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Survival Frenzy

20.02.20 Updates Duo Mode, Etc

SURFer, everyone! Hello!

We will update the update patch history.

1. Duo mode

Today's SURF is facing various challenges for the introduction of several modes.
Many people in Duo mode decided that they wanted to proceed.

You can enjoy Duo mode by selecting


Unintended teaming can be misunderstood,

How about enjoying Duo mode? "

1) Add Friend
2) Duo Quick Match
3) Room Creation Select 1-person or 2-person mode

Survey Event Winner Announcement

SURFer, everyone! Hello!

The survey that Surf conducted to further develop ended today at 9:00 am.
Thank you to all who participated.

We have paid 1000 RP points to the participants in the survey.

Please check the list after completing the check. The list of participants can be found in the list below.

Also, some people may not be able to track your nickname because it was not properly filled out.
If you have participated but have not been rewarded, please send an email to with your 'In-Game Nickname' and 'Steam ID'.

Thank you.

Event Participants

15130 / Kr_Halten / TS세라 / 드루와롸 / 쓰레기이정민 / 창준 / Framesteel / PRiNZ / 김철수 / 부산사나이한석준 / 유튜브채널_개구쌤 / 허봉남 / 30day / KR_KING / Twitch_Comin / 드미트리멘델레예프 / ㅇㅅㅇㅅㅇ / 초콜릿 / fucQQQQ / PUBG_jaemin / 김첨지 / 부처멘탈개복치 / 육수 / 혁주캡틴짱짱 / 5성콜라 / KR_LiMU / Twitchkotaru / 딸기맛츄파춥스 / 아기뎡우 / 최사장 / Fungi_a / Pyro / 김춘자 / 북한산막대기 / 육식주의스님 / 현츄 / 7urbo / KRISDONTHE_DON / uensmaa / 땅콩감자 / 아누 / 추고왕 / Fxck_mango / Qall / 김푸딩 / 불멸의초코볼 / 윤희원 / 호댕이 / 90년식심장 / Lava / Ultra / 때리면두배로갚아준다 / 아름다운세직 / 충신 / garmr / quadV / 깅이 / 브릭키 / 은띡 / 홍성핫바디 / abcdefghijklmnopqrst / lepus / under_rwa / 뚝딱 / 아메리카노 / 츄릅 / GGOLEE / RAHEE / 까뚱 / 비정상 / 은수rrrrr / 화이트코드 / AceKoo / lightsol / universe / 라나 / 아섹1스하고싶다 / 치킨무따따블 / gimtaeho / Rasmusdas / 까치살모사 / 빛이나는뚝베기 / 은수쥬지 / 환경미화원 / AKLLAS / LIT.TLEKID / UniverseMVP / 라쿠니 / 아아아아가버려엇 / 칠성사이다 / GOD느금 / Rin_chan / 깐조 / 빡세근 / 은하 / 황재영범죄자 / alexvolk / lockdown7839 / VETUM / 레드포트 / 아알라후아크바아르 / 카랄크 / GUYFERGHUS / Rina / 나건들면최소꼬3 / 빵만두유 / 음바페로개팸 / 효진 / amore8932 / lost / welcome / 롯데 / 아앙기분조아 / 카르마스트 / hanbi204 / RinMoe / 나는빡빡이다~ / 삐삐삐삐 / 의자왕섹수킹 / 흑인래퍼탐탐 / Andjoy / Lucky_Shot / Wortns / 르네임 / 아으아으 / 카인드 / haryung1 / SAgain / 나는야우터독 / 사라져가는코로나 / 이게송세모 / 흔들어제껴 / Angel0217 / LXEX / xinnhecaidau / 리오넬메시 / 아임뚜렛 / 캡틴키리 / hdyS2 / Sang_A / 나는코로나다 / 사람된고릴라 / 이나경 / 흙수저 / Anggimochi / Mad_Max / xXgunXx / 마상호빡빡이 / 아잉 / 코로나콜록콜록 / henmong / SAOLOL936 / 나라 / 사무엘줵슨 / 이동규여드름 / 흠마흡냐 / aphelios / MadMax / yashiba / 마키아_Maackia / 아잉넘아 / 코코볼 / heyhoneybee / Se%yJoong / 나얌 / 사바나캣 / 이레 / 히오스 / asdf / Maru / YJS06 / 만렙너구리 / 안덤벼도머독은죽는다 / 콜라겐 / hideonpush / senmj / 나준호 / 사이다맛정신 / 이우너우 / Asher나 / Matumba / youngcooz / 말배 / 안양떡볶이 / 쿠쿠르드 / hihi사실꽁치는나 / SINIB / 나처음임봐줘잉 / 살려도 / 이제현 / AvrorA / Mayori / yuzna / 맛뚱산 / 암살자123 / 키멘즈 / ho2ho2 / sintls / 난만들어먹어 / 상특) / 이코 / azima / Mika / Zflex. / 망고와체리 / 압다라주마조리리 / 킬리란세로 / hodduck429 / sinwoobin / 남남수수학학원원장 / 새콤달콤 / 익힌고구마 / B_PICK / MilkCoffee_ / Zhang_Chen1506 / 망망몽 / 앙버터몽땅 / 킴치워리어 / hongse / kipple_skopple / 남평나이키 / 샛미르 / 인간찬가 / baffrodite / Minerva / zl존예성123 / 망울 / 앞으로나와 / 킹만해 / honjaya / Skychuk / 낭비 / 생갈치2호 / 입안에서사르르사또밥 / bc27 / MiniCooper / zoodasha / 매운맛짬뽕집 / 앨리스 / 킹왕짱퍼렁충 / HOTDOOGGEE / slayer_ddul / 내가왔다 / 서량 / ㅈ까 / bi0sek / minis / ZZEESSTT / 맨만기 / 야발낙지 / 킹용용 / Hot통령TV / SmileSoMA / 내꿈은호날두 / 서울 / 자피나 / blackfanda / minjjang / ДИАНА / 메시갓 / 야야 / 킹정우 / HULENGE / SMUCKEY / 내얼굴떡두꺼비 / 서윤 / 작은머리 / Blake__0099 / MinoKawai / 강석현조지러갑니다 / 명박표녹조라떼한잔 / 양아쥐 / 타르코프망겜 / idowon201 / sntereotype / 내얼굴박새로이 / 서커닌데 / 장마틴마브라조 / BMlight / Minton / 강철곧휴 / 모지모찌 / 어리석군 / 템페스트 / illililiililil / socialworker / 내일은월요일 / 서한결 / 재성 / BOBOBO / MKIT_RAIN / 강혁 / 무능이 / 어젯밤팬티도둑 / 토종닭챔스각 / Jackinjayz / SOCONOMI / 널저팬다 / 설인 / 전두엽 / BooKi / MyBeBong / 개마싯는우엉 / 무신 / 어피치 / 트위치heeddong / Jaco8485 / Sokol / 네덜랜드 / 세남 / 정인짱짱맨 / buyng / NeymarJR / 검은콩두유 / 문도 / 어허그러면안댕 / 트위치성찬 / Jahmp / SonicZ / 넫챨은specif / 세트 / 정정당당하게싸우자 / ByungAhRee / Nezuko / 게임 / 뭘봐시덜련아 / 얼굴니 / 티르티르모 / JamesBond / ssibang / 노도카 / 소녀전선짱 / 제드 / byungjun / NICKGAE / 경후니빠박이 / 미띤넘의생존법칙 / 없음 / 티모 / Jane007 / star / 노랑머리준표 / 수개미류 / 제이켄 / changer247 / NIF / 고든램지; / 민기짱짱맨 / 에볼토 / 파스타맛있쩡 / JHoon / style_chic / 노브라 / 수루밍 / 제콘 / CHOCOLEE_ / nihtre / 고먐미 / 민서짱짱맨 / 여신 / 판다옹 / jiangjm / Sugar_Chain / 노짱무짱현 / 수상남킬러 / 제타 / cjy818 / nimh2750 / 고추가가려워 / 박민찬 / 연가오리 / 패왕 / JJI / SunNy / 녹두차 / 수탉 / 존크레이머 / Coronel775 / NO1 / 곧너프먹을에코 / 박선우 / 연미 / 퍼져가는코로나 / JJUNE_.0403 / SuperStone / 눈을감자칩 / 수탉님팬이에요! / 종규 / Corriente / nomoohyun / 공섹준스환 / 박임이 / 열무김치 / 페이커의스승 / JODY / supra1093 / 뉴모노 / 숙성 / 종뭐 / Cua2K / nrgZic / 교배왕 / 박종우 / 영영 / 펜타미넘 / Jolim / supremebape / 뉴비잉 / 순결한뱀병장 / 종우가 / daddy / Number6 / 국제킬러 / 반동제어왕김민철 / 영험한기운 / 폭풍 / joneYT / Sura / 느그매 / 슈가버블소다 / 죽어 / DaHon / OG / 균가 / 반지 / 예성 / 피바다 / Joshua0402 / sutak. / 늬어머니빌지워터브베 / 스쿠터제이 / 지노지노이지노 / DDEDDE / oldgamer / 귤귤열매 / 밤마다탈출하는스님 / 오른은왼손도오른손 / 피사의빅탑 / jujs / sutakkiller / 다드러온나 / 스트리터 / 지드 / DEMASIAAA / opde / 그래찌 / 배째라마 / 오빠나죽어 / 하나라인 / Junggu / T3T / 다들어와라 / 스트립 / 지존조세 / DHuk / oreocheese / 그럴시간에연습한다 / 백귀야행 / 와가나와메구밍 / 하루 / JYRose / TaeGyunbug / 踹你死功夫 / 스펀지문질문질 / 지포군 / EAT3542 / Osaka / 그믐달 / 버거킹 / 왼손은수면제 / 하마가따봉 / Kakaman / taewai / 덕구 / 시바빵디 / 진심으로총쏘면다맞다 / EQUAL / P_______P / 글자 / 법규를준수합니다. / 우리팀에야스오80만점 / 하여비 / kaneki_0512 / Taric / 도각 / 시시해서죽고싶어졌다 / 진심을담아서펀치 / ETKING / PCJ20813 / 길바페 / 베리 / 우산쓰고 / 하와와여고생 / ketjoey / TEMDU / 도끼 / 시온구리 / 진씨 / F_Bruno / Pedica / 김갑환 / 베베 / 우승마렵네 / 한글자 / kim0129 / temil / 독도는일본땅 / 신구리 / 짐승앰동기 / FATCAT / PLILM / 김미유 / 보라색고추 / 운밥 / 한뚜서기 / KinGb / theseth / 돌냉이 / 신현우 / 짝짝신발 / FengTimo / PONDHUB / 김설원 / 보면뻑가 / 운지 / 한빈 / KingGoD / ThyThy / 돌돔 / 심심한곰 / 짱구쇼 / forntly74 / poouooq / 김성익 / 보스 / 원펀치쓰리강냉 / 핸섬가이9524 / KkangDDagu / TimeForest / 두근두근 / 싸없새 / 찌려따 / four14123 / PornStar / 김에단51 / 복길 / 위대한쇼맨 / 햄소찌 / koko / TouchDie / 둘기 / 싸움꾼시바견 / 착한외모 / Fpp / POTATOMASH / 김찬무 / 볶돈 / 유니 / 행쿡 / kor_규원 / Try5nt / 뒤를jo심해 / 쌉재능충 / 창게이 /

2020-02-20 Update Patch

SURFer, everyone! Hello!

A check will be in progress for an update.
Please see below for details.

Inspection date: Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:00 ~ 14:00 (4 hours)
Checklist: Update

※ If there are any changes in the update contents, we will inform you through the notice.

Thank you.

SURF Survey Event

SURFer, everyone! Hello!

We are going to survey to further develop Surf.
Participants in the event will pay the prize after the February 20 inspection.
Please see below for details.

1. Date: February 14 (Fri) 2 pm ~ February 20 (Thu) 9 am
2. Reward: RP Points 1000 paid
3. How to participate
1) Go to the game and click the survey button on the left side of the lobby to go to the survey webpage.
(Or, you can join the survey event via the link below)

2) Complete the participation in the event by submitting the survey to the questionnaire
4. Questionnaire link

※ This event can be rewarded only once per account.
※ This event may be subject to change depending on the developer.

Thank you.

February 14 Patch Notice

SURFer, everyone! Hello!

A diving patch will be in progress for the event and improvement.
Please see below for details.

Diving Patch Date: February 14, 12:30 pm
Diving Patch Contents: Survey Event and Lobby Character Clarity Improvement

※ If there are any changes in the contents, we will inform you by notice.

Thank you.

Ranking Reward Users!

Survival Frenzy users!

Below are the top 100 rewarders this season.


TOP 10 :Pleasure Gold Teapot Head

1. 초롱
2. Egg
3. Senritsu_TW
4. 학대초인
5. 자피나
6. 랍스타
7. 페이커
8. haesoo
9. 부순다
10. 르네임

TOP 11 ~ 50 :Pleasure Silver Teapot Head

11. 로티
12. 드라곤걸
13. 맨오브깜상
14. 카누다크
15. AwPY
16. nimh2750
17. alyson
18. 아르한
19. 지포군
20. 농그바
21. 대한민국
22. Hot통령TV
23. 아앙기분조아
24. 펀치
25. universe
26. skensla
27. Larv
28. 반지
29. KR_장례식
30. 암살자
31. 쪼수닷
32. 세일러문
33. 콜라당당당
34. Prophet
35. fdgdfgdg
36. 사ol코
37. Kr_Halten
38. 도치그래머
39. tony
41. cuccuctihon
42. Minmixizizi
43. 내일은월요일
44. ProHunTer
45. uberpu$$y
46. 치킨처치처키
47. ㄸDDoLㄸDDaL
48. Trvistion
49. Michael
50. Бавар_1900

TOP 51 ~ 100 :Pleasure Bronze Teapot Head

51. 아프리카턴업
52. deobietchu
53. 아누
54. 광주깽패
55. 순결한뱀병장
56. 마상호빡빡이
57. 진박의후예
58. 햄소찌
59. 해적왕김일휘
60. 잡다
61. 민성이짱
62. 첨단회전주먹
63. 기러기의난
64. oboonmandeo
65. 초절정유부남
66. changer247
67. 시크릿서비스
68. 앞으로나와
69. 다나까
70. headcolloctor
71. 모지모찌
72. 핑크핑퐁
73. 단또~단또~
74. 라피스
75. Yang
76. 이거지이기
77. 벤츠타는스님
78. iranone
79. 진화연
80. 이재혁
81. 60cm
82. 카오카이카
83. 일이삼.
84. 경후니빠박이
85. 사바나캣
86. LoongTu
87. 빅맹
88. 첼프니
89. 율팡이
90. 주자
91. 창창한담배
92. 용가리
93. 펜타미넘
94. VietNam_Boss
95. chochisT
96. 태보조아
97. 레젼드
98. louisCo
99. 셀댕이
100. osoid

2nd FEB Update

SURFer, everyone! Hello!

We will update the update patch history.

1. Improve in-game
There are still many concerns about the victory caused by helicopter escape. So in future updates, I'll try to challenge the balance of overall game rules.

"There are many situations where you can easily escape from helicopters. We decided that the rules for helicopters have changed because we have a big impact > on your sense of accomplishment."

 1) 4 different helicopter rules
 Rule 1.
 -Existing: You can escape for 1 minute after the first helicopter arrives, and drop the key if the helicopter leaves after 1 minute
 -Changed: Escape is impossible after the first helicopter arrives. Drop the key if the helicopter leaves after 5 seconds.
 Rule 2.
 Original: No siren sound on thumbnail 30 seconds before the arrival of the first helicopter
 Changed: One siren sound is displayed on the thumbnail 30 seconds before the first helicopter arrives.
 Rule 3.
 -Original: 2 minutes 30 seconds
 -Change: 3 minutes of arrival time
 Rule 4.
 Helicopter ladder boarding time increased by 2 seconds

 2) Changed the rule to reduce the number of in-game waiting times to a larger number of players.
 3) 2x recovery item glow effect
 4) Users not displayed in the [Tab] key game information window during in-game waiting time.
5) 2 seconds knockdown time> 1.5 seconds
 6) All melee weapon down attacks slightly reduced
 7) Character HP 13.3% Increase
 8) Reduced charge attack effect

2. Reset the ranking score and change the number of points earned the ranking

3. End attendance check compensation in January and start attendance check-in February

Thank you.


Ranking Reward (TOP 100)

Survival Frenzy Players!

The scheduled launch season closes tomorrow at 5 pm Wednesday.
The current rankings will be reset, followed by a new season ranking after the update maintenance.
S-class head parts will be rewarded to users who entered the top 100 this season.

The following items are rewarded:

TOP 10 : Pleasure Gold Teapot Head

TOP 11~50 : Pleasure Silver Teapot Head

TOP 51~100 : Pleasure Bronze Teapot Head

Enjoy playing!!

Instructions for checking the game

Survival Frenzy users.

To stabilize the service, a 30-minute inspection will be conducted from 11:30 a.m. on February 3. (KST)
During an inspection, the game may not be connected and run smoothly.

Thank you.