Orc Hunter VR cover
Orc Hunter VR screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Orc Hunter VR

30th June 2018 - User Friendliness

We finally were able to make some minor changes to the game that will especially be helpful for new players to get started with it.

- Teleport Visuals
trying to teleport too far away is now displayed by a red "x" floating at your max teleport-range in the direction you are pointing, with the red light-sphere sitting on the ground below.

- Quick Guide
Users in the past seemed to overlook the 3 existing tutorials for your controls. (video on steam, quick guide text in the level selection, floating controller with descriptions)
To force new players to at least look at their most basic controls, these descriptions have now been mapped to your controllers. To hide these descriptions, press the spacebar on your keyboard.
It is recommended, that players that still struggle take a look at one of the more detailed tutorials.

21st January 2017 - Second Update - New Map, Slow Mo, Cheats, Spiders....

Hey everyone,

we've got some good and some bad news for all of you waiting for new features.
Let's start off with the good news. With this update, you will get loads of new content, from a burning forrest, spider, to a slow motion mode. Shortly we will be leaving the early access stage behind. The bad news is, this will probably be the last big update coming. Developing this game has been our baby for about a year now and we are sad that we have to end working on it now, but since Orc Hunter VR is a student project and students can't keep working on one project all the time, we will have to face other tasks again from now on. We hate that we have to leave several things unfinished and that we couldn't implement more of all the awesome ideas that came up. We've already spent quite some fo our free time to finish this update and can't afford to do so further on. There might be coming some new updates later on, if other students of our Academy want to pick it up, but the three of us have to focus on creating our portfolios in the next months.

Thank you all for your support, have fun with the new update and have a nice day,

Andreas Mischok, Etienne Strauss and Sebastian Kupka.


New map: burning forrest (Wavemode)
New enemy: spiders (small)
Updated /exchanged enemy: Last boss in the Mountains/Story Level
Randomized size of enemies in the wave mode

HINT: the spiders ONLY appear on the new map.

Removed hit sounds on own weapons. The continuous sounds of weapons were highly distracting for many people so we decided to remove them.

Added a checkpoint system. (can jump to waves in the wave mode and skip half of the story level if you have gotten that far before)

Added slow motion mode (hold secondary trigger to enter slow motion)

Continous Instant Healing (You can't die by a sword, but explosions will still kill you.)
Infinite Mana
Unlimited Teleport
Slomotion Mode

The cheatcodes will be visible in the level selection after you won the Mountains/Story level.
But they can allready be used before beating that level.

Continous Healing: medic
Infinite Mana: manamana
Unlimited Teleport: monkey

The cheats have to be entered in a specific way.
You will have to keep holding down the previous button until you pressed the next one.

Press and hold "m" - press and hold "e" - release "m" - press and hold "d" - release "e" - press and hold "i" - release "d" - ....

Warning: The cheats will reset, every time you change your weapons!

11th May - Quick news

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to let you guys know that we are still working on the next update.
This one is getting quite big. With new enemies, new maps and more.

30th January 2017 - First Update - Firestaff, Discord and more

- added a firestaff/wand
- created a discord server
- fixed sound issues
- the bow no longer has to be unlocked

With this update, we have added a completely new weapon to the game. It's a staff that enables you to through fireballs (trigger) that explode when hitting something (doing immense damage on a large area). Depending on how long you hold down the trigger, the damage of the fireball will increase, but also its mana usage. Holding the staff still will emit the fireball to the front, swinging the staff while letting the trigger go, will shoot the fireball in the direction, in which you are swinging it. The staff also enables you to create big fire blasts (grip button) that can set enemies on fire. Your mana is displayed on the tip of your staff. If you don't use your magic powers for 2 seconds, it will start to regenerate.

100% mana: staff glows and emits embers
0% the blazing stops and instead you can see the black, burned wood
1-99%: the brightness of the glow and the length of the blazing in the crevices get adjusted

(note: the staff has to be unlocked by beating the mountains level, players who already achieved that, will immediately receive the staff.)

A video of the staff can now be found at the store page.

We have created a discord server so we can talk to our community. Also, we hope it will help more people to use the coop feature.
You can access it using the link below.


Several players experienced that under certain circumstances sounds weren't played at all, or were way too quiet. This issue should be fixed after you downloaded this update.

Since especially the close combat needs some rework, we wanted to give you the opportunity to play the more range version of the game right from the beginning.

Currently, we are working on finishing the two enemies, that you can already see in the level selection.


After a delay, Orc Hunter VR is finally available on steam!

The game is still in it's early access stage, and we are still working on new features. Things like bosses, spiders, maps, spells, ... are things, we can do on our own.
But there are other tasks that are more time consuming for us. We want to get some help with that.

Since we are studying 3D art, and are only hobbyists at programming, we want to use the money to get some help, especially with the AI of the orcs.

Enjoy the game!

16th December - Soon to be released

We plan to release our game as an early access title, at the beginning of the next week. We added a new map with a new gamemode, a new enemy and the most important feature: a multiplayer/coop mode!

We plan to add more stuff in the following weeks, for example: weaponskins,.....

Stay tuned for more!

19th August - Third Update

At first we want to apologize for the long time it took us to develop this update.
Illness, this being the biggest update so far and some other things slowed us down.


Update contains:

New Weapons (need to be unlocked by finishing an amount of waves):
- a bow (finishing the demo)
- a shield (finish 3 waves)
- a mace (finish 3 waves)

New Features:
- free choice of weapons with both motion controllers
- added quality settings
- added a performance visualizer
- added gallows in the "Deathroom" for weapontesting
- added an explorable minature in the "tutorial room"

- set the environment of the "tutorial room" to a scaled down version of the church
- flying swords of dead enemies can't hurt you anymore (previously they could hurt your for 0.1 seconds when they died)
- changed the wave duration to 90 seconds (previously 60)
- changed the demo lockdown to wave 5
- overall performance boost
- adjusted the position of the health and score indicator
- teleportation is now possible with both hands (except for a hand that is carrying and arrow)

We hope you are satisfied with the content of this update.
Have a good day ;)

Qualitysettings in detail (press Q to change):
- HQ: best settings, high anti-aliasing, high shadow and reflection quality, VRAM limit of 2GB
- MQ: low antialiasing, normal shadow quality, normal reflection quality, VRAM limit of 2GB
- LQ: no antialiasing, normal shadow quality, low reflection quality, VRAM limit of 2GB
- ZeroQ: lowest settings, no anti-aliasing, no shadows, poor reflection quality, VRAM limit of 1GB, no Post-Processing

For the best gaming experience, turn off reprojection inside SteamVR and adjust the qualitysettings of the game until it runs at the required 90fps.

14th July - Second Update

The current update only features few changes, but they should still change the impact of the game a lot.

- The orcs can now be cut into 2 pieces, by slicing their chest horizontally (more cuttable limbs are coming soon)
- fullscreen mode (press ESC to close the game)

- General exchange of the combat system.
The orcs now dodge attacks from time to time, know two attacks instead of
one, and attack from a further distance.

Even though the changes in combat are still pretty rough, they impact the feeling of the game quiet a lot and make it much harder to survive.
Most of the combat system will still change quiet a lot. We pulled this update while it's in a rough shape, to show in what direction the combat system will be heading, and what difference slight changes can make.

Stay tuned, new updates will be coming soon.

8th July - First Update

Thanks to all of you who support our game, today we released our first update, it's not very big, but our plan is to release the next one in one or two weeks.

New Features:
-> teleport-system (activation time: 0.25 seconds; range: 3,5 meter; cooldown: 1.5 seconds; additional information: can't teleport to every place of the map to prevent the player from hiding, this area will be different for every map)
-> blood, fire and spark particles

Bugfixes and improvements:
-> orcs now start to follow you if you walk away
-> Improved the ragdoll system (less flying orcs)
-> improved blocking the enemies attacks
-> improved velocity check/stabbing is now possible at a lower speed
-> beheading can't be done with vertical strikes anymore

Note: The controls to (re)start the battle changed. Instead of the trigger the game now uses the thumbpad. The trigger is now used to teleport.

Updates and plans for the future.

In our minds it would be too early to release the game into the early-access stage, as soon as we originally planned. Instead, we want to use the demo as the tool, to show the development to the community. We plan to release several updates for the demo before we actually release the full version.

The first update is expected to be released NEXT WEEK.

Below are some informations, in case you want to know more about upcoming updates. Please note that the following list, does NOT include all our ideas, it only gives you a rough overview of what's coming.

Soon to be released updates:
- fixing bugs (flying orcs, ...)
- making stabbing possible at a lower speed
- improving the combat system (higher variety of attacks, blocking/dodging orcs, ...)
- adding blood particles
- more weapons such as a bow and a shield
- more cuttable limbs

Plans for the future (long term):
- creating a higher variety (more enemies, more maps, ...)
- bossfights
- coop mode
- multiple gamemodes
- wavemode
what the demo shows right now
- conquestmode
you have to reach the other end of a level and at certain points enemies attack
- custom mode
you can place any enemy you ever defeated anywhere you like to create a custom
battle. The only thing that matters is, if you survive.

If you've got any feedback or suggestions, please be sure to visit the discussions-page. You can find them on the right side of the store page.