Pirates VR: Jolly Roger cover
Pirates VR: Jolly Roger screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Pirates VR: Jolly Roger

5 weeks to go until release 👀

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,
It's Saturday. Which means it's finally time for us to meet you :)

We're getting closer and closer to the release, which is on 01/14/2025

We are getting closer to our goal with every step:

Right now you can see a pirate climbing to the top of the cliff :)
It's not only fun, but also dangerous.
In our previous videos you may have noticed that bricks on the cliffs can collapse (whoa). It's quite painful and unexpected.
But, this time none of the pirates got hurt while filming :)

Split Light Studio and VRkiwi team still have to solve some license issues, age restrictions in some countries. However, they solve it promptly (not always depends on us).
In addition, the developers are actively testing the current (final) build of the game for even small bugs.
In addition, they are actively working on optimizations

With only 5 weeks to go until release, time is flying by. But, we're almost ready for it (goosebumps...).

Once again we would like to thank you for the support you provide. It is valuable! We feel it.


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

Feel that summer pirate vibe, because tomorrow is December 1 ❄️

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,

Feel that summer pirate vibe, because tomorrow is December 1

Indeed, the sunshine and warmth that was just a short time ago is especially lacking now. However, I want to congratulate you because we are standing on the threshold of.... tomorrow is the first day of winter with its unique benefits :)

You are not forbidden by anyone to get sun rays and beach walks them as much as you need.
But, you can return to the rough life of pirates and to new dangerous challenges as soon as you're ready.
You have no time limit. You are the master of your time
Pirates VR: Jolly Roger will let you do it...quests?
Quests, quests and battles can wait ;)

So, as you may recall - last week we announced the release date:

(if you haven't seen the announcement trailer yet)

The active phase of development is coming to an end, there are still some final touches that our development team is now safely working on.
However, now there are a lot of organizational pre-release issues, which are successfully solved by our project managers together with our publisher VRKiwi.

Also, You can also always ask questions to our team in our Discord - https://discord.com/invite/4vpzTkbrHK

Plus, Split Light Studio games are discounted up to 50% off through December 4 - https://store.steampowered.com/developer/splitlight

Looking forward to seeing you again next week!


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

In this darkness, we need more light... 🕯️

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,
The veil opens, we are immersed...

Today is a special day for us, but it's just the beginning of a huge event.

So, on November 21, we announced the future release date - it will take place on 14.01.2025 (please plan ahead for this day)

It's been a long road and more than one year of development, and here we are on the verge of the release of Pirates VR: Jolly Roger.
Less than 2 months to go, but we felt it was right to tell you about it right now, given your sincere interest the day before ;) I think you felt it!
The 7 weeks will pass very soon, but Steam will send you a reminder as soon as the game is available for download if you click on “add wishlist”.

The Split Light Studio team would like to thank you for your interest and support, it's appreciated!

In this darkness, we need more light...

Now you can see some new mechanics that you can use in the game.
the lamp! it illuminates dark places well and sometimes it seems as if you can't do without it at all....
In addition, you may see another clue in the form of a scroll of information.
we just really want you to succeed :)

Also, one of the most frequent questions: about the possibility of Pirates VR: Jolly Roger being released on PlayStation VR 2.
Yes, indeed it will happen. Tentatively planned for Q2 2025, but we'll find out a more precise date a little later :)

Looking forward to seeing you again next week!


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

⏲️ 14.01.2025 - Steam, PSVR - Q2 🦜

Mark your calendar. Set alarm clocks. Enjoy!

It was too easy for me. oh, no! 👀

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,
How are you doing? Really looking forward to hearing a positive response from you :) I hope you are!

"It was too easy for me. oh, no! "

Once again we would like to thank you for your words of support and the high marks you give for Pirates VR. We will try to justify them!

the high pace of our developers scares me (in a good way)
They work hard. however, in most cases it is a routine and multitasking work every day, which consists of small details, but in the end it leads to more.
Most of this work goes unnoticed by us (players) and we will only be able to experience it when we get access to the game. well, we will surely wait?

By the way, have you seen the new Pirates VR page design yet? she seems to have had a bit of a makeover ;)
have a look:


You may learn something important very soon, but don't take these words too seriously, it's just a thought in head...

Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

No, did you hear that?! 🦜

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,
I hope you're feeling great today

Sometimes situations arise where you need to try again. But, sometimes you need to rethink your approach and try to find a solution in a different way. Perhaps this is the case?

Sometimes you may hear barbed phrases or even outright ridicule from this feathered...
He's always there, wherever you are. However, don't be angry with him :)
In fact, he often shows you the way. He is your coordinator and your compass.

so our developers have made significant progress and some important tasks have been successfully completed:
+ most of the small bugs have been fixed
+ corrections and improvement of level design
+ optimization
+ some game mechanics
+ the final scene has been completed
+ subtitles + voice acting

As you can see, we are far advanced, but right now our development team is working on:
- active testing phase of the current version of the game,
- improving game components,
- compatibility with popular models of VR headsets, so that they work correctly.

thanks for taking a few minutes today :) it's a pleasure for us. and thanks again for your reactions and attention!

See you all again. In a week :)


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

Treasure? The best thing that can happen to a pirate 💰

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,

It's been a long time. It's been a whole week, but it went by pretty fast. I hope you are doing great ;)

Today I want to show you something:

I think today is his day ;)
The nicest thing a pirate can be haha

On your way will meet not only obstacles and dangers, but also positive moments.
You must collect food, coins, jewels, other items.
What for? You'll find out sometime ;)
A pirate has a liking for the ringing of coins, but most often, you will find small bags with coins. but, sometimes you will find similar chests. But, it will be too naive to think that they will be in an accessible place. It's a challenge, but the challenge with the reward ;)

By the way, as promised, the answer to the previous question. Stones? That's not a problem anymore. But, the problem is to find the necessary tool ^^

We are now actively working in several areas at once, and our team is very efficient. However, it's almost always a lot of different details about which you can't tell much (oh these developers' everyday life), but among other things, take a look at this new logo:

I'm off to gather new information for you next week. See you!


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

Explore the bottom. But be extremely careful... 👀

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,

So, you'll have the opportunity to... no. Not like that.
You will have to learn the skill of swimming, you will do it while still in the “Island” location, but right now you have the opportunity to see what a flooded cave looks like.

By the way, why is it flooded? Hmm, you will have to find out the mysteries.

Overcoming the route, searching for items - you're a pirate! You know what water is.

there are some in-betweens in our work goals, but not something to emphasize at this point in our meeting with you.
I hope to be able to show and share something with you very soon .... we'll see.

Hmmm, for some reason I can't seem to jump on these rocks.....

Last time the question was asked with a picture of a pickaxe. you can destroy obstacles with it (due to its hardness). It can also be used to get something more valuable. what is it?
Let me give you a more detailed answer next time ;)


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

“Leap of Faith” by Pirated version 👀

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,

it's be... although, first look at this:

“Leap of Faith” by Pirated version

It wasn't safe, but if the situation called for it.....
There may have been other solutions to the problem, but this is for you to find out when playing Pirates VR: Jolly Roger.

at least he's still alive. Ok. it's been a great week and I hope you're feeling well in the middle of fall :)

The work doesn't stand still, our development team works tirelessly.
We have received a lot of feedback from players who played the demo version earlier, and now we are working hard and in-depth on testing the next locations.

In fact, I would like to thank you once again for your support for Pirates VR: Jolly Roger, it's invigorating.

we're still performing our current tasks:
- Game mechanics are being finalized/improved
- Subtitle system + voiceover
- some level upgrades
- active testing

Also, there's an active discussion going on right now about something important. But let's hold off on that ;)

By the way, does anyone have any thoughts on how I can use this?


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio

Do you hear that, too? 👀

Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Pirates,
How are you doing? I hope your mood is the best :)

It seems it's time to show you something new to look forward to in Pirates VR: Jolly Roger

So, this time I want to move away from the “Island” location a bit and show you another location called “Cave”. A little variety wouldn't hurt, would it?
Mysterious and creepy, it's worth paying attention here. be attentive. including to the sounds (sometimes they can tell you a lot or give some clues).
Please don't look down for very long, otherwise you may recognize something (or someone) ...

Sometimes it's very helpful to look around you. For example, is there nothing threatening your life? Hmm.
No, no...I'm not implying anything *wink*

Ok. a few snapshots for a leisurely examination:

In the works:
- Game mechanics are being finalized/improved
- Subtitle system + voiceover
- some level upgrades
- active testing

That's probably the most important thing I want to share today.
I wish you a great week and look forward to sharing more with you ;)

I'll see you in a week!


Best Wishes,
Split Light Studio