This small patch fixes an issue with a city layout providing twice an adjacency effect.
Small patch version 0.8.49
Small patch version 0.8.49:
fixed some unsafe code which can potentially trigger crashes
saving the player progression on more regular intervals so that less progress is lost in case of crashes
Patch v0.8.47
Added that starting options will unlock after playing endless mode for a while
Added new “expectation rising” event texts
Added a safety to avoid an infinite expansion bug (but did not find the source yet)
Added arrow key control for the planet camera (so they can be mapped to a stick on the steam deck)
Lowered the expectation rise frequency significantly in the early mastery levels, and a tiny bit in the later mastery levels.
Bug fixes:
Fixed a memory issue which will hopefully stop some crashes from happening.
Fixed the bug where only 1 lifeform was proposed
Fixed a bug where lifeform spreading time would be displayed for hidden regions
Fixed a bug where expanding to a location with a building would destroy the building
Fixed a bug where relocating a building would inherit the damage
Fixed a bug related to displaying information for Mine Venting skill (and other similar ones)
Fixed a bug where you were not able to use the Mine skill on oceanic locations
Fixed a bug where an error message with “131 missing” would appear
Fixed that you could destroy an expansion building (like a bus station) even when it’s expansion points were used
Fixed the select leader screen would be cropped on small resolutions (like the steam deck)
Fixed that you could relocate a city mine to a slot with no resources.
Fixed a bug where the trade route breakdown was not displayed correctly for special mine trade routes.
Some other small fixes and improvements
Custom Mode available now!
Hi Terraformers,
As we previously announced, the Custom Mode (including Endless Mode) is now available to play and comes with lots of new features - Marsyclopedia, Technologies, new scenario and much more!
Check out some gameplay in our latest trailer:
- Complete patch notes below -
[expand type="details"]
Added new Custom mode (includes Endless mode)
Added new Marsyclopedia (compendium)
Added new gameplay mechanic: Technologies
Added new scenario “Planet of Knowledge” focused on science and technologies
Added new difficulty level for scenarios (Mastery level 36)
Added new procedural leaders for long games
Added new welcome popup
Added decorations on project frame to indicate rarity
Added a new tooltip when displaying lifeforms as well as full region coloring
Added an “abandon mars” option in game menu
Added many new building images
Added a platinum trophy when winning a scenario in 65 turns (currently gold), giving 5 mastery points. Lowered the requirement for the gold trophy by 5 turns.
Added that if you win a more difficult scenario, all lower difficulties of that scenario are also completed with the same trophy.
When spreading a lifeform, the climate zones will now light up in different colors to communicate where the lifeform can be spread and how fast
Added a table that breaks down the duration of the spreading of the lifeform depending on which climate zone you are hovering
Balance changes:
Increased weight of the expectation rises a little bit in the underlying event-luck system, to balance it out better with the other (positive) events. As it was reported that getting more positive events resulted in a more difficult game as it also leads to more expectation rises.
Decreased the expectation rise frequency a little between turn 20-40, increased expectation rise frequency a little after turn 40.
Increased migration time on the planet by 1 turn.
Changed the amount of mars points you win for winning a scenario and winning it in fewer turns.
Increased prestige of palm trees by 1.
Giant crystal cave, Giant diamond cave and Rich soil now also place small resources on nearby locations (shown as hints when exploring).
Slightly increased amount of exploration satellites proposed.
Martian Workers Association now gives 2 support per uniquely produced resource instead of 3.
Division of labour now gives 1 comfort of living per 2 robots in the city, and is lowered in science cost to 5.
Reduced the amount of water required and support gained for the "Cultural festivals" skill.
Increased amount of city locations, lowered amount of empty locations.
Lowered the starting power supply of the terraforming starting option by 5.
Added an extra power supply crate near the starting location.
Slightly increased amount of damage you'll receive.
Increased the cost of founding a city by 5 water.
Changed Electron Beam printer's effect to "Titanium mines owned by this city produce +1 titanium and -2 support", changed its power cost from 9 to 11.
Slightly increased the chance of large/gigantic resource deposits in colder climate zones.
Increased tritium cost of "Import oceans from Europa", "Import Methane from Titan", "Import Hydrogen from Gas Giant" by 1.
Reduced spread duration of artificial bacteria by 1 turn.
Slightly increased amount of research & development centers suggested in the early game.
Reduced science cost of Robot Ingenuity Center by 1.
Improvements and changes
Safe save system handling, the save is now specific to the computer user and the store (steam or gog) specific user. (It should also be more safe from unwanted progress reset.)
General memory usage improvements.
Added a safety to avoid building a city mine at the same time as constructing a building.
City locations are now destroyed when expanding to them.
Improved the display of numbers on the resources (in case the numbers become very large).
Improved the display of power costs when using the “Mine” skill.
Improved the display of the specialization and other game effect elements.
Enabled “project run in background” for the game (so you can continue to listen to the music ;) ).
Improved the Expectation rise events (new text and artworks).
Updated the roadmap.
Fixed refounding power cost when canceling using Thomas mining skill.
Fixed a bug where you could expand a city to another one.
Fixed a bug with the last prestige level of lifeforms not working.
Fixed “Happiness Leads to Creativity” specialization.
Fixed an issue with card highlights.
Fixed a bug where reloading a game would reset specializations.
Fixed a visual issue in the “select leader” screen.
Fixed an issue with the Enthusiasm widget not being visible when the player is about to lose.
Fixed an issue with ocean locations (they are now fully destroyed).
Fixed the “revert action” with the wrong name issue.
Fixed that the costs of the “select project” popup were set to zero while in a city which is currently relocating.
Fixed the trade boost specialization.
Fixed the applied science center issues.
Fixed the description overlapping in the scenario screen.
Fixed and improved the “dismiss tutorial” logic.
Fixed the “investment” game event option 2.
Fixed some bugs related to flooding and dikes.
Fixed some issues related to tooltips in the trade panel.
Fixed a bug where it was possible to import more resources than normally possible.
Fixed a bug where you could play “locked” difficulty levels.
Fixed a bug with “RESOURCE_NONE” when exploring a flooded location.
Made it not possible to replace the expansion hub to be in line with the fact that you could already not destroy it.
Fixed that clicking on a web link would trigger twice.
Fixed a situation where you could be requested to pick more projects than you were proposed.
End game reward will show neutral color costs.
Lots of text related fixes and improvements in all languages.
We can't wait to read your feedback on our Discord server!
And if you don't already own the game, get it now and save 20% off!
June devlog: First EA update release date, new features and improvements
with this devlog we’re shining a light on the first major Early Access update. Be prepared, as this update will go live on July 18th! Here’s an overview of what to expect:
Custom (endless) mode
As was requested by many players, we will add a custom mode in which you can define what type of game you want to play. You will be able to select the pace at which expectations rise (or even fully disable them), choose the frequency of natural disasters and select how long the game should last by selecting an amount of victory points, or even not define any end goal and just continue playing for as long as you want. The game will then calculate a mastery level, to give you an indication of how your created game compares to the scenarios in terms of difficulty.
When starting the game, a specific “seed” will be generated. By sharing the seed, you can challenge someone else to play the exact same game (even with the same map generation and projects/leaders presented).
As the endless game can last for a long time now, we have also added randomly generated leaders for the longer games. These leaders will have a shaded portrait and randomly selected skills, but come without specialization. This feature is also active in normal scenarios.
The new custom mode start screen.
Technologies and new Scenario
The aspect that will have a significant impact on gameplay in this update is the introduction of Technologies. At specific turns, you will be able to choose 1 of 3 technologies (though you can speed up this proposal process by constructing “Applied Science Centers”).
Technologies cost science and have global effects that last for the entire game. There are technologies that reduce the costs of robots, reduce the costs of removing rocks, give support per new trade route or reduce the cost of other technologies.
We’re also adding a new scenario called “Planet of Knowledge”. This scenario is focused on the scientific reasons we have for going to Mars. To win the scenario, you must have spent a certain amount of the science resource, and have explored a certain amount of locations. Also, double the amount of technologies are proposed in this scenario.
Technological advancements event lets you select a new technology.
Lifeform spreading improvements
Another widely requested improvement has been to have clearer information when spreading lifeform. For this we are adding two improvements:
When you’ve selected a lifeform, each climate zone will light up in shades of green and other colors to indicate if the lifeform can be placed there.
When hovering over a climate zone, you get a tooltip explaining how the recharge duration after spreading the lifeform is calculated for that climate zone.
We hope that this will help new players understand the lifeform spreading flow better, and that it will help experienced players have a quicker overview of where they can spread each lifeform.
Climate zones will display different shades of greens and a detailed tooltip for spreading lifeforms.
Difficulty level and platinum trophy
We’re also unlocking the next difficulty level: Mastery level 36. And for all scenarios, the difficulty has been tweaked a little bit: we’ve reduced the amount of expectation rise events you’ll receive in the early game, and increased the amount you’ll receive in the late game. Besides that, we’ve increased the amount of damage you’ll receive in the late game by a small amount.
Finally, we’ve added a new trophy: the “Platinum Trophy”. This will replace the current golden trophy (complete the scenario in 65 turns or less). The golden trophy will now be 70 turns, and silver 80 turns. You will receive 5 mastery points for the Platinum trophy. All trophies will be automatically updated, so you can expect your mastery level to increase upon launch of the next update! We’ve also added that if you have completed a more difficult entry in a scenario, you will get the same trophy in all easier entries of that scenario. With these additions, you can jump ahead to more difficult challenges faster. Our goal is not to lock content behind grinding but to provide an increasing challenge as you get better at the game. So if the early levels are too easy, this system allows you to jump ahead to more challenging levels faster.
The new procedural leaders for longer games.
We’ve also added the “Marsyclopedia”, in which you can view all projects, lifeforms and Leaders that you’ve encountered at least once in a game. You will be able to read and compare all descriptions, and see the rarity of projects, the type of lifeform and if a leader can be presented in the early, mid or late game.
We’re also happy to say that we have finally completed unique visuals for every single building in the game.
We would like to improve the Marsyclopedia in further updates. We would like to add search and sorting functionalities to it as well as add missing content such as landmarks and their options.
Marsyclopedia displaying which projects you have encountered and those still to discover.
Bug & Crash improvements
We’ve had reports from players experiencing crashes in the game. As we don’t experience those ourselves, it has been challenging to fix those. We’ve made some improvements, and hope that they will help.
In addition we have also worked on solving many of the reported bugs, added many new building artworks and other small improvements.
We hope that you will enjoy this first major Early Access update, and are looking forward to hearing your feedback!
Asteroid Lab's Team
Terraformers stream at INDIGO
Hello Terraformers! Tomorrow, I (Jasper, game designer for Terraformers) will be a guest at the INDIGO showcase. At 17.05 CEST a streamer (TeamWALL) will play Terraformers for about twenty minutes and ask me some questions about the game. If you're interested, you can check it out via this link: .
The event will start at at 9:30 and 19 other indie games at different stages of development will also be streamed. You can view the full program here:
May devlog: Updates since EA, and a look at what we are working on
Dear Martians, we hope you are doing well! Welcome to our first devlog since the release of Terraformers into Early Access!
On April 21st, the moment was finally there. At 19:00 CET we pressed the button that we were looking forward to pressing for over 3 years. It was a very exciting moment, as this is the first game we released as a studio. We were overwhelmed with all the responses and constructive feedback we’ve received, and would like to take a moment to thank you all for that. It will help us to develop this game further into the best version we can make it.
Patches since the launch into Early Access
With all the engaging feedback you gave us on the initial release, we identified some elements where we could quickly make improvements and we’ve already done 4 patches with bug fixes, difficulty changes and quality of life improvements. To have a good overview of all of the bug fixes and improvements we’ve done, please have a look at our patch notes on steam. The most significant changes though, were tweaks to the difficulty of the game:
We’ve lowered the frequency of expectation rises of your population, and therefore the difficulty of the game. We’ve had reports that the first scenarios of the game were too difficult for new players, and we want to offer everyone the freedom to learn the strategies of the game at their own pace.
We’ve lowered the amount of damage that you’ll receive in a game, as that also contributed to the high difficulty.
Even though we lowered the difficulty, we found it important that the game is still challenging for the players who are veterans of the strategy genre. Therefore we’ve added 4 extra difficulty levels, making sure there is an appropriate challenge for everybody.
What’s coming in the first major Early Access update
We have now shifted our focus towards work on future updates, following our roadmap and specific improvements requested by the players. The features that are planned for the first major Early access update are:
Technologies Technologies are the aspect of the update that will have the most impact on the gameplay. They are proposed like projects, but only cost science. A technology provides a global benefit that will allow you to specialize your strategy further. Some examples of benefits that technologies can give:
Artificial intelligence: New robots provide +1 support income
Enhanced Photosynthesis: Newly planted trees produce double the oxygen and gas.
Megastructure Construction: When constructing a building that costs at least 40 resources, gain 5 random resources back.
Example of upcoming technology project.
Marsyclopedia We will also add the first iteration of a “Marsyclopedia” to the main menu. Here, you will find all projects, lifeforms, leaders and locations that you’ve encountered at least once in the game. You can read up on them here and have a good overview, which can help you get a better understanding of the different potential strategies in the game.
Design conceprt of the Marsyclopedia screen.
Custom Mode This might be our most requested feature since the launch, so we’ve decided to include it in the first major update as well. In custom mode, you’ll be able to set up the game to exactly how you want it by defining the victory condition, expectation rise frequency and severity of damage you’ll receive during the game. You can even choose not to select a victory condition and fully remove expectation rises and damage, allowing you to play a stress-free endless sandbox version of the game. Some mechanics might not hold up in very long runs, but it will be part of the Early Access journey to discover and address that together.
Custom mode screen, you can set it to be “endless”.
More improvements for future EA updates
We’ve also listened to your feedback, and two much requested improvements are better information on where you can spread lifeforms, and a way to easily see a summary of all your cities and climate zones in a single place, without needing to go over the planet to view them one by one. They are planned for more distant early access updates, but we can already share our first concepts on them.
Lifeform information improvements When having a lifeform selected, the different climate zones will have a green or red color, depending on whether the lifeform can survive there or not. This will allow you to see at a glance where you can spread the lifeform, and prevents you from needing to check each climate zone’s parameters individually. We will also work on improving other aspects of the lifeform spreading, as not all players understand how it works exactly.
Design concept for improved lifeform spreading UI.
Summary screens We are also working on summary screens. Opening this screen will allow you to have a good overview of all your specializations, space projects, technologies, cities and climate zones. In this way you can easily check which climate zones have lifeforms and which do not, or which city is currently suffering from damaged buildings.
Early work in progress design concept for an “overview” screen.
We hope to have given you a good insight into what is coming to Terraformers in the first update, and a little bit beyond that if we don’t manage to include everything directly.
We would like to thank everybody for playing Terraformers, and we are excited to be on this Early Access journey to Mars with all of you.
Terraf Team
Quality of Life patch - v0.7.112
Here comes a new patch (v0.7.112) bringing a lot of bug fix, better clarity of some gameplay concepts and some balance to the game. Hope you'll like it!
Trade arrows no longer appear on top of other ui elements (project details popup for example).
Victory screen does not let tooltips from the planet appear anymore.
UI elements on the planet are hidden when not looking at the planet.
Fixed the setting popup so that it correctly appears over everything.
Solved a bug where dikes did not correctly display the wave icon leading to unforeseen flooding.
Fixed an issue with the “orbital ring” which didn’t account for itself.
Fixed an issue with the points not adding up in the Per Aspera Ad Astra scenario due to the free space project.
Fixed the bug with the loot system (spawning 1 science loot too much in some occasions).
Fixed that not-owned buildings with actions (like spread life) had their actions getting recharged
Fixed the specialization “trade boost” which was not working.
Fixed the specialization “climate variety” which only gave 1 support instead of 5.
Fixed bugs related to the special slots where they would not provide their bonus in certain cases.
Fixed a bug where modular appartements would display the wrong bonus before placing it.
Fixed a bug where a slot in a city with no rocks would say “blocked by rocks”.
Fixed Dejah Robinson “alternative space materials” skill which could happen in cases where you have almost completed the space project.
Fixed an “out of range” bug in the scenario screen.
Moving a city will now properly destroy all the buildings in the previous location.
Fixed a bug with relocating of lifeform spreader buildings.
Fixed a bug where you could zoom out very far from the planet.
Fixed a bug where trade-routes from mines were not accounted for points.
Fixed a bug where buildings providing climate zone bonuses would still work on a not-owned location.
Fixed a bug with missing characters in Polish language.
Updated a typo in the roadmap.
Lots of localisation fixes in different languages.
Other small fixes and polish.
Better hand card spacing to accommodate for a high number of cards.
Added a scrollbar to the card draw popup in case of a high number of propositions.
Added a join discord button in the main menu.
Added a tip from the leader to better explain the comfort of living.
Auto-close trade panel when right-clicking or clicking somewhere else.
Added a “clear all trade routes” button.
Changed the rising expectation artwork.
Made lifeform selection more clear (pulsating and hovering tweaks).
Removed scaling options which would make the UI not usable in the settings option.
Made climate zone terraforming parameter icons bigger so they are more readable.
Improved the dike widget and button to be more prominent.
Added feedback popup in main menu.
Made that spreader buildings will show the lifeform icon of the type they can spread.
Added 2 new difficulty levels and lowered the difficulty in the other scenarios, to accommodate for a smoother learning curve.
HQ can only be replaced by Skyscrapers now.
Expectation Rise and Mars Quake events will not happen one after the other anymore
Lowered expectation rise event frequency.
Lowered how often you’ll receive damage.
v0.7.106 fix
v0.7.106 reverts a bug which deleted the player progression in version v0.7.105. We are sorry for all those affected. This recent change make the progression faster so hopefully you'll be back on track in no time!
Patch v0.7.105: bug fix, new difficulty levels and other polish
v0.7.105: bug fix, new difficulty levels and other polish
Bugfix: After destroying a project that provided a trade route you could sometimes end your turn with more trade routes assigned than you have. Now the turn can’t be ended in that state and an explanatory tooltip has been added.
Improved loading performance. The game startup time is 60% shorter than before in our tests! We’ll continue working on improving that.
Fixed a few errors related to founding of cities.
Fixed an incorrect selection of a city background layer when a crater location is terraformed and at max population level.
Corrected the lighting color in terraformed cities.
Fixed a bug where removing a project that provides a trade route didn’t force the player to unassign lost routes.
Added more difficulty levels for all scenarios
Added that each scenario trophy provide 1 player rank (ranks will grow faster)
Added that you do not require to have completed all previous difficulty levels to player the later difficulties (so tied with the faster rank growth it will be faster to access the harder difficulties)
Hid a tooltips which was showing when relocating a city HQ
Fixed a lot of language keys not localizing properly
Fixed that text would not refresh properly when changing language in the settings
Localized all leader names
Fixed some bugs related to music where a track would loop indefinitely
Improved the music system pacing
Added smoke effect to buildings which didn’t have it yet
Prevented that the HQ can be destroyed in a city
Made the Supply Station and Expansion Hub not possible to relocate