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Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

The Elder Scrolls Online

Update 43 Base-Game Patch Now Live on PC/Mac

Return to the Infinite Archive, receive new visitors with Home Tours, and discover other additions and fixes—all part of the Update 43 base-game patch.

The Update 43 base-game patch is now live on PC/Mac. This update introduces new features, content, and improvements to The Elder Scrolls Online, completely free for all ESO players.

New Features

Those who enjoy delving deep into the Infinite Archive or showing off their latest home builds will appreciate the two big new features included in Update 43.

Infinite Archive Update

Return to the twisting halls of the Infinite Archive (ESO’s near-endless PvE arena) and you’ll discover two new unique areas, new monsters, a host of new Visions and Verses, and new rewards. These rewards include new collectibles and seven all-new class sets, not found anywhere else in Tamriel!

Discover new challenges and rewards in the Archive

To learn more about the additions coming to the Infinite Archive, check out this preview blog.

Home Tours

Share and showcase your flair for interior design and decoration with Home Tours, a new feature added to ESO’s Housing System. With Home Tours, you can search for homes owned and decorated by another player and filter through labels, such as “Cozy” or “Festive.”

Share your homes with the rest of the community

You can also browse the top player homes in the Recommended tab, recommend those homes to others, and favorite them to return to later. List your own home and see what people think of your creation!

To learn more about Home Tours, check out this preview blog.

Additional Improvements

Update 43 also introduces a host of quality-of-life improvements for all ESO players. This includes six new skill styles (for the Silver Bolts, Roar, Twin Slashes, Momentum, Elemental Storm, and Annulment skills) that can have their fragments dropped from base-game activities or acquired with Archival Fortunes from Infinite Archive.

In addition, item set curation expands to include monster sets acquired via Undaunted Keys (from the Undaunted vendors), weekly Trial coffers, Trial leaderboard coffers, and Imperial City monster mask coffers. Finally, this update also adds improvements to mount previews within the Crown Store, and both Guild Trader and Guild Bank interfaces now remember the last Guild you interacted with. 

For a full list of all the changes, new features, and improvements arriving as part of the Update 43 base-game patch, check out the patch notes on the official ESO forums.

Free for All

As a base-game patch, Update 43 is free for all current ESO players—no additional purchases required! Are you excited to share and showcase your home to the rest of ESO’s housing community? Or perhaps you’re eager to conquer the Infinite Archive’s new stages and claim its new rewards? Let us know what aspects of Update 43 you’re most interested in via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

ESO Developer Deep Dive—Item Sets, Part 1

Learn about how ESO’s item sets are crafted with a new Q&A developer interview!

We are thrilled to have the chance to talk to Nadav Pechthold, one of ESO’s Combat Designers, to dive deep into the process behind the creation of the game’s many item sets.

Across ESO’s 10-year history, the team has added over 650 unique item sets to the game, allowing players to further customize and perfect their builds. In Part 1, we’ll discuss item set basics, how they are designed, and what teams are involved in their creation. Keep an eye out for Part 2 in the coming weeks, which will dive into item set balance and post-launch support.

Item Set Basics

Thank you for joining us, Nadav! Let’s focus on the basics first: What are item sets in ESO? 

Nadav: In ESO, you can find weapons, jewelry, and armor, and equipping them increases your character's power. These items can impact how much damage you take, how many resources you regenerate, and how much damage you can do. 

Some items are part of a larger set, and if you collect and wear more than one item of those sets, you get additional benefits. Every item set has a maximum limit where, after you've equipped that maximum, you won’t receive any additional benefit, but the final boon you get is going to be greater. 

In many cases, item sets are comprised of five pieces, but we also have sets that require both fewer and more than that to complete. 

In addition to increasing overall power, why else are item sets important to the player?  

Nadav: Item sets increase player power, yes, but they also offer different types of power and give players a lot of ways to customize their experience.  

Beyond your Class, Race, and weapon selections, item sets provide further opportunities for different playstyles, whether you want to play ranged or melee, use magicka or stamina, deal damage, heal, or tank.  

Some item sets are simply there to make your life easier, like Hunding’s Rage, while some are going to double down on a playstyle and enhance it. Others might help fill a specific gap or assist with the things that you're not currently good at. 

Item sets can be crafted or found in ESO

As developers, how do you categorize the game’s various item sets?  

Nadav: Item sets cover a huge gamut in our game, but I would say most of them are combat-focused. We do have a few sets that are utility-focused and offer benefits both in and out of combat, but those are in the minority. 

One way we categorize the game’s many sets is with complexity in mind. For example, we have item sets that are very simple: You put them on, and you get a benefit. Others, however, are more nuanced and require you to do something, or they work depending on the situation you are in. 

There are some item sets that offer additional utility or roleplay opportunities too, right?  

Nadav: Yes! One of our most recent mythic items is called the Shadow Queen's Cowl, and this was something I was extremely excited about. 

We worked very closely with the Systems team on this one because we wanted to make a mythic item that wasn't purely combat-focused. This item celebrates Nocturnal and the Thieves Guild, and it’s all about being sneaky, giving players the ability to see pick pocketable targets through walls while they're in stealth. 

Aside from Combat, what other teams work on item sets? 

Nadav: Item sets as a system are always live, but they need to have new content constantly generated, too. As a result, it's not just the Combat team who has a major stake in item sets, as they can impact many other development teams, including Systems, Art, Content, and Engineering.  

For example, much of the work done to support new and existing item sets is completed by the Systems team. This includes how items are sourced, the chances of earning them, and where they can be found.

Designing and Prototyping

What’s the first step for the item set creation process?  

Nadav: Because of ESO’s content updates, there are rarely any surprises when it comes to planning new item sets. We know that if there's a dungeon DLC coming out, we'll need sets for each dungeon. If there’s a Chapter or zone DLC, we know we'll need overland and crafted sets.  

So, the first step is simply understanding what new updates are coming, and then the Combat team and other designers and engineers will come together for a series of meetings where we essentially brainstorm ideas. 

Where does the team typically look for inspiration?  

Nadav: Often, inspiration comes from the content itself, so if there's a dungeon, we'll play through it a bit and think about what monsters or mechanics or themes we can leverage.  

We also think about the playstyles we'd like to include that we don't typically see in other games, and we have a list of ideas we have talked about in the past, too. We’ll then refine those ideas until we've narrowed them down to something manageable, and it's very important to get the viewpoints of people outside the Combat team. 

How might a Systems Designer or an Engineer think about a new item set differently?  

Nadav: A Systems Designer might ask how a set is going to interact with the economy, while an Engineer would know whether the tech exists to support a new set or whether it could hurt game performance. 

Right! Because with large populations, like in Cyrodiil, you might not want the same item sets all firing at once, right?  

Nadav: Exactly. Some item sets are more performant than others, and we must carefully monitor sets to make sure that when used in Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds, or any other zone where there are a lot of players, they’re not going to cause issues. 

With so much variety, can some item sets be harder to design than others?  

Nadav: Class sets are typically harder to design than other types of item sets, as they need to be both mechanically and thematically tied to specific classes and skill lines, narrowing our design scope and limiting what type of abilities we can create for each set. 

Class sets are offer powerful-but-specific boons

Who else needs to review the design of an item set?  

Nadav: We have a group of Seniors and Leads that we collectively refer to as the stakeholders, and they’re given the list of sets for an update and asked for final approval.  

Sometimes, they like an idea but want us to make some changes, and we go back and forth between them and the brainstorming group until we have a list of final products. 

Sometimes, we get more approvals than needed, and we save those ideas for future updates. 

Is that when you can finally start building a new item set?  

Nadav: Yep! Once we have the approvals, we begin prototyping immediately. We have an in-house tool that we use to build everything in the game, and we try to make a prototype as fast as possible so the team can get their hands on it and discover any immediate pitfalls. 

Do you use existing items and effects when building these prototypes?  

Nadav: Yes. Usually, I will take existing things and modify them so they are closer to what I'm looking for. For example, if I wanted an effect that is six meters, I'll look for an existing one that size and test that out. 

That's why we do early prototyping with placeholder art before we hand it off to our artists. It’s much easier for us on our end to make those adjustments with placeholder art than for them to redo any work that they've done. 

Building the Set

What happens after the Combat team completes the prototype?  

Nadav: Once we have resolved any problems, we begin integrating more teams into the set’s production. 

The Systems team creates the "physical" items players interact with. That means the weapons, armor, and jewelry with their traits and enchantments, the drop tables so that the items will spawn when you defeat the right enemy, and the craft station setups. We also integrate the various artists, who then craft the set’s unique visual and sound effects.  

What is the process for crafting the effects for an item set? 

Nadav: Obviously, I can't speak for the artists on the more technical aspects, but usually we'll have an idea for visuals based on either the mechanic of the item set itself or the content it is related to. 

When building the prototype, we try our best to replicate the feel we want with a temporary effect we already have. We then give those placeholder effects to the artists to use as the foundation and give them a description of what we hope the visuals will look like. 

The team then builds upon all that, taking out our crayon drawings and putting masterpieces in their place. 

Sometimes we have a specific visual in mind that we might reference.  Other times, we might just ask them to make it look cool, and they go to work. Once they’re happy with what they’ve created, the Art and Combat teams get together for a review and it’s just like any other process. We iterate and make changes, and by the time the players see it, it looks super cool. 

Why is it important for item sets to have distinct visuals or sounds? 

Nadav: There are a lot of different answers for that, and they're all correct. Basically, an item set in any team-based content, whether it's PvE or PvP, needs to be identifiable. Some item sets don't work well if you and a teammate are both wearing them at the same time, but you also need to be able to identify what sets your enemy is using so you can react to them. 

Also, a set’s visuals and sounds often showcase the content. For example, there’s a set called Red Mountain which launches a fireball at your enemy and another, called Plague Slinger, that creates a skeever corpse and launches a poison ball. They do similar things but have different damage types, and they both tell very different stories. 

With Art and Systems teams involved in the process, what happens next?  

Nadav: With Art and Systems getting started, we go back to the engineers who review every single item set we've made to check to make sure that everything is as performant as possible. 

They meticulously grade our efforts, and sometimes they’ll say something like “Hey, can you move these parts around? Could you do a little tinkering and change these values? It'll just make that item run a little bit better.” 

Sometimes they’ll tell us about a new piece of technology since the last time we talked that will make a set more efficient. 

Monster sets require only two items

When does the Writing or Content team get involved in the process?  

Nadav: With the Art team working on final effects, the engineers giving us their blessing, and Systems having created the items, we begin talking with our Editorial and Lore team. 

We always think about the content when we create new sets, but we don't have the expertise of our Lore team, so they will come up with cool names that are thematically appropriate for the sets and content. 

I rely on our Loremaster’s knowledge, and I push back on something only if the name has a conflict. Examples include if it's too similar to a different item set name or something that already exists, or if the lore name implies something about the set that is inaccurate in terms of what it actually does.  

How does the QA Team contribute to the creation of an item set? 

Nadav: Our QA Team takes on a big chunk of the work, and they aren’t just looking for bugs with each item set, but they are also testing these item sets as if they were players. 

We hold both PvE and PvP playtests where they are given the sets in their early prototype form, and they provide feedback on the power level and feel of the items. 

Clearly, it takes a village to build an item set in ESO, but we’ve just begun to explore their development with Part 1. Keep an eye out for Part 2 in the coming weeks where we’ll dive deeper into how item sets are balanced internally and how the team reviews and updates them after they are live. 

Have you learned a little more about how item sets are developed in ESO? What’s your current go-to set for your playstyle? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook.

Update 43 Preview—Home Tours

Take a tour of ESO’s latest housing feature with the developers as your guides.

The free Update 43 base-game patch brings a variety of new features and quality of life changes to ESO, including Home Tours. This new feature allows you to share and visit player homes and experience the incredible creativity of the ESO housing community. This update officially arrives August 19 for PC/Mac and September 4 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, but you can try out these changes on the Public Test Server right now. 

Opening the Door to New Possibilities

“Home Tours is a way for anyone, regardless of where they are in their housing journey, to share that creativity and become inspired,” says Cullen Lee, one of ESO’s Senior Systems Designers. “We wanted to provide a tool that would help connect folks with a shared interest in housing, introduce folks to what’s possible in housing, and generally help build the housing community with a focus on positivity!”

“Home Tours is our next evolution toward building a stronger housing community,” explains James Sammartino, a Senior UI Engineer. “It gives you a way to share your creativity and passion with everyone easily and in one central place.”

Make yourself at home and share with the community

So how does the new tool work? In short, it allows you to find, visit, share, and recommend ESO’s player-made homes.

“Anyone can go into a new section of the Activity Finder and list their homes for folks to tour, and tour homes themselves,” explains Cullen. “You can choose to anonymously recommend a limited number of homes each week, and those recommendations help determine a rotating selection of fantastic homes to visit in the Recommended section of Home Tours. You can also choose to favorite any home (even outside of Home Tours!) and revisit it later. When listing a home, you can include a custom nickname, as well as up to three tags to help communicate the overall vibe or focus of the home."

Building a Strong Foundation

“We always start by asking ourselves what we want to accomplish, and by thinking about the people we're building the system for,” says Cullen. “For Home Tours, our two big goals were to make it easier to find amazing homes, and to help grow the housing community in a positive way. By keeping these in mind, we were able to make sure that the system is easy to hop into and keep our focus on creativity and visual variety.”

When building this new feature and the way it categorizes houses with tags, the team looked closely at the housing system’s existing player experiences and creations.

“As we iterated on our tags, we looked at a whole bunch of houses that the community has shared previously,” says Cullen.  “We practiced tagging them to find which areas we wanted to reinforce with additional tags and which tags could be cut to keep the overall list concise. Once we were happy with our list internally, we asked for community feedback on PTS, and incorporated that feedback. Once the community has had a chance to play further, we plan to continue to evaluate feedback and iterate as needed.”

Be a courteous guest and a gracious host!

Of course, this is only the beginning of what’s possible with Home Tours.

“Home Tours is powered by you, the creator,” explains James. “If you have homes that you want everyone to check out, then we encourage you to list them. There is no limit. You could list one home, two homes or even every home that you own—it's up to you.”

Be Welcome in Tamriel with Home Tours

 When the feature goes live, the team is excited to see how players embrace its potential, visit new homes, and share their own creations.

“I’d love for the folks who are masters of the system to get more widely recognized for their creations, and to continue to inspire each other to greater heights,” says Cullen. “I’d love for more people to see what’s possible in our housing system and eventually get the itch to build some homes of their own.”

The housing community is the heart of Home Tours

“Our housing system is one of my absolute favorite features of The Elder Scrolls Online,” says James. “As a member of our vibrant housing community, I have had the good fortune to be able to see some truly incredible homes and custom builds created by our players. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to giving everyone that plays our game the opportunity to find, enjoy, and share those amazing designs.”

“Everyone who tries out housing should be proud of their creations,” says Cullen. “You don’t have to spend 1,000 hours on a home or have a master’s degree in architecture to make something meaningful or cool. We built this system, but it’s your passion and dedication that will bring it to life.”

Are you ready to see the housing experience in ESO expand and evolve with Home Tours? Share your plans (and your favorite builds) with us via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

Update 43 is a free base-game patch for all ESO players and arrives August 19 for PC/Mac and September 4 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles.  

Update 43 Preview—Infinite Archive Updates

Learn more about the additions coming to Infinite Archive as part of Update 43 with these developer insights.

Update 43 is on its way with a host of quality of life improvements and base-game refinements free to all ESO players, including substantial updates to the Infinite Archive. This update officially arrives August 19 for PC/Mac and September 4 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, but you can try out these changes on the Public Test Server right now.

Refreshing the Infinite

“The goal with Infinite Archive is to give players a changing experience they can jump into and always find new challenges and ways to play,” says Mike Finnigan, ESO’s Encounters Lead. “It was built from the ground up to be able to be augmented, changed, and added to.”

“Infinite Archive is all about variety of experience, and [with Update 43] we wanted to pump up the volume on that variety,” explains Shane Slama, the Dungeon Team Product Owner. “We added new methods of dispatching maligraphies (the arena’s various foes), new maligraphies from all over Tamriel to test your skills, and all-new environments that have their own challenges.”

With these goals and features in mind, the team worked hard to create new experiences in the Infinite Archive with the free Update 43 base-game patch.

“The biggest change is the two new arena types you will see,” says Finnigan. “While we maintain the Apocryphal feel of the original, adding new fire and ice elements really gives them a unique feeling.”

Survive all-new arenas

“One of the requested features since the launch of Infinite Archive was to diversify the look of the different combat settings,” says Shane Slama. “The fiery reds and icy blues stand out from the Apocrypha greens, while also still having the elements that define the appearance of the Infinite Archive.”

New Challenges, New Tricks

To survive this augmented Infinite Archive, you (and your teammate or companion) will need to discover and utilize new strategies and power.

“How players tackle the ice and fire stages will be intriguing, because both arenas play so differently,” says Finnigan. “You might want to move more in the fire arena, while in the ice one, its best to find the safe spots while you fight.”

You’ll certainly have to watch your feet while battling within the two new arenas, but to help survive these new challenges, this update also includes a whopping eight new Verses and 10 new Visions.

“You’ll see new options when selecting your Verses and Visions which may expand on your particular build and impact the way you approach the upcoming stage,” explains Slama. “For example, depending on your selections, you can block attacks to unleash a devastating explosion with your next Bash via the Reflected Ruin Verse.”

Find new strategies and power

“One of my favorites is the Phalanx Verse, which summons a line of soldiers to block attacks, giving you a damage shield if you stand behind them while they attempt to stagger foes,” says Finnigan.

“I also enjoy the Storm Projection Offensive Vision,” says Slama. “It’s unique in that it provides a passive increase to all your Shock damage, but it also functions like a Verse by adding chain lightning to any of your direct attacks.”

Claim the Archive’s Relics

New challenges mean new rewards for those venturing into the Infinite Archive, and this update introduces additional collectibles and, most importantly, seven new Class Sets that can be found only in this specific location.

“Our goal for the new Class Sets were to better represent the aesthetic themes and mechanical gameplay of each skill line while keeping the sets simpler than their previous counterparts,” explains Nadav Pechthold, one of the team’s Combat Designers.

“For example, we wanted the Dragonknight wearing Pyrebrand to be a representation of the Ardent Flame skill line, making use of damage over time abilities to build up to a huge payoff. You can become the flame and then the explosive force that comes after.”

Of course, the additional Class Sets aren’t the only new rewards on offer, and those who delve deep into the Infinite Archive will discover all kinds of goodies up for grabs.

“With this update, we have cooked up some new consumable rewards for players,” says Finnigan. “Including a new consumable that allows you to transform into a random avatar without the need for the requisite Visions.”

“I really like the new Eye of the Infinite account upgrade Tool, which summons up a shard of Tho’at that hovers up into the air and bursts apart,” says Slama. “It’s a cool effect that may be used anywhere just like a Memento, but if you use it while inside Infinite Archive, a maligraphic Watcher emerges from the burst and joins your group to help bust up Tho’at’s forces.”

Challenge the Infinite Archive Anew

The Infinite Archive grows even more vast and dangerous with Update 43. Are you ready to return to the halls of Hermaeus Mora for new arenas, new foes, and most importantly, new rewards? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

Update 43 is a free base-game patch for all ESO players and arrives August 19 for PC/Mac and September 4 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles. 

Save on Gold Road, ESO Base Game, and Crown Packs During the QuakeCon 2024 Sale!

Enjoy discounts on select Crown Packs and game editions for a limited time during QuakeCon 2024!

Seismic savings are available during the QuakeCon2024 sale. Starting right now, you can grab a copy of The Elder Scrolls Online Standard Edition for up to 70% off, pick up select editions of the new Gold Road Chapter for up to 35% off, and stock up with select Crown Packs at up to 40% off. This sale is active on all platforms for a limited time, although access to discounts for certain Gold Road editions may vary depending on your platform of choice.

The Elder Scrolls Online Standard Edition offers the full ESO base game, which includes four of the game’s classes (Sorcerer, Nightblade, Templar, and Dragonknight), 24 unique zones to explore, and access to ESO’s PvP game modes such as the Battlegrounds and the Alliance War.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, ESO’s latest Chapter, just released this past June, and this is your first opportunity to acquire it on sale. Gold Road features the zone of West Weald, home to the bustling city of Skingrad, a storyline featuring a lost Daedric Prince, and the all-new Scribing system to customize your character’s skills. The Gold Road Collection and Deluxe Gold Road Collection editions also provide access to previous Chapters—seven in all! For more on what Gold Road has to offer, visit this Chapter page.

Walk the Gold Road

Platform Sale Information

Check out the dates listed below to know when the QuakeCon 2024 Sale will be live on your platform of choice, including specific editions:


  • Standard Edition—August 8-August 21
  • Deluxe Gold Road Editions—August 8-August 21

  • Standard Edition—July 30-August 14
  • Deluxe Gold Road Editions—July 30-August 14
  • Non-Deluxe Gold Road Editions—August 14-August 28

Elder Scrolls Online Store
  •  Standard Edition—August 8-August 21
  • All Gold Road Editions—August 8-August 21

Steam Store
  • Standard Edition—August 8-August 21
  • All Gold Road Editions—August 8-August 21

Epic Games Store
  • Standard Edition—August 8-August 21
  • All Gold Road Editions—August 8-August 21

Head over to the Buy Now page to get ahold of these discounts and set yourself up for savings on your next adventure!

Crown Pack Sale

In addition to the sales on the game itself, from August 8-14 you can save on select Crown Packs. If you have a nice Crown Store item in mind, or you want to stock up for the future, now’s the time! Check out the individual Crown Pack discounts below:
  • 21,000 Crown Pack—40% off
  • 14,000 Crown Pack—35% off
  • 5,500 Crown Pack—30% off
  • 3,000 Crown Pack—25% off
  • 1,500 Crown Pack—20% off

You can make use of this sale right now by visiting the Buy Crowns page. Make sure to check out the in-game Crown Store to see the great offerings available for your new supply!

What are you picking up during this year’s QuakeCon sale? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

Anniversary Celebration—Play ESO to Acquire an Intimidating Costume from Alienware!

Steam players can unlock free in-game rewards simply by playing ESO via this exciting 10-year Anniversary partnership with Alienware!

The 10-Year Anniversary Celebration is still going strong, as is ESO’s continued partnership with Alienware™. This means even more in-game rewards to claim! During the next phase of this ongoing promotion, you and your fellow Steam players can obtain the Grim Harvester costume and ×3 Grand Gold Coast Experience Scrolls by collectively playing 70,000 hours of ESO from now until Monday, August 12.

The Grim Harvester costume

To participate in this community promotional event, you’ll need to sign in or create a free account with Alienware Arena and connect your Steam account by following the steps below:
  1. Travel to the account settings page
  2. Select the Steam icon and sign into your Steam account
  3. Next, open Steam and navigate to your profile
  4. Select “Edit Profile” and navigate to “Privacy Settings”
  5. Change “My Basic Details”, “My Profile”, and "Game Details" to Public.
  6. Uncheck "Always keep my total playtime private even if users can see my game details"

By following these steps, Alienware Arena can log the community’s cumulative playtime until it reaches its 70,000-hour cap. Once the #ESOFam has reached the finish line, all eligible players can collect their free rewards!

To claim these goodies, travel to the giveaway’s page and select “GET KEY”. Afterward, you can redeem your Reward Code on the official ESO website using these steps:
  1. Copy the Reward Code provided in your email from Alienware
  2. Confirm that you own a copy of The Elder Scrolls Online before redeeming a Reward Code
  3. Navigate to this URL and sign into your ESO account:
  4. Enter the code and click Redeem Code to submit

For more information and support, visit Alienware’s official website.

Are you prepared to terrify your foes while adorning the macabre guise of the Grim Harvester? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook.

ESO’s August 2024 Survival Guide

QuakeCon, the 10-Year Anniversary, Update 43, and more awaits within another jam-packed month for The Elder Scrolls Online!

This August 2024, you can check out fun QuakeCon livestreams, enjoy more 10-Year Anniversary promotions, and check out the base-game additions coming with the free Update 43 patch. Here’s everything you need to know for this upcoming month!

Daily Login Rewards (8/1–8/31)
A new month means new daily rewards, including the red-hot Flame Atronach Senche-Jaguar pet and more. Get a preview of what is available in this blog.

Anniversary Spotlight—Portals of Oblivion (8/5–9/3)
A fiery host of pets is up for grabs during August’s Anniversary Spotlight. Check out all the details in this announcement blog!

Alienware 10-Year Anniversary Promotion (8/5-8/12)
Keep an eye out for a special 10-Year Anniversary promotion from our friends at Alienware, giving the community a chance to unlock the Grim Harvester costume and an XP scroll. You’ll find more info on Alienware Arena or very soon.

Gilded Glory Mini Event (8/8–8/13)
Purse feeling a little light? Enjoy a 100% boost to gold gains from in-game activities (quest rewards, monster kills, etc.) for a limited time. Note that this does NOT include gold made via selling to vendors or with guild traders.

NVIDIA GeForce NOW 10-Year Anniversary Promotion (8/8-9/8)
NVIDIA GeForce NOW gets in on the 10-Year Anniversary fun with a special emote giveaway (the tasty Skingrad Noble Snack). Keep an eye on for more details soon. 

QuakeCon Trial High Score Competition Livestream (8/9)
Two top-tier PvE guilds race to complete ESO’s latest Trial, and we’re streaming the whole thing live on Twitch.TV/Bethesda Friday, August 9 at 5PM EDT—don’t forget to link your Twitch and ESO accounts as drops will be active!

QuakeCon Charity Livestreams (8/9–8/10)
Help us help Dallas Pets Alive by tuning into special QuakeCon charity livestreams starting on Friday, August 9. Look out for a special stream from the ESO community team on Twitch.TV/Bethesda August 10, too! There. Will. Be. Puppies!

Game Pass Perks (8/14-10/13)
A new wave of Game Pass Perks unlock for Xbox players on Wednesday, August 14. Look out for an official announcement on with all the details that day.

Battlegrounds Crazy King Mini Event (8/15–8/20)
Take to the Battlegrounds and enjoy non-stop Crazy King matches during this special PvP mini-event.

PC/Mac Update 43 Base-Game Patch Launch (8/19)
PC/Mac players can explore the Infinite Archive’s new arenas and rewards or show off their abodes to the world with Home Tours thanks to the free Update 43 base-game patch. Play on console? Don’t worry, Update 43 arrives for Xbox and PlayStation on September 4.

Gamescom 2024 Livestream (8/22)
We’re live from gamescom! Tune in to Twitch.TV/Bethesda as Community Managers Gina Bruno and Amy Schlueter talk with ESO Game Director Rich Lambert and ZOS Studio Head Matt Firor. Together, they’ll discuss the ongoing 10-Year Anniversary Celebration, Update 43, and more! Look out for more details on soon.

With QuakeCon, gamescom, and a new base-game update, August is shaping up to be a fun one for ESO and its community. Be sure to keep an eye out for more information on the above events, promotions, and livestreams when they happen. Are you excited about what’s to come this August? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

Crown Store Showcase—August 2024

Check out the new mounts, houses, and other exciting collectibles coming to the Crown Store this August!

The summer is heating up, and so are the offerings from the Crown Store! Find fiery finery and hot new items to make the most of the month. Be sure to head over to the Crown Store page to check out the currently available items. One or more of these goodies catch your eye? Then drop by the Buy Crowns page and secure however many crowns you need! Certain items and offers will be available for a limited time only, so be sure to click the link below and don't miss out.

ESO Plus Deals

All ESO Plus™ members have access to a monthly selection of exclusive deals and items. You can find more information about them in this article.

Crown Store Showcase—August 2024

Anniversary Spotlight—Claim Red-Hot Rewards Within the Portals of Oblivion

A fiery host of rewards (voted for by you, the community) await those willing to clash with the minions of Mehrunes Dagon during the Portals of Oblivion Anniversary Spotlight.

August’s Red-Hot Rewards

Our 10-Year Anniversary spotlights continue with the Portals of Oblivion, challenging you to invade Mehrunes Dagon’s realm of destruction. Starting August 5 at 10AM EDT and running until September 3 at 10AM EDT, if you have unlocked either the Blackwood Portal Punisher or Deadlands Portal Punisher achievement, you can claim the Flame Atronach Pony Guar pet for free from the in-game Crown Store.

The Flame Atronach Pony Guar pet

To unlock either one of these achievements, you must enter 10 Oblivion Portals in the zone and destroy the antecedent catalyst devices within. Once you have earned either the Blackwood or Deadlands Portal Punisher achievement, you can claim the free pet from the Crown Store.

Even better, unlock the Oblivion Obliterator achievement by defeating all the bosses found within Oblivion Portals and you can also claim the new Firebelly Shalk pet from the Crown Store as a bonus reward.

The new Firebelly Shalk pet

Be warned, the minions of Mehrunes Dagon are some of the most dangerous in Oblivion, and you may wish to recruit your strongest allies for this venture—good luck!

Devilish Daily Rewards

In addition to the pets you can earn via the portal achievements, the Flame Atronach Senche-Jaguar pet has also been added to Augusts Daily Login Rewards. Simply log in twice during the month of August to claim it!

The Flame Atronach Senche-Jaguar pet

Endeavor to Defeat Dagon

Finally, keep an eye out for special Endeavors during the month of August. This includes a new Weekly Endeavor that challenges you to complete 10 Oblivion Portals and daily portal-themed Endeavors that reward a larger-than-usual number of Seals.

The Forces of Oblivion Await

Join us in continuing the massive 10-Year Anniversary Celebration by venturing into the realm of Mehrunes Dagon and saving the Imperial province of Blackwood. Are you prepared to face the Daedra of the Deadlands this August?  Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook—have fun!

Daily Login Rewards—August 2024

Check out some of the items and collectibles you can claim simply by logging in to The Elder Scrolls Online during August 2024!

A new month is upon us, and that means new rewards for you to claim throughout August! Curious about how Daily Login Rewards work? Check out this help article to discover all you need to know and take a peek at some of the highlights you can enjoy throughout August 2024 below!

Flame Atronach Senche-Jaguar—Day 2

Be careful when cuddling this fiery fellow!

When asked about flame atronachs, many may think of destruction and ruin, while some may even bring up Mehrunes Dagon’s realm of the Deadlands. But never fear—this fiery beast can become a fierce partner in your adventures. You can claim the Flame Atronach Senche-Jaguar by logging in twice this month, which features other surprises from Dagon’s Oblivion realm.

Face Marking: Rose of Tamriel—Day 7

Let your beauty bloom

You’ll love how you look with this gorgeous face marking. Unlock the Rose of Tamriel face marking after seven days of logins this month.

Luminous Ink—Days 10-13

Voluminous amounts of Luminous Ink

Luminous Ink is a key resource for the Gold Road Chapter’s Scribing system. Whether you want it for your own Scribing efforts or to trade to other players, you receive three Luminous Ink each day when you log in on days 10-13, potentially earning 12 Luminous Ink in total.

Body Marking: Rose of Tamriel—Day 14

Turn heads with this body tattoo

Be the center of attention with these stunning body markings. Are they devotions to Dibella, a statement of self-love and fulfillment, or just too striking not to wear? You tell us—and be sure to claim them on your fourteenth login this month!

These and more rewards await while logging in this month. To see the full list, venture into the game on August 1 (and claim the first one while you’re there). Are you eager to claim August 2024’s in-game Daily Login Rewards? Don’t forget, August continues the 10-Year Anniversary Celebration fun with an all-new spotlight, too. Let us know what you think via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook