goods and Art of The Trade' quest.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Issues from being completed with modified items such as 'Lame Desert Horse'.
  • Fixed the 'hideout spotted' log of the 'Conspiracy Base of Operations' quest.
  • Fixed a bug that set the relationship with the tutorial village's headman to -99 when the tutorial was finished.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented quest troops from the 'Train Troops' issue from entering hideouts.

Conversations & Encounters

  • Fixed the position of the player when speaking with the advanced melee trainer.
  • Fixed incorrect text showing when ransoming enemy lords.
  • Fixed a problem that caused the conversation to become stuck while talking to the ransom broker in a tavern.
  • Fixed camera issues when opening a conversation with a companion through the party screen.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented conversation hero guards from spawning in 'parley' and 'request a meeting with someone' conversation missions.


  • XP needed to upgrade to tier 4 and tier 5 troops has been slightly increased.
  • Passive XP for troops in NPC clans has been slightly reduced.
  • Fixed an issue with mercenaries and minor faction troops having the wrong skill templates.
  • Haramis now upgrades into Veteran Farises.
  • Sea Raider Chief's athletics and riding skill values have been swapped.
  • Barbers no longer carry weapons.
  • Corrected the clearing of missiles attached to corpses while clearing the scenes, especially in tournaments.
  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes with a child to have another child in quick succession.
  • Fixed a bug that caused dead heroes to be shown in the characters location list.
  • Fixed an issue that led to uninitialised temporary parties to exist longer than intended, causing nobles to remain as prisoners indefinitely.


Design & Balance

  • Changed the defender morale effect when the attacker has the Keep flag from '6 / sec' to '[number of flags captured] / sec'.

Map Related

  • Echerion: Physics improvements and critical fixes. Smoothed out the corner at flag B.
  • Xauna: Some visual fixes, physics improvements and winter fixes.
  • Baravenos Encirclement: Improvements to one of the side tower ladders and its surroundings. Fixed a problem with horses getting stuck at flag G.

Other - Miscellaneous

  • Clan Leaders can now appoint up to 3 Clan Officers. Clan officers can do everything the Clan Leader can other than appoint/demote other Clan Officers or delete the Clan.
  • Replaced the number of people waiting in the queue with an average wait time.
  • Added bell sounds to skirmish to indicate when morale is low.


  • Fixed an issue that caused stuttering when going through an open gate.

Server & Network

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when logging in.



  • Added an option under 'Audio > Sound in Background' to lower the game volume while the game is out of focus.


  • Added 'Enable Death Icon' option.


  • Fixed a bug prevented chat from working with the Numpad enter key.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect damage amounts being shown in the combat log.


  • Improved the performance of siege battles.
  • CPU memory usage has been reduced.


  • Improved cavalry calculations to take velocity into consideration when switching to two-handed polearm weapons.
  • Mounted agents will no longer needlessly change weapons when moving short distances or rotating their mounts.
  • Agents will no longer throw their last throwing weapon if they have no other melee weapon.
  • Revised weapon score calculation to:

    • Make agents choose between multiple polearms more effectively.
    • Take enemy armour into account when selecting a weapon.
    • Improve weapon reach consideration.

  • Attacking and blocking with a game controller is now working correctly with all possible options.
  • Missile trails have been moved to the sticking point of the missiles in order to show the throwing axes and knives projection correctly.
  • Bastard swords and axes now work like polearms with shields (forced two-handed without a shield and forced one-handed with a shield, no longer requiring the pressing of the X button).


  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Refresh Rate' option to be reset to the lowest option in fullscreen mode.


  • Added path duplication and fixed some bugs related to path and barrier renaming.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when the 'Show Entity Physics' option was selected on the visibility window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when deleting a path point.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when the 'Calculate Ambient Occlusion' button was clicked on the vertex paint menu.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused selected meshes to be invisible in the vertex painting mode.
  • Added CTRL+TAB shortcut for switching between the last selected debug rendering mode and 'Shaded' mode.
  • A small warning icon has been added to thumbnails in the resource browser to indicate the ones that have issues.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the texture editor to show textures too bright.
  • Performed a refactor to make special parties use special components according to their status. E.g. bandit parties will use bandit party components, caravan parties will have caravan party components, etc.

Known Issues:

Beta Hotfix (e1.5.7 - 27/01/21)

Beta e1.5.7


  • Fixed an issue that caused heroes with a child to have another child faster than normal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused quest givers to ask for 0 quest items and offer 0 gold reward in the Art of The Trade quest.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players could donate and take back prisoners non-stop for infinite influence.
  • Fixed an issue that blocked certain quests in the game from being completed because of modified items.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when logging into the lobby.

Known Issues

Hotfix (e1.5.6) & Beta Hotfix (e1.5.7 - 21/01/21)

Main e1.5.6


  • Fixed a crash related to trade penalties that were occurring when engaging looters.
  • Fixed the Duelist perk secondary effect, rewarding 300 renown for tournaments.
  • Fixed the issue with the sorting feature not working as intended.


Combat Changes
  • All non-throwable spears can now be braced.

Troop Changes
  • Aserai
    • Skirmisher
      • Troop Count value increased from 18 to 19.

    • Tribal Warrior
      • Troop Count value increased from 22 to 23.

    • Guard
      • Troop Count value decreased from 16 to 15.

    • Archer
      • Troop Count value increased from 15 to 17.

  • Battania
    • Savage
      • Troop Count value decreased from 18 to 16.

  • Empire
    • Menavlion Infantry
      • Troop Count value decreased from 16 to 15.

    • Archer Militia
      • Troop Count value increased from 15 to 16.

  • Khuzait
    • Steppe Bow
      • Troop Count value increased from 15 to 17.

  • Vlandia
    • Voulgier
      • Troop Count value decreased from 17 to 16.

Known Issues

Beta e1.5.7


  • Fixed a crash related to trade penalties that were occurring when engaging looters. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Swapped the Athletics and Riding skill ratings of the Sea Raider Chief troop.
  • Fixed the Duelist perk secondary effect, rewarding 300 renown for tournaments. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed the issue with the sorting feature not working as intended. (also in 1.5.6)
  • Fixed an issue that made young adults naked in civilian missions and the encyclopaedia. Please note that this fix only works on new campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue that led to uninitialised temporary parties that could hold nobles prisoner to exist longer than intended.

Known Issues

Hotfix (e1.5.6) & Beta Hotfix (e1.5.7 - 18/01/21)

Main e1.5.6


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an uninitialised inverse kinematics data was accessed for human characters.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after the declaration of war in the Spy Among Us quest.
  • Fixed bugged Athletics, Riding, Throwing, Polearm and One-Handed perks.
  • Fixed an issue with siege icons on settlement nameplates not working correctly. Siege icons will now disappear correctly after a siege on the Campaign map. Also, added the missing siege icon for the preparation phase.
  • Fixed discrepancies towards body armour weights.
  • Fixed an issue that granted clan influence from dead clan members with the Immortal Charm perk.
  • Fixed misspelt settlement names on the campaign map.
  • Fixed an issue that led to uninitialised temporary parties that could hold nobles prisoner to exist longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented melee combat effects (knockback, knockdown, dismount) from working properly.
  • Disabled the ability for riders to rear their mount when it is already rearing due to a collision or from taking damage.
  • Fixed an issue with the heir menu not opening if the main hero dies while laying siege.
  • Added one-click orders to F4 through F9 keys. Players can now give:
    • F4 - Toggle Fire
    • F5 - Toggle Mount
    • F6 - Toggle AI
    • F7 - Face Direction
    • F8 - Shield Wall
    • F9 - Line Formation orders


  • Fixed a UI crash that occurred when logging in or out.
  • Fixed various spots that let troops fall through in the Ebereth Hillfort Captain Mode map.
  • Fixed a couple of map related bugs on Captain mode maps Druimmor Forest and Cliffs of Akkalat.
  • Disabled the ability for riders to rear their mount when it is already rearing due to a collision or from taking damage.

Combat Changes
  • Spears used on foot now deal damage earlier.
  • Thrust attacks now hit for perfect damage earlier.

Weapon Changes
  • New Weapon:
    • Highland Noble Two-Handed Sword (Fian)
      • Swing Speed: 91
      • Damage: 99
      • Length: 105

    • Empire Polearm (Palatine Guard)
      • Swing Speed: 76
      • Damage: 103
      • Length: 163

  • Aserai Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 94 to 89.
  • Aserai Heavy Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 87 to 86.
  • Southern Pike (Aserai):
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 89 to 91.
    • Damage value increased from 39 to 44.

  • Battania Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 97 to 91.
  • Highland Two-Handed Sword (Fian):
    • Swing Speed value decreased from 96 to 88.
    • Damage value decreased from 103 to 93.

  • Highland Pike (Battania)
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 88 to 89.
    • Damage value increased from 36 to 40.

  • Empire Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 92 to 87.
  • Empire Heavy Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 88 to 87.
  • Khuzait Heavy Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 88 to 87.
  • Eastern Pike (Khuzait)
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 89 to 91.
    • Damage value increased from 38 to 42.

  • Sturgia Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 92 to 88.
  • Vlandian Mace Swing Speed value decreased from 96 to 91.
  • Awl Pike (Vlandia)
    • Thrust Speed value increased from 91 to 92.
    • Damage value increased from 37 to 41.

  • Light Crossbow Damage value decreased from 70 to 65.
  • Crossbow Damage value decreased from 85 to 78.
  • Arbalest Damage value decreased from 95 to 90.

Troop Changes
  • Aserai
    • Skirmisher
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.
      • Troop Count increased from 17 to 18.

    • Tribal Warrior
      • Speed value increased from 78 to 79.
      • Troop Count increased from 21 to 22.

  • Battania
    • Clan Warrior
      • Speed value increased from 81 to 82.

    • Savage
      • Speed value increased from 83 to 84.

    • Wildling
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.

    • Fian
      • Replaced Falx Perk with Better Sword Perk. Grants Highland Noble Two Handed Sword.

  • Empire
    • Recruit
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.

    • Legionary
      • Speed value increased from 77 to 78.

    • Palatine Guard
      • Replaced Menavlion Perk with Polearm Perk. Grants Empire Polearm.

  • Khuzait
    • Rabble
      • Speed value increased from 80 to 81.

    • Spear Infantry
      • Speed value increased from 78 to 79.

  • Sturgia
    • Warrior
      • Speed value increased from 78 to 79.
      • Troop Count decreased from 20 to 19.

    • Brigand
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.

    • Berserker
      • Speed value increased from 82 to 83.
      • Troop Count decreased from 17 to 16.

    • Varyag
      • Speed value increased from 77 to 78.

  • Vlandia

    • Peasant Levy
      • Speed value increased from 81 to 82.

    • Sergeant
      • Speed value increased from 77 to 78.

Known Issues

Beta e1.5.7


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an uninitialised inverse kinematics data was accessed for human characters. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented melee combat effects (knockback, knockdown, dismount) from working properly. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed discrepancies towards body armour weights. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed an issue that granted clan influence from dead clan members with the Immortal Charm perk. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed misspelt settlement names on the campaign map. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed some campaign map performance problems.
  • Fixed an issue that blocked borrowed quest troops from the Train Troops Issue Quest from entering hideouts.
  • Fixed an issue that made a barter impossible to complete while offering to marry a noble.
  • Fixed an issue with siege icons on settlement nameplates not working correctly. Siege icons will now disappear correctly after a siege on the Campaign map. Also, added the missing siege icon for the preparation phase. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed bugged Athletics, Riding, Throwing, Polearm and One-Handed perks. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed an issue that led to uninitialised temporary parties that could hold nobles prisoner to exist longer than intended. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after the declaration of war in the Spy Among Us quest. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed an issue that caused morale gain in battles after a successful hit with a weapon for non-player characters.
  • Disabled the ability for riders to rear their mount when it is already rearing due to a collision or from taking damage. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed spring of gold perk effect and capped to a maximum of 1000 gold per day.
  • Increased the chance for players to experience defensive sieges by adjusting the total power inside of settlement where the player is located to 70% of its actual value when assessed by NPC parties
  • Fixed an issue with fief tariffs being given as a cumulative.
  • Fixed an issue during the loading phase that resulted in crafted items appearing in tournaments and not being removed from towns.
  • Fixed an issue with stuttering while the campaign map time is in fast forward mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the player's siblings being shown as naked and in wrong education stage.
  • Fixed an issue with the heir menu not opening if the main hero dies while laying siege. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Added one-click orders to F4 through F9 keys. Players can now give: (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
    • F4 - Toggle Fire
    • F5 - Toggle Mount
    • F6 - Toggle AI
    • F7 - Face Direction
    • F8 - Shield Wall
    • F9 - Line Formation orders


  • Fixed a crash that occurred while launching multiplayer.
  • Fixed a couple of map related bugs on Captain mode maps Druimmor Forest and Cliffs of Akkalat. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Fixed a UI crash that occurred when logging in or out. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)
  • Disabled the ability for riders to rear their mount when it is already rearing due to a collision or from taking damage. (Also in e1.5.6 hotfix.)

Known Issues

Patch Notes e1.5.6

Main e1.5.6

Latest Changes:


  • Oathsworn now has more athleticism skills than riding.
  • Replaced one-handed and two-handed weapon skills for the Imperial Veteran Archer.
  • Fixed the case of some longbows having Vlandian cultures set on them. They are now Battanian Bows.
  • There were two Southern Noble Helmets. One of them is renamed to "Southern Crowned Lord Helmet".
  • Fixed an issue that caused some beard types to clip through closed helmets.
  • Fixed the problem of some character creation choices having weapons that could not be used with civilian equipment.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player died during the defence of a siege while in charge of a formation that was previously controlled by the AI.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be stuck in photo mode when it was opened in arenas.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the scoreboard to not show up while pressing the scoreboard key.
  • Fixed an issue that caused weapons to be dropped on pressing Dpad down while the order menu was open.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash while trying to open the quest screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the UI to disappear when a transfer order was given in the deployment stage.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player started a conversation with melee trainers.
  • Fixed an issue where the mercenary soldiers would cost more than the shown amount.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to marrying your daughter to a hero.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to invalid items in towns.
  • Fixed wrong text showing when ransoming enemy lords.
  • Minor bug fixes for Medicine and Leadership skills.
  • If construction is 0 due to low loyalty, the construction completion time will be "Never" in Town Management.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while creating a new rebel clan's banner.
  • Did some improvements related to the rebellion clan destruction algorithm.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while adding gold to a hero if the hero had more than 2147483647 gold.
  • Fixed a bug where the player gained charm experience after a rebellion started.
  • Fixed a Company of Trouble quest crash that occurred when successfully persuading a lord that was in the same army with the player.
  • Added quest giver name in the Landlord Need Manual Labor quest dialogues.
  • Fixed a bug that caused kingdom leaders to become an army member when the player asked them through a dialogue.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the daily project bonus to be 0 on the settlement management menu.
  • Fixed a crash that was caused by corrupted save files because of some unfinished raids.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to gain trade XP when storing items in towns.
  • Fixed a memory leak issue.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred when the New Campaign button was clicked.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while the “Lady's Knight Out” quest was active and the quest giver left her settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the main hero asked for the “Lady's Knight Out” quest while the quest giver was outside of her settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after heir selection if the husband/wife had been selected as heir and he/she had been in a fugitive state.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the “Conspiracy Base of Operations” quest was activated but there was no suitable hideout for the quest.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed declaring of war on a neutral clan.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the dead lords to thank us after helping them on the battlefield.
  • Deleting the “offered amount” text in the barter screen no longer crashes the game.
  • "Agent without head in photo mode" bug has been fixed.


  • Added the winter version of Isle of Deriad.
  • Temporarily disabled a performance optimization due to the disconnects it caused from the MP Lobby. It will be enabled again once the issue is resolved.
  • Fixed some perk icons.
  • Adjusted all horses charge damage.
  • Slightly increased charge damage for light cavalry horses
  • Slightly decreased charge damage for heavy cavalry horses
  • This is to make bumps/knock down more consistent between the classes.
  • Added 8 new Horses.
  • Added 2 new Lances.
  • Changed the weights of all “Stronger Shield” perks to be the same weight as the default shields.
  • Reverted the recent friendly fire change in Siege game mode. We found a crash that might relate to this change and we want to investigate further.
  • Troop Changes - follow the link to see the full list of changes.

Initial Beta Changelog:



  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on a militia or caravan's portrait in the settlement overlay menu.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when unlocking perks.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the main hero spoke with a disbanding party.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while executing prisoners.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in conversation with Radagos while “Rescue Your Family” quest was active.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when dead notables still had caravans.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the culture of a character during character creation.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred by crafting pieces that were missing from the game files.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the “Beast Whisperer” perk when the game tried to give a mount to a party.
  • Fixed a rendering crash that occurred when entering a hideout.
  • Fixed two crashes that occurred after the player cleared an alley.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a companion was solving the "Help With Outlaws" issue.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash after the player gained a fief by bartering.


  • Did a refactor to make the ItemRoster system faster and more stable.
  • Reduced spikes during tableau generation for characters in UI.
  • Performance improvements for crafting dagger pieces.
  • Performance improvements for Vlandia village houses.
  • Performance improvements for Khuzait houses.


  • Minor text updates.
  • Turkish localisation updates.


  • 14 new villages were added.
  • 26 new battle terrains were added.
  • Added new Sturgia Light Armour.
  • Added new Highland Scale Over Mail Armour.
  • Added some variety to existing shoulder armour pieces.
  • Added new flax plantation and vineyard models for the campaign map.
  • Various weapon improvements and fixed some bugs on weapons.
  • Fixed direction issues on some seax knives.
  • Fixed Bearded Axe’s handle issue.
  • Training Ground (Tutorial Scene): Fixed a tree coming out of a house.
  • Missing texture issue fixed for the dungeon in Revyl.
  • Northern Light Harness skinning problems fixed.
  • Various village improvements, fixed some bugs in villages.
  • Visual improvements for Battania arena models.
  • Fixed incorrect snow rendering on the outer mesh of the world map.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the player's companions to play villager animations.

Campaign Map

  • Changed village lore to match new locations and changed the production of some villages.
  • Fixed a bug that spawned the main hero in an unplayable area after heir selection.
  • Fixed a minor campaign camera issue in which the camera got stuck on high terrain when moving to a location automatically.


  • Changes

    • Settlement Nameplate Events

      • Whenever a player gets in the viewing range of a settlement, they can see if there is a tournament or an issue available in that settlement without visiting it.

    • Menu Shortcuts

      • Now players can use shortcuts to take actions in the panel they're currently in. For example, Change tabs with Q-E(LB-RB), Take/Dismiss all with Z-C(LT-RT), Recruit all with Z(LT) etc.

    • The game menu on the campaign map is now hideable. It will auto-open if there are any changes in the game menu.
    • Removed "need to be in the same party" requirement for the character developer. You’ll now be able to grant perks to clan members without moving them to your party.
    • Added a new option in “Gameplay Options” to control which order type to use (Radial or Bar).
    • Saved game categories will now be sorted by their most recent save time. The most recently saved category will be on top.
    • Personal kill feed skull will now show up white (instead of red) if the hit agent is unconscious.
    • Added "Time of Day" selection to Custom Battle screen.
    • Added equipment icons to custom battle heroes so players can examine them before the battle.
    • Scoreboard after the battle (rewards section) now also lists lords that have fallen in the battle.
    • Added variation to troops' types and faces in map conversation. No more same-face looters.
    • Center time image (on map bar) has been turned into a button that resets the camera to a default position on click.
    • Added colour to equipment in character portraits in the settlement overlay and used the correct equipment. These overlays will now vary more and be more colourful.
    • Hovering over a hero's health on the party screen now gives detailed info about their health.
    • Players can now “Copy and Paste” their weapon designs in Crafting with CTRL+C and CTRL+V.
    • Added detail to the load game caution popup to convey which modules are new, which modules are missing and which modules' versions are different.
    • Added error popup to the “Save/Load” screen that displays if the load action is unsuccessful.
    • Changed "Talk" and "Quick Talk" to "Visit" and "Talk" in the character popup.
    • Quick talk button is now disabled during the tutorial stage.

  • Fixes

    • Fixed a bug that caused lords in map conversations to smirk easily and in illogical situations (wounded).
    • Fixed a bug in tournaments that caused killfeed to show wrong colours for player's and their team's kills.
    • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate heroes to show up in the clan encyclopedia page.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a crash on barter Auto-Offer.
    • Fixed a bug that displayed wrong values for the "Casualties Inflicted" column in Kingdom Diplomacy tab.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the close popup button to not be clickable in Inventory item preview.
    • Fixed a bug that caused banners of enemies in the clan encyclopedia page to show up incorrectly.
    • Fixed a bug that caused texts in the escape menu not to be localized after language changes.
    • Fixed a bug that caused modifiers for items to be removed on party screen resets.
    • Fixed a bug that caused prisoner heroes to not be transferable.
    • Fixed a bug that caused wrong wounded troop values to be shown in settlement tooltips.
    • Fixed a bug that caused "gold change" text to disappear after a dialogue in the party screen.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the settlement overlay banner to not change on settlement owner change while the player is in town.
    • Fixed a bug that caused conversation partners to show up in the wrong equipment in quick talk.
    • Fixed a bug that caused localization of the tutorial panels and training field objectives to not change after a language change.
    • Fixed a bug that caused localization of the settlement nameplate names to not change after a language change.
    • Fixed a bug that caused beards of some 21-year-old heroes to disappear from their portraits.
    • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect weapon tier values to be shown for multiple piece weapons.
    • Fixed a bug that caused bandit cultures to be shown on the hero list page filters.
    • Fixed a bug that caused wrong disabled reason text to be shown in the crafting screen.
    • Made further changes on the head armours that some troops are using for readability and coherence purposes.
    • The Highland Plaid Dress is now The Highland Peasant Dress. The Highland Peasant Dress is now The Highland Plaid Dress.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the display of the deserting troops count to be wrong.
    • Fixed a bug that caused encyclopedia text to be wrong for dead female empire characters.
    • Fixed showing wrong companion names for clan roles in dialogues with our companions.

Battles and Sieges

  • Photo Mode Implementation

    • Photo mode functionality and interface was added to the singleplayer.

  • Improved accuracy with ranged weapons while mounted.
  • Target locking is implemented. Players can now lock their camera to an enemy with the middle mouse key by default.
  • Base bow values have been changed to tune both the AI behaviour and the player experience.
  • Fixed weapon skill-related damage being reported as perk related damage in combat.
  • Mounted units can now get a morale penalty due to casualties within their own formation.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented reloading of crossbows while mounted. This could have happened when the player was holding the movement buttons (while attempting a reload) or when the horse was standing still.
  • A two-way dependency caused the position calculation to constantly change, causing formation AI defending a position to endlessly fidget about. This has been fixed.

Character Development System

  • Added weapon knockdown mechanics. "Show of Strength" perk from the two-handed tree and "Hard Knock" perk from the polearm tree should now work properly.
  • Added two-handed arrow deflection mechanics. "Arrow Deflection" perk from the two-handed tree should now let heroes deflect arrows and bolts while blocking with a two-handed sword.
  • Added 9 combat-related roguery perks.
  • Added 1 combat-related stewardship perks.
  • Added 5 combat-related medicine perks.
  • Added 6 different perk effects related to prisoner recruitment update which are now available to all NPC lords alongside the player.
  • Added missing Veterinarian primary effect

    • 30% chance per day to recover a lame horse.

  • Changed Fortitude Tonic primary effect

    • Increase the hitpoints of other heroes in your party by 10.

  • Updated Veterans' Respect perk secondary effect

    • You are able to convert bandits into regular troops.

  • Hostile actions against caravans and villagers (Force them to give supplies, taking them prisoner, attacking them) now give Roguery experience.
  • Recruiting bandits now gives Roguery experience.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to lose most of his/her weight after the first day of the game.
  • Fixed various community reported perk problems.

Clan and Party

  • Added a passive relations bonus when a companion or family member is left in a town or a castle, the main hero will gain relation with the nobles and notables in that town or castle with a success chance. This chance increases with the "Charm" skill. Additionally, when the companion or the family member gains relation, they will also gain some experience according to the importance of the hero whose relation was improved with (importance level: kingdom leader > clan leader > notable).
  • The prisoner recruitment process has been changed completely.

    • Each troop has required "conformity" value to be generated by the party, to be recruited. This value is based on troop tier, so that higher tier troops will be harder to recruit. Owner party will generate conformity per hour for a random troop. Higher Leadership level will generate more conformity.
    • Recruiting bandits carries a culture penalty.
    • NPC lords can now recruit prisoners.

  • Marrying off clan members is now possible.
  • From now on, family members can be used for issues' alternative solutions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused companions to teleport when they were left in a settlement.
  • Changed the “Price of Loyalty” perk effect to be seen when the perk belongs to the Quartermaster of the party as well.
  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes to heal immediately.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented children of Calradia from spawning when they became 18 years old.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't allow the player to pick his/her child as their heir and also didn't allow children to have a party after becoming 18 years old.
  • Fixed a bug that made the player’s family members stuck in the player’s settlements as prisoners.
  • Fixed the “party speed not getting updated” bug after leaving an army.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy

  • Rebellion feature added.

    • Loyalty and security is affected by many things. A town being recently captured, starvation, mismatch of ruling clans culture and settlements culture, raided villages, governor skill perks, a strong garrison, kingdom policies etc.
    • If Loyalty of a town drops below 25, Town starts to generate more militia. This militia represents armed and angry people of the settlement, thus as loyalty drops further less of them will join the defence in case of a siege.
    • Once the growing militia feels stronger than the garrison, and if loyalty is below 15, rebellion occurs.
    • The new rebellion clan will try to defend themselves while trying to establish their legitimacy. In 30 days time, they will form a legitimate clan and can start initiating diplomacy to join existing kingdoms.
    • Rebellion clans are always on bad terms with their oppressor's.
    • If the settlement owner's culture and settlement's culture are the same, the rebellion clan will have a bad relation with all the factions that share that culture.
    • If the settlement owner’s culture and settlement’s culture are different, the rebellion clan will have a bad relation with all the factions that share the owner’s culture but will have a good relation with all the factions that share the settlement’s culture.

  • Done a major work on keeping all kingdoms on the campaign map for a longer time. Now kingdoms make more comebacks even though they lost several towns. The map is now also more balanced during the late game and usually, all kingdoms have several towns.
  • There was money inflation in the game, the money of all kingdoms was always increasing. This has been fixed.
  • Players were making a profit when they declared war and made peace afterwards. This has been fixed. Kingdoms now usually want money for making peace with a weak player/player kingdom. Additionally, if the player breaks truce now his clan's aggressiveness increases and it will be a bit harder / more expensive to make new peace. The player now also loses relation with the rival king if he breaks the truce.
  • Ensured all clans have at least one fief and that medium-tier clans have enough income.
  • Ensured that each clan has two more adults than the number of parties for their tier (nP + 2).
  • Players will get relation and renown bonuses after donating enemy prisoners to settlements.
  • Ensured minor faction nobles have weapon skills.
  • Ensured only kingdoms are shown in the kingdom diplomacy screen.
  • Fixed a bug that led to AI clans to propose decisions even if they didn’t have enough influence.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented minor faction heroes and notables from having traits and skills.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some prisoners to not be released after peace declarations.
  • Familial relations of the clan Fen Caernacht have been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused eliminated clans to retain settlement ownership.

Economy and Trade

  • Reduced the weight of Long padded robe, Layered Robe and Highland Cloth.
  • Fixed the bug caused by the perk effect on barter.


  • Added console commands to unlock all crafting pieces and add crafting materials.
  • Fixed the issue of crafted items appearing as a tournament prize.

Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

  • The number of notables was constantly decreasing. This has been fixed. The number of notables in towns and villages is now also related to the prosperity value of town and hearth value of village.
  • Fixed the wrong display of gold earned in arena practise fights.
  • Fixed the cinematic camera being spawned inside the player character during hideout cinematic transition.
  • Fixed a bug that let towns have tournaments during a siege.
  • Fixed the penalty miscalculation of the mounted training course.
  • Barbers are now visible while pressing the "ALT" key in towns.
  • Fixed a few issues related to getting renown and relation after helping villages in raid map events.
  • Fixed a bug that caused NPC's to walk fast in civilian scenes.

Quests & Issues

  • Main storyline quest "Destroy Raiders" has been implemented.
  • Two new conspiracy quests named "Disrupt Supply Lines" and "Conspiracy Base of Operations" added to the game.
  • Added a new quest - Village needs tools.
  • Fixed a bug that failed the "Escort Caravan Quest" when the main hero helped the caravan.
  • Headman Needs Grain

    • Quest reward removed.
    • Amount of requested goods increased.
    • Increased relation bonus/reward given upon completion.

  • "Borrowed Troops" are removed from the player's party if "Train Troops for X" quest fails with a timeout. When "Train Troops for X" is resolved, all "Borrowed Troops" turn into regular troops.
  • "Needs to Deliver Herd" issue duration is increased to 30 days.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get 20 success relation reward in the quest "Needs grain seeds".
  • “Escort merchant caravan” quest did not fail when their gold or goods were taken. This has been fixed.
  • "Merchant Needs Help with Bandits" quest is changed to work with all kinds of bandits.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Escort Caravan” quest to spawn a party with 0 troops.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a temporary menu background to appear while waiting for the “Rival gang” quest.
  • Players can no longer sell “Company of trouble” quest troops to family members.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Draught animal” quest to be incompletable.
  • Fixed a bug related to the “Captured by Bounty Hunters” quest companion solution skill requirements.
  • Fixed a bug that caused trained troops in the quest to stay in our party even if we send them to the quest giver.
  • Fixed failing of “Escort Merchant Caravan” quest when the player traded with the caravan he was escorting..
  • Did a refactor related to issue effects (will not affect gameplay).
  • Fixed a bug that caused some quests to give relation with the quest giver twice.
  • Fixed the bug that caused lame horses to block the “Lord Needs Horses” quest from completion.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Art of the Trade” quest dialogue to override other quests’ dialogue.

Conversations & Encounters

  • Board games: you can now forfeit on enemies’ turn.
  • Fixed a bug that set the main hero's relation to 100 with Tevea village's headman.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ransom broker's initial dialogue to disappear.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some dialogues to be overridden by “Art of the Trade” quest dialogue.
  • Fixed a bug that caused friendly NPCs to refuse to give a quest and treat the player like an enemy.


  • Mercenary Guards are now classified as ranged units.
  • “Custom Battle Heroes” is further refined for different weaponry and play styles.
  • Harami units now require regular horses instead of war horses to upgrade.
  • Our brother and sister no longer have purebloods. They now use regular horses.
  • Fixed a template error causing some Sturgian lords to fight barefooted.
  • The Imperial Crown no longer hides hair parts when worn.
  • Changed Vlandian Footman's stats to improve his athleticism.
  • Fixed a template error that caused steppe bandits to spawn with longbows.
  • Improved the camera angle of the encyclopedia troop icons.



  • Baravenos Encirclement

    • Readjusted spawns for the last flags.
    • Added some better cover for the attacker trebuchet.

  • Echerion

    • Many physics improvements (some ramps and planks would stop cavalry dead in their tracks).
    • Improved terrain for low graphic settings.
    • Adjusted the physics of some of the screens so that you can shoot through some parts.
    • Moved some of the wall paintings to enable better callouts for alleyways.

  • Xauna

    • Physics improvements to ramps.

  • Tsagaan Castle

    • Positions, where players got stuck, are eliminated. Some of the high grounds are now also unreachable in order to have a balance between ranged and non-ranged troops.

Server & Network

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a player was reported in the lobby.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the badge screen.
  • Fixed a crash that happened between round transitions.
  • Fixed a crash that happened when the battle was over.
  • An unhandled exception in a column arrangement due to a case that happened when taking control of a friendly agent after dying was fixed.


  • Changes

    • Online status of clan members can now be seen in the lobby roster.
    • Added explanatory hints to recent game icons.

  • Fixes

    • Various minor tweaks and fixes.
    • Visual bug in the multiplayer armour screen has been fixed.
    • “Suggest to party” UI did not change when the player became the party leader. This has now been fixed.



  • Fixed a crash which occurred when the game was closing.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred after clicking the “Apply options” button.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred during replay, equipment was calling an AI update code which led to a crash.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when quickly clearing the mounts of dead riders.


  • Fixing a bug in the texture streaming system that should reduce texture popping.
  • Improved flora fade in-out at far distances.


  • Improved compression quality of the UI assets.
  • Moved "ui_debug_mode" to user_config so that players can now use the hot reload function of the Gauntlet XMLs.
  • Toggle UI command can also be given with CTRL + ALT + F10 shortcut (cheats need to be enabled).
  • Added "DependentVersion" value to DependedModules in SubModules. If the DependentVersion is not the same as the currently installed version, a warning will be shown in the launcher before starting the game.
  • Merlon text will not be shown anymore when looking at it.
  • Added a warning message for out-of-date graphics drivers.
  • The initial loading screen is now black instead of white.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to be stuck in loading.


  • The loading time of scenes and battles has been improved.
  • Both GPU and CPU memory usage has been reduced.
  • Improved terrain rendering performance.
  • Fixed various CPU memory leaks.
  • Optimizations have been made for scripted objects in missions.


  • Shield mechanic changes

    • Increased the block cone for opposite direction blocks (weapon blocks to the opposite direction of an attack, will make more sense in regards to the weapon position and be ever so slightly easier).
    • Made it slightly easier to hit around shields when they are in the wrong direction AND the user is rotated away. (Before you would be stopped by thin air too often, trying to hit around shields).
    • For more details check this forum post.

  • Agents with ranged weapons normally approach the enemy until they see them when they are given the charging order. When they weren't shooting due to a friend blocking their way, they didn't approach and stood in place despite being told to charge, now they do and also do minor sideway movements to increase the chance of seeing past their friends.
  • Agent speed limits were decreased drastically while moving in formation, this proved a bit too much and was increased in some arrangement types closer to their previous value.
  • The AI targeting system ignored a value while evaluating the player's point. This has been fixed.
  • Combat animations are now disallowed while dismounting in order to prevent various animation problems.
  • Players are now allowed to press the Crouch/Dismount key at high speeds to automatically dismount from their mounts by slowing down first.
  • Decreased the time for cavalry AI to increase its distance between the enemy in order to charge back again, to a certain value.
  • Fixed a bug in passive attacks such as couched lance and braced spear in which the opposite direction or the weapon was able to give damage to the enemy.


  • Console command line execution output will no longer be limited by an internal limit.


  • Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Modding Kit now has a "Beta" version which can be enabled in the same way you enable "Beta" for our base game. IMPORTANT: The base game version must match with the modding kit version in order to work properly. For example, if you have your base game on the latest Beta, then you must also switch the modding kit to the latest beta. You can enable beta by right-clicking on Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Modding Kit in your Steam library -> Properties -> BETAS -> Select the beta from the dropdown menu.
  • Added 3 skeletons (human, horse, camel) which you can find in the "ROOT/modding_resources/skeletons" folder.
  • Textures are now correctly shown when a new module is used with the base game.
  • Debug modes like “show albedo/normals” etc. have been enabled.
  • "Terrain layers faulty render when entered as mission" has been fixed.
  • GI probe editing UX has been improved.
  • Fixed a visual bug which caused path barriers to be non-transparent.
  • Fixed auto-reload of module related XML files.

Known Issues:

Beta Patch Notes e1.5.7

Beta e1.5.7


  • Fixed a crash that occurred after Tacteos was rescued by the main hero in the tutorial phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a player tried to enter some Empire villages.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during scene loads due to the navigation mesh.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while recruiting a mercenary company from a neutral army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after attacking caravans or villagers as a mercenary.
  • Fixed a crash related to press and hold function while picking up items with "F" key.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash during barter.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the companion was solving the “Help With Outlaws” quest.

  • Fixed the rendering of snow on some places of the world map.
  • Fixed a memory leak which occurred after entering a field battle.
  • Memory allocation optimizations were made on the campaign map to reduce framerate drops.
  • Campaign performance improvements.

Save & Load
  • Save time has been reduced slightly.
  • Save game optimisation.

  • Minor text fixes.
  • Turkish language updates.
  • Chinese language updates.

  • Added two new Sturgian light armours.
  • Added a new Battanian scale armour.
  • Visual improvements to two swamp and one highland battle terrain.
  • Visual improvements on some Battanian houses.
  • Fixed various armour clipping issues.
  • Visual improvements on Vlandia arena models.
  • Visual improvements on various interior building models.
  • Fixed a bug that caused beggar agents to spawn more than there were scene beggar spawn points.
  • Civilian navmesh fixes for vlandia_castle_005a.
  • Improved player clan member spawning locations in settlements.
  • Various village improvements.
  • Improvements on some materials and textures.
  • Fixed clipping issues on some helmets.

  • Fixed a problem that caused agents to walk unusually fast in some cases.

  • Map conversations now support voice lines.
  • Improved the information shown in the Kingdom/Fiefs tab.
  • Text input queries now autofocus on the input automatically (no need to click on the input anymore).
  • Moved estimated GPU memory usage to the right side for better presentation.
  • Added keyboard/gamepad shortcuts to the custom battle and save/load screens.
  • Separated Performance options into different categories to better represent these options.
  • The overall quality option is now at the top.
  • Added colours to troop portraits in the party screen.
  • Parties joining an army will no longer lose trackers that they had before joining the army.
  • Face generation tabs can now be navigated with shortcuts.
  • Added a tooltip to heir selection popup to better inform the player about the possible heroes' skills and attributes before selecting an heir.

  • Fixed search results in encyclopedia search not showing up after a character in Asian languages.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a hero prisoner (or companion) to not be transferable in some party screens.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the immediate escape of donated prisoners.
  • Fixed an overlapping issue in crafting smithing hero selection.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused game menu items' text to go out of bounds.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the completed check mark to not show up in completed tasks on the quest screen.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused governor name text to show up incorrectly in town management.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused a visual element to not show up in the quests screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "You're leaving loot behind" warning to show up in caravan trade inventory screens.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wall level icon to not show up on the settlement overlay.
  • Fixed inconsistent hero portraits in the Town Management governor selection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused wrong usage names to show up in Crafting/Smithing.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the main hero to not be selected as default in the Character Development screen after an heir takes over.
  • Fixed some text problems that occurred when inspecting a dead lord's encyclopedia page.
  • Fixed Battanian cultural bonus text.

Battles and Sieges
  • World map preparation phase of sieges is now 33% longer.
  • The “being wounded” chance has been reduced by 10% for non-hero troops in all battles (missions + simulations) when knocked out.
  • Fixed horse archers being spawned too close to each other (and pushed by physics).
  • Fixed a bug that caused siege ladders to stand in the air when raised.
  • Wounded troops were not deserting even with low morale. This has been fixed.

Character Development System
  • Implemented 31 engineering campaign-side perk effects.
  • The passive XP given by perks “Raise the meek” and “Combat tips” was reduced.
  • Force villager parties, caravans and villages to give goods now gives Roguery XP.
  • Attacking caravans and villager parties now awards Roguery XP correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused trade skill gains when a player discarded items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused player traits to disappear.
  • Fixed XP gain from friendly fire.
  • Fixed several bugs in Scouting, Steward, Trade, Tactics and Roguery perks.
  • Fixed some issues related to Medicine, Leadership, Crossbow and Two-Handed skills' campaign effects.

Clan and Party
  • The Child Education feature has been implemented.
    • Players can now educate their clan's children through their early life. There are six different education stages. These stages will trigger at the age of 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16. Each stage will present different options that improve the child's skills and attributes. Stages are accessible via the right side circle notifications.

  • NPC parties now don’t upgrade their troops randomly and are more likely to try and reach cavalry troops, especially if they have a lower cavalry to infantry/ranged ratio.
  • XP needed to upgrade higher tier troops was slightly increased.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the main hero to take a disbanding party to his/her army.
  • Fixed a bug that didn’t allow the player to assign his wife/her husband as a governor and see her/his equipment.
  • Did some fixes related to clan member location details (waiting in a settlement, going to a settlement) in the clan tab.
  • Fixed incorrect income calculations on the clan screen.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the companions to die while death was disabled.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented castle governors from gaining steward experience.
  • Fixed the kingdom eligible tier showing less than the actual value bug.

  • Fixed a bug that caused parties in the army to recruit from raided villages.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy
  • There were too many war & peace declarations and average war duration was short. The war durations are now a bit longer.
  • Factions which lost territories were usually requiring high tributes to establish peace or were declaring new wars while already being in one. Weakened kingdoms are now not that aggressive.
  • Relations between lords now also affect their target selections. If a player has a good relation with a lord, that lord will be less likely to initiate hostile actions against the player’s settlements (it’s still possible). This mechanic applies to AI heroes as well, not just the player.
  • Having cavalry troops within the party provides a speed bonus. The maximum speed bonus achieved through that has been reduced to 40% from 60%. The effect of this bonus caused the Khuzait faction to snowball due to the Khuzait parties having a higher cavalry to infantry/ranged ratio in comparison to other factions. This change will help reduce that snowballing.
  • Rebel clan heroes are now unable to marry and give birth to children while they are still rebels.
  • Grazer Rights default policy of Khuzaits was changed from +1 loyalty & +1 militia to +0.5 loyalty & -0.25 hearth.
  • With the previous patch, banner colors of some minor factions were unintentionally inverted. This problem has been fixed.
  • Clan Tiers are now rebalanced in order to make a bell curve between tier 3 and tier 4.
  • Fixed some bugs related to character relations after the rebellion started.

Economy and Trade
  • Workshop profits were decreased because of a bug in last patch (1.5.6). This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Security to affect settlement taxes unintentionally.
  • Fixed the player crafted items piling up in towns.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented castles from getting the tax bonus from Toll Collector.

Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
  • Notables were starting with too much power, nearly all had 200+ power (powerful). This has been balanced, 20% are now powerful (200+) while 60% are influential (100-200).
  • The probability of NPC parties raiding the villages has been slightly reduced.
  • The Castellan Office project now gives 10-20-30% wage reduction for garrisoned troops.
  • Gold gained in arena practice is now updated correctly.
  • Fixed giving tournament weapons as a tournament prize bug.
  • Fixed a bug that caused governors to be missing in their governed city.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck between siege and campaign mode after clicking "Continue siege preparations".
  • Fixed a bug where Empire Construction bonus didn’t apply due to governors.

Quests & Issues
  • Fixed a bug that caused some quests to give multiple rewards.
  • Fixed a bug that increased the criminal rating with a neutral clan after the “Dispurt Supply Lines” quest caravan had been attacked by the main hero.
  • Fixed a bug that started a war with a neutral clan after the “Disrupt Supply Lines” quest caravan had been attacked by the main hero.
  • “Escort Merchant Caravan” quest did not fail when the main hero took their gold or goods. This has been fixed.
  • “Caravan Ambush” quest raider characters will be counted as bandits in “Landowner Needs Manual Laborers” quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused trained troops to be in the player's party even though the player sent them back to the quest giver.
  • Fixed the “Art of the Trade” quest dialogue bug that overrode other quests’ dialogues.
  • Fixed the “Lord Wants Rival Captured” quest battle bug that occurred when the quest target NPC was in the army.
  • Fixed some inventory related problems in the “Gang Leader Needs Weapons” quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Deliver the Herd” quest to get both cancelled and failed when the quest target NPC died.
  • Fixed the relation gain problem in the “Lord Needs Tutor” quest.

Conversations & Encounters
  • Made some improvements on conversation spawn points when quick talking to people.

    • From now on, if the conversation character has a workshop and is inside his/her workshop, the player and the conversation character will spawn inside of it. If the conversation character is inside a common area, the player and the conversation character will spawn near the common area (This also fixes some weird camera bugs in the “Family Feud” quest). Please note that some scenes still don't have the required spawn points and will be getting them with the upcoming patches.

  • Fixed a dialogue loop problem when talking to a ransom broker in the tavern.
  • The problem of low tier troops showing up in conversations has been resolved.

  • The case of Empire lords showing up to battles without their helmets has been solved.
  • Custom Battle Heroes now share the same stats.
  • Removed an extra body armour from the Khuzait Lancer template.
  • Fixed the wording on items "Cataphracht Mace", "Ironrimmed Kite Shield" "Two-Handed Cleaver".
  • The game will retain the time flow state while switching between the UI and the campaign map.
  • Bow values have been recalibrated in order to optimise gameplay for the recent archery changes.
  • Removed the clipping capes from "Sapling", "Sprout" and "Vlandian Caravan Master" units.
  • Fixed the visual bug on character portrait in the encyclopedia.
  • Rearranged the order of voiced lines in the XML doc so that we can verify that all voice groups have sufficient lines.
  • Added encyclopedia entries for towns.


  • Some slight spawn and visual adjustments to Baravenos Encirclement.
  • Physics problems in Tsagaan Castle have been resolved.

Other - Miscellaneous
  • Fixed a bug that caused the matchmaker to prioritize players who were in the queue the shortest amount of time instead of the longest.

Server & Network
  • Added a new server region: Western North America. Renamed North America region to Eastern North America.

  • Players can now see the clan leaderboards even when they're not in a clan.
  • Rankings in the player's clan are now visible next to the players' avatars in the lobby.
  • Added the ability to copy the BannerlordID from the Lobby/Profile tab.
  • A lot of small visual tweaks.

  • Fixed the "auto mute" text being visible when the player reports another player in the lobby.
  • A visual bug has been fixed in the multiplayer armoury scene.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the game was closing.

  • The transparency of trees in the distance has been improved.

  • The game volume is now lowered when the game window isn’t in focus. Some important notifications in the multiplayer mode have been excluded from this change.

  • CPU Memory usage reductions for terrain.
  • Siege performance of the game increased.
  • Reduced memory usage during scene loading.

  • Fixed the hand position issues with some swords.
  • Fixed the hand position issues with some two handed axes when the player made an upper block.

  • Increased couch lance damage. Made it more dependent on the weight of the weapon, rather than the mount speed.
  • Slightly decreased fall damage.
  • The AI would in certain cases ignore the player if the player had a ranged weapon in his hands despite the player being closer than other enemy units. This has been fixed.
  • Crossbow users were stuck in the reloading and shooting phase. It looked like they were canceling the reload. This has been fixed.
  • Adjusted horse archer AI to make them switch to melee weapons at close range.

  • Fixed a visual bug which caused some characters' skin colour to change at distance.
  • Fixed the blurred textures at the bottom of the screen.

  • Added a label system to scenes for better error handling. The start mission button now runs error checks before running the scene.
  • Fixed a visual bug which caused some assets to be invisible on high resolution screenshots.
  • Fixed a visual bug which caused meshes to disappear when the entity parent is changed.
  • Refactor: The way "Equipment", "Equipment Template", "Skill Template" and "Body Properties Template" are added to a NPCCharacter and a MPCharacter has been changed.
  • Spline road generation tool added to the editor.
  • GI bake levels can now be copied into other levels.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred when the terrain paint layer ordering was changed.
  • To prevent future crashes related to mods that have characters in them without a defined culture, we made it as a required field.
  • Fixed the save button crash of the cloth editor.
  • Fixed the edge deletion crash of the navigation mesh.
  • Giving the trebuchet script to an incompatible game entity was causing a crash. This has been fixed.

Known Issues:

Hotfix (e1.5.5 - 31/12/20)

Main e1.5.5

  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the Badge screen in the Multiplayer Lobby.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after heir selection if the spouse was selected as the heir and they were in a fugitive state.
  • Fixed a crash caused by corrupted save files because of some unfinished raids.
  • Fixed an issue where mercenary soldiers cost more than the shown amount.
  • Added the quest givers name in Landlord Needs Manual Labor quest dialogues.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while the Lady's Knight Out quest was active and the quest giver left her settlement.
  • Fixed an issue with newly added keyboard and controller keys not using the default keys.
  • Reflective Friendly Fire damage has been added to Custom Siege servers. 10% to Friend and 30% to Self. Please note that, if you are playing as defenders you will be damaged if you hit your team's siege weaponry, castle gates and doors.
  • Added the missing Loading Screen images for these maps: Ebereth Hillfort (Captain), Cliffs of Akkalat (Captain), Xauna - Winter (Skirmish), Castle of Fen Altai - Winter (Siege), Nord Town - Winter (TDM).

Known Issues

Hotfix (e1.5.5) & Beta Hotfix (e1.5.6 - 25/12/20)

Main e1.5.5

  • Fixed a multiplayer crash that occurred when a player joined a Captain game when the new round had already started.
  • Fixed a multiplayer server crash that occurred when a player died.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the UI update was called before the UI was properly created.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the multiplayer server and clients to crash.
  • Fixed the scene names on the loading screens.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while loading the launcher.

Known Issues

Beta e1.5.6

  • Fixed a crash that occurred while loading the launcher. (Also in the main hotfix.)

Known Issues