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Slender Threads screenshot
Linux PC Mac Steam Gog
Genre: Point-and-click, Adventure, Indie

Slender Threads

Slender Threads: Live Streaming

Steam Next Fest has begun! Join us on October 8th for a Live-Stream. We’ll be playing Slender Threads’ demo, a short backtage footage and the team will also be available to answer any questions you may have.

Save the date by adding a reminder. See you soon!

Slender Threads: Live Streaming

Steam Next Fest has begun! Join us on October 6th for a Live-Stream. We’ll be playing Slender Threads’ demo, a short backtage footage and the team will also be available to answer any questions you may have.

Save the date by adding a reminder. See you soon!

Devlog September

Hey there!

Festival season is here, and we have some news we'd love to share!

As the playtesting moves forward, we took some time to participate in the EVA play 2022. EVA is one of South America's most significant game events, and this year was its 20th anniversary. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase Slender Threads and see people playing it live. We took home some fantastic feedback!

The cherry top was Slender Threads' nomination for EVA Awards!
Talking festivals, another great news is that Slender Threads is one of the nominees for the upcoming Indie Cade 2022 starting on November 4th!

Just in case that wasn't enough and you want to hear more, Slender Threads will be showcased on the upcoming Steam Next Fest! So join us next week on Steam and be ready to get spooked!

Devlog June

Hey there!

Let's shake the dust here... We know it's been a long since the last update, but we've used that time wisely.
We've reached that point where the news gets more interesting and have decided to keep you more updated on the game status. So, from now on, we'll try to make an update every month until the launch.

We are stepping into the final development stage. What does it mean?

We have finished:

  • All game scenes. Counting over 70, most of them are scrollable (Still can't believe that if we look back to our beginnings).
  • Painting and animating more than 30 'living' characters.
  • Almost every dialog line.

What is missing, then?

We have started the internal playtesting. Here we analyze the game flow and its difficulty, look for missing feedback, and polish dialogs.
Once this is done. We'll start with the details, which is not a minor job and can be time consuming:

  • Gestures: If you've had the opportunity to play the Prologue, you may have noticed that characters gesture according to the conversation.
  • Making the town alive, with animations here and there.
  • Music and sound effects.
  • Voices (at this point, we have to be 100% sure the dialogs are final)
  • Localization to over 8 languages.
  • Optimization.
  • Testing.
  • Bug fixing.

When is the game released?

We'd love to have an answer for this. We are working really hard to have it ready by the end of this year, but at the same time don't want to create expectations around it.
The worst-case scenario is mid-2023.

We are also working on a few surprises to share in the following updates.
We know you've been very patient, and there are no words to express how thankful we feel about that. In exchange, we hope to deliver a  game worthy of it, and let us say that we are very proud of how Slender Threads is turning out.

What can you do meanwhile?

If you played the Prologue, you could help us by leaving a comment. Each counts, and we truly appreciate hearing your thoughts!
If you haven't played the Prologue, it's free to play, so you may want to try it.
If you feel compulsive about sharing the game with your friends, please do so!
And of course, don't forget to add it to your wishlist!

See you in the next update!


Hey everyone!

It's been two months since the release of Slender Threads' Prologue and we've got great comments since.
Those hooked on the story keep asking themselves what will happen with Villa Ventana's inhabitants?

We wanted to thank all of you who took the time to play it and left a review. The prologue got 124 comments so far, with over 98% positive! If you played it and loved it, please show us some love and take a few minutes to leave a review. Our next goal is to reach 500 comments and achieve an overwhelmingly positive review status!

In the upcoming updates, we'll share more news on the game's development and a few quirk details on how the idea was born =)

Thanks in advance,
Byts Team

Slender Threads: Prologue is out today!

Dear friends!

We are entering the last quarter of another crazy year and we hope you are all safe and doing well.
This 2021 was pretty much all about hard work and now it's time for a bit of fun. We are reaching to share the release of Slender Threads' Prologue.

Several years after we started our developing journey, we can say that we've grown as a team and are ready now to take on new challenges.
Making Slender Threads possible without crowdsourcing was a huge step. Being an Indie Studio based in South America is not easy. It sort of makes the road a little bumpier most of the time, but we found that facing obstacles makes us stronger and pushes our goals further.

If you enjoyed our adventures, Kelvin and the Infamous Machine or Nobodies, we hope this new game will be up to the task.

Slender Threads is a point-and-click thriller adventure with spreads of fun. We hope it'll make you jump off your chair and steal a good laugh.

About Slender Threads

The moment he arrives in Villa Ventana, Harvey Green rolls his eyes. All he sees is one more lifeless town, no different from countless others he passes through as a traveling bookseller.
What Harvey is not seeing is that he has been called to Villa Ventana to play a part. Strings, pulled by some hidden presence, begin drawing him into a web of inevitability.
A recurring nightmare. Citizen disappearances. A chain of alluringly inexplicable events sets Harvey on a path toward a terrifying revelation about his own destiny.
Slender Threads explores the connections between disparate events and the extent to which we possess the agency to alter our fated course.

The prologue represents around 1 of the 8-10 hours of the full game. Featuring English voice acting, and Spanish, French, German, Italian subtitles.

If you love the idea and want to join us on this new adventure, there are two ways you can help us:

  • Playing the Free Prologue and leaving us a review!
  • Sharing it (tweets, emails, old classic phone calls are welcomed if they help to spread the news!)

Also, don't forget to add the full version to your wishlist!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for giving us your time!

All things said.
Dare to follow the Slender Threads?

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