Raia Nova cover
Raia Nova screenshot
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Raia Nova

Raia Nova is Out - What To Expect Going Forward

Raia Nova is now out. Compared to the beta tests, many changes have been made, and many things added. The Campaign has 6 regions. Region 6 contains 12 special missions, each with a twist. Upon completing 6, you will have access to special "Battle for Memory" mission and the end game start area. The end game realms are the same missions as the campaign but with various modifiers and increased difficulty. "Fragments" are a currency needed to enter higher difficulty missions.

To Do List

This is the road map of expected changes in the coming months. Of course any fixes or general improvements will be included as well.

Additional Rewards - Some changes to rewards and more rewards for completing things are being considered.

New Items - Some items are planned, with effects like making Healing Font able to cause damage around it, or hooking and pulling yourself to an enemy.

New Cosmetic Type - There is a planned type of cosmetic allowing you to look like someone... the exact details are being worked on. These will be earnable/free content.

Steam Achievements - They may be added a bit later.

Refinement of late end game items and builds - Items need to be findable or makable for later levels.

Mounts - Did you know there are already mounts in the game? If you count a magic carpet as a mount, they're secret items basically. Probably more mounts and ways to get them will be added.

The Maybe Pile

These are ideas that have a chance of being implemented.

Dailies - Some games have daily quests etc. I know it's kind of a questionable feature, but some people really love them.

Monsters, music, levels - It's likely some additional things like this will be added to the game

Cosmetic Weapons - I wanted something like 10 high quality cosmetic weapon choices, but have surprisingly found it to be a difficult task so far.

More Costumes - We have one DLC costume, more are a possibility, but it would have to be decided what form they would be released in.

Special Character - A special character or skin perhaps based on community polls might be a good idea.

Full Expansion - I planned a full expansion with a story and different playable characters. It would have big gameplay differences and improvements too. Almost a whole new game. When making Raia Nova, that was what I envisioned, something where expansions would be added over the years. But there's a lot to do and consider, especially cost. It might require a successful crowd funding campaign to do something like this.

Three things to know about our "Grand Opening"

  1. Raia Nova is releasing in February. It will be a free to play game.

  2. We're announcing the Raia Nova Blue Supporter Pack. Please check it out and wishlist it.

  3. The Raia Nova demo will be phased out in about a day. We won't require a demo in the future. Saved games will carry over automatically.

If you wish to play the game anyway between now and release, just contact me, there is contact info on the Raia Nova Website. I again encourage anyone to give feedback and help make this game great, you can support just by joining the discord, wishlisting, etc.

An update on the Release Date and Progress

Raia Nova has come a long way and the decision has been made to push back the release date to February 18th 2025. We are working on end game challenges and some changes to Rune Trees and Skills that require extra time. The game will release with crafting and end game items that were never in any version before.

Raia Nova features classic ARPG gameplay with equipable spells and difficult bosses. Enhancers exist to power up your favorite skills and the rune tree is there to progress and customize your character. There are 5 playable characters; Krin the Spellsword, Mothball the Magician, Basa the Gladiator, Dias the Thief, and Dweller the Warden. This is a single palyer game, the game's platform is Windows, on Steam.

Release date: January 9th, 2025, it's now official

Raia Nova is now planned for release on Jan 9! This game has been a long time in the making and has had it's release delayed before. We're almost done though, so get ready for the 1.0 release. Coming up, we will have changes that are not yet in the demo and test versions, including crafting, high level items, a better tutorial, and the unreleased portion of the campaign. Expect at least 1 Demo update before launch.
We know we can make this game great, so please send us your feedback and opinions.

Website and Press Kit

About Raia Nova
Raia Nova features classic ARPG gameplay with collectable spells and difficult bosses. Skill enhancers exist to power up your favorite skills and the rune tree is there to progress and customize your character. There are 5 playable characters; Krin the Spellsword, Mothball the Magician, Basa the Gladiator, Dias the Thief, and Dweller the Warden. Each character has an Ultra skill that has a big effect on their gameplay, as well as having specific startup skill combos. You can also choose your own utility skills for different ways to dash, heal, and buff yourself.
Missions often feature unique mechanics, your goals and challenges will vary, and you will have to use everything at your disposal to make it through. Hordes of monsters, weird bosses, and complex character builds await in this upcoming ARPG.

Steam Page

The Rise of... (Steam Next Fest and update)

Raia Nova has recently gotten another big update, applying to both the demo and Beta versions. Most of the update is just fleshing out what was needed for many aspects of the game, so you may not notice right away. More skills were added and many tweaked and improved. Many bosses were improved and some things like animations and icons further built upon. The Story aspect has a bit more to it.

And now, it's Steam Next Fest! Celebrate by checking out all the upcoming games. We have a demo too. When will Raia Nova be released? Within a few months, more to follow.

Thank you for all the support. Tell us what you think of the game, here's our Discord.

Website and Press Kit

Something You Desire

Raia Nova continues to progress and this is a big update. This new Playtest Alpha version can be downloaded by getting the Demo from the Steam page.

It features 5 playable characters with their own skills and trees. There are now 28 levels, most having unique bosses and details. Items and skills? Too many new and improved ones to list. Check it out, I'm sure you'll find something you desire.

All the support so far is greatly appreciated. All feedback and input is welcome, help us make this game great, even just by telling us what you think. Here is the discord link, and you can get in touch via the website as well.



Let's Get Serious

Raia Nova has a playtest. It was out, but it's time to ramp up what we're doing with today's update. I encourage everyone to give this game a try and give feedback. Help us make this a great game. You can contact us with discord, or if you prefer, privately with email, see our website.

This update addresses a few issues and makes some improvements. Maybe most importantly it makes the first part of the game easier for new players. You can see details on the update pinned in the discussions on Steam, or in our Discord. In roughly 10 days we may be moving the game over to officially be a demo version. This is only because some organizations require it. So if the playtest is stopped in favor of the demo you'll be able to play the same thing, Steam just treats them like different games.

The playtest has 14 levels. 40 are planned for the full game campaign, and you can continue after that with endgame content. Currently there are 3 playable characters, but there will be 5, and with more differentiation between them. More skills, more items, hell a lot more of everything is coming.

