Survival Frenzy cover
Survival Frenzy screenshot
Genre: -

Survival Frenzy

Patch 20190422 Notes

Dear Surfers!

FYI, We just completed the 'small' patch for the client.

  • Previously the default setting for the voice chat was on.
    And now the voice chat setting is "Disabled" as the default for the new comers who just installed Survival Frenzy and who is installing from now on!

  • Please go to Setting>Gameplay>Voice Chat or Voice Chat MIC Mode, if you want to change the setting for the voice chat while playing the game.

Hope you have more fun to be survived in Survival Frenzy always!
Thank you for being with us.

Best regards, Survival Frenzy Team

Patch 20190418 Notes

Hi Surfers!
Thank you always for the feedbacks you are bringing to us from the various places. We are listening to you always and trying our best to implement your feedbacks for the improvements. Since we just started, we are looking for your feedbacks and suggestions and when we finally get the workarounds we are ready to ‘be better’ to meet your expectations!

For today’s update, we expanded the server to Korea for the players from Asia to have more pleasant circumstances! We added the the option to select the region by your preference to switch the server between Korea and U.S. Hope it helps you to meet more Surfers with speedy actions!

Here are the highlights for today’s patch!

[Bug Fix]
*Bug Fix: Fixed the problem where, after a charging attack with two-handed weapon is done, a charging attack is being automatically added to a basic attack.
*Bug Fix: Fixed the problem that a foot position is changed for a sprint jump.
*Bug Fix: Fixed the problem where the hammers at certain locations don’t get picked up.
*Bug fix: Fixed the disappearing problem of bear traps when installed in a specific location.
*Bug Fix: Fixed the problem that the sprint animation occurs even if there is not enough stamina.
*Bug Fix: Fixed the problem of trap not activating when someone’s trying to get on the helicopter.

[New Updates]
*New: Player can select ‘U.S.’ or ‘Korea’ for the server
*New: Player can assign a key discard items in preferences
*New: Added left and right sprint animation for one-handed weapon
*New: Added a sitting attack animation
*New: Added Game Rating displays

[Promotion Updates]
Discount in Shop
Easter Sale 80% for [Frenzy Costume Package]
Discount Period: 2019/4/18th 00:00 ~ 2019/5/1st 24:00 (PDT)

Don't miss the chance now! Right Now within 2 hrs.

If you are available now, join us in Survival Frenzy.
Until 9 PM (PDT), the Surf's Party will be ON!
Meet more players! Get the game points!

Check what time it is in your timezone below.

If you play more than 3 rounds, we’ll randomly raffle 3000 game points for 30 players everyday during the event period. And with those 3000 game points, you can buy the items which include the costumes.
Just come on time and play! Suddenly, you’ll find the game points in your account!
This event is valid from 4/13th to 4/20th.

And we’ll notice you on the news from Survival Frenzy's STEAM COMMUNITY who won the free game points and check your account to see if you won the game points!

Check what time "PDT 7pm ~9pm" is in your time zone as follows.

*10 PM~12 AM US NY Time,
* 9 PM~11 PM US Chicago Time,
* 8 PM~10 PM US Philadelphia Time,
* 7 PM~ 9 PM US LA Time,
*11 PM~1 AM Brazil Time,
* GMT 3 AM~5 AM,
* CST 10 AM~12 PM,
* JPT 11 AM~1 PM

Right Now! Get in the 'Time and Chance' - for free game points!

To meet more players in Survival Frenzy, play anytime during 2 hours from 7 PM (PDT)!
Check what time it is in your timezone below.
If you play more than 3 rounds, we’ll randomly raffle 3000 game points for 30 players everyday during the event period. And with those 3000 game points, you can buy the items which include the costumes.
Just come on time and play! Suddenly, you’ll find the game points in your account!
This event is valid from 4/13th to 4/20th.

And we’ll notice you on the news from Survival Frenzy's STEAM COMMUNITY who won the free game points and check your account to see if you won the game points!

Check what time "PDT 7pm ~9pm" is in your time zone as follows.

*10 PM~12 AM US NY Time,
* 9 PM~11 PM US Chicago Time,
* 8 PM~10 PM US Philadelphia Time,
* 7 PM~ 9 PM US LA Time,
*11 PM~1 AM Brazil Time,
* GMT 3 AM~5 AM,
* CST 10 AM~12 PM,
* JPT 11 AM~1 PM

Come and play anytime during 2 hours from PDT 7pm (EDT 10pm) and get FREE game points!

To meet more players in Survival Frenzy, play anytime during 2 hours from PDT 7pm!
Check what time it is in your timezone below.
If you play more than 3 rounds, we’ll randomly raffle 3000 game points for 30 players everyday during the event period. And with those 3000 game points, you can buy the items which include the costumes.
Just come on time and play! Suddenly, you’ll find the game points in your account!
This event is valid from 4/13th to 4/20th.

And we’ll notice you on the news from Survival Frenzy's STEAM COMMUNITY who won the free game points and check your account to see if you won the game points!

Check what time PDT 7pm ~9pm is in your time zone as follows.
10PM~12AM US NY Time,
9PM~11PM US Chicago Time,
8PM~10PM US Philadelphia Time,
7PM~9PM US LA Time,
11PM~1AM Brazil Time,
CST 10AM~12PM,

Warm Regards,
Survival Frenzy Team

Survival Frenzy is released on April 5th

Survival Frenzy is a fun and quirky survival action game.

A high level strategy is necessary but sometimes you have to resort to mean and nasty tactics.
Many Battle Royale games make combatants rely mainly on firearms. In Survival Frenzy, ordinary people utilize everyday items to stay alive. Billiard balls, kitchen knives, detergent bottles, golf clubs, baseball bats, chairs, fire extinguishers, bear traps, pepper pots, travelling carriers…. anything can be your weapon. It is advantageous for gamers who acquire a gun, but they can be taken away by other users at any time. Once a player somehow manages to stay alive and gets on a helicopter, the escapee can leave the chaotic island behind and become the winner. This allows game players to come up with numerous creative battle strategies and tactics.
A minimum of five to a maximum of 20 players wreak havoc together.
Bring your friends and enjoy the fierce dogfight!

About Zepetto
Zepetto is a premier game developer from Korea. Since 2003, Zepetto has been delivering interactive games on consoles, PC's, and mobile devices. Today, Zepetto's success resonates beyond 108 million gamer community of its global phenomenon, Point Blank. Zepetto's journey continues with the new multi-play battle royal game, Survival Frenzy on Steam.

Developers’ top 3 favorite scenes!

Being a sole escapee on a helicopter. Exhilarating!

Robbing the other people's gun.

A tragicomic mayhem among survivors to get on a helicopter

5 ways to use your everyday items in combat

Grab, Aim, and Throw

  • Ice box, travel bag, billiard ball, detergent box, bottle…

Pick up and swing at close range

  • Baseball bat, golf club, hammer, pipe wrench, kitchen knife…

Make your way

  • Furnitures are not just for throwing only. Stack them up and…

Make it blurry

  • Pepper spray, fire extinguisher…

Booby Traps

  • Bear trap, firebombs…

A developers' journal #1

- My secret pathetic strategy

“This game is different from other games in that normal people like you use their various objects lying around for various purposes. Inconceivable tactics sometimes do work!

The most pathetic thing I've ever done was when I chose not to fight but to find a deserted place and to stack up the chairs high very high. And I was able to climb onto the roof that was not designed to be so. I knew that I probably wouldn’t rank high at the end and I just didn’t want to be ranked the last.”