Hey everyone, This update outlines the next update and a refined roadmap.
An Apology
I said I was going to get this update by before Christmas. I'm not going to be able to for 2 reasons; one, I'm currently not happy with how it would of been released, with it being a full rework of the inventory (Which I heavily underestimated the work on) I don't want this having multiple issues and would rather sit down and keep improving it. Two, while I will still be working on the update over the current days and weeks around Christmas and New Years I'm going to be spending some time with family and friends, simple as, not much more to it then that.
So, when is it you ask? January, over the next 1 to 3 weeks I'll be able to lock down a more precise date and start with a long overdue experimental build before stable.
The Roadmap
Phase 1
The majority of phase 1 is coming out in the the first major patch in January, with the possibility of it including the bunker additions too and if not that will be released shortly after.
Phase 2
Building a settlement system - This system will tie into quests but revolves around upgrading a settlement from ruin to glory. More information in the future.
Reworked human AI/Other AI - Human AI is meh. It does what it needs to do, but not very well. I'm going to completely remake them so the system works smoothly and allow some various actions the AI will be allowed to perform.
Phase 3
Vehicles - This is more of a "layering" system for the vehicles. From physical modding to enhancing general specifics, or even a towing system for trailers and more.
Phase 4
Lore - I'm going to keep adding to the notes, radios and some new systems but with this you will see a full fleshing out of the lore and what happened to this place.
Character perks & traits system - From the occupation you chose, to specific features about your character, this will all come together to a more in depth character creation and life of your character (I do not plan on forcing you to start a new character to reap the benefits of this system).
World electricity system - Go to the power plants and electrical substations, clean them out and keep others out to provide electricity and goodies to selected locations.
Phase 5
Multiplayer - Simple as. The penultimate ending to coming out of early access.
And more...
Finally, thank you. Apologies I couldn't end the year on a high but we move into the new year with a whole lot to look forward to.
SurrounDead - Labor of Love Steam Awards 2024
Hey everyone, Steam Autumn Sale is here, Steam awards are here and an extremely good looking 2025 to come. As we come to the end of 2024, if you feel SurrounDead is worthy of being voted for, I'd be grateful if you do!
Good luck surviving and look forward to the future!
What's happening before the end of the year?
Hey everyone, Just a quick update on what is happening at the moment.
When is the next update?
First of all, apologies for this update taking longer than I thought. However, the plan is to have this update before the end of the year (Most likely slightly earlier than that so I can enjoy the holidays however). Progress has been mainly focused on the inventory system and some other features that I look forward to people seeing.
What will this update have?
Reworked Inventory - It won't have all quality of life changes implemented yet or items but the base will be there for me to go on and add your suggestions for this update and future ones. New items are getting added, many changes and a handful that were not used or were useless have been removed.
Durability System - Firearms, melee weapons, armor and specific weapon attachments will all have durability. This will add a level on top of the game that hopefully players will really like while not being annoying. With that, you can completely disable durability or increase/decrease a multiplier that changes the durability reduction amount of them.
Randomized Item Stats - Firearms, melee weapons and armor all have randomised stats that generate when they are spawned. You can easily check the stats by hovering over the item or inspecting it.
Infestations System - The reworked infestations system will be implemented with the update and with a lot more coming out for it in following updates. Expect a system that is more engrained into the world, but also if you don't want that you'll be able to completely disable this.
DLSS & FSR/Frame Generation - To begin, adding these doesn't mean I'm going to give up with other optimizations for the systems in game, but it is just 1 system being added that can benefit lots of players from low-end to high-end. I am also looking at other upscaler systems to give player's multiple options and DLSS frame generation too.
& More - More minor stuff will be in the update that you can look forward to.
What's planned for next year?
A lot is planned. The roadmap will be getting some changes (Multiplayer is still staying where it is however). There will be 1 other thing involved that some people have been asking for (Not related to game updates) that I'll hopefully announce then too. So, look forward to that and hearing what is coming in 2025!
Inventory remake/rework progress and experimental testing when?
Hey everyone, This is just an update on what is happening with the inventory remake/rework.
Stats & weapon malfunction chance
So to begin with a controversial feature; weapon malfunctioning is coming to the game but what does this actually mean?
As you shoot your weapon, the chance of malfunctioning slowly increases
This can be remedied by using a weapon cleaning kit on the weapon
On hard and above it is activated by default but you can disable it in the difficulty settings and change how fast the malfunctioning chance increases with a multiplier
This is all still WIP
Next, as seen in the screenshot you can see how "good" your weapon is via the stats/progress bars. This system also carries over to melee weapons, helmets and body armor at this moment in time.
Experimental testing
Stuff is starting to look better for the remade inventory but it still needs some extra stuff and many new items (There is only like 15 at the moment). With that what I will say that at this moment it is not long until I start open experimental testing for everyone to try and see how it expands as I add and change more stuff via community feedback.
Next to do with all this
At the moment I am currently sorting out the mass list of weapons in game, sorting out their stats, if they should be in the game, etc. For example the M4 (The larger version of the M4CQB) is being removed and replaced by the M4 FDE. Also, adding features like disabling backpack in backpack is still needed and once this is done I will be looking at the community requested features on the the Google Forms link I posted a few weeks back. The changes I add will be shown in the experimental build when it is released.
More info on all this will be said at the end of this week also.
An update on the inventory remake/rework progress
Hey everyone, This is just an update on what is happening with the inventory remake/rework.
Progress has gone really well and the system is up to a base standard where it could be used in the game now, but missing features and improvements that need to be done first. Systems that still need to be completed are stuff to do with the difficulty system, attachments and many parts of its UI design and a few more things. However, I am very happy with the look of it and some of the stuff I'll be able to add to it in the future.
What is new?
Randomised Stats: Weapon stats and some equipment stats will be varied. Now 1 question you may ask is "Isn't this going in a very looter shooter way" and to a degree that is true but in no way do I want the game to turn into that. The randomisation of stats is more to increase the variety of items and what you can find and make you want to look out for the better stuff as you scavenge "The Valley". The stats that are randomised are: Weapon damage, firearm RPM, critical hit chance & multiplier, malfunction chance on damaged firearms, melee stamina drain, throwable damage, armor protection and possibly more.
Loot Container Marking: The old system of putting items in loot containers caused quite a few issues and with the new system it fixes these. After looting a container, you will now be able to mark it as a storage container and whenever it is marked it will save the loot that is inside.
New Firearm Damage System: Firearms now have 1 damage stat and damage to AI is adjusted via multipliers depending on shot placement (Body, head). As an example and all is still WIP: Pistol / SMG: 200% - Base damage = 20 dmg -> 40 dmg AR / LMG / Marksman rifle: 225% - Base damage = 45 dmg -> 101 dmg Sniper Rifle: 250% - Base damage = 90 dmg -> 225 dmg Shotgun: 150% - Base damage = 20 dmg for 6 pellets (if all hit = 120dmg) -> 30 dmg or 180 if all hit
And More
What is not being removed or changed?
Backpack in Backpack: This is not getting removed, despite some confusion. This will continue to be a difficulty option that players can opt in and out of. I am also looking at improvements to the system when it is enabled.
Weight System: This is something I am currently not looking at adding to the game. I will look at it in the future but at this moment in time you will not see it soon or at all. However, with everything please suggest stuff (even if it is a weight system) and all.
Finally, on a less happy note, depending on time for and everything for all this work. There may not be any Halloween event in game :( and will also be releasing another dev update with some screenshots to show progress too as I go through remaking items and more. So look forward to that.
TL;DR Work going well, new stuff coming :)
The Plan
Hey everyone,
So the plan at the moment is to rework the backend stuff of the inventory to the new system. Now once this is completed I will start to release experimental build updates that will start with hardly any items and go from there. Following on from these updates, I will also look at improvements once it is at a base standard to what we currently have. Now, I will also release frequent dev updates on the discord and here in 'dev updates' on steam to let everyone know how everything is going and what you're to expect.
With that, the next update won't just be just this inventory stuff but it will also include the brand new infestations system (You will probably not see this in the experimental builds).
Doing all this will make stuff in the future much more fluid and reduce quite a few headaches I've had with the current system.
A lot is still to come and I'll let you all know what that is soon. Big and juicy updates are coming!
TL;DR Inventory System backend changes and improvement, new infestations system and more
Invisible Loot Containers Issue
After the recent update an issue occured via loot containers becoming invisible. With this quick hotfix all you need to do to fix it is to;
Save your game
Load that save file up again
Loot containers will spawn in correctly
Also tomorrow I will do another dev update going over the plan for the next update.
Patch 0.6.0c - Hotfix
Just a quick hotfix with a big improvement to the attachments UI. I am now looking at undergoing the inventory stuff also.
Attachments are much easier to access now
Setting a current save manually is now an option you have to opt into
Fixed invisible objects at the hotel
Fixed being prompted to "Click to start" every time you go back to the main menu from in game
Fixed saves not changing their information when looking at them
Fixed prompts for saving, loading and deleting saves
Fixed an issue that sometimes the main menu would stay even after entering the game
Fixed cursor disappearing in main menu and not being able to do certain actions after this
Fixed after starting a new game, respawn points, etc from your prior save would also apply to your new game
Remaking The Inventory System
Hey everyone, I am looking at currently upgrading the behind the scenes of the inventory system. This involves recreating every single item in the game and more.
This does mean once this update comes out your saves would not work (As your player inventory system would cease to function as it has old data, but I will look into it so you can continue your current but having none of your previous items).
So, what stuff would you want to see added, changed or removed to the inventory system? Answer below: https://forms.gle/VLv7SvXQvMc4oH1w5
Also work is continuing on the infestation system and the irradiated area in the north of the map. Lots more to come...
TL;DR Remaking the inventory system, old saves wouldn't work and continuing on with infestations and the northern irradiated area
Patch 0.6.0b - Quick hotfixes
Apologies for missing these out when doing the patch, I will be updating this post:
22/09 - 16:00 (BST)
Fixed scope issue with scrolling
Fixed floating animal meat bags
Fixed typo when repairing a vehicle
Fixed not being able to remove 2 sets of trash piles in a fire station building
Fixed sound of equipping and unequipping larger melee weapons
Fixed footsteps when walking with binoculars being used
Fixed issue with first person audio being wonky (Please report further issues with this)
Fixed first person ladder climbing
22/09 - 14:30 (BST)
Added option to disable weapon scrolling (If disabled no holding Alt for camera distance)
New building block at POIs is now default set to false (There is also a difficulty option that came out shortly after the patch yesterday)
Fixed issues with weapon scrolling (Building, inventory, etc)