For this update we've added an entirely new winter themed map to fit with the season. The new map also has a unique maze area that changes during the game.
New present Item
We've added a new 'Present' item to the game open it up to find out what's inside, have you been good or bad?!
New Achievements
We've added 21 entirely new achievements covering all current and new minigames that will give you even more reason to do your best in every minigame!
New Hats
We've also added 5 new winter themed hats!
Santa Hat
Beanie 1
Beanie 2
Snow Bike Helmet
Six New Minigames
This update includes the following new minigames
Bouncing Balls
Grifting Gifts
Slippery Sprint
Gift Grab
Morphing Maze
Breaking Blocks
Thanks to everyone who's played the game we really appreciate your positive feedback! We want you to know that we are still committed to making Pummel Party the best it can be. We hope you enjoy this new update and look forward to our next one!
Upcoming Winter Update!
We've been hard at work creating new content over the last few weeks so we wanted to give you all a small update on what to expect!
This update will be available in less than 2 weeks and will be winter themed to fit with the season, containing a new map more minigames than our last update and new items. Stay tuned to our social media over the next few weeks to get sneak peeks of the new content.
Thank you all for your support it has been motivating to hear all the positive feedback. We're excited to continue working to make Pummel Party the best that it can be and we hope that you'll enjoy our next update.
Rebuilt Games
Halloween Content Update!
Today we're happy to announce the release of our first content update for Pummel Party!
New Board Game Map
We've added an entirely new board map called Pummel Town which includes new board mechanics like multiple goals in the form of trapped souls and an evil killer AI whose goal is to stop you from reaching those souls that he has trapped.
New Minigames
We've added four new minigames with this update including:-
Sorcerers Sprint
Tunneling Tanks
Spooky Spikes
Speedy Sabers
What's Next!
Over the next few weeks we're going to be working on a quality of life update addressing issues raised by the community.This includes but is not necessarily limited to the following:-
Replacing disconnected players with AI
Adding the ability to choose minigames in the rotation
Adding Ability to choose items available in the game
Improving network connections for high security routers
The Next Content Update
Once we're done with the above update we're going to start working on our next content update in which we're going to be focusing on new items and minigames.
Thanks to everyone who has been playing and enjoying the game, we hope you like this update and look forward to future updates for Pummel Party!
Patch 1.0.6 - Bot Jack's Lobotomy
We have great news today for those who fear the robot uprising! The reign of bot jack has ended with patch 1.0.6. Let us know on the forums how you feel about the balance of the AI we will continue to tweak it in upcoming patches.
General - Added text explaining turn order to minigame loading screen.
- Added UI text at junctions to display how many steps the player has left (option to disable in future patch).
- Fixed minigame Only Mode players being overly bright at times.
AI - Added three bot difficulties ("Easy", "Normal", "Hard") where hard is equal to the current bots.
- Improved AI in Barn Brawl at higher difficulties.
- Improved AI in Elemental Escalation at higher difficulties.
- Improved AI in Acidic Atoll.
Temporal Trails - Added a subtle visual indication to display the edge of the map.
Altitude Attack - Added vertical looping to prevent players camping top of map.
Snowy Spin - Reduced the wait time between each round.
Barn Brawl - Added additional spawn points to prevent spawn camping.
Pummel Party Released! & Future Updates
Prepare to ruin your friendships online or in person because you can now play Pummel Party!
Grab a couple of friends or setup some AI and get ready to use the absurd array of items to stop your enemies from winning on the board, or show your skills in the unique and nostalgic collection of minigames.
The Future
Release is just the beginning! we're currently working on and planning a free content update for Pummel Party. We'd love to hear what you'd like to see so if you have something you'd like to see please head on over to the forums and let us know!
It has been gratifying to hear how excited people are about the game and we're glad to finally be able to have you play it!
Rebuilt Games
Pummel Party Release Date
We're happy to let everybody know that Pummel Party now has an exact release date which is September 20th.
We've been hard at work adding some new minigames and items over the last few weeks here's some stuff we've been sharing on social media.
Elemental Territory Capture Minigame
Rideable Rocket Skewer Item
Thanks to everyone who's shown their support so far, we really appreciate it!