The Tribe Must Survive cover
The Tribe Must Survive screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Strategy, Indie

The Tribe Must Survive

May Update - Patch v0.43.4

Tribe Leaders,

A new dawn breaks over your tribes, and with those first rays of sunlight comes hope - and a patch. The hope, you’ll have to manage on your own, but for the patch notes, we got your back.
This update focuses heavily on replayability and balancing difficulty throughout the game’s acts.

We’re just one more month away from the full release and are so excited to have you with us this far on our journey. Make sure to check in on the game and get a feel for all the changes before the 1.0 release!

Without further ado, let’s have a look at the changes coming in the May update.

Patch Notes

Discontent & Tribe Growth

  • A series of act modifier effects have been introduced that multiplies the discontent from unsatisfied needs (Act 2: x1.15 / Act 3: x1.3 / Act 4: x1.5 / Act 5: x2)
  • Additionally, tribe growth is cut down in Act 5 by 90%.
  • A base tribe growth change has been introduced, that roughly translates to 20% more tribe growth
  • These changes result in more growth early and less growth late and basically no more growth during Act 5 (so no more cheesing the Cataclysm by outgrowing sacrifices)

Outpost Pacing

  • Required Journey steps to fully uncover an outer quadrant has been halved from 12 to 6
    Outpost & Trade Caravan speed has been increased greatly
  • Outer Quadrant resource spawn locations have been pulled together a bit
  • Animal herds have gotten a Map icon, so you can consider them in your outpost placement
  • A series of exploration centered events has been added that can aid in uncovering the ideal quadrant for your strategy

Starvation Perk

  • Starvation has a much longer grace period before it can kill someone (from ~half a day to a full day) and scales a bit slower. Shock is much less deadly as a consequence

Forest Regrowth

  • Forests can now regrow (slowly) even if you cut them down completely
  • Overall regrowth has been accelerated a bit in the baseline by tweaking various factors
  • The Forestry building upgrade might seem nerfed on paper (from 75% to 50%), but it now applies to all growth factors
  • Overall you can push the forest boundary slightly slower now, and careful management of your forests can increase your wood economy significantly

Interactions / Opinions / Inner Conflicts

  • We have made a number of changes to the Interactions Simulation between Tribe Member to improve the way Factions form and grow. This should enable Inner Conflicts to happen more regularly.
  • The Tribe member opinions now do not gravitate to all positive opinions anymore. This should provide a more diverse opinion landscape that sets the stage for various Inner Conflicts.

It is still very much work in progress, as we are waiting to see how these changes affect your runs. There will be an additional batch of content and balancing changes for this in the 1.0 launch.

Building Upgrades

  • Added Trade Upgrades
  • Did changes to many Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 upgrades to make specifically late-game upgrades more impactful
  • Adjusted the cost for Tier 3 and Tier 4 to account for different play-styles and available resources


  • Adjusted and added Events, this includes for example:
    • Added a new event category called an Event Cluster. During your run, you may encounter strange beings in search of a new home. It is up to you to decide if helping them is worth the cost.
    • New events for when cohesion is low and when discontent high
    • Improvements and balancing adjustments to many other events
    • A few new event artworks

Night Horn

  • The Night Horn automation is turned on from the start of the game now


  • Added a new notification to provide more information during the Cataclysm

Building Contact Shadows

  • Buildings now have small shadows where they meet the ground


  • Hunters now deliver food after getting two animals instead of four
  • Added a Food Icon to show the location of the Animal-Herds in the Strategy-View
  • Shadow death now has a much higher chance when the fire is out and wood is 0, to make failed runs end faster
  • Added Windowed mode
  • As always many bug fixes, UI improvements and performance optimisation

Future Updates

We are very grateful for all your feedback throughout this Early Access period. It allowed us to bring the game to its best possible state. We now feel ready to proceed with the release of 1.0, with some significant, and highly-requested additions.

The biggest change we want to highlight is the introduction of Player Progression. New players can look forward to completing early-game goals for Score points. Completing those goals and achieving other feats during a run, contributes to a gradual unlock of different perks and systems that can be used in the next playthrough. For the more initiated, new Challenge Levels will give you some demanding obstacles to overcome, enhancing your sense of mastery of The Tribe Must Survive. Expect more details on these features on a related update ahead of the release.

To wrap this all up, a new Ending scene will be added as a reward for people who complete a successful run and the mysterious Red Tree Spiritual Aspects will now be available to unlock.

As always, don’t hesitate to join in our Discord server and leave a review about the game on Steam. We are very excited to hear your thoughts about the upcoming additions and we cannot wait for you to experience them yourselves!

And remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!
- The Tribe Must Survive Team

Price increased for 1.0

Tribe Leaders,

As previously mentioned when talking about the Supporter Bundle and the Lovecraftian Sale, the price for The Tribe Must Survive would increase today in preparation for the 1.0 release of the game.

Starting today, the game will be available for $24.99.

You can also get the Supporter Bundle for $31.98.

We hope as many of you as possible were able to get it during the sale, we look forward to showing you all our coming improvements!

Remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!
- The Tribe Must Survive Team

April Update - Patch v0.42.3

Tribe Leaders,

As your tribe members eagerly await the dawn, we wait with bated breath for the full release of The Tribe Must Survive. While we endure that wait, we have a new update to improve your tribal life. This update will have added some difficulty into the game, but we have also focused on better-explaining systems and features, making the game more fair and intuitive.
  • New Fear and Fire settings make related mechanics more fun to play. You can speed up the removal of Shock from tribe members, if you can afford the wood.
  • Per community request, added resource consumption information showing them above the stockpile and granary.
  • We’re making Outposts and Trade routes more important and faster to build.
We’re thrilled with how this update turned out, and believe it makes for the best version of the game so far. The changes made enable additional strategic gameplay for new and experienced Tribe leaders alike. So please try it and let us know what you think!

Patch Notes


  • Improved pacing with a bigger impact to high Fear levels.
    • Added new events that can escalate situations, if problems are not dealt with. This will prevent slow declines into an inevitable end and allow for a faster restart.
  • Added visual changes for each act; the days get darker as the game goes on. Supports the changes made to fear and light levels.
  • Fixed a bug where sacrificing a Tribe member during the Cataclysm (Act 5) would prevent tentacles from abducting other Tribe members in the dark.
  • Visual improvement to the Light Map Mode and tree regrowth.

Fire, Fear and Light levels

  • Fear will now scale per game act, becoming more challenging as the game progresses.
  • Rebalancing of Fear value changes per Light level:
    • Light level 0: from 1.25 to 1.1 per hour
    • Light level 1: from 0.416 to 0.5 per hour
    • Light level 2: from -0.416 to -0.1 per hour
    • Light level 3: from -1.25 to -0.7 per hour
    • Light level 4: from -2.084 to -1.3 per hour
    • Light level 5: from -2.084 to -1.9 per hour
    • Light level 6: from -2.084 to -2.5 per hour
    • Light level 7: from -2.084 to -3.1 per hour
  • Added a series of new perks to balance the change in Fear values per Light level. Fear values now change differently in each Act:
    • Act I: -0.1 per hour
    • Act II: 0.3 per hour
    • Act III: 0.55 per hour
    • Act IV: 0.8 per hour
    • Act V: 1.05 per hour
  • Tribe members now can now exit “In-Shock” state at 60, instead of 50 Fear
  • Balancing tweaks to Camp Fire Levels
  • Intensity of inner Radius now 2/3/4
  • Intensity of outer Radius now 1/2/3
  • Wood costs are now 2/4/8 per hour
  • Balancing tweaks to Beacon Fire Levels
  • No longer has an inner radius
  • Intensity of outer Radius now 1/2/3
  • Beacon wood costs are now 1/2/4 per hour
  • Forestry Building Upgrade now has 2 Levels. Each Level increases the regrowth rate by 75%

Outpost Improvements

  • Reduced Influence cost for outposts (50 -> 25)
  • Increased movement speed of Outpost Caravans and Trade Cart (~20%)
  • Increased the capacity for Stone (10 -> 20) and Passengers in the Trade Cart (2 -> 3)

Resource Consumption Information

  • Icons that tell you what resources you gain and lose
  • Updated several resource tooltips

Future Updates

We are excited about the updates mentioned above – they're big steps toward making the survival experience even more immersive and fun before the 1.0 release. There's more cool stuff on the way, and we can't wait for you to check it out!

The upcoming May update is gonna amp up the game's replayability even more. We're tweaking systems like 'Factions' and 'Inner Conflicts' to throw some wicked late-game challenges your way. Plus, we are looking to adjust the generated map variety, to keep you on your toes with unexpected conditions to survive throughout playthroughs.

Our goal with version 1.0, is to spark curiosity on all the ways it is possible to survive, even when the odds turn against you. New, transformative events and perks are bound to throw a wrench in the Tribe’s trajectory to survival. We are also investigating a new progression system, designed to surprise even the most seasoned Tribe leaders.

We’re always active in our Discord server and on Steam discussions. Feel free to join in, or leave a review to let others on Steam know your thoughts about the game. We seriously appreciate all the feedback – it helps us make the game even better!

And remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!
- The Tribe Must Survive Team

The Tribe Must Survive: 25% off in the Lovecraftian sale

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”
H.P. Lovecraft

It’s hard to reconcile that H.P. Lovecraft never saw any great popularity or fame during his lifetime when you know the impact his work has made on the modern world. Consider what he’d think to have your name synonymous with a whole genre of entertainment across games, books, and TV. To have inspired enough creators to allow a themed sale on the most prominent games platform in the world, one wonders what he may think.

One thing you should not be wondering about is whether or not The Tribe Must Survive will be on sale; it will! With discounts up to 25%, now is a great time to pick it up. The sale runs from April 4th until April 11th.


Don’t forget that on April 12, the price of the main game will increase from $19.99 to $24.99 and the Supporter Bundle will increase from $26.99 to $31.99 in preparation for the 1.0 release of “The Tribe Must Survive”. Now is the last chance to snatch up the main game or the Supporter Bundle at the lowest price!

If you like what you see, consider picking up the supporter pack to help us do more of what you love. It’s got all the game’s great music in addition to plenty of artwork to adorn your desktop.

And remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!
- The Tribe Must Survive Team

Development Roadmap

Gather around the fire, Tribe Leaders!

We want to start by thanking you all for the amazing support you’ve shown us during the Early Access period! The tribe continues to grow with the game currently sitting at a Very Positive review score on Steam, and we’ve already received some great feedback via Discord, the Steam forums, and our social channels.

As you are now part of our burgeoning tribe, we wanted to let you in on the plans for the 3 updates ahead of the 1.0 launch. While these updates will each have a focus, they will also contain several smaller fixes and adjustments reported by the community so far. Some notable changes are:

March Update

This update focuses on making some core features line up better with player expectations. Predominantly:
  • The chance of death by the “Starving” Perk has been adjusted, so that Tribe Members do not perish as fast
  • The Fear values for when Tribe Members go in and out of shock have been adjusted
    “In Shock” is now a Perk, to make it easier to identify.

For a full list of Patch Notes, check out this post.

April Update

This update aims for a smoother experience based on some of the issues the community has brought to our attention. Notable changes:
  • Improved ‘Fire Light’ mechanics
    • Clarifying the fire radius
    • Improved impact of Fire on people in shock
  • Gameplay adjustments that increase relevance of late game mechanics. Focus on ‘Outposts’ through:
    • Making setting up of ‘Outpost’ more urgent
    • Making ‘Outpost’ resources more relevant
    • Simplifying the process of setting up ‘Outposts’ and ‘Trade Routes’, to compliment those changes

May Update

The main goal with this update is to improve the game's replayability.
  • Balancing and adjusting systems such as ‘Interactions’, ‘Factions’, ‘Inner Conflicts’ to make them deeper and more meaningful
  • Improve Tree growth visibility
    • The trees grow! We promise, they just do so slowly. We’ll improve the speed at which trees regrow as well as adjusting the visuals to make it more clear that they are regrowing.

The road to 1.0

After these updates we’ll be preparing for the 1.0 release. We’re intentionally leaving this period open to adjust to what we feel will have the most impact in the finished game, as well as to account for feedback from the community on the most critical parts of balancing.
We have plenty of things we want to do, depending on time. We want to deepen existing systems, improve the value of replayability and should we have time to spare, add more content!

We've illustrated our roadmap here, and we plan to keep you up to date with newer versions of this roadmap throughout the development.

We’re active in our Discord server and on Steam discussions where we take in all the feedback that is given, so feel free to join in with the discussions! Even if you just want to make us laugh at a Tribe related meme, that’s more than welcome!

And remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!
- The Tribe Must Survive Team


We'd love to know what you think of the game, so please do not hesitate to leave feedback in Steam discussions, on the official Discord server, or leave a review to let others on Steam know your thoughts.

Survive with the community

We're excited to share that we will be hosting another stream, this time with one of our Starbreeze Partners; cdawgg_. She will be checking out the Steam Next Fest demo and showcasing do's (and maybe some don'ts) on how to make sure your tribe will survive.

She will be broadcasting to our Steam page, as well as her own Twitch channel.

If you like what you see, remember to wishlist and follow our game from the Steam store page

Survive with Almir

Steam Next Fest is upon us, and Starbreeze's very own Almir will be showcasing how he manages to keep his tribe alive.

If you have been checking out our demo and want to learn new tricks to elevate your own adventures, or simply want to check out some live gameplay before checking out the demo, this stream will be able to offer what you're after.

Tune in tomorrow to Survive with Almir, the stream will also be re-broadcasted on our Twitch channel:

And if you haven't wishlisted The Tribe Must Survive yet, what are you waiting for?

We are participating in Steam Next Fest!

Dear aspiring Tribe Leaders,

We are very excited to share that we will take part in Steam Next Fest 2024!

This means that we will have a free demo available to download directly from our store page, which is already available starting today. Now is the perfect opportunity to get hands on with our game, before we release into Early Access later this month.

We will also host developer streams throughout the week. Stay tuned to learn more.

And if you enjoy our demo, please remember to wishlist our game, and follow us on social media.

The Tribe Must Survive is heading towards Early Access

Hello Tribe Leaders,

Today marks a very big milestone for us as we are ready to announce that The Tribe Must Survive will be releasing in Early Access on Steam on the 22nd of February, for $19.99!

While we have received a lot of great feedback during our playtests so far, we think the right choice for the game is to launch in early access and spend the first few months to fine-tune the game balance as well as act on feedback from the community. We believe this will lead to the best possible version of the game to release during Q2, with even more planned content!

In case this is your first time seeing an announcement from us; The Tribe Must Survive is a tribe-builder with a generous splash of survival and rogue-like. The game has no single way to survive, and each tribe will have different advantages and obstacles for the player to solve driven by the tribe members' behaviors. The game is made to be a challenge, though each failure only serves to bring you closer to your next success.

Remember to wishlist The Tribe Must Survive on Steam, so you get notified when the game releases. You can also Follow the game to receive these announcements about what's going on in the world of TTMS.

And remember, whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!

The Tribe Must Survive: Playtest 3

Hello Tribe Leaders,

Happy New Year, we hope 2024 has started off well for you all.

2024 is going to be a great year for The Tribe Must Survive, more news on that coming soon. However, right now we want to invite you all to another playtest and to help shape our game by submitting feedback on your experience.

How to join the playtest

You can get access to our playtest by joining our official Discord community! Visit our Gleam campaign, and verify that you're a Discord member, and Gleam will immediately give you a Steam key to redeem for instant access.

The Gleam campaign can be found here:
Note: If you have participated in previous playtests, you do not need to do this. The playtest will already be in your Steam library!

Playtest themes

This playtest is focused on the tribe relationships, cohesion and philosophies.


Every tribe member has a unique personality, which affects their relationships with their fellow tribe members. They will form opinions on each other which will affect their interactions, but also the spiritual and philosophical factions. It's up to you and your leadership to find a balance!


The tribe's cohesion is important to consider. If your tribe grows too fast, you may experience many inner conflicts when your tribe members clash together in disagreements.


A good tribe leader will consider several philosophies for their tribe. Do you prefer control or freedom? Protection or improvement? Your choices will impact how your tribe behaves, and how they overcome the challenges waiting for you in the dark.

Stay in touch

If you're new to The Tribe Must Survive, please do consider wishlisting our game! You can also click the Follow button on the store page to make sure you stay in the loop. We also have a community Discord you can join, to chat with fellow players.

Remember, whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!