v will be delayed slightly, but will now include initial support for non VR first person play. ETA is now during august.
v Quick Update
v is a big update with new islands, fire arms, human enemies, a motor boat, and a massive visual overhaul. Its big update so its taking some time, but should hit sometime in july.
v Fishing/Taming
• added first iteration of animal taming
• added first iteration of fishing
• increased backpack grabbable area
• moved toolbelt closer to the player
• WMR now uses thumbstick for locomotion instead of touchpad
• removed avatar and avatar + hands (just keeping the controller and hands options to better focus on comfortable belt position and backpack interaction)
• UI pointer fixes
• increased brightness during the night slightly
• fixed player rotation when placing furniture
• holding items should be more stable
• door now open when you swing it in a certain direction. should make opening it easier
• opening and closing the door can now also be done by touching the door and clicking the trigger
Next up:
Vegetation update and performance improvements, Multiple smaller islands to explore
as usual if there are any problems, please don't hesitate to let me know through any of the channels (discord.gg/TM9wgxW / facebook.com/Lucid-Pixel-170868577018414 / or the community hub)
Please check out the new discord server discord.gg/TM9wgxW
for support or general discussion about the game.
v Sea Travel
• added a driveable boat
(it is craftable using the workbench)
• added wooden log buildings
• added stone buildings
• added some basic interior furniture
• added underwater air supply limit (you die after 3 minutes under water)
• minor resource requirement changes
Next up: animal taming, fishing
v Inventory/Crafting/UI overhaul
** •added backapack inventory which you can get when you grab on your back **
(this is a very important addition and please let me know if there are any problems with this)
** •added workbench and crafting hammer that can be crafted **
(when you place resources and items in the slots it shows you what you can craft with the dropped items)
(there is still 2 item crafting but this allows for more complex blueprints)
(this is a very important addition and please let me know if there are any problems with this)
•added more sticks and stones (+ tried to add more on beaches so they're easier to find at first)
•removed 1 item from the belt to keep just the most important item
•complete overhaul of UI
This update changed how items and crafting are handled so please let me know if there are any problems so I can take care of them immediately.
v0.9.0.5 further usability improvements
!!•changed building selection to pointer based (instead of using the touchpad)!!
!!•items now don't require holding the grip to stay in hand!!
•added slight glow to interactable items when touched or pointed at
•added wood chop fx
•changed harvesting interval, so when tools collide with harvestable resources by force, the harvestable resource is not killed immediately
•changed object collision behavior slightly (mainly when pressed by force against trees/rocks/...)
•island time now also restarts when the game is restarted
•added a fishing rod (there's one around the plane, will be crafted in the future) (mainly to try out casting and reeling and rope physics, fishing coming later)
v major usability improvements
•fixed ui pointer issue for oculus and wmr
•items now snap to a position in hand
•items snap to hand when grabbed by a pointer
•items now snap to the belt with a lot more ease
•items on belt now also ignore physics collisions
•reduced rock cliff terrain texture tiling
•increased hurt effect interval when vitals are low
•increased health for large trees
•added haptic feedback to trees (the controller slightly vibrates) (the higher you are the more you have to reach around to find a place to grab (sometimes might not be on the trunk))
•menu now properly rotates with the player direction
•fixed stairs not rotating with the player when placing on terrain
•fixed foundation switching between two sockets really fast when the closest one is not valid
updated UI pointer size and color
switched hands for touchpad walking
changed touchpad rotate to snap in 30 degree increments
added option to disable touchpad walking comfort tunneling
stat ui fix
minor fixes
Survival Simulator Early Access
im happy to announce that Survival Simulator is entering Early Access. I hope you enjoy it. Please see the roadmap below to get an idea of what's planned in the coming updates. This roadmap is not final and if you'd like to see something new or something done differently please let me know on facebook.com/Lucid-Pixel-170868577018414/
Planned or in progress:
+inventory that allows more items (
a backpack that can hold 4-6 items and items can be grabbed directly/ or a backpack that can hold any number of items, but a small menu when putting a hand in the backpack)*
+wooden log buildings/ stone buildings
+(furniture/ interior building parts)?
+under water air supply timer
+agressive fish? (sharks)
+more animals? (what kind)
+2/3 smaller islands
+higher crafting hierarchy, multi resource crafting (with an anvil or similar) or combining crafted items *
+firearm weapons (part of the above)
+more survival-y UI?
+map? (or some other way to pinpoint locations of interest)
Tentative depending on interest:
+change terrain to voxel based to allow digging and actual mining? (would impact performance, and in combination with VR would probably not be possible)
+sandbox mode? unlimited resources, no vitals
+fishing system?
+more complex cooking system? (or crafting with food)
+animal companion system?
+rideable bears?
Can be examined once features and mechanics are settled and only if a lot of interest
+multiplayer play (2-(6/..12) people per island) with unlimited resources mode
+non-vr mode?
(I encourage you to engage in discussion about the best way implement the items on the roadmap. I am specifically looking for input on how important you think the items with a ? next to them are and input about the mechanics next to items with a *)
If you find any problems or are not satisfied with something, or you are just not sure about how something works please let me know on facebook.com/Lucid-Pixel-170868577018414/ or on the community hub.