Genre: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy, Indie, Arcade
Tooth and Tail
Patch 1.7 : Qui va là ? (+Season 5)
French localization, the ability to reveal cloaked enemies, and a ladder reset - these are the headliners of this patch. We also threw some small balance tweaks in the mix, mainly to make poking and siege strategies stronger, and added a few minor fixes and features (Fog of War on the Minimap and first steps towards Custom Mission support).
Season 5
All ranked points have been reset to zero, again, season 5 has started! Eight players managed to get beyond 1000 points, this season: Congrats to Arilou, Gent, James, Imari, QQ, Melvinfro, Jakobi, and mocaccino!
Multiplayer Balance/Gameplay Changes
Commander: After standing still for a short time, any other team's cloaked units and structures in a 3x3 area around the commander will be forced to uncloak for 1s. (Rallying allowed, burrowing resets the timer.) Visualization as seen in the GIF is off by default, but can be turned on in other options.
Toad: Moves at the same speed on all kinds of terrain; still slowed down by Barbed Wire, Daze etc.
Badger: Rev up in 5s (from 6s) and rev down in 3s (from 2s).
Wolf: Buffs units for 10s (from 12s).
Fox: 12 DPS (from 11 DPS), 25 HP (from 24 HP), 6 tiles vision range (from 5 tiles).
Barbed Wire: 16 HP (from 18 HP).
Landmine: Gets triggered at 1 tile distance, again (from 0 tiles = same tile), 16 damage against a single target (from 18), including 2 damage in a 3x3 area (unchanged).
Machinegun: 28 HP (from 24 HP).
Artillery: 6 tiles vision range (from 5 tiles).
Lower max. amount of water on Old Mother Township maps.
Thanks to The Gentleman, we can add another language to the game: French localization is now available!
Some players also notified me that the game partially handled keyboard inputs in a strange way: Despite using the correct localization in the menus, the game assumed a QWERTY layout as soon as you started playing. That issue is fixed, now. However, you might have to rebind your keys in case you are using an AZERTY layout (for example) with the original key mapping (WASD for movement).
Graphics Options
You can now make the Fog of War visible on your Minimap. It is disabled by default, but you can turn it on in the Graphics Options, where you'll see a checkbox "Fog of War on the Minimap".
Some systems have been heavily slowed down when certain lighting options (especially bloom) were active, allowing them to play only on low quality graphics. These lighting options will from now on only be active in high and ultra settings, so if they caused you any trouble, you can enjoy the lighting and shadows of the medium settings, instead of having to choose low quality.
Fragile Wire on Custom Maps: Barbed Wire placed next to decor assigned to a different faction* took way too much damage when touched. Only happened on custom maps, should be fixed, now. *) Faction-aligned decor is mostly useless, anyway, will no longer occur on new custom maps.
Some (rare) crashes should be fixed, too - just keep telling me if something bad happens!
Modding Features
A couple of new possibilities for modding have been added:
units can be spawned from bullets (yes, the Toad thrower is now possible)
added amphibious trait: unit moves at the same speed on all types of terrain
added revealed status effect: forces units to uncloak and stay uncloaked while it lasts
build and production time of one tier can now actually differ
mods can now be loaded automatically for a map (currently needs XML editing in the map file)
spells (like air strikes) no longer get picked randomly/by CPUs, which didn't know how to handle them, so you can include these in your mods, now
I also started working on Custom Mission support (i.e. Maps with briefings, mods, unit restrictions, fixed teams/spawn positions, starting food...). It's still work in progress, but a first example map using some of these features can be found here: (Not saying the decks are balanced, though - this is just a test & demonstration.) More such maps and features will be added. Tell me if there are any specific special rules and objectives you would like to see in Custom Missions in the future, and I'll see what I can do!
Community News
We've had a couple of events since the last update, first of all the TnT Championship 2020.1 - a league with three divisions (beginner, intermediate, premier) and over 50 participants. Well played, everyone! Since the Championship has been casted by different streamers over several weeks, we do not have a complete collection of all the matches, but here are most of the (near) final games. There will probably be a second installment of the Championship in autumn.
We also had a continuation of Gent's famous series of tournaments with special rules, this time: The 21 Clues! All participants could gather and exchange information that helped them pick their targets in four challenges: smuggling contraband (Longcoats), raiding meat hoarders (Commonfolk), catching the assassin (KSR) or preparing the perfect feast, by cooking an enemy with a special "recipe" (Civilized). After catching the assassin and raiding the most meat, Arilou won over the three other finalists: Melvinfro, Mishi (best cooking), and Cyanide Trick (best smuggling). The finals have been casted by Delthius and JetEriksen on ToothAndTailTV.
Delthius also recently celebrated the 100th Episode of his replay casting show The Feast (on ToothAndTailTV, as well) with a wacky tournament, that allowed only Fox, Turret and Artillery Cannon in each player's deck - and the winner of this crazy format was: The Gentleman!
Our most recent tournament, the 2v2's Bizarre Adventure, took place last Saturday. Each team consisted of one experienced and one learning player, and the experienced player had to play with one of several pre-defined "bad decks", so they had to rely on their learning team mate. The almost 5h tournament has been casted by Delthius, with lots of otherwise rare genius strategies and hilarious moments. Congrats to Wyld kin and Big Pimpintosh for winning this 4th season of the 2v2's Bizarre Adventure! The next tournament is going to be Vyeshal Kyawlnez, a 1v1 tournament played on custom maps. It will start the coming weekend, June 27th, and this time you can pick your own dates for playing the matches (one per week). For more information, signup etc., join the Vyeshal Kyawlnez Discord server! The approved maps for the tournament can be found here:
Most of the changes in this patch are rather subtle or even behind the scenes. Especially the balance changes are mostly about timing, e.g. allowing surprisingly quick Mole attacks and making it easier to get tier 3 units on the board. It should also lower the efficiency of the popular mass Falcon + Chameleon combo in the late game.
On top of that:
some details have been improved (or fixed) about rally commands and map generation,
the difficulty slider now has a bigger impact on the Civilized missions in the Story Mode,
and some new possibilities have been added for modders.
The community also keeps organizing one event after the other: on top of the new monthly tournament on custom maps, a league for new and experienced players alike is about to start on March 13! See more details below!
Mole: the first Mole of each warren spawns as soon as the warren is finished and the Mole is paid
Skunk: gas canisters hit within 0.4s (from 0.5s), even faster if the target is nearby
Chameleon: 0.5s recloak time (from 0.25s)
Falcon: shoots 12 bullets over 1.2s, then reloads for 1.8s (from: 10 bullets over 1s, reload for 1s), damage per bullet is still 1, DPS reduced to 4 (from 5)
Boar: 100 HP (from 110 HP)
Tier 3 & Artillery: 45s build/production time (from 50s)
Flying over Gristmills: air units can no longer stay on top of a Gristmill, that means they can still move over it, but no longer rest or shoot there
Commander Inputs
easier targeting against ground & air units: if a ground unit and an air unit are on the same tile, you can target the air unit in the upper half of the tile, and the ground unit in the lower half
fix a rare bug that caused some units to ignore the retreat command (hold rally without target)
Map Generation
improved fairness calculations
inaccessible high ground cannot be as close to a player's spawn base as before
Difficulty Slider (Story Mode)
I got feedback that the 3rd and 4th Civilized missions (Vacancee Downfall & Sage Marro Speaks) were not sufficiently affected by the difficulty slider - very hard for new players, same old strategy for veterans. With this patch, the difficulty setting will get a much bigger impact on these two missions. That means they will be a lot easier on low difficulty, but also more challenging on higher difficulty.
Modding Possibilities
Some players already started working on Mods, but they want more power... and I'm experimenting with new units/balance, as well. That's why I added support for a couple of mechanics that have not been used in the game, before:
fixed Food Crates placed in the Editor (they disappear when collected, but do not respawn automatically)
added action to set production progress (Type="SetProductionProgress", Value of 0 means no progress, Value of 1 means production finished; used when a new Mole warren has been built)
structures can have the property "AirBlocking": if true, air units cannot stay on top of that structure (see the balance change "Flying over Gristmills")
structures can have the property "BurrowTarget": if true, Commanders can burrow there like they can to Gristmills and Campfires
added action "SpawnStructure" (used like the Owl's SpawnUnit; warning: will only happen when a structure can be spawned at that position and the owner has at least as much as the structure's cost of food in stock, even though the cost will not be automatically substracted from the food stock)
if a structure that provides territory is destroyed, the territory bounds will be adjusted immediately (previously this only worked for Gristmills and Campfires; warning: does not (yet) work when the structure is sold!)
heal/stim behavior can be applied to structures
new status effect "status_blinded" reduces the vision and attack range of affected units/structures to a certain value ("MaxBlindedRange" in balance.xml)
"OutsideTerritory" condition can be used to define the Scope of Events (= effectively the opposite of "InTerritory", but used the same way)
improved display of negative food generation (warning: if you reach negative food stocks, you won't see a minus sign; instead, the displayed number will simply turn red)
Community News
After several turns of events, the war of the 21 Generals ended somewhat surprisingly. The faction led by (King) James, who emerged victorious from the last couple of events, initially struggled to defend their territory against the insurgents. As soon as the "Royal Knights" recollected, however, they conquered the biggest part of Vyeshal within a few weeks. The rebel armies surrendered, and battles between royalists and mercenaries ensued. One of James' followers, Haru, eventually seized the opportunity to overthrow his leader. Rumor has it that James himself provoked this act of treason by wrongfully suspecting Haru of being a spy all the time. After Haru successfully usurped the over-cautious King, he even managed to beat the mercenary champion Arilou, and thus to end the war.
In the meantime, a new monthly tournament called "Vyeshal Kyawlnez" has been established by JetEriksen this year: a 1v1 tournament on custom mirror maps - a good occasion to see rare, map dependent strategies, as well as some glorious cheese!
This weekend, the Tooth and Tail Championship 2020.1 will start: a new league, with beginner, intermediate, and premier divisions, that will last for several weeks. Currently about 60 players are signed up. The first battles will be casted March 13 to March 15 - time and channel of these (and other TnT streams) will as always be detailed in this thread. (Subscribe if you want to be notified!)
Have fun! EELuminatus
Tooth and Tail Championship 2020.1
A Championship for Tooth and Tail is about to start next week. This one is meant for beginners and experienced players alike! It will be a league system with different divisions, so you will only play against players at roughly your own skill level. All of the leagues are round-robin, so everyone will play everyone else in their group.
There are three divisions playing at the same time:
Premier Division: the crème de la crème of Tooth and Tail players split in two groups (until the playoffs).
Intermediate Division: You are experienced but you can't compete with the top players? This is your division. There is only one group, but you can get a coach to give you advice and analyse games, if you want, to help you improve your game.
Beginners Division: You are rather new and want to play without getting stomped brutally? This is your division. Almost the same rules as the in intermediate division, but with beginners or players who are out of practice. (Also with coaching, if you want.)
Interested? Join the Discord channel "Tooth and Tail Championship 2020.1" and read the rules in detail, talk to the other competitors, and find a coach, if you are beginner or intermediate level. Or are you an experienced player who wants to support upcoming talents? Be a coach and/or play in the Premier Division!
Deadline for sign ups is 9th March. The league will start on 13th March.
Many of the games will be streamed by the following casters: Delthius / Tooth And Tail TV: Big Pimpintosh: QQ: Jet Eriksen:
Vyeshal Kyawlnez is a new series of 1v1 tournaments on symmetrical custom maps. After its strong debut two weeks ago, it returns today (2pm EST, 8pm CET) with Vyeshal EXTRA! This tournament will use Pocketbot (on the Pocketwatch Discord server) for signups, and through Pocketbot replays will be uploaded. The rules are similar to last tourney with a few rule changes.
Map pool has been adjusted and may be adjusted further until 24 hours before the tournament starts
The 2nd week of the 21 Generals event just ended. In week one, The Legion (red) had a powerful start, claiming four new territories, including the Capital of Vyeshal. Now the tide seems to have turned: the other two factions reclaimed most of their territories, and the Royal Knights (blue) is currently the most powerful faction. The Penal Squad (green), however, has been very stable, and still controls eight territories, like it did when the war started.
Here is the current map of Vyeshal:
Stay tuned for more streams of this event, usually three streams a week (e.g. Thursday, Friday, Saturday). For updates on community streams in general, subscribe to this discussions thread:
Patch 1.6: "As You Like It" + Season 4
The year starts with a new version of Tooth and Tail! Several new features are focused on more customization and comfort. The headliners are:
a difficulty slider for the campaign,
and Steam Workshop Mod support for multiplayer.
On top of that, the patch also comes with:
a ladder reset (Season 4),
multiplayer balance changes,
some fixes for multiplayer map gen issues,
and a couple of smaller improvements & bug fixes.
Difficulty Slider for Story Mode
You can now scale the difficulty of the campaign whenever you are on the Mission Briefing screen. 20% (lowest) should allow you to get past even the hardest missions, 180% (highest) is supposed to be challenging even for Tooth and Tail veterans. Note that leaderboard entries are only available for standard difficulty (100%), and speedruns as well as heroic achievements are not necessarily easier on reduced difficulty.
Steam Workshop Support for Multiplayer
It's finally live! On Steam you can use the Workshop to upload and play Mods! Mods can include balance changes, completely new units, weapon swaps and more... Try it! Go nuts! Here's a guide on how to do it:
Ladder Reset: Season 4
Seven players got past 1000 points on the ladder in Season 3, in this order: The Gentleman, ThisGuy, Arilou, Haru, Legomann96, Imari, and James! Congrats! ːsteamhappyː
Now everyone gets back to their starting position and the new season begins!
Multiplayer Balance Changes
All the changes in a nutshell: Toad, Pigeon, Mole nerf; minor nerfs to Skunk, Cham and Snake (daze); Boar and Badger buffs; cheaper (& weaker) Barbed Wire; kind of a Landmine nerf; general Daze nerf (stacking; starts weaker, maxes like before); randomized spawn Farm positions.
All the juicy details:
Toad: 8 HP (from 9 HP), 2 damage in aoe (from 3), 4 direct (from 3), direct damage with 2x structure crit (from no crit)
Pigeon: 3 HP (from 4 HP), 2s cooldown and healing duration (from 1s)
Mole: 12 HP (from 14 HP)
Skunk: 5s gas duration (from 6s)
Chameleon: 34 HP (from 36 HP)
Snake: Daze effect is slowly stacking (see below)
Boar: Boar bomb has 2 tile radius = Lizard range (from 1 tile = melee/Toad)
Badger: 64 HP (from 60 HP)
Barbed Wire: 10 Food cost (from 20 Food), 18 HP (from 28 HP), 2 DPS (from 4 DPS), slowdown to 0.4x speed (from 0.2x speed), 0.25s sell time
Landmine: triggers only if a unit is on the same tile (from 1 tile radius = adjacent tiles), Daze effect is slowly stacking (see below)
Daze: slowdown by 10% per stack (i.e. 2 stacks slow down to 0.8x normal speed), max. daze slowdown is 0.6x (needs 4 stacks)
Farms: spawn positions are randomized (again)
Map Gen Improvements
Fairness calculation overhauled (mostly based on type, accessibility, and elevation level of expansions per player/team).
Cabins are guaranteed to spawn out of range of a spawn Gristmills' farms.
In 2v2, no player can spawn closer to an enemy than to a teammate.
Convenience Improvements, Fixes, Other
You can now access Options (e.g. volume, controls...) without leaving an unranked lobby or the ranked queue.
Crashes in/before the first campaign mission should no longer happen if the Cinematic is disabled.
Fixed some translations and unit descriptions.
Editor no longer crashes when trying to create a new map on Linux (affected only some systems, maybe also Mac).
Commander portraits on the victory screen are positioned correctly, again (opposing factions no longer overlap after 2v2 etc.)
Community News
The 21 Generals event has started! In the pre-season tournaments last weekend, the three faction leaders have been decided:
Jakobi for The Legion (red),
Mishi for the Penal Squad (green),
James for the Royal Knights (blue) - because he prevailed in the last two installments of the 21 Duels.
A total of 18 faction players and 12 mercenaries will fight for dominance in Vyeshal over the next few weeks. See the last announcement for more details on this event!
Today, the 10th of January, starting at 6:00 PM EST, a one-shot adventure of the Vyeshal RPG will be played and streamed live on ToothAndTailTV on Twitch. Rumor has it that a well-known Mole and cheese connoisseur might be joining the party. Will his engineering skill be sufficient to make scout mines work, or will he screw up the whole team? Tune in and find out!
-- Have fun! EELuminatus
Workshop Mod beta & 21 Generals
New Public Test Beta
Workshop Mod Support is Ready for Testing
The next patch is supposed to come with the possibility to share unit/balance Mods on the Steam Workshop. A test version of this feature is now available on the public_test branch. (The possibility to upload Mods to the Workshop is locked by default during the beta, because Mods are not fully compatible with versions before 1.6. However, you can contact me for instructions on how to unlock that feature. Here's a guide on how to create, publish, and play Mods.)
Other Features
The new version also includes improvements and fixes of other changes introduced in the last public test version. Especially feedback on the Story Mode difficulty slider are still appreciated!
How to Switch to the Test Branch
Right-click Tooth and Tail in your Steam Library, select Properties, go to the Betas tab, then select "public_test" from the drop-down list. Note: In Multiplayer, you will only be able to find players using the public test version, as well. In order to switch back to the current live version, just select "NONE - ..." in the same drop-down list.
21 Duels
Season 4 (finished)
The 21 Rooms - Bizarre Adventure / Pyramid of Doom ended with the grand finals on Dec 8! Although the Raiders defeated every single guardian and took every last piece of gold out of the Pyramid, James Bowring eventually defended his throne! A big thanks to the 16 raiders & the 12 guardians who participated in this experimental format! You can rewatch it all on Youtube thanks to Tosh & Delthius!
Season 5 (coming Jan 2019)
The 21 duels will return in January for a 5th season, with another new weird & spectacular format! It will be called the 21 Generals and have 3-kingdoms themed rules.
In January, join King James or one of two rebel factions! (Or join no one and become a Mercenary, loyal only to Meat!) Main season will be a 3-way TnT Team League/Board Game mix! Those who survive the main season will fight in a final bracket, for a 100€ prizepool! The leaders of the two rebel factions will be decided by two pre-season open tourneys in early January (Sat 4th and Sun 5th of January - 12pm est / 5pm gmt / 6pm cet).
The 21 Rooms Bizarre Adventure in the "Pyramid of Doom" is coming to and end, and a new patch is coming up - you can now test some of its features on the public test branch.
News from the Pyramid of Doom
The Raiders already played their six turns inside the Pyramid, looted as much as they could or got killed in the attempt. Turns 5 and 6 will be streamed tomorrow: Sunday, Nov 24, 12pm EST (= 5pm GMT / 6pm CET), on:
You can find a detailed recap of everything that happened in the Pyramid before (Turns 1-4) in this presentation (link), and here is a snapshot of the Pyramid at the beginning of turn 5:
The event, however, won't end with Sunday's stream! - The survivors who raided the most gold will fight the final battles liveone week later, on Saturday, Nov 30 ːdeniedː two weeks later, on Sunday, Dec 8, at: 10pm EST / 3pm GMT / 4pm CET. ːapprovedː
Public Test
Story Mode Difficulty Slider and more...
A test version for the next patch is now available on the public beta branch. You can activate it by right-clicking the game in your Steam Library > Properties > Betas (tab) > and selecting "_public_beta" from the drop-down list.
While playing on the public test branch, you will only find multiplayer lobbies/matches with other players on the test branch!
In the beta version, the Story Mode's difficulty can be changed on the mission briefing screen (same button as map type selection, usually X, then "Select Difficulty"). For now, achievements & leaderboard entries are deactivated for any setting except standard difficulty (in the middle, 100%).
Be aware this has not yet been thoroughly tested, so the difficulty curve might feel off and there might even be some bugs left! I'd appreciate any feedback, especially on the lower difficulty settings, because those are hard for me to judge. The lowest setting (20%) is meant to allow everyone a comfortable playthrough, whereas the highest setting (180%) should make even the Longcoat's campaign tough for veterans.
Other changes already available on the _public_test branch are:
Balance changes: Toad, Pigeon, Mole nerf; minor Skunk and Snake (daze) nerf; Boar buff and minor Badger buff; cheap & weak Barbed Wire and kind of a Landmine nerf; general Daze nerf (stacking --> starts low, maxes like before).
Multiplayer map gen improvements: better fairness calculation; preventing spawns too close to the enemy in 2v2; preventing Cabins too close to spawn Gristmills; farms spawn in random positions, to make early game scouting and attacks more interesting, again.
Some convenience improvements in menues: Options can be changed while in a lobby; crashes in/before the first campaign mission should no longer happen if the Cinematic is disabled.
The actual patch will probably also come with a ladder reset and Steam Workshop Mod support. I'm still working on the latter feature - it's mostly done, but not quite ready, yet.
21 Rooms - Bizarre Adventure
Less than two weeks after Strawberry Series III (results & YouTube link below), a fourth season of the 21/12 Duels series has been announced, yet again with a new twist:
(thanks again to Glorious AYY FB / @WolfdawgArt for the artwork)
21 Rooms
or Bizarre Adventure Part 4: The Pyramid of Doom is a mix of a virtual boardgame adventure and a TnT tournament (see the rules & further information here). It will start on October 16 and last for about 6 weeks. Before that, however, we will see a pre-season event...
A Clash of Gods
This Sunday, October 13, starting at 2pm EST (18:00 UTC), a couple of round-robin showmatches will be played between the "guardians" of the Pyramid, and streamed by Big Pimpintosh and JetEriksen.
If you're curious about the last few seasons, btw, here are the YouTube playlists for former parts of the 21/12 Duels series: Season 1, Season 2, Season 3
Strawberry Series III
The winners of our last major tournament are #1 Mishi (who happens to have been the end boss of the last 21/12 Duels, btw) #2 ThisGuy #3 Big Pimpintosh Results of all matches can be found on challonge. The whole stream of the event is also up on YouTube.
Strawberry Series III
With last weekend's "Old vs New" tournament, a legendary Tooth and Tail caster from the days of yore returned: Strawberry continues with Strawberry Series III!
Date: Sep 29, 2019 at 16:30 UTC (12:30pm EDT) Stream: Signup & more:
As for the Old vs New tournament: After 42 competitors, 7 casts and nearly 5 hours of streaming, it has been settled once and for all* that new is indeed better than old. Congratulations to Jakobi, who is now officially the best player ever, and to Gentleman, who came second by killing his own teammates!
Full list of participants: (in the order determined by BlooCoon's matchmaking bot)