Star Citizen cover
Star Citizen screenshot
Linux PC
Genre: Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Star Citizen

Star Citizen Alpha 3.22.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.22.1

Alpha Patch 3.22.1 has been released and is now available on the LIVE Environment!
Patch should now show: VERSION 3.22.1-LIVE.9072370.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost.
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • The San’tok.yai and X1 flight tuning is not fully complete and will require tuning in a later release
  • The Final Boss NPC won’t spawn during the Illegal Retrieve Consignment Mission (Legal version still spawns correctly)
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles – When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend (STARC-86292)
  • Stanton – Ship to Station Docking – Docking arm on LEOs does not disengage correctly, causing the ship to be impounded (STARC-49759)
  • PU – Locations – Transit – Elevators – Elevator is missing, no carriage, mesh or doors and player falls through if they walk in (STARC-62581)
  • PU – Multiweapon – Multiple weapons do not have recoil when shot (STARC-94529)
  • PU – Locations / Missions / AI – Too many AI are spawning during the Additional Derelict missions (STARC-73170)
  • PU – Stanton – Locations / UI – AR Marker showing your assigned hangar does not appear (STARC-83819)
  • PU – Stanton – Actor Status / Medical / Respawn – Unable to move after respawning and long load times (STARC-81772)
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles / Physics – Vehicles with revised ground vehicle physics suffer excessive vibration at low speeds or when stopped (STARC-82528)
  • PU – Stanton – RSI Constellation Series – Vehicles / Docking – Snub Fighter cannot request docking clearance (STARC-86519)
  • PU – Stanton – Locations / Interactables / Actor – Comm Array – The insert interaction for the cryptokey occasionally lost (STARC-92241)
  • PU – Stanton – Derelict Settlement – Multiple Locations – AI – AI are spawning together in group and they can be slow to leave their spawn points (STARC-95361)
  • New Player Experience – Players can spawn with unintended armor on
  • PU – Stanton – Actor – Players can become stuck in bed upon login (STARC-96822 Fixed in Later Build)
  • PU – Stanton – Mining / UI – Player is unable to mine asteroids as scan info does not appear (STARC-97113)
  • PU – Stanton – Starmap – Locations / UI – Multiple Derelict settlement’s QT markers are not present on the starmap as intended (STARC-96240)
  • MULTIVEHICLE – PU – Vehicles / VFX – Vehicle debris detaches from the ship skeleton on hard death leaving floating VFX and art floating in mid-air (STARC-93866)
  • PU – Controls – Keybindings – Double Key bind / Modifiers Not Working (STARC-94351)

Feature Updates


  • Gravlev Balance Updates

Updated acceleration restrictions to gravlev player height changes. Full Balance Pass for performance changes for all gravlev vehicles.

  • Distortion Temporary Changes

Distortion damage has been effectively removed from all item except power plants and dashboards. This is a temporary measure until we rework how distortion damage penetrates vehicle hulls. Shields now have a 75% to 95% resistance against distortion weapons (based on power triangle assignment).

  • Updated mining item descriptions and HUD to reference Inert Material Level instead of filtering
  • Added a mild push impulse force on catastrophic shatter of mineables (with a smaller force for FPS variants)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause aUEC purchased ships to be lost from LTP after a patch

This LTP bug fix will take affect going into future updates but not going into 3.22.1. This issue was sometimes causing ships that were insurance claimed to become unsaved from LTP unless the ship was ASOP spawned and then restored into a location.

  • UGF Elevators should no longer go missing
  • Fixed an issue causing the Klesher elevator to not be present for players exiting prison
  • Mercury Star Runner AI in HRT Bounty Hunter missions should no longer spawn as civilians
  • The “Perform Treatment” text should now appear correctly when using the treatment menu in medical beds
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Target Attackers” hotkey to not select the target that is target locking onto you
  • Fixed an issue causing some hostile AI drop their weapon when entering combat
  • Emitting flares/decoys from large ships should no longer cause massive server hitching
  • Distortion damage should no longer cause severe performance decreases proportionate to ship size
  • Esperia Blade should no longer be missing its personal storage
  • Toggling the Engine of Ground Vehicles should no longer cause the Engine SFX to Play at full volume, even when idle
  • Fixed an issue causing invulnerable areas around weapon Syulen hardpoints
  • The Proximity sensor doors on the Drake Corsair should now properly respond to players
  • Fixed an issue causing the Reclaimer bridge to fill up with fog when quantum traveling to MIC L1
  • The interior ambient machinery audio volume should no longer be overly loud in the Hercules Starlifter
  • Fixed an issue causing the ROC Mining Laser to not be able to be activated
  • Fixed an issue causing all energy-based weapons to show “0/0” in Ammo count on ships and not be able to fire
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Refinery Kiosks to be stuck at “Signing out”
  • Player tractor beans should no longer fail to work on a container if multiple players interact with the same cargo container using a Tractor Beam at the same time
  • Players should no longer be able to land ships at the transit platforms of the Lorville Central Business District, blocking access to the entire area
  • Fixed an issue causing the small windmill towers around the derelict settlements to be missing collision


  • Fixed 5 Client crashes
  • Fixed 4 Server crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock

Arena Commander 3.22.1 Patch Notes

New Experimental Mode: Grav Race

Feel the rush in this exciting new Experimental Mode featuring Grav-lev vehicles racing through 5 new maps: The Snake Pit, The Snake Pit (Reverse), Clio Islands, Rivers Edge & Shifting Sands.

Master Modes: 3.22.1 Update

Master Modes is testing becomes more important than ever in Arena Commander 3.22.1 with another large update to this special test of the upcoming system.

New Game Mode: Master Modes: Pirate Swarm (Special AI Test)

We are conducting a very special test of brand-new AI behaviours, focusing on closer engagements and more aggressive traits. Tuned specifically for Master Modes. Play through 13 waves, experience 1v1s and new wingmen. Although the waves are different regular Pirate Swarm will remain active for comparison with the current AI behaviours.

This mode replaces Master Modes: Endless Vanduul Swarm

Atmospheric Maps

We have enabled atmospheric maps across all Master Mode game modes to assist in testing Master Modes in more environments. It is important to note that this patch does NOT include the “Control Surfaces” atmospheric flight model demonstrated at Citizen Con 2953.

New Ships

A wider selection of ships has been introduced to all Master Modes tests.

- P-52, Snub Interceptor
- Gladius, Light Fighter
- Buccaneer, Medium Interceptor
- Super Hornet F7C-M, Medium Fighter
- Vanguard Warden, Heavy Fighter
- Constellation Andromeda, Medium Gunship
- Hammerhead, Anti-Fighter Corvette*

Excluded from Master Modes: Classic Race*

More Details

- Adjusted capacitor tunings
- Rotational buffs under boosting now depend on capacitor assignment
- Retuned shield strength
- All fighters now utilize “bubble” shields.

HP changes

- Slightly reduced health of Buccaneer
- Slightly reduced health of Super Hornet


- Set pitch yaw limiters to ellipsoid in Master Modes
- Rotational speed and acceleration modifiers for boosting are now dependent of the capacitor assignment (50% to 100%)
- Capacitor assignment will not affect the boost burn times unless you are flying an interceptor
- Reduced overall pool but increased regen by 50%.
- No regen difference in NAV vs SCM mode for boost capacity
- Adjusted regen delays (Snubs: 0.25s, LF: 0.5s, MF: 0.75s, HF: 1s, Connie: 2s, Hammerhead: 3s)
- Slightly reduced rotation rates of F7CM and Vanguard


- Shield regen overall has been reduced
- S1 and S2 shield generators turned into bubbles for now
- S2 shields are weaker (due to the bubble)
- Capacitor assignment has now a much bigger impact on the resistance (energy 0% to 50%, Ballistics 0% to 25%)
- Shield reserve pool in NAV made can now hold 100% of the shield generator’s health)


- Reduced regen delays (0.25s for anti-fighter, 0.5s for unspecialized)
- Reduced ammo speed of all MM weapons, P-52 ammo increased
- Added custom KRIG gun for P-52 Merlin
- Removed heat from Master Modes energy weapons

Mode Update: Gun Rush

Weapons of the ‘verse are currently being updated across the board, with this several weapons featured in Gun Rush no longer provide the best experience. To temporarily address this concern, we have updated several ranks in the mode:- note that all ranks have been reduced by one due to the removal of one.

Rank 1: FS9 -> Demico
Rank 2: Custodian -> FS-9
Rank 3: Lumin -> C54
Rank 4: ArcLight -> P8-SC
Rank 5: Salvo -> Coda
Rank 6: GP-33 (Grenade Launcher) -> LH86
Rank 7: Gallant -> P6-LR
Rank 8: S71 -> P4-AR
Rank 9: Ravager-212 Twin -> Karna
Rank 10: Devastator -> GP-33 (Grenade Launcher)
Rank 11: P6-LR -> BR-2 Shotgun
Rank 12: Arrowhead -> S-38
Rank 13: Railgun -> Scalpel
Rank 14: Atzkav Sniper (unchanged)
Rank 15: Knife. (unchanged)

System & Balance

Disabled Ballistic Persistence

Ballistic Persistence, a system which had you respawn with the same ammo you had upon death, has been disabled in all game modes to see the effects on ballistics in Arena Commander instances.

UI Message Queuing

Resolving several issues related to UI messages overlapping/overriding each other by introducing messaging queuing, messages should now play one after another and restore “Status” messages rather than clearing them when a new message appears.

Kill Confirmed Vehicle Scoring

Kill Confirmed (Vehicle) pickups will now award based on the value of the destroyed vehicle.

Spawn Screen Improvements

Several improvements have been made to the UI user experience of the Spawn Screen based on feedback. Including closing the vehicle selection in more ways, a list view of available multicrew ships which is always available, more information on who and how many are aboard a selected vehicle before spawning and more!

Disabled Maps

The following maps are being disabled due several unresolved bugs causing them to no longer reach our release standards. We hope to address the concerns for the next major release.

- Bloodshot Ridge – Disabled in all FPS modes
- Makers Point – Disabled in all FPS modes
- Winners Circle – Disabled in all Masters Modes modes


- Disabled Ready System in Squadron Battle
- Improved Team Balancing, to highly prefer keeping Squads together.
- Scoreboard in Racing game modes will now display players in order of race position, rather than Lap/Score.
- Fixed an issue where Death Info would show absurdly high numbers in cases of over-damage.
- Fixed an issue where Death Info got stuck on screen.
- Fixed an issue where “Return to Simulation” appeared during spawn process.
- Fixed an issue where players were getting AFK kicked after running out of lives in Duo Showdown & Swarm modes.
- Fixed an issue that caused Master Modes: Classic Race to have the wrong lap counts
- Fixed an issue where the Ready System UI would not appear correctly in certain cases
- (Game Wide) Fixed an issue that caused grav-lev “anti-fall” to not trigger across rivers

Star Citizen Alpha 3.22.0a

Star Citizen Patch 3.22.0a

Alpha Patch 3.22.0a has been released and is now available on the LIVE Environment!
Patch should now show: VERSION 3.22.0-LIVE.9035564.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000
Characters in this new environment have been built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost.

Known Issues

  • The San’tok.yai and X1 flight tuning is not fully complete and will require tuning in a later release
  • The Final Boss NPC won’t spawn during the Illegal Retrieve Consignment Mission (Legal version still spawns correctly)
  • PU – Stanton – Underground Facility / UGF – AI – AI enemies get stuck in a walking animation
  • Stanton – Tractor Beam / Physics / Cargo – Sometimes when utilizing the tractor beam to move cargo within a ship, the cargo will snap outside of the ship
  • Stanton – Spawn Closet – Mission Content / AI – Enemy AI can spawn out of bounds of their intended spawn points
  • Stanton – Mission Feature – UGF missions – Remaining hostiles AI not spawning in UGF bunker mission
  • Pu – Vehicles – Repair services – Unable to repair vehicles that have been soft deathed
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles – When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend
  • PU – Stanton – ASOP / Fleet Manager – ATC – When retrieving a ship it may spawn outside the hangar it is assigned to
  • PU – Stanton – Area18/GrimHex – Locations / Inventory / Respawn – Player loses loadout and equipped items after dying in the armistice zone
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles / UI – Vehicle HUD – When the missiles charge the UI does not update to reflect when they are ready to be fired
  • PU – Stanton – Actor – Player Spawning – Multiple Locations – When multiple players attempt to log in to the same location at the same time they may be assigned the same bed; those that spawn in after the initial player will be stuck
  • Origin 890 Jump – PU – Vehicles – Fleet Manager – When a vehicle is landed in the hangar of the 890J, the 890J can no longer stow correctly via ASOP/Fleet Manager or on logout
  • PU – Tractor Beam / Physics – When multiple players interact with the same cargo container using a Tractor Beam, those players’ tractor beams may no longer work correctly on that container
  • Multivehicle – PU/AC – Vehicles / Weapons / Ship Components – All energy-based weapons state “0/0” in Ammo count on naturally spawned ships and cannot fire
  • Multivehicle – Vehicles / UI – Inner Thought – Player cannot exit the ship by using the “Exit Seat” option in PIT

Feature Updates


  • Increased Damage Output and Health of Defense Turrets Around the PU


  • Bounty Ship Cargo Balance Pass

NPC Bounty contract ships have had their cargo manifest amounts lowered for Economy Balance.

Ships and Vehicles

  • San’tok.yai Audio Polish Pass

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing the ATC to fail to detect vehicles within the loading zone or fail to initiate cargo transfers
  • Using a tractor beam to move ships should no longer severely impact client framerate
  • Fixed multiple issues causing shuttle transit at Orison to stop and become stranded before reaching its destination
  • Fixed an issue causing tractor beams to fail to work on a container when multiple players interact with the same cargo container using a tractor Beam
  • Klescher Rehabilitation Facility transit elevator should no longer go missing or block players from exiting prison
  • Fixed an issue causing ship maneuvering to fail when a player with a Tier 1 injury is sitting in the co-pilot seat
  • Fixed an issue causing large sections of the Cutlass Black’s hull to be invulnerable to damage
  • The external fuel rack on the Drake Cutter Rambler should now provide its correct quantum fuel capacity
  • Landing pad turrets at Security Post Kareah should no longer despawn when streamed out
  • Fixed an issue causing melee takedowns on NPC enemies to not count as mission kills
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Undersuits to be permanently lost when equipping armor
  • Selling at the Commodity Kiosk should no longer sometimes display a “Transaction Cost Mismatch” dialogue or be limited to selling one unit At a time
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Server FPS to drop when trying to repair a snub ship from a constellation with a custom loadout
  • Players should now be able to correctly press charges when ship is being towed by another player without permission
  • Weapons should no longer fail to shoot and holster themselves after using medpens while sprinting
  • Fixed an issue causing Missiles, Bombs, and Torpedo’s to disappear immediately after traveling a short distance from the player
  • Mercury Star Runner AI in HRT bounty missions should no longer spawn as civilians

Siege of Orison Bug Fixes

Fixes applied since previous mission run on LIVE

  • IFFI Container code on Lieutenant’s tablet should no longer display as “0”
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the island boss not to spawn
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Lieutenant to spawn and get stuck under their spawn location
  • Re-streaming in a Crusader platform after other players have left it should no longer cause Crusader Ships to be destroyed
  • Fixed an issue causing the data hack screen to reset after being stopped by leaving the room and returning
  • Fixed an issue causing the Siege of Orison mission to not tell players to leave the platforms to complete the mission
  • Fixed multiple floating loot boxes located on Admin Center platforms
  • Siege of Orison barge should no longer go missing on admin platform after multiple mission runs on the same shard
  • Fixed an issue causing Siege FPS AI to not leave their open spawn closets
  • Anti Air (AA) should now correctly shutdown after disabling IFFI
  • AI will occasionally slide when moving in and out of cover
  • Spawn closets located at the Barge should now spawn FPS AI correctly
  • Eliminating an Island Boss before their marker appears should no longer cause mission objectives to fail or update from that point onwards
  • Players should no longer be able to fly Crusader Ships out of the mission area
  • Dulli comms audio should no longer constantly spam players once the code is obtained at Solanki Platform


  • Fixed 4 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 10 Server Crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock

Star Citizen Alpha 3.22.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.22.0

Alpha Patch 3.22.0 has been released and is now available to test on the LIVE Environment! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.22.0-LIVE.9003376.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Short Term Database Reset: Yes
Long Term Persistence Data Base Reset: No
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • The San’tok.yai and Xl flight tuning is not fully complete and will require tuning in a later release
  • AC – Player can get stuck in “Exiting to Menu” message when attempting to exit any offline mode in AC (Workaround: Open the console with ~ and type ‘quit’ and hit enter)
  • The Final Boss NPC won’t spawn during the Illegal Retrieve Consignment Mission (Legal version still spawns correctly)
  • PU – Actor / UI – Character spawned headless with EVA crosshair always on screen
  • Multivehicle – PU – Ships / Vehicles / Weapons – Missiles, Bombs, and Torpedo’s disappear immediately after traveling a short distance from the player
  • PU – Stanton – Underground Facility / UGF – AI – AI enemies get stuck in a walking animation
  • Stanton – Tractor Beam / Physics / Cargo – Sometimes when utilizing the tractor beam to move cargo within a ship, the cargo will snap outside of the ship
  • Stanton – Spawn Closet – Mission Content / AI – Enemy AI can spawn out of bounds of their intended spawn points
  • Stanton – Mission Feature – UGF missions – Remaining hostiles AI not spawning in UGF bunker mission
  • PU – Vehicles – Repair services – Unable to repair vehicles that have been soft deathed
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles – When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend
  • PU – Stanton – ASOP / Fleet Manager – ATC – When retrieving a ship it may spawn outside the hangar it is assigned to
  • PU – Stanton – Area18/GrimHex – Locations / Inventory / Respawn – Player loses loadout and equipped items after dying in the armistice zone
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles / UI – Vehicle HUD – When the missiles charge the UI does not update to reflect when they are ready to be fired
  • PU – Stanton – Actor – Player Spawning – Multiple Locations – When multiple players attempt to log in to the same location at the same time they may be assigned the same bed; those that spawn in after the initial player will be stuck
  • Origin 890 Jump – PU – Vehicles – Fleet Manager – When a vehicle is landed in the hangar of the 890J, the 890J can no longer stow correctly via ASOP/Fleet Manager or on logout
  • PU – Tractor Beam / Physics – When multiple players interact with the same cargo container using a Tractor Beam, those players’ tractor beams may no longer work correctly on that container
  • Multivehicle – PU/AC – Vehicles / Weapons / Ship Components – All energy-based weapons state “0/0” in Ammo count on naturally spawned ships and cannot fire
  • Multivehicle – Vehicles / UI – Inner Thought – Player cannot exit the ship by using the “Exit Seat” option in PIT

New Features


  • Additional Derelict Settlements

Inclusion of 15 new Derelict Settlements with both mission gameplay, social elements, and shops. These new inhabited settlements are spread throughout the wildernesses of Hurston and microTech using the Rastar tool with a larger, expanded library of new and existing assets. Some locations are accessible via the Starmap while other new settlements are more discrete and appear behind missions. All NPCs at these locations are neutral, making up a population of independent civilians and members of the Dusters faction and have been updated to use the new hair tech and faction clothing.

New Hurston Locations Include: Zephyr, Maker’s Point, Ludlow, Pickers Field, Finn’s Folly, Weeping Cove, Cutter’s Rig, and Rappel.
New MicroTech Locations Include: Frostbite, Razor’s Edge, Bloodshot Ridge, Harper’s Point, Astor’s Clearing, Moreland Hills, and Dunboro.


  • Salvage: Structural

Implementing the ability to transform large chunks of metal salvaged from ships into a refinable material.

Structural salvage is the next step in the salvage profession. Initially, It will bring additional functionality to the two salvage ships, The DRAKE Vulture and AEGIS Reclaimer. It will allow players to convert full ships into the resources RMC and Construction Components that can be sold or used to craft multiple items using the filler station. It will also bring an update to the way material is stored on the salvage ships. It will introduce the concept of “internal storage” which is a buffer in the ship that will fill. This buffer storage size will depend on the size of the salvaging ship with the Reclaimer getting a 240 SCU buffer while the Vulture receives a 13 SCU buffer. Once full, the buffer storage needs to be emptied using the filler station. For Reclaimer owners, the salvage mode is only operable from the co-pilot seat. The Reclaimer salvage terminal can now export size 1, 2, 8, and 16 SCU cargo containers.

Salvage Functionality is now split into multiple segments after entering Salvaging Mode (Default Keybind: M):
Hull Scraping (Default Keybind: G): The Current Salvage System to remove the hull from ships. If the Hull is not scraped off the material is lost in the process when moving onto steps 2-3.
Fracturing Mode (Default Keybind: RightAlt+W): This mode will break up intact ships or derelicts into smaller pieces
Disintegration (Default Keybind: RightAlt+S): This mode will generate the resource from the broken down pieces

To start Fracturing Mode on a ship, point to the ship you want to fracture and enter Fracturing mode. Once fracture mode has been started, the ship will then break apart in a certain period of time based on the size of the ship.

To Start Disintegration Mode, point to the newly fragmented parts of a ship and engage the Disintegration mode to break apart the chunks and collect them into the salvage buffer storage of your ship. Fracture/Disintegration field salvage speed is linearly proportional base on position and distances.

Once the salvage material fills the buffer storage, have the filler station fill a commodity box and move to the ship’s cargo grid.

  • Inventory: Openable Cargo Containers

3.22 adds openable cargo containers, allowing players to be able to store commodities and items in. These new 1, 2, 4, and 8 SCU containers can be purchased and sold through shops and dropped from your location inventory into your ship cargo grid. These new cargo containers allow contents to be sold individually, as well as the containers themselves, in which case any unsold contents will be sent to the inventory the container is being held in.

This also includes work for tractor beams that will make it so cargo is locked onto cargo grids when the ship is locked by the door integrity. Meaning as long as the integrity is sufficient, cargo cannot be removed from cargo grids except by the owner or party members. It is considered a law infraction if Stolen off a cargo grid in a Monitored Zone.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Ship: Aopoa San’tok.yāi
  • Added New Vehicles: Origin X1, X1 Velocity, and X1 Force

Feature Updates


  • Player Hair Update

Updating the Star Citizen character customizer with 20 hairstyles from Squadron 42 using our latest hair tech. This includes the addition of new, longer hairstyles along with updates and changes to existing short hairstyles.


  • Updated MicroTech Locations With Denser Forests
  • Increased Crusader Planet Comm Array Range to Encompass All of the Planet


  • Procedural Weapon Recoil and FPS Combat Balance

Introduction of Procedural Weapon Aim Recoil to FPS combat. With this update we have overhauled the recoil of the majority of the weapons to use the new and improved procedural recoil tool shown at CitizenCon, this will improve the diversity of the weapon sandbox allowing each weapon to fulfil a more specific and niche role whilst allowing for more intense visual recoil.

Overall you will find greater weapon variety in how weapons play and feel with tweaks such as weapons now having consistent recoil patterns and the removal of ADS spread.
- Full Weapon Reworks: The Arclight Pistol has had a full rework and is now a burst pistol with an alt fire mode of single fire. The LH86 Pistol is now fully automatic.
- Fire Rate Changes: Demenco, S71, and P4AR have all been reworked to increase their fire rates. Lumin V burst delay has been decreased.
- Force Reaction Updates: Forces have been tweaked across a range of weapons to make knockdowns only occur in situations where that would ‘feel’ that should occur. This should appear as an overall reduction in staggers & knockdowns.
- Other changes include balances to sniper rifles to avoid players in heavy armor being 1 shot when hit by a sniper rifle while still allowing this to happen to players wearing medium armor.

Along with weapon balance changes we have adjusted player health, damage modifiers, and medical to increase time to kill (TTK).
- Damage modifiers have been adjusted to allow for more consistent fire fights & times. Removed increased stamina costs on limb HP pools being low. Removed movement speed penalty on limb HP pools being low. Medical Pens will now fully heal players.
This is overall the first pass major pass towards a new TTK goal, the FPS team is eager to hear feedback about how you feel about the current values!

  • Tractor/Towing UI Updates

Made several UI positional changes to help increase readability. Several updates include: Deflection flipped in SRV cockpit, range bar ease factor, target name above status, force bar fixes and includes centering force, throttle/gimbal widgets hidden in turrets, towing UI scale-up, turret orientation feedback more marked, radar plane more perspective, range bar readability improvements

  • Ship Mining Balance Pass

Adjustment to scaling for ship mineable nodes to adjust mining to trend slightly closer to Prospector difficulties.

  • Added New Vehicles to PU Shops: MIRAI Furys, and MISC Hull C
  • Armor Shop Prices Have All Been Increased Across the Board. (Excluding Flight Suits and Undersuits)

Ships and Vehicles

  • Shield Components Have Been Removed from Most Bikes
  • Gravlev Vehicles are Now Considered Ground Vehicles When Spawning at ASOP Terminals
  • Adjusted Spring Stiffness for Hover Bikes

Weapons and Items

  • Updated Behring FS-9 Ballistic LMG to an ammo count of 75
  • Updated the R97 Shotgun to an ammo count of 18
  • Reduced Damage and Speed of the Ksar Ballistic Sniper Rifle Projectile
  • Reduced LH86 Pistol Damage

Core Tech

  • Front-End Style Update
Updated menu title text, colors, and logos. Updated Button Styles and button state changes (idle/over/down/disabled), added messaging and UI info for Friends / Party / notification lists. Updated secondary title type size (ex: Primary Residence and Current Location titles). Updated frontend tooltips explaining why a server can’t be changed to include crash recovery as well as combat logging.
  • AI On Foot Performance Optimizations

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing many AI in UGF locations to fall through the floor and stairs
  • Fixed an issue causing AI enemies to be slow to respond to player location and actions
  • Fixed an issue causing entities such as cargo boxes to slide on all ship lifts during animation
  • Fixed an issue causing a larger than intended increase of entity count when loading into Orison
  • Fixed an issue causing enemy ships to not spawn in unless the player is within 12 km of them (Should be more than 20+ KM now)
  • Fixed an issue causing vehicles to stream out at much shorter distances than intended
  • Player ships should no longer disappear and strand players in space randomly when Quantum Travelling
  • Fixed visarea and lighting issues on freelancer cockpit and rear ramp
  • Undersuits should no longer have a chance to be permanently lost when you equip a helmet
  • Put in further fixes to help resolve wheeled ground vehicles continuously vibrating when stationary in atmo
  • Fixed an issue that was causing player health damage to not correctly apply to the actor status UI on client-side
  • Fixed many locations having “Replace Me Balls” around forest biomes on MicroTech
  • Fixed Structural Salvage AR progression animation in client not playing correctly
  • Fixed an issue causing players to occasionally phase out of their streaming radius, causing the area to unstream and stream back in with collision issues
  • Tumbril Storm AA missile loadout can now be changed in VMA for the Storm
  • Fixed Structural Salvage AR progression animation in client
  • Both NPCs of New Deal Ship Shop should no longer share identical voiceset dialogue
  • The gurneys in the elevator shaft of the medical drop off locations should no longer be missing
  • The Greycat STV passenger seat should now have correct interaction
  • Players should now be able to press [W] to leave the seats inside a transit shuttles
  • Lorville tram tunnels should no longer appear solid black after the tram leaves
  • Fixed an issue causing the Argo SRV to sometimes nobe be able to re-engage the tow beam on a ground vehicle
  • The Vulture’s cockpit glass should no longer be obscured with lights when any non-default tint is applied
  • The entire “asphalt” surface at ground level in Area18 should no longer be missing collision


  • Fixed 6 Client crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server crashes
  • Fixed a Service Crash
  • Fixed a Client Deadlock

Arena Commander 3.22.0 Patch Notes

Arena Commander 3.22 introduces many exciting, new ways to play including the much anticipated addition of Multicrew Gameplay, brand new Experimental Modes, the next iteration of Master Modes, alongside an abundance of new quality of life, balance, and achievements. Check out all the details below and we look forward to playing with you all! o7

Multicrew & Spawn Locations

Multicrew finally comes to Arena Commander. Experience Multicrew gameplay in Squadron Battle, Team Tank Battle, Free Flight and Swarm modes. Spawn as Turret or Crew and battle it out with your opponents. Do not forget that you can customize your FPS loadout from the Frontend to equip gear to play scenarios or board enemy ships!

In-Game Vehicle Selection

Gone are the days when forgetting to pick your vehicle before the game starts locked you into a fierce battle of cat and mouse. In-Game Vehicle Selection now allows you to pick which vehicle you want to use in-game and switch between respawns in all dogfighting modes. This includes a new “Slots” system allowing you to switch and customize between 4 vehicle slots.

Endless Vanduul Swarm

Original Systems extends great appreciation to all those who partook in the “Master Modes: Endless Vanduul Swarm” Experimental Mode playtests. We’re pleased to announce after overwhelmingly positive and constructive feedback that the core Vanduul Swarm mode is being replaced with Endless Vanduul Swarm.
Following feedback from the Master Modes tests we have made changes to the difficulty & balance of the game mode.

See below for all the new achievements associated with the game mode!

Experimental Modes

Experimental Modes are limited time game modes which rotate throughout a patch cycle. Be sure to check in with Arena Commander each week to play a new Experimental Mode!
Play every experimental mode in a patch to be eligible for the “999th Test Squadron” Spectrum Badge!
You can view the schedule here:

Gun Rush

We wanted to first take a moment to announce here that Gun Rush, our first ever experimental mode, is now the first experimental mode to be promoted to a Core game mode. Experience Gun Rush anytime through the patch cycle as an ‘always on’ mode! To celebrate you can earn 1.5x REC for playing the mode!

Kill Collector

Kill Collector has players fight for more than just kills. In this fast paced 12 player elimination style mode where killing opponents drops more than their bodies. Collect the dropped trophies to earn points and ultimately, win.

Team Elimination

UEE vs Pirates, a tale as old as time. Battle it out in this 12 vs 12 team deathmatch mode and declare victory for your team.

Duo Showdown

Debuted during CitizenCon 2953 Arena Commander introduces Duo Showdown. Utilize teamwork and coordinate together in this best-of-three dogfighting mode that’ll put more than just your piloting skills to the test.

Tank Royale

Tank Royale faces players off in a free-for-all tank battle across various ground arenas. Prove your skill using the new tank tunings & improved physics in this elimination-based game mode. Now including the Tumbril Storm!

Team Tank Battle

Slightly larger scale than Tank Royale, Team Tank Battle pits two opposing teams against each other, push forward against the enemy team and declare victory for your team in this team-based elimination mode. Now including the Tumbril Storm. Those driving the Tumbril Nova can now allow multicrew, allowing team members to operate their main gun (“Turret” Spawn) or their Laser Repeater (“Crew” Spawn).

Single Weapon Elimination

Ever wondered how you’d fair on an even playing field? Put your aim to the test using the Gemini A03 Sniper Rifle.

Master Modes: Squadron Battle, Classic Race, Free Flight & Endless Vanduul Swarm

Master Modes returns for another round of testing. With your excellent feedback from the 3.20/3.21 experimental modes, we have fine-tuned the basic Gladius FM and we are now expanding the setup to additional ships. Our goal for 3.22 is to find the baseline that brings meaningful differences between the fighter classes while avoiding a meta ship. That means we need a lot of play hours from you players dishing it out on each other. Please note that the UI has not been updated for this patch. We hear all the feedback on it and will address it in another upcoming patch.

  • Ships: Buccaneer, Gladius, F7C-M Super Hornet, Vanguard Warden.
  • Modes: Free Flight, Endless Vanduul Swarm, Classic Race, Squadron Battle (replacing Duel).
  • A new racetrack around the Pyro Jump Point will feature in the Classic Race test to promote feedback on “speed racing” vs “corner racing”. We encourage you to try out swapping the master mode (“B”) to unlock higher speeds in NAV or high regenerations rates in SCM.
  • Master Modes game modes will be active throughout the patch.
  • See the bottom of this post for all the details on Master Modes.

New Maps

  • Bloodshot Ridge: All Game Modes, (excl. Classic Race & Pirate Swarm)
  • Maker’s Point: All FPS Modes
  • Pyro Jump Point: Master Modes: Classic Race

Game Mode Adjustments

  • Gun Rush

Gun Rush, our first ever experimental mode, is now the first experimental mode to be promoted to a Core game mode. Experience Gun Rush anytime through the patch cycle as an ‘always on’ mode! To celebrate you can earn 1.5x REC!

  • Squadron Battle

With the introduction of Multicrew the mode has expanded! Squadron Battle now features almost all ships. Join a team-mates crew or go it solo, the choice is yours.

  • Retired Core Modes

Duel, Battle Royale, Elimination. Core Game Modes are modes which flagship their target demographic. While we love these modes, we feel that there were too many game modes competing for the same player-base, diluting players across many game modes rather than concentrated on a few. Rather than having all these modes always active they will be added to the Experimental Mode collection, returning for weekly rotation, on occasion.

System & Balance

  • Experimental & Special Event Banner & Timer: Below the game mode selection on the frontend you can now find a banner which details any currently running Experimental Modes and the countdown until the next rotation. This banner is overridden during special events, such as Luminalia, to display details for that instead.
  • Friendly Fire System: Friendly Fire was among the systems lost to time, we’ve refactored the system to produce warnings and kick players once again for excessive friendly fire. In addition, the system now tracks distortion damage.
  • Distortion Scoring: In our continued effort to facilitate and award support roles we’ve added scoring for applying distortion to hostile ships, with additional awards for fully disabling components.
  • Disabled Ballistic Persistence: A few patches ago we enabled persistence of ballistics among other things in our flight modes, with pickups being the only way to restock. After several changes to ballistics, we are disabling persistence to monitor how ballistics are utilized when replenished upon spawn.

Classic Race Updates

  • Race & Lap timings now include milliseconds.
  • Race & Lap times will now show as notifications upon completing them.
  • Racers will now be punished 5 seconds of their lap time for deaths during the race.

Death Recap

Re-enabled ‘Death Recap’ UI which details how you died and how you performed in that life alongside a collection of bug fixes that caused it to be disabled.


Below are all achievements earnable in 3.22. Upon achieving each, a UI notification will appear confirming this. A client restart is required to see this reflected in-game. Each achievement earns you a Spectrum Badge, others may reward other goodies!

Rewards are disabled in Offline play.

  • 999th Test Squadron

New Requirements. A player must participate, until match completion, in every Experimental Mode featured during this patch cycle. Note that leaving the match before the post-game scoreboard appears will not count towards the badge.
Modes include: Tank Royale, Team Tank Battle, Single Weapon Elimination, Master Modes: Squadron Battle (replaced Master Modes: Duel), Master Modes: Classic Race, Master Modes: Endless Vanduul Swarm, Kill Collector (FPS), Kill Collector (Vehicles), Duo Showdown, Team Elimination.

  • 2953 Vanduul Aggressor

Survive 25 Minutes Endless Vanduul Swarm. Additional Rewards: Vanduul Glaive Pledge Unlock

  • 2953 Pirate Aggressor

Complete Pirate Swarm. Additional Rewards: Pirate Gladius Pledge Unlock and Pirate Caterpillar Pledge Unlock

  • Tank Commander – Finish 1st place in either Tank Royale or Team Tank Battle
  • Master-At-Arms – Finish 1st place in Gun Rush

There are also Several Special Event Achievements to be revealed closer to the events!

Experimental Modes: Master Modes (Detailed)

Featured Game Modes

  • Master Modes: Squadron Battle
  • Master Modes: Classic Race – Featuring an exclusive new racetrack around the Pyro Jump Point! Containing a mixture of long stretches, curves and tight complex turns.
  • Master Modes: Free Flight
  • Master Modes: Endless Vanduul Swarm

The experimental versions of existing game modes will NOT affect the original game modes.

Flight Model changes

These flight model changes apply to MM ships only

  • Updated the MM tri-chording limiter, it is a lot less punishing when the accelerations push forward
  • Updated Gladius FM (higher base accelerations, less boost)
  • Added MM & FM setup for new archetypes: F7C-M (medium fighter), Vanguard (heavy fighter) and Buccaneer (medium interceptor)
  • Boost: removed 150ms pre-delay
  • Boost: will now spool up and down
  • Boost: reduced rotational acceleration modifier
  • Boost: rotational rates may now increase while boost is held
  • Boost: adapted times for all archetypes

Master Modes

  • New features still enabled (see details in 3.20, 3.21 patch notes)
  • Press “B” to switch between SCM and NAV modes.
  • SCM mode allows weapons and shield usage, regeneration times are shorter, however top speeds are harshly limited
  • NAV mode disallows weapon and shield usage, regeneration times are longer, however ships can reach their full speeds – Capacitor gameplay moved from low-pool-high-regen to high-pool-low-regen Gunnery & Targeting
  • New aiming system and targeting features still enabled (see details in 3.20, 3.21 patch notes) – Auto Gimbal mode deactivated (will not be available for the time being)
  • Added MM variants of several weapon records
  • Decreased fire time of Gatlings
  • Massively increased weapon ranges
  • MM variants have a mix of energy and ballistic weapons which cannot be adjusted Known issues:
  • Lag PIPs do show up correctly around Security Post Kareah
  • ESP does not use smoothed PIP positions yet



  • Fixed an issue where a new player joining would unready all players.
  • Fixed an issue where joining a lobby where players are already readied up caused desync with the ready system.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the players name on the vehicle preview to appear as an invalid value.
  • Fixed an issue that caused player names to duplicate in the lobby list.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented inviting players from parties.


  • In multiple racing maps, fixed inconsistencies in checkpoint inner-turn triggers.
  • In Yadar Valley, restored multiple missing geometry.


  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where lap count would be incorrect in Offline mode.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where the control area would appear the wrong size.

Systems / Misc

  • Fixed an issue where attachments would not save for the second “primary” weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where after using a medpen the wrong weapon would automatically pull out.
  • Fixed an issue where Primary 1 & Primary 2 weapons were the wrong way around in the FPS Customizer vs In-Game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused post-game victory and defeat voice lines to not trigger.
  • Have now enabled suicide in game modes where it was previously disabled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused desync with the pre-game ready system.
  • Fixed an issue, related to fire-modes, that prevented guns from firing in FPS modes.
  • Fixed an issue where suicide would not award negative score.
  • Fixed an issue that caused “Damage” score to be added to only one player in the score feed, rather than separate entries.
  • Fixed an issue where “Rounds Won” appeared on the scoreboard for non-round modes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused repair pickups to inflict friendly fire punishment to attackers of the person who picked up the repair.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.21.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.21.1

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.21.1 is now available and has been released to the LIVE environment! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.21.1-LIVE.8892745.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • PU – Locations / Vehicles – When spawning a ship at a Docking Port, the ship can spawn clipped into the docking port geometry
  • PU – Stanton – AI / Mission Content – UGF AI falling through the stairs / floor
  • PU – Lorville – Locations – Transit – HAB Elevators – There is a chance that the HAB elevators do not arrive when called
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles – When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend
  • PU – Stanton – Area18/GrimHex – Locations / Inventory / Respawn – Player loses loadout and equipped items after dying in the armistice zone
  • SRV Tow UI shows invalid or no target despite meeting the criteria for a valid target prior to attempting to tow a ship in QT
  • PU – Rental Kiosk / ASOP Kiosk – After Renting a ship and letting the rent timer expire. A couple of ships or rows will not be visible at the ASOP
  • PU – Stanton – Data Heist – Mission Content / Game Code – If players fail the Very Easy mission they can’t reaccept it
  • Multivehicle – ASOP Retrieval – Various vehicles spawn with wings/engines/landing gear in their “in-flight” state instead of their “landed” state when retrieved from ASOP
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles / Usables – Exiting bench seats ignores collision
  • AC / SM – Menus – Ship / Equipment Rental – Renting a ship / Equipment for 3 days display incorrect rental times
  • AC – Single Weapon Elimination – Weapon / FPS – Player who has takedown performed on them has their gun despawned
  • PU – Stanton – Halo – Desync / EVA / Vehicle / Ships – Players can desync when transitioning to or from EVA from one ship to another ship
  • PU – Missions / Reputation – Data Heist – The hard missions are not appearing despite meeting the requirements
  • PU – Stanton – Location – Seraphim – ASOP / Fleet Manager – The ASOP terminal loading screen will not end
  • PU – Shopping Kiosk – “Invalid Sell Price” error occurs while selling specific items
  • PU – Stanton – New Babbage – NPE – Locations/Design – The player will be stuck in their hab’s bed if they restart the tutorial by quitting to main menu whilst dead, blocking flow

New Features


  • System – Security – Ship Trespass

The interior of players’ ships are now considered trespass zones for those without permission to enter. Permission will granted via the party system until more complex systems for managing crew and passengers is created. Players trespassing aboard a ship will see a Trespass Warning and can be attacked by the owner of the ship and any player in their party without fear of committing a crime. This timer has a brief period after they exit the ship to where hostile actions against the trespasser are warranted. If the player is allowed access to a ship due to the owner being a hostile, then the hostile’s hostility timer runs out whilst still aboard, they retain the right to remain aboard until they leave. Should they attack former hostile they would be able to receive crimes and be lawfully attacked in self defense. Should former hostile attack them, they would be able to press charges and be lawfully act in self defense. This update also removes the warning that all players see in a ship when a new person joins, making it much more difficult to tell when your ship has been boarded and by whom until visual confirmation has been made.

  • Mission – Defend – Data Heist

Implementing unlawful missions that task the player with infiltrating locations defended by hostile NPCs to hack terminals. Players with the mission will be sent to a location to help recover/steal data from servers at the location. They will need to access the main-terminal via hacking or Technicians ID chip (found at the location) and give access via interaction screen to their mission handler who will initiate the download. During the download they will defend the terminal and servers, the latter of which can be destroyed or overheated. Once enough data has been uploaded they will be able to leave the area completing the mission. They will fail if too many servers have been destroyed or not enough data has been uploaded.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Ship: ARGO SRV
  • Added New Ship: Crusader C1 Spirit
  • Added New Vehicle: Tumbril Storm

Feature Updates


  • Adjusted Gloss Values of Screens Around Major Landing Zones and Most Space Stations to Reduce Light Glare
  • Seraphim Station Exterior Lighting Polish Pass


  • FPS AI Behavior Integration

With 3.21.1 we have integrated in much of the FPS AI behavior from Squadron 42. These updates, that have been polished and worked on outside of Star Citizen release builds until now, will vastly improve overall difficulty, reaction times, animations, behaviors, and other traits and make combat with them a much more dangerous but rewarding experience.


  • Tractor Beam – T2 – Vehicle Tractor Beam

The inclusion of Vehicle tractor beams and the ability to tow ships has been added to 3.21.1. The vehicle tractor beam feature will not only bring the Tractor Beam to the vehicles but also will extend the FPS tractor beam by adding more functionality and adding a brand new, larger standalone Tractor beam for players to use.

This update includes much work to add Pilot and Remote turret controlled tractor beams and functionality to lots of ships that allow them. While most ships will have remote turret controlled, ships such as the 315p and Vulture will have Pilot controlled tractor beams. As this is a first, initial pass to add tractor beams to many ships, some tractor beams are not in ideal locations for the intended use, a prime example of this is the cutlass blacks who’s tractor beam cannot see the interior of the ship. There current positioning is not final and we do plan to revisit them to make further improvements to there locations and integrations in future releases.

We have also included the ability for specialized ships like the ARGO SRV to use towing tractor beams, allowing them to grab onto and pull ships that have their shields and engines disabled through space, atmospheres with gravity, and through quantum travel. Towing Crime – We have expanded this so the legal owner of the ship will have the ability to press charges or not when someone tows their ship without being in the party. Turning back on the shields of the towed ship will immediately cut off the towing tractor beam.

New, additional functionalities will include: A larger, new standalone FPS Tractor beam tool, an update to the balance of all tractor beams and adding different sizes of the tractor beam to allow different masses or volumes to be grabbed. Allowing for multiple tractor beams to affect a single item and allow multiple players to manipulate the same object. Added Grappling Recoil to Tractor Beams. Implemented a new, dedicated tractor beam UI. Added target distance indicator, added Range Bar, added time transitions to bars. UI updates to display max angle, deflection, and stats.

  • Temporary Towing Halt for Mission Spawned Ships

Some missions have been updated to not break the systemic sandbox activity of the game. This requires a temporary block on towing ships that have spawned for many different missions.

- Wake of Disaster – Due to the intention of making this a PVP experience we have not enabled towing on these mission ships while we update the design of the mission to keep the experience we want and not break systemic sandbox activity, we are working on a design to allow us to enable towing currently.

- Cover-up and Illegal salvage – These will give crimes as you wont have permission to tow them however the mission will still work and resolve correctly (Cover-up you can drag them far enough away from the inspection site and the mission will complete as security can’t find the ship).

- Legal Salvage – Can still be tractored but causes potential greifing issues we are working on a resolution for this but likely wont see it in 3.21.1.

  • New Player Experience – New Babbage

We have done a full update on the New Player Experience mission and signage to bring this feature to New Babbage. This update includes many changes to make the mission flow better through New Babbage as well as the addition of shops, more location signage, and a full lighting polish pass to the landing zone.

  • Ground Radar Sensitivity Addition

Introduced radar ground sensitivity, so different radars can see ground vehicles from different ranges. This includes a full balance pass on ground vehicle emissions and also adds the ability for ground vehicles using Missile Operator Mode to target lock other ground vehicles.

  • AI Ship Cargo Manifest Balance Changes

Re-balancing the cargo amounts and types that spawn inside derelict and AI ships in the PU using a new distribution algorithm.

  • Ground Radar Adjustments

Increased ground vehicle emissions and reduced the ground sensitivity on all ship radars so the overall distance is unaffected for ships, but will allow ground vehicles to see each other from further away.

  • UGF Ledge, Cover, and Navigation Improvement Polish Pass

Ships and Vehicles

  • Vehicle Headlight Refactor

The Star Citizen lighting teams have collaborated to carry out a headlight rework of every vehicle in the PU. This has been done to create a more consistent look and functionality across each manufacturer. The headlight intensity, radius (distance cast), and color will be set based on the vehicle size and manufacturer. This means each vehicle will fall into one of six size categories ranging from Size 1 with 500 meters of headlight cast distance, up to Size 6 with 3000 meters of headlight cast distance.

  • Partial Ship Mass Balance

Tumbril Nova, Corsair, Vanguard, Caterpillar, Mole, Raft, and Star Runners have all had a balance pass on their actual masses in the universe. This update will make some slight changes velocities and handling to the ships listed.
Tumbril Nova Movement Tweaks

  • Adjusted minimum and maximum track friction and steering stiffness.
  • Increased Crusader Spirit Wing Base Joint Health

Core Tech

  • Made Several Client Performance Optimizations
  • Put in Multiple Physics Changes to Help Prevent Player Corpses Falling Through Planet Surfaces When Falling at Speed
  • Made Server Performance Optimizations for Ship Debris

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issued causing Hab elevators to frequently fail to spawn
  • Status effects for medical pens should no longer wear off after 15 seconds (Increased to 15 minutes)
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be considered Trespassing immediately after completing a UGF mission, causing turrets to destroy any ships near the facility
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not be able to send invites or join in on contacts from the main menu until entering a party within the Persistent Universe
  • Shopkeepers throughout the PU can should no longer face the wrong way or be far away from their desk usables
  • AI Guard arms should no longer clip into its body during the Idle animation in hangers only
  • Fixed an issue causing spacesuit EVA thrusters to sometimes remain on while while walking around outside of EVA
  • Eddie Parr and other Bartender AI should no longer have animation issues while idle and while preparing a player’s drink
  • The elevator in the Stratus building in Orison should no longer abruptly turn 180 degrees when it moves
  • Mission objectives should now correctly display while in remote turrets
  • Fixed an issue sometimes causing the assigned hangar AR Marker to not appear
  • Inventory container items such as backpacks and legs should no longer incorrectly show as 0% filled when they contain items
  • Vehicle debris that detach from the ship skeleton on hard death should no longer create floating, immovable debris such as ship ladders and landing gear, floating in mid-air
  • The weapons locker UI panel in the Origin 400i should no longer be labeled as an unlocalized variable
  • The Super Hornet should no longer lose yaw and partial pitch control if the nose turret is removed in VMA
  • Enabling auto-gimbal should no longer cause fixed wing gun convergence to be set too close
  • Fixed the MISC Reliant not being able to transform into its Vertical flight mode
  • Cargo UI markers from inside your ship should no longer appear on and clutter your HUD while flying
  • Fixed an issue causing some ship elevator animations to desync after reaching the floor
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to get a “Failed to find Match” error message when attempting to launch multiple Arena Commander Game Modes
  • The 600i cockpit light should no longer be overly bright
  • F8C main thruster sounds should now work correctly
  • The Yoke should now animate correctly when the player is piloting the Crusader Spirit variants
  • The Drake Caterpillar Command Access room ladder should now function correctly
  • Loot containers should no longer be deleted by the entity density manager which caused them to despawn in front of players
  • Fixed an issue causing the Mirai Fury LX to not appear in Arena Commander
  • Tractor Beam/Salvage Beam VFXs should now correctly sync across clients
  • The jump seats in the ARGO MPUV Transport should now have full interaction
  • Fixed the HoverQuad vehicle spawning slightly stuck in the ground
  • Anvil Ballista headlight entity should no longer be floating in front of the light fixture and emitting light when disabled
  • On-grid Containers should no longer be barred from being sold and off-grid Containers should no longer be downsized in volume or blocked from being sold
  • Fixed Visarea issues with Rest Stop Hub Walls
  • Fixed the Lorville Room System not protecting players from extreme exterior weather conditions
  • The “Illegal Surveillance Detected” Mercenary mission should no longer send players to Security Post Kareah as the mission location causing SPK to be hostile to them and fire on their ship
  • Shopkeepers throughout the PU should no longer sometimes be seen facing the wrong way / away from their desks
  • Players should now be able to receive or accept other service beacons after their service beacon has been abandoned / canceled / declined


  • Fixed 9 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server Crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock
  • Ship components should now correctly save and be stored in Long Term Persistence

Siege of Orison Re-Activation

Re-introduction of Siege of Orison into the PU. This re-activation will allow us to run Siege in 3.21.1 and later during specific times and dates when needed.

Many, hugely impactful additions have been worked on for Siege of Orison since we last ran the event! These should make it a much more polished and intense event for all players, lawful and lawless.

  • Siege now has a warning period for the event, when this initially starts there will be a 30 min warning where Dulli will say something is going down, this is to allow people to prep and accept the mission to know where its taking place
  • The lift from Orison to the rooftop will be disabled by default and only enabled when the event starts
  • All the shuttle call terminals require the lieutenant’s code to be input one time to unlock

- Example would be the shuttle from Easy to Medium islands should use Solanki Boss’ code, this includes if you managed to unlock it from Medium island.
- The only one that won’t have a code is the broken shuttle from H to E island.

  • The barge now has a container that will prevent people from pushing into the barge beyond the first room. This becomes unlocked when all the previous Islands boss’ have been complete
  • If you take a Siege Ship out of the area while the event is active we active self destruct that the player can not turn off

- If you get back in the area it should disable the self-destruct
- Once the IFFI on the barge is down, players will be free to take the ships as the Self-Distruct will be disabled
- If you try and take your own ship into the area, you will be impounded back to “the last ATC the player was near”

  • There have been changes under the hood to turrets and the way the IFFI interact
  • If a player commits a crime or attacks another player on the mission they will get a marker placed on them and players still in the mission will be allowed to kill them, with this they will see an objective to do with Nine tails sympathizers and how many have been killed. You will only see markers for sympathizers on the same island as you.
  • When you kill the island lieutenant and loot the code you will get a marker on potential IFFI locations
  • We have new audio lines for the following

- If the player approaches an island and the lieutenant is killed but the AA isn’t disabled
- If you are heading to an island and there are Ninetails sympathizers on that island
- Along with one saying about more than 1
- New mission success line
- New line saying the lieutenant is dead and the iffi is optional they can move on
- A line for the possible IFFI locations
- Personal thank you to the player for doing the event
- If a player kills another player everyone on that island gets informed, there is also a repeat line for this.

  • Fail reason strings have been added to all relevant objectives and the overall mission fails

Arena Commander 3.21.1 Patch Notes

Arena Commander has updated Ship Inclusions & Scoring in preparation for multi-crew gameplay.

Game Mode Updates

Single Weapon Elimination: now featuring Railguns! Play now until November 19th & December 3rd til 10th only!
Tank Royale & Team Tank Battle: The TMBR Storm has been added to Tank Experimental Mode, available for those that own the vehicle.

Ship Inclusions Balance

We’d like to collect analytics and feedback on a more inclusive allowed-vehicles-list for all game modes, allowing you to try non-meta strategies or practice modes like Vanduul Swarm with non-combat ships preparing you for attacks in the ‘verse!
Duel & Battle Royale will remain exclusive to Light & Medium Combat Ships.

  • Ship Additions to Game Modes

All Game Modes: AEGIS Avenger Titan, AEGIS Avenger Titan Renegade, DRAKE Buccaneer, Espiria Glaive, and Espiria Scythe

Squadron Battle: AEGIS Eclipse, AEGIS Vanguard Harbinger, AEGIS Vanguard Hoplite, AEGIS Vanguard Sentinel, AEGIS Vanguard Warden, ANVIL C8 Pisces, ANVIL C8R Pisces Rescue, ANVIL C8X Pisces Expedition, ANVIL Gladiator, ANVIL Hurricane, ANVIL Valkyrie, ANVIL Valkyrie Liberator, ARGO MOLE, ARGO MOLE Carbon, ARGO MOLE Talus, CNOU Mustang Alpha, CNOU Mustang CitizenCon 2948 Edition, CNOU Mustang Beta, CNOU Mustang Delta, CNOU Mustang Gamma, CNOU Mustang Omega, CRUS A2 Hercules Starlifter, CRUS M2 Hercules Starlifter, CRUS Ares Star Fighter Inferno, CRUS Ares Star Fighter Ion, CRUS Mercury Star Runner, DRAKE Corsair, DRAKE Cutlass Red, KRIG P-52 Merlin, KRIG P-72 Archimedes. KRIG P-92 Archimedes Emerald, MISC Freelancer, MISC Freelancer DUR, MISC Freelancer MAX, MISC Freelancer MIS, ORIG 300i, ORIG 315p, ORIG 350r, ORIG 400i, ORIG 600i, ORIG 600i Executive Edition, ORIG 600i Touring, ORIG M50 Interceptor, RSI Aurora CL, RSI Aurora ES, RSI Aurora LN, RSI Aurora MR, RSI Constellation Andromeda, RSI Constellation Aquila, RSI Constellation Phoenix, RSI Constellation Phoenix Emerald, and RSI Constellation Taurus

Pirate/Vanduul Swarm: AEGS Reclaimer and AEGS Reclaimer Best In Show Edition

Scoring Balance

Previously we scored based on overall ship ability, this led to multicrew vehicles having a very high base score which was acquirable from not only killing a fully crewed ship but from a pilot-only one too. We’ve adjusted scoring to value the hull of the vehicle rather than the overall ability in preparation for Multicrew.

We’ve also added scoring for ships which were previously unusable in Arena Commander due to requiring multicrew.

The following ship scoring has been adjusted:

- AEGIS Avenger Titan: 1400 -> 1200
- AEGIS Avenger Titan Renegade: 1400 -> 1200
- AEGIS Avenger Warlock: 1700 -> 1500
- AEGIS Gladius Valiant: 1900 -> 2000
- AEGIS Hammerhead: 10000 -> 6000
- AEGIS Reclaimer: 3200 -> 5000
- AEGIS Redeemer: 4000 -> 3000
- AEGIS Retaliator: 2300 -> 3000
- AEGIS Sabre: 1800 -> 1500
- AEGIS Sabre Comet: 1200 -> 1500
- AEGIS Sabre Raven: 1800 -> 1300
- AEGIS Vanguard Harbinger: 3000 -> 2500
- AEGIS Vanguard Hoplite: 3000 -> 2500
- AEGIS Vanguard Warden: 3400 -> 2800
- ANVIL Carrack: 5000 -> 4000
- ANVIL Hurricane: 4000 -> 3000
- ANVIL Valkyrie: 3000 -> 2400
- ANVIL Valkyrie Liberator: 3000 -> 2400
- ARGO MOLE: 1500 -> 1000
- ARGO MOLE Carbon: 1500 -> 1000
- ARGO MOLE Talus: 1500 -> 1000
- ARGO RAFT: 1500 -> 1000
- CNOU Nomad: 1400 -> 1200
- CRUS A2 Hercules Starlifter: 2800 -> 5000
- CRUS C2 Hercules Starlifter: 2800 -> 3000
- CRUS M2 Hercules Starlifter: 2300 -> 4000
- CRUS Ares Star Fighter Inferno: 2300 -> 3000
- CRUS Ares Star Fighter Ion: 2300 -> 3000
- DRAKE Buccaneer: 1500 -> 1400
- DRAKE Caterpillar: 3500 -> 2500
- DRAKE Cutlass Blue: 2750 -> 2500
- DRAKE Cutlass Red: 1750 -> 1500
- DRAKE Cutter (All Variants): 1000 -> 800
- ESPR Blade: 1800 -> 1900
- ESPR Glaive: 2500 -> 2200
- KRIG P-52 Merlin: 900 -> 1250
- KRIG P-72 Archimedes: 600 -> 1000
- MIRAI Fury LX: 900 -> 500
- MIRAI Fury MX: 900 -> 750
- MIRAI Razor: 900 -> 750
- MIRAI Razor EX: 1000 -> 800
- MIRAI Razor LX: 900 -> 750
- MISC Hull-A: 1400 -> 750
- MISC Prospector: 1500 -> 1000
- MISC Starfarer: 3700 -> 3000
- MISC Starfarer Gemini: 4000 -> 3000
- ORIG 890 Jump: 5500 -> 4500
- RSI Constellation (All Variants): 2500(~300) -> 2500
- RSI Mantis: 1650 -> 1400
- RSI Scorpius: 3500 -> 3000
- RSI Scorpius Antares: 3200 -> 2500

Star Citizen Alpha 3.21.0

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.21.0

Alpha Patch VERSION 3.21.0-LIVE.8779972 has been released and is now available on the LIVE environment!

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Update Warning: 3.21 has a nearly 34gb patch diff from 3.20 LIVE
Short Term Database Reset: Yes (Loss of items not stored in LTP)
Long Term Persistence (LTP): Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • PU – Stanton – Derelict Colonial Outposts – AI / Locations / Design – FPS Nine Tails AI Fail to to exit AI reinforcement vehicles when they land on at a derelict outpost location
  • UI / Menus – Controls – Keybindings – The Default Preset Images for the keyboard and gamepad control schemes do not match what is bound by default
  • PU – Locations / Vehicles – When spawning a ship at a Docking Port, the ship will spawn clipped into the docking port geometry
  • MISC Hull C – PU – Vehicles – Can’t undock the Hull-C
  • PU – Crusader / Orison – Locations / Transit – It’s possible for turn gates to not open preventing players from entering shuttles
  • PU – Art – Items / Character / Textures – Multiple clothes / armor / undersuit variants lost color / using the default base color
  • PU – Multivehicle – Vehicles / Ships / Ship Components / Weapons – Laser Repeater occasionally stops firing but still consumes ammo
  • Hull C – Spawn / Cargo / LEO – Hull C with cargo can spawn extended in a large Hangar instead of Docking Port
  • Stanton – Multivehicle – RSI Constellation Series – Ship Feature – Snub Ship clips through Constellation variants in vertical position when retrieved from ASOP
  • PU – Stanton – Area18/GrimHex – Locations / Inventory / Respawn – Player loses loadout after dying in the armistice zone
  • Stanton – Actor – Personal Inventory – Right click item interaction menu cannot be closed once opened
  • PU – Stanton – AI / Locations – Combat AI will teleport / pop in combat
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles / Actor Feature – Medical / Respawn – Cannot respawn on a ship that has streamed out
  • Room System / Actor / Locations – Room System does not protect player actor from extreme weather conditions in Lorville Interiors
  • Vehicles – Players and items can fall through the bottom deck of the Redeemer
  • Reclaimer – Vehicles – Stanton – Reclaimer bridge elevator interaction missing
  • Vehicles / GFX – Client FPS will drop as long as players are inside of the cockpit of the Drake Cutlass series
  • The Carrack’s main elevator will get locked in place and begin to spin indefinitely after spamming the floors for a few minutes
  • Landing Pads – Multivehicle / Shopping – Refuel, repair, and rearm services unavailable when landed
  • Stanton – AI – Mission Giver – Wallace Klim is not visible at his location in Grim Hex

New Features


  • New Jump Point Rest Stop Stations and Lagrange Points

Addition of 3 additional Rest Stops to Stanton that act as the final stop before entering Jump Points. Each location is set up similarly to all the other Lagrange Points and consists of a parent Gas Cloud, a smaller Child Gas Cloud, a Gateway Rest Stop and and structures leading to the Jump Point itself. It is important to note that Jump Points are currently non-functional in 3.21 as Stanton is the only available system at this time.

These 3 new Stations with Jump Points that leave the Stanton System are:
- Pyro Gateway – (Stanton>Pyro)
- Magnus Gateway – (Stanton>Magnus)
- Terra Gateway – (Stanton>Terra)


  • New Legal/Illegal Mission: Retrieve Consignment

In this new mission type, player’s will be challenged to go to the Underground Facilities (UGFs) and kill / search for data pads that contain consignments depending on the mission variant. A consignment will have a code on the top for the dispenser which will cause the items listed on its manifest to come out of the dispenser one by one. These items can be taken and sold at commodity kiosk’s around the game for aUEC, this is however optional and players only need to retrieve these items from the dispenser to make way for the mission critical items if they so please. This mission will take part exclusively at the security UGFs, are shareable, and will require the drop-off of at least one box of classified files to complete the mission.

The Illegal version of this mission is offered by Ruto and the Legal version of this mission is offered by the various Security Organizations of Stanton.
- The Legal version of the mission the player will find corpses of dead security at the facility on arrival. On these corpses will be the data pads and the player will have to deal with Ninetails defending the location they have overrun.
- The Illegal version of the mission there will be no corpses, just security at the location which will drop the data pads as loot when killed.

This mission also introduces a new mission module called the AnteUpWaveSpawner, this module will cause AI to continuously spawn in waves at the location. These waves get progressively harder based on triggers, the triggers for this mission are Codes being successfully entered into the dispenser and every 5 minutes the player is at the location(on a looping timer). On this mission the waves will start to spawn once the first boss is killed.

  • New Illegal Mission: Kareah – Steal Evidence

With this new Steal Evidence mission offered by Twitch, players are tasked with stealing the next Evidence item that spawns from the Kareah contraband dispenser. To obtain this mission, players must talk to Twitch in person after completing her intro mission and having climbing in reputation. Only one instance can be active on the server at any time.

The first objective simply states to retrieve the Evidence, which will place a marker on the evidence dispenser. The mission description in the MobiGlas has a brief explanation on how to get the access code for the dispenser. When a box of evidence is spawned, the marker moves from the dispenser to the evidence, objective stays the same. Once the box of evidence has been grabbed by a mission player, the delivery destination is marked. If the box of evidence is taken away by another non-mission player, the marker will stay on it to allow recovery of the box by mission players.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Flyable Ship: Crusader Industries A1 Spirit

Feature Updates


  • Repel Raid on Orison with New Crusader Platforms

With 3.21 we are bringing back the Repel Raid on Orison missions (Originally called Platform Assault on Orison). These FPS combat missions around Orison will now utilize newly added platform clusters that have been placed around Crusader.

Re-introduction of Bounty, Assassinate, Clear All, and other missions. These FPS combat missions around Orison will now utilize newly added platform clusters that have been placed around Crusader to provide opportunities for more concurrent missions and more unique locations. These missions include eliminate all missions similar to the current UGF missions. For these islands the player will be tasked with killing everyone in a given building. These Mercenary missions available from Crusader Industries will have three difficulty curves, ranging from an easy clear of one building, to a hard clear of three buildings. Similar to eliminate all missions, Eliminate Specific Missions will task the player with killing single or multiple Bosses based on difficulty. For players to qualify and receive these missions they first need to complete Security Work Assessment for Crusader Security.

  • Added Support for Players to Sell Things Owned by Members of Their Party Without it Being Considered Stolen

Ships and Vehicles

  • Ground Vehicle Physics Updates

Made further Ground Vehicle Handling Improvements for the Nova Tanks and all Wheeled Vehicles. Made Throttle Control easier and made suspension tweaks.

  • Driver Remote Turret QoL Improvements

Zoom has been added for all vehicles where a Drivers/Pilots that can use a remote turret. Added Stages to Turret Zoom: None, 2x Zoom, and 4x Zoom. Press or Hold Z to activate. Gyro mode is now enabled & togglable (G) for Driver Remote Turrets for all ground vehicles.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed and issue causing players to become unstowed and not have an option to enter the Star Citizen Universe
  • High winds on planets should no longer blow ships away
  • Cargo ATC should no longer fail to detect vehicles within the loading zone or fail to initiate cargo transfers
  • Fixed an issue causing character’s view to get stuck wiggling when colliding in EVA
  • Fixed an issue that could cause server performance to create rapid Spikes in Charge Level when Mining
  • Fixed Medical Bay Bed and Screen Obstruction in Hangars
  • Carrack’s bridge should no longer cause extreme performance drops
  • Fixed an issue causing low client FPS around Hammerheads
  • Fixed the ARGO RAFT being unable to collect refinery orders
  • Fixed an issue causing an incorrect model to appear while using the DNA Character Customizer
  • Fixed SDR Brightness/Contrast/Gamma settings causing degradation in HDR quality
  • AI NPCs should no longer face the wrong directions when performing a leaning animation
  • AI NPCs should no longer begin to float while standing within a useable
  • Fixed an issue causing AI to not exit reinforcement vehicles at derelict outpost locations
  • Fixed an issue causing unconscious AI preventing spawn closet doors from closing when inside them, which caused no more AI to spawn
  • Players in the Anvil Pisces should no longer get pushed out the top of the ship or get stuck when using the bed
  • Camera should no longer be forced into third person after the player stands up from any vehicle seat twice
  • Toggling power on/off and Changing Weapon Groupings should no longer cause mouse clicks to not respond
  • Fixed Ship weapons not being able to charge or show no ammo after being retrieved
  • Bartenders should no longer be missing in multiple bars in major cities
  • Green Imperial Medical Regeneration Kiosks should now correctly display their UI
  • Fixed Excessive ATC Cargo communication while loading or unloading Hull-C
  • Fixed auto-docking the Hull C causing it dock wrong into the port and damage the ship
  • Fixed an issue causing players who accepted a shared salvage mission to not have permission to salvage the mission ship
  • Camera should no longer be stuck on players feet while trying on backpacks in shops
  • AI NPCs can begin to float while standing within a useable
  • Fixed spawn closets sometimes placing enemy AI out of bounds of their intended spawn points
  • Fixed an issue causing player legs and arms to become contorted in many ship cockpits
  • The Caterpillar should no longer be missing flare and chaff countermeasures
  • ATC should no longer repeat “you are clear for launch” and provide no other function after undocking from a location
  • Players should now fully be able to equip looted items after restarting game session
  • Salvaged weapons and components should no longer disappear from ship cargo bay after storing
  • The Ballista should now be able to hit locked targets with missiles instead of hitting itself with the missiles


  • Fixed 7 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server Crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock
  • Made Further Server Entity Optimizations

Arena Commander 3.21.0 Patch Notes

Arena Commander 3.21.0: Feature Updates


  • Winners Circle – Due to issues with AI flight in atmosphere, particularly the UEE Javelin, not being atmosphere-suitable, we have disabled Winners Circle for Pirate Swarm.
  • Winners Circle – The playable area has increased to 10km Altitude (was 6km)

Game Modes Adjustments
  • Gun Rush – Special Event

Visit Gun Rush October 19th til November 10th to take part in a special event for the UEE celebration “Day of the Vara”, where Gun Rush will be sure to send shivers down your spine! Details:

  • Endless Vanduul Swarm (Master Modes) – Significant Wave Balance Adjustment

Endless Vanduul Swarm (currently exclusive to the Master Modes Experimental Test) has received a significant balance adjustment. The number of AI that spawn per wave, in general, has been reduced; however, the “Elite” wave where 7 Vanduul Primes spawn now includes all 13 Legendary Vanduul Pilots!
The strength of Vanduul ships and skill of Vanduul pilots now scales per wave. While we won’t be sharing the exact details of this scaling, we are excited to see how players adapt and look forward to the feedback.
Reach wave 25 (24 minutes) to earn the 2953 Vanduul Aggressor Badge!

  • Pirate Swarm – Wave & AI Skill Adjustments

Following feedback from players and internal testing, we’ve made changes to waves 7, 8 and 9 of Pirate Swarm for a better experience. This has us replace any use of Merlins & Constellations with other ships while we await improvements to the ships and radar/scanning systems. We’ve also adjusted AI skills between wave 4 and 8 for a better difficulty curve.

Wave 7: Constellation & Merlin replaced with Corsair.
Wave 8: Wave replaced with an intermediately skilled Hammerhead.
Wave 9: Added 2x Buccaneers & 1x Corsair.

System & Balance
Match Cycle Improvements – A small update to match cycling will make it extremely rare to get the same map in your next match. A collection of new logging & error handling has been added to match cycling which will give developers and players better visibility on the issues preventing their match from cycling. A rare but major bug which caused match cycling to get stuck on “Searching for Match” has also been resolved.

F8C Removal – Removed the F8C from the allowed vehicles of Battle Royale & Duel, as these modes are limited to Light & Medium Fighters. Also adjusted its score to 3,500 to better represent its class and ability.

Force Ready System – While introduced with 3.20 this system lacked some essential UI. To prevent players holding the lobby in pre-game for too long we have added a Force Ready System wherein after some time after reaching the required minimum players a countdown will begin which once concluded will force all players ready and continue the pre-game sequence. The countdown is now displayed alongside the ready up message.

(Game-wide) Added Driver Staged Zoom (Remote Turret) – Furthering the introduction of zoom [default: Z) to remote turrets operated by drivers (such as in the TMBR Nova Tank) we have added staged zoom, allowing the player to cycle between 1x, 2x and 4x zoom.

Arena Commander 3.210: Bug Fixes & Technical

Frontend / Lobby System
- Added clearer messaging for when a lobby is not ready.
- Fixed an issue where lobby invites were spammable.
- Fixed an issue where lobby members would appear multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where lobby members’ ready status was inaccurate for some members.
- Fixed an issue where recovery to a lobby that is still on the frontend can put the lobby in a bad state.
- Fixed an issue where a host leaving then returning to a lobby would put the lobby in a bad state.
- Fixed an issue where players who accepted lobby invites while in-game would put the lobby and their client in a bad state.
- Fixed an issue where players could accept multiple invites to the same lobby, which puts the lobby into a bad state.

- In Broken Moon, adjusted the glare of the terraforming laser to be less blinding.
- In Defford Link, fixed an issue where a large billboard from Winners Circle appeared in the distance.
- In INS Jericho, removed the vehicle impound area.
- In Miners Lament, adjusted checkpoint 14 & 15.
- In Old Vanderval, removed a race camera that was in the centre of the track.
- Adjusted various checkpoints & their trigger areas in Yadar Valley, Icebreaker & The Snake Pit to better represent the holographic checkpoints.

- In Classic Race, fixed an issue where players appeared in the wrong positions on the scoreboard after completing a match.
- In Classic Race, fixed an issue where the lap count would not appear until atleast one lap had been complete.
- In Classic Race, fixed several issues caused by players completing extra laps after a race had concluded, such as their leaderboard stats being nullified or scoreboard displaying incorrect values.
- In Gun Rush, fixed an issue where players who won would not appear at the top of the scoreboard.
- In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI would appear 5-8km away from where they should.
- In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI would only attack players within a 10km radius from the central point.
- In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI would take fighting above the playable area in Winner’s Circle
- In Swarm, fixed an issue where the mission would not start if the level loaded, and game began too fast.
- In Swarm, fixed an issue where the mission would stop progressing if all players were dead at the time of the wave changing.

System / Misc
- Added the ability to change vehicle configuration during pre-game.
- Added the ability to use in-game chat during the post-game. Be sure to let your opponents know it was a good game .
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to change their vehicle or loadout within the same match.
- Fixed an issue where the Win/Loss score bonus was not accounted for in the REC awards.
- Fixed an issue that caused squad members to be separated in team-based game modes.
- Fixed an issue where collisions with friendly vehicles would give a positive score.
- Fixed an issue that caused the players name to not be set properly in the HUD.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Rounds Won” counter to appear on the scoreboard for non-round game modes.
- Fixed an issue where the client did not recognize newly acquired badges until restarted.
- Fixed an issue where the post-game flow would leave PlayerAwards state earlier than expected and spend longer than intended in the Scoreboard state.
- Fixed an issue where upon Match Cycling the player would get stuck on “Searching for Match”.
- Fixed an issue that caused the GMNI S71 Ballistic Rifle to be unavailable in Arena Commander.
- Fixed an issue that caused the armours for RRS Heavy Mozorov-SH (7 each type) and Light Arden-SL (4 each type) to be unavailable in Arena Commander.
- Fixed an issue where the TMBL Nova had the wrong career & role set.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong string to display in non-team modes for “Final Kill” UI.
- Fixed an issue where the local clients player name would sometimes not appear in AC UI.
- Fixed several instances where the scoreboard would incorrectly order players.
- Fixed several issues with joining an AC match from the SC Frontend.
- Fixed an issue where the player numbers on scoreboard past 10 would get cut-off.
- Fixed an issue where on the scoreboard players stats would go to the right of the screen rather than making the scoreboard scrollable.
- Fixed an issue where teams were the wrong colours on the scoreboard.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.20.0

Alpha Patch 3.20.0 has now been released and is now available on the LIVE environment! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.20.0-LIVE.8701927.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Short Term Database Reset: Yes (Loss of items not stored in LTP)
Long Term Persistence (LTP): Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • UI / Menus – Controls – Keybindings – The Default Preset Images for the keyboard and gamepad control schemes do not match what is bound by default
  • PU – Locations / Vehicles – When spawning a ship at a Docking Port, the ship will spawn clipped into the docking port geometry
  • MISC Hull C – PU – Vehicles – Can’t undock the Hull-C

Workarounds: First, If the Hull-C has cargo as part of the end of the flow, try and request detach via the Cargo center rather than regular ATC. Second, if the Hull-C doesn’t have cargo, make sure the spindles are collapsed then store, retrieve again, and request via regular ATC on mG comms.

  • PU – Cargo / Commodities / Vehicles / Cargo ATCATC fails to detect vehicles within the loading zone or fails to initiate cargo transfers
  • AC – Client Crash – All FPS Modes – FPS Loadouts Customization – Armor / UI – Scrolling down to the very bottom of the leg armor rental list will result in a client crash
  • PU – Crusader / Orison – Locations / Transit – It’s possible for turn gates to not open preventing players from entering shuttles
  • PU – Art – Items / Character / Textures – Multiple clothes / armor / undersuit variants lost color / using the default base color
  • PU – Multivehicle – Vehicles / Ships / Ship Components / Weapons – Laser Repeater occasionally stops firing but still consumes ammo
  • Hull C – Spawn / Cargo / LEO – Hull C with cargo can spawn extended in a large Hangar instead of Docking Port
  • PU – Cargo / Commodities / Vehicles / Cargo ATCATC fails to detect vehicles within the loading zone or fails to initiate cargo transfers
  • Stanton – Multivehicle – RSI Constellation Series – Ship Feature – Snub Ship clips through Constellation variants in vertical position when retrieved from ASOP
  • PU – Stanton – Area18/GrimHex – Locations / Inventory / Respawn – Player loses loadout after dying in the armistice zone
  • Stanton – Actor – Personal Inventory – Right click item interaction menu cannot be closed once opened
  • PU – Stanton – AI / Locations – Combat AI will teleport / pop in combat
  • Drake Caterpillar – ALL VARIANTS – PU – Salvage – All of Caterpillar Hull give invalid material message for Salvager
  • Multivehicle – PU – Vehicles / Actor Feature – Medical / Respawn – Cannot respawn on a ship that has streamed out
  • Room System / Actor / Locations – Room System does not protect player actor from extreme weather conditions in Lorville Interiors
  • ASOP – Ships – Vehicles – Clicked to “Store” ship at ASOP but it was “Destroyed”
  • Vehicles – Players and items can fall through the bottom deck of the Redeemer
  • Reclaimer – Vehicles – Stanton – Reclaimer bridge elevator interaction missing
  • Vehicles / GFX – Client FPS will drop as long as players are inside of the cockpit of the Drake Cutlass series
  • The Carrack’s main elevator will get locked in place and begin to spin indefinitely after spamming the floors for a few minutes
  • Vehicle Maintenance Services – Ship repair doesn’t happen but still charges you
  • Landing Pads – Multivehicle / Shopping – Refuel, repair, and rearm services unavailable when landed
  • Inventory / Personal Inventory – Inventory can enter a state of becoming unresponsive, preventing the player from being able to eat or drink
  • Stanton – AI – Mission Giver – Wallace Klim is not visible at his location in Grim Hex

New Features


  • Seraphim Station

Bringing the Crusader Port station in line with the other stations and replacing the long standing Port Olisar, Seraphim Station brings many of the amenities needed to accommodate the various features required of a station such as hangars, cargo decks, shopping, clinics, and habs.


  • Automated Cargo Transfer and New Cargo Packing System

Alpha 3.20 includes the addition of the new automated cargo transferal experience to the PU for the Hull-C. The existing cargo transaction system, which other ships will still use for this release, will instantly pop all of the purchased cargo into a ship or instantly remove all sold cargo off the ship after the transaction has completed. The Hull C however requires a new experience where the player after buying or selling the cargo at the commodity kiosk will be prompted to pick it up/drop it off at a loading area. To do so the player retrieves their vehicle then hails the location’s Cargo Services to get assigned a loading area (similar to getting assigned a landing area from ATC). After flying their ship to the loading area they will be prompted to stop moving, and then extend the spindles on their ship. Once the ship is ready cargo will be added onto the cargo grids of the ship over a period of approximately 5 or so minutes, depending on the size of the load. Currently these boxes will just pop into place. If the player moves or someone enters the area the transfer will be interrupted until the disruption is addressed or the loading area is eventually revoked. After transfer is completed successfully the player will be prompted to leave the area, eventually getting a warning for impounding if they do not.

With the changes for the Hull-C comes a complete rewrite of how the cargo system places cargo into ships (any ships, not just the Hull-C). Previous versions of the system only dealt with 1 SCU containers, and could use fairly simple logic for placement or removal. We are now supporting various sized boxes to be placed in the cargo holds (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32) as well as supporting various orientations of placement in the grid to work around grid obstructions. This also includes temporary tractor beam strength changes to support the attachment/detachment of those various sized boxes using the tractor beam.

  • New Mission: Illegal Salvage Coverup Mission

Salvage Coverup is a new variation on the salvage missions. These new missions come as a new, illegal mission contract called The Tar Pits to cover up for the perpetrator of a crime, in this case NineTails, who want to keep their involvement under the radar. You are tasked to hull scrape their entire ship, to remove the NineTails paintjob before the ship evidence is discovered by security. If security forces arrive before you manage to perform the coverup, the security ships spot the hull colors, report back, and you will fail and be attacked if at the location. Do it in time, and the Tar Pits will pay you handsomely for your efforts, and your silence.

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship: MISC Hull-C
  • New Ship: Mirai Fury LX

Core Tech

  • HDR Implementation

High Dynamic Range (HDR) is now enabled for players with a compatible monitor. This is activated in Windows by going to the ‘Windows Display Settings’ and selecting ‘Use HDR’. Then, open Star Citizen and select ‘HDR’ in the ‘Graphics tab’.

Feature Updates


  • Underground Facilities – Rastar Update

Rastar is a tool which is used to quickly build POI’s on planet surfaces by combining pre-built modules together at the click of a button. They also change the way which mission locations are setup and streamed in, essentially, they are the future of creating planetary locations. This update moves all our original UGF’s over to the new Rastar tool workflow. All UGF’s have been replaced in the same positions as they were previously, with the settings they previously had applied to them reapplied where appropriate. This means functionally the current locations should be no different than they were before on the mission side of things and also art wise should be the same barring some minor adjustments to the exterior layout of each location.


  • Wheeled Vehicle Handling Improvements

Updates and improvements to current ground vehicle movement parameters and simulation, allowing for more robust tuning and identity between various ground vehicles.

  • AI Ship Difficulty Rebalance

Until now, there has been a very small pool of ships available for use as AI in missions. With this new change we have included every ship able to QT into the mix for both Criminals and Civilians, though some that didn’t make sense for Criminals have not been added, like Cutlass Blue for instance. This update includes a full AI Ship Rebalance of difficulties. Ships have been divided into difficulty bands which have mainly been derived from large data sets based on PVP analytics. Finally, we have also made a new ship difficulty band of Very Hard which is now reflected in the Very Hard bounty/assassination missions.

  • Vaulting & Mantling – Air Ledge Grab Improvements

Implementing updated Vaulting & Mantling improvements that make the process much more smooth and intuitive for players. This update allows players to now be able to grab ledges while running and jumping, low/high vault while running and/or in mid-air, and allows low/high mantle while running and/or in mid-air.

  • Server Crash Recovery QoL Update

Server Crash Recovery has been updated for PES to now remember the last location the ship hailed for landing and landed/docked at. This will allow players who hit a server crash to have their ship spawn back at the last hailed location instead of their chosen home location where the landing area may not be equipped to handle their ships, such as a fully loaded or extended Hull-C.

  • Anti Combat Logging

Along with 3.20, we have added a new Combat Logging mechanic to avoid as much of this issue as possible. With this updated mechanic, while a player is in combat and outside of a green zone, the player and their ship will remain in the PU for a short period after exiting the game fully or to the menu. This also comes with a warning while exiting to menu to make sure you are in a safe area before leaving as it will leave your ship and character vulnerable at the location they left the server.

  • Notifications and Communication Settings

We have added multiple new options to help control what notifications and comms you will receive from other players. This includes blocking comms calls from non-friends as well as block friend requests, notifications from friend requests, party invites, and aUEC transactions.

  • Ship Quantum HUD Alignment

We have done a full pass on all ships to make sure all the Quantum HUDs have been properly aligned in view. Along with this, much of the Quantum UI has been removed to be much cleaner and remove unnecessary elements until a full, future quantum HUD update.

  • Argo MOLE Pilot Improvement

Added the ability for the Pilot in the Argo MOLE to use the ships mining scanners. This will not allow the pilot to use the lasers from the seat but will give the pilot the much needed information directly while scanning mineables.

  • MFD Persistence

Custom Vehicle MFD selections should now persist for as long as you keep the vehicle intact. Players should only have to set MFD menu selection once per vehicle but losing and insurance claiming it will create a new vehicle, thus losing the saved custom MFD.

  • Mobiglas Background and Darkness Occlusion

Visual updates to help the mobiGlas more readable on bright backgrounds. Vehicle/Ship HUD and other selective UI is now hidden while opening the mobiGlas in a pilot seat.

  • Mining Stability and Polish

Enhanced lifetime of ROC coolers to help adjust them overheating while in use and breaking down too quick.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Greatly increased the internal storage of the Drake Corsair

Core Tech

  • Keybinds Updates for 3.20

There have been many changes to default keybinds in this latest 3.20 update including removing some as default keybinds. Activate Ping changed to hold & release V, Flight ready changed to Right Alt+R, Decoupled mode moved to C, Cruise Control moved to Left Alt+C. (Please note: The default keyboard visual has incorrect bindings shown for this release. Please reference the “Advanced Controls Customization” for full list of updates.)

  • Updated EAC SDK to 1.15.5
  • Made Several Server Performance Improvements
  • Made Further Planetary Performance Optimizations
  • Made Further Engine Rendering Performance Improvements

Major Bug Fixes

  • Players should no longer spin wildly when exiting a ship into EVA
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to take unintended damage at the moment of transitioning from a ship grid into EVA
  • Fixed an issue causing players to become unbound and invisible to other players
  • Enemy combat AI should no longer be slow to respond or react
  • Fixed an issue causing the ROC’s mining laser to not function
  • Fixed an issue causing the glass material to be blocked on ships with an activated view port (Talon, Prowler, ect)
  • Fixed an issue causing vehicles to be undeliverable from ASOP terminals
  • Fixed an issue causing interaction mode to constantly re-center the screen
  • Fixed an issue causing the starmap to not show planets the first time they open it
  • Fixed misaligned inventory items on widescreen resolutions
  • Fixed an issue causing looted items to not be equipable after restarting the game session
  • Fixed Medical Beds sometimes obstructing ships in hangars
  • Spawning ships causes the requested ship to spawn outside of the hangars
  • Ships should no longer show as ‘Destroyed’ when clicking ‘Store’ on the ASOP
  • Fixed an issue causing NPC reinforcements at outposts to wreck themselves continuously, creating piles
  • Fixed an issue causing CryAstro services to not offer the option to repair/refuel/restock ships
  • The Vulture default Baler salvage heads should now be able to be re-equipped in the VMA
  • Transit – Area18 – Orison – Shuttles/Trains/Trams – Fixed an isssue causing players to fall through some trams and shuttles to their deaths
  • Equipping more than 5 components in a single “Save Changes and Equip” VMA transaction should no longer fail
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to sometimes no load in the VMA
  • Fixed an issue causing players the sometimes lload in with their character dead, T-Posing, and partially submerged into the hab floor
  • Fixed an issue causing the Greycat Salvage Backpack to not equip correctly
  • Female player character should now be able to fully reach the medical bed terminal screen in various ships
  • Artimex Helmet’s respiratory tube should now fully attach correctly when using the set
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to float away when landed on planets (Separate issue from blown away in the wind)
  • Players should no longer be instantly downed when transitioning from EVA to Gravity with a Tier 1 leg injury
  • Deadbolt V Cannon fire should no longer be inconsistent in its damage to players on foot
  • Ursa rovers outside of Klescher Rehabilitation Facility should no longer spawn under the garages, preventing prisoner escape
  • Transaction failures should no longer occur when attempting to deposit Harvestables in Klescher
  • ASOPs and ATC should no longer report all landing pads full despite empty hangars
  • New Deal and Vantage Rental Kiosks should no longer be missing
  • Mining Deposits Fracture Difficulty should no longer randomly change
  • Refinery terminals should no longer give a “Processing Your Request” message and not load the interface
  • The total transaction cost of renting ships/vehicles that’s displayed on rental kiosks should no longer be incorrect to what the player is actually charged
  • Players should no longer be able to enter the ANVIL Carrack via interacting with the manned turrets on foot or via EVA
  • Greycat Multitool should now consistently stay attached to the Drake Vulture weapon rack
  • Paints should no longer cause the captain and crew quarters windows to be opaque in the Origin 400i
  • Fixed an issue causing Ultrawide resolutions to inhibit cursor movement and block the inventory close button
  • Fixed an issue causing lootable containers to displays a red loot prompt that is not intractable


  • Fixed 7 Client crashes
  • Fixed 10 Server crashes

Arena Commander 3.20 Patch Notes

Welcome to Arena Commander 3.20. This patch is the largest Arena Commander has seen since its creation. Below you’ll find all the details for all we’ve been up to during Stage 1 of our revitalization of Arena Commander. This is an important stage in our plan as it sets Arena Commander up for success, though it does deliver a lot of content it unlocks even more. We’re all excited to unlock Arena Commander’s potential and bring it to new heights with each patch. We hope you enjoy everything this patch delivers if you’d like to share your thoughts head over to the Spectrum Feedback forums!

Thank you,
Original Systems,
Arena Commander Feature Team

Unified Frontend & Lobby System

Electronic Access, Arena Commander and Star Marine have merged under a single “Arena Commander” frontend menu. This new frontend, powered by Building Blocks, unifies the various simulation module brands and menus into a single easy to use interface.
Included in this significant refactor is a complete rewrite of Arena Commander’s lobby system allowing you to squad up with people directly from your friends or party list with new squad limits per game mode, which can be seen from the game mode selection tiles.
This refactor sees Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Private renamed to Offline, Online and Custom respectively.

Experimental Modes

An exciting new initiative for Arena Commander has “Experimental Modes” rotate for a limited time throughout a patch cycle. These modes range from simple variants of existing modes like Single Weapon Elimination to brand new modes that explore new mechanics, locations, or even in-development features before they reach the Persistent Universe like part of the new flight model, Master Modes.

Play each game mode to be eligible for the “999th Test Squadron” Spectrum Badge!

  • Gun Rush

Gun Rush is a fast-paced elimination mode where each kill changes your weapon. Victory goes to whoever progresses fastest through all ranks to claim a kill with the final weapon.

  • Tank Royale

Tank Royale faces players off in a free-for-all tank battle across various ground arenas. Prove your skill using the new tank tunings & improved physics in this elimination-based game mode.

  • Team Tank Battle

Slightly larger scale than Tank Royale Team Tank Battle pits two opposing teams against each other, push forward against the enemy team and declare victory for your team in this team-based elimination mode.

  • Single Weapon Elimination

Ever wondered how you’d fair on an even playing field? Single Weapon Elimination debuts with the ArcLight pistol, the weapon all players have when beginning their journey in the Persistent Universe.

  • Mirror Match

Single Vehicle Elimination didn’t quite have a ring to it. Mirror Match equips each player with a communal (no purchase necessary) MIRAI Fury. Prove your dog fighting skills in this 1 vs 1 game mode where each player flies the same ship.

  • Master Modes: Free Flight, Duel & Endless Vanduul Swarm

Try out the brand new “Endless Vanduul Swarm” during this limited test of Master Modes. Come nose to nose with a swarm of Vanduul Scavengers, Hunters, Alphas and the 7 infamous Vanduul Primes that ravaged humanity for decades. There may never be an end to this swarm; but how long can you survive?

Experimental Modes: Master Modes (Detailed)

Experimental Versions of Free Flight, Duel and a special Endless version of Vanduul Swarm will play host a collection of features that update our flight model – the original game modes will be unaffected & remain playable. Dubbed “Master Modes” this feature encompasses many changes to our flight systems, detailed below.

Note below will detail default keybinds.

  • Flight Model changes:

- Added Tri-chording and Attitude Limiters: Axis combination of tri-chording and combined pitch yaw movement will not yield higher accelerations or rotates rates anymore. Highest G accelerations are now forward, best rotation axis is defined per ship. This only applies to ships used during the master modes test.
- Gladius agility was increased
- Boost and regen were adjusted

  • Master Modes:

- Master Modes added (press B to swap) between NAV and SCM
- SCM allows high capacitor regen rates, shields and weapons but restricts max speed
- Thruster boost / afterburner will temporarily allow you to extend beyond the SCM boundary
- NAV allows high speed but no shields and weapons. It also heavily restricts regen rates.
- Swapping between master modes in not immediate
- Shield face health is stored in a buffer up to a certain ratio when going from SCM to NAV. When going from NAV to SCM that buffer will be quickly pushed back into the faces. The shield face generation from that buffer cannot be interrupted by incoming fire.

  • Gunnery changes:

- New aiming system is enabled
- Combined fixed assist was removed.
- Fixed assist per gun was added.
- Auto gimbal mode: Instead of keeping of keeping the target in an 8 degree cone you only need to keep the target roughly around your aim point and your gimbals will track. When auto gimbals are not tracking they will act like manual gimbals.
- Fixed mode: there is one PIP per projectile speed group (you will see one PIP for the KLWEs and one for the GATS).
- Manual gimbal mode now also has fixed assist for each gun.
- Added option: show precision lines (for fixed and manual gimbal mode)
- Added option: Auto gimbal display (focused on average PIP or focused on target with gimbal position indicators)
- New target bracket
- Drastically increased ballistic ammo
- Removed N-1 system: An S3 gimbal will now hold an S3 gun (with penalty)
- Custom weapon stats for the Gladius weaponry
- Shield layout for the used Gladius is now Front / Back

  • Targeting changes:

- Added bindings to allow setting the default convergence distance directly from an input axis, however there is no UI for this yet
- Added binding to suppress aim assists if the button is held. Use it when you feel that aim assist works against you.

Spawning & Loadout Module Refactor

A rewrite of Arena Commander’s Spawning & Loadout Modules has the legacy code updated to modern standards, utilizing Persistent Entity Streaming, new entitlement service and a new spawn screen being introduced to most game modes allowing players to select their vehicle from within the game.

This is the first part of a series of updates to how spawning & loadouts are handled in Arena Commander, laying the foundations for exciting new additions like in-game loadout customization, multicrew and spawn locations.

We have removed the ability to customize your undersuit and team-based game modes will now overwrite your armor. Ammo and Medpens are no longer manually equipped, instead players are restocked on respawn. These changes allow us to streamline the loadout customization experience while we continue work towards a refactored UI/UX.

New Horizon Speedway Revamp

One of Star Citizens oldest locations sees it updated to include a real, full, planet – Green, the 3rd planet of the Ellis System. Including full atmosphere and refined track layout these new tracks bring a new challenge to Arena Commander’s Classic Race game mode. In addition to the three revamped maps: Old Vanderval, Rikkord Memorial Raceway and Defford Link.

A 4th addition to the New Horizon Speedway Collection, Halloran Circuit, introduces unique challenges with difficulty rivaling Defford Link, the hardest of all the tracks.


  • Adjustments

Nearly all maps have received a VFX & Time of Day Lighting Pass. Increasing the overall visual quality.

  • All New Maps for 3.20 Arena Commander

- All Game Modes (excl. Classic Race): Security Post Kareah, INS Jericho, and Winner’s Circle.
- Elimination: Echo 11
- Classic Race: Euterpe Icebreaker, Snake Pit, Yadar Valley, Miner’s Lament, New Horizon Speedway: Halloran Circuit.

New Rewards

Alongside this content drop is several new rewards to obtain from playing Arena Commander! Rewards can only be obtained in Online matches.
The following badge rewards have been added, you can view your acquired badge on your Spectrum Profile.

  • 2953 Pirate Aggressor: Complete Pirate Swarm: Unlocking grants access to The Pirate Gladius and The Caterpillar Pirate Edition pledge store pages.
  • 2953 Vanduul Aggressor: Reach Wave 25 of Endless Vanduul Swarm.
  • 2953 Master-at-Arms: Win a match of Gun Rush.
  • 2953 Tank Commander: Win a match of any Tank game mode.
  • 999th Test Squadron: Play every Alpha 3.20 Experimental Mode to completion at least once.

Game Modes Adjustments

- Duel – Mode has been updated to be round-based. Players will now face off in a best-of-3 match where after each kill both players reset for the next round. Careful, ballistics & missiles will persist between rounds!
- Control (Last Stand) – Alongside a large collection of bug fixes and quality of life improvements to the mode and its maps our objective-focused game mode “Last Stand” has been renamed to “Control”.
- Free Flight – Reduced max players from 24 to 16 after player and performance feedback.

System & Balance

- Competitive Scoring – All competitive game modes now feature a new competitive scoring system where you are measured against the leaderboard rating of your opponent. Fighting the best pilot in the verse? You’ll get increased score depending on the difference in rating or on the flip side experienced players now receive significantly reduced score for killing new players.
- Death Cameras – All game modes now feature new death cameras, originally exclusive to Theaters of War, these new death cameras will follow your killer giving you a better idea of who, what and where for your killer.
- Lobby Recovery – Introduced with the new lobby system players who disconnect by any means from their lobby (be it in-game or forming on the Frontend) you’ll now be presented with an option to recover your instance, reconnecting to your lobby and if applicable automatically connecting to the match they are in.
- New Loading Screen Flow – With 3.20 we have performed a small refactor to how loading screens operate for Arena Commander. Once you begin connecting to your match you will first see a Game Mode loading screen. Shortly following that, as soon as the map which you are connecting to is confirmed, you will transition to a loading screen specific to the map. This resolves a long-standing issue where loading screens would be inaccurate to the map you are loading into.
- Pickup Balance – Ballistic pickups now award 100% of your ammo divided by the number of ballistic weapons (i.e. 4 ballistic weapons will receive 25% each upon pickup, while a single ballistic will be fully restored). Ballistic Pickups now also award Countermeasures.
- Medpens – Resolved an issue that caused some medpens to heal ~3% health. Alongside this change we have made a number of quality-of-life improvements to Medpens overall including that once healed you will automatically switch back to your weapon, and you should now automatically discard empty medpens among other quality of life and bugfixing.
- Scoreboard Updates – The first of a series of updates to the scoreboard was added, including a minor visual update primarily for team-based game modes, now showing team names, logos and rounds won. Squad members will now be highlighted differently.
- Lethal Takedowns – You can now hold the takedown button to perform a lethal takedown, regardless of having a knife. Tap the takedown button to perform a non-lethal takedown.
- Entitlement Refactor & Communal Vehicles – A refactor how entitlements and free vehicles/equipment are handled in Arena Commander. This should provide a faster and more stable experience when using or renting vehicles and equipment. We’re introducing a “Communal” concept, which allows us to grant players vehicles or equipment on a per-game mode basis without the overhead of the entitlement systems. These communal vehicles are free to all players but non-customizable; however, in most cases if the player already owns the vehicle, they will be able to utilize their vehicle with full customization (though some game modes may purposely limit customization).


While we work on a full refactor of our leaderboards, we have delivered some updates to the existing. In-Game Leaderboards have been removed; however, you can still access the website version here on the RSI Website.

  • Battle Royale has been removed from the leaderboards.
  • Duel has been added to the leaderboards.
  • “Last Stand” has been renamed to “Control” to match the in-game name.
  • Fixed an issue that caused individual entries per map.
  • Fixed several missing statistics.

Arena Commander Bugfixing


  • Fixed an issue where switching between game modules or network type would cause you to load into the wrong instance type.


  • In all maps, fixed an issue where a map would start with the wrong “Time of Day”.
  • In all maps, fixed several locations which appeared too dark.
  • In all maps, fixed a collection of cases where the player could get out of bounds.
  • In all maps, removed the black & red out effects caused by being out-of-bounds.
  • In The Good Doctor, fixed an issue which caused players to clip under the facility.
  • In The Good Doctor, fixed an issue that caused the planet to become baron.
  • In The Good Doctor, fixed a large collection of vis-area related issues.


  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where races would end after one lap.
  • In Classic Race, fixed the “Fastest Lap” appearing incorrectly on the scoreboard.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where the game feed would report a bad string for checkpoints.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where players would spawn on-top of each other during the pre-game.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where with 4 or more players the player would spawn at checkpoint spawns rather than at the starting line.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where the player would not match cycle.
  • In Control, fixed the scoreboard appearing inconsistently between rounds.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where objective text was not appearing.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where rounds would end prematurely.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where players were getting stuck interacting with the terminals.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where teams were scrambled in Round 3
  • In Control, fixed an issue where players would spawn on the wrong spawn point between rounds.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where the capture area VFX was sized incorrectly.
  • In FPS modes, fixed an issue where the pre-game countdown was ignored.
  • In Squadron Battle, fixed players self-destruct punishment not applying.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where victory score awards were not triggering.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where the game would not end after all enemies were defeated.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where enemy ships would not spawn.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where the AI would fly out of the playable area.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where if a player left during an active wave the enemy AI would stop spawning.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI would spawn and not move.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where the match would not end after all players lost their respawns.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI names were not present.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where Legendary Pirate or Vanduul names were not present.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where an AI assignment node was failing, resulting in AI behaving irregularly.
  • In Pirate Swarm, fixed an issue where several voice lines were not triggering.

Systems / Misc

  • Fixed an issue where pickups were not collectable.
  • Fixed an issue where pickups did not award the correct number of consumables.
  • Fixed a collection of issues relating to Rounds with a full refactor of the system.
  • Fixed a rare threading crash when flying through Racing Rings.
  • Fixed an issue where players would spawn too early, allowing players to enter combat with them before they had properly spawned.
  • Fixed a collection of issues with spawn invulnerability.
  • Fixed team scoring being inconsistent with actual score earned. Teams now gain 10% of player damage & kill scoring.
  • Fixed suicide & self-destruct punishment contributing to team scoring.
  • Fixed a collection of issues with Analytics where players events were either not reporting Singleplayer instances or providing inaccurate information.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck spawning due to not waiting for the OC to load.
  • Fixed an issue where games would not end.
  • Fixed broken weapon audio with Lumin V
  • Fixed a crash after receiving your second pickup.
  • Fixed an issue which award players positive score for attacking friendlies.
  • Fixed an issue where the players weapon would randomly drop.
  • Fixed several issues with “Join Friend” for Arena Commander instances.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players suiciding/self-destructing in all game modes.
  • Fixed various cases of ship names or descriptions being wrong in the VMA.
  • Fixed various issues caused by players joining mid-match.
  • Fixed an issue where the med-dispensers supplied the wrong medpen.
  • Fixed an issue where the med-dispenser marker would not appear.
  • Fixed an issue which caused players to get stuck in a death/respawn loop after killing an AI.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would always respawn in the same spot.
  • Fixed an issue where mineable were appearing in modes other than Free Flight.
  • Fixed an issue where players would matchmake into games that have already started, resulting in a 30014 error.
  • Fixed an issue where “Waiting for Players” count would reset when a player died.
  • Fixed an issue where after renting an item the player would not receive it until they restart their client.
  • Fixed a collection of issues which resulted in an infinite load due to bad spawn parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where match cycling would not select a new random map, causing players to get stuck repeatedly matchmaking into the same map.
  • Fixed an issue where award UI would appear in Offline (prev. Singleplayer), where awards are not possible.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the mouse being enabled during “Searching for Match” match cycling.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting “Cancel” during “Searching for Match” would not work.
  • Fixed a collection of issues which resulted in the wrong loading screen being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the ready system would not timeout after a set time, causing some servers to get stuck with AFK players not starting the match.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.19.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.19.1

Alpha Patch 3.19.1 has been released onto LIVE! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.19.1-LIVE.8526421.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • New Deal and Vantage Rental Kiosks Are Missing
  • Ships can explode from collision with invisible asteroids
  • Player corpses will not despawn at Grimhex
  • Players are unable to fully back out of the Primary Residence Selection due to the tutorial selection prompt
  • Art assets will clip through the Train during the journey in Lorville
  • AI / FPS – Enemy combat AI is slow to respond or react
  • Vehicles – Destroyed ship thrusters may not function/be restored after being repaired
  • Character – The player can sometimes initially spawn or fall outside of the bed in habs or hospitals
  • Substenance items lack “Store” option when carrying the item in Inner Thoughts
  • Locations – Aberdeen – Klescher Rehabilitation Facility – Missions – Ursa rovers can sometimes spawn under the garages, preventing prisoner escape
  • Weapon Feature / Game Code – Tractor Beam – If you activate the tractor beam in hangar, you can bring the activated tractor beam back and use it in armistice zone
  • CNOU HoverQuad – Vehicles / Locations – The vehicle spawns slightly stuck in the ground
  • Stanton – Vehicles / Ships / Docking – The snub fighter lacks interaction prompts to enter it, making it unusable
  • Racing – Locations – A specific rock formations on the Yadar Valley race track are visible to some player and not others
  • Salvage / Hull Scraping – Anvil Carrack – Sections of the hull show as valid but do not allow salvage
  • Crusader – Security Post Kareah – Core Tech – Physics – Actor / Player – Transitioning from EVA onto Kareah’s landing pads has a high chance of instantly killing the player
  • Transit – Area18 – Orison – Shuttles/Trains/Trams – Players are falling through sometimes disappearing trams and shuttles to their deaths
  • Locations – ArcCorp / Crusader – Area18 / Orison – Core Tech / Transit Systems – The Trams are out of sync with the station timers, causing trams to overlap or not appear on time

Feature Updates


  • ASOP Technical Refactor

With 3.19.1 comes a technical refactor to ASOPs. While this is a mostly transparent update under the hood, itdoes have a few key directly observable advantages and fixes.

Key changes for this refactor are the removal of waiting for ship spawning. Ship delivery time is now 0 by default. Optimized the update of on screen information by not having to re-query the list after a ship’s state changed. Fixed multiple buttons being displayed on top of each others. Fixed bad ship states when opening the terminal while having pending queries. Removal of ATC location assignment delays. Removed static delay when calling ATC. Fixed impounding fees that were not being applied. Fixed ATC getting stuck in a bad state upon a failed unstow request and handling of ASOP screen when unstow fails. Prevent multiple spawns in ASOP so players cannot accidentally spawn the same ship twice causing the previous ones to become impounded. Speed up fade when accessing ASOP. Fixed “unknown” state after a ship was stored while looking at the terminal, giving the “claim” button. Fixed wrong selected ship index when moving the mouse after having pressed a button. Adjusted alpha of disabled button state on the ASOP. Change “Transferring to Storage” with “Moving to Storage” as the string was 1 character too long and the first word was split on the UI. Added time remaining to the ASOP status column when a ship is being delivered. Fixed multiple ship highlight selection when moving cursor fast over the vehicle list. Fixed red message showing up at random times indicating an error.

  • Tractor Beam QoL

Now Ignores rotation when attaching Mining items, gimbal, salvage items, and rockets.

  • Mineable Scanning Update

Made it so that the scan results on the mining HUD account for active laser modifiers, without having to shoot the mineable with the laser.

  • Added Fury, Fury MX, and Drake Corsair to Free Flight, Racing, and Pirate/Vanduul Swarm modes in AC

Ships and Vehicles

  • Fury Polish

Made Improvements to Rotational Performance and Fuel Usage

  • Increased Corsair Maneuvering Thruster HP

Core Tech

  • Updated Tobii SDK to

Should fix a conflict with OBS web socket port 4455 showing as a bad actor when using Tobii

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple causes of 19003 and account Unstowed issues
  • Fixed multiple issues causing AI to duplicate in locations around the PU
  • Fixed an issue causing debris to obstruct and not clear from Hangars
  • There should no longer be Medical Bay Bed and Screen Obstructions in hangars
  • Ships should no longer show in the ASOP as Destroyed when storing
  • Claimed and delivered ships should no longer load into wrong location when Primary Residence is changed
  • ASOP should no longer fail to register ship destruction in specific conditions, allowing retrieval of permanently destroyed ships, and hindering insurance claims
  • Players should no longer be unable to retrieve ships after disconnecting ungracefully while in the process of retrieving a ship
  • ASOP Terminals should no longer be unusable and fade to black when accessed
  • Leaving and Returning to Salvage Mission contracts should no longer reset progress
  • Reclaimer main on-elevator control panels should now respond to input
  • Fixed an issue where players could not equip a new mobiGlas after unequipping and loses it
  • Fixed an issue where interactions were sometimes not working after opening the Starmap
  • Fixed an issue where the assigned docking collar HUD element would no appear when requesting docking permission
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to be impounded when calling the ATC multiple times
  • Mining deposits shattered at optimal range should no longer cause damage to the player’s ship
  • ARC-L4 rest stop refinery elevators should now properly arrive when called
  • Fixed an issue causing many spawned items to not have proper inner thought prompts
  • Pressing Interaction keybind while the mobiGlas opening animation is playing should no longer break mouse control
  • Gravlev vehicles should no longer have permanently unlocked item ports without notification or ability to toggle
  • Fixed missing pockets of no atmosphere inside multiple space stations
  • Client performance should no longer drasticly dip when getting close to certain spots on Everus Harbor while in a Corsair
  • Fixed missing terrain at the cave entrance near Lorville
  • Fixed an issue causing the missing person tonot appear at the wrecksites for the Missing Person missions
  • Terminals should no longer become unusable for other players after a player disconnects while interacting with them
  • Bunker manned turret gun can no longer be detached using tractor beam and attached to your ship
  • Combat Assistance Mission should now progress correctly after enemy ship has been destroyed
  • Fixed an issue that was causing server stalls If multiple harvestable nodes shattered i quick succession
  • Inner thought text for requesting to takeoff should no longer display as “Request Landing”
  • Mining UI should no longer appear in low resolution
  • The interaction prompts for ALL mining turrets are easy to miss/unintuitive locations for players
  • Players should no longer lose functionality if attempting to get into a pilot seat and opening their inventory in quick succession
  • Salvage Contract progress bar should no longer flicker when multiple players salvage the same object


  • Fixed 6 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 8 Server Crashes
  • Multiple Backend Service Updates and Crash Fixes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.19.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.19.0

Alpha Patch 3.19.0-LIVE.8478820 has been released and is now available on the LIVE environment!

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Unstowed Player ships must be claimed after a 30K (Error 30000)
  • FPS weapons are selling for much lower than intended
  • Ships can explode from collision with invisible asteroids
  • Player corpses will not despawn at Grimhex
  • Art assets will clip through the Train during the journey in Lorville
  • The entrance of the Lorville hospital has a large Visarea issue
  • Substenance items lack “Store” option when carrying the item in Inner Thoughts
  • Players cannot see partied player ships when Quantum Linking together
  • The Hornet and Glaive currently have bugged high forward thrust
  • Rest Stop (R&R) – ARC-L4 – Design / Transit / Locations – Players are unable to call elevators from rest stop refinery
  • Multilocation – Locations / Shopping / Interactions – Pharmacy kiosk terminals “Use” interface and Interactions are misaligned
  • Weapon Feature / Game Code – Tractor Beam – If you activate the tractor beam in hangar, you can bring the activated tractor beam back and use it in armistice zone
  • Aegis Reclaimer – Ships / Vehicles – Ship Features – Reclaimer has no rear Elevator interaction from ship exterior
  • ARGO MOLE – Vehicles / UI – The interaction prompts for ALL mining turrets are easy to miss/in unintuitive locations for players
  • CNOU HoverQuad – Vehicles / Locations – The vehicle spawns slightly stuck in the ground
  • Multivehicle – UI / Vehicles / Mining – Mining UI is appearing in Low Resolution
  • Racing – Locations – A specific rock formations on the Yadar Valley race track are visible to some player and not others
  • Crusader – Security Post Kareah – Core Tech – Physics – Actor / Player – Transitioning from EVA onto Kareah’s landing pads has a high chance of instantly killing the player
  • Transit – Area18 – Orison – Shuttles/Trains/Trams – Players are falling through sometimes disappearing trams and shuttles to their deaths
  • Locations – ArcCorp / Crusader – Area18 / Orison – Core Tech / Transit Systems – The Trams are out of sync with the station timers, causing trams to overlap or not appear on time
  • Security Post Kareah – Mission Content / Art – VisArea – Contraband screens have a visarea issue

New Features


  • Mission – Salvage Contracts – T0

Addition of Salvage Contracts to the PU. This new contract called the Salvage Resource Rush is a mission where a faction or mission giver requests the scrapping of a derelict or husk in their possession, either on the ground at a junkyard or in space in a debris field. Players accepting the mission are tasked to scrap the derelict to the best of their ability and sell the RCM to a shop. Once the player is finished with the scrapping of the derelict, they can complete the mission in their MobiGlass. This mission will have three variations:

Lawful: a lawful mission giver or organization requests the scrapping of a derelict. The location is secured by the organization with orbital sentries or Centurions.
Lawless: a mission giver requests the scrapping of a derelict. The location is not secured in any way, risk of being raided by pirates is present.
Unlawful: an unlawful mission giver or organization asks for the salvage of a recent battle, which is not accessible to civilians/cordoned off. The location is secured by hostile orbital sentries or Centurions.

  • Ghost Hollow Reclaimer PVP Mission

Adding a new mission type to the Ghost Hollow crash site on MicroTech. Making use of the comm-array as well as AI nav-mesh, this mission type will create PVP encounters where players will need to fight for control over terminals for a chance at big credit payouts.

This is a mission with Outlaw UEC terminals in the Reclaimer derelict. When active, they generate UEC that anybody can withdraw, creating PVP encounters between players trying to control the terminals (which are also guarded by Outlaws AI). To start the terminals, the comms array must be disabled. If that is done, the terminals can be activated in the tower next to the derelict ship. To start this event at the Ghost Hollow Crash Site, a player will need to disable the Stanton4 comm array above MicroTech which will enable the terminals and a Mobiglas communication is sent to all nearby players.

  • New Player Experience

An initiative for improving the initial (first 30 minutes) gameplay experience, which will help players understand the context of the world and introduce them to some of Star Citizen’s basic features. This update focuses on the experience in Area 18 and Baijini Point. As players enter the main menu to join the universe they will be prompted with the option to join as normal or accept the New Player Experience Mission chain which will set their spawn to Area18 and begining a walkthrough. Being the NPE we are going to leave the details off to give you all the experience of doing this as close to a new player as possible without information.

Feature Updates


  • Lorville Skyline 2.0

The major reworking the Lorville skyline to better fit the scale of the city and its distinctive buildings. The goal is to create the visual identity for the high-end, low-end, and generic branding of the city skyline and add navigational signage around the landing zone.

  • Added Updated Volumetric Atmosphere and Clouds to ArcCorp and Hurston
  • Performance Polish Pass for Atmospheres and Clouds
  • Moved Location of Area18 ASOP Terminals Closer to the Hangar Elevators
  • Updated Building Blocks Shop UI for Casaba and Dumpers Depot With Shop Specific Styles


  • FPS AI Combat Balance

With 3.19 comes a quality of life overhaul of FPS AI accuracy and behavior. This is intended to make AI feel a bit more realistic, lifelike, and in some ways more forgiving without pinpoint, deadly accuracy at all times, which is something that has caused many of us much frustration while clearing out baddies from underground facilities.

NPCs should now have a better range of accuracy modifiers, which will ramp up accuracy based on many factors like seeing and losing sight of target, how long the enemy sees it’s target after regaining sigh on them, mercy times to assess how much of a threat the target it, and their loadouts. This also implements firing duration and cooldown for rapid fire and other checks with mercy timers that adjust accuracy when determining if a player is a threat or not.


  • Tractor Beam – T0.5 – Item Attaching and Detaching

Enabling hand held tractor beams to attach and detach items such as ship components and allowing players to sell those salvaged items for profit. This iteration of the tractor beam gameplay will add the functionality to the tractor beam attachment of the multitool to detach and attach items from ships itemPorts. This functionality can either be used for component exchange, replacement or restocking or to scavenge other ships to use or make a profit. Players can lock and unlock the ability to remove weapons and components from their ship with a new Port Unlock option in the Inner Thought where which in the cockpit or using the new Port Unlock keybind (Default (r-alt + K). While aiming at a component with a tractor beam to detatch it, hold “B” and it will highlight the object with a glow around its perimeter/shape. Left click and drag to pull the component lose from its socket/hardpoint. While attaching components, an AR marker will appear to give players guidance on the correct orientation to attach the component in correctly. If the holo outline is green simply let go of the item and it will attach. If the holo outline is yellow, rotate the item until the outline turns green. If the holo outline is red, the item does not fit the Item port requirements.

  • Mining Balancing v01

With 3.19 comes updates to both Ship and FPS mining with wide-sweeping balance changes to sell prices, refining effectiveness and costs, component stats, multi-crew mining efficiency, mineable difficulties and masses with larger asteroids, resource distribution, as well as the addition of new mineables. The goal in 3.19 is to make multi-crew mining more attractive and even out all materials to make them all more lucrative instead of a select few.

Ship mining
Resource Distribution has been updated to reflect a more distinct distribution of minerals throughout Stanton. Which means that several locations (per planet/moon) now hold exclusive resources rather, than full random resources. Additionally we defined so called “standard” resources that are a given in each minable you will encounter. The rest of the elements have chances to appear in those rocks. The updated resource distribution is also reflected in the trading availability and refining capabilities. Every mining gadget, head, and sub item has had a full balance pass for stats, cost, and efficiencies. Every item that is connected to mining gameplay loop was updated to target specific resources to be mined better or worse depending on the setup of your Mining Head. Multi-crew mining has also been balanced with the Mole getting a buff on instability if the same lasers fire on the same rock, while the Prospector will get a punishment for multiple prospectors firing at the same rock on instability.

FPS mining
A new minable is introduced that is only available in the new caves systems and has a high value to encourage players to go mining with their FPS tools outside of prison.

Changes in the Mining Update
  • Resource Update

Concept of minable rarities for resources:
Standard (base resource of a minable always part of any rock, like Iron
Common (chance to be part of the rock like beryl)
Uncommon (chance to be part of the rock like Gold)
Rare (chance to be part of the rock like Qunatainium)
Dedicated location for resources that have the standard rarity (like Arial having Iron and Quartz)
Updated properties for resources (each resource should affect the properties of the rock based on their amount)
Updated mass for minables (resource composition affects the mass of the rock
More variant rock sizes/masses
Small ones that do not need breaking to massive rocks that require multiple players)
Additional rock types with unique chances for resource compositions
removed Diamonds temporarily

  • FPS Mining Update

Added Janalite as FPS minable to caves (very rare but very valuable)
Allowed Mouse Wheel to control throttle – Alt + mouse wheel to control laser intensity
Adjusted Difficulty of Hand Mining Various Nodes

  • Resource Refining and prices

Updated resource prices and demands at TDDs
The further away from the standard material the more profit
Updated refinery yield and time for certain material to encourage longer distances to travel for the best money/hour

  • Full item rework

Mining heads now have a min/max laser power
Mining heads have different laser power per size
Mining heads have different extraction speeds where there is also a difference between S1 and S2
Mining heads have different ideal distances
Updated resistance values for all mining items
Updated instability mitigating values for all mining items
Unified properties for all Mining modules and Mining Gadgets
Buffed Active modules drastically
Added new property exclusive to mining gadgets: Called Cluster modifier that clusters element together à if you split a rock it increases the chance that the elements are together in one of the broken pieces)
Filtering on some items that remove the inert from the rocks you are collecting
Re-Added Arbor S1 & S2 Mining Head Variants to Shopping Locations
Sub item slots on Mining Heads are different between S1 and S2
Resistance reduction now is multiplicative
Made Instability updates

  • UI Update

Difficulty forecast that tells you how easy it is to break the rock you are facing
Reordered some elements of the UI
Details of the mining items you have currently equipped
Details on your current cargo
Clearer scanning display and clearer explanation what is happening during scanning

  • Synergy Tractor Beam

Allow to detach attach Mining modules/ Heads/ sacks and Place in Ship Inventory

  • Density Manager Mission Updates

Updated the density manager system so that mission entities and things dropped by missions such as corpses, guns, and debris will be cleaned up when the area is streamed out. As we reuse mission locations such as UGFs, the location will then be cleaned up of all mission items when the area is streamed out while player dropped things remain as usual.

  • Made Insurance Claim Time and Price Increases to all Ships
  • Reduced the Inventory Stock of Ship Weapons, Missiles, and Ship Components Sold in Reststops and LEOs
  • Temporarily Removed Orison Platform FPS Missions for 3.19
  • Temporarily Removed Claim Jumpers Missions for 3.19

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added Corsair, Cutter, and C8R Pisces to In-game Shops

Core Tech

  • Optimized Radar Performance While Ccanning Large Amounts of Cargo Boxes
  • ASOP UI Performance Optimizations
  • NPC Performance Optimizations

Major Bug Fixes

  • Players should now get a crash handler prompt if the client crashes
  • Fixed an issue causing players in a given instance to experience a response latency of up to dozens of seconds for interactions
  • Buying Pharmacy Items at Empire Health should no longer result in “Invalid Location” errors
  • Player purchased vehicle components should no longer be overwritten by stock components when claiming destroyed ship
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to hit what seems like an invisible box that kicks it in random directions when flying near another ship
  • Entry / Dismount point of the ladders should no longer clip the player through the ship’s geometry (Temporarily Disables Ladder Slide)
  • There should no longer be frequent pockets of extremely low client FPS performance in LZs and ships
  • Redeemer should no longer be missing collision on its floor
  • Reclaimer rear hatch can now be opened correctly from outside/inside
  • Players should no longer asphyxiate if not wearing a helmet in Hangar 13
  • EVA changes should no longer cause distortion and artifacts in the UI
  • Large amounts of cargo sold at once should no longer cause the transaction to fail the cargo will be taken and no money will be granted
  • aUEC balances should now synchronize to players after making transactions in-game
  • Some sections of the Crusader C2 Hercules hull should no longer be exceedingly difficult/impossible to salvage
  • The bottom turret glass on the Carrack should no longer be difficult to see out of
  • Fixed the Merlin being unable to undock from Constellation
  • Fixed missing Delivery Missions being unavailable to players
  • Elevators should no longer stop bullets from doing damage when passing through the open door
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to Equip/Unequip a helmet
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to drop a dead body while dragging it
  • Fixed an issue where Players exiting the Pilot Seat or toggling Salvage Mode while in Gimbal Mode would cause gimbal mode to fail when they Re-Enter the Pilot
  • Fixed an issue causing ship parts to “Duplicate” when repairing a ship with no parts
  • Player-purchased vehicle components overwritten in claimed vehicle loadout can now be sold or equipped
  • Medical Bay Bed and Screens should no longer obstruct hangars
  • BEHR P6-LR Sniper Rifle and GMNI A03 should no longer be missing from Star Marine Loadout Customizer
  • Fixed reversed text in the Pisces cockpit overhead light
  • Fixed the Optimax mining gadget not modifying resistance
  • Greycat STV speedometer should no longer be off-center within its window
  • Delivery missions should no longer spawn in more boxes than are need to be delivered
  • Players should no longer be able to craft a free multitool from the Filler Station in their salvage ships without using RMC
  • The Disable Gravity Prompt during the Failed Negotiations mission should no longer be unresponsive
  • Players should no longer suffocate when exiting the Cutter ship bed after using “lie down”
  • Fixed an issue causing some AI to walk in place
  • Players should now be able to vault / climb / mantle into the side entrances of the Valkyrie
  • Ground clutter rocks should no longer float above the ground everywhere on Wala/Magda/Ariel/Aberdeen/lyria
  • Fixed an issue causing mineable resources or harvestables to not be present in any of the Sand Caves
  • The “Frustrated with Covalex” Delivery Mission should no longer be missing half of its description in the Contract Manager
  • Arena Commander “Find Match” button should no longer be greyed out until player switches game modes


  • Fixed 12 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 6 Server Crashes
  • Fixed a Mainthread Deadlock
  • Backend Performance Improvements
  • Fixed an Nvidia specific client crash

Star Citizen Alpha 3.18.2

Star Citizen Patch 3.18.2

Alpha Patch 3.18.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.18.2-LIVE.8440578.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Partially Disabled (aUEC, Merits, REC, and Reputation will be preserved)
Starting aUEC: 200,000

Known Issues

  • Game clients may close without error or crash handler
  • ASOP Terminals are unusable and fade to black when accessed
  • Equipping more than 5 components in a single “Save Changes and Equip” VMA transaction will fail
  • XenoThreat 1.1 / Jumptown – Players cannot sell all quantity of zeta-prolanide or maze from their ship for dynamic events (Selling smaller quantities at a time should work)
  • Ships can explode from collision with invisible asteroids
  • The Trams are out of sync with the station timers, causing trams to overlap or not appear on time
  • Elevators and Trams are “Jittery” during transit of Player Character
  • When flying near another ship, ship seems to hit an invisible box that kicks it in random directions
  • Cargo may be invisible in multiple ships after being purchased
  • When attempting to start a refinery job, players receive the following error ; Something went wrong (Error code: 20)
  • Security Contractor Evaluation is not re-offered upon failure
  • Combat Service Beacon Progress / Rating inconsistent on missions
  • Security Work Assesment Remaining Hostile NPCs Not Spawning In
  • PTV wheels at the Orison BTR area can clip into geometry and become detached from vehicle
  • The snub fighter attached to Constellations lacks interaction prompts to enter it, making it unusable
  • Some ship wreckage erroneously give “No Material” text and do not let you salvage
  • Markers Will Randomly Disappear After Quantum Travel With No Route Set

Feature Updates

Core Tech

  • Density Manager Optimizations

Updated Density Manager values to be more aggressive for removing unneeded entities in the PU to improve server/client performance.

  • Made further entitlement processing improvements
  • Updated Login Queue Time Display

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple areas of the prison escape route where players could not vault out of
  • Ships should no longer sometimes be claimed at another location other than the terminal it’s being claimed on
  • AI victim names should now display correctly in the “Crime Committed Against” name field
  • 2 Extra Odyssey II Alpha Undersuits should no longer appear in players inventories
  • Movement of the players head should now be smooth with TrackIR
  • Fixed frequent pockets of extremely low client FPS performance in LZs and ships
  • Fixed trees spawning inside rivers
  • New Deal and Vantage rental kiosks should no longer be missing
  • “Fugitive Recovery” missions should no longer result in a crimestat for the bounty hunter
  • Additional FPS AI, that don’t count for the mission, should no longer spawn in during Eliminate All / Caterpillar Crashsites missions
  • Spawning ships will no longer cause the requested ship to spawn outside of the hangars
  • Reclaimer main on-elevator control panels should now fully respond to input
  • Salvage lasers should now fully provide RMC when scraping a hull hull
  • Entering or exiting the seat in the Vulture should no longer cause Salvage beams to become desynced from their displayed settings
  • The Anteres QED should no longer have low health and is easily knocked out once shields are down
  • Players in a given instance should no longer experience a response latency of up to dozens of seconds for interactions
  • Fixed Lootable Container Slots containing no loot when they are streamed out and back in at SPK
  • Melting/Upgrading a ship while the player is bed logged in that ship should no longer put the player in a bad state. Error 30018 cant login
  • Fixed the “Visit Orison” Commercial freezing and locking up clients
  • Loot boxes should no longer become unavalable to other players when a user crashes whilst interacting with it
  • Fixed Zeta-Prolanide Salvage Claims not spawning all the cargo boxes for players to retrieve
  • Combat Assistance Mission should now correctly progress after enemy ship has been destroyed
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to scan mining deposits
  • New Deal and Vantage Rental Kiosks should no longer be missing in Lorville
  • Fixed non-owner players being able to “Log Out” in the prisoner seat of the Hawk causing it to not retrieve correctly after an insurance claim
  • Fixed the Spawn Rates of Salvagable entities are duplicating and substantially higher than intended
  • Players should no longer be injured or bleed out if the cockpit seat animations are clipped
  • Rented Ships will no longer disappear from ASOP when claimed
  • Fixed the Failed Negotiations Disable Gravity Prompt being unresponsive
  • Delivery missions should no longer show Objective withdrawn upon reaching mission location
  • Players should now correctly be able to save changes to their ship loadouts


  • Fixed 10 Client crashes
  • Fixed 9 Server crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock

Star Citizen Alpha 3.18.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.18.1

Alpha Patch 3.18.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.18.1-LIVE.8430497.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. The Shader folders can be found here %localappdata%\Star Citizen.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Disabled (Full Progress Wipe)
Starting aUEC: 200,000

Known Issues

  • Game clients may close without error or crash handler
  • ASOP Terminals are unusable and fade to black when accessed
  • Delivery Objective withdrawn upon reaching mission location
  • Equipping more than 5 components in a single “Save Changes and Equip” VMA transaction will fail
  • Harvestable Deposits may be invisible to players, cause collisions or become unavailable for scanning, mining or salvage gameplay
  • The Trams are out of sync with the station timers, causing trams to overlap or not appear on time
  • Elevators and Trams are “Jittery” during transit of Player Character
  • When flying near another ship, ship seems to hit an invisible box that kicks it in random directions
  • Reclaimer main on-elevator control panels do not respond to input
  • Cargo may be invisible in multiple ships after being purchased
  • When attempting to start a refinery job, players receive the following error ; Something went wrong (Error code: 20)
  • Security Contractor Evaluation is not re-offered upon failure
  • Combat Service Beacon Progress / Rating inconsistent on missions
  • Security Work Assesment Remaining Hostile NPCs Not Spawning In
  • PTV wheels at the Orison BTR area can clip into geometry and become detached from vehicle
  • The snub fighter attached to Constellations lacks interaction prompts to enter it, making it unusable
  • Some ship wreckage erroneously give “No Material” text and do not let you salvage
  • Markers Will Randomly Disappear After Quantum Travel With No Route Set

Feature Updates


  • Initial Ship Delivery

This change we are making affects how you obtain your vehicle when logging into the game for the first time after a database reset. Instead of being immediately entitled to your home location in-game, ship pledges on our website will now be available at any ASOP terminal labeled as “Deliverable”. You can make your ship available at the location for the first time by pressing the “Deliver” button, which functions similarly to the standard insurance claim but is free and only takes about 20 seconds. Once delivered that ship will be available to customize and be used. This change will help address entitlement database spam when new accounts are entering the PU for for the first time. This delivery feature reduces the size of player’s default inventories and thus the size of the global databases substantially.

  • Arena Commander Customization Temporarily Disabled

We have implemented improvements to the API that manages ship customization in Arena Commander and are exploring more, which we believe will further alleviate issues with entitlement. While these changes are being tested, ship customization in Arena Commander will be temporarily disabled for 3.18.1. You will still be able to select ships from your hangar as well as REC rentals, however. We will be providing several vehicle loadout changes in AC that you can use in the meantime with upgraded shield generators and weaponry that we’ve hand selected. This will temporarily update the loadouts of the base Gladius, Arrow, and Blade. This change will be temporary; customization will be reenabled in the following update. The next update will also include general fixes that didn’t make it for 3.18.1’s release and/or were blocked by issues with Persistent Entity Streaming.

  • Density Manager Optimizations

Updated Density Manager values to be more aggressive for removing unneeded entities in the PU to improve server/client performance.

  • Made additional optimizations for loot generation

Bug Fixes

  • Players crashing out/quits mid using an ASOP terminal should no longer brick it and make it unusable
  • Players should now be able to pick-up/interact with repair drops in Arena Commander
  • Fixed an issue causing players to occasionally be unable to exit ship seats
  • Gas clouds should no longer cause a memory leak
  • Fixed Various issues in Arena Commander where the waiting for players count would fall below 0 which would cause the match to never start


In 3.18.1 we have made many dramatic changes to how the ASOP, client, server, and global databases handle entities and entitlements which should help both make things like stowing and unstowing of ships more reliable and snappier as well as address many of the various issues players have been seeing with unstowed characters and many different account errors blocking players from loading into the PU.

The 3.18 infrastructure needs are a lot higher than previous game versions. Armed with data of the last few weeks of 3.18 the team has also spent considerable amount of time analyze and optimize the cloud footprint of the game , resizing and adjusting layout of the clusters and regions where the game hosts services.

  • Fixed 2 Client crashes
  • Fixed 2 Server crashes