SpellRogue cover
SpellRogue screenshot
Genre: Turn-based strategy (TBS), Indie



Greetings Dice Slingers,

This hotfix addresses the issue resulting in a black screen when ending the game and entering the summary screen when playing in languages other than english.

Apologies to those who have been affected.

Update 2: “Dreams of the Void"

Greetings Dice Slingers,

Today we are releasing the second update for SpellRogue! We added a brand new elite encounter in the Void: Behold the Dreamweaver, a nightmarish entity born in the unfathomable depths of cosmic oblivion. Legends speak of their ability to manifest lifebonded imitations of their prey, so take caution as you venture into the depths.

We also reworked and rebalanced enemies and added several new group constellations of enemies. Additionally the update includes new content in the form of Spells, Artifacts and Events, as well as balance changes and bug fixes.

For upcoming updates we are planning to take another pass on some existing gameplay systems. First of all we will be evaluating Rituals, as most of them doesn’t as work very well as combo pieces. So expect changes and maybe even reworks in this area for the next update!
We are planning to post an updated roadmap later this week, where we will further discuss our plans.

A note about localization: We are sorry for the lack of translations for a few texts in the game right now - we are planning to make a hotfix with everything translated in the coming week!
For future updates this should go a bit smoother.

Anyway, here are all the juicy details!:

SpellRogue 0.9.2: “Dreams of the Void”


  • New Dreamweaver elite void encounter.
  • Enemy encounter overhaul and rework/rebalance of enemies.
  • New content!: 4 Spells, 6 Artifacts, 1 Potion, 1 Event
  • Balance tweaks, especially for Spells and Mutators
  • “Trap” debuffs applied by enemies are no longer removed each round


  • NEW: Spell (Void) GAZE FROM BEYOND
  • NEW: Spell (Earth) GRANITE GUARD
  • NEW: Spell (Earth) THORNLASH
  • NEW: Spell (Water) RISING TORRENT
  • NEW: Artifact RAGE BLADE
  • NEW: Artifact ARCTIC AXE
  • NEW: Event CHAPEL


  • Spell (Void) DARK ARTS Sockets: [*8*] -> [*7*]
  • Spell (Void) DARK ARTS+B Sockets: [*5*] -> [*4*]
  • Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS Sockets: [*6*] -> [*7*]
  • Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS Block: 2 -> 1
  • Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS+A Lose Power -> 1
  • Spell (Void) TENDRILS Damage: 2 -> 4
  • Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Sockets: [*9*] -> [*10*]
  • Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Redesigned: 'Gain 2 Block. Increase by 1 for each Spell cast this round.'
  • Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Charges: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Earth) BLOOM BOLT Deal Damage: 6+1 per stacks -> 4+1 per stacks
  • Spell (Earth) FLOURISH Sockets: [*12*] -> [*11*]
  • Spell (Earth) FLOURISH Redesigned: 'Roll 2 dice5—dice6.'
  • Spell (Earth) FLOURISH+A Sockets: [*8*] -> [*7*]
  • Spell (Earth) FLOURISH+B Redesigned: 'Rolls Glimmer dice'
  • Spell (Earth) FORCE OF NATURE+A Redesigned: 2x[dicex]
  • Spell (Earth) FORCE OF NATURE+B Redesigned: remove odd/even:
  • Spell (Earth) MAUL Sockets: [*9*] -> [*11*]
  • Spell (Earth) PROLIFERATE Sockets: [*10*] -> [*11*]
  • Spell (Earth) RELIEF Sockets: [*9*] -> [*10*]
  • Spell (Earth) TOTEM Sockets: [*10*] -> [*8*]
  • Spell (Earth) TOTEM+A Block: 6 -> 5
  • Spell (Fire) CHARCOAL DAGGER Sockets: [2-5] -> [ ]
  • Spell (Fire) EXTRACT Rarity: Rare -> Uncommon
  • Spell (Fire) GLOWING VISAGE Base Block: 2 -> 4
  • Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE Sockets: [1-3] -> [1-4]
  • Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B Rupture Multiplier -> 2
  • Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B Charges -> -1
  • Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B Sockets: [ ] removed
  • Spell (Fire) HURT Sockets: [4-6] -> [2-6]
  • Spell (Fire) INCINERATE Damage: 12 -> 14
  • Spell (Fire) RECLAMATION Block: 7 -> 6
  • Spell (Fire) SACRIFICE Sockets: [ ] -> [Odd]
  • Spell (Fire) SAP LIFEFORCE Damage: 6 -> 5
  • Spell (Water) BLIZZARD Sockets: [*5*] -> [*3*]
  • Spell (Water) CHANNEL AZUR Sockets: [4-6] -> [1-5]
  • Spell (Water) CHANNEL AZUR+B Sockets: [1-3]
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Block: 8 -> 9
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Fury: 2 -> 3
  • Spell (Water) ICE BLAST Damage: 7 -> 9
  • Spell (Water) ICE BLAST+A Damage: 4 -> 5
  • Spell (Water) MENTAL RESERVOIR Sockets: [*18*] -> [*20*]


  • Artifact ILLUMINE NECKLACE Redesigned: 'For each 3 Attack Spells cast in a single round, gain 1 [Power].'
  • Artifact SMOLDERING TORCH Ignite Stacks: 2 -> 1
  • Artifact UNSTABLE MANACORE Cooldown: 2 -> 3
  • Artifact BOTTLE OF FIRE Amount: 5 -> 6
  • Artifact CHARGED NECKLACE Damage: 15 -> 18
  • Artifact FLAME BRAND Cooldown: 14 -> 15
  • Artifact GIANT'S POUCH Reduce Shop Prices: 40 -> 50
  • Artifact HORN OF VIRTUE Block required: 8 -> 10
  • Artifact PROTECTING SPROUTLING Cooldown: 14 -> 15
  • Artifact SIGHT SHIELD Block: 5 -> 4
  • Artifact VORTEX CRYSTAL Roll Dice: Fixed -> Range Roll Dice: 6 -> 2


  • Ritual FLUX REVERSAL Cooldown: 3 -> 2


  • Enemy BURNING TREANT HP: 36 -> 32
  • Enemy CORRUPT BRUTE HP: 8 -> 9
  • Enemy CORRUPT BRUTE Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. -> Deal 5 Damage.
  • Enemy CORRUPT FRIAR HP: 10 -> 11
  • Enemy CORRUPT FRIAR Action 2: Apply 4 Fungus Armor. -> Apply 5 Fungus Armor.
  • Enemy CORRUPT RAVAGER Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. -> Deal 4 Damage.
  • Enemy CORRUPT RAVAGER Action 3: Deal 2 Damage 2 times. Remove all Buried. -> Deal 3 Damage 2 times. Remove all Buried.
  • Enemy DREAD TREANT HP: 23 -> 22
  • Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN HP: 32 -> 30
  • Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN Action 2: Apply Snare on 2 random Spells. -> Deal 1 Damage 3 times. Apply Infected on random Spell.
  • Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN Action 3: Gain 4 Power. -> Gain 2 Power. Gain 6 Block.
  • Enemy GOLEM HP: 40 -> 32
  • Enemy GOLEM Action 3: Apply Broken on random Spell. -> Deal 7 Damage. Apply Broken on random Spell.
  • Enemy LIVING EMBERS HP: 14 -> 12
  • Enemy LIVING EMBERS Action 2: Deal 6 Damage. -> Deal 7 Damage.
  • Enemy SPINE FIEND HP: 21 -> 23
  • Enemy TOXIC OOZE HP: 7 -> 6
  • Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION HP: 60 -> 55
  • Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION Action 2: Deal 10 Damage. -> Deal 8 Damage.
  • Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION Action 3: Deal 4 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 3 Damage 2 times.
  • Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION Action 4: Deal 5 Damage. Summon 1 Toxic Ooze at Leading. -> Deal 4 Damage. Summon 1 Toxic Ooze at Leading.
  • Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 1: Deal 5 Damage. -> Deal 3 Damage 2 times.
  • Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 2: Deal 2 Damage 3 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. -> Apply Fractured on 2 random Spells.
  • Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 3: Gain 2 Power. Gain 10 Fungus Armor. -> Gain 2 Power. Gain 12 Fungus Armor.
  • Enemy PRIMORDIAL BLAZE Action 2: Deal 10 Damage. Apply Ignite on random Spell. -> Deal 12 Damage. Apply Ignite on random Spell.
  • Enemy PRIMORDIAL BLAZE Action 3: Deal 7 Damage 2 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. -> Deal 8 Damage 2 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell.
  • Enemy PRIMORDIAL BLAZE Action 5: Deal 9 Damage 4 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. -> Deal 8 Damage 4 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell.
  • Enemy DESERT GOLEM HP: 55 -> 60
  • Enemy WARLOCK HP: 80 -> 48
  • Enemy WARLOCK Action 1: Deal 8 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 4 Damage 3 times.
  • Enemy WARLOCK Action 2: Apply 2 Sap. Apply 2 Weak. -> Gain 2 Power.
  • Enemy DEVIL ASSASSIN Action 2: Deal 13 Damage. Apply 1 Curse. -> Apply 3 Curse.
  • Enemy DEVIL ASSASSIN Action 3: Deal 7 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 8 Damage. Gain 8 Block.
  • Enemy DEVIL ASSASSIN Action 4: Deal 13 Damage. Gain 1 Power. -> Deal 7 Damage 2 times.
  • Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER HP: 80 -> 60
  • Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER Action 1: Apply roll-trigger Power Trap. Apply roll-trigger Power Trap. -> Apply roll-trigger Rupture Trap.
  • Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER Action 2: Apply roll-trigger Silence Trap. -> Deal 10 Damage.
  • Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER Action 3: Deal 15 Damage. -> Deal 2 Damage 3 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell.
  • Enemy BARBED GRUB HP: 30 -> 27
  • Enemy PLATED GRUB HP: 20 -> 17
  • Enemy PLATED GRUB Buffs: Block: 10 -> 15
  • Enemy PLATED GRUB Action 1: Gain 15 Block. -> Gain 10 Block.
  • Enemy PLATED GRUB Action 2: Deal 4 Damage. -> Deal 6 Damage.
  • Enemy PLATED GRUB Action 3: Gain 2 Power. Gain 6 Block. -> Gain 2 Power. Gain 10 Block.
  • Enemy SPITTING GRUB HP: 30 -> 26
  • Enemy SPITTING GRUB Action 1: Deal 8 Damage. Apply 1 Sap. -> Deal 6 Damage. Apply 2 Sap.
  • Enemy SPITTING GRUB Action 2: Apply 2 Sap. -> Deal 2 Damage 2 times. Apply Infected on random Spell.
  • Enemy IMP FANATIC HP: 38 -> 36
  • Enemy IMP HATCHLING HP: 27 -> 20
  • Enemy IMP RAIDER HP: 28 -> 30
  • Enemy IMP RAIDER Buffs: Imp Mark removed
  • Enemy IMP RAIDER Action 2: Deal 15 Damage. -> Deal 14 Damage.
  • Enemy IMP RAIDER Action 3: Deal 9 Damage. Apply 3 Weak. -> Deal 8 Damage. Apply 2 Weak.
  • Enemy IMP WARRIOR HP: 42 -> 28
  • Enemy MAGUS HP: 70 -> 75
  • Enemy MAGUS Action 2: Deal 8 Damage. Gain 2 Power. -> Deal 14 Damage.
  • Enemy MAGUS Action 3: Deal 11 Damage. Apply 2 Marked. -> Apply 3 Marked.
  • Enemy ABYSS WALKER Action 1: Deal 12 Damage. Apply roll-trigger Rupture Trap. -> Apply roll-trigger Power Trap.
  • Enemy ABYSS WALKER Action 2: Deal 6 Damage 2 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. -> Deal 1 Damage 3 times. Apply Infected on random Spell.
  • Enemy ABYSS WALKER Action 3: Gain 3 Power. -> Deal 6 Damage. Apply 3 Sap.
  • Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT HP: 60 -> 55
  • Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. Gain 1 Power. -> Deal 5 Damage. Gain 1 Power.
  • Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 2: Gain 15 Reshape. Gain 1 [Reshape (hidden)]. Gain 5 Block. -> Gain 20 Reshape. Gain 1 [Reshape (hidden)].
  • Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 3: Deal 3 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 5 Damage 2 times.
  • Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 4: Apply 1 Marked. Apply 1 Curse. -> Apply 2 Marked. Apply 2 Curse.
  • Enemy ORB OF INFINITY Action 3: Apply 3 Sap. Apply roll-trigger Dice Trap. -> Apply roll-trigger Dice Trap.
  • Enemy PYLON OF ENFEEBLEMENT HP: 50 -> 40
  • Enemy PYLON OF MIGHT HP: 50 -> 35
  • Enemy VOID OOZE Redesigned: Now spawns Minor Ooze after taking 30 Damage.
  • Enemy VOID OOZE HP: 100 -> 60
  • Enemy VOID OOZE Action 1: Deal 10 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 8 Damage 2 times.
  • Enemy VOID OOZE Action 2: Deal 18 Damage. Gain 2 Power. -> Deal 8 Damage. Gain 3 Power.
  • Enemy MINOR VOID OOZE HP: 50 -> 30
  • Enemy MINOR VOID OOZE Action 1: Deal 6 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 2 Damage 3 times.
  • Enemy MINOR VOID OOZE Action 2: Apply 2 Dazed. Gain 2 Power. -> Gain 2 Power.
  • Enemy FIERCE VOIDLING Action 1: Deal 6 Damage. Gain 2 Power. -> Deal 8 Damage. Apply Broken on random Spell.
  • Enemy FIERCE VOIDLING Action 2: Deal 8 Damage. Gain 8 Power. -> Deal 8 Damage 2 times. Apply Broken on random Spell.
  • Enemy WRATH VOIDLING Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. -> Deal 4 Damage.
  • Enemy WRATH VOIDLING Action 2: Deal 3 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 4 Damage 2 times.


  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT+++ Value: 8 -> 10
  • Mutator ENGORGE Value: 5 -> 6
  • Mutator UNRELENTING FOES Value: 3 -> 2
  • Mutator UNRELENTING FOES+ Value: 7 -> 5
  • Mutator TEMPEST+++++++ Value: 8 -> 9
  • Mutator TEMPEST++++++++ Value: 9 -> 11
  • Mutator SCARCITY Value: 4 -> 2
  • Mutator SCARCITY+ Value: 10 -> 6
  • Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Value: 13 -> 15
  • Mutator UNWIELDINESS++ Value: 9 -> 11
  • Mutator HUSH Value: 5 -> 6
  • Mutator PERFORATING SIXES Value: 8 -> 10
  • Mutator OBSTACLE Block: 4 -> 5
  • Mutator OBSTACLE+ Block: 4 -> 5
  • Mutator OBSTACLE++ Block: 12 -> 15
  • Mutator OBSTACLE+++ Block: 8 -> 10
  • Mutator OBSTACLE++++ Block: 12 -> 15

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Guard’s description specifying it only works for spells.
  • Fixed spell buff issues on spells that “hold” dice between turns.
  • Fixed Seashell wand activating non-playable spells
  • Fixed Dice Split counting as Destroy.
  • Fixed Weak Aura stacking
  • Fixed softlock after defeating final boss
  • Fixed some gamepad issues (mutation stage menu)
  • Fixed typos, grammatical issues and so on.

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim & Thorbjørn

SpellRogue Update 0.9.1: “Balance in all things”

Greetings Dice Slingers,

We just updated SpellRogue with our first proper patch that includes new Spells, Artifacts and Events, as well as a ton of balance changes and bug fixes (a big thanks to everyone who has been submitting bug reports and giving feedback on the SpellRogue Discord!).

Examples of new Spells available in your runs.

If you didn’t catch the Living Roadmap we posted last week, this update is just a small step in our plans. Future updates will in general be larger, as we start implementing some of the bigger features and mechanics.

Anyway, here are all the juicy details!:

SpellRogue 0.9.1: “Balance in all things”


  • 5 new Spells, 3 new Artifacts, 1 new Event!
  • Balance changes for 130+ entities!
  • Improved Mutator selection algorithm.
  • Added “back”-functionality for rerolled Spell draft.
  • Updated and improved translations (NOTE: A few translations are still missing, we are planning to fix this in a hotfix soon).
  • Scene cameras are now vertically fitted, so height is always the same (fix for ultra wide screen).
  • Improved preview of Spell charges spent.
  • Added enemy type to enemy-catalog.
  • Stygian Dice can now be picked up & spent in Spells.
  • Wound Dice tooltip now shows exactly how much damage you take.
  • Tweaked Friar actions (fixes softlock when e.g. only using Thorns).
  • Energized Dice is now triggering on “Spent” instead of “Inserted”.


  • New Void Spell: STYX
  • New Earth Spell: TRACKING
  • New Fire Spell: HEMORRHAGE
  • New Fire Spell: CAUTERIZE
  • New Water Spell: RIPTIDE
  • New Artifact: SMOLDERING TORCH
  • New Artifact: RING OF BLOCK
  • New Event: BLACK MARKET

  • Spell (Void) GRIM RITE Power: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Void) GRIM RITE Mute: 99 -> 4
  • Spell (Void) GRIM RITE+A Mute: 3 -> 2
  • Spell (Void) TENDRILS Sockets: [*6*] -> [*4*]
  • Spell (Earth) BASTION+B Redesigned: '+2 [block]/cast, +1 [countdown]/cast'
  • Spell (Earth) CARAPACE Block: 7 -> 8
  • Spell (Earth) EARTHQUAKE Sockets: [5-6] -> [ ]
  • Spell (Earth) FORCE OF NATURE Sockets: [3-6] -> [ ]
  • Spell (Earth) FORCE OF NATURE+B Damage: 3 -> 4
  • Spell (Earth) HURL MONOLITH Charges: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Earth) HURL MONOLITH+A Damage: 6 -> 8
  • Spell (Earth) INSTINCT Sockets: [ ] -> [*3*]
  • Spell (Earth) MAUL Damage: 6 -> 5
  • Spell (Earth) OAKEN SELF Rarity: Rare -> Uncommon
  • Spell (Earth) PREEMPTIVE STRIKE Sockets: [*8*] -> [*7*]
  • Spell (Earth) PREEMPTIVE STRIKE+A Marked: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Earth) PRIMAL CRAZE Sockets: [*7*] -> [*10*]
  • Spell (Earth) PRIMAL CRAZE+A Sockets: [ ] -> [*5*]
  • Spell (Earth) SACRED SHIMMER Sockets: [*7*] -> [*6*]
  • Spell (Earth) SACRED SHIMMER Damage: 7 -> 6
  • Spell (Earth) SACRED SHIMMER+B Charges: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Earth) SPIRIT ARROWS Sockets: [1-4] -> [1-3]
  • Spell (Earth) SPIRIT ARROWS+A Sockets: [ ] -> [1-5]
  • Spell (Earth) STONE MELD Sockets: [*6*] -> [*7*]
  • Spell (Earth) STONE MELD+A Sockets: [*3*] -> [*4*]
  • Spell (Earth) STONE MELD+B Delayed block 6 -> 7
  • Spell (Earth) ULTIMATE POWER Sockets: [*13*] -> [*15*]
  • Spell (Earth) ULTIMATE POWER+A Sockets: [*9*] -> [*10*]
  • Spell (Earth) VINE GRIP Damage: 6 -> 8
  • Spell (Earth) VINE GRIP+A Damage: 7 -> 6
  • Spell (Earth) VINE GRIP+A Dazed: -1 -> 0
  • Spell (Fire) BRIMSTONE Charges: 3 -> 4
  • Spell (Fire) EXTRACT Damage: 12 -> 14
  • Spell (Fire) EXTRACT+A Damage: 5 -> 6
  • Spell (Fire) FALLING FIRE Damage: 14 -> 15
  • Spell (Fire) FICKLE BARRIER Charges: 3 -> 4
  • Spell (Fire) HEATSTROKE Sockets: [*5*] -> [=5]
  • Spell (Fire) HEATSTROKE+A No longer overrides Sockets
  • Spell (Fire) HURT Sockets: [3-6] -> [4-6]
  • Spell (Fire) HURT Damage: 9 -> 10
  • Spell (Fire) HURT+A Damage: 4 -> 5
  • Spell (Fire) INCINERATE Sockets: [*9*] -> [*8*]
  • Spell (Fire) INCINERATE+A Damage: 5 -> 6
  • Spell (Fire) INFERNO Sockets: [4-6] -> [3-6]
  • Spell (Fire) INFERNO Charges: 2 -> 3
  • Spell (Fire) INFERNO+A Banefire: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Fire) INFERNO+A Sockets: [3-4]
  • Spell (Fire) INFERNO+B Damage: 2 -> 4
  • Spell (Fire) INFERNO+B Charges: 1 ->
  • Spell (Fire) INFUSED SHIELD+A Block: 2 -> 3
  • Spell (Fire) IRONGUARD Charges: 2 -> 3
  • Spell (Fire) KINDLE Roll Dice: 3 -> 5
  • Spell (Fire) ROARING EMBERS Damage: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Fire) SUNSHIELD+B Sockets: [ ]
  • Spell (Fire) SUSPENSION Weak: 4 -> 3
  • Spell (Fire) VINDICTIVE STRIKE Charges: 2 -> 3
  • Spell (Fire) VINDICTIVE STRIKE+A Damage: 5 -> 6
  • Spell (Fire) VINDICTIVE STRIKE+B Countdown reduction: -4 -> -5
  • Spell (Fire) VINDICTIVE STRIKE+B Charges: 1 -> 0
  • Spell (Fire) VOLCANIC POWER Sockets: [*3*] -> [*2*]
  • Spell (Fire) VOLCANIC POWER Health loss: 3 -> 2
  • Spell (Fire) VOLCANIC POWER+A Charges: 2 -> 0
  • Spell (Fire) VOLCANIC POWER+A Power Multiplier -> 1
  • Spell (Fire) VOLCANIC POWER+B Health loss: 1 -> 0
  • Spell (Water) BLIZZARD Sockets: [*6*] -> [*5*]
  • Spell (Water) CRASHING WAVE Sockets: [1-4]=[1-4] -> [1-4][1-4]
  • Spell (Water) CRASHING WAVE+A Base Damage -> 4
  • Spell (Water) CRASHING WAVE+A No longer overrides Sockets
  • Spell (Water) CRUSH Sockets: [*5*] -> [*4*]
  • Spell (Water) CRUSH Damage: 7 -> 8
  • Spell (Water) CRUSH+B Damage: 11 -> 10
  • Spell (Water) DIMINISHING BLADE Damage: 6 -> 8
  • Spell (Water) DIMINISHING BLADE+A Sockets: [*10*] -> [*8*]
  • Spell (Water) ENGULF Block: 3 -> 4
  • Spell (Water) ENGULF Charges: 3 -> 2
  • Spell (Water) ENGULF+A Damage: 4 -> 6
  • Spell (Water) ENGULF+B Block: 4 -> 5
  • Spell (Water) EYE OF THE STORM Block: 4 -> 3
  • Spell (Water) EYE OF THE STORM+A Concoction: 1 -> 0
  • Spell (Water) EYE OF THE STORM+A Block -> 4
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Block: 6 -> 8
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Fury: 4 -> 2
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Charges: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD+A Fury: 2 -> 4
  • Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD+A Charges: 1 -> 0
  • Spell (Water) GRASP FLOW Block: 2 -> 1
  • Spell (Water) ICE BLAST+A Damage: 3 -> 4
  • Spell (Water) ICICLE BLADE Sockets: [*4*] -> [*5*]
  • Spell (Water) ICICLE BLADE Damage: 4 -> 5
  • Spell (Water) INCISION Damage: 2 -> 4
  • Spell (Water) INUNDATE Damage: 8 -> 10
  • Spell (Water) OVERCHILL Deplete power: 1 -> 2
  • Spell (Water) OVERCHILL+B Deplete power: 3 -> 2
  • Spell (Water) SEA WARD Charges: 2 -> 3
  • Spell (Water) WATER VORTEX Charges: 2 -> 3
  • Artifact AMULET OF SACRIFICE Redesigned: 'Roll +1 Dice each turn. Each turn: Receive 1 Sap.'
  • Artifact ETHERWEAVE Roll Dice: 2 -> 1
  • Artifact CRUCIBLE Block multiplier: 3 -> 2
  • Artifact FLAME BRAND Cooldown: 12 -> 14
  • Artifact HEAVENLY ACORN Block: 5 -> 4
  • Artifact POISON CORE Poison: 4 -> 5
  • Artifact PROTECTING SPROUTLING Cooldown: 12 -> 14
  • Artifact SIGHT SHIELD Block: 6 -> 5
  • Artifact SEASHELL WAND Redesigned: 'Every 3rd turn: Autocast the rightmost Spell.'
  • Mutator SPELLBREAK Value: 7 -> 8
  • Mutator VITALITY+ Value: 6 -> 7
  • Mutator VITALITY+ Heal: 10 -> 8
  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT+ Target: All -> Leftmost
  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT+ Turn Interval: 3 -> 1
  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT++ Target: Leftmost -> All
  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT++ Turn Interval: 1 -> 3
  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT+++ Value: 6 -> 8
  • Mutator DIMINISHMENT++++ Value: 10 -> 12
  • Mutator ENGORGE+ Value: 12 -> 14
  • Mutator UNRELENTING FOES Value: 5 -> 3
  • Mutator UNRELENTING FOES+ Value: 10 -> 7
  • Mutator JINX Value: 4 -> 6
  • Mutator CATACLYSM Value: 3 -> 4
  • Mutator CATACLYSM+ Value: 5 -> 6
  • Mutator CATACLYSM++ Value: 8 -> 9
  • Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Value: 12 -> 13
  • Mutator DROUGHT++ Value: 7 -> 6
  • Mutator UNWIELDINESS Value: 3 -> 4
  • Mutator UNWIELDINESS+ Value: 5 -> 6
  • Mutator UNWIELDINESS++ Value: 8 -> 9
  • Mutator BLOODLETTING Value: 1 -> 3
  • Mutator BLOODLETTING+ Value: 2 -> 4
  • Mutator BLOODLETTING++ Value: 4 -> 6
  • Mutator HUSH Value: 4 -> 5
  • Mutator HUSH+ Value: 5 -> 7
  • Mutator HUSH++ Value: 6 -> 9
  • Mutator INFECTIOUS ONES Value: 6 -> 10
  • Mutator HARMFUL TWOS Value: 6 -> 10
  • Mutator TOXIC THREES Value: 6 -> 10
  • Mutator STRAINING FOURS Weak: 4 -> 2
  • Mutator FRAIL FIVES Sap: 2 -> 1
  • Mutator PERFORATING SIXES Value: 6 -> 8
  • Mutator PERFORATING SIXES Rupture: 3 -> 2
  • Mutator DEPRIVED+ Value: 4 -> 3
  • Mutator IRRECOVERABLE+++ Value: 10 -> 8
  • Mutator FRAGILE++ Value: 8 -> 7
  • Mutator ESCALATION++ Rupture: 4 -> 3
  • Mutator ESCALATION+++ Rupture: 2 -> 3
  • Mutator ESCALATION++++ Value: 5 -> 6
  • Mutator ESCALATION++++ Rupture: 6 -> 5
  • Mutator ESCALATION+++++ Value: 6 -> 8
  • Mutator ESCALATION+++++ Rupture: 4 -> 5
  • Mutator FUMBLE+++ Value: 4 -> 3
  • Mutator DECREPIT Turn Number: 3 -> 2
  • Mutator DECREPIT+ Sap: 1 -> 2
  • Mutator DECREPIT++ Sap: 2 -> 1
  • Mutator DECREPIT++ Turn Number: 2 -> 1
  • Mutator DECREPIT+++ Sap: 1 -> 2
  • Mutator DECREPIT++++ Sap: 3 -> 4
  • Mutator DECREPIT+++++ Sap: 2 -> 4
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION+ Turn Number: 2 -> 3
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Value: 2 -> 3
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Curse: 3 -> 2
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Turn Number: 3 -> 2
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION+++ Value: 3 -> 4
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION++++ Value: 4 -> 5
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION++++ Curse: 3 -> 4
  • Mutator CONDEMNATION+++++ Value: 5 -> 6
  • Event BLOOD CIRCLE Gift 3: -50% Max Health: Shard -> -40% Max Health: Shard
  • Event GRAVEYARD Changed lose Spell -> disenchant Spell (releases shard)
  • Event RIFT IN REALITY Changed lose Spell -> disenchant Spell (releases shard)
  • Event SHRINE Choose and gain Void Spell 30 -> 25 Gold
  • Event TINKER Choose and gain Void Spell 30 -> 25 Gold
  • Event TRAVELER Stellar Ward -> Random Void [Spell]

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Arkanax’s state changes not working if healed by Mutators.
  • Fixed issue where too few Elites were being placed in rare cases.
  • Fixed Crucible depleting Spells without uses.
  • Fixed missing icons for buttons on certain gamepads.
  • Fixed ultra wide screen dice sometimes rolling offscreen.
  • Fixed Combat Arena's to better accommodate wide screen.
  • Fixed Pyrohide having non-dynamic description.
  • Fixed Icy/Energized dice not previewing correctly.
  • Fixed "Collect void spells" achievement not instantly updating.
  • Fixed Ether + Impure Ritual issue.
  • Fixed Arkanax idle animation jitter.
  • Fixed inhibition interaction with Broken.
  • Fixed Irrecoverable Mutator description.
  • Fixed Marked not increasing Thorns damage.
  • Fixed Flame Storm 'destroy' upgrade, dice destroyed each round no longer triggers.
  • Fixed Artifacts sometimes showing wrong counter value in map.
  • Fixed softlock when killed by drinking potion.
  • Fixed some texts not hooked up to translations.
  • Fixed Hauberk Artifact doesn't reduce damage of Tempest Mutation.
  • Fixed Mystic Hammer affects Power on enemies.
  • Fixed wrong Incendiary tooltip in some cases.
  • Fixed Sanctuary getting into locked button state.
  • Fixed Mutator selection menu button placement.
  • Fixed Weak + Critical/Bloodlust interaction.
  • Fixed broken spell making “dice spent” effects not shown in previews.
  • Fixed missing audio on a few fire spells.

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim & Thorbjørn

Early Access Living Roadmap

Greetings Dice Slingers!

Tim & Thorbjørn here - a huge thanks to everyone who has been playing our game! We are very happy with how the launch has been going, and thrilled to see so many people engaging and enjoying SpellRogue - thank you for all of the love ❤️!

Today we are lifting the veil on our plans for the game in the coming months. Note that this “Living Roadmap” will be adjusted and extended over time as our priorities shift.

We are purposely keeping the roadmap a little vague as we like to continuously reevaluate what is most important for the game. Each line is not necessarily in sequential order nor an update each, but it should provide a general overview of how we are going to develop SpellRogue going forward.

As always, we will continue talking directly with the community and listening to your feedback and ideas, so please let us know what you think on the Steam forums or directly on the SpellRogue Discord!

In other news, we are currently working on the first proper update to the game. The update will mostly address a lot balance issues and bugs, but also add a some new content in the form of a couple of new Spells, Artifacts and Events.

Experimental new Void Spell (and minor redesign of Stygian).

It is not going to be a huge update, but we felt it was important to quickly address some of the (balance) issues you all have been finding. We expect to release it on Steam early next week.

May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim & Thorbjørn

Hotfix #1 - 0.9.0b40

Greetings dice slingers,

It has been great seeing all of you enjoying SpellRogue!

We have just pushed Hotfix #1. This first small update is mainly addressing some minor issues and adding some requested features and resolution options. As a result, some of you may need to change screen resolutions again in the settings, apologies in advance!

Hotfix #1 - 0.9.0b40


  • Added button to reset progress (in settings → general)
  • Added wide screen resolutions in graphics menu.

    Note that some minor graphical issues may appear in combat with a couple of enemies being too tall when playing in widescreen. We are looking into this issue, but it should pose no gameplay issue for now.


  • Fixed clicking empty shard panel picking up invisible shard
  • Fixed dice able to be pulled out of queued up insertion and re-used for multiple spells
  • Fixed achievement “spend 20 dice in countdown spell”
  • Fixed “Inspect Mode” in combat not working in some cases
  • Fixed Giant’s Pouch not updating shop prices in current shop
  • Fixed Overcharge Crystal damage
  • Fixed a few cases of bad/missing translations

SpellRogue - Out Now!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

It is finally happening! SpellRogue is now released in Early Access!


With help from the lovely folks at Ghost Ship we put together a Narrated Trailer, which you can check out below:

As today marks the first day of Early Access, we are extremely pumped to see everyone play, invent combos and delve ever deeper into the Void!

During Early Access we will continue talking directly with the community and listening to your feedback and ideas. The game will be continually updated with more content, bugs fixes and overall improvements to the game. So make sure to let your voice be heard on the Steam forums or directly on the SpellRogue Discord!

We hope you enjoy the game and wish you good fortune in your battles against the Voidwalkers!

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim & Thorbjørn

Early Access on February 12th!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

Good news! SpellRogue is being released into Early Access on February 12th!


Check out the Early Access Trailer below:

We are extremely excited to finally release SpellRogue into Early Access. The game has been developed together with our community for more than 3 years at this point and we're incredibly grateful for everyone who has helped shape SpellRogue into what it is today. We are equally excited to open the floodgates and invite everyone to join us, as we continue to make SpellRogue bigger and better!

As a side note we are taking down the SpellRogue Demo a week ahead of the Early Access release. We are doing this since the Demo is a few months old and no longer represents a slice of the full game. It also means that we can focus entirely on the Early Access release instead!

See you on the 12th of February!

May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim & Thorbjørn

SpellRogue Development Blog #3

Greetings Spellslingers, Tim here!

First off, development is going great and Thorbjørn and I are pumped to pretty soon announce the Early Access release date for SpellRogue! Although our aim was January 2024, we realised we need a few more weeks to get all of our ducks (and spells) in a row. We promise it won’t be long though!

To tide you over during the wait, I’ll quickly cover some of the things we have worked on during the last few months:

The art department (aka yours truly) have been busy polishing Act 3 and creating its inhabitants. The new creatures are arguably the most unique designs yet, so look forward to experiencing the weird and creepy Voidwalkers from the dark beyond.

The Cosmic Spirit will transform itself unless interrupted.

I also finished creating graphics- and animations of all of the 71 Earth Wizard’s spells that are currently in the game. I think Earth magic is shaping up really nice and can’t wait to show you more of the custom art for each spell!

Doubling your power pairs well with multi-attacks!

Meanwhile, Thorbjørn has been busy designing and implementing a slew of features. The world map algorithm has been rewritten, supporting more interesting choices and random events have been (re-)implemented for some unusual choices with unique rewards.

An example of how event choices can have unusual costs.

He is also adding support for translations into other languages (note that we will only support a few different languages on launch), and reworked and improved a bunch of different UI menus.

During these next few weeks we are finalising the last bits, fixing bugs and balancing the game, so we can make sure SpellRogue leaves a great first impression!

Finally, we will be participating in the gaming expo “Copenhagen Gaming Week” on the 12th-14th of January at the Bella Center. So if you’re nearby, come play SpellRogue and chat with us. We will be hanging out at our booth in the Up and Coming section.

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim & Thorbjørn

Watch Tim play the Spellrogue Demo!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

We hope you’re enjoying the demo! Watching so many of you sling dice has been an amazing experience, and we’re hard at work getting the game ready to roll for Early Access in January 2024. If you’re wondering what we’re planning to add, you can check out our roadmap.

During Next Fest, you’ll be able to watch Tim play the game himself while talking about the game and its development. Thorbjørn unfortunately couldn’t make it, he was busy working. We have a launch window, you know.

Truth be told, we had to record this stream in advance – so we may not answer any questions in chat, but we’d be happy to answer questions if you post them in our Discord. Please join and throw any comments our way, we’d love to hear them! Plus, you’d get to roll with other SpellRogue players over there.

Hope to see you at one of the dev streams and on Discord.

May your dice roll true.

Tim and Thorbjørn

Watch Tim play the Spellrogue Demo!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

We hope you’re enjoying the demo! Watching so many of you sling dice has been an amazing experience, and we’re hard at work getting the game ready to roll for Early Access in January 2024. If you’re wondering what we’re planning to add, you can check out our roadmap.

During Next Fest, you’ll be able to watch Tim play the game himself while talking about the game and its development. Thorbjørn unfortunately couldn’t make it, he was busy working. We have a launch window, you know.

Truth be told, we had to record this stream in advance – so we may not answer any questions in chat, but we’d be happy to answer questions if you post them in our Discord. Please join and throw any comments our way, we’d love to hear them! Plus, you’d get to roll with other SpellRogue players over there.

Hope to see you at one of the dev streams and on Discord.

May your dice roll true.

Tim and Thorbjørn