Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate cover
Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate screenshot
Genre: Shooter, Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS), Tactical, Indie, Arcade

Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate

Roadmap announcement for 2024: 2 new Shotgun King updates, 9 new games

Hi everyone! Happy new year!

It's been a little while but we have some exciting news!

For the first time since PUNKCAKE Délicieux's creation in 2021, we have made a roadmap! It details our plans for 2024, including plans for 9 new games, and plans for 2 Shotgun King updates, the first of which is coming very soon: on the 20th of January!

We invite you to take a look for yourself at our Seasonal Menu for more info:

Our new game Super Algebrawl is coming out on the 18th! It's a mathematical tactics puzzle RPG with a roguelite dimension about another lousy king using unfair powers (in this case the magic of mathematics; granted it's maybe a little less exciting than a shotgun) to reclaim their status! Wishlist it to get notified when it comes out! This is what it looks like:

We will be doing a short beta run for the first Shotgun King update starting on the 15th! If you're interested in helping us fix some bugs please join our Discord and opt into the beta when it's live!

If you're interested in our other games and projects, then our Discord is also the place to be! You can come chat with us and other players, it's a good time!

Thank you all for your support and see you very soon for that update! We wish you a beautiful year!

-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Patch v1.38 & v1.39: engine update and game fixes

Hi everyone!

Some quick patch notes for you! Last week we did a sneaky engine update on the game. The engine update fixed a game-launching crash that some people had, but unfortunately it also broke a few things inside the game. So then we quickly made a patch for the first few issues that were reported, and just now we uploaded a second patch that fixes some other issues that remained.

Sorry about all this, the good news is that now the game should be even more stable than it was on v1.37! Here's the complete changelog for the two patches!

v1.38 changelog:

  • [ENGINE] Engine update
  • [FIX] Fixed wrong arrow sprites shown around the Black King.
  • [FIX] Fixed a random softlock with unjust decree + sawed-off justice.
  • [SAVE] Added basic backup system for saves, so that the game can recover on its own if your save is corrupt for whatever reason.

v1.39 changelog:

  • [FIX] Fixed a crash that happened when getting pushed back onto a pentagram or an undercover mission tile with Sawed-off Justice.
  • [FIX] It's no longer possible to get back onto the last of three pentagrams before they're done resetting.
  • [FIX] Fixed pawn souls not increasing damage with Cannon Fodder.
  • [FIX] Folly shields will now properly activate in case of an unsafe point-blank kill or blade kill. (still won't save you from discovered checks though)
  • [FIX] Cannonballs can no longer spawn on the same tile.

That's it for now! We hear you about bringing controller support and the console version's tutorial to PC, we're working on it!

Have a great weekend, long live the shotgun king!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King no longer a PC exclusive!

Hi everyone!

Shotgun King just released on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series!

In case you missed our last announcement, the console version features a few extra things such as new art, a tutorial, in-game achievements, and lots of interface work to make it ideal to play with a controller! Our friends at Headbang Club did all this and we thing they did a really good job of it all!

We're in talks with the other studio to see if we can port some of these new features back into the PC version, we'll let you know when we have news!

In our last announcement we also said we were going to start releasing our backlog of games here on Steam. Well we are well on our way, with already 4 new games added to the roster in the last month! We even put them all in a nice bundle so that you can get them at a discount if you already own Shotgun King!

We still have quite a few games to put on here, we plan to keep releasing them one per week for the coming few months!

In the meantime we invite you once again to come to our Discord if you want to chat about Shotgun King or our other games! Or if you want to discover the small Shotgun King modding community which we're hosting there as well!

Thank you for your love and support! We hope you enjoy Shotgun King on consoles and our other games here on Steam!
Long live the Shotgun King!

-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King on consoles August 24th + all our other games are coming to Steam!

Chess fans and furstrated monarchs of all horizons, hear hear!

We have a double announcement for you today! Both have been in preparation for quite a long while, so we hope you're as excited as we are.

First, Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate is coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series on August 24th!!

This is all thanks to our friends at Headbang Club who did incredible work of adapting the game to both the technical and design exigencies of modern consoles, and with very little help from us. The game even has some brand new art, a new interface for consulting achievements directly in-game, new controls, some new localizations, and a tutorial which I personally did the writing for! (though they wouldn't let me put "horse f❤❤❤ers" in there but that's ok) The result is super slick and professional and we can't wait for you to see it!

Plus, I mean, who hasn't been wanting to play Shotgun King on the go with their Nintendo Switch, right?

But that's not all, here comes the second announcement for you PC gamers!

All our other games are coming to Steam, one every week, starting next Thursday!

You may or may not know this but we actually make a lot of games! For half of 2021 and the better part of 2022 we made a new game every month, and we intend to do it again for the entirety of 2024! So we already have 14 games, only 2 of which are currently on Steam: Shotgun King and Moonpong. Well this is about to change!

Our very first game Antecrypt is releasing here on Steam next week on Thursday the 3rd, with an updated Soundtrack as well as Steam achievements and Steam cloud support! And then every subsequent Thursday, another of our games will come out, until we completely run out sometime around 3 or 4 months from now!

Though it's not complete you can see all the games that already have a Steam page here.

And please check-out the new trailer for Antecrypt! It's a single-stick arena shooter where the crosshair simply bounces around the screen and you have to shoot down enemies with your rechargeable laser beam!

Thanks for your attention! More news for the PC version of Shotgun King are coming at some point in the near future!
Have a great week!

-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King is this week's Weekend Deal on Steam!

Hi everyone!

We're absolutely stoked to announce Shotgun King is Steam's Weekend Deal for the next 7 days, with a 25% discount which is the deepest discount we've done on the game so far!

We even commissioned an artist to make some sick promo art! Check it out below, we think Fafodill did an amazing job!

We're also featuring on brodcast a speedrun by our Discord member Etilon, achieving an impressive 1min win with the Victoria shotgun! Thanks to them for sharing the video with us and letting us show it off on the Steam page during the sale!

And there's more! If you already own Shotgun King, we still have a discount for you! Our other game MOONPONG: Tales of Epic Lunacy is also on sale for 25% off, with a further 15% discount if you already own Shotgun King and buy it as part of the PUNKCAKE Délicieux Developer Bundle!

And if you got no money but still want to support us you can also wishlist our upcoming strategy dungeon-building roguelike The Wratch's Den!

Thank you all for the love and support as always!
There will be more Shotgun King news in a little while!

Take care and have a great weekend!
- PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King now available in Catalan! Patch v1.37

Hi all! Happy new year!!

Here's a small Shotgun King patch to start off the year! It fixes a few bugs, corrects a few mistakes in the translations, and adds a brand new language: Catalan, courtesy of Projecte Ce Trencada!!

Here is the complete changelog:

  • [BALANCE] Promoted jesters now pass the hat.
  • [FIX] You can no longer trigger a right click ability and fire your shotgun on the same frame.
  • [FIX] Fixed Iron Maiden description.
  • [LANG] Added Catalan language option! Thank you to Arnau Frago from Projecte Ce Trencada!
  • [LANG] Fixed a few issues in the Ukrainian, Korean, Chinese and Spanish translations. Thank you very much to players who submitted corrections!
  • [LANG] Added translator names on the credits screen

And let me say it here again, thank you to the players who reported mistakes in the translations, and huge thanks to Arnau from the Projecte Ce Trencada for the Catalan translation! He even went through the trouble of remaking the trailer in Catalan which is just crazy!! You can watch that below by the way, and you should, it's so well done!

I asked Arnau if he wanted to add a message to this post in Catalan, here's what he had to say!

Renoi, des del Projecte Ce Trencada ha sigut un plaer enorme treballar amb Puncake Déliceux per traduir al català aquesta peça d'art mestre tan entremaliada.

No és cada dia que podem traduir de manera tan còmoda i lliure, un projecte tan il·lusionant com és Shotgun King The Final Checkmate.
Ens han ajudat en tot allò necessari, facilitant-nos des del material necessari per traduir el tràiler del videojoc fins a aquest espai per a explicar-vos que ja podeu gaudir del català des del propi menú d'opcions del videojoc.

Fa goig poder treballar amb estudis de videojocs que s'impliquen i que entenen la importància de la llengua per fer arribar l'experiència d'una manera més íntima i directa a l'usuàri/a final.
Col·laboracions com aquesta tornen l'esperança en la humanitat en contraposició d'aquells que veuen aquest esforç com quelcom innecessari o indigne del seu temps fins i tot quan se'ls hi ofereix de manera gratuïta.

Són grans passos per al català però també per al futur dels videojocs com a indústria, doncs s'hi uneix un altre estudi amb consciència i valors.

Esperem que podeu gaudir d'aquest videojoc de jugabilitat trepidant i addictiva tant com ho hem fet nosaltres i que us aporti moltes estones d'augusta frustració i oimés somriures.

Què per què l'hauries de comprar? Visita la nostra pàgina web i ho entendràs:

Esperem poder col·laborar en molts projectes més,

Projecte Ce Trencada.

We really couldn't have said it better. (we unfortunately don't understand Catalan) Arnau was a wonder to work with, we feel really lucky for him to have approached us!

This is it for now, but I can confidently day there will be more Shotgun King news this year again! I won't spoil anything just now but we hope you look forward to it!!

Have a wonderful 2023!
- PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Patch v1.36: Fixes and Balance Changes

Hi everyone!

Here's a new patch that fixes a few bugs and crashes that were reported to us! As usual thanks to everyone who reports these, it really helps a lot!

Here's the complete changelog:

  • [BALANCE] Heir status is now preserved after promotion.
  • [BALANCE] Iron Maiden now deactivate if there's only queens on the board.
  • [BALANCE] Guillotine and Iron Maiden are not excluding each others anymore.
  • [FIX] Fixed a crash bug involving Kingly Alms and Black mist
  • [FIX] Healer won't heal cannonball anymore
  • [FIX] It's no longer possible to jump over knighmares with taunting hop.
  • [FIX] Fixed a bug where you can over-reload your gun if moving too fast after reload
  • [FIX] Fixed a bug preventing the use of unjust decree if moving too fast after reload
  • [FIX] Healers can no longer heal boss over max hp
  • [FIX] Game won't freeze when secret heir, last guardian and king are killed with the same shot.
  • [FIX] Philanthropy extra turn now work even if grenade fall off the board or in the moat.
  • [LANG] Wording for iron effect : can't die -> can't take damage
  • [LANG] Fixed Ukrainian plurals in descriptions
  • [LANG] Now correctly replacing the $leader tag in disruption descriptions
  • [ACHIEVEMENTS] Theocracy replaced with sanctity in the RELIGION achievement

That's it for now! We're slowing down the rate of patches to focus on other games for now, but we'll be back to give Shotgun King some more love soon enough, rest assured. :)

Have a nice weekend! Long live the Shotgun King!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Patch v1.35: Fixes and small Balance changes

Hi everyone!

Here's a new patch that fixes quite a few bugs that were reported to us and also includes some small balance changes!

v1.35 complete changelog:

  • [LANG] Piece's names are now correctly displayed on undead armies description
  • [BALANCE] Undead Armies now reduces pawn hp by one
  • [BALANCE] Golden Aging now reduces king and queen hp by one
  • [BALANCE] one by one reloading removed from Church Organ
  • [BALANCE] Richard III reworked: -1 ammo_max, +1 firerange, +25% pierce
  • [ERGO] Title Intro now play only once when you launch game
  • [ERGO] Retry sequence is now active after resign
  • [FIX] Wizard achievement was fixed
  • [FIX] Imperial Shot Put added to the chase mode banned cards
  • [FIX] Stray pixels have been hunted down and decimated
  • [FIX] Philantropy now works even if Kingly Alms is removed
  • [FIX] Philantropy extra turns now bypass folly shield
  • [FIX] Chase mode unlocked too early
  • [FIX] Codex data now included in steamcloud save
  • [FIX] bishop move-grid now takes account of the red book
  • [FIX] stabbing the big king with Undercover Mission was fixed
  • [FIX] It's now possible to throw a piece while moving with Royal Loafers even if you don't have any ammo
  • [FIX] Shields are now totally removed on the same turn you put them to zero in options screen during game.
  • [FIX] Fixed hint display for knockback and pierce
  • [FIX] Kingly Alms is now added to needed card for Bunker & Philantropy
  • [FIX] Big King won't step on zombies anymore
  • [FIX] Undercover Mission now only displays available missions
  • [FIX] Autoflipping white cards like Zealot or Witch's Curse can now be deactivated with Undercover Mission
  • [FIX] Can't lift anything with King's Shoulder if you are already holding a piece or a cannonball
  • [FIX] Fixed some gfx problem with lifted pieces from the moat

Thanks for doing half the job by reporting the bugs you find! We hope this makes the game more enjoyable!

Oh also, shout-out to everyone who's been streaming and making videos of the game, we genuinely love to see you play the game and we're super grateful to you for helping spread the word about it! Special thanks to Aliensrock for boosting our sales since the update! Love your vids!

Have a nice week-end all!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Quickpatch v1.344: Chinese, Korean and Japanese fix

Hi there!

It appears there was a big issue with the asian languages in yesterday's update. At first we thought it was an issue with the translations themselves, but it turned out instead that it was a text rendering functionality that had a last minute modification that was acting up.

We sincerely apologize, and we hope this patch makes the game considerably more readable again for our asian players. Please do let us know, it's hard for us to tell since we unfortunately cannot read these languages.

Here's the complete changelog for this patch:

  • [LANG] Changed chinese translation for Ammo Max
  • [FIX] Missing degree symbols in codex
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue that was breaking multi-line texts in Chinese, Korean and Japanese, resulting in wrong and/or missing characters
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue with "Add X pieces" text that occured after switching between certain languages

Thank you all for your patience with us. As you can probably tell we are still very much figuring things out as we go. Maybe some day we'll know what we're doing haha. ^^'

Have a nice week,
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King Translations Updated + Added German, Polish and Japanese!!

Hi everyone!

The translations have finally been updated to match all the new text from last week's big update and the subsequent patches! Not only this, but we've also added three new translations: German, Polish, and Japanese!

Shotgun King is now available in:

  • English (duh)
  • French
  • Spanish
  • German✨
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • Polish✨
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Japanese✨

Once again we're really glad to make the game accessible to more people around the world!

All the translations were completed and reworked by professional game localization people LOC3. It's thanks to you all that we could afford professional localization, we really hope you'll appreciate the result!

Also, you might have heard, the Steam Autumn sale is on! Unfortunately, because of the recent price increase, Shotgun King cannot participate in this sale because of Steam's rules, but we do have another game we've released a few months after Shotgun King, called MOONPONG: Tales of Epic Lunacy! This one is 10% off right now for the Autumn Sale if you want to check it out!!

As always, thank you all for the love and support!
Have a great week!

-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞