NovaMundi: The Spear of Chaquén cover
NovaMundi: The Spear of Chaquén screenshot
Genre: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Strategy

NovaMundi: The Spear of Chaquén

NovaMundi Full Release 1.0 now available!

NovaMundi, the Procedural Exploration and Tactical Combat game from Slashware Interactive, is now out of Early Access,.

Deep in the heart of the XVI Century Andean highlands lies the vast nation of the Muisca. While traveling to trade with allied cities, your caravan has an unexpected encounter with outlandish invaders, marching towards your land with determination. It now falls in your hands to find a way for the Muisca to repel the Spanish invasion.

Lead a party of explorers and warriors, with each playthrough generating new landscapes teeming with indigenous villages, huntable wildlife, and hostile bandits and soldiers that your expedition will encounter on their journey. Discover local villages to recruit more forces, barter with traders, or make an offering at a temple for combat blessings.

The members of your party must be strategically managed if your group is to survive the perilous weeks ahead. Navigate their way through South America’s dense jungles and cold highlands. Reach all the Muisca towns, convince their leaders to join the alliance, and summon them to repel the Spanish invasion and secure the Muisca homelands!

NovaMundi Key Features:
- A plot-line inspired by the Spanish incursion on South America in the XVI Century
- “Real-Time with Pause” combat: Take your time to plan your strategy
- Detailed procedurally generated landscapes inspired by the geography of the Andean highlands
- Day and Night cycle and simulated weather conditions that affect your expedition performance
- Discover the fauna and flora of South America and learn about their indigenous cultures

"NovaMundi presents the players with countless hours of exploration and tactical combat challenge as they adapt to the ever changing conditions of every new run,” says Santiago Zapata, Founder of Slashware Interactive. “Instead of generating massive pieces of unremarkable land, it creates very focused locations dotted with tactical combat where the players have to carefully decide their moves based on the equipment of their units and their enemies.”

The development of NovaMundi was accompanied by experts in the history and language of the Muisca including José Manuel Gómez, a descendant and up-keeper of the originary indigenous culture, who provided the team with knowledge based on the most recent investigations to give the game a touch of authenticity in the portrayal of the indigenous people and their settlements, which is mixed with a little bit of historical fiction to provide the players with an exciting setting where they can still learn.

NovaMundi Stories 5 - The Sue

- There is honor in defeat, Colima… Now we know how well fortified that town is, and return for their food and women.

- And what good will that do us Nabilo? We have almost no food reserves. We won’t last another moon.

The small Panche warband had been recently defeated. They had come from far away to raid the Muisca, but not for glory as they usually did, but for food and women. And how they needed both… A Panche warrior could never marry someone from the same tribe, for all members are siblings, and they constantly needed children and women to bear them, because they were constantly at war; against the Muisca, different Carib peoples, and even other Panches. But in this particular warband’s tribe, there were not many women except for their mothers and sisters, and there was not much food left.

They chose the lands of the Muisca to raid because news had gotten to them about a lot of infighting and strangers from beyond the seas who were attacking the Muisca, but apparently, they were also helping them, for the Muisca who defeated their warband had fighters with white skin.

The invaders were a weird bunch. They looked malnourished and sick, and yet they fought like jaguars. They were quick, cunning, and had terribly effective weapons and protection. It took only a couple of them helping the Muisca for their whole warband to rout.

The sun moved across the sky while the defeated Panches patched their wounds. When the twilight hour came, footsteps were heard. A huge retinue appeared. The scouts were wounded so no alarm was given. Despite this, and despite everyone else’s wounds, all warriors readied weapons.

White men accompanied by Muisca warriors surrounded the encampment. A bearded man who had a long shiny knife strapped to his hip took a couple of steps alongside an unarmed Muisca and said some unintelligible words.

- The most honorable Gonzalo de Burgos wants to speak with your leader. Said the Muisca
- What for? And why would we talk to him? Who is this Gonzalo you speak of? Asked Curima.
- He is the ally of my chief, Suamecheguya. As to why you should talk to him, I’d say it’s because he has an offer you may want to hear, especially after attacking the lands that my chief claims as his.
- Then I’ll speak on behalf of my brothers.

The bearded man started talking, making several circular hand movements pointing at the other white men and the accompanying Muisca. He then pointed at their weapons and signaled a white warrior, who threw a bag filled with food at Curima’s feet.

- Master Gonzalo recognizes the struggle and chaos the land is in. He represents his chief, the king of Spain, a land beyond the sea; who sent him and many others to help us in all regards. Master Gonzalo has decided to side with my chief; Suamecheguya, in his struggle against his uncle, who currently acts unlawfully as chief of the town you raided today. Master Gonzalo wishes to offer you a chance at revenge. He also offers some superior weapons to the ones you use and my chief offers food. Declared the translator.
- We would demand some of the women of that town too. Replied Curima.

The translator started talking in Muysccubun, the language of the Muisca, and then in the language of the white men. The would-be-chief, adorned in emeralds and gold, started to argue angrily while Gonzalo de Burgos appeared to think while looking at Curima’s warband with a slight look of disgust, which he hid so fast Curima wasn’t sure it was ever there.

After a few minutes of arguing, Gonzalo placated the young pretender and said some words, which the translator reproduced as soon as he finished talking.

- We find the terms acceptable, but no woman inside the inner walls may be touched, and you must agree to join master Gonzalo in other attacks against other Muisca domains.

Curima didn’t need further convincing. He grabbed his axe and his spear and said:
- Then let’s butcher your brothers, Muisca.

NovaMundi Stories 4 - The Panche Menace

"…No, no, no. *YOU* shut up. You don’t deserve respect just because you’re the host. You stole 5
families that should be paying tribute to ME, not to mention the deers your hunters killed “accidentally”. I was letting them get fat, Eucaneme! They were not for you." Screamed Chunsica.

"I agree with Chunsica, why should we ally with you? If anything we should ally *against* you. You never sent a messenger back thanking me for my generous gift. Clearly you don’t respect us." Replied Raga.

"Ha! That’s rich! Of course you would agree with Chunsica! You two teamed up to raid two of my villages! I refuse to join forces with him or you, Raga." Refuted Saymoso

Eucaneme’s bohio was supposed to be a place of dialogue, where the four chieftains could reach an agreement to protect each other against the Panche menace, and Eucaneme as a host should be calm and wise. And he really was trying, but oh how he hated Chunsica. How dare he accuse him of stealing those families? They moved recently to one of the villages in the outskirts of his domain, he got notice about them just two days ago. And the deer? Hard to believe it as it may, it really was an accident. The hunters had been drinking that day and didn’t notice when they crossed the big twin rocks of the west.

His wife touched his shoulder. A signal from her to maintain calm. But Chunsica wouldn’t let him…

"Why so silent Eucaneme? Did the cuy eat your tongue? Or is it that your wife stole your manhood? That would explain why you only have one!" Said Chunsica with a smirk.

"How dare you, you honor-less bastard? Are you trying to project your failings on me? Do you really think anyone here would believe that you have many wives but that their beauty is such that you can only be seen with one?" Said Eucaneme while getting closer to Chunsica

Raga and Saymoso decided to take sides, with Raga insulting Eucaneme and Saymoso insulting Chunsica. The discussion reached its boiling point when Chunsica punched Eucaneme’s face.

When the blood touched the soil, Eucaneme and Chunsica’s wives disappeared. They were the only women inside the bohio, and Saymoso and Raga saw this as an opportunity to join in the fight. Were weapons permitted inside the bohio, death would have visited the chieftains that day.

Water. Cold water. The chiefs were stunned. The cold water of the paramos bit them harder than any punch or kick. Looking down on them were Curima and Guana, respectively Eucaneme and Chunsica wives. They had a stern look on their faces, only interrupted by a furtive smile directed at each other. These were powerful and like-minded women. They were not just adornments or trophies of their husbands. They were counselors and their complements, and so; they acted as such.

"Are you children?" Spoke the women in unison.

"Our children, *YOUR* children are in danger, not even when they play inside the walls of the cities are they safe! I had to carry mine here to this city instead of leaving him with the other women because I felt unsafe!" Said Curima with her furrowed brows.

"I don’t think anyone is saying that any offense suffered should be ignored. You are men of honour and wrongs should be righted! But NOT NOW." Argued Guana.

"We all face a common threat! And we can’t rely on the help of the powerful lords of Muequetá or Hunza, they are too busy playing at who is the biggest rooster in the coop!" Added Curima.

"What will you do, captains of the Muisca? Will you fight, or let the Panches take what’s yours?" Replied Guana

Still on the ground, covered in what now was cold bloody mud, all chiefs looked at each other and nodded. Eucaneme was the first to stand up, and offered his hand to Curima in help while Saymoso helped Raga.

"Let us bury the hatchet… For today at least. Then… We shall see where the spirits guide us." Declared Eucaneme.

Having said that, all chiefs agreed to form a temporary alliance, to defend their lands from the panches. They agreed to meet again the following day to discuss strategies and responsibilities. And then, one by one they left the bohio. The last one to leave was Chunsica, and before he could walk through the portal, Curima grabbed him and said:

"Please accept my apologies, and an invitation to pass the night with us and share our food. Me and my husband would love to have you, and I’d love your wife’s company."

"We accept." Replied Guana.

Eucaneme and Chunsica shared an understanding stare and then laughed. Their feud was over.

NovaMundi Stories 3 - Tomagata the unready

Tomagata had sacrificed his childhood and teen years to the divine realms. To study the mysteries of the land, the spirits, the gods, and the language of the long-gone ancestors, he didn’t play, he didn't drink and, while it was not prohibited, he was yet to know the embrace of a woman.

All these sacrifices were not asked from him by the spirits, the gods of even doctrine. He sacrificed all of that willingly so he was able to study at the Cuca near his town; a sacred precinct where priests received their sacred knowledge from elder holy men.

But years had taken their toll. He felt lonely, sad, and longed for the things he missed because of his stay at the Cuca. However, soon he would be a chyquy, a priest in his own right.

Tomagata only had to attend his teacher with the burial rites of their chief’s daughter, who was sadly put to death by a mysterious disease. It was easy, he just needed to carry himself respectfully and attend to whatever the priest requested.

Tomagata had everything ready. With the help of a goldsmith he had made a Tunjo for the dead woman. It was a golden representation of her. Alive in a way, it was both an offering to all spiritual beings and a representation of the woman. He would also bring, at his teacher’s request, some emeralds and yopo seeds.

The emeralds would serve to placate any angry spirits, including the dead woman’s, and to ensure her safe passage to the worlds beyond. The yopo seeds were for his teacher. Consuming them would allow him to see the spirits and guide the girl.

Tomagata smiled. When he got the seeds, the man who sold them felt very comfortable with Tomagata, and confessed consuming some, even without the proper training. He claimed it was the most fun experience he had in his life. Absolute ignorance!

Night fell, and Tomagata and his master walked to the site. His master explained the rite was to take place inside a nearby cave, with an opening to a beautiful lagoon. His master reminded him that all Muiscas came from the water and that caves served as portals; veils to other worlds. A spirit touched by the water, and then guided through a cave, would have an easy time finding its way beyond. Not only that, but with the help of the yopo seeds, he could talk to any spirits, be them of dead people, of the land, or the gods themselves.

For the Muisca there was not much difference between gods and other spirits. The land itself was full of them. The only difference was power and rank.

Before arriving, Tomagata was already feeling as if he were about to doze off. He knew all of this. It was boring, it was repetitive. And so, when they arrived and the priest started to work, Tomagata could only fantasize about finishing his studies and doing the fun things people did, like getting drunk which chicha...

And that’s when he remembered the merchant and what he said about the yopo seeds. What would be the harm in taking a handful and consuming them inside the cave? No one would notice!

And so he did. At the start, nothing happened. But progressively as minutes passed, he noticed how the cave’s walls began to breathe, how the lagoon sang outside, and he felt the earth, the rock, the soil; caressing him. The earth was alive, and the spirits of the land were greeting him! And then, suddenly… Black, followed by a thousand colors.

Chía, the moon, descended and entered the cave. With a luminous flash appeared Chaquén, god of cities, and Bochica; god of civilization and protector of humanity. They talked in booming voices about an upcoming threat that had already reached the lands of the Muisca, but Tomagata couldn’t keep up with their words.

The visages of the gods vanished and Tomagata was engulfed by visions of steel, fire, smoke, disease, and treason. He screamed, full of horror and despair, and started to claw at the vision, wanting nothing but freedom from this knowledge.

He begged for release and got it. Everything suddenly turned black and with a gasp, he breathed, noticing himself wet. On top of him, surrounded by angry people, was his master, who had just thrown water on him.

“You are not ready”.

NovaMundi Stories 2 - A Master Potter

Uta Bobesicca (clan Blackberry) was made of cousins, siblings, parents, and elders. It was a small clan, and all of its members, save for the little ones, were self-sufficient. Bobesicca was blessed with talent and abundance.

Such was this uta’s abundance that its young members had forgotten how important community links are.

Umbala was a potter from the clan Bobesicca. His skills were renowned and the pots he made were coveted from the lands of the Tayrona to the lands north of the Andes. Such was his skill that his pride took the best of him. He was sure that every pot he made, he could trade. And so, he seldom saved pots or food for days of scarcity.

One beautiful morning the news was made known: A biohote; a great celebration, was planned to happen soon! His goods would be in high demand, so much so that his status would grow and he could become a powerful man!

And so, with this idea in his mind, he began to work like never before. He made one, ten, one thousand pots! His uta’s warehouse was full of pots to trade and carry chicha, emeralds, salt, maize, and other foods. All those pots were already promised. Even before leaving town, all pots had owners, from chiefs and priests to merchants and other utas.

Just a week before the biohote was planned to take place, a calamity struck. Having all the promised pots already done, Umbala dedicated himself to drink and recreation, sure about his future; too proud to think hardships could happen to such a skilled potter, he started to drink too much chicha.

One afternoon, hunters brought deer.

The spirits had blessed them with strong, big deer to skin, and abundant meat to prepare! Happy as the hunters were, they left the bodies near the warehouse used by Umbala to store his pots, so they could go and have chicha to celebrate. Umbala himself had drunk a lot of the substance that day.

Turns out, that the biggest of the deer was not dead, but dying! And stricken by a final jolt of strength and energy, it stood up, and disoriented as it was, ran into the warehouse!

Drunk as he was, Umbala couldn’t do anything but look horrified at the dying deer, which in its final moments destroyed all his pots before collapsing.

With his head cleared by this horror, Umbala shrieked with terror and sadness! “I’ll die of hunger!” he cried, “I have nothing to trade, and no saved food or goods to live off while I make more pots!”, he whined.

Umbala was at a loss. He was alone in this world, and due to his arrogance he would die of hunger in isolation… Or so he thought!

After crying for a long while, Umbala still had his hands covering his eyes, so he didn’t notice how surrounded by love he was until he felt hands and arms around him. “Fa ia achuene”, “everything is good now”. All the members of Bobesicca surrounded him, and even some hunters and neighbors!

Many had brought food, and others brought clay and hands.

With their help, Umbala wouldn’t become a powerful man from one day to the next. But he would survive and thrive again.

Umbala enjoyed the biohote, and successfully bargained for time to make the pots he couldn’t make. But the greatest of gifts his community gave him, was that of growth.

The Muisca people may be fierce, and we may even be harsh in our punishments! But we support each other! Something every chief and every kid should remember! We are all children of Bachué!

NovaMundi Stories 1 - Curima's Wisdom

Sué, god of the sun smiled, making Curima wrinkles create beautiful shadows. She was old. Even old people considered Curima an elder. “The ancient one”, she was called behind her back. And only behind her back, for she was the mother of the old Chief.

No one else was awake. As she grew older, the need for sleep scattered like her great-grandchildren after doing some mischief.

Because of this, she alone prepared the fire, and some food like quisbún; a sweet corn cake made with cheese, butter, and milk. It was her clan’s favorite food, and she loved to cook it.

The smell awoke the little ones, who with a ruckus started helping the old woman. Her grandchildren followed their kids, and after a while, her only son, the old chief, arrived. He had slipped away while she started to cook to meditate, and of course, to slack off and not help. He would get a burnt quisbún, and a kiss on his forehead for that.

“Today is the day, mother. Are you sure you want to go? This is not an easy trip for a chutoca.” Said the chief worryingly.

“Who are you calling an old woman you ancient oaf? I can do the trip.” Spat Curima to his son.

“Besides, you need me. People respect you here because you’re their chief, but we’re meeting others who don’t respect you. They’ll respect my wisdom and knowledge.” Said Curima while patting her son’s back.

The children finished their meal quickly, followed by their parents. Minutes later, one of the kids entered the house again: “Caca! Caca! Warriors are asking for you and grandpa!” screamed the kid.
“Stop calling me grandmother! I’m your great-grandmother! What will the neighbors think?” smiled Curima.

A large retinue was waiting outside. Everyone was ready to depart, save for the chief, who was still adorning himself with gold. The trip would be long, but his status demanded to be in full regalia even during a stroll. While waiting among the warriors, Curima heard them gossiping.

“Is a meeting between the chiefs necessary? Couldn’t the Zipa or the Zaque as heads of the federation just demand them to bury the hatchet and work together?” whispered one of the warriors.

Zipa? Zaque? Did no one ever educate you, child? For years the federation has been such just in name. The chieftains of Muequetá and Hunza are constantly warring succession wars or launching fruitless attacks on each other. Zaquesazipa, called Zipa by some, is called an usurper by others, and I wouldn’t put it behind him to ally himself with the invaders.” Said Curima, horrified.

The warriors stayed silent and looked at Curima with respect. She was wise, she was powerful. Her voice carried whispers from the ancestors, and knowledge of the heavens. This silence would not be broken for hours, and even then, it would be Curima who would break it.

The chief did not dare to break the silence his mother achieved, so with his eyes, he commanded the men to start the long march.

After some hours had passed, Curima grew tired of the silence and said: “Son, do you remember we already did this trip? Twice in fact. The first time you were a baby so you wouldn’t remember, but the second one I hope you do remember.”

“Ah, yes! We accompanied my father to meet with some other chiefs. Issues with the Panches, right?” Said Curima’s son.

“Other visitors had to camp outside the walls, but we stayed with that town’s chief. Why was that?” He added.

Curima smiled and answered: “The first time we went, your father punched our host in the face. They got into a huge fight and wouldn’t stop. So our host’s wife and I decided to throw cold water on them to separate them. Both of us did so spontaneously, at the same time, and without communicating our intentions. We became fast friends”

“So my father fought our host, and after that, he still managed to get an alliance to fight off the Panche raiders?” Inquired the chief.

“Ha! Of course not. But I talked to your father, and our host’s wife, and she talked to him. It was a good thing that your dad and our host were the only two chiefs with only one wife each. They were easier to guide!” Laughed Curima.

The chief smiled.

Time passed. Days were born and died. And suddenly, the whole retinue arrived in a walled town.

A very old woman, rivaling Curima in her amount of wrinkles, was waiting outside, surrounded by children. An old man, younger than the crone, adorned with the regalia of a chief, was behind her with a stern look.

The man pointed to the visiting group, and the woman smiled when she saw Curima.

“I’ve missed you, you old bag”

“I’ve missed you too, old bird”

NovaMundi 1.0 Full Release coming soon, October 12th!

NovaMundi is an exploration game with tactical combat in which you lead a group of indigenous warriors to traverse the vast and dangerous territories of the Andean mountains seeking to unite the Muisca populations and prepare them to stand against the upcoming invasion efforts from European powers in the XVI century.

NovaMundi now has a Full Release date: October 12th, 2024!

We are working hard to make it through the finish line with something worthy. We appreciate all the help you can provide letting your friends and content creators about the game; share about it in your gaming communities!

We picked the October 12th date because of its importance for indigenous communities in America, which we believe greatly aligns with the message of NovaMundi.

As we work towards it, there's a new Early Access version available and it comes with many important improvements!

The visuals when you start the game have been greatly improved; the start time of the day has been changed so it begins a little bit earlier and you now get to see the sunrise, including activating the mist of the mountains for dramatic effect. I like how it ended up.

The parameters for Mist to appear have been tweaked around so it should now be more likely to end up caught on it (previous version it was much less likely to happen, and only in the paramo biomes which make a minority of the map).

Now let’s talk about combat. The movement speed for units in combat has been tweaked to avoid “The Flash”-like super quick units and enemies when they were wearing ornaments of speed or otherwise had elevated stats. They are now quicker but the speed calculations were divided in tiers instead of escalating infinitely.

Critical fixes were made to the Spanish units; their attack power was being duplicated because of an error in the animations setup! their armors were also nerfed a little bit to make them a bit more beatable (they are still super challenging, don’t worry!). Their danger values were also changed to prevent a lot of them jumping at the player at once too soon.

The quantity of blowgunners per enemy party has been capped to two; this is both to avoid battles been too easy but also too many poisoned units. Enemy parties now can also have Muisca units on their side (traitors!) giving them much more variety.

Caverns are now populated with more enemies and sport some visual improvements; get ready for a bigger update for caverns on Full Release, or maybe before!

Let’s now check some changes on the UI/UX side, some of which were long-standing.

The biggest change comes in the shape of multi-step tooltips; hovering over an item or unit will now show some basic info about it, and then after 2 seconds you should see more detailed info; this helps navigate loot and inventory screens without the extended info cluttering the display, while at the same time obtaining useful info when needed. Detailed info for weapons and armor was also extended to include the strengths and weaknesses vs different damage types.

An indicator was added to the Quests button, it turns on whenever you have new quests available; this is accompanied by notifications when you are assigned a new quest or when you complete one, so you don’t miss them!

The title screen and the new game flow have been revamped for clarity. This also included rewriting the credits completely (they were severely outdated!)

Some more assorted bugfixes and improvements:

Improved image for the directional cursor in the minimap.
Reduced reputation gained for discoveries.
Death and injury sounds are enabled back
The ages-old “unit skating” bug is hopefully gone now
Knife attacks were causing no damage at all
Upcoming improved Intro
We are working to improve the intro of the game including a set of great illustrations made by Laura Rubio, as well as a voice-over in the Muyscamuy language, translated and acted by Jose Manuel Gómez. It’s going to be great.

Interview in National Radio
Most of the devteam assembled again to be interviewed by a Colombian national radio station. I’ll share more about it when it’s available online!

NovaMundi – Battlegrounds [0.43]

It’s been over seven months since the last version of NovaMundi, I did a preview post back on May 31 of what was coming, but the new version is finally out! I will try to summarize what we are shipping here:

Combat Areas
At long last, there are now several maps where combat takes place, based on whether you are close to a town, or the biome where the engagement took place (plains, forests, wetlands or even mountain “páramos”); additionally the maps are much bigger now, so instead of a simple faceoff you’ll have to maneuver your units around to meet your enemies.

Overworld Movement
Time compression has been removed, instead you will be able to “sprint” in the overworld, to move quicker at the expense of stamina. This will allow you to maneuver and evade chasing expeditions or animal packs.

These chasing expeditions are now affected by terrain, as well as the visibility of your expedition (so they will move slower if they cannot see you while you are in a forest or during the night). Your party itself will move slower during nigh time as well, since you never know what you are going to step into.

A critical fix was implemented to the “lost track” checks, so it should now be possibly to lose them without walking for days.

Invaders Camps
You will now see invader camps scattered thru the map. You can decide to raid them for some cool lot in exchange for a hard battle.

New Weapon: Blowgun
Blowguns have been reintroduced to the new units model; you can now equip and use them. They have extra range and can inflict negative status effects in your enemies…

…however, you are most likely to suffer these maladies in your own party, as the enemy groups often have a couple of these guys at least. So keep some healing herbs around!

Combat Flow
The combat flow has been improved with attack animations now playing continuously instead of breaking to idle status, this makes battles feel much more exciting.

Additionally, units now move MUCH quicker in battle, they actually run this time!

Icons and UI
With her passage through Slashware, talented illustrator Alicia Mendez (who also did a lot of foundational work for Yuhalak) left us some sweet icons for:

The perks you can use to personalize your runs
The status effects for units (poisoned, sick, healing, etc)
The modifiers for items (magical, high/low quality, special, etc)

She also helped us with some UI art for the floating dialogs which make the game looks much more smooth.

The item modifier icons are also shown now in the unit detail panel, so it’s easier to check what kind of stuff you have on.

Camping has been simplified: You no longer have to carry tents around, or pick up the camp manually when you finish using it. You can also now be ambushed by wild enemies, and they are no joke!

A cap was also introduced to prevent consecutive ambushes during the same night.

Animal discoveries have been divided between big animals and small critters; small critters continue working mostly the same but are uncapable of causing a lot of damage to many party members (some of them won’t even do any damage).

Big animals will now spawn hostile wild animal packs that will attack you most of time time, and they are no joke! They have been integrated more seriously into combat, you can now see their remaining hit points and other stats when clicking on them.

Discoveries also now provide a reputation bonus (that you can use to hire units); their overworld icons have been changed and you will now be able to see them from afar. For plan discoveries you will now get a notification of the amount of items you grabbed as well.

UI Art
Art by Inkiluana has been added to the game over screen which had been neglected for too long.

The main menu art has been replaced back with the beautiful art created by Simernio, years ago.

Caverns (Duitama Cave for now)
Some small fixes were made before focusing in the “spelunking” facet, likely coming next month; giant spiders were fixed so they can actually attack, and other animals were added to the cave for variety. The number of spawned enemies was also increased. And a blue shimmering light was added to the altar so you don’t miss it.

And that’s it for now! I hope you find these changes exciting… we continue working towards the full release, keep an eye out!

NovaMundi - Icons of Status [0.42.3]

Version 0.42.3 has been in the works for a long time now, however it’s still a minor version because it's focused in a small but long requested UI improvement, as well as balancing the start game experience. There’s some ongoing work to add animations for the missing weapons, which you will see probably in the next version.

The biggest UI change is the status effects affecting the expedition members are now displayed as icons with tooltip instead of the text, so it should be much more readable now.

Special and Magical modifiers applied to weapons of enemies are now tied to the “danger level” of the game, i.e. they will become stronger as days go by. Spanish trailblazers are also now equipped with European armor.

Some improvements to the start game experience: Your first explorer will now start with a cursed charm that will resurrect him once. We added this to prevent early game situations that might doom you. The first battle against two raiders is now much less risky.

Minor UI improvements

  • Display a notifications when a expeditionary dies on an accident
  • Tooltip responsive size tweaks

v0.42.2 with small fixes

- Anxious Perk has been added
- Throw in a couple of raiders at the player at the beginning for fun
- When combat starts, pause after a little bit so that units don't look like statues
- Special and Magical modifiers should now be correctly assigned to armor
- Spanish grammar fixes
- Prevent applying effects to dead units.
- Prevent triggering effect while the combat is paused.
- Balance changes especially vs. Spanish Units