SpellRogue cover
SpellRogue screenshot
Genre: Turn-based strategy (TBS), Indie


Early Access Living Roadmap

Greetings Dice Slingers!

Tim & Thorbjørn here - a huge thanks to everyone who has been playing our game! We are very happy with how the launch has been going, and thrilled to see so many people engaging and enjoying SpellRogue - thank you for all of the love ❤️!

Today we are lifting the veil on our plans for the game in the coming months. Note that this “Living Roadmap” will be adjusted and extended over time as our priorities shift.

We are purposely keeping the roadmap a little vague as we like to continuously reevaluate what is most important for the game. Each line is not necessarily in sequential order nor an update each, but it should provide a general overview of how we are going to develop SpellRogue going forward.

As always, we will continue talking directly with the community and listening to your feedback and ideas, so please let us know what you think on the Steam forums or directly on the SpellRogue Discord!

In other news, we are currently working on the first proper update to the game. The update will mostly address a lot balance issues and bugs, but also add a some new content in the form of a couple of new Spells, Artifacts and Events.

Experimental new Void Spell (and minor redesign of Stygian).

It is not going to be a huge update, but we felt it was important to quickly address some of the (balance) issues you all have been finding. We expect to release it on Steam early next week.

May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim & Thorbjørn

Hotfix #1 - 0.9.0b40

Greetings dice slingers,

It has been great seeing all of you enjoying SpellRogue!

We have just pushed Hotfix #1. This first small update is mainly addressing some minor issues and adding some requested features and resolution options. As a result, some of you may need to change screen resolutions again in the settings, apologies in advance!

Hotfix #1 - 0.9.0b40


  • Added button to reset progress (in settings → general)
  • Added wide screen resolutions in graphics menu.

    Note that some minor graphical issues may appear in combat with a couple of enemies being too tall when playing in widescreen. We are looking into this issue, but it should pose no gameplay issue for now.


  • Fixed clicking empty shard panel picking up invisible shard
  • Fixed dice able to be pulled out of queued up insertion and re-used for multiple spells
  • Fixed achievement “spend 20 dice in countdown spell”
  • Fixed “Inspect Mode” in combat not working in some cases
  • Fixed Giant’s Pouch not updating shop prices in current shop
  • Fixed Overcharge Crystal damage
  • Fixed a few cases of bad/missing translations

SpellRogue - Out Now!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

It is finally happening! SpellRogue is now released in Early Access!


With help from the lovely folks at Ghost Ship we put together a Narrated Trailer, which you can check out below:

As today marks the first day of Early Access, we are extremely pumped to see everyone play, invent combos and delve ever deeper into the Void!

During Early Access we will continue talking directly with the community and listening to your feedback and ideas. The game will be continually updated with more content, bugs fixes and overall improvements to the game. So make sure to let your voice be heard on the Steam forums or directly on the SpellRogue Discord!

We hope you enjoy the game and wish you good fortune in your battles against the Voidwalkers!

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim & Thorbjørn

Early Access on February 12th!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

Good news! SpellRogue is being released into Early Access on February 12th!


Check out the Early Access Trailer below:

We are extremely excited to finally release SpellRogue into Early Access. The game has been developed together with our community for more than 3 years at this point and we're incredibly grateful for everyone who has helped shape SpellRogue into what it is today. We are equally excited to open the floodgates and invite everyone to join us, as we continue to make SpellRogue bigger and better!

As a side note we are taking down the SpellRogue Demo a week ahead of the Early Access release. We are doing this since the Demo is a few months old and no longer represents a slice of the full game. It also means that we can focus entirely on the Early Access release instead!

See you on the 12th of February!

May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim & Thorbjørn

SpellRogue Development Blog #3

Greetings Spellslingers, Tim here!

First off, development is going great and Thorbjørn and I are pumped to pretty soon announce the Early Access release date for SpellRogue! Although our aim was January 2024, we realised we need a few more weeks to get all of our ducks (and spells) in a row. We promise it won’t be long though!

To tide you over during the wait, I’ll quickly cover some of the things we have worked on during the last few months:

The art department (aka yours truly) have been busy polishing Act 3 and creating its inhabitants. The new creatures are arguably the most unique designs yet, so look forward to experiencing the weird and creepy Voidwalkers from the dark beyond.

The Cosmic Spirit will transform itself unless interrupted.

I also finished creating graphics- and animations of all of the 71 Earth Wizard’s spells that are currently in the game. I think Earth magic is shaping up really nice and can’t wait to show you more of the custom art for each spell!

Doubling your power pairs well with multi-attacks!

Meanwhile, Thorbjørn has been busy designing and implementing a slew of features. The world map algorithm has been rewritten, supporting more interesting choices and random events have been (re-)implemented for some unusual choices with unique rewards.

An example of how event choices can have unusual costs.

He is also adding support for translations into other languages (note that we will only support a few different languages on launch), and reworked and improved a bunch of different UI menus.

During these next few weeks we are finalising the last bits, fixing bugs and balancing the game, so we can make sure SpellRogue leaves a great first impression!

Finally, we will be participating in the gaming expo “Copenhagen Gaming Week” on the 12th-14th of January at the Bella Center. So if you’re nearby, come play SpellRogue and chat with us. We will be hanging out at our booth in the Up and Coming section.

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim & Thorbjørn

Watch Tim play the Spellrogue Demo!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

We hope you’re enjoying the demo! Watching so many of you sling dice has been an amazing experience, and we’re hard at work getting the game ready to roll for Early Access in January 2024. If you’re wondering what we’re planning to add, you can check out our roadmap.

During Next Fest, you’ll be able to watch Tim play the game himself while talking about the game and its development. Thorbjørn unfortunately couldn’t make it, he was busy working. We have a launch window, you know.

Truth be told, we had to record this stream in advance – so we may not answer any questions in chat, but we’d be happy to answer questions if you post them in our Discord. Please join and throw any comments our way, we’d love to hear them! Plus, you’d get to roll with other SpellRogue players over there.

Hope to see you at one of the dev streams and on Discord.

May your dice roll true.

Tim and Thorbjørn

Watch Tim play the Spellrogue Demo!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

We hope you’re enjoying the demo! Watching so many of you sling dice has been an amazing experience, and we’re hard at work getting the game ready to roll for Early Access in January 2024. If you’re wondering what we’re planning to add, you can check out our roadmap.

During Next Fest, you’ll be able to watch Tim play the game himself while talking about the game and its development. Thorbjørn unfortunately couldn’t make it, he was busy working. We have a launch window, you know.

Truth be told, we had to record this stream in advance – so we may not answer any questions in chat, but we’d be happy to answer questions if you post them in our Discord. Please join and throw any comments our way, we’d love to hear them! Plus, you’d get to roll with other SpellRogue players over there.

Hope to see you at one of the dev streams and on Discord.

May your dice roll true.

Tim and Thorbjørn

Road to Early Access

Greetings Dice Slingers,

Happy Steam Next Fest everyone. If you haven’t noticed, SpellRogue now has a demo out! It's been great to see all the new people playing and enjoying the game 😊.

We recently announced on Ghostship Games' live stream "On the Horizon", SpellRogue will be released in Early Access in January 2024, so just a couple of months left!

There are only a few more things we want to get done before release, and we wanted to let you know what is to come, so we put this development roadmap together:

To explain the plan further we will periodically post “Dev blogs” that will delve deeper into game mechanics and exactly how we are working to improve the game (next up, we will explain what "Map Rework" entails, and why we believe it is important).

Please also keep in mind that we are developing the game together with the community, so we would love to hear your opinion about which features you want to see in the game (discord)!

May your dice roll true.

Tim and Thorbjørn

Demo out now!

Greetings Dice Slingers,

Surprise! Today we are releasing a Demo of SpellRogue!
If you have been waiting for a chance to try out SpellRogue, the demo is a great way to get a taste of what the full game is like.

The demo features “Lapis” the Azure Seer and is limited to Act 1 & 2, but otherwise you will (almost) experience the full experience - even part of the "new game+" features is available!

Simply head on over to the SpellRogue steam page and click the Download button:

For returning playtesters: We have made major improvements to the UI, completely overhauled sound effects, and improved/balanced a ton of enemy gameplay and water spells. Check out the overview for 0.8.9 below:

SpellRogue 0.8.9 - Demonstration of Water

Visit Discord for the full balance changelog.


  • Major audio overhaul: A ton of new custom sound effects, wizard/enemy VO and ambience.
  • Map flavor: Added Portal tiles to map, and zoom animation when entering Combat/Portal.
  • Gamepad support improvements.
  • Screenshake power now based on damage. Added option to disable screenshake in options.

Design & content

  • Major rework of enemy gameplay and encounter combinations.
  • Redesign and rebalanced of 30+ water Spells.
  • Redesigned Water loadout B Signature spell, and switched places for B and C.
  • Void map now has 7 levels.
  • Balance tweaks to a few Void Mutators and Artifacts.

Graphics & UI

  • New splash screen and intro sequence.
  • UI overhaul: Streamlined visual style and reworked some menus.
  • Added custom mouse cursor.
  • Reworked Spellbook upgrading, Shards are now drag-and-dropped into Spells/Spell-slots.
  • Improved some enemy animations and visual effects (mainly act 1 enemies).
  • Potions now always use dropdown with "Use” and +"Throw away".
  • Added screenshot button in Summary (share your strategy and runs!).
  • Added patch notes tab to pause-menu.
  • Added Achievement hints at start of runs.
  • Tutorial menu, shown in first playthrough and available in settings.
  • Moved "continue/abandon game" functionality to Wizard Select screen.

Bug fixing

  • Fixed Root- and Heart of the Forest animation stuttering.
  • Fixed Artifacts playing wrong (rarity) VFX.
  • Fixed visual issues when opening Summary.
  • Fixed a few effects missing or using wrong tooltips.
  • Fixed Broken & Mute interactions.
  • Fixed Cold Snap + Tempus + Inscribe interaction (infinite loop)
  • Fixed Spell Echo & Tempus interaction.
  • Fixed Spell Echo & Amalgamate interaction.
  • Fixed Fool's Hope Charm & Life-Skein (triggering twice).

And countless other bugs and issues.

We hope you enjoy, and may your dice roll true!

Tim & Thorbjørn.

Gamescom and End of Playtest #2

Greetings Dice Slingers,

We’re back from Gamescom this week. We went there to showcase SpellRogue, and some of the first articles are now showing up in the wild. TechRadar Gaming for instance is very positive in their article about SpellRogue!

In other news, we are ending Playtest #2 on Monday the 4th, so this weekend is a great time to jump in and try it out. We want to thank everyone who participated already, and a big shout out to everyone discussing strategies and reporting bugs on Discord - we couldn’t make the game without you guys! ♥️

If you did not win the playtest lottery, fear not as we have some exciting news coming your way very soon!

That’s all for now, have a great weekend and may your dice roll true 🎲

Tim & Thorbjørn.