Ova Magica cover
Ova Magica screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Indie

Ova Magica

Hotfix 0.627

Fixed game freezing when interacting with traders in the Ceres season.

Hotfix 0.626

Forgot to update the countdown calendar also to 20 days in update 0.625. This hotfix fixes it♥

New Update - We listened to your feedback ♥ ! (Version 0.625)

[EDIT: Please update to 0.627 - we fixed some bugs related to this big update ♥]

Hi, Claudia here!

Monday starts productive with an update and it's a big one! This update has several changes to gameplay, all based on the most requested feedback 💚

As devs the team is a bit anxious with changing things because it's always a risk some players enjoyed it the way it was and prefer no change. But we decided to take the risk based on the feedback players provided. Ova Magica is still in Early Access so this changes do not need to be final and the team continues to improve the game.

You can get all changes in your current save file, no need to restart if you do not want to.
Make sure to update to 0.625 version: If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.)

FEEDBACK: First blob world is too hard
  • Lowered Mystical Forest wild blobs level slightly (stage 1: level 12-15 instead before 15-18)
  • After visiting Mystical Forest blob world there will be a gift in the mailbox to help with it (when you return to your farm)
  • In the blob world the UI now also displays the wild blob level of the current stage (see upper left corner) - so you can better estimate if your blobs are strong enough

FEEDBACK: Blob stat leveling takes too long
  • Doubled(!) experience when using a skill in battle. BUT:
  • A skill can now level up only once per battle to avoid endless leveling in a single battle (stat values are now leveled at the end of battle for each skill being at 100% exp)

FEEDBACK: Things are too expensive

  • Reduced most building prices (Charoi)
  • Reduced blob world rune costs (Harold)
  • Reduced prices vendors:
    Blob Eggs: 3000 (Before 3500)
    Blueprint Makers + co: 3000 (Before 5000)
    Blueprint Useful: 2500 (Before 4000)
    Blueprint Decorative: 1250 (Before 2500)
    Blob Toys: 1500 (Before 3000)
    Recipes: 1500 (Before 2500)
    Outfits: 1500 (Before 3500)
    Accessoires: 1250 (before: 2500)
    Big Blob Barn: 10000 (Before: 15000)

BIGGEST CHANGE - FEEDBACK: 4 day weeks are too short

Season has now 20 days instead of 12.

So the main reasons why players didn't like 4 days weeks was not having enough time between the festivals for other activities and feeling rushed (+it also being a lot different from most farm sims).

BUT increasing week length was not a good option because: At the beginning of a week a lot respawns like foraging items (herbs, mushrooms, flowers, sand, oysters and and and) and also the mine ores. So increasing the week length would result in waiting longer for the new items and would have negative effects on the gameplay - it was no option.

So there are now 2 additional weeks per season without festivals which increases the season length from 12 to 20 days and is now closer to the "usual" farm sim experience. Now you have some extra days to do all the things you want + more times to grow crops and profit in one season before crops wither on season change.

To all who liked the fast pace with every week having a festival: Don't worry! For full game there will be still smaller events in this weeks so they wont get boring too💚! Just not in a festival style but smaller things (as example a special merchant visiting Clover Town). Feel free to share your ideas for this smaller events!

(Note: When loading your save file you will start in the week of the same festival before - so week 1-> week 1, week 2-> week 3, week 3-> week 5)


  • added a 3rd skill to Jade’s blob Clara
  • swapped "Sleep" and "Save Game" choice when interacting with bed/tent to avoid sleeping by accident.
  • fixed missing pumpkin seeds in Jades store
  • fixed rain sound being also played in blob world when visiting on a rainy day
  • fixed timer not running in stacking ring game
  • fixed that empty steamboard and watering can were refilled when moving to magical storage
  • fixed strength bar not hiding after canceling hammer mini game with blobs
  • fixed sound settings not affecting egg logo animation sound in title screen


Thank you for reading so far and we hope this update will improve your gameplay experience 💚! The team will continue working hard towards the next major content update and more feedback + bug fixes.

Some of you also asked how they can support us. Here are some things you can do:

  • report bugs and feedback in the Steam forums or Discord
  • help other players with questions in case you know the reply
  • share Ova Magica with your friends, on social media or create a video/lets play
  • one of the most important: If you enjoy the game please leave a review. We are a small slowly growing indie team without a huge budget and reviews help us immensly to get some more visibility.

We hope you enjoy playing further! See you until next update💚

New Patch/Hotfix 0.624

Release week is very busy so i can't dev as much as i want - but still wanted to deliver the second patch fixing some of the more major bugs like crashing or hindering to progress quests.

i work further on feedback and bug fixes and try to catch slowly up during next week ♥. At the bottom is also an outlook for the next patch.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed blob world sometimes having invisible walls + being teleported out of map
  • Fixed not being able to enter tournament after collecting 5 qualifier points and talking to the blob league receptionist, who gave wrongfully the qualifier quest again
  • Fixed quest "Repair Garnet's ship" was not set finished after playing Charois heart event 2.
  • Fixed quest "Build a museum" was not set finished after playing Emerald hart event 1.
  • Fixed some wrong "Game of Love" festival replies which resulted in wrong guesses because of incorrect replies/data.
  • Fixed items in blob barn temporally gone after using dresser + game freezing when using workbench afterwards
  • Fixed several typos

Additional Infos:
Please make sure to update to version 0.624. If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.

Outlook for next patch

The news patch will have in addition to more bug fixes also mainly balancing to make the game a bit less "grindy" in some points:

Blob leveling:
- Exp gained from using skills will be slightly increased (results in faster leveling with battles)

Cost Balancing:
- Will reduce cost of some blueprints and outfits
- Will reducecost of some buildings (Charoi)
- Will reducecost of blob world runes (Harold)

New Patch/Hotfix 0.623

First Patch is available!

We work further on feedback and bugs. With the launch week being very busy we decided for now to update the game with the things already fixed + implemented and do another update in a few days.

New + Changes

  • Added a setting for day duration/length in pause menu settings
  • Stops time when interacting with blob word slide puzzle
  • Stops time when playing with your blobs
  • Changed penalty for missing to sleep: Instead of double usage to not healed
  • Festival Painted Eggs: Added after egg hunt additional message

Bug Fixes

  • Jade Heart Event 02: Fixed event did not continue after choice
  • Fixed being stuck on festival day when entering town from train station area
  • Fixed game stuck on loading screen after using bombs ability on mushrooms or flowers and leaving area
  • Set Jade event 1 prio higher than adventurers club (so Jade isn’t “gone” when not wanting to join the club yet)
  • Fixed that course/Tutorial selection UI in Blob League could not been confirmed via mouse click
  • Fixed Painted Eggs festival text prompts could not been confirmed via mouse click
  • Fixed that you could buy items from Doctor Willams at Night of Roses festival
  • Fixed some spelling and typos

Additional Infos:
If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.

Ova Magica is OUT NOW in Early Access!! + Road Map

Hello everyone!

Can you believe it? We've been counting down, and it's finally time - Ova Magica is out now in Early Access! We have a lot to share coinciding with this huge milestone for the game.

Firstly, if you've played the demo, then you should know on top of all the new content added for this release, there's been tons of changes to the game based on player feedback. If you missed it, you can read the developer's update log detailing these changes in yesterday's dev update.

With our Early Access launch, we begin the journey toward our 1.0 Full Release. You can view our planned roadmap below:

That's all for now - we're extremely excited about the launch, and grateful to everyone who has helped us and followed along. We hope you enjoy Ova Magica!!

Final Launch Countdown + Dev Update

Can you believe it? Tomorrow you will be able to play Ova Magica😆💚!!!

We also decided to offer a limited launch discount! We are counting down the hours and are super excited! Hope you all join us tomorrow at 10am EST / 2pm UTC / 7am PDT / 4pm MESZ!

We use this occasion to highlight below some of the gameplay improvements the dev team already made since the demo for the EA launch tomorrow🎮.

But before this we want to share a little reminder about our release challenge!

If we can reach 150 reviews in 48 hours, we'll be running a giveaway (through a lottery which we'll link here + across all social media) where we'll be giving out five sets of blob enamel pins (featuring the 3x starter blobs each per set). These enamel pins are test printed from our Kickstarter. We hope the community will be up to challenge, these blobs can't wait to find new homes (:

Note: you do not have to leave a review to be eligible for the raffle once it is live.

Game Improvements

Thank you to all who played the demo and provided feedback in the forum. We could already improve several things since the demo for the Early Access launch tomorrow.

Here is a little overview for you of the most important (not content-related):

Revised UI for mouse controlling
Battle and dialogs can now be controlled fully with mouse without having to use the keyboard (you can still use the keyboard). All UIs have been reviewed to offer buttons which can be clicked with the mouse to control it as alternative without having to press specific keyboard keys.

Added shop symbols to NPCs
Characters selling items have now an icon over their head.

Improved Player Movement Collision
You are now able to pass trough more narrow gaps than in the demo which feels more natural and also prevents to being "trapped in the wilderness" (:-P) when going to the back of your farm.

Example: In the demo passing between the tree and mud pile wasn't possible.

Balanced week length
Instead of 7 days a week has now 4 days. This results in seasons changing faster, festivals occuring more often and has a lot of benefits. Festivals help with raising friendship of all NPCs and faster changing seasons add more variety to the gameplay. And in case you missed unlocking things in year 1, you also don't have to play as long anymore to reach year 2. (Info : Day length itself was not reduced.)

Key Remap
You can now remap in the settings menu your controls both for mouse + keyboard and controller.

Photosensitivity Improvements
Removed blob flashing in battle when selecting a target and blobs taking damage. Added in the settings menu an additional setting "Reduce flashing lights and effects" to disable also over-world some effects. Adding warning + information at the beginning of the game about photosensitivity.

Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow💚!

Hi everyone!

We can't believe it - there's just 48 HOURS LEFT!! In fact, as of the time of posting this, there's even less than 48 hours, isn't that exciting?

We're continuing our countdown as usual today - just 2 days remaining until Ova Magica launches into Early Access. As a reminder, we'll be launching on July 23rd at 10am EST / 2pm UTC - there will be a 10% discount for the first two weeks as well.

Also, just a reminder about our launch contest, which was revealed yesterday!!

As mentioned there, if we can reach 150 reviews in 48 hours, we'll be running a giveaway (through a lottery which we'll link here + across all social media) where we'll be giving out five sets of blob enamel pins (featuring the 3x starter blobs each per set). These enamel pins are test printed from our Kickstarter. We hope the community will be up to challenge, these blobs can't wait to find new homes (:

Note: you do not have to leave a review to be eligible for the raffle once it is live.

See you on Tuesday!!


Hi everyone!

Can you believe it? Just 72 HOURS LEFT!!

We're continuing our countdown as usual today - just 3 days remaining until Ova Magica launches into Early Access. As a reminder, we'll be launching on July 23rd at 10am EST / 2pm UTC - there will be a 10% discount for the first two weeks as well.

That said, we're also happy to reveal a special contest we're running from launch!

If we can reach 150 reviews in 48 hours, we'll be running a giveaway (through a lottery which we'll link here + across all social media) where we'll be giving out five sets of blob enamel pins (featuring the 3x starter blobs each per set). These enamel pins are test printed from the title's Kickstarter. We hope the community will be up to challenge, these blobs can't wait to find new homes (:

Note: you do not have to leave a review to be eligible for the raffle once it is live.

See you on Tuesday!!


Hi everyone!

We're continuing our countdown today - just 4 days remaining until Ova Magica launches into Early Access. As a reminder, we'll be launching on July 23rd at 10am EST / 2pm UTC - there will be a 10% discount for the first two weeks as well. Be sure to come back tomorrow for a big announcement as well!

We hope to see you there!!