The Tribe Must Survive cover
The Tribe Must Survive screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Strategy, Indie

The Tribe Must Survive

Closed Alpha - Version 0.29.6 Patch Notes

Hello Tribe Leaders,

In the Closed Alpha launch, we've added a number of new features to the game. If you're curious about the specifics, you can read more about the patch notes on the TTMS Discord, and if you'd like to help support the development of the game, please make sure to wishlist it on Steam!

Today we released a new version of TTMS.
Here are the patch notes for v0.29.6:

😱 The tribe status "Fear" is now explained in tooltips.
😵‍💫 We've improved the explanation of the "In-Shock" status.
🏘️ Fixed a bug where workers of buildings could not be swapped sometimes.
🍄 Starting a Ritual is now only possible when a Shaman is available.
✨ The button to start a Ritual now is properly highlighted when a ritual is ongoing.
⛺ Fixed a bug where destroying a tent would make tribe members invisible.
🗻 Fixed a bug where the Stone Pit would disable the building placement grid underneath it.

We are very proud of the things we added and hope that you enjoy the improvements! Your feedback is very important to us, so let us know your thoughts! If you haven't already, you can join the Closed Alpha here!

// SBZ_Defur

The Tribe Must Survive - Closed Alpha Start!

Tribe members,

Today we're excited to announce that the Closed Alpha of The Tribe Must Survive is now available to players on Discord! Join in on the alpha and give feedback directly to the developers starting today. 🔥

Join the Closed Alpha now!

And remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!


The Tribe Must Survive will be at the MIX Showcase!

Good day aspiring tribe leaders,

Today we're pleased to announce that The Tribe Must Survive will be a part of the Media Indie Exchange (MIX) Next Showcase on August 31st! Make sure to tune in to the show at 10 AM PST to catch a new trailer of the game.

The Tribe Must Survive will also be a part of the onsite event in Seattle, so if you're looking to try a new version of the game out, then find us at the venue and say hello!

Learn more about the event here!

For more news on The Tribe Must Survive check out:

But above anything, remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!


An update on The Tribe Must Survive

Hello aspiring tribe leaders.

So many things have happened since our last update. We've been super busy working on the game, making changes based on your demo feedback and adding entirely new features, and we also have a publisher signed!

This means that we now also have a Community Manager (Hi, it's me! Hello ːlunar2019piginablanketː), so expect to see more frequent progress updates as we continue to develop the game towards its launch.

I'm here today to shine a spotlight on one really cool and important feature that has been added since the game's demo was available during the Steam Next Fest:


Journeys are exploration trips for your tribe members, and can be accessed via a new building; the Explorer Platform. Once you have this building in your tribe, you will be able to send up to three tribe members out on a Journey.

Journeys carry a great risk, but also the potential for equally great rewards. Before you set out, make sure you have enough spare resources that your explorers can take with them to stay safe. Then you just need to pick a direction to explore, and your team is ready to set out.

On their Journey, your tribe members may run into a fellow wanderer with a bloody rag tied across his eyes. Would you choose to help this old blind man and hope that your gratitude will be repaid? But resources are scarce, and offering yours up to someone in need might just be what will put yourself in the same position within the very near future. And can you really trust the old man...?

You can also encounter long abandoned and overgrown buildings, where you can choose to run the risk of exploring the ruins to find lost spoils or walk into a well prepared trap!

One possible option is that your valiant explorers find an abandoned hut, with different kinds of plants growing wild besides it. It's common knowledge that useful plants are planted together with poisonous ones to ward off wild animals. But how can you tell which is which, when your only method of determination is by tasting them? Will you take the chance to discover a new medicine, or will you poison one of your tribe members in the process?

Journeys offer you the chance to encounter situations like the two examples above, and so many more! Will you bring back valuable resources and knowledge to your tribe or will you die trying? Or maybe you'll run out of resources and come home early to save their lives? We're excited to hear what your choices will be!

That's it for now! Stay tuned for further development updates, and share your thoughts on what topics you'd like us to cover in the future. And remember to wishlist The Tribe Must Survive on Steam, and click the Follow button on the store page to receive notifications about our announcements.

You can also join our TTMS DIscord server, where we will share more information and you can get directly involved in the discussions.

And remember; whatever it takes... The Tribe Must Survive!


Demo Version v0.13.0 is live!

Hey everybody,

The new demo version v0.13.0 is out on Steam! 

Here is whats new this time: 

Nighthorn automation:
* The Nighthorn can now be automated
* You can set Start and End time of the Nighthorn phase by clicking on ‘The Fire’

Global Light controls:
* New button which allows you to turn all Light-buildings (The Fire and all Beacons) on and off with one click

New ‘Rock-Clock’:
* Reworked the central ‘Rock-Clock-UI’
* Added circular indicators to clearly show the day-night cycle
* Added an indicator for the Nighthorn phase
* Added a pointer to indicate the time of the day

* Increased the length of a Day by 100%
* Increased the wood consumed by light buildings by 100%
* Increased the time between wood-consumption steps from 12 ticks to 20ticks
* This means that wood now gets deducted once per hour

Added new Perk icons:
* Different Perks do now have different icons

* Clicking on the central rock focuses The Fire
* Tribe Members are no longer stuck when they do not make it to the ritual
* Notifications show correct Tribe Member names when more than one member is taken by the tentacles at the same time
* Clear the Tribe Members bag if assigend buildings are changed the new task does not require the former building’s resources

This version should address much of the feedback we received over the last weeks.
We specifically focused on the two big topics ‘The Days are too short’ and ‘Nighthorn and Light require too much micro management’.
Big thanks to everybody who shared their observations and suggestions!

Have fun with the new Version, and Let us know what you think!

The Tribe Must Survive Live Stream

We will show off the game, speak about the development so far, give you a glimpse of whats to come, and answer any questions you might have! Come join!

The Tribe Must Survive Live Stream

We will show off the game, speak about the development so far, give you a glimpse of whats to come, and answer any questions you might have! Come join!