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Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

The Elder Scrolls Online

Gold Road Preview—Lucent Citadel & Mirrormoor Incursions

The Forgotten Prince Ithelia returns in the Gold Road Chapter, and with the Prince of Paths comes strange new group challenges that you and your allies will need to overcome together. This includes both the Lucent Citadel, an all-new 12-player Trial, and Mirrormoor Incursions, new West Weald world events.

Brave the Lucent Citadel

“The Lucent Citadel is an ancient Daedric vault located in the wastelands of Fargrave, and until recently the monstrous residents of the citadel have been dormant,” says Senior Content Designer Shane Slama. “Ithelia’s return has triggered their awakening and attracted a number of interested parties in search of something called the Arcane Knot.”

Alarmingly, these parties seem to have conflicting agendas for the Knot, and they are willing to do anything to get their hands on it.

“Your old ally Keshargo from Scrivener’s Hall was dispatched by Hermorah and the Scribes of Mora to secure the Knot, but after setting up a base camp, they were attacked by a Dremora called Xoryn. Keshargo needs all the help he can get in stopping Xoryn and finding a way to extract the volatile Arcane Knot from the Citadel.”

The Lucent Citadel awaits

Be warned, the path through the Lucent Citadel will not be easy for you and your allies, with all sorts of unusual monsters and magic at play. Every encounter, whether with any of the four total bosses or their assorted minions, will test your party’s power and ingenuity.

“As you adventure through the Citadel and chase after Xoryn, you’ll encounter a mix of awoken Mirrormoor creatures and Xoryn’s powerful allies,” explains Slama. “These include Lightbringers that can reanimate the dead and Darkcasters that attempt to suffocate their targets with a mounting darkness.”

“Not all the challenges inside the citadel are combat-focused.” adds Slama. “There are moments where your path to Xoryn requires more than running, jumping, or falling. Being light on your feet won’t be enough. You’ll have to ditch your feet entirely and try your best to avoid looking down!”

Be knot afraid

As with any Trial, the Lucent Citadel features new ways to challenge you and your group. This is especially so for the final encounter, which is completely different from anything the team has done before.

“The constant that runs throughout the trial is the presence of light magic and dark magic, and learning how the two clash is important,” says Slama. “Be warned, the Arcane Knot is unstable and chaotic, and once it has been disturbed, it must always have a carrier bonded to it. However, a single adventurer is not going to be able to shoulder the burden of this powerful object alone. When the time comes, remember that sharing is caring!”

Turn Back Mirrormoor Incursions

In addition to the Lucent Citadel, Gold Road also features a new kind of world event that anybody adventuring within the zone can help overcome.

“With Mirrormoor Incursions, powerful forces from the mysterious realm are attempting to spread their influence across West Weald and infiltrate the land,” explains Encounter Designer Lauren Kaiser. “Three elite Valkynaz have positioned themselves at key points surrounding the crux of the incursion, and together, they work to perform a ritual that paves the way for a powerful Mirrormoor champion.”

Mighty foes await

Of course, there’s more to this than just a straight-up fight with the Valkynaz and their champion. To shut down the operation in full, you’ll first need to search the wilderness around the mosaic for Daedric ritualists and force them to abandon their efforts.

“One of the main design goals for Mirrormoor Incursions was to make them feel like they’re having a real impact on the world,” says Kaiser. “You’ll find all manner of hazards and creatures from the Daedric realm have appeared within the wilderness surrounding the mosaics and are attempting to spread their influence.”

Ithelia’s servants stage Mirrormoor Incursions

Fortunately, the increased scope of these new events comes with new ways to track progression.

“Because the event takes players on a monster hunt in the wilds, it’s important that they can track progress no matter where they are,” says Kaiser. “To do this, players can look up at the portal above the Mirrormoor mosaic—the number of orbs orbiting the portal corresponds with the number of Valkynaz that have been defeated. There are also additional audio and visual cues that will appear throughout the world event area. Major kudos to the VFX and audio teams for their phenomenal work on these critical elements!”

This wider scope makes Mirrormoor Incursions very different from ESO’s past world events, and certain key elements can change with each encounter.

“There are six different Valkynaz total, and three of them will appear at random during an incursion. The Valkynaz are much stronger together, so the knowledge that players gain while fighting them alone in the wilderness will be key during the battle with the champion. There are also three different champions total, each with their own unique kit of abilities, and one of them will appear at random for each incursion.”

Drive back the Daedra of Mirrormoor

Mirrormoor Incursions may appear imposing at first, but there are tools you can use to prepare yourself.

“Players may notice that a champion’s power extends into the wilds in the form of environmental hazards,” explains Kaiser. “Each champion has an associated hazard, so players will know which champion they're facing based on those that are present.”

Change Your Fate with Rich Rewards

Opposing the Daedra of Mirrormoor is not without benefits, as triumphing in these new group activities can earn you all-new item sets and collectibles, found only in the Gold Road Chapter.

Shattering the forces across each of the zone’s Mirrormoor Mosaics, for example, earns you the Glass Sky Defender achievement and a red Reverse Slash Skill Style! In fact, Mirrormoor Mosaics are the source of several new Skill Styles, including an orange one for the Warhorn skill (earned via the Mirrormoor Incursion Disruptor achievement).

You can earn some rewards just for completing Mirrormoor Incursions, and incursion completion also adds progress toward larger zone-wide rewards such as the Wildburn Lynx mount, the Saint Alessia patron for Tales of Tribute, or the piece-by-piece unlock of the Nantharion’s Regalia outfit style.

Find even more rewards in the Lucent Citadel, including four potent item sets, unique furnishings, body and face markings (earned via completing two different Trial Achievements), a red Skill Style for the Expert Hunter skill (earned via the Lucent Citadel Vanquisher achievement), and the fabulous Refulgent Mirrormoor Steed (earned via completing the Knot Worthy meta Achievement).

The spoils of Mirrormoor

The new item sets include the Lucent Echoes heavy armor set. The set boosts the critical damage and healing of other group members while the wearer is healthy and reduces their incoming damage after taking punishment—a great tool for tanks in group content!

Travel New (Challenging) Roads

Exciting new activities await you within the Gold Road Chapter, and overcoming these new PvE challenges can earn you all sorts of unique in-game rewards. Gather your allies and put out the call so you can dive right into the fight against Ithelia’s forces when they arrive this June. Are you excited to tackle this challenging group content? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road arrives for PC/Mac on June 3, 2024, and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 18, 2024. Pre-purchase Gold Road now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount. Don’t miss out.

Follow-up Q&A from ESO 10-Year Celebration Event Community Roundtable

Hi everyone! Below are some questions we received during the in-person Community Roundtable session at the ESO 10-Year Celebration Event in April that we promised to follow up with answers. We hope you find these answers helpful!

Q: Has there been any consideration for guild mounts that show off the guild tabard in some way? (Maybe a raised banner?) What would that take?
A: We love this idea and hear it often from our many players in guilds. We’ve talked about this internally over the years as well. It’s one of those things that is quite a bit trickier on the technical side than it sounds due to how guild tabards and overhead guild nameplates are coded, players being able to be in five guilds, etc. Know that we are aware of the desire for this as a guild feature.

Q: Have there been any discussions about integrated voice chat for PC/Mac, even if just to coordinate for instanced group content? Sometimes people don’t want to install new apps to talk with each other and instead opt to communicate via in-game chat. This is especially painful for pick-up groups.
A: While many players do opt to use Discord or other external voice chat solutions, we understand the pick-up group communication pain point. We’ve discussed integrated voice chat for PC/Mac servers and while it’s not a hard “No, never”, this is another one that requires a significant technical investment and isn’t something we currently have on the roadmap.

Q: What happens to guilds if the guild leader passes away? What is the official process for passing on the role of guild leader?
A: If a guild leader becomes inactive for at least 60 days, for any reason, someone from the guild can contact Customer Support to request transfer of the guild leader role. From there, we look to transfer the role of guild leader to the person who meets the following criteria:

  • Active within the last 60 days
  • A member of the next highest rank in the guild (one of the guild’s existing “officers”)
  • The person who has been in the guild the longest, if everyone else is the same guild rank
  • Not already the leader of another guild

We use this specific ranking system because it is fair, neutral, and allows us to be consistent. It also helps us minimize situations where guild leadership is stolen, passed to a newer member of the guild, etc. Once guild leadership is transferred, that person is welcome to pass it to someone else in the guild if they wish.

While it is a bit more involved, there is also a process in place if someone wants or needs to claim a deceased family member’s account. This process is in accordance with similar laws related to what happens to online accounts when someone passes away.

Q: Will we ever get proper guild halls in ESO?
A: We love the idea of guild halls in ESO and recognize that our community has asked for them since the game launched. We have had many internal conversations about them over the years. The current challenge is the necessary caps. Much like the item limit caps in player housing, there is also a limit to how many characters can simultaneously be in a player home (it’s 25). As with items, these caps are in place to ensure that players on lower spec machines don’t encounter significant performance issues while in player homes.

When we’ve asked ourselves in the past if a 25-person cap would feel good for a guild hall, especially if it’s a guild of 500 active players, the answer has always been no. It’s not the kind of guild hall experience we’d want to give you. So, while the idea of guild halls isn’t completely off the table, it’s important to us that we find a solution that allows us to do it right, and support the ability to have more than 25 simultaneous players in the guild hall.

Q: Do you have any plans for improved guild tools in ESO?
A: While we don’t have any specific plans to share currently, there are many things on our backlog that we’d love to do with ESO’s guild system and the related tools. Over the years, we’ve collated pages of ideas from you, our community, as well as from internal suggestions.

We do want to improve guilds, in general, and the tools that players use to run them. As with anything we add to ESO, it all comes down to time and resources, determining what will have the greatest positive impact for our players, and prioritizing against all the other items on our game features and improvements backlog.

Please keep the suggestions and ideas coming, though. We do want to hear them!

Q: Will we ever get the ability to hide our guild tabard, like we can hide helms?
A: This is another request that has come up often over the years. We understand how important this is to some of our players, especially our roleplay and ESO fashion enthusiasts! Like the suggestion for guild heraldry on mounts, this is something we do have on our backlog and want to improve the overall experience. It’s also not as simple as turning off the visibility of armor pieces such helms and shoulders, for example, due to how our guild tabards and overhead guild nameplates are coded on the back-end.

Q: You all should send out surveys to guilds to get feedback about guild tools and what quality-of-life guild features players want. Would you consider that?
A: Great idea! Yes, we will talk with our amazing Research team about creating a guild-focused survey. Thank you for the suggestion!

One thing you all can do to help us is ask your guild members to consider opting into getting emails from us here. While we can share links to surveys on our social media channels, forums, and in Discord, being able to email it to more players who are in guilds would greatly help us hit a much broader and more diverse population.

Q: Could we get a solution for the guild MOTD text getting bumped/interrupted by automated game messages when typing it up? It’s so frustrating when that happens!
A: Thank you for sharing this with us! We agree that isn’t a great experience. We’ve passed this along to our UX and QA teams for investigation.

Q: Will we ever get Steam achievements for ESO?
A: Steam achievements require a separate (and additional) process from achievements on any other platform. Due to this, we have no current plans to add Steam achievements for ESO.

Q: We’d like to be able to get empty plots of existing player houses, or the ability to “remove” the house from the plot. Is that something you might consider?
A: Interesting suggestion! Historically, the empty plots aren’t nearly as popular as the houses; that said, we will pass this suggestion along to the Housing team for consideration. Due to how we build out the housing spaces, it is unfortunately not as simple as just “removing” the house from an existing space. Even existing player housing spaces would require additional world building where the house is/was.

Scribing’s Developers Share Their Favorite Hand-Crafted Abilities

Discover how the new Scribing System's own developers are utilizing the Gold Road feature to create custom abilities.

Arriving as part of The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Chapter (landing June 3 on PC/Mac and June 18 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles), the Scribing System allows you to create your own custom-made abilities from a variety of initial options, called Grimoires. Be it to better serve a specific role, increase overall strength or utility, or create new opportunities for roleplay, this system grants you the power to further tailor your builds to your heart’s content.

But how will ESO’s developers make use of Scribing when the Gold Road Chapter launches in June? We reached out to a few key members of the development team behind the new system and asked them for their favorite custom-made abilities.

Gilliam—Combat Designer

As someone who spends a lot of their time tinkering and iterating, I have a very hard time picking favorites, especially from this system. That said, I am particularly fond of the Elemental Explosion Grimoire, as it leans heavily into the super powerful mage archetype where you cast a high-risk, high-reward spell with a longer commitment time.

Due to this high amount of commitment, it changes how I view many combat encounters, where I need to plan and adapt to opportunistic moments to activate and land it. Being able to charge up a super powerful area effect attack that rewards thoughtful activation and placement nails a really satisfying feeling that you can’t get with a lot of other abilities. 

"Repelling Explosion”

Pairing this with the Knockback Focus turns it into an ultra-satisfying disruption tool, letting chaos abound, which brings me some simple joy and lots of laughs. Tack on the Warmage’s Defense Signature for a scaling damage shield based on the number of targets I hit, and the Cowardice Affix to reduce the unlucky victims’ Weapon and Spell Damage, and I can now tank plenty of damage from all the aggro it’ll generate from the people I’ve displaced in PvP. 

Cullen Lee—Senior Systems Designer

One of the Grimoires I’m most excited for is Soul Burst, which you earn at the end of the Scribing quest line. This unleashes a powerful burst of soul magic around you, providing an instant point-blank area of effect. Simple and flexible!

When I’m playing Infinite Archive on my Necromancer tank and things get hectic, sometimes I’ll spot an Infuser about to empower their buddies and I’ll struggle to target them with a bash in time. So, I’m really excited for the Interrupt Affix–even if an Infuser tries to hide behind their friends, I can still easily interrupt their cast thanks to Soul Burst’s eight-meter radius.

“Shocking Burst”

For Signatures, I’m a big fan of the Necromancer Class Mastery script. This increases your Magicka, Stamina, and Health based on the number of nearby corpses. And if you don’t have any nearby corpses, it’ll make one instead! Once we’ve killed each wave of enemies, I can use their corpses to empower myself for the next group (before gobbling them up for Ultimate with Necrotic Potency!).

For the Focus, I’ve been keeping it simple with Shock Damage, but I do find the Immobilize script tempting. I’ll probably bounce back and forth at least a few more times before I make up my mind!

Caleb Noffsinger—Senior QA Tester II

Traveling Knife! Simply put, you toss out a knife toward the enemy, and it returns to the player, hitting your foes on the way back. This can be a great way to apply debuffs to multiple enemies, something dual wield abilities traditionally don’t do.

I use it on my Dragonknight, having it deal Poison Damage as my Focus with Wayfarer’s Mastery Signature and Minor Berserk Affix. I chose Poison Damage because it plays well into Dragonknight as a baseline. The Wayfarer’s Mastery (Ruffian) Signature is stronger than you might realize. It boosts my damage when using Rending Slashes and Rapid Strikes, but it also increases the damage of my allies who are using dual wield while it is active.

"Venomous Knife”

This all completely changes how my build is set up. I went from using Stone Giant as a spammable to Rapid Strikes and got a considerable DPS increase. Putting Minor Berserk on the ability also opened the opportunity for me to swap out Camouflaged Hunter with Torch-Bearer’s Sweep, another scribed ability, and still have those all-important bonuses and passives active without any overlap.

Radacal Alexander—Animator

I chose the Grimoire Shield Throw, which launches your shield at your enemy and deals physical damage. When animating this particular skill, I wanted to create the sense of the full body of motion required when literally hurling a shield at your enemies, and it makes me feel like Captain America!

Because it’s awesome to bounce your shield around a bunch of enemies, I picked Multi-Target as the Signature and added Lingering Torment as the Focus with Cowardice as the Affix. Lingering Torment uses your weapon's enchantment to deal more damage, along with adding damage over time. This in turn allows the sword-and-board playstyle to have some mid-range damage threat.

“Shattering Throw”

Cowardice works well with the close-range nature of sword-and-board fighting, lowering the enemy’s threat. Pairing that with the shields in the weapon skill line makes for an extremely tanky character. I also used this with the Torug’s Pact item set so that it procs weapon enchantments more often.

Of course, these are just some of the unique combinations you can try with the new Scribing System, and we hope this inspires you to try out different Grimoires (and their myriad combinations) with your own builds when Gold Road launches in June. How are you going to make use of Scribing? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road arrives for PC/Mac on June 3, 2024, and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 18, 2024. Pre-purchase Gold Road now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount. Don’t miss out.

Earn a New Skin with this Special 10-Year Anniversary Achievement

Learn about an all-new Achievement and reward coming with the Gold Road Chapter and Update 42.

Since 2014, The Elder Scrolls Online has enjoyed 10 years of adventure, taking you and your fellow players from the myriad provinces of Tamriel to the otherworldly planes of Oblivion. As part of our ongoing 10-Year Anniversary Celebration, we are adding an all-new Achievement that celebrates and showcases the game’s ever-growing world, titled Adventurer Across a Decade.

This new Achievement arrives with the launch of the Gold Road Chapter and Update 42 in June, and it touches on practically every zone and main story quest in the game.

To earn Adventurer Across a Decade, you need to complete the following:
  • Earn the Hero of the Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact Achievements*
  • Complete ESO’s main storyline and triumph against Molag Bal
  • Complete the main storylines for the following zones:
    • Coldharbour
    • Craglorn
    • Wrothgar
    • Hew’s Bane
    • Gold Coast
    • Vvardenfell
    • Clockwork City
    • Summerset
    • Murkmire
    • Northern Elsweyr
    • Southern Elsweyr
    • Western Skyrim
    • The Reach
    • Blackwood
    • The Deadlands
    • High Isle
    • Galen
    • Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha
    • West Weald

That’s a lot of questing, but don’t worry—if you’ve previously completed the story quests (and earned the Achievements) for any of the above zones, they will be automatically counted when Update 42 is live.

Upon earning this new achievement, you’ll also unlock an exclusive skin: Fractured Glory.

10 years unbroken

Whether you adventure alone or with allies, this unique skin will allow you to proudly show your dedication to the game and mark you as a true veteran of Tamriel’s Second Era.

Are you excited to earn this new 10-Year Celebration Achievement? Which zone storylines do you need to complete? There’s still time before Gold Road and Update 42 launch in June! Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road arrives for PC/Mac on June 3, 2024, and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 18, 2024. Pre-purchase Gold Road now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount. Don’t miss out!

*Awarded by completing a certain number of quests in each of the Alliances’ key zones—check the Achievement tab in your Journal for all the details.

Listen to The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Soundtrack Online Now!

Grab your copy of the ESO: Necrom Official Soundtrack, now available for digital purchase and download!

Immerse yourself in the weird and wonderful worlds of Apocrypha and the Telvanni Peninsula with the melodies featured on The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Official Soundtrack. You can get your hands on the collection right now from the following platforms:

Are you going to add the Necrom soundtrack to your music library? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook!

Gold Road Zone Preview—West Weald

Learn about West Weald, its myriad threats, and the valuable rewards you can obtain while exploring this new zone, coming soon with the Gold Road Chapter.

Beset by Mystery

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, arriving June 3 on PC/Mac and June 18 on Xbox and PlayStation consoles, introduces West Weald, a brand-new zone filled with unique locations, quests, challenges, and rewards for Tamriel’s intrepid adventurers to uncover.

While exploring West Weald, you’ll discover the geography of this prosperous Imperial region is far from uniform and is divided into three regions: the Gold Road, the Colovian Highlands, and Dawnwood.

Visit Skingrad in the Second Era

Both the Colovian Highlands and the Gold Road are primarily home to the local Imperials, including the wealthy city of Skingrad. From the rocky reaches and vineyards of the highlands to the temperate and well-traveled Gold Road, the area is ruled by Count Calantius, who shepherded the region away from the strife in Cyrodiil. However, recent events have introduced brand-new dangers and mysteries to the region.

“The big threat to West Weald is not knowing what’s going on,” explains Ed Stark, Gold Road’s Zone Lead. “Everything that’s happening seemingly happened overnight. And the ‘Mirrormoor Incursions’ popping up across the region? No one knows where these new Daedra are coming from or how to stop them.”

In addition to this new Daedric threat, a mysterious jungle recently emerged from the region’s southwest border. Known as Dawnwood, this region has rapidly become home to newly arrived Wood Elves.

Explore the emergent Dawnwood

“The inhabitants of Dawnwood are Valenwood Elves who ‘followed nature’ to West Weald,” shares Stark. “Following their chieftain—now king—Nantharion to the new land, they were surprised to see the ruins of Colovian buildings (and more than a few confused Colovians) in the region, but they have mostly acted as peaceful immigrants.”

In addition to the Daedric incursions and settling Wood Elves, the region’s final mystery lies not in the influx of new arrivals, but in the twisted lands of the Wildburn.

“The Wildburn is the forward edge of whatever magic created the jungle growth of Dawnwood,” Stark hints. “Whatever energy or magic caused the explosive jungle growth clashed with the natural flora and fauna. This left a region of devastation and created wildburn creatures, animals corrupted by the clash of magic and nature.”

Investigate the Wildburn

As you explore this new zone, you’ll have to unravel these mysteries and uncover the source of the chaos that has enveloped West Weald.

West Weald Threatened

When adventuring within West Weald, you’ll encounter all manner of threats in this once-peaceful land. In the new zone, you can explore six new Delves, including ancient Ayleid ruins and the remnants of Varen Aquilarios’ war, in addition to two new Public Dungeons, six World Bosses, and a new Trial.  

Test yourself against strange new foes

You can also experience a wide variety of additional quests in the region as you explore and meet its inhabitants, each helping to tell the tale of this unique part of Tamriel.

“A number of the West Weald quests deal with aspects of Colovian and Wood Elf society and culture,” explains Stark. “The Colovian desire for a cosmopolitan society is tested, as are many of the Wood Elves’ core beliefs.”

Mirrormoor invades Tamriel

Finally, strange Daedra of unknown varieties roam the land, invading through a new type of world event called Mirrormoor Incursions.

“Without giving too much away, Mirrormoor Incursions are what happen when a forgotten Daedric Prince from a lost Oblivion realm suddenly reappears,” notes Stark. “Ithelia’s newly reawakened scions and servants have rallied what’s left of her forces and hunt for her—and they believe West Weald is a likely place to start.”

It's up to you and your allies to confront these new challenges to help bring stability back to West Weald.

Treasures of the Gold Road

Those who face great challenges deserve great rewards, and the wealth of the Gold Road obliges with a series of item sets, collectibles, and achievements to earn and unlock.  

For starters, West Weald features 10 new item sets for you to find and craft. This includes the Threads of War, which causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to inflict a guaranteed Status Effect of the damage type of your weapon. Normally, Light and Heavy attacks cannot directly inflict Status Effects at all—a major change!

Additionally, antiquarians can find three different Mythic items available in the zone, such as the Rourken Steamguards that reward precision timing on blocks.

Opportunities await exploration

Complete various Gold Road achievements, and you can earn style pages for King Nantharion’s Royal Armor in addition to other styles, mementos, an emote, a pet, and more, providing you with an abundance of collectibles to acquire on your adventures. If you play Tales of Tribute, you can also earn fragments of an all-new patron and deck—Saint Alessia.

Most notably, Gold Road also features a mount earnable by completing multiple West Weald achievements—the Wildburn Lynx. This magnificent mount requires some time investment to earn, including completing the Chapter story, defeating all World and Delve Bosses, and other feats of prowess and exploration.

Rewards of the Gold Road

Finally, this Chapter introduces an entirely new type of Collectible called Skill Styles.

“Skill Styles are an exciting new cosmetic that change existing Skill visuals,” explains Project Lead Kira Schlitt. “These initial 22 Skill Styles override the original Skill colors to a fun new variant, such as a violet purple version of Wall of Elements, or shifting Meteor from blue to blazing orange!”

Skill Styles are earnable in-game through a variety of sources, including the Scribing questline, daily quests, Public Dungeons, and elsewhere within the zone.

Venture into A New Zone

ESO’s newest zone, West Weald, is full of challenges, including new Delves, Public Dungeons, World Bosses, and the invasion of mysterious new Daedra. However, should you face the myriad threats to the local Wood Elf and Imperial residents, you’ll emerge with all-new items and collectibles, including an earnable mount, Achievements, and more. Are you excited to walk the streets of Skingrad, explore the mountainous Colovian Highlands, or battle strange new Daedric foes? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road arrives for PC/Mac on June 3, 2024, and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 18, 2024. Pre-purchase Gold Road now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount. Don’t miss out.

Anniversary Spotlight—Make A Home Away from Home with These Free Housing Rewards

Homeowners across Tamriel can claim the Sword-Singer’s Redoubt House and friendly houseguests for FREE during May’s 10-Year Anniversary promotion.

There’s No Place Like Home

Part of the ongoing 10-Year Anniversary Celebration, the “Anniversary Spotlight—Hearth & Home” kicks off today and continues until Friday, May 31, 2024. If you’re a weary adventurer in need of a place to call home, you can pick up the all-new FREE Sword-Singer’s Redoubt house and various other goodies during the promotional period.

Log in to claim this home

Collecting your complementary household is as simple as claiming the Sword-Singer’s Redoubt as part of this month’s Daily Login Rewards. You’ll need to log in during May three times to get it—don't miss out!

Of course, to transform this desert oasis into your new home, you’ll need to decorate! Luckily, starting today, you can pick up various furnishings and houseguests on discount in the in-game Crown Store.

Host Friendly Houseguests

During the promotion period, you can claim the Necrom Guard Miraso houseguest from the in-game Crown Store free after earning the Party Planner achievement. To unlock this achievement, have three players visit your home simultaneously. Better start sending out those invitations!

Additionally, you can also claim the Alchemy Houseguest free from the in-game Crown Store after completing the Expert Resin Harvester and Novice Alchemy Furnisher achievements. To earn the Expert Resin Harvester achievement, harvest 25 Alchemical Resin, and to unlock the Novice Alchemy Furnisher, learn any Alchemy formula.

Unlock these two houseguests free!

Build Upon Your Endeavors

Throughout the Anniversary Spotlight, Daily and Weekly Endeavors will more frequently feature challenges related to housing, with increased rewards received upon completion. These include placing furnishings.

Welcome Home!

Experience the vast sea of opportunities for customization and decoration that came with owning your own household in Tamriel during the Anniversary Spotlight—Hearth & Home! Don’t miss your chance to claim valuable free rewards during this promotion period, taking place between now and May 31. How will you transform the Sword-Singer’s Redoubt into your dream home? Share screenshots of the finished product with us via X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook

Crown Store Showcase—May 2024

Check out these ancient artifacts, furry friends, and loads of furnishings that will transform your modest house into a palace, all arriving in the in-game Crown Store this May!

Take a peek at all the items arriving in the in-game Crown Store during May 2024. You can also check out what is currently available on the Crown Store page. Do any of these goodies catch your eye? Visit the Buy Crowns page to acquire as many crowns as you need! Certain items and offers will be available for a limited time only, so be sure to read their details below and don't miss out.

Click Here to view the Crown Store Showcase—May 2024

Daily Login Rewards—May 2024

Keep cozy with a comfortable pile of rewards available just by logging in this May 2024.

There are some huge login rewards coming to The Elder Scrolls Online you can claim in the month of May, including an entire house! Check out what exactly you can get below. Curious about Daily Login Rewards? Learn more by reading this help article.

Sword-Singer’s Redoubt—Day 3

Stay cool in the desert sun

Make Hammerfell your home and get comfortable in this brand-new in-game house situated on the border of the Alik’r Desert and Bangkorai. Enjoy crystal caverns, oasis waters, and wide spans of sand and stone as part of the design of this remarkable reward.

You’ll receive the unfurnished house on just your third day of logins this month, starting things off with something spectacular. Speaking of spectacular, this house could be hinting at something special! You’ll have to wait and see…

Scalecaller Crown Crates—Days 4-8

Plunder Scalecaller’s hoard

Claim one crate a day for five days to collect five Scalecaller Crown Crates in total. You’ll unlock creepy collectibles themed around Scalecaller Peak and Fang Lair, many of which are available for preview in this blog.

Seals of Endeavor—Day 10

Endeavor to get something nice

More Seals of Endeavor make their way to you this month, helping you unlock the Crown Crate item of your dreams. Log in to claim a hefty purse of 500 Seals as your tenth daily reward this month. You can learn more about Seals of Endeavor in this blog.

Bruma Spotted Pig pet—Day 14

Too cute—don’t even think about bacon!

Don’t you dare mention pork pies around this friendly fellow. He’s far too charming to eat, but definitely a good option for head pats.

Xanmeer Crown Crates—Days 16-20

Treasures reclaimed from the mire

More Crown Crates? That’s right, there’s another set of five crates that will be claimable over five more days. Acquiring all of them requires logging in at least twenty days in total, which seems like no time at all according to the Argonians of Black Marsh. You can preview a selection of the items available in the Xanmeer Crown Crates in this blog.

As fabulous as these rewards are, they are far from the only items on offer. To see everything, start your logins on May 1 and take a look at the full list! We think you’ll find this month quite welcoming, so come right into Tamriel and make yourself at home.

Which of the upcoming rewards are you most excited for? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, and Facebook

Gold Road Chapter & Update 42 Now Live on the PC/Mac Public Test Server!

Wander paths untraveled by testing the new Gold Road Chapter and Update 42 base-game patch on the PC/Mac Public Test Server!

It’s that time again—time to get an early look at ESO’s upcoming content and make the game better while you do so! The Public Test Server (PTS) has been updated to include the content from the Gold Road Chapter, including the new Scribing system, as well as the Update 42 base-game patch. To access the PTS environment, go to the Settings menu within the PC/Mac ESO launcher by toggling the “Show Public Test Environment” option. You can then download and access the test environment. Don’t forget to leave feedback and report any bugs you come across by typing “/feedback” or “/bug” in chat.

The PTS is open to any PC/Mac players, regardless of whether they own ESO or have pre-purchased Gold Road, so if you’d like to get your first look at the upcoming Chapter and more, be sure to jump in!

For everything you need to know about Gold Road, Update 42, and this particular test, visit the PTS Patch Notes on the official ESO forums.

Are you excited for your first in-game look at West Weald and the all-new Daedric Prince? Let us know via X (formerly Twitter)Instagram, or Facebook!

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road and Update 42 arrive June 3 on PC/Mac, and June 18 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles.