Slider cover
Slider screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie


Slider v1.0.11

- Upgraded the Unity engine version! I'm trying my best to figure out what's causing the crashing for some people, but it's been really tough since it seems graphics card related and I can't reproduce it myself :(, fingers crossed that this fixes it.
- Updated (again) some colliders in Factory in the past section of the map
- Updated some colliders in the Mountain
- Fixed a bug that caused issues with colliders if you had tiles moving during the Village grid shuffle that could cause you to get stuck into walls
- Fixed a bug where Chad could walk on water in the Desert
- Fixed a bug in MRI (but also will affect other areas in the game too) where multiple screen effects going on at once could prevent you from opening the Artifact or going through the portal

Slider v1.0.10

- Added a trigger to the Desert VIP area that will TP you out if you somehow softlock yourself in there early
- Updated some colliders in Factory in the past section of the map
- Fix an issue in MRI where the Mountain/Factory gem wasn't showing up if you didn't initially picked it up
- Maybe some other small bug fixes and tweaks but I low key forgot to write them down

- There's still a bug if you are using keyboard-only mode where sometimes you can't use the Scroll of Realigning. Try either disabling keyboard-only mode or pressing 'E' to apply the action

Slider v1.0.09

Wow! We're Steam Deck verified!! It's surprising cause we don't even officially support controller yet.

- Fixed a bug in the Jungle where the fat tile would spawn separated
- Reworked how the doors in the Factory are coded so hopefully they should be more consistent
- Added some more checks in the Mountain. If you load the area with 7 sliders, the heater should be on now. Also, if the heater thinks it's full but for some reason isn't, extra lava carts will make it check again now.
- Updated the dialogue in MRI at the laser cutscene
- Updated some hints in the walkthrough

We're working on setting up localization!

Slider v1.0.08

- Updated Linux Steam cloud saving path. If you created a Windows profile, it might overwrite the Linux one you currently have! You should be able to use the new "restore backup" function to get your old linux save back though.
- If you messed up your saves, you can try checking your saves folder and using one of the other backups we create. For example, you might want to (while the game isn't running) copy "" to "". If you start your game, you should be able to then restore the backup. The linux save path should be the games install directory -- during testing mine was at "~/snap/steam/common/.config/unity3d/slider*.cat" before the update, and at "~/snap/steam/common/.config/unity3d/boomo/Slider/slider*.cat" after the update.

- Updated select profile screen. Now there's a button to restore backups in case your save gets deleted by Steam cloud or something weird happens. (Backups are created/replaced each time you quit the game)
- Added an experimental "Keyboard Only" mode in controls
- Updated Barron's dialogue
- Fixed an issue with Factory Slider 9 collectible saving/loading

Slider v1.0.07

- Updated how achievements are given. Now, teleporting to a different area will *only* disable speedrun achievements. In other works, teleporting, anchor, scroll + boots buttons are okay if you want area-specific achievements!
- Anchor cheats button now turns into a recall anchor button if you had already used it. You can normally already do this with the scroll of realigning's save/load though!
- Fixed a bug where the speedrun achievements weren't properly given. You should be able to load back into any speedrun saves you have and get them again though
- Actually updated profiles so that they show a dark gray border on the bottom if you used the cheats panel -- this is intended for speedrun verification if that ever picks up in the future
- Added another hint to the NPC in the caves by the big fungus
- Fixed a bug in MagiTech where quitting during the portal effect would break the portal

Slider v1.0.06

- Fixed a bug where Romeo would disappear after picking up the 6th Village Slider
- Fixed a bug where the caves rat wouldn't properly attach to Sliders it previously had been on
- Fixed a bug where you needed 2 unused supply drops instead of 1 for the "Supreme Commander" military achievement
- Fixed a bug where the minecart would get stuck in a state where it constantly stopped moving after one tile of movement
- Achievement progress will stay as the highest value you've gotten on Steam (ex. if you have a profile with 8 breadge and you start a new one, Steam will now keep showing 8)

Slider v1.0.05

- Added controller support for MRI!
- Moved an NPC in MRI so you wouldn't get stuck in a wall
- Fixed a bug where you could get Slider 8 early in the Desert
- Added an experimental "DisableSlider X" to the dev console

Slider v1.0.04

- Fixed some Breadge collectibles and related achievement stats
- Fixed the breadge hint the baker in MRI gives if you only have one left
- Fixed some save/load bugs in MRI involving the final gem. Go get your cat stickers!
- End screen should now always display play time
- Fixed some typos

Psst... Did you hear? Slider's soundtrack is on Spotify!

Wow!! Launch has been going great so far. I've been working like crazy trying to fix all the bugs you guys have been finding, but we've already had a ton of people finish the game (that's way faster than I expected, it's only been out for 3 days guys)!

We're super super super happy that so many people are having so much fun playing. It would mean the world if you shared the game with others, so thank you for that!

Anyway, our music track is on Spotify! We have two albums, one with the main 9* songs, and a second album with all the extras. Give them a listen, the musicians killed it on our game.

Slider v1.0.03

Call us Baldur's Gate 3 the way our final act released buggy but hopefully gets a lot better as more patches come out

- Checked for more cases where the village fisherman shouldn't leave yet
- Fixed some sprite sorting issues in the ocean
- Added some more checks in the Ocean for the volcano puzzle in case you save/load it weirdly
- Removed the impossible Jungle recipe where a Male + Female would make a heart :(
- Fixed typo in "Lolipop"
- Fixed a bug in the Jungle where pointing 2 Shape Spawners at each other would crash the game
- Made the "Cover to Cover" jungle achievement a bit more straightforward to earn
- Fixed a bug in the Mountain where you could fix the elevator before it was broken, causing you to Get Slider 6 without Slider 5
- Fixed bug in MRI where Chad wouldn't open a portal if you loaded from a save
- Fixed a bug in MRI where mushrooms wouldn't push you off while you were in them
- Dialogue cutscenes in the Jungle and MRI should now freeze less (and you can skip through Jungle dialogue!)
- Profiles where the cheat menu has been used will now have a darker bottom border
- Fixed typos